path: root/toolkit/content/widgets/videocontrols.xml
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Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/content/widgets/videocontrols.xml')
1 files changed, 2027 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/content/widgets/videocontrols.xml b/toolkit/content/widgets/videocontrols.xml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..630f5a022
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/content/widgets/videocontrols.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,2027 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ - file, You can obtain one at -->
+<!DOCTYPE bindings [
+ <!ENTITY % videocontrolsDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/videocontrols.dtd">
+ %videocontrolsDTD;
+<bindings id="videoControlBindings"
+ xmlns=""
+ xmlns:xul=""
+ xmlns:xbl=""
+ xmlns:svg=""
+ xmlns:html="">
+ <binding id="timeThumb"
+ extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/scale.xml#scalethumb">
+ <xbl:content xmlns="">
+ <xbl:children/>
+ <hbox class="timeThumb" xbl:inherits="showhours">
+ <label class="timeLabel"/>
+ </hbox>
+ </xbl:content>
+ <implementation>
+ <constructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.timeLabel = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "timeLabel");
+ this.timeLabel.setAttribute("value", "0:00");
+ ]]>
+ </constructor>
+ <property name="showHours">
+ <getter>
+ <![CDATA[
+ return this.getAttribute("showhours") == "true";
+ ]]>
+ </getter>
+ <setter>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.setAttribute("showhours", val);
+ // If the duration becomes known while we're still showing the value
+ // for time=0, immediately update the value to show or hide the hours.
+ // It's less intrusive to do it now than when the user clicks play and
+ // is looking right next to the thumb.
+ var displayedTime = this.timeLabel.getAttribute("value");
+ if (val && displayedTime == "0:00")
+ this.timeLabel.setAttribute("value", "0:00:00");
+ else if (!val && displayedTime == "0:00:00")
+ this.timeLabel.setAttribute("value", "0:00");
+ ]]>
+ </setter>
+ </property>
+ <method name="setTime">
+ <parameter name="time"/>
+ <body>
+ <![CDATA[
+ var timeString;
+ time = Math.round(time / 1000);
+ var hours = Math.floor(time / 3600);
+ var mins = Math.floor((time % 3600) / 60);
+ var secs = Math.floor(time % 60);
+ if (secs < 10)
+ secs = "0" + secs;
+ if (hours || this.showHours) {
+ if (mins < 10)
+ mins = "0" + mins;
+ timeString = hours + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
+ } else {
+ timeString = mins + ":" + secs;
+ }
+ this.timeLabel.setAttribute("value", timeString);
+ ]]>
+ </body>
+ </method>
+ </implementation>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="suppressChangeEvent"
+ extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/scale.xml#scale">
+ <implementation implements="nsIXBLAccessible">
+ <!-- nsIXBLAccessible -->
+ <property name="accessibleName" readonly="true">
+ <getter>
+ if (this.type != "scrubber")
+ return "";
+ var currTime = this.thumb.timeLabel.getAttribute("value");
+ var totalTime = this.durationValue;
+ return this.scrubberNameFormat.replace(/#1/, currTime).
+ replace(/#2/, totalTime);
+ </getter>
+ </property>
+ <constructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.scrubberNameFormat = ]]>"&scrubberScale.nameFormat;"<![CDATA[;
+ this.durationValue = "";
+ this.valueBar = null;
+ this.isDragging = false;
+ this.isPausedByDragging = false;
+ this.thumb = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "class", "scale-thumb");
+ this.type = this.getAttribute("class");
+ this.Utils = document.getBindingParent(this.parentNode).Utils;
+ if (this.type == "scrubber")
+ this.valueBar = this.Utils.progressBar;
+ ]]>
+ </constructor>
+ <method name="valueChanged">
+ <parameter name="which"/>
+ <parameter name="newValue"/>
+ <parameter name="userChanged"/>
+ <body>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // This method is a copy of the base binding's valueChanged(), except that it does
+ // not dispatch a |change| event (to avoid exposing the event to web content), and
+ // just calls the videocontrol's seekToPosition() method directly.
+ switch (which) {
+ case "curpos":
+ if (this.type == "scrubber") {
+ // Update the time shown in the thumb.
+ this.thumb.setTime(newValue);
+ this.Utils.positionLabel.setAttribute("value", this.thumb.timeLabel.value);
+ // Update the value bar to match the thumb position.
+ let percent = newValue / this.max;
+ this.valueBar.value = Math.round(percent * 10000); // has max=10000
+ }
+ // The value of userChanged is true when changing the position with the mouse,
+ // but not when pressing an arrow key. However, the base binding sets
+ // ._userChanged in its keypress handlers, so we just need to check both.
+ if (!userChanged && !this._userChanged)
+ return;
+ this.setAttribute("value", newValue);
+ if (this.type == "scrubber")
+ this.Utils.seekToPosition(newValue);
+ else if (this.type == "volumeControl")
+ this.Utils.setVolume(newValue / 100);
+ break;
+ case "minpos":
+ this.setAttribute("min", newValue);
+ break;
+ case "maxpos":
+ if (this.type == "scrubber") {
+ // Update the value bar to match the thumb position.
+ let percent = this.value / newValue;
+ this.valueBar.value = Math.round(percent * 10000); // has max=10000
+ }
+ this.setAttribute("max", newValue);
+ break;
+ }
+ ]]>
+ </body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="dragStateChanged">
+ <parameter name="isDragging"/>
+ <body>
+ <![CDATA[
+ if (this.type == "scrubber") {
+ this.Utils.log("--- dragStateChanged: " + isDragging + " ---");
+ this.isDragging = isDragging;
+ if (this.isPausedByDragging && !isDragging) {
+ // After the drag ends, resume playing.
