path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/six/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/tools/six/')
1 files changed, 787 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/six/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/six/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5555e8ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/six/
@@ -0,0 +1,787 @@
+import operator
+import sys
+import types
+import py
+import six
+def test_add_doc():
+ def f():
+ """Icky doc"""
+ pass
+ six._add_doc(f, """New doc""")
+ assert f.__doc__ == "New doc"
+def test_import_module():
+ from logging import handlers
+ m = six._import_module("logging.handlers")
+ assert m is handlers
+def test_integer_types():
+ assert isinstance(1, six.integer_types)
+ assert isinstance(-1, six.integer_types)
+ assert isinstance(six.MAXSIZE + 23, six.integer_types)
+ assert not isinstance(.1, six.integer_types)
+def test_string_types():
+ assert isinstance("hi", six.string_types)
+ assert isinstance(six.u("hi"), six.string_types)
+ assert issubclass(six.text_type, six.string_types)
+def test_class_types():
+ class X:
+ pass
+ class Y(object):
+ pass
+ assert isinstance(X, six.class_types)
+ assert isinstance(Y, six.class_types)
+ assert not isinstance(X(), six.class_types)
+def test_text_type():
+ assert type(six.u("hi")) is six.text_type
+def test_binary_type():
+ assert type(six.b("hi")) is six.binary_type
+def test_MAXSIZE():
+ try:
+ # This shouldn't raise an overflow error.
+ six.MAXSIZE.__index__()
+ except AttributeError:
+ # Before Python 2.6.
+ pass
+ py.test.raises(
+ (ValueError, OverflowError),
+ operator.mul, [None], six.MAXSIZE + 1)
+def test_lazy():
+ if six.PY3:
+ html_name = "html.parser"
+ else:
+ html_name = "HTMLParser"
+ assert html_name not in sys.modules
+ mod = six.moves.html_parser
+ assert sys.modules[html_name] is mod
+ assert "htmlparser" not in six._MovedItems.__dict__
+ import _tkinter
+except ImportError:
+ have_tkinter = False
+ have_tkinter = True
+have_gdbm = True
+ import gdbm
+except ImportError:
+ try:
+ import dbm.gnu
+ except ImportError:
+ have_gdbm = False
+ [ for item in six._moved_attributes])
+def test_move_items(item_name):
+ """Ensure that everything loads correctly."""
+ try:
+ item = getattr(six.moves, item_name)
+ if isinstance(item, types.ModuleType):
+ __import__("six.moves." + item_name)
+ except AttributeError:
+ if item_name == "zip_longest" and sys.version_info < (2, 6):
+ py.test.skip("zip_longest only available on 2.6+")
+ except ImportError:
+ if item_name == "winreg" and not sys.platform.startswith("win"):
+ py.test.skip("Windows only module")
+ if item_name.startswith("tkinter"):
+ if not have_tkinter:
+ py.test.skip("requires tkinter")
+ if item_name == "tkinter_ttk" and sys.version_info[:2] <= (2, 6):
+ py.test.skip("ttk only available on 2.7+")
+ if item_name.startswith("dbm_gnu") and not have_gdbm:
+ py.test.skip("requires gdbm")
+ raise
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
+ assert item_name in dir(six.moves)
+ [ for item in six._urllib_parse_moved_attributes])
+def test_move_items_urllib_parse(item_name):
+ """Ensure that everything loads correctly."""
+ if item_name == "ParseResult" and sys.version_info < (2, 5):
+ py.test.skip("ParseResult is only found on 2.5+")
+ if item_name in ("parse_qs", "parse_qsl") and sys.version_info < (2, 6):
+ py.test.skip("parse_qs[l] is new in 2.6")
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
+ assert item_name in dir(six.moves.urllib.parse)
+ getattr(six.moves.urllib.parse, item_name)
+ [ for item in six._urllib_error_moved_attributes])
+def test_move_items_urllib_error(item_name):
+ """Ensure that everything loads correctly."""
