path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/')
1 files changed, 461 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..31929efd6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/wptserve/wptserve/
@@ -0,0 +1,461 @@
+import BaseHTTPServer
+import errno
+import os
+import socket
+from SocketServer import ThreadingMixIn
+import ssl
+import sys
+import threading
+import time
+import traceback
+import types
+import urlparse
+from . import routes as default_routes
+from .logger import get_logger
+from .request import Server, Request
+from .response import Response
+from .router import Router
+from .utils import HTTPException
+"""HTTP server designed for testing purposes.
+The server is designed to provide flexibility in the way that
+requests are handled, and to provide control both of exactly
+what bytes are put on the wire for the response, and in the
+timing of sending those bytes.
+The server is based on the stdlib HTTPServer, but with some
+notable differences in the way that requests are processed.
+Overall processing is handled by a WebTestRequestHandler,
+which is a subclass of BaseHTTPRequestHandler. This is responsible
+for parsing the incoming request. A RequestRewriter is then
+applied and may change the request data if it matches a
+supplied rule.
+Once the request data had been finalised, Request and Reponse
+objects are constructed. These are used by the other parts of the
+system to read information about the request and manipulate the
+Each request is handled by a particular handler function. The
+mapping between Request and the appropriate handler is determined
+by a Router. By default handlers are installed to interpret files
+under the document root with .py extensions as executable python
+files (see for the api for such files), .asis files as
+bytestreams to be sent literally and all other files to be served
+The handler functions are responsible for either populating the
+fields of the response object, which will then be written when the
+handler returns, or for directly writing to the output stream.
+class RequestRewriter(object):
+ def __init__(self, rules):
+ """Object for rewriting the request path.
+ :param rules: Initial rules to add; a list of three item tuples
+ (method, input_path, output_path), defined as for
+ register()
+ """
+ self.rules = {}
+ for rule in reversed(rules):
+ self.register(*rule)
+ self.logger = get_logger()
+ def register(self, methods, input_path, output_path):
+ """Register a rewrite rule.
+ :param methods: Set of methods this should match. "*" is a
+ special value indicating that all methods should
+ be matched.
+ :param input_path: Path to match for the initial request.
+ :param output_path: Path to replace the input path with in
+ the request.
+ """
+ if type(methods) in types.StringTypes:
+ methods = [methods]
+ self.rules[input_path] = (methods, output_path)
+ def rewrite(self, request_handler):
+ """Rewrite the path in a BaseHTTPRequestHandler instance, if
+ it matches a rule.
+ :param request_handler: BaseHTTPRequestHandler for which to
+ rewrite the request.
+ """
+ split_url = urlparse.urlsplit(request_handler.path)
+ if split_url.path in self.rules:
+ methods, destination = self.rules[split_url.path]
+ if "*" in methods or request_handler.command in methods:
+ self.logger.debug("Rewriting request path %s to %s" %
+ (request_handler.path, destination))
+ new_url = list(split_url)
+ new_url[2] = destination
+ new_url = urlparse.urlunsplit(new_url)
+ request_handler.path = new_url
+class WebTestServer(ThreadingMixIn, BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer):
+ allow_reuse_address = True
+ acceptable_errors = (errno.EPIPE, errno.ECONNABORTED)
+ request_queue_size = 2000
+ # Ensure that we don't hang on shutdown waiting for requests
+ daemon_threads = True
+ def __init__(self, server_address, RequestHandlerClass, router, rewriter, bind_hostname,
+ config=None, use_ssl=False, key_file=None, certificate=None,
+ encrypt_after_connect=False, latency=None, **kwargs):
+ """Server for HTTP(s) Requests
+ :param server_address: tuple of (server_name, port)
+ :param RequestHandlerClass: BaseHTTPRequestHandler-like class to use for
+ handling requests.
+ :param router: Router instance to use for matching requests to handler
+ functions
+ :param rewriter: RequestRewriter-like instance to use for preprocessing
+ requests before they are routed
+ :param config: Dictionary holding environment configuration settings for
+ handlers to read, or None to use the default values.
+ :param use_ssl: Boolean indicating whether the server should use SSL
+ :param key_file: Path to key file to use if SSL is enabled.
+ :param certificate: Path to certificate to use if SSL is enabled.
+ :param encrypt_after_connect: For each connection, don't start encryption
+ until a CONNECT message has been received.
+ This enables the server to act as a
+ self-proxy.
+ :param bind_hostname True to bind the server to both the hostname and
+ port specified in the server_address parameter.
+ False to bind the server only to the port in the
+ server_address parameter, but not to the hostname.
