path: root/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/test_DownloadList.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/test_DownloadList.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/test_DownloadList.js')
1 files changed, 564 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/test_DownloadList.js b/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/test_DownloadList.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..71e880741
--- /dev/null
+++ b/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/test_DownloadList.js
@@ -0,0 +1,564 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+ * Tests the DownloadList object.
+ */
+"use strict";
+// Globals
+ * Returns a PRTime in the past usable to add expirable visits.
+ *
+ * @note Expiration ignores any visit added in the last 7 days, but it's
+ * better be safe against DST issues, by going back one day more.
+ */
+function getExpirablePRTime()
+ let dateObj = new Date();
+ // Normalize to midnight
+ dateObj.setHours(0);
+ dateObj.setMinutes(0);
+ dateObj.setSeconds(0);
+ dateObj.setMilliseconds(0);
+ dateObj = new Date(dateObj.getTime() - 8 * 86400000);
+ return dateObj.getTime() * 1000;
+ * Adds an expirable history visit for a download.
+ *
+ * @param aSourceUrl
+ * String containing the URI for the download source, or null to use
+ * httpUrl("source.txt").
+ *
+ * @return {Promise}
+ * @rejects JavaScript exception.
+ */
+function promiseExpirableDownloadVisit(aSourceUrl)
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ PlacesUtils.asyncHistory.updatePlaces(
+ {
+ uri: NetUtil.newURI(aSourceUrl || httpUrl("source.txt")),
+ visits: [{
+ transitionType: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD,
+ visitDate: getExpirablePRTime(),
+ }]
+ },
+ {
+ handleError: function handleError(aResultCode, aPlaceInfo) {
+ let ex = new Components.Exception("Unexpected error in adding visits.",
+ aResultCode);
+ deferred.reject(ex);
+ },
+ handleResult: function () {},
+ handleCompletion: function handleCompletion() {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ });
+ return deferred.promise;
+// Tests
+ * Checks the testing mechanism used to build different download lists.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_construction()
+ let downloadListOne = yield promiseNewList();
+ let downloadListTwo = yield promiseNewList();
+ let privateDownloadListOne = yield promiseNewList(true);
+ let privateDownloadListTwo = yield promiseNewList(true);
+ do_check_neq(downloadListOne, downloadListTwo);
+ do_check_neq(privateDownloadListOne, privateDownloadListTwo);
+ do_check_neq(downloadListOne, privateDownloadListOne);
+ * Checks the methods to add and retrieve items from the list.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_add_getAll()
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ let downloadOne = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield list.add(downloadOne);
+ let itemsOne = yield list.getAll();
+ do_check_eq(itemsOne.length, 1);
+ do_check_eq(itemsOne[0], downloadOne);
+ let downloadTwo = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield list.add(downloadTwo);
+ let itemsTwo = yield list.getAll();
+ do_check_eq(itemsTwo.length, 2);
+ do_check_eq(itemsTwo[0], downloadOne);
+ do_check_eq(itemsTwo[1], downloadTwo);
+ // The first snapshot should not have been modified.
+ do_check_eq(itemsOne.length, 1);
+ * Checks the method to remove items from the list.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_remove()
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ yield list.add(yield promiseNewDownload());
+ yield list.add(yield promiseNewDownload());
+ let items = yield list.getAll();
+ yield list.remove(items[0]);
+ // Removing an item that was never added should not raise an error.
