path: root/application/palemoon/components/migration
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Diffstat (limited to 'application/palemoon/components/migration')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 657 deletions
diff --git a/application/palemoon/components/migration/MigrationUtils.jsm b/application/palemoon/components/migration/MigrationUtils.jsm
deleted file mode 100644
index 4461b8af0..000000000
--- a/application/palemoon/components/migration/MigrationUtils.jsm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,657 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-"use strict";
-this.EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["MigrationUtils", "MigratorPrototype"];
-const Cu = Components.utils;
-const Ci = Components.interfaces;
-const Cc = Components.classes;
-const TOPIC_WILL_IMPORT_BOOKMARKS = "initial-migration-will-import-default-bookmarks";
-const TOPIC_DID_IMPORT_BOOKMARKS = "initial-migration-did-import-default-bookmarks";
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Dict",
- "resource://gre/modules/Dict.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils",
- "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "NetUtil",
- "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm");
-XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "BookmarkHTMLUtils",
- "resource://gre/modules/BookmarkHTMLUtils.jsm");
-let gMigrators = null;
-let gProfileStartup = null;
-let gMigrationBundle = null;
-function getMigrationBundle() {
- if (!gMigrationBundle) {
- gMigrationBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(
- "chrome://browser/locale/migration/");
- }
- return gMigrationBundle;
- * Figure out what is the default browser, and if there is a migrator
- * for it, return that migrator's internal name.
- * For the time being, the "internal name" of a migraotr is its contract-id
- * trailer (e.g. ie for;1?app=browser&type=ie),
- * but it will soon be exposed properly.
- */
-function getMigratorKeyForDefaultBrowser() {
- const APP_DESC_TO_KEY = {
- "Internet Explorer": "ie",
- "Safari": "safari",
- "Pale Moon web browser": "firefox",
- "Google Chrome": "chrome", // Windows, Linux
- "Chrome": "chrome", // OS X
- };
- let browserDesc = "";
- try {
- let browserDesc =
- Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIExternalProtocolService).
- getApplicationDescription("http");
- return APP_DESC_TO_KEY[browserDesc] || "";
- }
- catch(ex) {
- Cu.reportError("Could not detect default browser: " + ex);
- }
- return "";
- * Shared prototype for migrators, implementing nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.
- *
- * To implement a migrator:
- * 1. Import this module.
- * 2. Create the prototype for the migrator, extending MigratorPrototype.
- * Namely: MosaicMigrator.prototype = Object.create(MigratorPrototype);
- * 3. Set classDescription, contractID and classID for your migrator, and set
- * NSGetFactory appropriately.
- * 4. If the migrator supports multiple profiles, override the sourceProfiles
- * Here we default for single-profile migrator.
- * 5. Implement getResources(aProfile) (see below).
- * 6. If the migrator supports reading the home page of the source browser,
- * override |sourceHomePageURL| getter.
- * 7. For startup-only migrators, override |startupOnlyMigrator|.
- */
-this.MigratorPrototype = {
- QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator]),
- /**
- * OVERRIDE IF AND ONLY IF the source supports multiple profiles.
- *
- * Returns array of profile objects from which data may be imported. The object
- * should have the following keys:
- * id - a unique string identifier for the profile
- * name - a pretty name to display to the user in the UI
- *
- * Only profiles from which data can be imported should be listed. Otherwise
- * the behavior of the migration wizard isn't well-defined.
- *
- * For a single-profile source (e.g. safari, ie), this returns null,
- * and not an empty array. That is the default implementation.
- */
- get sourceProfiles() null,
- /**
- *
- * Returns an array of "migration resources" objects for the given profile,
- * or for the "default" profile, if the migrator does not support multiple
- * profiles.
- *
- * Each migration resource should provide:
- * - a |type| getter, retunring any of the migration types (see
- * nsIBrowserProfileMigrator).
- *
- * - a |migrate| method, taking a single argument, aCallback(bool success),
- * for migrating the data for this resource. It may do its job
- * synchronously or asynchronously. Either way, it must call
- * aCallback(bool aSuccess) when it's done. In the case of an exception
- * thrown from |migrate|, it's taken as if aCallback(false) is called.
- *
- * Note: In the case of a simple asynchronous implementation, you may find
- * MigrationUtils.wrapMigrateFunction handy for handling aCallback easily.
