path: root/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/worker_test_osfile_win.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/worker_test_osfile_win.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/worker_test_osfile_win.js')
1 files changed, 211 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/worker_test_osfile_win.js b/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/worker_test_osfile_win.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f41fdecfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/osfile/tests/mochi/worker_test_osfile_win.js
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+self.onmessage = function(msg) {
+ self.onmessage = function(msg) {
+ log("ignored message "+JSON.stringify(;
+ };
+ test_init();
+ test_GetCurrentDirectory();
+ test_OpenClose();
+ test_CreateFile();
+ test_ReadWrite();
+ test_passing_undefined();
+ finish();
+function test_init() {
+ info("Starting test_init");
+ importScripts("resource://gre/modules/osfile.jsm");
+function test_OpenClose() {
+ info("Starting test_OpenClose");
+ is(typeof OS.Win.File.CreateFile, "function", "OS.Win.File.CreateFile is a function");
+ is(OS.Win.File.CloseHandle(OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), true, "CloseHandle returns true given the invalid handle");
+ is(OS.Win.File.FindClose(OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), true, "FindClose returns true given the invalid handle");
+ isnot(OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ, undefined, "GENERIC_READ exists");
+ isnot(OS.Constants.Win.FILE_SHARE_READ, undefined, "FILE_SHARE_READ exists");
+ isnot(OS.Constants.Win.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, undefined, "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL exists");
+ let file = OS.Win.File.CreateFile(
+ "chrome\\toolkit\\components\\osfile\\tests\\mochi\\worker_test_osfile_win.js",
+ OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ OS.Constants.Win.OPEN_EXISTING,
+ 0,
+ null);
+ info("test_OpenClose: Passed open");
+ isnot(file, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "test_OpenClose: file opened");
+ let result = OS.Win.File.CloseHandle(file);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_OpenClose: close succeeded");
+ file = OS.Win.File.CreateFile(
+ "\\I do not exist",
+ OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ,
+ OS.Constants.Win.FILE_SHARE_READ,
+ null,
+ OS.Constants.Win.OPEN_EXISTING,
+ null);
+ is(file, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "test_OpenClose: cannot open non-existing file");
+ is(ctypes.winLastError, OS.Constants.Win.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND, "test_OpenClose: error is ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND");
+function test_CreateFile()
+ info("Starting test_CreateFile");
+ let file = OS.Win.File.CreateFile(
+ "test.tmp",
+ OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ | OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_WRITE,
+ null,
+ OS.Constants.Win.CREATE_ALWAYS,
+ null);
+ isnot(file, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "test_CreateFile: opening succeeded");
+ let result = OS.Win.File.CloseHandle(file);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_CreateFile: close succeeded");
+function test_GetCurrentDirectory()
+ let array = new (ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char16_t, 4096))();
+ let result = OS.Win.File.GetCurrentDirectory(4096, array);
+ ok(result < array.length, "test_GetCurrentDirectory: length sufficient");
+ ok(result > 0, "test_GetCurrentDirectory: length != 0");
+function test_ReadWrite()
+ info("Starting test_ReadWrite");
+ let output_name = "osfile_copy.tmp";
+ // Copy file
+ let input = OS.Win.File.CreateFile(
+ "chrome\\toolkit\\components\\osfile\\tests\\mochi\\worker_test_osfile_win.js",
+ OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ OS.Constants.Win.OPEN_EXISTING,
+ 0,
+ null);
+ isnot(input, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "test_ReadWrite: input file opened");
+ let output = OS.Win.File.CreateFile(
+ "osfile_copy.tmp",
+ OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ | OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_WRITE,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ OS.Constants.Win.CREATE_ALWAYS,
+ null);