+ yield list.remove(yield promiseNewDownload());
+ items = yield list.getAll();
+ do_check_eq(items.length, 1);
+ * Tests that the "add", "remove", and "getAll" methods on the global
+ * DownloadCombinedList object combine the contents of the global DownloadList
+ * objects for public and private downloads.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_DownloadCombinedList_add_remove_getAll()
+ let publicList = yield promiseNewList();
+ let privateList = yield Downloads.getList(Downloads.PRIVATE);
+ let combinedList = yield Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL);
+ let publicDownload = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let privateDownload = yield Downloads.createDownload({
+ source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt"), isPrivate: true },
+ target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
+ });
+ yield publicList.add(publicDownload);
+ yield privateList.add(privateDownload);
+ do_check_eq((yield combinedList.getAll()).length, 2);
+ yield combinedList.remove(publicDownload);
+ yield combinedList.remove(privateDownload);
+ do_check_eq((yield combinedList.getAll()).length, 0);
+ yield combinedList.add(publicDownload);
+ yield combinedList.add(privateDownload);
+ do_check_eq((yield publicList.getAll()).length, 1);
+ do_check_eq((yield privateList.getAll()).length, 1);
+ do_check_eq((yield combinedList.getAll()).length, 2);
+ yield publicList.remove(publicDownload);
+ yield privateList.remove(privateDownload);
+ do_check_eq((yield combinedList.getAll()).length, 0);
+ * Checks that views receive the download add and remove notifications, and that
+ * adding and removing views works as expected, both for a normal and a combined
+ * list.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_notifications_add_remove()
+ for (let isCombined of [false, true]) {
+ // Force creating a new list for both the public and combined cases.
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ if (isCombined) {
+ list = yield Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL);
+ }
+ let downloadOne = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadTwo = yield Downloads.createDownload({
+ source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt"), isPrivate: true },
+ target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
+ });
+ yield list.add(downloadOne);
+ yield list.add(downloadTwo);
+ // Check that we receive add notifications for existing elements.
+ let addNotifications = 0;
+ let viewOne = {
+ onDownloadAdded: function (aDownload) {
+ // The first download to be notified should be the first that was added.
+ if (addNotifications == 0) {
+ do_check_eq(aDownload, downloadOne);
+ } else if (addNotifications == 1) {
+ do_check_eq(aDownload, downloadTwo);
+ }
+ addNotifications++;
+ },
+ };
+ yield list.addView(viewOne);
+ do_check_eq(addNotifications, 2);
+ // Check that we receive add notifications for new elements.
+ yield list.add(yield promiseNewDownload());
+ do_check_eq(addNotifications, 3);
+ // Check that we receive remove notifications.
+ let removeNotifications = 0;
+ let viewTwo = {
+ onDownloadRemoved: function (aDownload) {
+ do_check_eq(aDownload, downloadOne);
+ removeNotifications++;
+ },
+ };
+ yield list.addView(viewTwo);
+ yield list.remove(downloadOne);
+ do_check_eq(removeNotifications, 1);
+ // We should not receive remove notifications after the view is removed.
+ yield list.removeView(viewTwo);
+ yield list.remove(downloadTwo);
+ do_check_eq(removeNotifications, 1);
+ // We should not receive add notifications after the view is removed.
+ yield list.removeView(viewOne);
+ yield list.add(yield promiseNewDownload());
+ do_check_eq(addNotifications, 3);
+ }
+ * Checks that views receive the download change notifications, both for a
+ * normal and a combined list.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_notifications_change()
+ for (let isCombined of [false, true]) {
+ // Force creating a new list for both the public and combined cases.
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ if (isCombined) {
+ list = yield Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL);
+ }
+ let downloadOne = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadTwo = yield Downloads.createDownload({
+ source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt"), isPrivate: true },
+ target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
+ });
+ yield list.add(downloadOne);
+ yield list.add(downloadTwo);
+ // Check that we receive change notifications.
+ let receivedOnDownloadChanged = false;
+ yield list.addView({
+ onDownloadChanged: function (aDownload) {
+ do_check_eq(aDownload, downloadOne);
+ receivedOnDownloadChanged = true;
+ },
+ });
+ yield downloadOne.start();
+ do_check_true(receivedOnDownloadChanged);
+ // We should not receive change notifications after a download is removed.
+ receivedOnDownloadChanged = false;
+ yield list.remove(downloadTwo);
+ yield downloadTwo.start();
+ do_check_false(receivedOnDownloadChanged);
+ }
+ * Checks that the reference to "this" is correct in the view callbacks.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_notifications_this()
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ // Check that we receive change notifications.