+ :param latency: Delay in ms to wait before seving each response, or
+ callable that returns a delay in ms
+ """
+ self.router = router
+ self.rewriter = rewriter
+ self.scheme = "https" if use_ssl else "http"
+ self.logger = get_logger()
+ self.latency = latency
+ if bind_hostname:
+ hostname_port = server_address
+ else:
+ hostname_port = ("",server_address[1])
+ #super doesn't work here because BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer is old-style
+ BaseHTTPServer.HTTPServer.__init__(self, hostname_port, RequestHandlerClass, **kwargs)
+ if config is not None:
+ Server.config = config
+ else:
+ self.logger.debug("Using default configuration")
+ Server.config = {"host": server_address[0],
+ "domains": {"": server_address[0]},
+ "ports": {"http": [self.server_address[1]]}}
+ self.key_file = key_file
+ self.certificate = certificate
+ self.encrypt_after_connect = use_ssl and encrypt_after_connect
+ if use_ssl and not encrypt_after_connect:
+ self.socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self.socket,
+ keyfile=self.key_file,
+ certfile=self.certificate,
+ server_side=True)
+ def handle_error(self, request, client_address):
+ error = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ if ((isinstance(error, socket.error) and
+ isinstance(error.args, tuple) and
+ error.args[0] in self.acceptable_errors) or
+ (isinstance(error, IOError) and
+ error.errno in self.acceptable_errors)):
+ pass # remote hang up before the result is sent
+ else:
+ self.logger.error(traceback.format_exc())
+class WebTestRequestHandler(BaseHTTPServer.BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
+ """RequestHandler for WebTestHttpd"""
+ protocol_version = "HTTP/1.1"
+ def handle_one_request(self):
+ response = None
+ self.logger = get_logger()
+ try:
+ self.close_connection = False
+ request_line_is_valid = self.get_request_line()
+ if self.close_connection:
+ return
+ request_is_valid = self.parse_request()
+ if not request_is_valid:
+ #parse_request() actually sends its own error responses
+ return
+ self.server.rewriter.rewrite(self)
+ request = Request(self)
+ response = Response(self, request)
+ if request.method == "CONNECT":
+ self.handle_connect(response)
+ return
+ if not request_line_is_valid:
+ response.set_error(414)
+ response.write()
+ return
+ self.logger.debug("%s %s" % (request.method, request.request_path))
+ handler = self.server.router.get_handler(request)
+ # If the handler we used for the request had a non-default base path
+ # set update the doc_root of the request to reflect this
+ if hasattr(handler, "base_path") and handler.base_path:
+ request.doc_root = handler.base_path
+ if hasattr(handler, "url_base") and handler.url_base != "/":
+ request.url_base = handler.url_base
+ if self.server.latency is not None:
+ if callable(self.server.latency):
+ latency = self.server.latency()
+ else:
+ latency = self.server.latency
+ self.logger.warning("Latency enabled. Sleeping %i ms" % latency)
+ time.sleep(latency / 1000.)
+ if handler is None:
+ response.set_error(404)
+ else:
+ try:
+ handler(request, response)
+ except HTTPException as e:
+ response.set_error(e.code, e.message)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if e.message:
+ err = [e.message]
+ else:
+ err = []
+ err.append(traceback.format_exc())
+ response.set_error(500, "\n".join(err))
+ self.logger.debug("%i %s %s (%s) %i" % (response.status[0],
+ request.method,
+ request.request_path,
+ request.headers.get('Referer'),
+ request.raw_input.length))
+ if not response.writer.content_written:
+ response.write()
+ # If we want to remove this in the future, a solution is needed for
+ # scripts that produce a non-string iterable of content, since these
+ # can't set a Content-Length header. A notable example of this kind of
+ # problem is with the trickle pipe i.e. foo.js?pipe=trickle(d1)
+ if response.close_connection:
+ self.close_connection = True
+ if not self.close_connection:
+ # Ensure that the whole request has been read from the socket
+ except socket.timeout as e:
+ self.log_error("Request timed out: %r", e)
+ self.close_connection = True
+ return
+ except Exception as e:
+ err = traceback.format_exc()
+ if response:
+ response.set_error(500, err)
+ response.write()
+ self.logger.error(err)
+ def get_request_line(self):
+ try:
+ self.raw_requestline = self.rfile.readline(65537)
+ except socket.error:
+ self.close_connection = True
+ return False
+ if len(self.raw_requestline) > 65536:
+ self.requestline = ''
+ self.request_version = ''
+ self.command = ''
+ return False
+ if not self.raw_requestline:
+ self.close_connection = True
+ return True
+ def handle_connect(self, response):
+ self.logger.debug("Got CONNECT")
+ response.status = 200
+ response.write()
+ if self.server.encrypt_after_connect:
+ self.logger.debug("Enabling SSL for connection")
+ self.request = ssl.wrap_socket(self.connection,
+ keyfile=self.server.key_file,
+ certfile=self.server.certificate,
+ server_side=True)
+ self.setup()
+ return
+class WebTestHttpd(object):
+ """
+ :param host: Host from which to serve (default:
+ :param port: Port from which to serve (default: 8000)
+ :param server_cls: Class to use for the server (default depends on ssl vs non-ssl)
+ :param handler_cls: Class to use for the RequestHandler
+ :param use_ssl: Use a SSL server if no explicit server_cls is supplied
+ :param key_file: Path to key file to use if ssl is enabled
+ :param certificate: Path to certificate file to use if ssl is enabled
+ :param encrypt_after_connect: For each connection, don't start encryption
+ until a CONNECT message has been received.
