path: root/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 244 deletions
diff --git a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js b/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index fe8022662..000000000
--- a/browser/base/content/test/general/browser_misused_characters_in_strings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
-/* This list allows pre-existing or 'unfixable' issues to remain, while we
- * detect newly occurring issues in shipping files. It is a list of objects
- * specifying conditions under which an error should be ignored.
- *
- * As each issue is found in the whitelist, it is removed from the list. At
- * the end of the test, there is an assertion that all items have been
- * removed from the whitelist, thus ensuring there are no stale entries. */
-let gWhitelist = [{
- file: "",
- key: "searchForSomethingWith",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "certerror.introPara",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "weakCryptoAdvanced.longDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "weakCryptoAdvanced.override",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "inadequateSecurityError.longDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "certerror.wrongSystemTime",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.malwarePage.shortDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.unwantedPage.shortDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "phishing-afterload-warning-message.dtd",
- key: "safeb.blocked.phishingPage.shortDesc2",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "operator.\\u002E\\u002E\\u002E.postfix",
- type: "ellipsis"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "ImageMapRectBoundsError",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "ImageMapCircleWrongNumberOfCoords",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "ImageMapCircleNegativeRadius",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "ImageMapPolyWrongNumberOfCoords",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "ImageMapPolyOddNumberOfCoords",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "CommandNotInChrome",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "PatternAttributeCompileFailure",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "certErrorMismatchSingle2",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "certErrorCodePrefix2",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "aboutSupport.dtd",
- key: "aboutSupport.pageSubtitle",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "aboutSupport.dtd",
- key: "aboutSupport.userJSDescription",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netError.dtd",
- key: "inadequateSecurityError.longDesc",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "netErrorApp.dtd",
- key: "securityOverride.warningContent",
- type: "single-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "tos",
- type: "double-quote"
- }, {
- file: "",
- key: "tos",
- type: "apostrophe"
- }, {
- file: "aboutNetworking.dtd",
- key: "aboutNetworking.logTutorial",
- type: "single-quote"
- }
-var moduleLocation = gTestPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/i, "/parsingTestHelpers.jsm");
-var {generateURIsFromDirTree} = Cu.import(moduleLocation, {});
- * Check if an error should be ignored due to matching one of the whitelist
- * objects defined in gWhitelist.
- *
- * @param filepath The URI spec of the locale file
- * @param key The key of the entity that is being checked
- * @param type The type of error that has been found
- * @return true if the error should be ignored, false otherwise.
- */
-function ignoredError(filepath, key, type) {
- for (let index in gWhitelist) {
- let whitelistItem = gWhitelist[index];
- if (filepath.endsWith(whitelistItem.file) &&
- key == whitelistItem.key &&
- type == whitelistItem.type) {
- gWhitelist.splice(index, 1);
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-function fetchFile(uri) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
-"GET", uri, true);
- xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
- if (this.readyState != this.DONE) {
- return;
- }
- try {
- resolve(this.responseText);
- } catch (ex) {
- ok(false, `Script error reading ${uri}: ${ex}`);
- resolve("");
- }
- };
- xhr.onerror = error => {
- ok(false, `XHR error reading ${uri}: ${error}`);
- resolve("");
- };
- xhr.send(null);
- });
-function testForError(filepath, key, str, pattern, type, helpText) {
- if (str.match(pattern) &&
- !ignoredError(filepath, key, type)) {
- ok(false, `${filepath} with key=${key} has a misused ${type}. ${helpText}`);
- }
-function testForErrors(filepath, key, str) {
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /\w'\w/, "apostrophe", "Strings with apostrophes should use foo\u2019s instead of foo's.");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /\w\u2018\w/, "incorrect-apostrophe", "Strings with apostrophes should use foo\u2019s instead of foo\u2018s.");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /'.+'/, "single-quote", "Single-quoted strings should use Unicode \u2018foo\u2019 instead of 'foo'.");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /"/, "double-quote", "Double-quoted strings should use Unicode \u201cfoo\u201d instead of \"foo\".");
- testForError(filepath, key, str, /\.\.\./, "ellipsis", "Strings with an ellipsis should use the Unicode \u2026 character instead of three periods.");
-function* getAllTheFiles(extension) {
- let appDirGreD = Services.dirsvc.get("GreD", Ci.nsIFile);
- let appDirXCurProcD = Services.dirsvc.get("XCurProcD", Ci.nsIFile);
- if (appDirGreD.contains(appDirXCurProcD)) {
- return yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirGreD, [extension]);
- }
- if (appDirXCurProcD.contains(appDirGreD)) {
- return yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirXCurProcD, [extension]);
- }
- let urisGreD = yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirGreD, [extension]);
- let urisXCurProcD = yield generateURIsFromDirTree(appDirXCurProcD, [extension]);
- return Array.from(new Set(urisGreD.concat(appDirXCurProcD)));
-add_task(function* checkAllTheProperties() {
- // This asynchronously produces a list of URLs (sadly, mostly sync on our
- // test infrastructure because it runs against jarfiles there, and
- // our zipreader APIs are all sync)
- let uris = yield getAllTheFiles(".properties");
- ok(uris.length, `Found ${uris.length} .properties files to scan for misused characters`);
- for (let uri of uris) {
- let bundle = new StringBundle(uri.spec);
- let entities = bundle.getAll();
- for (let entity of entities) {
- testForErrors(uri.spec, entity.key, entity.value);
- }
- }
-var checkDTD = Task.async(function* (aURISpec) {
- let rawContents = yield fetchFile(aURISpec);
- // The regular expression below is adapted from:
- //
- let entities = rawContents.match(/<!ENTITY\s+([\w\.]*)\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*')\s*>/g);
- if (!entities) {
- // Some files, such as requestAutocomplete.dtd, have no entities defined.
- return;
- }
- for (let entity of entities) {
- let [, key, str] = entity.match(/<!ENTITY\s+([\w\.]*)\s+("[^"]*"|'[^']*')\s*>/);
- // The matched string includes the enclosing quotation marks,
- // we need to slice them off.
- str = str.slice(1, -1);
- testForErrors(aURISpec, key, str);
- }
-add_task(function* checkAllTheDTDs() {
- let uris = yield getAllTheFiles(".dtd");
- ok(uris.length, `Found ${uris.length} .dtd files to scan for misused characters`);
- for (let uri of uris) {
- yield checkDTD(uri.spec);
- }
- // This support DTD file supplies a string with a newline to make sure
- // the regex in checkDTD works correctly for that case.
- let dtdLocation = gTestPath.replace(/\/[^\/]*$/i, "/bug1262648_string_with_newlines.dtd");
- yield checkDTD(dtdLocation);
-add_task(function* ensureWhiteListIsEmpty() {
- is(gWhitelist.length, 0, "No remaining whitelist entries exist");