path: root/toolkit/crashreporter/google-breakpad/src/common/mac/GTMLogger.h
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+// GTMLogger.h
+// Copyright 2007-2008 Google Inc.
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+// use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
+// of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+// WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+// License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+// the License.
+// Key Abstractions
+// ----------------
+// This file declares multiple classes and protocols that are used by the
+// GTMLogger logging system. The 4 main abstractions used in this file are the
+// following:
+// * logger (GTMLogger) - The main logging class that users interact with. It
+// has methods for logging at different levels and uses a log writer, a log
+// formatter, and a log filter to get the job done.
+// * log writer (GTMLogWriter) - Writes a given string to some log file, where
+// a "log file" can be a physical file on disk, a POST over HTTP to some URL,
+// or even some in-memory structure (e.g., a ring buffer).
+// * log formatter (GTMLogFormatter) - Given a format string and arguments as
+// a va_list, returns a single formatted NSString. A "formatted string" could
+// be a string with the date prepended, a string with values in a CSV format,
+// or even a string of XML.
+// * log filter (GTMLogFilter) - Given a formatted log message as an NSString
+// and the level at which the message is to be logged, this class will decide
+// whether the given message should be logged or not. This is a flexible way
+// to filter out messages logged at a certain level, messages that contain
+// certain text, or filter nothing out at all. This gives the caller the
+// flexibility to dynamically enable debug logging in Release builds.
+// This file also declares some classes to handle the common log writer, log
+// formatter, and log filter cases. Callers can also create their own writers,
+// formatters, and filters and they can even build them on top of the ones
+// declared here. Keep in mind that your custom writer/formatter/filter may be
+// called from multiple threads, so it must be thread-safe.
+#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
+#import "GTMDefines.h"
+// Predeclaration of used protocols that are declared later in this file.
+@protocol GTMLogWriter, GTMLogFormatter, GTMLogFilter;
+// GTMLogger
+// GTMLogger is the primary user-facing class for an object-oriented logging
+// system. It is built on the concept of log formatters (GTMLogFormatter), log
+// writers (GTMLogWriter), and log filters (GTMLogFilter). When a message is
+// sent to a GTMLogger to log a message, the message is formatted using the log
+// formatter, then the log filter is consulted to see if the message should be
+// logged, and if so, the message is sent to the log writer to be written out.
+// GTMLogger is intended to be a flexible and thread-safe logging solution. Its
+// flexibility comes from the fact that GTMLogger instances can be customized
+// with user defined formatters, filters, and writers. And these writers,
+// filters, and formatters can be combined, stacked, and customized in arbitrary
+// ways to suit the needs at hand. For example, multiple writers can be used at
+// the same time, and a GTMLogger instance can even be used as another
+// GTMLogger's writer. This allows for arbitrarily deep logging trees.
+// A standard GTMLogger uses a writer that sends messages to standard out, a
+// formatter that smacks a timestamp and a few other bits of interesting
+// information on the message, and a filter that filters out debug messages from
+// release builds. Using the standard log settings, a log message will look like
+// the following:
+// 2007-12-30 10:29:24.177 myapp[4588/0xa07d0f60] [lvl=1] foo=<Foo: 0x123>
+// The output contains the date and time of the log message, the name of the
+// process followed by its process ID/thread ID, the log level at which the
+// message was logged (in the previous example the level was 1:
+// kGTMLoggerLevelDebug), and finally, the user-specified log message itself (in
+// this case, the log message was @"foo=%@", foo).
+// Multiple instances of GTMLogger can be created, each configured their own
+// way. Though GTMLogger is not a singleton (in the GoF sense), it does provide
+// access to a shared (i.e., globally accessible) GTMLogger instance. This makes
+// it convenient for all code in a process to use the same GTMLogger instance.
+// The shared GTMLogger instance can also be configured in an arbitrary, and
+// these configuration changes will affect all code that logs through the shared
+// instance.