- *
- * For each migration type listed in nsIBrowserProfileMigrator, multiple
- * migration resources may be provided. This practice is useful when the
- * data for a certain migration type is independently stored in few
- * locations. For example, the mac version of Safari stores its "reading list"
- * bookmarks in a separate property list.
- *
- * Note that the importation of a particular migration type is reported as
- * successful if _any_ of its resources succeeded to import (that is, called,
- * |aCallback(true)|). However, completion-status for a particular migration
- * type is reported to the UI only once all of its migrators have called
- * aCallback.
- *
- * @note The returned array should only include resources from which data
- * can be imported. So, for example, before adding a resource for the
- * BOOKMARKS migration type, you should check if you should check that the
- * bookmarks file exists.
- *
- * @param aProfile
- * The profile from which data may be imported, or an empty string
- * in the case of a single-profile migrator.
- * In the case of multiple-profiles migrator, it is guaranteed that
- * aProfile is a value returned by the sourceProfiles getter (see
- * above).
- */
- getResources: function MP_getResources(aProfile) {
- throw new Error("getResources must be overridden");
- },
- /**
- * OVERRIDE IF AND ONLY IF the migrator is a startup-only migrator (For now,
- * that is just the Firefox migrator, see bug 737381). Default: false.
- *
- * Startup-only migrators are different in two ways:
- * - they may only be used during startup.
- * - the user-profile is half baked during migration. The folder exists,
- * but it's only accessible through MigrationUtils.profileStartup.
- * The migrator can call MigrationUtils.profileStartup.doStartup
- * at any point in order to initialize the profile.
- */
- get startupOnlyMigrator() false,
- /**
- * OVERRIDE IF AND ONLY IF your migrator supports importing the homepage.
- * @see nsIBrowserProfileMigrator
- */
- get sourceHomePageURL() "",
- /**
- * DO NOT OVERRIDE - After deCOMing migration, the UI will just call
- * getResources.
- *
- * @see nsIBrowserProfileMigrator
- */
- getMigrateData: function MP_getMigrateData(aProfile) {
- // Tycho: let types = [r.type for each (r in this._getMaybeCachedResources(aProfile))];
- let types = [];
- for each (r in this._getMaybeCachedResources(aProfile)) {
- types.push(r.type);
- }
- return types.reduce(function(a, b) a |= b, 0);
- },
- /**
- * DO NOT OVERRIDE - After deCOMing migration, the UI will just call
- * migrate for each resource.
- *
- * @see nsIBrowserProfileMigrator
- */
- migrate: function MP_migrate(aItems, aStartup, aProfile) {
- let resources = this._getMaybeCachedResources(aProfile);
- if (resources.length == 0)
- throw new Error("migrate called for a non-existent source");
- if (aItems != Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.ALL)
- // Tycho: resources = [r for each (r in resources) if (aItems & r.type)];
- resources = [];
- for each (r in resources) {
- if (aItems & r.type) {
- resources.push(r);
- }
- }
- // Called either directly or through the bookmarks import callback.
- function doMigrate() {
- // TODO: use Map (for the items) and Set (for the resources)
- // once they are iterable.
- let resourcesGroupedByItems = new Dict();
- resources.forEach(function(resource) {
- if (resourcesGroupedByItems.has(resource.type))
- resourcesGroupedByItems.get(resource.type).push(resource);
- else
- resourcesGroupedByItems.set(resource.type, [resource]);
- });
- if (resourcesGroupedByItems.count == 0)
- throw new Error("No items to import");
- let notify = function(aMsg, aItemType) {
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, aMsg, aItemType);
- }
- notify("Migration:Started");
- resourcesGroupedByItems.listkeys().forEach(function(migrationType) {
- let migrationTypeA = migrationType;
- let itemResources = resourcesGroupedByItems.get(migrationType);
- notify("Migration:ItemBeforeMigrate", migrationType);
- let itemSuccess = false;
- itemResources.forEach(function(resource) {
- let resourceDone = function(aSuccess) {
- let resourceIndex = itemResources.indexOf(resource);
- if (resourceIndex != -1) {
- itemResources.splice(resourceIndex, 1);
- itemSuccess |= aSuccess;
- if (itemResources.length == 0) {
- resourcesGroupedByItems.del(migrationType);
- notify(itemSuccess ?
