path: root/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/common_test_Download.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2020-02-25 15:07:00 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2020-02-25 15:07:00 -0500
commit0ddd00f1959c78ce37c14fef3c83401408fca3bf (patch)
treed408e02767c86cf8aac3acbb86722b03c77ede6f /toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/common_test_Download.js
parent20f0905b33cbb18d1caa80c55e2f552c2e18957b (diff)
Issue #439 - Remove tests from toolkit/
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/common_test_Download.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2432 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/common_test_Download.js b/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/common_test_Download.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 42d4c5682..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/jsdownloads/test/unit/common_test_Download.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2432 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
-/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- * */
- * This script is loaded by "test_DownloadCore.js" and "test_DownloadLegacy.js"
- * with different values of the gUseLegacySaver variable, to apply tests to both
- * the "copy" and "legacy" saver implementations.
- */
-"use strict";
-// Globals
-const kDeleteTempFileOnExit = "browser.helperApps.deleteTempFileOnExit";
- * Creates and starts a new download, using either DownloadCopySaver or
- * DownloadLegacySaver based on the current test run.
- *
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves The newly created Download object. The download may be in progress
- * or already finished. The promiseDownloadStopped function can be
- * used to wait for completion.
- * @rejects JavaScript exception.
- */
-function promiseStartDownload(aSourceUrl) {
- if (gUseLegacySaver) {
- return promiseStartLegacyDownload(aSourceUrl);
- }
- return promiseNewDownload(aSourceUrl).then(download => {
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- return download;
- });
- * Creates and starts a new download, configured to keep partial data, and
- * returns only when the first part of "interruptible_resumable.txt" has been
- * saved to disk. You must call "continueResponses" to allow the interruptible
- * request to continue.
- *
- * This function uses either DownloadCopySaver or DownloadLegacySaver based on
- * the current test run.
- *
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves The newly created Download object, still in progress.
- * @rejects JavaScript exception.
- */
-function promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData() {
- return Task.spawn(function* () {
- mustInterruptResponses();
- // Start a new download and configure it to keep partially downloaded data.
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- let targetFilePath = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("interruptible_resumable.txt"),
- target: { path: targetFilePath,
- partFilePath: targetFilePath + ".part" },
- });
- download.tryToKeepPartialData = true;
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- } else {
- // Start a download using nsIExternalHelperAppService, that is configured
- // to keep partially downloaded data by default.
- download = yield promiseStartExternalHelperAppServiceDownload();
- }
- yield promiseDownloadMidway(download);
- yield promisePartFileReady(download);
- return download;
- });
- * This function should be called after the progress notification for a download
- * is received, and waits for the worker thread of BackgroundFileSaver to
- * receive the data to be written to the ".part" file on disk.
- *
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves When the ".part" file has been written to disk.
- * @rejects JavaScript exception.
- */
-function promisePartFileReady(aDownload) {
- return Task.spawn(function* () {
- // We don't have control over the file output code in BackgroundFileSaver.
- // After we receive the download progress notification, we may only check
- // that the ".part" file has been created, while its size cannot be
- // determined because the file is currently open.
- try {
- do {
- yield promiseTimeout(50);
- } while (!(yield OS.File.exists(;
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof OS.File.Error)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // This indicates that the file has been created and cannot be accessed.
- // The specific error might vary with the platform.
- do_print("Expected exception while checking existence: " + ex.toString());
- // Wait some more time to allow the write to complete.
- yield promiseTimeout(100);
- }
- });
- * Checks that the actual data written to disk matches the expected data as well
- * as the properties of the given DownloadTarget object.
- *
- * @param downloadTarget
- * The DownloadTarget object whose details have to be verified.
- * @param expectedContents
- * String containing the octets that are expected in the file.
- *
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves When the properties have been verified.
- * @rejects JavaScript exception.
- */
-var promiseVerifyTarget = Task.async(function* (downloadTarget,
- expectedContents) {
- yield promiseVerifyContents(downloadTarget.path, expectedContents);
- do_check_true(downloadTarget.exists);
- do_check_eq(downloadTarget.size, expectedContents.length);
- * Waits for an attempt to launch a file, and returns the nsIMIMEInfo used for
- * the launch, or null if the file was launched with the default handler.