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
+ assert item_name in dir(six.moves.urllib.error)
+ getattr(six.moves.urllib.error, item_name)
+ [ for item in six._urllib_request_moved_attributes])
+def test_move_items_urllib_request(item_name):
+ """Ensure that everything loads correctly."""
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
+ assert item_name in dir(six.moves.urllib.request)
+ getattr(six.moves.urllib.request, item_name)
+ [ for item in six._urllib_response_moved_attributes])
+def test_move_items_urllib_response(item_name):
+ """Ensure that everything loads correctly."""
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
+ assert item_name in dir(six.moves.urllib.response)
+ getattr(six.moves.urllib.response, item_name)
+ [ for item in six._urllib_robotparser_moved_attributes])
+def test_move_items_urllib_robotparser(item_name):
+ """Ensure that everything loads correctly."""
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6):
+ assert item_name in dir(six.moves.urllib.robotparser)
+ getattr(six.moves.urllib.robotparser, item_name)
+def test_import_moves_error_1():
+ from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
+ from six import moves
+ # In 1.4.1: AttributeError: 'Module_six_moves_urllib_parse' object has no attribute 'urljoin'
+ assert moves.urllib.parse.urljoin
+def test_import_moves_error_2():
+ from six import moves
+ assert moves.urllib.parse.urljoin
+ # In 1.4.1: ImportError: cannot import name urljoin
+ from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
+def test_import_moves_error_3():
+ from six.moves.urllib.parse import urljoin
+ # In 1.4.1: ImportError: cannot import name urljoin
+ from six.moves.urllib_parse import urljoin
+def test_from_imports():
+ from six.moves.queue import Queue
+ assert isinstance(Queue, six.class_types)
+ from six.moves.configparser import ConfigParser
+ assert isinstance(ConfigParser, six.class_types)
+def test_filter():
+ from six.moves import filter
+ f = filter(lambda x: x % 2, range(10))
+ assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 1
+def test_filter_false():
+ from six.moves import filterfalse
+ f = filterfalse(lambda x: x % 3, range(10))
+ assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 0
+ assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 3
+ assert six.advance_iterator(f) == 6
+def test_map():
+ from six.moves import map
+ assert six.advance_iterator(map(lambda x: x + 1, range(2))) == 1
+def test_zip():
+ from six.moves import zip
+ assert six.advance_iterator(zip(range(2), range(2))) == (0, 0)
+@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info < (2, 6)")
+def test_zip_longest():
+ from six.moves import zip_longest
+ it = zip_longest(range(2), range(1))
+ assert six.advance_iterator(it) == (0, 0)
+ assert six.advance_iterator(it) == (1, None)
+class TestCustomizedMoves:
+ def teardown_method(self, meth):
+ try:
+ del six._MovedItems.spam
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ del six.moves.__dict__["spam"]
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ def test_moved_attribute(self):
+ attr = six.MovedAttribute("spam", "foo", "bar")
+ if six.PY3:
+ assert attr.mod == "bar"
+ else:
+ assert attr.mod == "foo"
+ assert attr.attr == "spam"
+ attr = six.MovedAttribute("spam", "foo", "bar", "lemma")
+ assert attr.attr == "lemma"
+ attr = six.MovedAttribute("spam", "foo", "bar", "lemma", "theorm")
+ if six.PY3:
+ assert attr.attr == "theorm"
+ else:
+ assert attr.attr == "lemma"
+ def test_moved_module(self):
+ attr = six.MovedModule("spam", "foo")
+ if six.PY3:
+ assert attr.mod == "spam"
