path: root/nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'nms-patches/PlayerList.patch')
1 files changed, 112 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/nms-patches/PlayerList.patch b/nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
index 52d22e6f..6afc1220 100644
--- a/nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
+++ b/nms-patches/PlayerList.patch
@@ -75,20 +75,18 @@
WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
WorldData worlddata = worldserver.getWorldData();
BlockPosition blockposition = worldserver.getSpawn();
-@@ -79,7 +114,8 @@
- this.a(entityplayer, (EntityPlayer) null, worldserver);
+@@ -80,6 +115,7 @@
PlayerConnection playerconnection = new PlayerConnection(this.server, networkmanager, entityplayer);
-- playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutLogin(entityplayer.getId(), entityplayer.playerInteractManager.getGameMode(), worlddata.isHardcore(), worldserver.worldProvider.getDimension(), worldserver.getDifficulty(), this.getMaxPlayers(), worlddata.getType(), worldserver.getGameRules().getBoolean("reducedDebugInfo")));
-+ playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutLogin(entityplayer.getId(), entityplayer.playerInteractManager.getGameMode(), worlddata.isHardcore(), worldserver.worldProvider.getDimension(), worldserver.getDifficulty(), Math.min(this.getMaxPlayers(), 60), worlddata.getType(), worldserver.getGameRules().getBoolean("reducedDebugInfo"))); // CraftBukkit - cap player list to 60
+ playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutLogin(entityplayer.getId(), entityplayer.playerInteractManager.getGameMode(), worlddata.isHardcore(), worldserver.worldProvider.getDimensionManager().getDimensionID(), worldserver.getDifficulty(), this.getMaxPlayers(), worlddata.getType(), worldserver.getGameRules().getBoolean("reducedDebugInfo")));
+ entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().sendSupportedChannels(); // CraftBukkit
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutCustomPayload("MC|Brand", (new PacketDataSerializer(Unpooled.buffer())).a(this.getServer().getServerModName())));
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutServerDifficulty(worlddata.getDifficulty(), worlddata.isDifficultyLocked()));
playerconnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition(blockposition));
-@@ -89,17 +125,23 @@
+@@ -90,17 +126,23 @@
this.sendScoreboard((ScoreboardServer) worldserver.getScoreboard(), entityplayer);
- this.server.aH();
+ this.server.aC();
- ChatMessage chatmessage;
+ // CraftBukkit start - login message is handled in the event
+ // ChatMessage chatmessage;
@@ -114,17 +112,17 @@
+ worldserver = server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension); // CraftBukkit - Update in case join event changed it
playerconnection.a(entityplayer.locX, entityplayer.locY, entityplayer.locZ, entityplayer.yaw, entityplayer.pitch);
this.b(entityplayer, worldserver);
- if (this.server.getResourcePack().length() > 0) {
-@@ -126,6 +168,8 @@
- }
+ if (!this.server.getResourcePack().isEmpty()) {
+@@ -160,6 +202,8 @@
+ entityplayer.syncInventory();
+ // CraftBukkit - Moved from above, added world
+ + "[" + s1 + "] logged in with entity id " + entityplayer.getId() + " at ([" + + "]" + entityplayer.locX + ", " + entityplayer.locY + ", " + entityplayer.locZ + ")");
public void sendScoreboard(ScoreboardServer scoreboardserver, EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
-@@ -158,6 +202,7 @@
+@@ -192,26 +236,27 @@
public void setPlayerFileData(WorldServer[] aworldserver) {
@@ -132,16 +130,41 @@
this.playerFileData = aworldserver[0].getDataManager().getPlayerFileData();
aworldserver[0].getWorldBorder().a(new IWorldBorderListener() {
public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) {
-@@ -202,7 +247,7 @@
+- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_SIZE));
++ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_SIZE),;
+ }
+ public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0, double d1, long i) {
+- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.LERP_SIZE));
++ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.LERP_SIZE),;
+ }
+ public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0, double d1) {
+- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_CENTER));
++ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_CENTER),;
+ }
+ public void a(WorldBorder worldborder, int i) {
+- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_TIME));
++ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_TIME),;
+ }
+ public void b(WorldBorder worldborder, int i) {
+- PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_BLOCKS));
++ PlayerList.this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.SET_WARNING_BLOCKS),;
+ }
+ public void b(WorldBorder worldborder, double d0) {}
+@@ -236,7 +281,7 @@
public NBTTagCompound a(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
-- NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldData().i();
-+ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.server.worlds.get(0).getWorldData().i(); // CraftBukkit
+- NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldData().h();
++ NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound = this.server.worlds.get(0).getWorldData().h(); // CraftBukkit
NBTTagCompound nbttagcompound1;
- if (entityplayer.getName().equals(this.server.S()) && nbttagcompound != null) {
-@@ -226,33 +271,72 @@
+ if (entityplayer.getName().equals(this.server.Q()) && nbttagcompound != null) {
+@@ -260,28 +305,70 @@
@@ -153,8 +176,6 @@
+ // this.sendAll(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer})); // CraftBukkit - replaced with loop below
WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
-- worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer);
-- this.a(entityplayer, (WorldServer) null);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ PlayerJoinEvent playerJoinEvent = new PlayerJoinEvent(cserver.getPlayer(entityplayer), joinMessage);
+ cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(playerJoinEvent);
@@ -172,10 +193,11 @@
+ // CraftBukkit start - sendAll above replaced with this loop
+ PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo packet = new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, entityplayer);
for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
- EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i);
+- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i)}));
++ EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(i);
+ if (entityplayer1.getBukkitEntity().canSee(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity())) {
+ entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(packet);
+ }
@@ -184,10 +206,12 @@
+ continue;
+ }
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer1}));
++ entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo(PacketPlayOutPlayerInfo.EnumPlayerInfoAction.ADD_PLAYER, new EntityPlayer[] { entityplayer1}));
+ // CraftBukkit end
+- worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer);
+- this.a(entityplayer, (WorldServer) null);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Only add if the player wasn't moved in the event
+ if ( == worldserver && !worldserver.players.contains(entityplayer)) {
+ worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer);
@@ -197,11 +221,13 @@
public void d(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
- entityplayer.u().getPlayerChunkMap().movePlayer(entityplayer);
+ entityplayer.x().getPlayerChunkMap().movePlayer(entityplayer);
- public void disconnect(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
+ public String disconnect(EntityPlayer entityplayer) { // CraftBukkit - return string
+ WorldServer worldserver = entityplayer.x();
+ // CraftBukkit start - Quitting must be before we do final save of data, in case plugins need to modify it
@@ -213,14 +239,9 @@
+ // CraftBukkit end
- WorldServer worldserver = entityplayer.u();
-- if (entityplayer.vehicle != null) {
-+ if (entityplayer.vehicle != null && !(entityplayer.vehicle instanceof EntityPlayer)) { // CraftBukkit - Don't remove players
- worldserver.removeEntity(entityplayer.vehicle);
- PlayerList.f.debug("removing player mount");
- }
-@@ -268,13 +352,61 @@
+ if (entityplayer.isPassenger()) {
+ Entity entity = entityplayer.getVehicle();
+@@ -313,13 +400,61 @@
@@ -285,7 +306,7 @@
GameProfileBanEntry gameprofilebanentry = (GameProfileBanEntry) this.k.get(gameprofile);
s = "You are banned from this server!\nReason: " + gameprofilebanentry.getReason();
-@@ -282,10 +414,12 @@
+@@ -327,10 +462,12 @@
s = s + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + PlayerList.g.format(gameprofilebanentry.getExpires());
@@ -301,7 +322,7 @@
IpBanEntry ipbanentry = this.l.get(socketaddress);
s = "Your IP address is banned from this server!\nReason: " + ipbanentry.getReason();
-@@ -293,13 +427,25 @@
+@@ -338,13 +475,25 @@