- */
-function waitForFileLaunched() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let waitFn = base => ({
- launchFile(file, mimeInfo) {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(waitFn);
- if (!mimeInfo ||
- mimeInfo.preferredAction == Ci.nsIMIMEInfo.useSystemDefault) {
- resolve(null);
- } else {
- resolve(mimeInfo);
- }
- return Promise.resolve();
- },
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(waitFn);
- });
- * Waits for an attempt to show the directory where a file is located, and
- * returns the path of the file.
- */
-function waitForDirectoryShown() {
- return new Promise(resolve => {
- let waitFn = base => ({
- showContainingDirectory(path) {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(waitFn);
- resolve(path);
- return Promise.resolve();
- },
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(waitFn);
- });
-// Tests
- * Executes a download and checks its basic properties after construction.
- * The download is started by constructing the simplest Download object with
- * the "copy" saver, or using the legacy nsITransfer interface.
- */
-add_task(function* test_basic()
- let targetFile = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME);
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we have control over the download, thus
- // we can check its basic properties before it starts.
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt") },
- target: { path: targetFile.path },
- saver: { type: "copy" },
- });
- do_check_eq(download.source.url, httpUrl("source.txt"));
- do_check_eq(, targetFile.path);
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the download is already started when it
- // is created, thus we must check its basic properties while in progress.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(null,
- { targetFile: targetFile });
- do_check_eq(download.source.url, httpUrl("source.txt"));
- do_check_eq(, targetFile.path);
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- // Check additional properties on the finished download.
- do_check_true(download.source.referrer === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Executes a download with the tryToKeepPartialData property set, and ensures
- * that the file is saved correctly. When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the
- * download is executed using the nsIExternalHelperAppService component.
- */
-add_task(function* test_basic_tryToKeepPartialData()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- continueResponses();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- // The target file should now have been created, and the ".part" file deleted.
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_eq(32, download.saver.getSha256Hash().length);
- * Tests the permissions of the final target file once the download finished.
- */
-add_task(function* test_unix_permissions()
- // This test is only executed on some Desktop systems.
- if (Services.appinfo.OS != "Darwin" && Services.appinfo.OS != "Linux" &&
- Services.appinfo.OS != "WINNT") {
- do_print("Skipping test.");
- return;
- }
- let launcherPath = getTempFile("app-launcher").path;
- for (let autoDelete of [false, true]) {
- for (let isPrivate of [false, true]) {
- for (let launchWhenSucceeded of [false, true]) {
- do_print("Checking " + JSON.stringify({ autoDelete,
- isPrivate,
- launchWhenSucceeded }));
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDeleteTempFileOnExit, autoDelete);
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt"), isPrivate },
- target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
- launchWhenSucceeded,
- launcherPath,
- });
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(httpUrl("source.txt"), {
- isPrivate,
- launchWhenSucceeded,
- launcherPath: launchWhenSucceeded && launcherPath,
- });
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- let isTemporary = launchWhenSucceeded && (autoDelete || isPrivate);
- let stat = yield OS.File.stat(;
- if (Services.appinfo.OS == "WINNT") {
- // On Windows
- // Temporary downloads should be read-only
- do_check_eq(stat.winAttributes.readOnly, isTemporary ? true : false);
- } else {
- // On Linux, Mac
- // Temporary downloads should be read-only and not accessible to other
- // users, while permanently downloaded files should be readable and
- // writable as specified by the system umask.
- do_check_eq(stat.unixMode,
- isTemporary ? 0o400 : (0o666 & ~OS.Constants.Sys.umask));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Clean up the changes to the preference.
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(kDeleteTempFileOnExit);
- * Checks the referrer for downloads.
