path: root/browser/base/content/test/urlbar/browser_action_keyword.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/base/content/test/urlbar/browser_action_keyword.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 119 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/urlbar/browser_action_keyword.js b/browser/base/content/test/urlbar/browser_action_keyword.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 854a7b82f..000000000
--- a/browser/base/content/test/urlbar/browser_action_keyword.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-function* promise_first_result(inputText) {
- yield promiseAutocompleteResultPopup(inputText);
- let firstResult = gURLBar.popup.richlistbox.firstChild;
- return firstResult;
-const TEST_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/base/content/test/urlbar/print_postdata.sjs";
-add_task(function* setup() {
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "get",
- url: TEST_URL + "?q=%s" });
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: "post",
- url: TEST_URL,
- postData: "q=%s" });
- registerCleanupFunction(function* () {
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("get");
- yield PlacesUtils.keywords.remove("post");
- while (gBrowser.tabs.length > 1) {
- yield BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(gBrowser.selectedTab);
- }
- });
-add_task(function* get_keyword() {
- let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, "about:mozilla");
- let result = yield promise_first_result("get something");
- isnot(result, null, "Expect a keyword result");
- let types = new Set(result.getAttribute("type").split(/\s+/));
- Assert.ok(types.has("keyword"));
- is(result.getAttribute("actiontype"), "keyword", "Expect correct `actiontype` attribute");
- is(result.getAttribute("title"), "mochi.test:8888", "Expect correct title");
- // We need to make a real URI out of this to ensure it's normalised for
- // comparison.
- let uri = NetUtil.newURI(result.getAttribute("url"));
- is(uri.spec, PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("keyword",
- { url: TEST_URL + "?q=something",
- input: "get something"}),
- "Expect correct url");
- let titleHbox = result._titleText.parentNode.parentNode;
- ok(titleHbox.classList.contains("ac-title"), "Title hbox element sanity check");
- is_element_visible(titleHbox, "Title element should be visible");
- is(result._titleText.textContent, "mochi.test:8888: something",
- "Node should contain the name of the bookmark and query");
- let urlHbox = result._urlText.parentNode.parentNode;
- ok(urlHbox.classList.contains("ac-url"), "URL hbox element sanity check");
- is_element_hidden(urlHbox, "URL element should be hidden");
- let actionHbox = result._actionText.parentNode.parentNode;
- ok(actionHbox.classList.contains("ac-action"), "Action hbox element sanity check");
- is_element_visible(actionHbox, "Action element should be visible");
- is(result._actionText.textContent, "", "Action text should be empty");
- // Click on the result
- info("Normal click on result");
- let tabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(result, {});
- yield tabPromise;
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, TEST_URL + "?q=something",
- "Tab should have loaded from clicking on result");
- // Middle-click on the result
- info("Middle-click on result");
- result = yield promise_first_result("get somethingmore");
- isnot(result, null, "Expect a keyword result");
- // We need to make a real URI out of this to ensure it's normalised for
- // comparison.
- uri = NetUtil.newURI(result.getAttribute("url"));
- is(uri.spec, PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("keyword",
- { url: TEST_URL + "?q=somethingmore",
- input: "get somethingmore" }),
- "Expect correct url");
- tabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(gBrowser.tabContainer, "TabOpen");
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(result, {button: 1});
- let tabOpenEvent = yield tabPromise;
- let newTab =;
- yield BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(newTab.linkedBrowser);
- is(newTab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec,
- TEST_URL + "?q=somethingmore",
- "Tab should have loaded from middle-clicking on result");
-add_task(function* post_keyword() {
- let tab = yield BrowserTestUtils.openNewForegroundTab(gBrowser, "about:mozilla");
- let result = yield promise_first_result("post something");
- isnot(result, null, "Expect a keyword result");
- let types = new Set(result.getAttribute("type").split(/\s+/));
- Assert.ok(types.has("keyword"));
- is(result.getAttribute("actiontype"), "keyword", "Expect correct `actiontype` attribute");
- is(result.getAttribute("title"), "mochi.test:8888", "Expect correct title");
- is(result.getAttribute("url"),
- PlacesUtils.mozActionURI("keyword", { url: TEST_URL,
- input: "post something",
- "postData": "q=something" }),
- "Expect correct url");
- // Click on the result
- info("Normal click on result");
- let tabPromise = BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(tab.linkedBrowser);
- EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(result, {});
- yield tabPromise;
- is(tab.linkedBrowser.currentURI.spec, TEST_URL,
- "Tab should have loaded from clicking on result");
- let postData = yield ContentTask.spawn(tab.linkedBrowser, null, function* () {
- return content.document.body.textContent;
- });
- is(postData, "q=something", "post data was submitted correctly");