+ let receivedOnDownloadAdded = false;
+ let receivedOnDownloadChanged = false;
+ let receivedOnDownloadRemoved = false;
+ let view = {
+ onDownloadAdded: function () {
+ do_check_eq(this, view);
+ receivedOnDownloadAdded = true;
+ },
+ onDownloadChanged: function () {
+ // Only do this check once.
+ if (!receivedOnDownloadChanged) {
+ do_check_eq(this, view);
+ receivedOnDownloadChanged = true;
+ }
+ },
+ onDownloadRemoved: function () {
+ do_check_eq(this, view);
+ receivedOnDownloadRemoved = true;
+ },
+ };
+ yield list.addView(view);
+ let download = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield list.add(download);
+ yield download.start();
+ yield list.remove(download);
+ // Verify that we executed the checks.
+ do_check_true(receivedOnDownloadAdded);
+ do_check_true(receivedOnDownloadChanged);
+ do_check_true(receivedOnDownloadRemoved);
+ * Checks that download is removed on history expiration.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_history_expiration()
+ mustInterruptResponses();
+ function cleanup() {
+ Services.prefs.clearUserPref("places.history.expiration.max_pages");
+ }
+ do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
+ // Set max pages to 0 to make the download expire.
+ Services.prefs.setIntPref("places.history.expiration.max_pages", 0);
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ let downloadOne = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadTwo = yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let removeNotifications = 0;
+ let downloadView = {
+ onDownloadRemoved: function (aDownload) {
+ if (++removeNotifications == 2) {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ yield list.addView(downloadView);
+ // Work with one finished download and one canceled download.
+ yield downloadOne.start();
+ downloadTwo.start().catch(() => {});
+ yield downloadTwo.cancel();
+ // We must replace the visits added while executing the downloads with visits
+ // that are older than 7 days, otherwise they will not be expired.
+ yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
+ yield promiseExpirableDownloadVisit();
+ yield promiseExpirableDownloadVisit(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
+ // After clearing history, we can add the downloads to be removed to the list.
+ yield list.add(downloadOne);
+ yield list.add(downloadTwo);
+ // Force a history expiration.
+ Cc[";1"]
+ .getService(Ci.nsIObserver).observe(null, "places-debug-start-expiration", -1);
+ // Wait for both downloads to be removed.
+ yield deferred.promise;
+ cleanup();
+ * Checks all downloads are removed after clearing history.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_history_clear()
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ let downloadOne = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadTwo = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield list.add(downloadOne);
+ yield list.add(downloadTwo);
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let removeNotifications = 0;
+ let downloadView = {
+ onDownloadRemoved: function (aDownload) {
+ if (++removeNotifications == 2) {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ yield list.addView(downloadView);
+ yield downloadOne.start();
+ yield downloadTwo.start();
+ yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
+ // Wait for the removal notifications that may still be pending.
+ yield deferred.promise;
+ * Tests the removeFinished method to ensure that it only removes
+ * finished downloads.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_removeFinished()
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ let downloadOne = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadTwo = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadThree = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ let downloadFour = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield list.add(downloadOne);
+ yield list.add(downloadTwo);
+ yield list.add(downloadThree);
+ yield list.add(downloadFour);
+ let deferred = Promise.defer();
+ let removeNotifications = 0;
+ let downloadView = {
+ onDownloadRemoved: function (aDownload) {
+ do_check_true(aDownload == downloadOne ||
+ aDownload == downloadTwo ||
+ aDownload == downloadThree);
+ do_check_true(removeNotifications < 3);
+ if (++removeNotifications == 3) {
+ deferred.resolve();
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ yield list.addView(downloadView);
+ // Start three of the downloads, but don't start downloadTwo, then set
+ // downloadFour to have partial data. All downloads except downloadFour
+ // should be removed.