- */
-add_task(function* test_referrer()
- let sourcePath = "/test_referrer.txt";
- let sourceUrl = httpUrl("test_referrer.txt");
- let targetPath = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- function cleanup() {
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, null);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, function (aRequest, aResponse) {
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
- do_check_true(aRequest.hasHeader("Referer"));
- do_check_eq(aRequest.getHeader("Referer"), TEST_REFERRER_URL);
- });
- let download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: sourceUrl, referrer: TEST_REFERRER_URL },
- target: targetPath,
- });
- do_check_eq(download.source.referrer, TEST_REFERRER_URL);
- yield download.start();
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: sourceUrl, referrer: TEST_REFERRER_URL,
- isPrivate: true },
- target: targetPath,
- });
- do_check_eq(download.source.referrer, TEST_REFERRER_URL);
- yield download.start();
- // Test the download still works for non-HTTP channel with referrer.
- sourceUrl = "data:text/html,<html><body></body></html>";
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: sourceUrl, referrer: TEST_REFERRER_URL },
- target: targetPath,
- });
- do_check_eq(download.source.referrer, TEST_REFERRER_URL);
- yield download.start();
- cleanup();
- * Checks the adjustChannel callback for downloads.
- */
-add_task(function* test_adjustChannel()
- const sourcePath = "/test_post.txt";
- const sourceUrl = httpUrl("test_post.txt");
- const targetPath = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- const customHeader = { name: "X-Answer", value: "42" };
- const postData = "Don't Panic";
- function cleanup() {
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, null);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, aRequest => {
- do_check_eq(aRequest.method, "POST");
- do_check_true(aRequest.hasHeader(;
- do_check_eq(aRequest.getHeader(, customHeader.value);
- const stream = aRequest.bodyInputStream;
- const body = NetUtil.readInputStreamToString(stream, stream.available());
- do_check_eq(body, postData);
- });
- function adjustChannel(channel) {
- channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel);
- channel.setRequestHeader(, customHeader.value, false);
- const stream = Cc[";1"]
- .createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream);
- stream.setData(postData, postData.length);
- channel.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIUploadChannel2);
- channel.explicitSetUploadStream(stream, null, -1, "POST", false);
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- const download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: sourceUrl, adjustChannel },
- target: targetPath,
- });
- do_check_eq(download.source.adjustChannel, adjustChannel);
- do_check_eq(download.toSerializable(), null);
- yield download.start();
- cleanup();
- * Checks initial and final state and progress for a successful download.
- */
-add_task(function* test_initial_final_state()
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we have control over the download, thus
- // we can check its state before it starts.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload();
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 0);
- do_check_true(download.startTime === null);
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the download is already started when it
- // is created, thus we cannot check its initial state.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- do_check_true(isValidDate(download.startTime));
- do_check_true(;
- do_check_eq(, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
- * Checks the notification of the final download state.
- */
-add_task(function* test_final_state_notified()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- let onchangeNotified = false;
- let lastNotifiedStopped;
- let lastNotifiedProgress;
- download.onchange = function () {
- onchangeNotified = true;
- lastNotifiedStopped = download.stopped;
- lastNotifiedProgress = download.progress;
- };
- // Allow the download to complete.
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- continueResponses();
- yield promiseAttempt;
- // The view should have been notified before the download completes.
- do_check_true(onchangeNotified);
- do_check_true(lastNotifiedStopped);
- do_check_eq(lastNotifiedProgress, 100);
- * Checks intermediate progress for a successful download.
- */
-add_task(function* test_intermediate_progress()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- yield promiseDownloadMidway(download);
- do_check_true(download.hasProgress);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
- // The final file size should not be computed for in-progress downloads.
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- // Continue after the first chunk of data is fully received.
- continueResponses();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Downloads a file with a "Content-Length" of 0 and checks the progress.
- */
-add_task(function* test_empty_progress()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("empty.txt"));
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.hasProgress);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- // We should have received the content type even for an empty file.
- do_check_eq(download.contentType, "text/plain");
- do_check_eq((yield OS.File.stat(, 0);
- do_check_true(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- * Downloads a file with a "Content-Length" of 0 with the tryToKeepPartialData
- * property set, and ensures that the file is saved correctly.
- */
-add_task(function* test_empty_progress_tryToKeepPartialData()
- // Start a new download and configure it to keep partially downloaded data.