+ else:
+ assert attr.mod == "foo"
+ attr = six.MovedModule("spam", "foo", "bar")
+ if six.PY3:
+ assert attr.mod == "bar"
+ else:
+ assert attr.mod == "foo"
+ def test_custom_move_module(self):
+ attr = six.MovedModule("spam", "six", "six")
+ six.add_move(attr)
+ six.remove_move("spam")
+ assert not hasattr(six.moves, "spam")
+ attr = six.MovedModule("spam", "six", "six")
+ six.add_move(attr)
+ from six.moves import spam
+ assert spam is six
+ six.remove_move("spam")
+ assert not hasattr(six.moves, "spam")
+ def test_custom_move_attribute(self):
+ attr = six.MovedAttribute("spam", "six", "six", "u", "u")
+ six.add_move(attr)
+ six.remove_move("spam")
+ assert not hasattr(six.moves, "spam")
+ attr = six.MovedAttribute("spam", "six", "six", "u", "u")
+ six.add_move(attr)
+ from six.moves import spam
+ assert spam is six.u
+ six.remove_move("spam")
+ assert not hasattr(six.moves, "spam")
+ def test_empty_remove(self):
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.remove_move, "eggs")
+def test_get_unbound_function():
+ class X(object):
+ def m(self):
+ pass
+ assert six.get_unbound_function(X.m) is X.__dict__["m"]
+def test_get_method_self():
+ class X(object):
+ def m(self):
+ pass
+ x = X()
+ assert six.get_method_self(x.m) is x
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.get_method_self, 42)
+def test_get_method_function():
+ class X(object):
+ def m(self):
+ pass
+ x = X()
+ assert six.get_method_function(x.m) is X.__dict__["m"]
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.get_method_function, hasattr)
+def test_get_function_closure():
+ def f():
+ x = 42
+ def g():
+ return x
+ return g
+ cell = six.get_function_closure(f())[0]
+ assert type(cell).__name__ == "cell"
+def test_get_function_code():
+ def f():
+ pass
+ assert isinstance(six.get_function_code(f), types.CodeType)
+ if not hasattr(sys, "pypy_version_info"):
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, six.get_function_code, hasattr)
+def test_get_function_defaults():
+ def f(x, y=3, b=4):
+ pass
+ assert six.get_function_defaults(f) == (3, 4)
+def test_get_function_globals():
+ def f():
+ pass
+ assert six.get_function_globals(f) is globals()
+def test_dictionary_iterators(monkeypatch):
+ def stock_method_name(iterwhat):
+ """Given a method suffix like "lists" or "values", return the name
+ of the dict method that delivers those on the version of Python
+ we're running in."""
+ if six.PY3:
+ return iterwhat
+ return 'iter' + iterwhat
+ class MyDict(dict):
+ if not six.PY3:
+ def lists(self, **kw):
+ return [1, 2, 3]
+ def iterlists(self, **kw):
+ return iter([1, 2, 3])
+ f = MyDict.iterlists
+ del MyDict.iterlists
+ setattr(MyDict, stock_method_name('lists'), f)
+ d = MyDict(zip(range(10), reversed(range(10))))
+ for name in "keys", "values", "items", "lists":
+ meth = getattr(six, "iter" + name)
+ it = meth(d)
+ assert not isinstance(it, list)
+ assert list(it) == list(getattr(d, name)())
+ py.test.raises(StopIteration, six.advance_iterator, it)
+ record = []
+ def with_kw(*args, **kw):
+ record.append(kw["kw"])
+ return old(*args)
+ old = getattr(MyDict, stock_method_name(name))
+ monkeypatch.setattr(MyDict, stock_method_name(name), with_kw)
+ meth(d, kw=42)
+ assert record == [42]
+ monkeypatch.undo()
+@py.test.mark.skipif(sys.version_info[:2] < (2, 7),
+ reason="view methods on dictionaries only available on 2.7+")
+def test_dictionary_views():
+ def stock_method_name(viewwhat):
+ """Given a method suffix like "keys" or "values", return the name
+ of the dict method that delivers those on the version of Python
+ we're running in."""