+// Log Levels
+// ----------
+// GTMLogger has 3 different log levels: Debug, Info, and Error. GTMLogger
+// doesn't take any special action based on the log level; it simply forwards
+// this information on to formatters, filters, and writers, each of which may
+// optionally take action based on the level. Since log level filtering is
+// performed at runtime, log messages are typically not filtered out at compile
+// time. The exception to this rule is that calls to the GTMLoggerDebug() macro
+// *ARE* filtered out of non-DEBUG builds. This is to be backwards compatible
+// with behavior that many developers are currently used to. Note that this
+// means that GTMLoggerDebug(@"hi") will be compiled out of Release builds, but
+// [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] logDebug:@"hi"] will NOT be compiled out.
+// Standard loggers are created with the GTMLogLevelFilter log filter, which
+// filters out certain log messages based on log level, and some other settings.
+// In addition to the -logDebug:, -logInfo:, and -logError: methods defined on
+// GTMLogger itself, there are also C macros that make usage of the shared
+// GTMLogger instance very convenient. These macros are:
+// GTMLoggerDebug(...)
+// GTMLoggerInfo(...)
+// GTMLoggerError(...)
+// Again, a notable feature of these macros is that GTMLogDebug() calls *will be
+// compiled out of non-DEBUG builds*.
+// Standard Loggers
+// ----------------
+// GTMLogger has the concept of "standard loggers". A standard logger is simply
+// a logger that is pre-configured with some standard/common writer, formatter,
+// and filter combination. Standard loggers are created using the creation
+// methods beginning with "standard". The alternative to a standard logger is a
+// regular logger, which will send messages to stdout, with no special
+// formatting, and no filtering.
+// How do I use GTMLogger?
+// ----------------------
+// The typical way you will want to use GTMLogger is to simply use the
+// GTMLogger*() macros for logging from code. That way we can easily make
+// changes to the GTMLogger class and simply update the macros accordingly. Only
+// your application startup code (perhaps, somewhere in main()) should use the
+// GTMLogger class directly in order to configure the shared logger, which all
+// of the code using the macros will be using. Again, this is just the typical
+// situation.
+// To be complete, there are cases where you may want to use GTMLogger directly,
+// or even create separate GTMLogger instances for some reason. That's fine,
+// too.
+// Examples
+// --------
+// The following show some common GTMLogger use cases.
+// 1. You want to log something as simply as possible. Also, this call will only
+// appear in debug builds. In non-DEBUG builds it will be completely removed.
+// GTMLoggerDebug(@"foo = %@", foo);
+// 2. The previous example is similar to the following. The major difference is
+// that the previous call (example 1) will be compiled out of Release builds
+// but this statement will not be compiled out.
+// [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] logDebug:@"foo = %@", foo];
+// 3. Send all logging output from the shared logger to a file. We do this by
+// creating an NSFileHandle for writing associated with a file, and setting
+// that file handle as the logger's writer.
+// NSFileHandle *f = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:@"/tmp/f.log"
+// create:YES];
+// [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] setWriter:f];
+// GTMLoggerError(@"hi"); // This will be sent to /tmp/f.log
+// 4. Create a new GTMLogger that will log to a file. This example differs from
+// the previous one because here we create a new GTMLogger that is different
+// from the shared logger.
+// GTMLogger *logger = [GTMLogger standardLoggerWithPath:@"/tmp/temp.log"];
+// [logger logInfo:@"hi temp log file"];
+// 5. Create a logger that writes to stdout and does NOT do any formatting to
+// the log message. This might be useful, for example, when writing a help
+// screen for a command-line tool to standard output.
+// GTMLogger *logger = [GTMLogger logger];
+// [logger logInfo:@"%@ version 0.1 usage", progName];
+// 6. Send log output to stdout AND to a log file. The trick here is that
+// NSArrays function as composite log writers, which means when an array is
+// set as the log writer, it forwards all logging messages to all of its
+// contained GTMLogWriters.
