path: root/security/sandbox/chromium/base/lazy_instance.h
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diff --git a/security/sandbox/chromium/base/lazy_instance.h b/security/sandbox/chromium/base/lazy_instance.h
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index 000000000..fd0321017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/security/sandbox/chromium/base/lazy_instance.h
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+// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
+// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
+// found in the LICENSE file.
+// The LazyInstance<Type, Traits> class manages a single instance of Type,
+// which will be lazily created on the first time it's accessed. This class is
+// useful for places you would normally use a function-level static, but you
+// need to have guaranteed thread-safety. The Type constructor will only ever
+// be called once, even if two threads are racing to create the object. Get()
+// and Pointer() will always return the same, completely initialized instance.
+// When the instance is constructed it is registered with AtExitManager. The
+// destructor will be called on program exit.
+// LazyInstance is completely thread safe, assuming that you create it safely.
+// The class was designed to be POD initialized, so it shouldn't require a
+// static constructor. It really only makes sense to declare a LazyInstance as
+// a global variable using the LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER initializer.
+// LazyInstance is similar to Singleton, except it does not have the singleton
+// property. You can have multiple LazyInstance's of the same type, and each
+// will manage a unique instance. It also preallocates the space for Type, as
+// to avoid allocating the Type instance on the heap. This may help with the
+// performance of creating the instance, and reducing heap fragmentation. This
+// requires that Type be a complete type so we can determine the size.
+// Example usage:
+// static LazyInstance<MyClass> my_instance = LAZY_INSTANCE_INITIALIZER;
+// void SomeMethod() {
+// my_instance.Get().SomeMethod(); // MyClass::SomeMethod()
+// MyClass* ptr = my_instance.Pointer();
+// ptr->DoDoDo(); // MyClass::DoDoDo
+// }
+#include <new> // For placement new.
+#include "base/atomicops.h"
+#include "base/base_export.h"
+#include "base/debug/leak_annotations.h"
+#include "base/logging.h"
+#include "base/memory/aligned_memory.h"
+#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
+// LazyInstance uses its own struct initializer-list style static
+// initialization, as base's LINKER_INITIALIZED requires a constructor and on
+// some compilers (notably gcc 4.4) this still ends up needing runtime
+// initialization.
+namespace base {
+template <typename Type>
+struct DefaultLazyInstanceTraits {
+ static const bool kRegisterOnExit = true;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ static const bool kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread = false;
+ static Type* New(void* instance) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(instance) & (ALIGNOF(Type) - 1), 0u)
+ << ": Bad boy, the buffer passed to placement new is not aligned!\n"
+ "This may break some stuff like SSE-based optimizations assuming the "
+ "<Type> objects are word aligned.";
+ // Use placement new to initialize our instance in our preallocated space.
+ // The parenthesis is very important here to force POD type initialization.
+ return new (instance) Type();
+ }
+ static void Delete(Type* instance) {
+ // Explicitly call the destructor.
+ instance->~Type();
+ }
+// We pull out some of the functionality into non-templated functions, so we
+// can implement the more complicated pieces out of line in the .cc file.
+namespace internal {
+// Use LazyInstance<T>::Leaky for a less-verbose call-site typedef; e.g.:
+// base::LazyInstance<T>::Leaky my_leaky_lazy_instance;
+// instead of:
+// base::LazyInstance<T, base::internal::LeakyLazyInstanceTraits<T> >
+// my_leaky_lazy_instance;
+// (especially when T is MyLongTypeNameImplClientHolderFactory).
+// Only use this internal::-qualified verbose form to extend this traits class
+// (depending on its implementation details).
+template <typename Type>
+struct LeakyLazyInstanceTraits {
+ static const bool kRegisterOnExit = false;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ static const bool kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread = true;
+ static Type* New(void* instance) {
+ return DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<Type>::New(instance);
+ }
+ static void Delete(Type* instance) {
+ }
+// Our AtomicWord doubles as a spinlock, where a value of
+// kBeingCreatedMarker means the spinlock is being held for creation.
