path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/nodes/Node-isEqualNode-xhtml.xhtml
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/dom/nodes/Node-isEqualNode-xhtml.xhtml')
1 files changed, 84 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/nodes/Node-isEqualNode-xhtml.xhtml b/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/nodes/Node-isEqualNode-xhtml.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3170643d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/dom/nodes/Node-isEqualNode-xhtml.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+<html xmlns="">
+<script src="/resources/testharness.js"></script>
+<script src="/resources/testharnessreport.js"></script>
+<div id="log"/>
+function testNullHandling(node) {
+ test(function() {
+ assert_false(node.isEqualNode(null))
+ assert_false(node.isEqualNode(undefined))
+ })
+ document.createElement("foo"),
+ document.createTextNode("foo"),
+ document.createProcessingInstruction("foo", "bar"),
+ document.createComment("foo"),
+ document,
+ document.implementation.createDocumentType("html", "", ""),
+ document.createDocumentFragment()
+test(function() {
+ var a = document.createElement("foo")
+ a.setAttribute("a", "bar")
+ a.setAttribute("b", "baz")
+ var b = document.createElement("foo")
+ b.setAttribute("b", "baz")
+ b.setAttribute("a", "bar")
+ assert_true(a.isEqualNode(b))
+}, "isEqualNode should return true when the attributes are in a different order")
+test(function() {
+ var a = document.createElementNS("ns", "prefix:foo")
+ var b = document.createElementNS("ns", "prefix:foo")
+ assert_true(a.isEqualNode(b))
+}, "isEqualNode should return true if elements have same namespace, prefix, and local name")
+test(function() {
+ var a = document.createElementNS("ns1", "prefix:foo")
+ var b = document.createElementNS("ns2", "prefix:foo")
+ assert_false(a.isEqualNode(b))
+}, "isEqualNode should return false if elements have different namespace")
+test(function() {
+ var a = document.createElementNS("ns", "prefix1:foo")
+ var b = document.createElementNS("ns", "prefix2:foo")
+ assert_false(a.isEqualNode(b))
+}, "isEqualNode should return false if elements have different prefix")
+test(function() {
+ var a = document.createElementNS("ns", "prefix:foo1")
+ var b = document.createElementNS("ns", "prefix:foo2")
+ assert_false(a.isEqualNode(b))
+}, "isEqualNode should return false if elements have different local name")
+test(function() {
+ var a = document.createElement("foo")
+ a.setAttributeNS("ns", "x:a", "bar")
+ var b = document.createElement("foo")
+ b.setAttributeNS("ns", "y:a", "bar")
+ assert_true(a.isEqualNode(b))
+}, "isEqualNode should return true when the attributes have different prefixes")
+var internalSubset = async_test("isEqualNode should return true when only the internal subsets of DocumentTypes differ.")
+var wait = 2;
+function iframeLoaded() {
+ if (!--wait) {
+ internalSubset.step(function() {
+ var doc1 = document.getElementById("subset1").contentDocument
+ var doc2 = document.getElementById("subset2").contentDocument
+ assert_true(doc1.doctype.isEqualNode(doc2.doctype), "doc1.doctype.isEqualNode(doc2.doctype)")
+ assert_true(doc1.isEqualNode(doc2), "doc1.isEqualNode(doc2)")
+ })
+ internalSubset.done()
+ }
+<iframe id="subset1" onload="iframeLoaded()" src="Node-isEqualNode-iframe1.xml" />
+<iframe id="subset2" onload="iframeLoaded()" src="Node-isEqualNode-iframe2.xml" />