+ this.isPausedByDragging = false;
+ }
+ }
+ ]]>
+ </body>
+ </method>
+ <method name="pauseVideoDuringDragging">
+ <body>
+ <![CDATA[
+ if (this.isDragging &&
+ ! && !this.isPausedByDragging) {
+ this.isPausedByDragging = true;
+ }
+ ]]>
+ </body>
+ </method>
+ </implementation>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="videoControls">
+ <resources>
+ <stylesheet src="chrome://global/content/bindings/videocontrols.css"/>
+ <stylesheet src="chrome://global/skin/media/videocontrols.css"/>
+ </resources>
+ <xbl:content xmlns=""
+ class="mediaControlsFrame">
+ <stack flex="1">
+ <vbox flex="1" class="statusOverlay" hidden="true">
+ <box class="statusIcon"/>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorAborted">&error.aborted;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorNetwork">&;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorDecode">&error.decode;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorSrcNotSupported">&error.srcNotSupported;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorNoSource">&error.noSource2;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorGeneric">&error.generic;</label>
+ </vbox>
+ <vbox class="controlsOverlay">
+ <stack flex="1">
+ <spacer class="controlsSpacer" flex="1"/>
+ <box class="clickToPlay" hidden="true" flex="1"/>
+ <vbox class="textTrackList" hidden="true" offlabel="&;"></vbox>
+ </stack>
+ <hbox class="controlBar" hidden="true">
+ <button class="playButton"
+ playlabel="&playButton.playLabel;"
+ pauselabel="&playButton.pauseLabel;"/>
+ <stack class="scrubberStack" flex="1">
+ <box class="backgroundBar"/>
+ <progressmeter class="bufferBar"/>
+ <progressmeter class="progressBar" max="10000"/>
+ <scale class="scrubber" movetoclick="true"/>
+ </stack>
+ <vbox class="durationBox">
+ <label class="positionLabel" role="presentation"/>
+ <label class="durationLabel" role="presentation"/>
+ </vbox>
+ <button class="muteButton"
+ mutelabel="&muteButton.muteLabel;"
+ unmutelabel="&muteButton.unmuteLabel;"/>
+ <stack class="volumeStack">
+ <box class="volumeBackground"/>
+ <box class="volumeForeground" anonid="volumeForeground"/>
+ <scale class="volumeControl" movetoclick="true"/>
+ </stack>
+ <button class="closedCaptionButton"/>
+ <button class="fullscreenButton"
+ enterfullscreenlabel="&fullscreenButton.enterfullscreenlabel;"
+ exitfullscreenlabel="&fullscreenButton.exitfullscreenlabel;"/>
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </stack>
+ </xbl:content>
+ <implementation>
+ <constructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.isTouchControl = false;
+ this.randomID = 0;
+ this.Utils = {
+ debug : false,
+ video : null,
+ videocontrols : null,
+ controlBar : null,
+ playButton : null,
+ muteButton : null,
+ volumeControl : null,
+ durationLabel : null,
+ positionLabel : null,
+ scrubberThumb : null,
+ scrubber : null,
+ progressBar : null,
+ bufferBar : null,
+ statusOverlay : null,
+ controlsSpacer : null,
+ clickToPlay : null,
+ controlsOverlay : null,
+ fullscreenButton : null,
+ currentTextTrackIndex: 0,
+ textTracksCount: 0,
+ randomID : 0,
+ videoEvents : ["play", "pause", "ended", "volumechange", "loadeddata",
+ "loadstart", "timeupdate", "progress",
+ "playing", "waiting", "canplay", "canplaythrough",
+ "seeking", "seeked", "emptied", "loadedmetadata",
+ "error", "suspend", "stalled",
+ "mozinterruptbegin", "mozinterruptend" ],
+ firstFrameShown : false,
+ timeUpdateCount : 0,
+ maxCurrentTimeSeen : 0,
+ _isAudioOnly : false,
+ get isAudioOnly() { return this._isAudioOnly; },
+ set isAudioOnly(val) {
+ this._isAudioOnly = val;
+ this.setFullscreenButtonState();
+ if (!this.isTopLevelSyntheticDocument)
+ return;
+ if (this._isAudioOnly) {
+ = this._controlBarHeight + "px";
+ = "66%";
+ } else {
+ }
+ },
+ suppressError : false,
+ setupStatusFader : function(immediate) {
+ // Since the play button will be showing, we don't want to
+ // show the throbber behind it. The throbber here will
+ // only show if needed after the play button has been pressed.
+ if (!this.clickToPlay.hidden) {
+ this.startFadeOut(this.statusOverlay, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ var show = false;
+ if ( ||
+ ( && !this.suppressError) ||
+ == ||
+ ( == &&
+ ( ||
+ ? <
+ : < ||
+ (this.timeUpdateCount <= 1 && ! &&
+ < &&
+ ==
+ show = true;
+ // Explicitly hide the status fader if this
+ // is audio only until bug 619421 is fixed.
+ if (this.isAudioOnly)
+ show = false;
+ this.log("Status overlay: seeking=" + +
+ " error=" + + " readyState=" + +
+ " paused=" + + " ended=" + +
+ " networkState=" + +
+ " timeUpdateCount=" + this.timeUpdateCount +
+ " --> " + (show ? "SHOW" : "HIDE"));
+ this.startFade(this.statusOverlay, show, immediate);
+ },
+ /*
+ * Set the initial state of the controls. The binding is normally created along
+ * with video element, but could be attached at any point (eg, if the video is
+ * removed from the document and then reinserted). Thus, some one-time events may
+ * have already fired, and so we'll need to explicitly check the initial state.
+ */
+ setupInitialState : function() {
+ this.randomID = Math.random();
+ this.videocontrols.randomID = this.randomID;
+ this.setPlayButtonState(;
+ this.setFullscreenButtonState();
+ var duration = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
+ var currentTime = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
+ this.log("Initial playback position is at " + currentTime + " of " + duration);
+ // It would be nice to retain maxCurrentTimeSeen, but it would be difficult
+ // to determine if the media source changed while we were detached.
+ this.maxCurrentTimeSeen = currentTime;
+ this.showPosition(currentTime, duration);
+ // If we have metadata, check if this is a <video> without
+ // video data, or a video with no audio track.
+ if ( >= {
+ if ( instanceof HTMLVideoElement &&
+ ( == 0 || == 0))
+ this.isAudioOnly = true;
+ // We have to check again if the media has audio here,
+ // because of bug 718107: switching to fullscreen may
+ // cause the bindings to detach and reattach, hence
+ // unsetting the attribute.
+ if (!this.isAudioOnly && ! {
+ this.muteButton.setAttribute("noAudio", "true");
+ this.muteButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.isAudioOnly)
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ // If the first frame hasn't loaded, kick off a throbber fade-in.
+ if ( >=
+ this.firstFrameShown = true;
+ // We can't determine the exact buffering status, but do know if it's
+ // fully loaded. (If it's still loading, it will fire a progress event
+ // and we'll figure out the exact state then.)
+ this.bufferBar.setAttribute("max", 100);
+ if ( >=
+ this.showBuffered();
+ else
+ this.bufferBar.setAttribute("value", 0);
+ // Set the current status icon.
+ if (this.hasError()) {
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("type", "error");
+ this.updateErrorText();
+ this.setupStatusFader(true);
+ }
+ // An event handler for |onresize| should be added when bug 227495 is fixed.
+ this.controlBar.hidden = false;
+ this._playButtonWidth = this.playButton.clientWidth;
+ this._durationLabelWidth = this.durationLabel.clientWidth;
+ this._muteButtonWidth = this.muteButton.clientWidth;
+ this._volumeControlWidth = this.volumeControl.clientWidth;
+ this._closedCaptionButtonWidth = this.closedCaptionButton.clientWidth;
+ this._fullscreenButtonWidth = this.fullscreenButton.clientWidth;
+ this._controlBarHeight = this.controlBar.clientHeight;
+ this.controlBar.hidden = true;
+ this.adjustControlSize();
+ // Can only update the volume controls once we've computed
+ // _volumeControlWidth, since the volume slider implementation
+ // depends on it.
+ this.updateVolumeControls();
+ },
+ setupNewLoadState : function() {
+ // videocontrols.css hides the control bar by default, because if script
+ // is disabled our binding's script is disabled too (bug 449358). Thus,
+ // the controls are broken and we don't want them shown. But if script is
+ // enabled, the code here will run and can explicitly unhide the controls.
+ //
+ // For videos with |autoplay| set, we'll leave the controls initially hidden,
+ // so that they don't get in the way of the playing video. Otherwise we'll
+ // go ahead and reveal the controls now, so they're an obvious user cue.
+ //
+ // (Note: the |controls| attribute is already handled via layout/style/html.css)
+ var shouldShow = !this.dynamicControls ||
+ ( &&
+ !( &&;
+ // Hide the overlay if the video time is non-zero or if an error occurred to workaround bug 718107.
+ this.startFade(this.clickToPlay, shouldShow && !this.isAudioOnly &&
+ == 0 && !this.hasError(), true);
+ this.startFade(this.controlBar, shouldShow, true);
+ },
+ get dynamicControls() {
+ // Don't fade controls for <audio> elements.
+ var enabled = !this.isAudioOnly;
+ // Allow tests to explicitly suppress the fading of controls.
+ if ("mozNoDynamicControls"))
+ enabled = false;
+ // If the video hits an error, suppress controls if it
+ // hasn't managed to do anything else yet.
+ if (!this.firstFrameShown && this.hasError())
+ enabled = false;
+ return enabled;
+ },
+ updateVolumeControls() {
+ var volume = ? 0 :;
+ var volumePercentage = Math.round(volume * 100);
+ this.updateMuteButtonState();
+ this.volumeControl.value = volumePercentage;
+ = (1 - volume) * this._volumeControlWidth + "px";
+ },
+ handleEvent : function (aEvent) {
+ this.log("Got media event ----> " + aEvent.type);
+ // If the binding is detached (or has been replaced by a
+ // newer instance of the binding), nuke our event-listeners.