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- let targetFilePath = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("empty.txt"),
- target: { path: targetFilePath,
- partFilePath: targetFilePath + ".part" },
- });
- download.tryToKeepPartialData = true;
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- } else {
- // Start a download using nsIExternalHelperAppService, that is configured
- // to keep partially downloaded data by default.
- download = yield promiseStartExternalHelperAppServiceDownload(
- httpUrl("empty.txt"));
- }
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- // The target file should now have been created, and the ".part" file deleted.
- do_check_eq((yield OS.File.stat(, 0);
- do_check_true(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_eq(32, download.saver.getSha256Hash().length);
- * Downloads an empty file with no "Content-Length" and checks the progress.
- */
-add_task(function* test_empty_noprogress()
- let sourcePath = "/test_empty_noprogress.txt";
- let sourceUrl = httpUrl("test_empty_noprogress.txt");
- let deferRequestReceived = Promise.defer();
- // Register an interruptible handler that notifies us when the request occurs.
- function cleanup() {
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, null);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- registerInterruptibleHandler(sourcePath,
- function firstPart(aRequest, aResponse) {
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
- deferRequestReceived.resolve();
- }, function secondPart(aRequest, aResponse) { });
- // Start the download, without allowing the request to finish.
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we have control over the download, thus
- // we can hook its onchange callback that will be notified when the
- // download starts.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(sourceUrl);
- download.onchange = function () {
- if (!download.stopped) {
- do_check_false(download.hasProgress);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- }
- };
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the download is already started when it
- // is created, and it may have already made all needed property change
- // notifications, thus there is no point in checking the onchange callback.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(sourceUrl);
- }
- // Wait for the request to be received by the HTTP server, but don't allow the
- // request to finish yet. Before checking the download state, wait for the
- // events to be processed by the client.
- yield deferRequestReceived.promise;
- yield promiseExecuteSoon();
- // Check that this download has no progress report.
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.hasProgress);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- // Now allow the response to finish.
- continueResponses();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- // We should have received the content type even if no progress is reported.
- do_check_eq(download.contentType, "text/plain");
- // Verify the state of the completed download.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.hasProgress);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- do_check_true(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- do_check_eq((yield OS.File.stat(, 0);
- * Calls the "start" method two times before the download is finished.
- */
-add_task(function* test_start_twice()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we have control over the download, thus
- // we can start the download later during the test.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the download is already started when it
- // is created. Effectively, we are starting the download three times.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- }
- // Call the start method two times.
- let promiseAttempt1 = download.start();
- let promiseAttempt2 = download.start();
- // Allow the download to finish.
- continueResponses();
- // Both promises should now be resolved.
- yield promiseAttempt1;
- yield promiseAttempt2;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Cancels a download and verifies that its state is reported correctly.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- // In this test case, we execute different checks that are only possible with
- // DownloadCopySaver or DownloadLegacySaver respectively.
- let download;
- let options = {};
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- } else {
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"),
- options);
- }
- // Cancel the download after receiving the first part of the response.
- let deferCancel = Promise.defer();
- let onchange = function () {
- if (!download.stopped && !download.canceled && download.progress == 50) {
- // Cancel the download immediately during the notification.
- deferCancel.resolve(download.cancel());
- // The state change happens immediately after calling "cancel", but
- // temporary files or part files may still exist at this point.
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- }
- };
- // Register for the notification, but also call the function directly in
- // case the download already reached the expected progress. This may happen
- // when using DownloadLegacySaver.
- download.onchange = onchange;
- onchange();
- let promiseAttempt;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- promiseAttempt = download.start();
- }
- // Wait on the promise returned by the "cancel" method to ensure that the
- // cancellation process finished and temporary files were removed.
- yield deferCancel.promise;
- if (gUseLegacySaver) {
- // The nsIWebBrowserPersist instance should have been canceled now.
- do_check_eq(options.outPersist.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT);
- }
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // Progress properties are not reset by canceling.
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 50);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 2);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // The promise returned by "start" should have been rejected meanwhile.