s = s + "\nYour ban will be removed on " + PlayerList.g.format(ipbanentry.getExpires());
@@ -314,13 +335,13 @@
+ if (this.players.size() >= this.maxPlayers && !this.f(gameprofile)) {
+ event.disallow(PlayerLoginEvent.Result.KICK_FULL, "The server is full");
+ }
- }
++ }
+ cserver.getPluginManager().callEvent(event);
+ if (event.getResult() != PlayerLoginEvent.Result.ALLOWED) {
+ loginlistener.disconnect(event.getKickMessage());
+ return null;
-+ }
+ }
+ return entity;
@@ -330,7 +351,7 @@
UUID uuid = EntityHuman.a(gameprofile);
ArrayList arraylist = Lists.newArrayList();
-@@ -334,17 +480,25 @@
+@@ -379,17 +528,25 @@
return new EntityPlayer(this.server, this.server.getWorldServer(0), gameprofile, (PlayerInteractManager) object);
@@ -344,10 +365,10 @@
+ return this.moveToWorld(entityplayer, i, flag, null, true);
+ }
+ public EntityPlayer moveToWorld(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, boolean flag, Location location, boolean avoidSuffocation) {
- entityplayer.u().getTracker().untrackPlayer(entityplayer);
-- entityplayer.u().getTracker().untrackEntity(entityplayer);
-+ // entityplayer.u().getTracker().untrackEntity(entityplayer); // CraftBukkit
- entityplayer.u().getPlayerChunkMap().removePlayer(entityplayer);
+ entityplayer.x().getTracker().untrackPlayer(entityplayer);
+- entityplayer.x().getTracker().untrackEntity(entityplayer);
++ // entityplayer.x().getTracker().untrackEntity(entityplayer); // CraftBukkit
+ entityplayer.x().getPlayerChunkMap().removePlayer(entityplayer);
BlockPosition blockposition = entityplayer.getBed();
@@ -357,21 +378,22 @@
entityplayer.dimension = i;
Object object;
-@@ -355,80 +509,276 @@
+@@ -400,6 +557,11 @@
EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = new EntityPlayer(this.server, this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension), entityplayer.getProfile(), (PlayerInteractManager) object);
+ // */
+ EntityPlayer entityplayer1 = entityplayer;
+ org.bukkit.World fromWorld = entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().getWorld();
+ entityplayer.viewingCredits = false;
+ // CraftBukkit end
entityplayer1.playerConnection = entityplayer.playerConnection;
entityplayer1.copyTo(entityplayer, flag);
- entityplayer1.d(entityplayer.getId());
- entityplayer1.o(entityplayer);
+@@ -414,43 +576,157 @@
+ entityplayer1.a(s);
+ }
- WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
+ // WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension); // CraftBukkit - handled later
@@ -420,7 +442,7 @@
+ entityplayer1.setLocation(location.getX(), location.getY(), location.getZ(), location.getYaw(), location.getPitch());
+ // CraftBukkit end
- worldserver.chunkProviderServer.getChunkAt((int) entityplayer1.locX >> 4, (int) entityplayer1.locZ >> 4);
+ worldserver.getChunkProviderServer().getChunkAt((int) entityplayer1.locX >> 4, (int) entityplayer1.locZ >> 4);
- while (!worldserver.getCubes(entityplayer1, entityplayer1.getBoundingBox()).isEmpty() && entityplayer1.locY < 256.0D) {
+ while (avoidSuffocation && !worldserver.getCubes(entityplayer1, entityplayer1.getBoundingBox()).isEmpty() && entityplayer1.locY < 256.0D) {
@@ -445,6 +467,7 @@
entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutSpawnPosition(blockposition1));
entityplayer1.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutExperience(entityplayer1.exp, entityplayer1.expTotal, entityplayer1.expLevel));
this.b(entityplayer1, worldserver);
+- this.f(entityplayer1);
- worldserver.getPlayerChunkMap().addPlayer(entityplayer1);
- worldserver.addEntity(entityplayer1);
- this.players.add(entityplayer1);
@@ -483,9 +506,6 @@
return entityplayer1;
-- public void changeDimension(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i) {
-- int j = entityplayer.dimension;
-- WorldServer worldserver = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
+ // CraftBukkit start - Replaced the standard handling of portals with a more customised method.
+ public void changeDimension(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i, TeleportCause cause) {
+ WorldServer exitWorld = null;
@@ -497,9 +517,7 @@
+ }
+ }
+ }
-- entityplayer.dimension = i;
-- WorldServer worldserver1 = this.server.getWorldServer(entityplayer.dimension);
+ Location enter = entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().getLocation();
+ Location exit = null;
+ boolean useTravelAgent = false; // don't use agent for custom worlds or return from THE_END
@@ -516,17 +534,7 @@
+ useTravelAgent = true;
+ }
+ }
-- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutRespawn(entityplayer.dimension,,, entityplayer.playerInteractManager.getGameMode()));
-- worldserver.removeEntity(entityplayer);
-- entityplayer.dead = false;
-- this.changeWorld(entityplayer, j, worldserver, worldserver1);
-- this.a(entityplayer, worldserver);
-- entityplayer.playerConnection.a(entityplayer.locX, entityplayer.locY, entityplayer.locZ, entityplayer.yaw, entityplayer.pitch);
-- entityplayer.playerInteractManager.a(worldserver1);
-- this.b(entityplayer, worldserver1);
-- this.updateClient(entityplayer);
-- Iterator iterator = entityplayer.getEffects().iterator();
+ TravelAgent agent = exit != null ? (TravelAgent) ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle().getTravelAgent() : org.bukkit.craftbukkit.CraftTravelAgent.DEFAULT; // return arbitrary TA to compensate for implementation dependent plugins
+ PlayerPortalEvent event = new PlayerPortalEvent(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity(), enter, exit, agent, cause);
+ event.useTravelAgent(useTravelAgent);
@@ -534,32 +542,32 @@
+ if (event.isCancelled() || event.getTo() == null) {
+ return;
+ }
-- while (iterator.hasNext()) {
-- MobEffect mobeffect = (MobEffect);
+ exit = event.useTravelAgent() ? event.getPortalTravelAgent().findOrCreate(event.getTo()) : event.getTo();
+ if (exit == null) {
+ return;
+ }
+ exitWorld = ((CraftWorld) exit.getWorld()).getHandle();
-- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutEntityEffect(entityplayer.getId(), mobeffect));
+ org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent tpEvent = new org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerTeleportEvent(entityplayer.getBukkitEntity(), enter, exit, cause);
+ Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().callEvent(tpEvent);
+ if (tpEvent.isCancelled() || tpEvent.getTo() == null) {
+ return;
- }
++ }
+ Vector velocity = entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().getVelocity();
-+ boolean before = exitWorld.chunkProviderServer.forceChunkLoad;
-+ exitWorld.chunkProviderServer.forceChunkLoad = true;
+ exitWorld.getTravelAgent().adjustExit(entityplayer, exit, velocity);
-+ exitWorld.chunkProviderServer.forceChunkLoad = before;
+ this.moveToWorld(entityplayer, exitWorld.dimension, true, exit, false); // Vanilla doesn't check for suffocation when handling portals, so neither should we
+ if (entityplayer.motX != velocity.getX() || entityplayer.motY != velocity.getY() || entityplayer.motZ != velocity.getZ()) {
+ entityplayer.getBukkitEntity().setVelocity(velocity);
+ }
++ }
+ public void f(EntityPlayer entityplayer) {
+ GameProfile gameprofile = entityplayer.getProfile();
+ int i = this.isOp(gameprofile) ? this.operators.a(gameprofile) : 0;
+@@ -489,12 +765,111 @@
public void changeWorld(Entity entity, int i, WorldServer worldserver, WorldServer worldserver1) {
@@ -581,12 +589,12 @@
+ double d1 = enter.getZ();
+ double d2 = 8.0D;
+ /*
- double d0 = entity.locX;
- double d1 = entity.locZ;
- double d2 = 8.0D;
- float f = entity.yaw;
- worldserver.methodProfiler.a("moving");
++ double d0 = entity.locX;
++ double d1 = entity.locZ;
++ double d2 = 8.0D;
++ float f = entity.yaw;
++ worldserver.methodProfiler.a("moving");
+ */
+ if (worldserver1.dimension == -1) {
+ d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 / d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b()+ 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D);
@@ -656,12 +664,12 @@
+ int i = worldserver.dimension;
+ /*
-+ double d0 = entity.locX;
-+ double d1 = entity.locZ;
-+ double d2 = 8.0D;
-+ float f = entity.yaw;
-+ worldserver.methodProfiler.a("moving");
+ double d0 = entity.locX;
+ double d1 = entity.locZ;
+ double d2 = 8.0D;
+ float f = entity.yaw;
+ worldserver.methodProfiler.a("moving");
+ */
+ entity.setPositionRotation(exit.getX(), exit.getY(), exit.getZ(), exit.getYaw(), exit.getPitch());
+ if (entity.isAlive()) {
@@ -671,7 +679,7 @@
if (entity.dimension == -1) {
d0 = MathHelper.a(d0 / d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().b() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().d() - 16.0D);
d1 = MathHelper.a(d1 / d2, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().c() + 16.0D, worldserver1.getWorldBorder().e() - 16.0D);
-@@ -447,6 +797,8 @@
+@@ -513,6 +888,8 @@
BlockPosition blockposition;
if (i == 1) {
@@ -680,7 +688,7 @@
blockposition = worldserver1.getSpawn();
} else {
blockposition = worldserver1.getDimensionSpawn();