+ yield downloadOne.start();
+ yield downloadThree.start();
+ yield downloadFour.start();
+ downloadFour.hasPartialData = true;
+ list.removeFinished();
+ yield deferred.promise;
+ let downloads = yield list.getAll()
+ do_check_eq(downloads.length, 1);
+ * Tests the global DownloadSummary objects for the public, private, and
+ * combined download lists.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_DownloadSummary()
+ mustInterruptResponses();
+ let publicList = yield promiseNewList();
+ let privateList = yield Downloads.getList(Downloads.PRIVATE);
+ let publicSummary = yield Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.PUBLIC);
+ let privateSummary = yield Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.PRIVATE);
+ let combinedSummary = yield Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.ALL);
+ // Add a public download that has succeeded.
+ let succeededPublicDownload = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield succeededPublicDownload.start();
+ yield publicList.add(succeededPublicDownload);
+ // Add a public download that has been canceled midway.
+ let canceledPublicDownload =
+ yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
+ canceledPublicDownload.start().catch(() => {});
+ yield promiseDownloadMidway(canceledPublicDownload);
+ yield canceledPublicDownload.cancel();
+ yield publicList.add(canceledPublicDownload);
+ // Add a public download that is in progress.
+ let inProgressPublicDownload =
+ yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
+ inProgressPublicDownload.start().catch(() => {});
+ yield promiseDownloadMidway(inProgressPublicDownload);
+ yield publicList.add(inProgressPublicDownload);
+ // Add a private download that is in progress.
+ let inProgressPrivateDownload = yield Downloads.createDownload({
+ source: { url: httpUrl("interruptible.txt"), isPrivate: true },
+ target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
+ });
+ inProgressPrivateDownload.start().catch(() => {});
+ yield promiseDownloadMidway(inProgressPrivateDownload);
+ yield privateList.add(inProgressPrivateDownload);
+ // Verify that the summary includes the total number of bytes and the
+ // currently transferred bytes only for the downloads that are not stopped.
+ // For simplicity, we assume that after a download is added to the list, its
+ // current state is immediately propagated to the summary object, which is
+ // true in the current implementation, though it is not guaranteed as all the
+ // download operations may happen asynchronously.
+ do_check_false(publicSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(publicSummary.progressTotalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
+ do_check_eq(publicSummary.progressCurrentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
+ do_check_false(privateSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(privateSummary.progressTotalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
+ do_check_eq(privateSummary.progressCurrentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
+ do_check_false(combinedSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(combinedSummary.progressTotalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 4);
+ do_check_eq(combinedSummary.progressCurrentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
+ yield inProgressPublicDownload.cancel();
+ // Stopping the download should have excluded it from the summary.
+ do_check_true(publicSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(publicSummary.progressTotalBytes, 0);
+ do_check_eq(publicSummary.progressCurrentBytes, 0);
+ do_check_false(privateSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(privateSummary.progressTotalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
+ do_check_eq(privateSummary.progressCurrentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
+ do_check_false(combinedSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(combinedSummary.progressTotalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
+ do_check_eq(combinedSummary.progressCurrentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
+ yield inProgressPrivateDownload.cancel();
+ // All the downloads should be stopped now.
+ do_check_true(publicSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(publicSummary.progressTotalBytes, 0);
+ do_check_eq(publicSummary.progressCurrentBytes, 0);
+ do_check_true(privateSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(privateSummary.progressTotalBytes, 0);
+ do_check_eq(privateSummary.progressCurrentBytes, 0);
+ do_check_true(combinedSummary.allHaveStopped);
+ do_check_eq(combinedSummary.progressTotalBytes, 0);
+ do_check_eq(combinedSummary.progressCurrentBytes, 0);
+ * Checks that views receive the summary change notification. This is tested on
+ * the combined summary when adding a public download, as we assume that if we
+ * pass the test in this case we will also pass it in the others.
+ */
+add_task(function* test_DownloadSummary_notifications()
+ let list = yield promiseNewList();
+ let summary = yield Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.ALL);
+ let download = yield promiseNewDownload();
+ yield list.add(download);
+ // Check that we receive change notifications.
+ let receivedOnSummaryChanged = false;
+ yield summary.addView({
+ onSummaryChanged: function () {
+ receivedOnSummaryChanged = true;
+ },
+ });
+ yield download.start();
+ do_check_true(receivedOnSummaryChanged);