+ if (this.videocontrols.randomID != this.randomID) {
+ this.terminateEventListeners();
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aEvent.type) {
+ case "play":
+ this.setPlayButtonState(false);
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ if (!this._triggeredByControls && this.dynamicControls && this.videocontrols.isTouchControl)
+ this.startFadeOut(this.controlBar);
+ if (!this._triggeredByControls)
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ this._triggeredByControls = false;
+ break;
+ case "pause":
+ // Little white lie: if we've internally paused the video
+ // while dragging the scrubber, don't change the button state.
+ if (!this.scrubber.isDragging)
+ this.setPlayButtonState(true);
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "ended":
+ this.setPlayButtonState(true);
+ // We throttle timechange events, so the thumb might not be
+ // exactly at the end when the video finishes.
+ this.showPosition(Math.round( * 1000),
+ Math.round( * 1000));
+ this.startFadeIn(this.controlBar);
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "volumechange":
+ this.updateVolumeControls();
+ // Show the controls to highlight the changing volume,
+ // but only if the click-to-play overlay has already
+ // been hidden (we don't hide controls when the overlay is visible).
+ if (this.clickToPlay.hidden && !this.isAudioOnly) {
+ this.startFadeIn(this.controlBar);
+ clearTimeout(this._hideControlsTimeout);
+ this._hideControlsTimeout = setTimeout(this._hideControlsFn, this.HIDE_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT_MS);
+ }
+ break;
+ case "loadedmetadata":
+ this.adjustControlSize();
+ // If a <video> doesn't have any video data, treat it as <audio>
+ // and show the controls (they won't fade back out)
+ if ( instanceof HTMLVideoElement &&
+ ( == 0 || == 0)) {
+ this.isAudioOnly = true;
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ this.startFadeIn(this.controlBar);
+ this.setFullscreenButtonState();
+ }
+ this.showDuration(Math.round( * 1000));
+ if (!this.isAudioOnly && ! {
+ this.muteButton.setAttribute("noAudio", "true");
+ this.muteButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "loadeddata":
+ this.firstFrameShown = true;
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "loadstart":
+ this.maxCurrentTimeSeen = 0;
+ this.controlsSpacer.removeAttribute("aria-label");
+ this.statusOverlay.removeAttribute("error");
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("type", "throbber");
+ this.isAudioOnly = ( instanceof HTMLAudioElement);
+ this.setPlayButtonState(true);
+ this.setupNewLoadState();
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "progress":
+ this.statusIcon.removeAttribute("stalled");
+ this.showBuffered();
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "stalled":
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("stalled", "true");
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("type", "throbber");
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "suspend":
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "timeupdate":
+ var currentTime = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
+ var duration = Math.round( * 1000); // in ms
+ // If playing/seeking after the video ended, we won't get a "play"
+ // event, so update the button state here.
+ if (!
+ this.setPlayButtonState(false);
+ this.timeUpdateCount++;
+ // Whether we show the statusOverlay sometimes depends
+ // on whether we've seen more than one timeupdate
+ // event (if we haven't, there hasn't been any
+ // "playback activity" and we may wish to show the
+ // statusOverlay while we wait for HAVE_ENOUGH_DATA).
+ // If we've seen more than 2 timeupdate events,
+ // the count is no longer relevant to setupStatusFader.
+ if (this.timeUpdateCount <= 2)
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ // If the user is dragging the scrubber ignore the delayed seek
+ // responses (don't yank the thumb away from the user)
+ if (this.scrubber.isDragging)
+ return;
+ this.showPosition(currentTime, duration);
+ break;
+ case "emptied":
+ this.bufferBar.value = 0;
+ this.showPosition(0, 0);
+ break;
+ case "seeking":
+ this.showBuffered();
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("type", "throbber");
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "waiting":
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("type", "throbber");
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "seeked":
+ case "playing":
+ case "canplay":
+ case "canplaythrough":
+ this.setupStatusFader();
+ break;
+ case "error":
+ // We'll show the error status icon when we receive an error event
+ // under either of the following conditions:
+ // 1. The video has its error attribute set; this means we're loading
+ // from our src attribute, and the load failed, or we we're loading
+ // from source children and the decode or playback failed after we
+ // determined our selected resource was playable.
+ // 2. The video's networkState is NETWORK_NO_SOURCE. This means we we're
+ // loading from child source elements, but we were unable to select
+ // any of the child elements for playback during resource selection.
+ if (this.hasError()) {
+ this.suppressError = false;
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ this.statusIcon.setAttribute("type", "error");
+ this.updateErrorText();
+ this.setupStatusFader(true);
+ // If video hasn't shown anything yet, disable the controls.
+ if (!this.firstFrameShown)
+ this.startFadeOut(this.controlBar);
+ this.controlsSpacer.removeAttribute("hideCursor");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "mozinterruptbegin":
+ case "mozinterruptend":
+ // Nothing to do...
+ break;
+ default:
+ this.log("!!! event " + aEvent.type + " not handled!");
+ }
+ },
+ terminateEventListeners : function () {
+ if (this.videoEvents) {
+ for (let event of this.videoEvents) {
+, this, {
+ capture: true,
+ mozSystemGroup: true
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ if (this.controlListeners) {
+ for (let element of this.controlListeners) {
+ element.item.removeEventListener(element.event, element.func,
+ { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ }
+ delete this.controlListeners;
+ }
+ this.log("--- videocontrols terminated ---");
+ },
+ hasError : function () {
+ // We either have an explicit error, or the resource selection
+ // algorithm is running and we've tried to load something and failed.
+ // Note: we don't consider the case where we've tried to load but
+ // there's no sources to load as an error condition, as sites may
+ // do this intentionally to work around requires-user-interaction to
+ // play restrictions, and we don't want to display a debug message
+ // if that's the case.
+ return != null ||
+ ( == &&
+ this.hasSources());
+ },
+ hasSources : function() {
+ if ('src') &&
+'src') !== "") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (var child =;
+ child !== null;
+ child = child.nextElementSibling) {
+ if (child instanceof HTMLSourceElement) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ updateErrorText : function () {
+ let error;
+ let v =;
+ // It is possible to have both v.networkState == NETWORK_NO_SOURCE
+ // as well as v.error being non-null. In this case, we will show
+ // the v.error.code instead of the v.networkState error.
+ if (v.error) {
+ switch (v.error.code) {
+ case v.error.MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED:
+ error = "errorAborted";
+ break;
+ case v.error.MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK:
+ error = "errorNetwork";
+ break;
+ case v.error.MEDIA_ERR_DECODE:
+ error = "errorDecode";
+ break;
+ error = "errorSrcNotSupported";
+ break;
+ default:
+ error = "errorGeneric";
+ break;
+ }
+ } else if (v.networkState == v.NETWORK_NO_SOURCE) {
+ error = "errorNoSource";
+ } else {
+ return; // No error found.
+ }
+ let label = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.videocontrols, "anonid", error);
+ this.controlsSpacer.setAttribute("aria-label", label.textContent);
+ this.statusOverlay.setAttribute("error", error);
+ },
+ formatTime : function(aTime) {
+ // Format the duration as "h:mm:ss" or "m:ss"
+ aTime = Math.round(aTime / 1000);
+ let hours = Math.floor(aTime / 3600);
+ let mins = Math.floor((aTime % 3600) / 60);
+ let secs = Math.floor(aTime % 60);
+ let timeString;
+ if (secs < 10)
+ secs = "0" + secs;
+ if (hours) {
+ if (mins < 10)
+ mins = "0" + mins;
+ timeString = hours + ":" + mins + ":" + secs;
+ } else {
+ timeString = mins + ":" + secs;
+ }
+ return timeString;
+ },
+ showDuration : function (duration) {
+ let isInfinite = (duration == Infinity);
+ this.log("Duration is " + duration + "ms.\n");
+ if (isNaN(duration) || isInfinite)
+ duration = this.maxCurrentTimeSeen;
+ // Format the duration as "h:mm:ss" or "m:ss"
+ let timeString = isInfinite ? "" : this.formatTime(duration);
+ this.durationLabel.setAttribute("value", timeString);
+ // "durationValue" property is used by scale binding to
+ // generate accessible name.
