path: root/testing/web-platform/harness/wptrunner/executors/
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Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/harness/wptrunner/executors/')
1 files changed, 329 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/harness/wptrunner/executors/ b/testing/web-platform/harness/wptrunner/executors/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0ce16658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/harness/wptrunner/executors/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
+# You can obtain one at
+import hashlib
+import json
+import os
+import traceback
+import urlparse
+from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
+from ..testrunner import Stop
+here = os.path.split(__file__)[0]
+def executor_kwargs(test_type, server_config, cache_manager, **kwargs):
+ timeout_multiplier = kwargs["timeout_multiplier"]
+ if timeout_multiplier is None:
+ timeout_multiplier = 1
+ executor_kwargs = {"server_config": server_config,
+ "timeout_multiplier": timeout_multiplier,
+ "debug_info": kwargs["debug_info"]}
+ if test_type == "reftest":
+ executor_kwargs["screenshot_cache"] = cache_manager.dict()
+ return executor_kwargs
+def strip_server(url):
+ """Remove the scheme and netloc from a url, leaving only the path and any query
+ or fragment.
+ url - the url to strip
+ e.g. becomes /tests?id=1#2"""
+ url_parts = list(urlparse.urlsplit(url))
+ url_parts[0] = ""
+ url_parts[1] = ""
+ return urlparse.urlunsplit(url_parts)
+class TestharnessResultConverter(object):
+ harness_codes = {0: "OK",
+ 1: "ERROR",
+ 2: "TIMEOUT"}
+ test_codes = {0: "PASS",
+ 1: "FAIL",
+ 2: "TIMEOUT",
+ 3: "NOTRUN"}
+ def __call__(self, test, result):
+ """Convert a JSON result into a (TestResult, [SubtestResult]) tuple"""
+ result_url, status, message, stack, subtest_results = result
+ assert result_url == test.url, ("Got results from %s, expected %s" %
+ (result_url, test.url))
+ harness_result = test.result_cls(self.harness_codes[status], message)
+ return (harness_result,
+ [test.subtest_result_cls(name, self.test_codes[status], message, stack)
+ for name, status, message, stack in subtest_results])
+testharness_result_converter = TestharnessResultConverter()
+def reftest_result_converter(self, test, result):
+ return (test.result_cls(result["status"], result["message"],
+ extra=result.get("extra")), [])
+def pytest_result_converter(self, test, data):
+ harness_data, subtest_data = data
+ if subtest_data is None:
+ subtest_data = []
+ harness_result = test.result_cls(*harness_data)
+ subtest_results = [test.subtest_result_cls(*item) for item in subtest_data]
+ return (harness_result, subtest_results)
+class ExecutorException(Exception):
+ def __init__(self, status, message):
+ self.status = status
+ self.message = message
+class TestExecutor(object):
+ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
+ test_type = None
+ convert_result = None
+ def __init__(self, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1,
+ debug_info=None):
+ """Abstract Base class for object that actually executes the tests in a
+ specific browser. Typically there will be a different TestExecutor
+ subclass for each test type and method of executing tests.
+ :param browser: ExecutorBrowser instance providing properties of the
+ browser that will be tested.
+ :param server_config: Dictionary of wptserve server configuration of the
+ form stored in TestEnvironment.external_config
+ :param timeout_multiplier: Multiplier relative to base timeout to use
+ when setting test timeout.
+ """
+ self.runner = None
+ self.browser = browser
+ self.server_config = server_config
+ self.timeout_multiplier = timeout_multiplier
+ self.debug_info = debug_info
+ self.last_environment = {"protocol": "http",
+ "prefs": {}}
+ self.protocol = None # This must be set in subclasses
+ @property
+ def logger(self):
+ """StructuredLogger for this executor"""
+ if self.runner is not None:
+ return self.runner.logger
+ def setup(self, runner):
+ """Run steps needed before tests can be started e.g. connecting to
+ browser instance
+ :param runner: TestRunner instance that is going to run the tests"""
+ self.runner = runner
+ if self.protocol is not None:
+ self.protocol.setup(runner)
+ def teardown(self):
+ """Run cleanup steps after tests have finished"""
+ if self.protocol is not None:
+ self.protocol.teardown()
+ def run_test(self, test):
+ """Run a particular test.
+ :param test: The test to run"""
+ if test.environment != self.last_environment:
+ self.on_environment_change(test.environment)
+ try:
+ result = self.do_test(test)
+ except Exception as e:
+ result = self.result_from_exception(test, e)
+ if result is Stop:
+ return result
+ # log result of parent test
+ if result[0].status == "ERROR":
+ self.logger.debug(result[0].message)
+ self.last_environment = test.environment
+ self.runner.send_message("test_ended", test, result)
+ def server_url(self, protocol):
+ return "%s://%s:%s" % (protocol,
+ self.server_config["host"],
+ self.server_config["ports"][protocol][0])
+ def test_url(self, test):
+ return urlparse.urljoin(self.server_url(test.environment["protocol"]), test.url)
+ @abstractmethod
+ def do_test(self, test):
+ """Test-type and protocol specific implementation of running a
+ specific test.