+// // Create array of GTMLogWriters
+// NSArray *writers = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
+// [NSFileHandle fileHandleForWritingAtPath:@"/tmp/f.log" create:YES],
+// [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput], nil];
+// GTMLogger *logger = [GTMLogger standardLogger];
+// [logger setWriter:writers];
+// [logger logInfo:@"hi"]; // Output goes to stdout and /tmp/f.log
+// For futher details on log writers, formatters, and filters, see the
+// documentation below.
+// NOTE: GTMLogger is application level logging. By default it does nothing
+// with _GTMDevLog/_GTMDevAssert (see GTMDefines.h). An application can choose
+// to bridge _GTMDevLog/_GTMDevAssert to GTMLogger by providing macro
+// definitions in its prefix header (see GTMDefines.h for how one would do
+// that).
+@interface GTMLogger : NSObject {
+ @private
+ id<GTMLogWriter> writer_;
+ id<GTMLogFormatter> formatter_;
+ id<GTMLogFilter> filter_;
+// Accessors for the shared logger instance
+// Returns a shared/global standard GTMLogger instance. Callers should typically
+// use this method to get a GTMLogger instance, unless they explicitly want
+// their own instance to configure for their own needs. This is the only method
+// that returns a shared instance; all the rest return new GTMLogger instances.
++ (id)sharedLogger;
+// Sets the shared logger instance to |logger|. Future calls to +sharedLogger
+// will return |logger| instead.
++ (void)setSharedLogger:(GTMLogger *)logger;
+// Creation methods
+// Returns a new autoreleased GTMLogger instance that will log to stdout, using
+// the GTMLogStandardFormatter, and the GTMLogLevelFilter filter.
++ (id)standardLogger;
+// Same as +standardLogger, but logs to stderr.
++ (id)standardLoggerWithStderr;
+// Same as +standardLogger but levels >= kGTMLoggerLevelError are routed to
+// stderr, everything else goes to stdout.
++ (id)standardLoggerWithStdoutAndStderr;
+// Returns a new standard GTMLogger instance with a log writer that will
+// write to the file at |path|, and will use the GTMLogStandardFormatter and
+// GTMLogLevelFilter classes. If |path| does not exist, it will be created.
++ (id)standardLoggerWithPath:(NSString *)path;
+// Returns an autoreleased GTMLogger instance that will use the specified
+// |writer|, |formatter|, and |filter|.
++ (id)loggerWithWriter:(id<GTMLogWriter>)writer
+ formatter:(id<GTMLogFormatter>)formatter
+ filter:(id<GTMLogFilter>)filter;
+// Returns an autoreleased GTMLogger instance that logs to stdout, with the
+// basic formatter, and no filter. The returned logger differs from the logger
+// returned by +standardLogger because this one does not do any filtering and
+// does not do any special log formatting; this is the difference between a
+// "regular" logger and a "standard" logger.
++ (id)logger;
+// Designated initializer. This method returns a GTMLogger initialized with the
+// specified |writer|, |formatter|, and |filter|. See the setter methods below
+// for what values will be used if nil is passed for a parameter.
+- (id)initWithWriter:(id<GTMLogWriter>)writer
+ formatter:(id<GTMLogFormatter>)formatter
+ filter:(id<GTMLogFilter>)filter;
+// Logging methods
+// Logs a message at the debug level (kGTMLoggerLevelDebug).
+- (void)logDebug:(NSString *)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2);
+// Logs a message at the info level (kGTMLoggerLevelInfo).
+- (void)logInfo:(NSString *)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2);
+// Logs a message at the error level (kGTMLoggerLevelError).
+- (void)logError:(NSString *)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2);
+// Logs a message at the assert level (kGTMLoggerLevelAssert).
+- (void)logAssert:(NSString *)fmt, ... NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(1, 2);
+// Accessors
+// Accessor methods for the log writer. If the log writer is set to nil,
+// [NSFileHandle fileHandleWithStandardOutput] is used.
+- (id<GTMLogWriter>)writer;
+- (void)setWriter:(id<GTMLogWriter>)writer;
+// Accessor methods for the log formatter. If the log formatter is set to nil,
+// GTMLogBasicFormatter is used. This formatter will format log messages in a
+// plain printf style.