+ this.scrubber.durationValue = timeString;
+ // If the duration is over an hour, thumb should show h:mm:ss instead of mm:ss
+ this.scrubberThumb.showHours = (duration >= 3600000);
+ this.scrubber.max = duration;
+ // XXX Can't set increment here, due to bug 473103. Also, doing so causes
+ // snapping when dragging with the mouse, so we can't just set a value for
+ // the arrow-keys.
+ this.scrubber.pageIncrement = Math.round(duration / 10);
+ },
+ seekToPosition : function(newPosition) {
+ newPosition /= 1000; // convert from ms
+ this.log("+++ seeking to " + newPosition);
+ if (this.videocontrols.isGonk) {
+ // We use fastSeek() on B2G, and an accurate (but slower)
+ // seek on other platforms (that are likely to be higher
+ // perf).
+ } else {
+ = newPosition;
+ }
+ },
+ setVolume : function(newVolume) {
+ this.log("*** setting volume to " + newVolume);
+ = newVolume;
+ = false;
+ },
+ showPosition : function(currentTime, duration) {
+ // If the duration is unknown (because the server didn't provide
+ // it, or the video is a stream), then we want to fudge the duration
+ // by using the maximum playback position that's been seen.
+ if (currentTime > this.maxCurrentTimeSeen)
+ this.maxCurrentTimeSeen = currentTime;
+ this.showDuration(duration);
+ this.log("time update @ " + currentTime + "ms of " + duration + "ms");
+ this.positionLabel.setAttribute("value", this.formatTime(currentTime));
+ this.scrubber.value = currentTime;
+ },
+ showBuffered : function() {
+ function bsearch(haystack, needle, cmp) {
+ var length = haystack.length;
+ var low = 0;
+ var high = length;
+ while (low < high) {
+ var probe = low + ((high - low) >> 1);
+ var r = cmp(haystack, probe, needle);
+ if (r == 0) {
+ return probe;
+ } else if (r > 0) {
+ low = probe + 1;
+ } else {
+ high = probe;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ function bufferedCompare(buffered, i, time) {
+ if (time > buffered.end(i)) {
+ return 1;
+ } else if (time >= buffered.start(i)) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return -1;
+ }
+ var duration = Math.round( * 1000);
+ if (isNaN(duration))
+ duration = this.maxCurrentTimeSeen;
+ // Find the range that the current play position is in and use that
+ // range for bufferBar. At some point we may support multiple ranges
+ // displayed in the bar.
+ var currentTime =;
+ var buffered =;
+ var index = bsearch(buffered, currentTime, bufferedCompare);
+ var endTime = 0;
+ if (index >= 0) {
+ endTime = Math.round(buffered.end(index) * 1000);
+ }
+ this.bufferBar.max = duration;
+ this.bufferBar.value = endTime;
+ },
+ _controlsHiddenByTimeout : false,
+ _showControlsTimeout : 0,
+ _showControlsFn : function () {
+ if ("video:hover")) {
+ Utils.startFadeIn(Utils.controlBar, false);
+ Utils._showControlsTimeout = 0;
+ Utils._controlsHiddenByTimeout = false;
+ }
+ },
+ _hideControlsTimeout : 0,
+ _hideControlsFn : function () {
+ if (!Utils.scrubber.isDragging) {
+ Utils.startFade(Utils.controlBar, false);
+ Utils._hideControlsTimeout = 0;
+ Utils._controlsHiddenByTimeout = true;
+ }
+ },
+ onMouseMove : function (event) {
+ // Pause playing video when the mouse is dragging over the control bar.
+ if (this.scrubber.isDragging) {
+ this.scrubber.pauseVideoDuringDragging();
+ }
+ // If the controls are static, don't change anything.
+ if (!this.dynamicControls)
+ return;
+ clearTimeout(this._hideControlsTimeout);
+ // Suppress fading out the controls until the video has rendered
+ // its first frame. But since autoplay videos start off with no
+ // controls, let them fade-out so the controls don't get stuck on.
+ if (!this.firstFrameShown &&
+ !( &&
+ return;
+ if (this._controlsHiddenByTimeout)
+ this._showControlsTimeout = setTimeout(this._showControlsFn, this.SHOW_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT_MS);
+ else
+ this.startFade(this.controlBar, true);
+ // Hide the controls if the mouse cursor is left on top of the video
+ // but above the control bar and if the click-to-play overlay is hidden.
+ if ((this._controlsHiddenByTimeout ||
+ event.clientY < this.controlBar.getBoundingClientRect().top) &&
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden) {
+ this._hideControlsTimeout = setTimeout(this._hideControlsFn, this.HIDE_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT_MS);
+ }
+ },
+ onMouseInOut : function (event) {
+ // If the controls are static, don't change anything.
+ if (!this.dynamicControls)
+ return;
+ clearTimeout(this._hideControlsTimeout);
+ // Ignore events caused by transitions between child nodes.
+ // Note that the videocontrols element is the same
+ // size as the *content area* of the video element,
+ // but this is not the same as the video element's
+ // border area if the video has border or padding.
+ if (this.isEventWithin(event, this.videocontrols))
+ return;
+ var isMouseOver = (event.type == "mouseover");
+ var controlRect = this.controlBar.getBoundingClientRect();
+ var isMouseInControls = event.clientY > &&
+ event.clientY < controlRect.bottom &&
+ event.clientX > controlRect.left &&
+ event.clientX < controlRect.right;
+ // Suppress fading out the controls until the video has rendered
+ // its first frame. But since autoplay videos start off with no
+ // controls, let them fade-out so the controls don't get stuck on.
+ if (!this.firstFrameShown && !isMouseOver &&
+ !( &&
+ return;
+ if (!isMouseOver && !isMouseInControls) {
+ this.adjustControlSize();
+ // Keep the controls visible if the click-to-play is visible.
+ if (!this.clickToPlay.hidden)
+ return;
+ this.startFadeOut(this.controlBar, false);
+ this.textTrackList.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ clearTimeout(this._showControlsTimeout);
+ Utils._controlsHiddenByTimeout = false;
+ }
+ },
+ startFadeIn : function (element, immediate) {
+ this.startFade(element, true, immediate);
+ },
+ startFadeOut : function (element, immediate) {
+ this.startFade(element, false, immediate);
+ },
+ startFade : function (element, fadeIn, immediate) {
+ if (element.classList.contains("controlBar") && fadeIn) {
+ // Bug 493523, the scrubber doesn't call valueChanged while hidden,
+ // so our dependent state (eg, timestamp in the thumb) will be stale.
+ // As a workaround, update it manually when it first becomes unhidden.
+ if (element.hidden)
+ this.scrubber.valueChanged("curpos", * 1000, false);
+ }
+ if (immediate)
+ element.setAttribute("immediate", true);
+ else
+ element.removeAttribute("immediate");
+ if (fadeIn) {
+ element.hidden = false;
+ // force style resolution, so that transition begins
+ // when we remove the attribute.