+ if six.PY3:
+ return viewwhat
+ return 'view' + viewwhat
+ d = dict(zip(range(10), (range(11, 20))))
+ for name in "keys", "values", "items":
+ meth = getattr(six, "view" + name)
+ view = meth(d)
+ assert set(view) == set(getattr(d, name)())
+def test_advance_iterator():
+ assert is six.advance_iterator
+ l = [1, 2]
+ it = iter(l)
+ assert == 1
+ assert == 2
+ py.test.raises(StopIteration,, it)
+ py.test.raises(StopIteration,, it)
+def test_iterator():
+ class myiter(six.Iterator):
+ def __next__(self):
+ return 13
+ assert six.advance_iterator(myiter()) == 13
+ class myitersub(myiter):
+ def __next__(self):
+ return 14
+ assert six.advance_iterator(myitersub()) == 14
+def test_callable():
+ class X:
+ def __call__(self):
+ pass
+ def method(self):
+ pass
+ assert six.callable(X)
+ assert six.callable(X())
+ assert six.callable(test_callable)
+ assert six.callable(hasattr)
+ assert six.callable(X.method)
+ assert six.callable(X().method)
+ assert not six.callable(4)
+ assert not six.callable("string")
+def test_create_bound_method():
+ class X(object):
+ pass
+ def f(self):
+ return self
+ x = X()
+ b = six.create_bound_method(f, x)
+ assert isinstance(b, types.MethodType)
+ assert b() is x
+if six.PY3:
+ def test_b():
+ data = six.b("\xff")
+ assert isinstance(data, bytes)
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data == bytes([255])
+ def test_u():
+ s = six.u("hi \u0439 \U00000439 \\ \\\\ \n")
+ assert isinstance(s, str)
+ assert s == "hi \u0439 \U00000439 \\ \\\\ \n"
+ def test_b():
+ data = six.b("\xff")
+ assert isinstance(data, str)
+ assert len(data) == 1
+ assert data == "\xff"
+ def test_u():
+ s = six.u("hi \u0439 \U00000439 \\ \\\\ \n")
+ assert isinstance(s, unicode)
+ assert s == "hi \xd0\xb9 \xd0\xb9 \\ \\\\ \n".decode("utf8")
+def test_u_escapes():
+ s = six.u("\u1234")
+ assert len(s) == 1
+def test_unichr():
+ assert six.u("\u1234") == six.unichr(0x1234)
+ assert type(six.u("\u1234")) is type(six.unichr(0x1234))
+def test_int2byte():
+ assert six.int2byte(3) == six.b("\x03")
+ py.test.raises((OverflowError, ValueError), six.int2byte, 256)
+def test_byte2int():
+ assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03")) == 3
+ assert six.byte2int(six.b("\x03\x04")) == 3
+ py.test.raises(IndexError, six.byte2int, six.b(""))
+def test_bytesindex():
+ assert six.indexbytes(six.b("hello"), 3) == ord("l")
+def test_bytesiter():
+ it = six.iterbytes(six.b("hi"))
+ assert == ord("h")
+ assert == ord("i")
+ py.test.raises(StopIteration,, it)
+def test_StringIO():
+ fp = six.StringIO()
+ fp.write(six.u("hello"))
+ assert fp.getvalue() == six.u("hello")
+def test_BytesIO():
+ fp = six.BytesIO()
+ fp.write(six.b("hello"))
+ assert fp.getvalue() == six.b("hello")
+def test_exec_():
+ def f():
+ l = []
+ six.exec_("l.append(1)")
+ assert l == [1]
+ f()
+ ns = {}
+ six.exec_("x = 42", ns)