+ isnot(output, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, "test_ReadWrite: output file opened");
+ let array = new (ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char, 4096))();
+ let bytes_read = new ctypes.uint32_t(0);
+ let bytes_read_ptr = bytes_read.address();
+ log("We have a pointer for bytes read: "+bytes_read_ptr);
+ let bytes_written = new ctypes.uint32_t(0);
+ let bytes_written_ptr = bytes_written.address();
+ log("We have a pointer for bytes written: "+bytes_written_ptr);
+ log("test_ReadWrite: buffer and pointers ready");
+ let result;
+ while (true) {
+ log("test_ReadWrite: reading");
+ result = OS.Win.File.ReadFile(input, array, 4096, bytes_read_ptr, null);
+ isnot (result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: read success");
+ let write_from = 0;
+ let bytes_left = bytes_read;
+ log("test_ReadWrite: read chunk complete " + bytes_left.value);
+ if (bytes_left.value == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ while (bytes_left.value > 0) {
+ log("test_ReadWrite: writing "+bytes_left.value);
+ let ptr = array.addressOfElement(write_from);
+ // Note: |WriteFile| launches an exception in case of error
+ result = OS.Win.File.WriteFile(output, array, bytes_left, bytes_written_ptr, null);
+ isnot (result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: write success");
+ write_from += bytes_written;
+ bytes_left -= bytes_written;
+ }
+ }
+ info("test_ReadWrite: copy complete");
+ // Compare files
+ result = OS.Win.File.SetFilePointer(input, 0, null, OS.Constants.Win.FILE_BEGIN);
+ isnot (result, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER, "test_ReadWrite: input reset");
+ result = OS.Win.File.SetFilePointer(output, 0, null, OS.Constants.Win.FILE_BEGIN);
+ isnot (result, OS.Constants.Win.INVALID_SET_FILE_POINTER, "test_ReadWrite: output reset");
+ let array2 = new (ctypes.ArrayType(ctypes.char, 4096))();
+ let bytes_read2 = new ctypes.uint32_t(0);
+ let bytes_read2_ptr = bytes_read2.address();
+ let pos = 0;
+ while (true) {
+ result = OS.Win.File.ReadFile(input, array, 4096, bytes_read_ptr, null);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: input read succeeded");
+ result = OS.Win.File.ReadFile(output, array2, 4096, bytes_read2_ptr, null);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: output read succeeded");
+ is(bytes_read.value > 0, bytes_read2.value > 0,
+ "Both files contain data or neither does " + bytes_read.value + ", " + bytes_read2.value);
+ if (bytes_read.value == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ let bytes;
+ if (bytes_read.value != bytes_read2.value) {
+ // This would be surprising, but theoretically possible with a
+ // remote file system, I believe.
+ bytes = Math.min(bytes_read.value, bytes_read2.value);
+ pos += bytes;
+ result = OS.Win.File.SetFilePointer(input, pos, null, OS.Constants.Win.FILE_BEGIN);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: input seek succeeded");
+ result = OS.Win.File.SetFilePointer(output, pos, null, OS.Constants.Win.FILE_BEGIN);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: output seek succeeded");
+ } else {
+ bytes = bytes_read.value;
+ pos += bytes;
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < bytes; ++i) {
+ if (array[i] != array2[i]) {
+ ok(false, "Files do not match at position " + i
+ + " ("+array[i] + "/"+array2[i] + ")");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ info("test_ReadWrite test complete");
+ result = OS.Win.File.CloseHandle(input);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: inpout close succeeded");
+ result = OS.Win.File.CloseHandle(output);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: outpout close succeeded");
+ result = OS.Win.File.DeleteFile(output_name);
+ isnot(result, 0, "test_ReadWrite: output remove succeeded");
+ info("test_ReadWrite cleanup complete");
+function test_passing_undefined()
+ info("Testing that an exception gets thrown when an FFI function is passed undefined");
+ let exceptionRaised = false;
+ try {
+ let file = OS.Win.File.CreateFile(
+ undefined,
+ OS.Constants.Win.GENERIC_READ,
+ 0,
+ null,
+ OS.Constants.Win.OPEN_EXISTING,
+ 0,
+ null);
+ } catch(e if e instanceof TypeError && e.message.indexOf("CreateFile") > -1) {
+ exceptionRaised = true;
+ }
+ ok(exceptionRaised, "test_passing_undefined: exception gets thrown")