path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/doc/en/skipping.rst
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+.. _`skip and xfail`:
+.. _skipping:
+Skip and xfail: dealing with tests that can not succeed
+If you have test functions that cannot be run on certain platforms
+or that you expect to fail you can mark them accordingly or you
+may call helper functions during execution of setup or test functions.
+A *skip* means that you expect your test to pass unless the environment
+(e.g. wrong Python interpreter, missing dependency) prevents it to run.
+And *xfail* means that your test can run but you expect it to fail
+because there is an implementation problem.
+``pytest`` counts and lists *skip* and *xfail* tests separately. Detailed
+information about skipped/xfailed tests is not shown by default to avoid
+cluttering the output. You can use the ``-r`` option to see details
+corresponding to the "short" letters shown in the test progress::
+ py.test -rxs # show extra info on skips and xfails
+(See :ref:`how to change command line options defaults`)
+.. _skipif:
+.. _`condition booleans`:
+Marking a test function to be skipped
+.. versionadded:: 2.9
+The simplest way to skip a test function is to mark it with the ``skip`` decorator
+which may be passed an optional ``reason``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ @pytest.mark.skip(reason="no way of currently testing this")
+ def test_the_unknown():
+ ...
+.. versionadded:: 2.0, 2.4
+If you wish to skip something conditionally then you can use ``skipif`` instead.
+Here is an example of marking a test function to be skipped
+when run on a Python3.3 interpreter::
+ import sys
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.version_info < (3,3),
+ reason="requires python3.3")
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+During test function setup the condition ("sys.version_info >= (3,3)") is
+checked. If it evaluates to True, the test function will be skipped
+with the specified reason. Note that pytest enforces specifying a reason
+in order to report meaningful "skip reasons" (e.g. when using ``-rs``).
+If the condition is a string, it will be evaluated as python expression.
+You can share skipif markers between modules. Consider this test module::
+ # content of
+ import mymodule
+ minversion = pytest.mark.skipif(mymodule.__versioninfo__ < (1,1),
+ reason="at least mymodule-1.1 required")
+ @minversion
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+You can import it from another test module::
+ #
+ from test_mymodule import minversion
+ @minversion
+ def test_anotherfunction():
+ ...
+For larger test suites it's usually a good idea to have one file
+where you define the markers which you then consistently apply
+throughout your test suite.
+Alternatively, the pre pytest-2.4 way to specify :ref:`condition strings
+<string conditions>` instead of booleans will remain fully supported in future
+versions of pytest. It couldn't be easily used for importing markers
+between test modules so it's no longer advertised as the primary method.
+Skip all test functions of a class or module
+You can use the ``skipif`` decorator (and any other marker) on classes::
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(sys.platform == 'win32',
+ reason="does not run on windows")
+ class TestPosixCalls:
+ def test_function(self):
+ "will not be setup or run under 'win32' platform"
+If the condition is true, this marker will produce a skip result for
+each of the test methods.
+If you want to skip all test functions of a module, you must use
+the ``pytestmark`` name on the global level:
+.. code-block:: python
+ #
+ pytestmark = pytest.mark.skipif(...)
+If multiple "skipif" decorators are applied to a test function, it
+will be skipped if any of the skip conditions is true.
+.. _`whole class- or module level`: mark.html#scoped-marking
+.. _xfail:
+Mark a test function as expected to fail
+You can use the ``xfail`` marker to indicate that you
+expect a test to fail::
+ @pytest.mark.xfail
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+This test will be run but no traceback will be reported
+when it fails. Instead terminal reporting will list it in the
+"expected to fail" (``XFAIL``) or "unexpectedly passing" (``XPASS``) sections.
+``strict`` parameter
+.. versionadded:: 2.9
+Both ``XFAIL`` and ``XPASS`` don't fail the test suite, unless the ``strict`` keyword-only
+parameter is passed as ``True``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(strict=True)
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+This will make ``XPASS`` ("unexpectedly passing") results from this test to fail the test suite.
+You can change the default value of the ``strict`` parameter using the
+``xfail_strict`` ini option:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [pytest]
+ xfail_strict=true
+``reason`` parameter
+As with skipif_ you can also mark your expectation of a failure
+on a particular platform::
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(sys.version_info >= (3,3),
+ reason="python3.3 api changes")
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+``raises`` parameter
+If you want to be more specific as to why the test is failing, you can specify
+a single exception, or a list of exceptions, in the ``raises`` argument.
+.. code-block:: python
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(raises=RuntimeError)
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+Then the test will be reported as a regular failure if it fails with an
+exception not mentioned in ``raises``.
