path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/doc/en/example/attic.rst
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+.. _`accept example`:
+example: specifying and selecting acceptance tests
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ # ./
+ def pytest_option(parser):
+ group = parser.getgroup("myproject")
+ group.addoption("-A", dest="acceptance", action="store_true",
+ help="run (slow) acceptance tests")
+ def pytest_funcarg__accept(request):
+ return AcceptFixture(request)
+ class AcceptFixture:
+ def __init__(self, request):
+ if not request.config.option.acceptance:
+ pytest.skip("specify -A to run acceptance tests")
+ self.tmpdir = request.config.mktemp(request.function.__name__, numbered=True)
+ def run(self, cmd):
+ """ called by test code to execute an acceptance test. """
+ self.tmpdir.chdir()
+ return py.process.cmdexec(cmd)
+and the actual test function example:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ def test_some_acceptance_aspect(accept):
+ accept.tmpdir.mkdir("somesub")
+ result ="ls -la")
+ assert "somesub" in result
+If you run this test without specifying a command line option
+the test will get skipped with an appropriate message. Otherwise
+you can start to add convenience and test support methods
+to your AcceptFixture and drive running of tools or
+applications and provide ways to do assertions about
+the output.
+.. _`decorate a funcarg`:
+example: decorating a funcarg in a test module
+For larger scale setups it's sometimes useful to decorate
+a funcarg just for a particular test module. We can
+extend the `accept example`_ by putting this in our test module:
+.. sourcecode:: python
+ def pytest_funcarg__accept(request):
+ # call the next factory (living in our
+ arg = request.getfuncargvalue("accept")
+ # create a special layout in our tempdir
+ arg.tmpdir.mkdir("special")
+ return arg
+ class TestSpecialAcceptance:
+ def test_sometest(self, accept):
+ assert accept.tmpdir.join("special").check()
+Our module level factory will be invoked first and it can
+ask its request object to call the next factory and then
+decorate its result. This mechanism allows us to stay
+ignorant of how/where the function argument is provided -
+in our example from a `conftest plugin`_.
+sidenote: the temporary directory used here are instances of
+the `py.path.local`_ class which provides many of the os.path
+methods in a convenient way.
+.. _`py.path.local`: ../path.html#local
+.. _`conftest plugin`: customize.html#conftestplugin