- try {
- yield promiseAttempt;
- do_throw("The download should have been canceled.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_false(ex.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(ex.becauseTargetFailed);
- }
- }
- * Cancels a download while keeping partially downloaded data, and verifies that
- * both the target file and the ".part" file are deleted.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_tryToKeepPartialData()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- yield download.cancel();
- yield download.removePartialData();
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Cancels a download right after starting it.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_immediately()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- let promiseCancel = download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- // At this point, we don't know whether the download has already stopped or
- // is still waiting for cancellation. We can wait on the promise returned
- // by the "start" method to know for sure.
- try {
- yield promiseAttempt;
- do_throw("The download should have been canceled.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_false(ex.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(ex.becauseTargetFailed);
- }
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // Check that the promise returned by the "cancel" method has been resolved.
- yield promiseCancel;
- * Cancels and restarts a download sequentially.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_restart()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- // The first time, cancel the download midway.
- yield promiseDownloadMidway(download);
- yield download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- // The second time, we'll provide the entire interruptible response.
- continueResponses();
- download.onchange = null;
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- // Download state should have already been reset.
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- // For the following test, we rely on the network layer reporting its progress
- // asynchronously. Otherwise, there is nothing stopping the restarted
- // download from reaching the same progress as the first request already.
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- yield promiseAttempt;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Cancels a download and restarts it from where it stopped.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_restart_tryToKeepPartialData()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- yield download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.hasPartialData);
- // The target file should not exist, but we should have kept the partial data.
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- yield promiseVerifyContents(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- // Verify that the server sent the response from the start.
- do_check_eq(gMostRecentFirstBytePos, 0);
- // The second time, we'll request and obtain the second part of the response,
- // but we still stop when half of the remaining progress is reached.
- let deferMidway = Promise.defer();
- download.onchange = function () {
- if (!download.stopped && !download.canceled &&
- download.currentBytes == Math.floor(TEST_DATA_SHORT.length * 3 / 2)) {
- download.onchange = null;
- deferMidway.resolve();
- }
- };
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- // Continue when the number of bytes we received is correct, then check that
- // progress is at about 75 percent. The exact figure may vary because of
- // rounding issues, since the total number of bytes in the response might not
- // be a multiple of four.
- yield deferMidway.promise;
- do_check_true(download.progress > 72 && download.progress < 78);
- // Now we allow the download to finish.
- continueResponses();
- yield promiseAttempt;
- // Check that the server now sent the second part only.
- do_check_eq(gMostRecentFirstBytePos, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
- // The target file should now have been created, and the ".part" file deleted.
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Cancels a download while keeping partially downloaded data, then removes the
- * data and restarts the download from the beginning.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_restart_removePartialData()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- yield download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.hasPartialData);
- yield promiseVerifyContents(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- yield download.removePartialData();
- do_check_false(download.hasPartialData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- // The second time, we'll request and obtain the entire response again.
- continueResponses();
- yield download.start();
- // Verify that the server sent the response from the start.
- do_check_eq(gMostRecentFirstBytePos, 0);
- // The target file should now have been created, and the ".part" file deleted.
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Cancels a download while keeping partially downloaded data, then removes the
- * data and restarts the download from the beginning without keeping the partial
- * data anymore.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_restart_tryToKeepPartialData_false()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- yield download.cancel();
- download.tryToKeepPartialData = false;
- // The above property change does not affect existing partial data.
- do_check_true(download.hasPartialData);
- yield promiseVerifyContents(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- yield download.removePartialData();
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // Restart the download from the beginning.
- mustInterruptResponses();
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- yield promiseDownloadMidway(download);
- yield promisePartFileReady(download);
- // While the download is in progress, we should still have a ".part" file.
- do_check_false(download.hasPartialData);
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // On Unix, verify that the file with the partially downloaded data is not
- // accessible by other users on the system.
- if (Services.appinfo.OS == "Darwin" || Services.appinfo.OS == "Linux") {
- do_check_eq((yield OS.File.stat(,
- 0o600);
- }
- yield download.cancel();
- // The ".part" file should be deleted now that the download is canceled.
- do_check_false(download.hasPartialData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // The third time, we'll request and obtain the entire response again.
- continueResponses();
- yield download.start();
- // Verify that the server sent the response from the start.