+ assert ns["x"] == 42
+ glob = {}
+ loc = {}
+ six.exec_("global y; y = 42; x = 12", glob, loc)
+ assert glob["y"] == 42
+ assert "x" not in glob
+ assert loc["x"] == 12
+ assert "y" not in loc
+def test_reraise():
+ def get_next(tb):
+ if six.PY3:
+ return tb.tb_next.tb_next
+ else:
+ return tb.tb_next
+ e = Exception("blah")
+ try:
+ raise e
+ except Exception:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ try:
+ six.reraise(tp, val, tb)
+ except Exception:
+ tp2, value2, tb2 = sys.exc_info()
+ assert tp2 is Exception
+ assert value2 is e
+ assert tb is get_next(tb2)
+ try:
+ six.reraise(tp, val)
+ except Exception:
+ tp2, value2, tb2 = sys.exc_info()
+ assert tp2 is Exception
+ assert value2 is e
+ assert tb2 is not tb
+ try:
+ six.reraise(tp, val, tb2)
+ except Exception:
+ tp2, value2, tb3 = sys.exc_info()
+ assert tp2 is Exception
+ assert value2 is e
+ assert get_next(tb3) is tb2
+ try:
+ six.reraise(tp, None, tb)
+ except Exception:
+ tp2, value2, tb2 = sys.exc_info()
+ assert tp2 is Exception
+ assert value2 is not val
+ assert isinstance(value2, Exception)
+ assert tb is get_next(tb2)
+def test_raise_from():
+ try:
+ try:
+ raise Exception("blah")
+ except Exception:
+ ctx = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ f = Exception("foo")
+ six.raise_from(f, None)
+ except Exception:
+ tp, val, tb = sys.exc_info()
+ if sys.version_info[:2] > (3, 0):
+ # We should have done a raise f from None equivalent.
+ assert val.__cause__ is None
+ assert val.__context__ is ctx
+ if sys.version_info[:2] >= (3, 3):
+ # And that should suppress the context on the exception.
+ assert val.__suppress_context__
+ # For all versions the outer exception should have raised successfully.
+ assert str(val) == "foo"
+def test_print_():
+ save = sys.stdout
+ out = sys.stdout = six.moves.StringIO()
+ try:
+ six.print_("Hello,", "person!")
+ finally:
+ sys.stdout = save
+ assert out.getvalue() == "Hello, person!\n"
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ six.print_("Hello,", "person!", file=out)
+ assert out.getvalue() == "Hello, person!\n"
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ six.print_("Hello,", "person!", file=out, end="")
+ assert out.getvalue() == "Hello, person!"
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ six.print_("Hello,", "person!", file=out, sep="X")
+ assert out.getvalue() == "Hello,Xperson!\n"
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ six.print_(six.u("Hello,"), six.u("person!"), file=out)
+ result = out.getvalue()
+ assert isinstance(result, six.text_type)
+ assert result == six.u("Hello, person!\n")
+ six.print_("Hello", file=None) # This works.
+ out = six.StringIO()
+ six.print_(None, file=out)
+ assert out.getvalue() == "None\n"
+@py.test.mark.skipif("sys.version_info[:2] >= (2, 6)")
+def test_print_encoding(monkeypatch):
+ # Fool the type checking in print_.