+- (id<GTMLogFormatter>)formatter;
+- (void)setFormatter:(id<GTMLogFormatter>)formatter;
+// Accessor methods for the log filter. If the log filter is set to nil,
+// GTMLogNoFilter is used, which allows all log messages through.
+- (id<GTMLogFilter>)filter;
+- (void)setFilter:(id<GTMLogFilter>)filter;
+@end // GTMLogger
+// Helper functions that are used by the convenience GTMLogger*() macros that
+// enable the logging of function names.
+@interface GTMLogger (GTMLoggerMacroHelpers)
+- (void)logFuncDebug:(const char *)func msg:(NSString *)fmt, ...
+- (void)logFuncInfo:(const char *)func msg:(NSString *)fmt, ...
+- (void)logFuncError:(const char *)func msg:(NSString *)fmt, ...
+- (void)logFuncAssert:(const char *)func msg:(NSString *)fmt, ...
+@end // GTMLoggerMacroHelpers
+// The convenience macros are only defined if they haven't already been defined.
+#ifndef GTMLoggerInfo
+// Convenience macros that log to the shared GTMLogger instance. These macros
+// are how users should typically log to GTMLogger. Notice that GTMLoggerDebug()
+// calls will be compiled out of non-Debug builds.
+#define GTMLoggerDebug(...) \
+ [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] logFuncDebug:__func__ msg:__VA_ARGS__]
+#define GTMLoggerInfo(...) \
+ [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] logFuncInfo:__func__ msg:__VA_ARGS__]
+#define GTMLoggerError(...) \
+ [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] logFuncError:__func__ msg:__VA_ARGS__]
+#define GTMLoggerAssert(...) \
+ [[GTMLogger sharedLogger] logFuncAssert:__func__ msg:__VA_ARGS__]
+// If we're not in a debug build, remove the GTMLoggerDebug statements. This
+// makes calls to GTMLoggerDebug "compile out" of Release builds
+#ifndef DEBUG
+#undef GTMLoggerDebug
+#define GTMLoggerDebug(...) do {} while(0)
+#endif // !defined(GTMLoggerInfo)
+// Log levels.
+typedef enum {
+ kGTMLoggerLevelUnknown,
+ kGTMLoggerLevelDebug,
+ kGTMLoggerLevelInfo,
+ kGTMLoggerLevelError,
+ kGTMLoggerLevelAssert,
+} GTMLoggerLevel;
+// Log Writers
+// Protocol to be implemented by a GTMLogWriter instance.
+@protocol GTMLogWriter <NSObject>
+// Writes the given log message to where the log writer is configured to write.
+- (void)logMessage:(NSString *)msg level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level;
+@end // GTMLogWriter
+// Simple category on NSFileHandle that makes NSFileHandles valid log writers.
+// This is convenient because something like, say, +fileHandleWithStandardError
+// now becomes a valid log writer. Log messages are written to the file handle
+// with a newline appended.
+@interface NSFileHandle (GTMFileHandleLogWriter) <GTMLogWriter>
+// Opens the file at |path| in append mode, and creates the file with |mode|
+// if it didn't previously exist.
++ (id)fileHandleForLoggingAtPath:(NSString *)path mode:(mode_t)mode;
+@end // NSFileHandle
+// This category makes NSArray a GTMLogWriter that can be composed of other
+// GTMLogWriters. This is the classic Composite GoF design pattern. When the
+// GTMLogWriter -logMessage:level: message is sent to the array, the array
+// forwards the message to all of its elements that implement the GTMLogWriter
+// protocol.
+// This is useful in situations where you would like to send log output to
+// multiple log writers at the same time. Simply create an NSArray of the log
+// writers you wish to use, then set the array as the "writer" for your
+// GTMLogger instance.
+@interface NSArray (GTMArrayCompositeLogWriter) <GTMLogWriter>
+@end // GTMArrayCompositeLogWriter
+// This category adapts the GTMLogger interface so that it can be used as a log
+// writer; it's an "adapter" in the GoF Adapter pattern sense.