- do_check_eq(gMostRecentFirstBytePos, 0);
- // The target file should now have been created, and the ".part" file deleted.
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Cancels a download right after starting it, then restarts it immediately.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_immediately_restart_immediately()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- let promiseRestarted = download.start();
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- // For the following test, we rely on the network layer reporting its progress
- // asynchronously. Otherwise, there is nothing stopping the restarted
- // download from reaching the same progress as the first request already.
- do_check_eq(download.hasProgress, false);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- // Ensure the next request is now allowed to complete, regardless of whether
- // the canceled request was received by the server or not.
- continueResponses();
- try {
- yield promiseAttempt;
- // If we get here, it means that the first attempt actually succeeded. In
- // fact, this could be a valid outcome, because the cancellation request may
- // not have been processed in time before the download finished.
- do_print("The download should have been canceled.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_false(ex.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(ex.becauseTargetFailed);
- }
- yield promiseRestarted;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Cancels a download midway, then restarts it immediately.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_restart_immediately()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- // The first time, cancel the download midway.
- yield promiseDownloadMidway(download);
- download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- let promiseRestarted = download.start();
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- // For the following test, we rely on the network layer reporting its progress
- // asynchronously. Otherwise, there is nothing stopping the restarted
- // download from reaching the same progress as the first request already.
- do_check_eq(download.hasProgress, false);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, 0);
- do_check_eq(download.currentBytes, 0);
- // The second request is allowed to complete.
- continueResponses();
- try {
- yield promiseAttempt;
- do_throw("The download should have been canceled.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_false(ex.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(ex.becauseTargetFailed);
- }
- yield promiseRestarted;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Calls the "cancel" method on a successful download.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_successful()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- // The cancel method should succeed with no effect.
- yield download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Calls the "cancel" method two times in a row.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_twice()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- let promiseAttempt = download.start();
- do_check_false(download.stopped);
- let promiseCancel1 = download.cancel();
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- let promiseCancel2 = download.cancel();
- try {
- yield promiseAttempt;
- do_throw("The download should have been canceled.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_false(ex.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(ex.becauseTargetFailed);
- }
- // Both promises should now be resolved.
- yield promiseCancel1;
- yield promiseCancel2;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Checks the "refresh" method for succeeded downloads.
- */
-add_task(function* test_refresh_succeeded()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- // The DownloadTarget properties should be the same after calling "refresh".
- yield download.refresh();
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- // If the file is removed, only the "exists" property should change, and the
- // "size" property should keep its previous value.
- yield OS.File.move(, + ".old");
- yield download.refresh();
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, TEST_DATA_SHORT.length);
- // The DownloadTarget properties should be restored when the file is put back.
- yield OS.File.move( + ".old",;
- yield download.refresh();
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Checks that a download cannot be restarted after the "finalize" method.
- */
-add_task(function* test_finalize()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- let promiseFinalized = download.finalize();
- try {
- yield download.start();
- do_throw("It should not be possible to restart after finalization.");
- } catch (ex) { }
- yield promiseFinalized;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_true(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Checks that the "finalize" method can remove partially downloaded data.
- */
-add_task(function* test_finalize_tryToKeepPartialData()
- // Check finalization without removing partial data.
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- yield download.finalize();
- do_check_true(download.hasPartialData);
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // Clean up.
- yield download.removePartialData();
- // Check finalization while removing partial data.
- download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- yield download.finalize(true);
- do_check_false(download.hasPartialData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Checks that whenSucceeded returns a promise that is resolved after a restart.
- */
-add_task(function* test_whenSucceeded_after_restart()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let promiseSucceeded;
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we have control over the download, thus
- // we can verify getting a reference before the first download attempt.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- promiseSucceeded = download.whenSucceeded();
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the download is already started when it
- // is created, thus we cannot get the reference before the first attempt.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- promiseSucceeded = download.whenSucceeded();
- }
- // Cancel the first download attempt.
- yield download.cancel();
- // The second request is allowed to complete.
- continueResponses();
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- // Wait for the download to finish by waiting on the whenSucceeded promise.