+ element.clientTop;
+ element.removeAttribute("fadeout");
+ if (element.classList.contains("controlBar"))
+ this.controlsSpacer.removeAttribute("hideCursor");
+ } else {
+ element.setAttribute("fadeout", true);
+ if (element.classList.contains("controlBar") && !this.hasError() &&
+ document.mozFullScreenElement ==
+ this.controlsSpacer.setAttribute("hideCursor", true);
+ }
+ },
+ onTransitionEnd : function (event) {
+ // Ignore events for things other than opacity changes.
+ if (event.propertyName != "opacity")
+ return;
+ var element = event.originalTarget;
+ // Nothing to do when a fade *in* finishes.
+ if (!element.hasAttribute("fadeout"))
+ return;
+ this.scrubber.dragStateChanged(false);
+ element.hidden = true;
+ },
+ _triggeredByControls: false,
+ startPlay : function () {
+ this._triggeredByControls = true;
+ this.hideClickToPlay();
+ },
+ togglePause : function () {
+ if ( || {
+ this.startPlay();
+ } else {
+ }
+ // We'll handle style changes in the event listener for
+ // the "play" and "pause" events, same as if content
+ // script was controlling video playback.
+ },
+ isVideoWithoutAudioTrack : function() {
+ return >= &&
+ !this.isAudioOnly &&
+ !;
+ },
+ toggleMute : function () {
+ if (this.isVideoWithoutAudioTrack()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ = !this.isEffectivelyMuted();
+ if ( === 0) {
+ = 0.5;
+ }
+ // We'll handle style changes in the event listener for
+ // the "volumechange" event, same as if content script was
+ // controlling volume.
+ },
+ isVideoInFullScreen : function () {
+ return document.mozFullScreenElement ==;
+ },
+ toggleFullscreen : function () {
+ this.isVideoInFullScreen() ?
+ document.mozCancelFullScreen() :
+ },
+ setFullscreenButtonState : function () {
+ if (this.isAudioOnly || !document.mozFullScreenEnabled) {
+ this.controlBar.setAttribute("fullscreen-unavailable", true);
+ this.adjustControlSize();
+ return;
+ }
+ this.controlBar.removeAttribute("fullscreen-unavailable");
+ this.adjustControlSize();
+ var attrName = this.isVideoInFullScreen() ? "exitfullscreenlabel" : "enterfullscreenlabel";
+ var value = this.fullscreenButton.getAttribute(attrName);
+ this.fullscreenButton.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ if (this.isVideoInFullScreen())
+ this.fullscreenButton.setAttribute("fullscreened", "true");
+ else
+ this.fullscreenButton.removeAttribute("fullscreened");
+ },
+ onFullscreenChange: function () {
+ if (this.isVideoInFullScreen()) {
+ Utils._hideControlsTimeout = setTimeout(this._hideControlsFn, this.HIDE_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT_MS);
+ }
+ this.setFullscreenButtonState();
+ },
+ clickToPlayClickHandler : function(e) {
+ if (e.button != 0)
+ return;
+ if (this.hasError() && !this.suppressError) {
+ // Errors that can be dismissed should be placed here as we discover them.
+ if ( !=
+ return;
+ this.statusOverlay.hidden = true;
+ this.suppressError = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (e.defaultPrevented)
+ return;
+ if (this.playButton.hasAttribute("paused")) {
+ this.startPlay();
+ } else {
+ }
+ },
+ hideClickToPlay : function () {
+ let videoHeight =;
+ let videoWidth =;
+ // The play button will animate to 3x its size. This
+ // shows the animation unless the video is too small
+ // to show 2/3 of the animation.
+ let animationScale = 2;
+ if (this._overlayPlayButtonHeight * animationScale > (videoHeight - this._controlBarHeight)||
+ this._overlayPlayButtonWidth * animationScale > videoWidth) {
+ this.clickToPlay.setAttribute("immediate", "true");
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ } else {
+ this.clickToPlay.removeAttribute("immediate");
+ }
+ this.clickToPlay.setAttribute("fadeout", "true");
+ },
+ setPlayButtonState : function(aPaused) {
+ if (aPaused)
+ this.playButton.setAttribute("paused", "true");
+ else
+ this.playButton.removeAttribute("paused");
+ var attrName = aPaused ? "playlabel" : "pauselabel";
+ var value = this.playButton.getAttribute(attrName);
+ this.playButton.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ },
+ isEffectivelyMuted : function() {
+ return || !;
+ },
+ updateMuteButtonState : function() {
+ var muted = this.isEffectivelyMuted();
+ if (muted)
+ this.muteButton.setAttribute("muted", "true");
+ else
+ this.muteButton.removeAttribute("muted");
+ var attrName = muted ? "unmutelabel" : "mutelabel";
+ var value = this.muteButton.getAttribute(attrName);
+ this.muteButton.setAttribute("aria-label", value);
+ },
+ _getComputedPropertyValueAsInt : function(element, property) {
+ let value = getComputedStyle(element, null).getPropertyValue(property);
+ return parseInt(value, 10);
+ },
+ keyHandler : function(event) {
+ // Ignore keys when content might be providing its own.
+ if (!"controls"))
+ return;
+ var keystroke = "";
+ if (event.altKey)
+ keystroke += "alt-";
+ if (event.shiftKey)
+ keystroke += "shift-";
+ if (navigator.platform.startsWith("Mac")) {
+ if (event.metaKey)
+ keystroke += "accel-";
+ if (event.ctrlKey)
+ keystroke += "control-";
+ } else {
+ if (event.metaKey)
+ keystroke += "meta-";
+ if (event.ctrlKey)
+ keystroke += "accel-";
+ }
+ switch (event.keyCode) {
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP:
+ keystroke += "upArrow";
+ break;
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN:
+ keystroke += "downArrow";
+ break;
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_LEFT:
+ keystroke += "leftArrow";
+ break;
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RIGHT:
+ keystroke += "rightArrow";
+ break;
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_HOME:
+ keystroke += "home";
+ break;
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_END:
+ keystroke += "end";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (String.fromCharCode(event.charCode) == ' ')
+ keystroke += "space";
+ this.log("Got keystroke: " + keystroke);
+ var oldval, newval;
+ try {
+ switch (keystroke) {
+ case "space": /* Play */
+ this.togglePause();
+ break;
+ case "downArrow": /* Volume decrease */
+ oldval =;
+ = (oldval < 0.1 ? 0 : oldval - 0.1);
+ = false;
+ break;
+ case "upArrow": /* Volume increase */
+ oldval =;
+ = (oldval > 0.9 ? 1 : oldval + 0.1);
+ = false;
+ break;
+ case "accel-downArrow": /* Mute */
+ = true;
+ break;
+ case "accel-upArrow": /* Unmute */
+ = false;
+ break;
+ case "leftArrow": /* Seek back 15 seconds */
+ case "accel-leftArrow": /* Seek back 10% */
+ oldval =;
+ if (keystroke == "leftArrow")
+ newval = oldval - 15;
+ else
+ newval = oldval - ( || this.maxCurrentTimeSeen / 1000) / 10;
+ = (newval >= 0 ? newval : 0);
+ break;
+ case "rightArrow": /* Seek forward 15 seconds */
+ case "accel-rightArrow": /* Seek forward 10% */
+ oldval =;
+ var maxtime = ( || this.maxCurrentTimeSeen / 1000);
+ if (keystroke == "rightArrow")
+ newval = oldval + 15;
+ else
+ newval = oldval + maxtime / 10;
+ = (newval <= maxtime ? newval : maxtime);
+ break;
+ case "home": /* Seek to beginning */
+ = 0;
+ break;
+ case "end": /* Seek to end */
+ if ( !=
+ = ( || this.maxCurrentTimeSeen / 1000);
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ } catch (e) { /* ignore any exception from setting .currentTime */ }
+ event.preventDefault(); // Prevent page scrolling
+ },
+ isSupportedTextTrack : function(textTrack) {
+ return textTrack.kind == "subtitles" ||
+ textTrack.kind == "captions";
+ },
+ get overlayableTextTracks() {
+ return, this.isSupportedTextTrack);
+ },
+ isClosedCaptionOn : function () {
+ for (let tt of this.overlayableTextTracks) {
+ if (tt.mode === "showing") {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ },
+ setClosedCaptionButtonState : function () {
+ if (!this.overlayableTextTracks.length || this.videocontrols.isTouchControl) {
+ this.closedCaptionButton.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.closedCaptionButton.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ if (this.isClosedCaptionOn()) {
+ this.closedCaptionButton.setAttribute("enabled", "true");
+ } else {
+ this.closedCaptionButton.removeAttribute("enabled");
+ }
+ let ttItems = this.textTrackList.childNodes;
+ for (let tti of ttItems) {
+ const idx = +tti.getAttribute("index");
+ if (idx == this.currentTextTrackIndex) {
+ tti.setAttribute("on", "true");
+ } else {
+ tti.removeAttribute("on");
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ addNewTextTrack : function (tt) {
+ if (!this.isSupportedTextTrack(tt)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (tt.index && tt.index < this.textTracksCount) {
+ // Don't create items for initialized tracks. However, we
+ // still need to care about mode since TextTrackManager would
+ // turn on the first available track automatically.