+``run`` parameter
+If a test should be marked as xfail and reported as such but should not be
+even executed, use the ``run`` parameter as ``False``:
+.. code-block:: python
+ @pytest.mark.xfail(run=False)
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+This is specially useful for marking crashing tests for later inspection.
+Ignoring xfail marks
+By specifying on the commandline::
+ pytest --runxfail
+you can force the running and reporting of an ``xfail`` marked test
+as if it weren't marked at all.
+Here is a simple test file with the several usages:
+.. literalinclude:: example/
+Running it with the report-on-xfail option gives this output::
+ example $ py.test -rx
+ ======= test session starts ========
+ platform linux -- Python 3.4.0, pytest-2.9.1, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
+ rootdir: $REGENDOC_TMPDIR/example, inifile:
+ collected 7 items
+ xxxxxxx
+ ======= short test summary info ========
+ reason: [NOTRUN]
+ condition: hasattr(os, 'sep')
+ bug 110
+ condition: pytest.__version__[0] != "17"
+ reason: reason
+ ======= 7 xfailed in 0.12 seconds ========
+xfail signature summary
+Here's the signature of the ``xfail`` marker, using Python 3 keyword-only
+arguments syntax:
+.. code-block:: python
+ def xfail(condition=None, *, reason=None, raises=None, run=True, strict=False):
+.. _`skip/xfail with parametrize`:
+Skip/xfail with parametrize
+It is possible to apply markers like skip and xfail to individual
+test instances when using parametrize::
+ import pytest
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize(("n", "expected"), [
+ (1, 2),
+ pytest.mark.xfail((1, 0)),
+ pytest.mark.xfail(reason="some bug")((1, 3)),
+ (2, 3),
+ (3, 4),
+ (4, 5),
+ pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info >= (3,0)")((10, 11)),
+ ])
+ def test_increment(n, expected):
+ assert n + 1 == expected
+Imperative xfail from within a test or setup function
+If you cannot declare xfail- of skipif conditions at import
+time you can also imperatively produce an according outcome
+imperatively, in test or setup code::
+ def test_function():
+ if not valid_config():
+ pytest.xfail("failing configuration (but should work)")
+ # or
+ pytest.skip("unsupported configuration")
+Skipping on a missing import dependency
+You can use the following import helper at module level
+or within a test or test setup function::
+ docutils = pytest.importorskip("docutils")
+If ``docutils`` cannot be imported here, this will lead to a
+skip outcome of the test. You can also skip based on the
+version number of a library::
+ docutils = pytest.importorskip("docutils", minversion="0.3")
+The version will be read from the specified
+module's ``__version__`` attribute.
+.. _string conditions:
+specifying conditions as strings versus booleans
+Prior to pytest-2.4 the only way to specify skipif/xfail conditions was
+to use strings::
+ import sys
+ @pytest.mark.skipif("sys.version_info >= (3,3)")
+ def test_function():
+ ...
+During test function setup the skipif condition is evaluated by calling
+``eval('sys.version_info >= (3,0)', namespace)``. The namespace contains
+all the module globals, and ``os`` and ``sys`` as a minimum.
+Since pytest-2.4 `condition booleans`_ are considered preferable
+because markers can then be freely imported between test modules.
+With strings you need to import not only the marker but all variables
+everything used by the marker, which violates encapsulation.
+The reason for specifying the condition as a string was that ``pytest`` can
+report a summary of skip conditions based purely on the condition string.
+With conditions as booleans you are required to specify a ``reason`` string.
+Note that string conditions will remain fully supported and you are free
+to use them if you have no need for cross-importing markers.
+The evaluation of a condition string in ``pytest.mark.skipif(conditionstring)``
+or ``pytest.mark.xfail(conditionstring)`` takes place in a namespace
+dictionary which is constructed as follows:
+* the namespace is initialized by putting the ``sys`` and ``os`` modules
+ and the pytest ``config`` object into it.
+* updated with the module globals of the test function for which the
+ expression is applied.
+The pytest ``config`` object allows you to skip based on a test
+configuration value which you might have added::
+ @pytest.mark.skipif("not config.getvalue('db')")
+ def test_function(...):
+ ...
+The equivalent with "boolean conditions" is::
+ @pytest.mark.skipif(not pytest.config.getvalue("db"),
+ reason="--db was not specified")
+ def test_function(...):
+ pass
+.. note::
+ You cannot use ``pytest.config.getvalue()`` in code
+ imported before py.test's argument parsing takes place. For example,
+ ```` files are imported before command line parsing and thus
+ ``config.getvalue()`` will not execute correctly.