- yield promiseSucceeded;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Ensures download error details are reported on network failures.
- */
-add_task(function* test_error_source()
- let serverSocket = startFakeServer();
- try {
- let sourceUrl = "http://localhost:" + serverSocket.port + "/source.txt";
- let download;
- try {
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we want to check that the promise
- // returned by the "start" method is rejected.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(sourceUrl);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, we cannot be sure whether we are
- // testing the promise returned by the "start" method or we are testing
- // the "error" property checked by promiseDownloadStopped. This happens
- // because we don't have control over when the download is started.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(sourceUrl);
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_throw("The download should have failed.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseSourceFailed) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // A specific error object is thrown when reading from the source fails.
- }
- // Check the properties now that the download stopped.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error !== null);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(download.error.becauseTargetFailed);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- } finally {
- serverSocket.close();
- }
- * Ensures a download error is reported when receiving less bytes than what was
- * specified in the Content-Length header.
- */
-add_task(function* test_error_source_partial()
- let sourceUrl = httpUrl("shorter-than-content-length-http-1-1.txt");
- let enforcePref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("network.http.enforce-framing.http1");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.enforce-framing.http1", true);
- function cleanup() {
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("network.http.enforce-framing.http1", enforcePref);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- let download;
- try {
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we want to check that the promise
- // returned by the "start" method is rejected.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(sourceUrl);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, we cannot be sure whether we are
- // testing the promise returned by the "start" method or we are testing
- // the "error" property checked by promiseDownloadStopped. This happens
- // because we don't have control over when the download is started.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(sourceUrl);
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_throw("The download should have failed.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseSourceFailed) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // A specific error object is thrown when reading from the source fails.
- }
- // Check the properties now that the download stopped.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error !== null);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseSourceFailed);
- do_check_false(download.error.becauseTargetFailed);
- do_check_eq(download.error.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_NET_PARTIAL_TRANSFER);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- * Ensures download error details are reported on local writing failures.
- */
-add_task(function* test_error_target()
- // Create a file without write access permissions before downloading.
- let targetFile = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME);
- targetFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0);
- try {
- let download;
- try {
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we want to check that the promise
- // returned by the "start" method is rejected.
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("source.txt"),
- target: targetFile,
- });
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, we cannot be sure whether we are
- // testing the promise returned by the "start" method or we are testing
- // the "error" property checked by promiseDownloadStopped. This happens
- // because we don't have control over when the download is started.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(null,
- { targetFile: targetFile });
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_throw("The download should have failed.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseTargetFailed) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // A specific error object is thrown when writing to the target fails.
- }
- // Check the properties now that the download stopped.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error !== null);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseTargetFailed);
- do_check_false(download.error.becauseSourceFailed);
- } finally {
- // Restore the default permissions to allow deleting the file on Windows.
- if (targetFile.exists()) {
- targetFile.permissions = FileUtils.PERMS_FILE;
- targetFile.remove(false);
- }
- }
- * Restarts a failed download.
- */
-add_task(function* test_error_restart()
- let download;
- // Create a file without write access permissions before downloading.
- let targetFile = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME);
- targetFile.create(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0);
- try {
- // Use DownloadCopySaver or DownloadLegacySaver based on the test run,
- // specifying the target file we created.
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("source.txt"),
- target: targetFile,
- });
- download.start().catch(() => {});
- } else {
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(null,
- { targetFile: targetFile });
- }
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_throw("The download should have failed.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseTargetFailed) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // A specific error object is thrown when writing to the target fails.
- } finally {
- // Restore the default permissions to allow deleting the file on Windows.
- if (targetFile.exists()) {
- targetFile.permissions = FileUtils.PERMS_FILE;
- // Also for Windows, rename the file before deleting. This makes the
- // current file name available immediately for a new file, while deleting
- // in place prevents creation of a file with the same name for some time.
- targetFile.moveTo(null, targetFile.leafName + ".delete.tmp");
- targetFile.remove(false);
- }
- }
- // Restart the download and wait for completion.
- yield download.start();
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.canceled);
- do_check_true(download.error === null);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Executes download in both public and private modes.