-@@ -460,15 +812,26 @@
+@@ -526,15 +903,26 @@
worldserver.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
@@ -709,7 +717,7 @@
worldserver1.entityJoinedWorld(entity, false);
-@@ -477,6 +840,7 @@
+@@ -543,6 +931,7 @@
@@ -717,7 +725,7 @@
public void tick() {
-@@ -494,6 +858,25 @@
+@@ -560,6 +949,25 @@
@@ -740,14 +748,13 @@
+ }
+ // CraftBukkit end
- public void a(Packet packet, int i) {
+ public void a(Packet<?> packet, int i) {
for (int j = 0; j < this.players.size(); ++j) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(j);
-@@ -589,10 +972,24 @@
+@@ -658,11 +1066,23 @@
- public void addOp(GameProfile gameprofile) {
- this.operators.add(new OpListEntry(gameprofile, this.server.p(), this.operators.b(gameprofile)));
+ this.operators.add(new OpListEntry(gameprofile, this.server.q(), this.operators.b(gameprofile)));
+ this.b(this.a(gameprofile.getId()), i);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ Player player = server.server.getPlayer(gameprofile.getId());
+ if (player != null) {
@@ -758,7 +765,7 @@
public void removeOp(GameProfile gameprofile) {
+ this.b(this.a(gameprofile.getId()), 0);
+ // CraftBukkit start
+ Player player = server.server.getPlayer(gameprofile.getId());
+ if (player != null) {
@@ -767,17 +774,17 @@
+ // CraftBukkit end
- public boolean isWhitelisted(GameProfile gameprofile) {
-@@ -600,7 +997,7 @@
+ private void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer, int i) {
+@@ -687,7 +1107,7 @@
public boolean isOp(GameProfile gameprofile) {
-- return this.operators.d(gameprofile) || this.server.T() && this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldData().v() && this.server.S().equalsIgnoreCase(gameprofile.getName()) || this.t;
-+ return this.operators.d(gameprofile) || this.server.T() && this.server.worlds.get(0).getWorldData().v() && this.server.S().equalsIgnoreCase(gameprofile.getName()) || this.t; // CraftBukkit
+- return this.operators.d(gameprofile) || this.server.R() && this.server.worldServer[0].getWorldData().u() && this.server.Q().equalsIgnoreCase(gameprofile.getName()) || this.t;
++ return this.operators.d(gameprofile) || this.server.R() && this.server.worlds.get(0).getWorldData().u() && this.server.Q().equalsIgnoreCase(gameprofile.getName()) || this.t; // CraftBukkit
public EntityPlayer getPlayer(String s) {
-@@ -627,6 +1024,12 @@
+@@ -710,6 +1130,12 @@
for (int j = 0; j < this.players.size(); ++j) {
EntityPlayer entityplayer = (EntityPlayer) this.players.get(j);
@@ -790,7 +797,7 @@
if (entityplayer != entityhuman && entityplayer.dimension == i) {
double d4 = d0 - entityplayer.locX;
double d5 = d1 - entityplayer.locY;
-@@ -674,21 +1077,26 @@
+@@ -757,21 +1183,26 @@
public void reloadWhitelist() {}
public void b(EntityPlayer entityplayer, WorldServer worldserver) {
@@ -799,7 +806,7 @@
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutWorldBorder(worldborder, PacketPlayOutWorldBorder.EnumWorldBorderAction.INITIALIZE));
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutUpdateTime(worldserver.getTime(), worldserver.getDayTime(), worldserver.getGameRules().getBoolean("doDaylightCycle")));
- if (worldserver.S()) {
+ if (worldserver.W()) {
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(1, 0.0F));
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(7, worldserver.j(1.0F)));
- entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(8, worldserver.h(1.0F)));
@@ -808,7 +815,7 @@
+ // entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(7, worldserver.j(1.0F)));
+ // entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutGameStateChange(8, worldserver.h(1.0F)));
+ entityplayer.setPlayerWeather(org.bukkit.WeatherType.DOWNFALL, false);
-+ entityplayer.updateWeather(-worldserver.p, worldserver.p, -worldserver.r, worldserver.r);
++ entityplayer.updateWeather(-worldserver.o, worldserver.o, -worldserver.q, worldserver.q);
+ // CraftBukkit end
@@ -822,7 +829,7 @@
entityplayer.playerConnection.sendPacket(new PacketPlayOutHeldItemSlot(entityplayer.inventory.itemInHandIndex));
-@@ -701,7 +1109,7 @@
+@@ -784,7 +1215,7 @@
public String[] getSeenPlayers() {
@@ -831,7 +838,7 @@
public boolean getHasWhitelist() {
-@@ -751,16 +1159,26 @@
+@@ -834,16 +1265,26 @@
public void u() {
for (int i = 0; i < this.players.size(); ++i) {
@@ -860,7 +867,7 @@
public void sendMessage(IChatBaseComponent ichatbasecomponent) {
-@@ -797,8 +1215,10 @@
+@@ -880,8 +1321,10 @@
WorldServer[] aworldserver = this.server.worldServer;
int j = aworldserver.length;