+ :param test: The test to run."""
+ pass
+ def on_environment_change(self, new_environment):
+ pass
+ def result_from_exception(self, test, e):
+ if hasattr(e, "status") and e.status in test.result_cls.statuses:
+ status = e.status
+ else:
+ status = "ERROR"
+ message = unicode(getattr(e, "message", ""))
+ if message:
+ message += "\n"
+ message += traceback.format_exc(e)
+ return test.result_cls(status, message), []
+class TestharnessExecutor(TestExecutor):
+ convert_result = testharness_result_converter
+class RefTestExecutor(TestExecutor):
+ convert_result = reftest_result_converter
+ def __init__(self, browser, server_config, timeout_multiplier=1, screenshot_cache=None,
+ debug_info=None):
+ TestExecutor.__init__(self, browser, server_config,
+ timeout_multiplier=timeout_multiplier,
+ debug_info=debug_info)
+ self.screenshot_cache = screenshot_cache
+class RefTestImplementation(object):
+ def __init__(self, executor):
+ self.timeout_multiplier = executor.timeout_multiplier
+ self.executor = executor
+ # Cache of url:(screenshot hash, screenshot). Typically the
+ # screenshot is None, but we set this value if a test fails
+ # and the screenshot was taken from the cache so that we may
+ # retrieve the screenshot from the cache directly in the future
+ self.screenshot_cache = self.executor.screenshot_cache
+ self.message = None
+ @property
+ def logger(self):
+ return self.executor.logger
+ def get_hash(self, test, viewport_size, dpi):
+ timeout = test.timeout * self.timeout_multiplier
+ key = (test.url, viewport_size, dpi)
+ if key not in self.screenshot_cache:
+ success, data = self.executor.screenshot(test, viewport_size, dpi)
+ if not success:
+ return False, data
+ screenshot = data
+ hash_value = hashlib.sha1(screenshot).hexdigest()
+ self.screenshot_cache[key] = (hash_value, None)
+ rv = (hash_value, screenshot)
+ else:
+ rv = self.screenshot_cache[key]
+ self.message.append("%s %s" % (test.url, rv[0]))
+ return True, rv
+ def is_pass(self, lhs_hash, rhs_hash, relation):
+ assert relation in ("==", "!=")
+ self.message.append("Testing %s %s %s" % (lhs_hash, relation, rhs_hash))
+ return ((relation == "==" and lhs_hash == rhs_hash) or
+ (relation == "!=" and lhs_hash != rhs_hash))
+ def run_test(self, test):
+ viewport_size = test.viewport_size
+ dpi = test.dpi
+ self.message = []
+ # Depth-first search of reference tree, with the goal
+ # of reachings a leaf node with only pass results
+ stack = list(((test, item[0]), item[1]) for item in reversed(test.references))
+ while stack:
+ hashes = [None, None]
+ screenshots = [None, None]
+ nodes, relation = stack.pop()
+ for i, node in enumerate(nodes):
+ success, data = self.get_hash(node, viewport_size, dpi)
+ if success is False:
+ return {"status": data[0], "message": data[1]}
+ hashes[i], screenshots[i] = data
+ if self.is_pass(hashes[0], hashes[1], relation):
+ if nodes[1].references:
+ stack.extend(list(((nodes[1], item[0]), item[1]) for item in reversed(nodes[1].references)))
+ else:
+ # We passed
+ return {"status":"PASS", "message": None}
+ # We failed, so construct a failure message
+ for i, (node, screenshot) in enumerate(zip(nodes, screenshots)):
+ if screenshot is None:
+ success, screenshot = self.retake_screenshot(node, viewport_size, dpi)
+ if success:
+ screenshots[i] = screenshot
+ log_data = [{"url": nodes[0].url, "screenshot": screenshots[0]}, relation,
+ {"url": nodes[1].url, "screenshot": screenshots[1]}]
+ return {"status": "FAIL",
+ "message": "\n".join(self.message),
+ "extra": {"reftest_screenshots": log_data}}
+ def retake_screenshot(self, node, viewport_size, dpi):
+ success, data = self.executor.screenshot(node, viewport_size, dpi)
+ if not success:
+ return False, data
+ key = (node.url, viewport_size, dpi)
+ hash_val, _ = self.screenshot_cache[key]
+ self.screenshot_cache[key] = hash_val, data
+ return True, data
+class WdspecExecutor(TestExecutor):
+ convert_result = pytest_result_converter
+class Protocol(object):
+ def __init__(self, executor, browser):
+ self.executor = executor
+ self.browser = browser
+ @property
+ def logger(self):
+ return self.executor.logger
+ def setup(self, runner):
+ pass
+ def teardown(self):
+ pass
+ def wait(self):
+ pass