+ if (tt.mode === "showing") {
+ this.changeTextTrack(tt.index);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ tt.index = this.textTracksCount++;
+ const label = tt.label || "";
+ const ttText = document.createTextNode(label);
+ const ttBtn = document.createElement("button");
+ ttBtn.classList.add("textTrackItem");
+ ttBtn.setAttribute("index", tt.index);
+ ttBtn.addEventListener("click", function (event) {
+ event.stopPropagation();
+ this.changeTextTrack(tt.index);
+ }.bind(this));
+ ttBtn.appendChild(ttText);
+ this.textTrackList.appendChild(ttBtn);
+ if (tt.mode === "showing" && tt.index) {
+ this.changeTextTrack(tt.index);
+ }
+ },
+ changeTextTrack : function (index) {
+ for (let tt of this.overlayableTextTracks) {
+ if (tt.index === index) {
+ tt.mode = "showing";
+ this.currentTextTrackIndex = tt.index;
+ } else {
+ tt.mode = "disabled";
+ }
+ }
+ // should fallback to off
+ if (this.currentTextTrackIndex !== index) {
+ this.currentTextTrackIndex = 0;
+ }
+ this.textTrackList.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ this.setClosedCaptionButtonState();
+ },
+ onControlBarTransitioned : function () {
+ this.textTrackList.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ CustomEvent("controlbarchange"));
+ },
+ toggleClosedCaption : function () {
+ if (this.overlayableTextTracks.length === 1) {
+ const lastTTIdx = this.overlayableTextTracks[0].index;
+ this.changeTextTrack(this.isClosedCaptionOn() ? 0 : lastTTIdx);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.textTrackList.hasAttribute("hidden")) {
+ this.textTrackList.removeAttribute("hidden");
+ } else {
+ this.textTrackList.setAttribute("hidden", "true");
+ }
+ let maxButtonWidth = 0;
+ for (let tti of this.textTrackList.childNodes) {
+ if (tti.clientWidth > maxButtonWidth) {
+ maxButtonWidth = tti.clientWidth;
+ }
+ }
+ if (maxButtonWidth > {
+ maxButtonWidth =;
+ }
+ for (let tti of this.textTrackList.childNodes) {
+ = maxButtonWidth + "px";
+ }
+ },
+ onTextTrackAdd : function (trackEvent) {
+ this.addNewTextTrack(trackEvent.track);
+ this.setClosedCaptionButtonState();
+ },
+ onTextTrackRemove : function (trackEvent) {
+ const toRemoveIndex = trackEvent.track.index;
+ const ttItems = this.textTrackList.childNodes;
+ if (!ttItems) {
+ return;
+ }
+ for (let tti of ttItems) {
+ const idx = +tti.getAttribute("index");
+ if (idx === toRemoveIndex) {
+ tti.remove();
+ this.textTracksCount--;
+ }
+ if (idx === this.currentTextTrackIndex) {
+ this.currentTextTrackIndex = 0;
+ CustomEvent("texttrackchange"));
+ }
+ }
+ this.setClosedCaptionButtonState();
+ },
+ initTextTracks : function () {
+ // add 'off' button anyway as new text track might be
+ // dynamically added after initialization.
+ const offLabel = this.textTrackList.getAttribute("offlabel");
+ this.addNewTextTrack({
+ label: offLabel,
+ kind: "subtitles"
+ });
+ for (let tt of this.overlayableTextTracks) {
+ this.addNewTextTrack(tt);
+ }
+ this.setClosedCaptionButtonState();
+ },
+ isEventWithin : function (event, parent1, parent2) {
+ function isDescendant (node) {
+ while (node) {
+ if (node == parent1 || node == parent2)
+ return true;
+ node = node.parentNode;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return isDescendant( && isDescendant(event.relatedTarget);
+ },
+ log : function (msg) {
+ if (this.debug)
+ console.log("videoctl: " + msg + "\n");
+ },
+ get isTopLevelSyntheticDocument() {
+ let doc =;
+ let win = doc.defaultView;
+ return doc.mozSyntheticDocument && win ===;
+ },
+ _playButtonWidth : 0,
+ _durationLabelWidth : 0,
+ _muteButtonWidth : 0,
+ _volumeControlWidth : 0,
+ _closedCaptionButtonWidth : 0,
+ _fullscreenButtonWidth : 0,
+ _controlBarHeight : 0,
+ _overlayPlayButtonHeight : 64,
+ _overlayPlayButtonWidth : 64,
+ _controlBarPaddingEnd: 8,
+ adjustControlSize : function adjustControlSize() {
+ let doc =;
+ // The scrubber has |flex=1|, therefore |minScrubberWidth|
+ // was generated by empirical testing.
+ let minScrubberWidth = 25;
+ let minWidthAllControls = this._playButtonWidth +
+ minScrubberWidth +
+ this._durationLabelWidth +
+ this._muteButtonWidth +
+ this._volumeControlWidth +
+ this._closedCaptionButtonWidth +
+ this._fullscreenButtonWidth;
+ let isFullscreenUnavailable = this.controlBar.hasAttribute("fullscreen-unavailable");
+ if (isFullscreenUnavailable) {
+ // When the fullscreen button is hidden we add margin-end to the volume stack.