+// This is useful when you want to configure a logger to log to a specific
+// writer with a specific formatter and/or filter. But you want to also compose
+// that with a different log writer that may have its own formatter and/or
+// filter.
+@interface GTMLogger (GTMLoggerLogWriter) <GTMLogWriter>
+@end // GTMLoggerLogWriter
+// Log Formatters
+// Protocol to be implemented by a GTMLogFormatter instance.
+@protocol GTMLogFormatter <NSObject>
+// Returns a formatted string using the format specified in |fmt| and the va
+// args specified in |args|.
+- (NSString *)stringForFunc:(NSString *)func
+ withFormat:(NSString *)fmt
+ valist:(va_list)args
+ level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(2, 0);
+@end // GTMLogFormatter
+// A basic log formatter that formats a string the same way that NSLog (or
+// printf) would. It does not do anything fancy, nor does it add any data of its
+// own.
+@interface GTMLogBasicFormatter : NSObject <GTMLogFormatter>
+// Helper method for prettying C99 __func__ and GCC __PRETTY_FUNCTION__
+- (NSString *)prettyNameForFunc:(NSString *)func;
+@end // GTMLogBasicFormatter
+// A log formatter that formats the log string like the basic formatter, but
+// also prepends a timestamp and some basic process info to the message, as
+// shown in the following sample output.
+// 2007-12-30 10:29:24.177 myapp[4588/0xa07d0f60] [lvl=1] log mesage here
+@interface GTMLogStandardFormatter : GTMLogBasicFormatter {
+ @private
+ NSDateFormatter *dateFormatter_; // yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS
+ NSString *pname_;
+ pid_t pid_;
+@end // GTMLogStandardFormatter
+// Log Filters
+// Protocol to be imlemented by a GTMLogFilter instance.
+@protocol GTMLogFilter <NSObject>
+// Returns YES if |msg| at |level| should be filtered out; NO otherwise.
+- (BOOL)filterAllowsMessage:(NSString *)msg level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level;
+@end // GTMLogFilter
+// A log filter that filters messages at the kGTMLoggerLevelDebug level out of
+// non-debug builds. Messages at the kGTMLoggerLevelInfo level are also filtered
+// out of non-debug builds unless GTMVerboseLogging is set in the environment or
+// the processes's defaults. Messages at the kGTMLoggerLevelError level are
+// never filtered.
+@interface GTMLogLevelFilter : NSObject <GTMLogFilter>
+@end // GTMLogLevelFilter
+// A simple log filter that does NOT filter anything out;
+// -filterAllowsMessage:level will always return YES. This can be a convenient
+// way to enable debug-level logging in release builds (if you so desire).
+@interface GTMLogNoFilter : NSObject <GTMLogFilter>
+@end // GTMLogNoFilter
+// Base class for custom level filters. Not for direct use, use the minimum
+// or maximum level subclasses below.
+@interface GTMLogAllowedLevelFilter : NSObject <GTMLogFilter> {
+ @private
+ NSIndexSet *allowedLevels_;
+// A log filter that allows you to set a minimum log level. Messages below this
+// level will be filtered.
+@interface GTMLogMininumLevelFilter : GTMLogAllowedLevelFilter
+// Designated initializer, logs at levels < |level| will be filtered.
+- (id)initWithMinimumLevel:(GTMLoggerLevel)level;
+// A log filter that allows you to set a maximum log level. Messages whose level
+// exceeds this level will be filtered. This is really only useful if you have
+// a composite GTMLogger that is sending the other messages elsewhere.
+@interface GTMLogMaximumLevelFilter : GTMLogAllowedLevelFilter
+// Designated initializer, logs at levels > |level| will be filtered.
+- (id)initWithMaximumLevel:(GTMLoggerLevel)level;
+// For subclasses only
+@interface GTMLogger (PrivateMethods)
+- (void)logInternalFunc:(const char *)func
+ format:(NSString *)fmt
+ valist:(va_list)args
+ level:(GTMLoggerLevel)level NS_FORMAT_FUNCTION(2, 0);