path: root/layout/xul/nsBox.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'layout/xul/nsBox.h')
1 files changed, 127 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/xul/nsBox.h b/layout/xul/nsBox.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bf019c174
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/xul/nsBox.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#ifndef nsBox_h___
+#define nsBox_h___
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "nsIFrame.h"
+class nsITheme;
+class nsBox : public nsIFrame {
+ friend class nsIFrame;
+ static void Shutdown();
+ virtual nsSize GetXULPrefSize(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState) override;
+ virtual nsSize GetXULMinSize(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState) override;
+ virtual nsSize GetXULMaxSize(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState) override;
+ virtual nscoord GetXULFlex() override;
+ virtual nscoord GetXULBoxAscent(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState) override;
+ virtual nsSize GetXULMinSizeForScrollArea(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState) override;
+ virtual bool IsXULCollapsed() override;
+ virtual void SetXULBounds(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState, const nsRect& aRect,
+ bool aRemoveOverflowAreas = false) override;
+ virtual nsresult GetXULBorder(nsMargin& aBorderAndPadding) override;
+ virtual nsresult GetXULPadding(nsMargin& aBorderAndPadding) override;
+ virtual nsresult GetXULMargin(nsMargin& aMargin) override;
+ virtual Valignment GetXULVAlign() const override { return vAlign_Top; }
+ virtual Halignment GetXULHAlign() const override { return hAlign_Left; }
+ virtual nsresult XULRelayoutChildAtOrdinal(nsIFrame* aChild) override;
+ NS_IMETHOD GetDebugBoxAt(const nsPoint& aPoint, nsIFrame** aBox);
+ virtual nsresult GetXULDebug(bool& aDebug) override;
+ virtual nsresult SetXULDebug(nsBoxLayoutState& aState, bool aDebug) override;
+ virtual nsresult XULDumpBox(FILE* out) override;
+ void PropagateDebug(nsBoxLayoutState& aState);
+ nsBox();
+ virtual ~nsBox();
+ /**
+ * Returns true if this box clips its children, e.g., if this box is an sc
+ */
+ virtual bool DoesClipChildren();
+ virtual bool ComputesOwnOverflowArea() = 0;
+ nsresult SyncLayout(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState);
+ bool DoesNeedRecalc(const nsSize& aSize);
+ bool DoesNeedRecalc(nscoord aCoord);
+ void SizeNeedsRecalc(nsSize& aSize);
+ void CoordNeedsRecalc(nscoord& aCoord);
+ void AddBorderAndPadding(nsSize& aSize);
+ static void AddBorderAndPadding(nsIFrame* aBox, nsSize& aSize);
+ static void AddMargin(nsIFrame* aChild, nsSize& aSize);
+ static void AddMargin(nsSize& aSize, const nsMargin& aMargin);
+ static nsSize BoundsCheckMinMax(const nsSize& aMinSize, const nsSize& aMaxSize);
+ static nsSize BoundsCheck(const nsSize& aMinSize, const nsSize& aPrefSize, const nsSize& aMaxSize);
+ static nscoord BoundsCheck(nscoord aMinSize, nscoord aPrefSize, nscoord aMaxSize);
+ static nsIFrame* GetChildXULBox(const nsIFrame* aFrame);
+ static nsIFrame* GetNextXULBox(const nsIFrame* aFrame);
+ static nsIFrame* GetParentXULBox(const nsIFrame* aFrame);
+ virtual void AppendAttribute(const nsAutoString& aAttribute, const nsAutoString& aValue, nsAutoString& aResult);
+ virtual void ListBox(nsAutoString& aResult);
+ nsresult BeginXULLayout(nsBoxLayoutState& aState);
+ NS_IMETHOD DoXULLayout(nsBoxLayoutState& aBoxLayoutState);
+ nsresult EndXULLayout(nsBoxLayoutState& aState);
+ virtual void GetBoxName(nsAutoString& aName);
+ void PropagateDebug(nsBoxLayoutState& aState);
+ static bool gGotTheme;
+ static nsITheme* gTheme;
+ enum eMouseThrough {
+ unset,
+ never,
+ always
+ };
+ //nscoord mX;
+ //nscoord mY;
+#define NS_BOX_ASSERTION(box,expr,str) \
+ if (!(expr)) { \
+ box->XULDumpBox(stdout); \
+ NS_DebugBreak(NSDebugAssertion, str, #expr, __FILE__, __LINE__); \
+ }
+#define NS_BOX_ASSERTION(box,expr,str) {}