- "Migration:ItemAfterMigrate" : "Migration:ItemError",
- migrationType);
- if (resourcesGroupedByItems.count == 0)
- notify("Migration:Ended");
- }
- }
- };
- {
- // If migrate throws, an error occurred, and the callback
- // (itemMayBeDone) might haven't been called.
- try {
- resource.migrate(resourceDone);
- }
- catch(ex) {
- Cu.reportError(ex);
- resourceDone(false);
- }
- }, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
- });
- });
- }
- if (MigrationUtils.isStartupMigration && !this.startupOnlyMigrator) {
- MigrationUtils.profileStartup.doStartup();
- // If we're about to migrate bookmarks, first import the default bookmarks.
- // Note We do not need to do so for the Firefox migrator
- // (=startupOnlyMigrator), as it just copies over the places database
- // from another profile.
- const BOOKMARKS = MigrationUtils.resourceTypes.BOOKMARKS;
- let migratingBookmarks = resources.some(function(r) r.type == BOOKMARKS);
- if (migratingBookmarks) {
- let browserGlue = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIObserver);
- browserGlue.observe(null, TOPIC_WILL_IMPORT_BOOKMARKS, "");
- // Note doMigrate doesn't care about the success of the import.
- let onImportComplete = function() {
- browserGlue.observe(null, TOPIC_DID_IMPORT_BOOKMARKS, "");
- doMigrate();
- };
- BookmarkHTMLUtils.importFromURL(
- "resource:///defaults/profile/bookmarks.html", true).then(
- onImportComplete, onImportComplete);
- return;
- }
- }
- doMigrate();
- },
- /**
- * DO NOT OVERRIDE - After deCOMing migration, this code
- * won't be part of the migrator itself.
- *
- * @see nsIBrowserProfileMigrator
- */
- get sourceExists() {
- if (this.startupOnlyMigrator && !MigrationUtils.isStartupMigration)
- return false;
- // For a single-profile source, check if any data is available.
- // For multiple-profiles source, make sure that at least one
- // profile is available.
- let exists = false;
- try {
- let profiles = this.sourceProfiles;
- if (!profiles) {
- let resources = this._getMaybeCachedResources("");
- if (resources && resources.length > 0)
- exists = true;
- }
- else {
- exists = profiles.length > 0;
- }
- }
- catch(ex) {
- Cu.reportError(ex);
- }
- return exists;
- },
- _getMaybeCachedResources: function PMB__getMaybeCachedResources(aProfile) {
- let profileKey = aProfile ? : "";
- if (this._resourcesByProfile) {
- if (profileKey in this._resourcesByProfile)
- return this._resourcesByProfile[profileKey];
- }
- else {
- this._resourcesByProfile = { };
- }
- return this._resourcesByProfile[profileKey] = this.getResources(aProfile);
- }
-this.MigrationUtils = Object.freeze({
- resourceTypes: {
- SETTINGS: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.SETTINGS,
- COOKIES: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.COOKIES,
- HISTORY: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.HISTORY,
- FORMDATA: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.FORMDATA,
- PASSWORDS: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.PASSWORDS,
- BOOKMARKS: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.BOOKMARKS,
- OTHERDATA: Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator.OTHERDATA
- },
- /**
- * Helper for implementing simple asynchronous cases of migration resources'
- * |migrate(aCallback)| (see MigratorPrototype). If your |migrate| method
- * just waits for some file to be read, for example, and then migrates
- * everything right away, you can wrap the async-function with this helper
- * and not worry about notifying the callback.
- *
- * For example, instead of writing:
- * setTimeout(function() {
- * try {
- * ....
- * aCallback(true);
- * }
- * catch() {
- * aCallback(false);
- * }
- * }, 0);
- *
- * You may write:
- * setTimeout(MigrationUtils.wrapMigrateFunction(function() {
- * if (importingFromMosaic)
- * }, aCallback), 0);
- *
- * ... and aCallback will be called with aSuccess=false when importing
- * from Mosaic, or with aSuccess=true otherwise.
- *
- * @param aFunction
- * the function that will be called sometime later. If aFunction
- * throws when it's called, aCallback(false) is called, otherwise
- * aCallback(true) is called.
- * @param aCallback
- * the callback function passed to |migrate|.
- * @return the wrapped function.