+ monkeypatch.setattr(six, "file", six.BytesIO, raising=False)
+ out = six.BytesIO()
+ out.encoding = "utf-8"
+ out.errors = None
+ six.print_(six.u("\u053c"), end="", file=out)
+ assert out.getvalue() == six.b("\xd4\xbc")
+ out = six.BytesIO()
+ out.encoding = "ascii"
+ out.errors = "strict"
+ py.test.raises(UnicodeEncodeError, six.print_, six.u("\u053c"), file=out)
+ out.errors = "backslashreplace"
+ six.print_(six.u("\u053c"), end="", file=out)
+ assert out.getvalue() == six.b("\\u053c")
+def test_print_exceptions():
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, six.print_, x=3)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, six.print_, end=3)
+ py.test.raises(TypeError, six.print_, sep=42)
+def test_with_metaclass():
+ class Meta(type):
+ pass
+ class X(six.with_metaclass(Meta)):
+ pass
+ assert type(X) is Meta
+ assert issubclass(X, object)
+ class Base(object):
+ pass
+ class X(six.with_metaclass(Meta, Base)):
+ pass
+ assert type(X) is Meta
+ assert issubclass(X, Base)
+ class Base2(object):
+ pass
+ class X(six.with_metaclass(Meta, Base, Base2)):
+ pass
+ assert type(X) is Meta
+ assert issubclass(X, Base)
+ assert issubclass(X, Base2)
+ assert X.__mro__ == (X, Base, Base2, object)
+def test_wraps():
+ def f(g):
+ @six.wraps(g)
+ def w():
+ return 42
+ return w
+ def k():
+ pass
+ original_k = k
+ k = f(f(k))
+ assert hasattr(k, '__wrapped__')
+ k = k.__wrapped__
+ assert hasattr(k, '__wrapped__')
+ k = k.__wrapped__
+ assert k is original_k
+ assert not hasattr(k, '__wrapped__')
+ def f(g, assign, update):
+ def w():
+ return 42
+ w.glue = {"foo" : "bar"}
+ return six.wraps(g, assign, update)(w)
+ k.glue = {"melon" : "egg"}
+ k.turnip = 43
+ k = f(k, ["turnip"], ["glue"])
+ assert k.__name__ == "w"
+ assert k.turnip == 43
+ assert k.glue == {"melon" : "egg", "foo" : "bar"}
+def test_add_metaclass():
+ class Meta(type):
+ pass
+ class X:
+ "success"
+ X = six.add_metaclass(Meta)(X)
+ assert type(X) is Meta
+ assert issubclass(X, object)
+ assert X.__module__ == __name__
+ assert X.__doc__ == "success"
+ class Base(object):
+ pass
+ class X(Base):
+ pass
+ X = six.add_metaclass(Meta)(X)
+ assert type(X) is Meta
+ assert issubclass(X, Base)
+ class Base2(object):
+ pass
+ class X(Base, Base2):
+ pass
+ X = six.add_metaclass(Meta)(X)
+ assert type(X) is Meta
+ assert issubclass(X, Base)
+ assert issubclass(X, Base2)
+ # Test a second-generation subclass of a type.
+ class Meta1(type):
+ m1 = "m1"
+ class Meta2(Meta1):
+ m2 = "m2"
+ class Base:
+ b = "b"
+ Base = six.add_metaclass(Meta1)(Base)
+ class X(Base):
+ x = "x"
+ X = six.add_metaclass(Meta2)(X)
+ assert type(X) is Meta2
+ assert issubclass(X, Base)
+ assert type(Base) is Meta1
+ assert "__dict__" not in vars(X)
+ instance = X()
+ instance.attr = "test"
+ assert vars(instance) == {"attr": "test"}
+ assert instance.b == Base.b
+ assert instance.x == X.x
+ # Test a class with slots.
+ class MySlots(object):
+ __slots__ = ["a", "b"]
+ MySlots = six.add_metaclass(Meta1)(MySlots)
+ assert MySlots.__slots__ == ["a", "b"]
+ instance = MySlots()
+ instance.a = "foo"
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, setattr, instance, "c", "baz")
+ # Test a class with string for slots.
+ class MyStringSlots(object):
+ __slots__ = "ab"
+ MyStringSlots = six.add_metaclass(Meta1)(MyStringSlots)
+ assert MyStringSlots.__slots__ == "ab"
+ instance = MyStringSlots()
+ instance.ab = "foo"
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, setattr, instance, "a", "baz")
+ py.test.raises(AttributeError, setattr, instance, "b", "baz")
+ class MySlotsWeakref(object):
+ __slots__ = "__weakref__",
+ MySlotsWeakref = six.add_metaclass(Meta)(MySlotsWeakref)
+ assert type(MySlotsWeakref) is Meta