+static const subtle::AtomicWord kLazyInstanceStateCreating = 1;
+// Check if instance needs to be created. If so return true otherwise
+// if another thread has beat us, wait for instance to be created and
+// return false.
+BASE_EXPORT bool NeedsLazyInstance(subtle::AtomicWord* state);
+// After creating an instance, call this to register the dtor to be called
+// at program exit and to update the atomic state to hold the |new_instance|
+BASE_EXPORT void CompleteLazyInstance(subtle::AtomicWord* state,
+ subtle::AtomicWord new_instance,
+ void* lazy_instance,
+ void (*dtor)(void*));
+} // namespace internal
+template <typename Type, typename Traits = DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<Type> >
+class LazyInstance {
+ public:
+ // Do not define a destructor, as doing so makes LazyInstance a
+ // non-POD-struct. We don't want that because then a static initializer will
+ // be created to register the (empty) destructor with atexit() under MSVC, for
+ // example. We handle destruction of the contained Type class explicitly via
+ // the OnExit member function, where needed.
+ // ~LazyInstance() {}
+ // Convenience typedef to avoid having to repeat Type for leaky lazy
+ // instances.
+ typedef LazyInstance<Type, internal::LeakyLazyInstanceTraits<Type> > Leaky;
+ Type& Get() {
+ return *Pointer();
+ }
+ Type* Pointer() {
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // Avoid making TLS lookup on release builds.
+ if (!Traits::kAllowedToAccessOnNonjoinableThread)
+ ThreadRestrictions::AssertSingletonAllowed();
+ // If any bit in the created mask is true, the instance has already been
+ // fully constructed.
+ static const subtle::AtomicWord kLazyInstanceCreatedMask =
+ ~internal::kLazyInstanceStateCreating;
+ // We will hopefully have fast access when the instance is already created.
+ // Since a thread sees private_instance_ == 0 or kLazyInstanceStateCreating
+ // at most once, the load is taken out of NeedsInstance() as a fast-path.
+ // The load has acquire memory ordering as a thread which sees
+ // private_instance_ > creating needs to acquire visibility over
+ // the associated data (private_buf_). Pairing Release_Store is in
+ // CompleteLazyInstance().
+ subtle::AtomicWord value = subtle::Acquire_Load(&private_instance_);
+ if (!(value & kLazyInstanceCreatedMask) &&
+ internal::NeedsLazyInstance(&private_instance_)) {
+ // Create the instance in the space provided by |private_buf_|.
+ value = reinterpret_cast<subtle::AtomicWord>(
+ Traits::New(private_buf_.void_data()));
+ internal::CompleteLazyInstance(&private_instance_, value, this,
+ Traits::kRegisterOnExit ? OnExit : NULL);
+ }
+ return instance();
+ }
+ bool operator==(Type* p) {
+ switch (subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&private_instance_)) {
+ case 0:
+ return p == NULL;
+ case internal::kLazyInstanceStateCreating:
+ return static_cast<void*>(p) == private_buf_.void_data();
+ default:
+ return p == instance();
+ }
+ }
+ // Effectively private: member data is only public to allow the linker to
+ // statically initialize it and to maintain a POD class. DO NOT USE FROM
+ subtle::AtomicWord private_instance_;
+ // Preallocated space for the Type instance.
+ base::AlignedMemory<sizeof(Type), ALIGNOF(Type)> private_buf_;
+ private:
+ Type* instance() {
+ return reinterpret_cast<Type*>(subtle::NoBarrier_Load(&private_instance_));
+ }
+ // Adapter function for use with AtExit. This should be called single
+ // threaded, so don't synchronize across threads.
+ // Calling OnExit while the instance is in use by other threads is a mistake.
+ static void OnExit(void* lazy_instance) {
+ LazyInstance<Type, Traits>* me =
+ reinterpret_cast<LazyInstance<Type, Traits>*>(lazy_instance);
+ Traits::Delete(me->instance());
+ subtle::NoBarrier_Store(&me->private_instance_, 0);
+ }
+} // namespace base