path: root/testing/web-platform/meta/shadow-dom/untriaged/shadow-trees/upper-boundary-encapsulation/window-named-properties-003.html.ini
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/meta/shadow-dom/untriaged/shadow-trees/upper-boundary-encapsulation/window-named-properties-003.html.ini')
1 files changed, 323 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/meta/shadow-dom/untriaged/shadow-trees/upper-boundary-encapsulation/window-named-properties-003.html.ini b/testing/web-platform/meta/shadow-dom/untriaged/shadow-trees/upper-boundary-encapsulation/window-named-properties-003.html.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9ca5b161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/meta/shadow-dom/untriaged/shadow-trees/upper-boundary-encapsulation/window-named-properties-003.html.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,323 @@
+ type: testharness
+ ["a" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["abbr" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["address" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["area" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["article" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["aside" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["audio" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["b" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["base" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["bdi" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["bdo" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["blockquote" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["body" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["br" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["button" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["canvas" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["caption" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["cite" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["code" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["col" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["colgroup" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["command" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["datalist" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["dd" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["del" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["details" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["dfn" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["dialog" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["div" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["dl" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["dt" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["em" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["embed" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["fieldset" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["figcaption" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["figure" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["footer" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["form" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["h1" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["h2" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["h3" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["h4" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["h5" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["h6" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["head" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["header" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["hgroup" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["hr" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["html" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["i" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["iframe" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["img" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["input" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["ins" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["kbd" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["keygen" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["label" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["legend" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["li" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["link" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["map" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["mark" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["menu" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["meta" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["meter" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["nav" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["noscript" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["object" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["ol" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["optgroup" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["option" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["output" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["p" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["param" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["pre" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["progress" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["q" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["rp" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["rt" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["ruby" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["s" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["samp" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["script" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["section" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["select" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["small" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["source" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["span" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["strong" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["style" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["sub" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["table" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["tbody" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["td" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["textarea" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["tfoot" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["th" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["thead" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["time" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["title" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["tr" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["track" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["u" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["ul" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["var" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["video" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL
+ ["wbr" element with id attribute in a shadow tree should not be accessible from window object's named property.]
+ expected: FAIL