- */
- wrapMigrateFunction: function MU_wrapMigrateFunction(aFunction, aCallback) {
- return function() {
- let success = false;
- try {
- aFunction.apply(null, arguments);
- success = true;
- }
- catch(ex) {
- Cu.reportError(ex);
- }
- // Do not change this to call aCallback directly in try try & catch
- // blocks, because if aCallback throws, we may end up calling aCallback
- // twice.
- aCallback(success);
- }
- },
- /**
- * Gets a string from the migration bundle. Shorthand for
- * nsIStringBundle.GetStringFromName, if aReplacements isn't passed, or for
- * nsIStringBundle.formatStringFromName if it is.
- *
- * This method also takes care of "bumped" keys (See bug 737381 comment 8 for
- * details).
- *
- * @param aKey
- * The key of the string to retrieve.
- * @param aReplacemts
- * [optioanl] Array of replacements to run on the retrieved string.
- * @return the retrieved string.
- *
- * @see nsIStringBundle
- */
- getLocalizedString: function MU_getLocalizedString(aKey, aReplacements) {
- const OVERRIDES = {
- "4_firefox": "4_firefox_history_and_bookmarks",
- "64_firefox": "64_firefox_other"
- };
- aKey = OVERRIDES[aKey] || aKey;
- if (aReplacements === undefined)
- return getMigrationBundle().GetStringFromName(aKey);
- return getMigrationBundle().formatStringFromName(
- aKey, aReplacements, aReplacements.length);
- },
- /**
- * Helper for creating a folder for imported bookmarks from a particular
- * migration source. The folder is created at the end of the given folder.
- *
- * @param aSourceNameStr
- * the source name (first letter capitalized). This is used
- * for reading the localized source name from the migration
- * bundle (e.g. if aSourceNameStr is Mosaic, this will try to read
- * sourceNameMosaic from the migration bundle).
- * @param aParentId
- * the item-id of the folder in which the new folder should be
- * created.
- * @return the item-id of the new folder.
- */
- createImportedBookmarksFolder:
- function MU_createImportedBookmarksFolder(aSourceNameStr, aParentId) {
- let source = this.getLocalizedString("sourceName" + aSourceNameStr);
- let label = this.getLocalizedString("importedBookmarksFolder", [source]);
- return PlacesUtils.bookmarks.createFolder(
- aParentId, label, PlacesUtils.bookmarks.DEFAULT_INDEX);
- },
- get _migrators() gMigrators ? gMigrators : gMigrators = new Dict(),
- /*
- * Returns the migrator for the given source, if any data is available
- * for this source, or null otherwise.
- *
- * @param aKey internal name of the migration source.
- * Supported values: ie (windows),
- * safari (mac/windows),
- * chrome (mac/windows/linux),
- * firefox.
- *
- * If null is returned, either no data can be imported
- * for the given migrator, or aMigratorKey is invalid (e.g. ie on mac,
- * or mosaic everywhere). This method should be used rather than direct
- * getService for future compatibility (see bug 718280).
- *
- * @return profile migrator implementing nsIBrowserProfileMigrator, if it can
- * import any data, null otherwise.
- */
- getMigrator: function MU_getMigrator(aKey) {
- let migrator = null;
- if (this._migrators.has(aKey)) {
- migrator = this._migrators.get(aKey);
- }
- else {
- try {
- migrator = Cc[";1?app=browser&type=" +
- aKey].createInstance(Ci.nsIBrowserProfileMigrator);
- }
- catch(ex) { }
- this._migrators.set(aKey, migrator);
- }
- return migrator && migrator.sourceExists ? migrator : null;
- },
- // Iterates the available migrators, in the most suitable
- // order for the running platform.
- migrators: function* MU_migrators() {
- let migratorKeysOrdered = [
-#ifdef XP_WIN
- "firefox", "ie", "chrome", "safari"
-#elifdef XP_MACOSX
- "firefox", "safari", "chrome"
-#elifdef XP_UNIX
- "firefox", "chrome"
- ];
- // If a supported default browser is found check it first
- // so that the wizard defaults to import from that browser.
- let defaultBrowserKey = getMigratorKeyForDefaultBrowser();
- if (defaultBrowserKey)
- migratorKeysOrdered.sort(function (a, b) b == defaultBrowserKey ? 1 : 0);
- for (let migratorKey of migratorKeysOrdered) {
- let migrator = this.getMigrator(migratorKey);
- if (migrator)
- yield migrator;
- }
- },
- // Whether or not we're in the process of startup migration
- get isStartupMigration() gProfileStartup != null,
- /**
- * In the case of startup migration, this is set to the nsIProfileStartup
- * instance passed to ProfileMigrator's migrate.