+ minWidthAllControls -= this._fullscreenButtonWidth - this._controlBarPaddingEnd;
+ }
+ let minHeightForControlBar = this._controlBarHeight;
+ let minWidthOnlyPlayPause = this._playButtonWidth + this._muteButtonWidth;
+ let isAudioOnly = this.isAudioOnly;
+ let videoHeight = isAudioOnly ? minHeightForControlBar :;
+ let videoWidth = isAudioOnly ? minWidthAllControls :;
+ // Adapt the size of the controls to the size of the video
+ if ( >= {
+ if (!this.isAudioOnly && && {
+ var rect =;
+ var widthRatio = rect.width /;
+ var heightRatio = rect.height /;
+ var width = * Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio);
+ this.controlsOverlay.setAttribute("scaled", true);
+ = width + "px";
+ = width + "px";
+ = width + "px";
+ } else {
+ this.controlsOverlay.removeAttribute("scaled");
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ = "";
+ }
+ }
+ if ((this._overlayPlayButtonHeight + this._controlBarHeight) > videoHeight ||
+ this._overlayPlayButtonWidth > videoWidth) {
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = true;
+ } else if (this.clickToPlay.hidden &&
+ ! &&
+ {
+ // Check to handle when a video is
+ // playing but hasn't processed any frames yet
+ this.clickToPlay.hidden = false;
+ }
+ let size = "normal";
+ if (videoHeight < minHeightForControlBar)
+ size = "hidden";
+ else if (videoWidth < minWidthOnlyPlayPause)
+ size = "hidden";
+ else if (videoWidth < minWidthAllControls)
+ size = "small";
+ this.controlBar.setAttribute("size", size);
+ },
+ init : function (binding) {
+ = binding.parentNode;
+ this.videocontrols = binding;
+ this.statusIcon = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "statusIcon");
+ this.controlBar = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "controlBar");
+ this.playButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "playButton");
+ this.muteButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "muteButton");
+ this.volumeControl = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "volumeControl");
+ this.progressBar = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "progressBar");
+ this.bufferBar = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "bufferBar");
+ this.scrubber = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "scrubber");
+ this.scrubberThumb = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this.scrubber, "class", "scale-thumb");
+ this.durationLabel = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "durationLabel");
+ this.positionLabel = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "positionLabel");
+ this.statusOverlay = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "statusOverlay");
+ this.controlsOverlay = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "controlsOverlay");
+ this.controlsSpacer = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "controlsSpacer");
+ this.clickToPlay = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "clickToPlay");
+ this.fullscreenButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "fullscreenButton");
+ this.volumeForeground = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "anonid", "volumeForeground");
+ this.closedCaptionButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "closedCaptionButton");
+ this.textTrackList = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "textTrackList");
+ this.isAudioOnly = ( instanceof HTMLAudioElement);
+ this.setupInitialState();
+ this.setupNewLoadState();
+ this.initTextTracks();
+ // Use the handleEvent() callback for all media events.
+ // Only the "error" event listener must capture, so that it can trap error
+ // events from <source> children, which don't bubble. But we use capture
+ // for all events in order to simplify the event listener add/remove.
+ for (let event of this.videoEvents) {
+, this, {
+ capture: true,
+ mozSystemGroup: true
+ });
+ }
+ var self = this;
+ this.controlListeners = [];
+ // Helper function to add an event listener to the given element
+ function addListener(elem, eventName, func) {
+ let boundFunc = func.bind(self);
+ self.controlListeners.push({ item: elem, event: eventName, func: boundFunc });
+ elem.addEventListener(eventName, boundFunc, { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ }
+ addListener(this.muteButton, "command", this.toggleMute);
+ addListener(this.closedCaptionButton, "command", this.toggleClosedCaption);
+ addListener(this.playButton, "click", this.clickToPlayClickHandler);
+ addListener(this.fullscreenButton, "command", this.toggleFullscreen);
+ addListener(this.clickToPlay, "click", this.clickToPlayClickHandler);
+ addListener(this.controlsSpacer, "click", this.clickToPlayClickHandler);
+ addListener(this.controlsSpacer, "dblclick", this.toggleFullscreen);
+ addListener(this.videocontrols, "resizevideocontrols", this.adjustControlSize);
+ addListener(this.videocontrols, "transitionend", this.onTransitionEnd);
+ addListener(, "mozfullscreenchange", this.onFullscreenChange);
+ addListener(this.videocontrols, "transitionend", this.onControlBarTransitioned);
+ addListener(, "fullscreenchange", this.onFullscreenChange);
+ addListener(, "keypress", this.keyHandler);
+ addListener(, "addtrack", this.onTextTrackAdd);
+ addListener(, "removetrack", this.onTextTrackRemove);
+ addListener(this.videocontrols, "dragstart", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault(); // prevent dragging of controls image (bug 517114)
+ });
+ this.log("--- videocontrols initialized ---");
+ }
+ };
+ this.Utils.init(this);
+ ]]>
+ </constructor>
+ <destructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.Utils.terminateEventListeners();
+ // randomID used to be a <field>, which meant that the XBL machinery
+ // undefined the property when the element was unbound. The code in
+ // this file actually depends on this, so now that randomID is an
+ // expando, we need to make sure to explicitly delete it.
+ delete this.randomID;
+ ]]>
+ </destructor>
+ </implementation>
+ <handlers>
+ <handler event="mouseover">
+ if (!this.isTouchControl)
+ this.Utils.onMouseInOut(event);
+ </handler>
+ <handler event="mouseout">
+ if (!this.isTouchControl)
+ this.Utils.onMouseInOut(event);
+ </handler>
+ <handler event="mousemove">
+ if (!this.isTouchControl)
+ this.Utils.onMouseMove(event);
+ </handler>
+ </handlers>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="touchControls" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/videocontrols.xml#videoControls">
+ <xbl:content xmlns="" class="mediaControlsFrame">
+ <stack flex="1">
+ <vbox flex="1" class="statusOverlay" hidden="true">
+ <box class="statusIcon"/>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorAborted">&error.aborted;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorNetwork">&;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorDecode">&error.decode;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorSrcNotSupported">&error.srcNotSupported;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorNoSource">&error.noSource2;</label>
+ <label class="errorLabel" anonid="errorGeneric">&error.generic;</label>
+ </vbox>
+ <vbox class="controlsOverlay">
+ <spacer class="controlsSpacer" flex="1"/>
+ <box flex="1" hidden="true">
+ <box class="clickToPlay" hidden="true" flex="1"/>
+ <vbox class="textTrackList" hidden="true" offlabel="&;"></vbox>
+ </box>
+ <vbox class="controlBar" hidden="true">
+ <hbox class="buttonsBar">
+ <button class="playButton"
+ playlabel="&playButton.playLabel;"
+ pauselabel="&playButton.pauseLabel;"/>
+ <label class="positionLabel" role="presentation"/>
+ <stack class="scrubberStack">
+ <box class="backgroundBar"/>
+ <progressmeter class="flexibleBar" value="100"/>
+ <progressmeter class="bufferBar"/>
+ <progressmeter class="progressBar" max="10000"/>
+ <scale class="scrubber" movetoclick="true"/>
+ </stack>
+ <label class="durationLabel" role="presentation"/>
+ <button class="muteButton"
+ mutelabel="&muteButton.muteLabel;"
+ unmutelabel="&muteButton.unmuteLabel;"/>
+ <stack class="volumeStack">
+ <box class="volumeBackground"/>
+ <box class="volumeForeground" anonid="volumeForeground"/>
+ <scale class="volumeControl" movetoclick="true"/>
+ </stack>
+ <button class="castingButton" hidden="true"
+ aria-label="&castingButton.castingLabel;"/>
+ <button class="closedCaptionButton" hidden="true"/>
+ <button class="fullscreenButton"
+ enterfullscreenlabel="&fullscreenButton.enterfullscreenlabel;"
+ exitfullscreenlabel="&fullscreenButton.exitfullscreenlabel;"/>
+ </hbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </vbox>
+ </stack>
+ </xbl:content>
+ <implementation>
+ <constructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.isTouchControl = true;
+ this.TouchUtils = {
+ videocontrols: null,
+ video: null,
+ controlsTimer: null,
+ controlsTimeout: 5000,
+ positionLabel: null,
+ castingButton: null,
+ get Utils() {
+ return this.videocontrols.Utils;
+ },
+ get visible() {
+ return !this.Utils.controlBar.hasAttribute("fadeout") &&
+ !(this.Utils.controlBar.getAttribute("hidden") == "true");
+ },
+ _firstShow: false,
+ get firstShow() { return this._firstShow; },
+ set firstShow(val) {
+ this._firstShow = val;
+ this.Utils.controlBar.setAttribute("firstshow", val);
+ },
+ toggleControls: function() {
+ if (!this.Utils.dynamicControls || !this.visible)
+ this.showControls();
+ else
+ this.delayHideControls(0);
+ },
+ showControls : function() {
+ if (this.Utils.dynamicControls) {
+ this.Utils.startFadeIn(this.Utils.controlBar);
+ this.delayHideControls(this.controlsTimeout);
+ }
+ },
+ clearTimer: function() {
+ if (this.controlsTimer) {
+ clearTimeout(this.controlsTimer);
+ this.controlsTimer = null;
+ }
+ },
+ delayHideControls : function(aTimeout) {
+ this.clearTimer();
+ let self = this;
+ this.controlsTimer = setTimeout(function() {
+ self.hideControls();
+ }, aTimeout);
+ },
+ hideControls : function() {
+ if (!this.Utils.dynamicControls)
+ return;
+ this.Utils.startFadeOut(this.Utils.controlBar);
+ if (this.firstShow)
+ this.videocontrols.addEventListener("transitionend", this, false);
+ },
+ handleEvent : function (aEvent) {
+ if (aEvent.type == "transitionend") {
+ this.firstShow = false;
+ this.videocontrols.removeEventListener("transitionend", this, false);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this.videocontrols.randomID != this.Utils.randomID)
+ this.terminateEventListeners();
+ },
+ terminateEventListeners : function () {
+ for (var event of this.videoEvents)
+, this, false);
+ },
+ isVideoCasting : function () {
+ if (
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ },
+ updateCasting : function (eventDetail) {
+ let castingData = JSON.parse(eventDetail);
+ if ("allow" in castingData) {
+ = !!castingData.allow;
+ }
+ if ("active" in castingData) {
+ = !!;
+ }
+ this.setCastButtonState();
+ },
+ startCasting : function () {
+ this.videocontrols.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("VideoBindingCast"));
+ },
+ setCastButtonState : function () {
+ if (this.isAudioOnly || ! {
+ this.castingButton.hidden = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ this.castingButton.setAttribute("active", "true");
+ } else {
+ this.castingButton.removeAttribute("active");
+ }
+ this.castingButton.hidden = false;
+ },
+ init : function (binding) {
+ this.videocontrols = binding;
+ = binding.parentNode;
+ let self = this;
+ this.Utils.playButton.addEventListener("command", function() {
+ if (!