+ This enables the server to act as a
+ self-proxy.
+ :param router_cls: Router class to use when matching URLs to handlers
+ :param doc_root: Document root for serving files
+ :param routes: List of routes with which to initialize the router
+ :param rewriter_cls: Class to use for request rewriter
+ :param rewrites: List of rewrites with which to initialize the rewriter_cls
+ :param config: Dictionary holding environment configuration settings for
+ handlers to read, or None to use the default values.
+ :param bind_hostname: Boolean indicating whether to bind server to hostname.
+ :param latency: Delay in ms to wait before seving each response, or
+ callable that returns a delay in ms
+ HTTP server designed for testing scenarios.
+ Takes a router class which provides one method get_handler which takes a Request
+ and returns a handler function.
+ .. attribute:: host
+ The host name or ip address of the server
+ .. attribute:: port
+ The port on which the server is running
+ .. attribute:: router
+ The Router object used to associate requests with resources for this server
+ .. attribute:: rewriter
+ The Rewriter object used for URL rewriting
+ .. attribute:: use_ssl
+ Boolean indicating whether the server is using ssl
+ .. attribute:: started
+ Boolean indictaing whether the server is running
+ """
+ def __init__(self, host="", port=8000,
+ server_cls=None, handler_cls=WebTestRequestHandler,
+ use_ssl=False, key_file=None, certificate=None, encrypt_after_connect=False,
+ router_cls=Router, doc_root=os.curdir, routes=None,
+ rewriter_cls=RequestRewriter, bind_hostname=True, rewrites=None,
+ latency=None, config=None):
+ if routes is None:
+ routes = default_routes.routes
+ = host
+ self.router = router_cls(doc_root, routes)
+ self.rewriter = rewriter_cls(rewrites if rewrites is not None else [])
+ self.use_ssl = use_ssl
+ self.logger = get_logger()
+ if server_cls is None:
+ server_cls = WebTestServer
+ if use_ssl:
+ if key_file is not None:
+ assert os.path.exists(key_file)
+ assert certificate is not None and os.path.exists(certificate)
+ try:
+ self.httpd = server_cls((host, port),
+ handler_cls,
+ self.router,
+ self.rewriter,
+ config=config,
+ bind_hostname=bind_hostname,
+ use_ssl=use_ssl,
+ key_file=key_file,
+ certificate=certificate,
+ encrypt_after_connect=encrypt_after_connect,
+ latency=latency)
+ self.started = False
+ _host, self.port = self.httpd.socket.getsockname()
+ except Exception:
+ self.logger.error('Init failed! You may need to modify your hosts file. Refer to')
+ raise
+ def start(self, block=False):
+ """Start the server.
+ :param block: True to run the server on the current thread, blocking,
+ False to run on a separate thread."""
+"Starting http server on %s:%s" % (, self.port))
+ self.started = True
+ if block:
+ self.httpd.serve_forever()
+ else:
+ self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.httpd.serve_forever)
+ self.server_thread.setDaemon(True) # don't hang on exit
+ self.server_thread.start()
+ def stop(self):
+ """
+ Stops the server.
+ If the server is not running, this method has no effect.
+ """
+ if self.started:
+ try:
+ self.httpd.shutdown()
+ self.httpd.server_close()
+ self.server_thread.join()
+ self.server_thread = None
+"Stopped http server on %s:%s" % (, self.port))
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ self.started = False
+ self.httpd = None
+ def get_url(self, path="/", query=None, fragment=None):
+ if not self.started:
+ return None
+ return urlparse.urlunsplit(("http" if not self.use_ssl else "https",
+ "%s:%s" % (, self.port),
+ path, query, fragment))