- *
- * @see showMigrationWizard
- */
- get profileStartup() gProfileStartup,
- /**
- * Show the migration wizard. On mac, this may just focus the wizard if it's
- * already running, in which case aOpener and aParams are ignored.
- *
- * @param [optional] aOpener
- * the window that asks to open the wizard.
- * @param [optional] aParams
- * arguments for the migration wizard, in the form of an nsIArray.
- * This is passed as-is for the params argument of
- * nsIWindowWatcher.openWindow.
- */
- showMigrationWizard:
- function MU_showMigrationWizard(aOpener, aParams) {
- let features = "chrome,dialog,modal,centerscreen,titlebar,resizable=no";
-#ifdef XP_MACOSX
- if (!this.isStartupMigration) {
- let win = Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("Browser:MigrationWizard");
- if (win) {
- win.focus();
- return;
- }
- // On mac, the migration wiazrd should only be modal in the case of
- // startup-migration.
- features = "centerscreen,chrome,resizable=no";
- }
- Services.ww.openWindow(aOpener,
- "chrome://browser/content/migration/migration.xul",
- "_blank",
- features,
- aParams);
- },
- /**
- * Show the migration wizard for startup-migration. This should only be
- * called by ProfileMigrator (see ProfileMigrator.js), which implements
- * nsIProfileMigrator.
- *
- * @param aProfileStartup
- * the nsIProfileStartup instance provided to ProfileMigrator.migrate.
- * @param [optional] aMigratorKey
- * If set, the migration wizard will import from the corresponding
- * migrator, bypassing the source-selection page. Otherwise, the
- * source-selection page will be displayed, either with the default
- * browser selected, if it could be detected and if there is a
- * migrator for it, or with the first option selected as a fallback
- * (The first option is hardcoded to be the most common browser for
- * the OS we run on. See migration.xul).
- * @param [optional] aProfileToMigrate
- * If set, the migration wizard will import from the profile indicated.
- *
- * @throws if aMigratorKey is invalid or if it points to a non-existent
- * source.
- */
- startupMigration:
- function MU_startupMigrator(aProfileStartup, aMigratorKey, aProfileToMigrate) {
- if (!aProfileStartup) {
- throw new Error("a profile-startup instance is required for startup-migration");
- }
- gProfileStartup = aProfileStartup;
- let skipSourcePage = false, migrator = null, migratorKey = "";
- if (aMigratorKey) {
- migrator = this.getMigrator(aMigratorKey);
- if (!migrator) {
- // aMigratorKey must point to a valid source, so, if it doesn't
- // cleanup and throw.
- this.finishMigration();
- throw new Error("startMigration was asked to open auto-migrate from " +
- "a non-existent source: " + aMigratorKey);
- }
- migratorKey = aMigratorKey;
- skipSourcePage = true;
- }
- else {
- let defaultBrowserKey = getMigratorKeyForDefaultBrowser();
- if (defaultBrowserKey) {
- migrator = this.getMigrator(defaultBrowserKey);
- if (migrator)
- migratorKey = defaultBrowserKey;
- }
- }
- if (!migrator) {
- // If there's no migrator set so far, ensure that there is at least one
- // migrator available before opening the wizard.
- try {
- }
- catch(ex) {
- this.finishMigration();
- if (!(ex instanceof StopIteration))
- throw ex;
- return;
- }
- }
- let params = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMutableArray);
- let keyCSTR = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsCString);
- = migratorKey;
- let skipImportSourcePageBool = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool);
- = skipSourcePage;
- let profileToMigrate = null;
- if (aProfileToMigrate) {
- profileToMigrate = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsString);
- = aProfileToMigrate;
- }
- params.appendElement(keyCSTR, false);
- params.appendElement(migrator, false);
- params.appendElement(aProfileStartup, false);
- params.appendElement(skipImportSourcePageBool, false);
- params.appendElement(profileToMigrate, false);
- this.showMigrationWizard(null, params);
- },
- /**
- * Cleans up references to migrators and nsIProfileInstance instances.
- */
- finishMigration: function MU_finishMigration() {
- gMigrators = null;
- gProfileStartup = null;
- gMigrationBundle = null;
- }