+ self.delayHideControls(0);
+ else
+ self.showControls();
+ }, false);
+ this.Utils.scrubber.addEventListener("touchstart", function() {
+ self.clearTimer();
+ }, false);
+ this.Utils.scrubber.addEventListener("touchend", function() {
+ self.delayHideControls(self.controlsTimeout);
+ }, false);
+ this.Utils.muteButton.addEventListener("click", function() { self.delayHideControls(self.controlsTimeout); }, false);
+ this.castingButton = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "castingButton");
+ this.castingButton.addEventListener("command", function() {
+ self.startCasting();
+ }, false);
+"media-videoCasting", function (e) {
+ if (!e.isTrusted)
+ return;
+ self.updateCasting(e.detail);
+ }, false, true);
+ // The first time the controls appear we want to just display
+ // a play button that does not fade away. The firstShow property
+ // makes that happen. But because of bug 718107 this init() method
+ // may be called again when we switch in or out of fullscreen
+ // mode. So we only set firstShow if we're not autoplaying and
+ // if we are at the beginning of the video and not already playing
+ if (! && this.Utils.dynamicControls && &&
+ === 0)
+ this.firstShow = true;
+ // If the video is not at the start, then we probably just
+ // transitioned into or out of fullscreen mode, and we don't want
+ // the controls to remain visible. this.controlsTimeout is a full
+ // 5s, which feels too long after the transition.
+ if ( !== 0) {
+ this.delayHideControls(this.Utils.HIDE_CONTROLS_TIMEOUT_MS);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.TouchUtils.init(this);
+ this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("VideoBindingAttached"));
+ ]]>
+ </constructor>
+ <destructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ // XBL destructors don't appear to be inherited properly, so we need
+ // to do this here in addition to the videoControls destructor. :-(
+ delete this.randomID;
+ ]]>
+ </destructor>
+ </implementation>
+ <handlers>
+ <handler event="mouseup">
+ if (event.originalTarget.nodeName == "vbox") {
+ if (this.TouchUtils.firstShow)
+ this.TouchUtils.toggleControls();
+ }
+ </handler>
+ </handlers>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="touchControlsGonk" extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/videoControls.xml#touchControls">
+ <implementation>
+ <constructor>
+ this.isGonk = true;
+ </constructor>
+ </implementation>
+ </binding>
+ <binding id="noControls">
+ <resources>
+ <stylesheet src="chrome://global/content/bindings/videocontrols.css"/>
+ <stylesheet src="chrome://global/skin/media/videocontrols.css"/>
+ </resources>
+ <xbl:content xmlns="" class="mediaControlsFrame">
+ <vbox flex="1" class="statusOverlay" hidden="true">
+ <box flex="1">
+ <box class="clickToPlay" flex="1"/>
+ </box>
+ </vbox>
+ </xbl:content>
+ <implementation>
+ <constructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.randomID = 0;
+ this.Utils = {
+ randomID : 0,
+ videoEvents : ["play",
+ "playing"],
+ controlListeners: [],
+ terminateEventListeners : function () {
+ for (let event of this.videoEvents)
+, this, { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ for (let element of this.controlListeners) {
+ element.item.removeEventListener(element.event, element.func,
+ { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ }
+ delete this.controlListeners;
+ },
+ hasError : function () {
+ return ( != null || ==;
+ },
+ handleEvent : function (aEvent) {
+ // If the binding is detached (or has been replaced by a
+ // newer instance of the binding), nuke our event-listeners.
+ if (this.binding.randomID != this.randomID) {
+ this.terminateEventListeners();
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (aEvent.type) {
+ case "play":
+ this.noControlsOverlay.hidden = true;
+ break;
+ case "playing":
+ this.noControlsOverlay.hidden = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ blockedVideoHandler : function () {
+ if (this.binding.randomID != this.randomID) {
+ this.terminateEventListeners();
+ return;
+ } else if (this.hasError()) {
+ this.noControlsOverlay.hidden = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ this.noControlsOverlay.hidden = false;
+ },
+ clickToPlayClickHandler : function (e) {
+ if (this.binding.randomID != this.randomID) {
+ this.terminateEventListeners();
+ return;
+ } else if (e.button != 0) {
+ return;
+ }
+ this.noControlsOverlay.hidden = true;
+ },
+ init : function (binding) {
+ this.binding = binding;
+ this.randomID = Math.random();
+ this.binding.randomID = this.randomID;
+ = binding.parentNode;
+ this.clickToPlay = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "clickToPlay");
+ this.noControlsOverlay = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(binding, "class", "statusOverlay");
+ let self = this;
+ function addListener(elem, eventName, func) {
+ let boundFunc = func.bind(self);
+ self.controlListeners.push({ item: elem, event: eventName, func: boundFunc });
+ elem.addEventListener(eventName, boundFunc, { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ }
+ addListener(this.clickToPlay, "click", this.clickToPlayClickHandler);
+ addListener(, "MozNoControlsBlockedVideo", this.blockedVideoHandler);
+ for (let event of this.videoEvents) {
+, this, { mozSystemGroup: true });
+ }
+ if ( && ! {
+ this.blockedVideoHandler();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ this.Utils.init(this);
+ CustomEvent("MozNoControlsVideoBindingAttached"));
+ ]]>
+ </constructor>
+ <destructor>
+ <![CDATA[
+ this.Utils.terminateEventListeners();
+ // randomID used to be a <field>, which meant that the XBL machinery
+ // undefined the property when the element was unbound. The code in
+ // this file actually depends on this, so now that randomID is an
+ // expando, we need to make sure to explicitly delete it.
+ delete this.randomID;
+ ]]>
+ </destructor>
+ </implementation>
+ </binding>