- */
-add_task(function* test_public_and_private()
- let sourcePath = "/test_public_and_private.txt";
- let sourceUrl = httpUrl("test_public_and_private.txt");
- let testCount = 0;
- // Apply pref to allow all cookies.
- Services.prefs.setIntPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior", 0);
- function cleanup() {
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref("network.cookie.cookieBehavior");
- Services.cookies.removeAll();
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, null);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, function (aRequest, aResponse) {
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
- if (testCount == 0) {
- // No cookies should exist for first public download.
- do_check_false(aRequest.hasHeader("Cookie"));
- aResponse.setHeader("Set-Cookie", "foobar=1", false);
- testCount++;
- } else if (testCount == 1) {
- // The cookie should exists for second public download.
- do_check_true(aRequest.hasHeader("Cookie"));
- do_check_eq(aRequest.getHeader("Cookie"), "foobar=1");
- testCount++;
- } else if (testCount == 2) {
- // No cookies should exist for first private download.
- do_check_false(aRequest.hasHeader("Cookie"));
- }
- });
- let targetFile = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME);
- yield Downloads.fetch(sourceUrl, targetFile);
- yield Downloads.fetch(sourceUrl, targetFile);
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- let download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: sourceUrl, isPrivate: true },
- target: targetFile,
- });
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- let download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(sourceUrl,
- { isPrivate: true });
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- cleanup();
- * Checks the startTime gets updated even after a restart.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_immediately_restart_and_check_startTime()
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload();
- let startTime = download.startTime;
- do_check_true(isValidDate(download.startTime));
- yield download.cancel();
- do_check_eq(download.startTime.getTime(), startTime.getTime());
- // Wait for a timeout.
- yield promiseTimeout(10);
- yield download.start();
- do_check_true(download.startTime.getTime() > startTime.getTime());
- * Executes download with content-encoding.
- */
-add_task(function* test_with_content_encoding()
- let sourcePath = "/test_with_content_encoding.txt";
- let sourceUrl = httpUrl("test_with_content_encoding.txt");
- function cleanup() {
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, null);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, function (aRequest, aResponse) {
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip", false);
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Length",
- "" + TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED.length, false);
- let bos = new BinaryOutputStream(aResponse.bodyOutputStream);
- });
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(sourceUrl);
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED.length);
- // Ensure the content matches the decoded test data.
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- cleanup();
- * Checks that the file is not decoded if the extension matches the encoding.
- */
-add_task(function* test_with_content_encoding_ignore_extension()
- let sourcePath = "/test_with_content_encoding_ignore_extension.gz";
- let sourceUrl = httpUrl("test_with_content_encoding_ignore_extension.gz");
- function cleanup() {
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, null);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- gHttpServer.registerPathHandler(sourcePath, function (aRequest, aResponse) {
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain", false);
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip", false);
- aResponse.setHeader("Content-Length",
- "" + TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED.length, false);
- let bos = new BinaryOutputStream(aResponse.bodyOutputStream);
- });
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(sourceUrl);
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED.length);
- do_check_eq(, TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED.length);
- // Ensure the content matches the encoded test data. We convert the data to a
- // string before executing the content check.
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(,
- String.fromCharCode.apply(String, TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED));
- cleanup();
- * Cancels and restarts a download sequentially with content-encoding.
- */
-add_task(function* test_cancel_midway_restart_with_content_encoding()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible_gzip.txt"));
- // The first time, cancel the download midway.
- let deferCancel = Promise.defer();
- let onchange = function () {
- if (!download.stopped && !download.canceled &&
- download.currentBytes == TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED_FIRST.length) {
- deferCancel.resolve(download.cancel());
- }
- };
- // Register for the notification, but also call the function directly in
- // case the download already reached the expected progress.
- download.onchange = onchange;
- onchange();
- yield deferCancel.promise;
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- // The second time, we'll provide the entire interruptible response.
- continueResponses();
- download.onchange = null;
- yield download.start();
- do_check_eq(download.progress, 100);
- do_check_eq(download.totalBytes, TEST_DATA_SHORT_GZIP_ENCODED.length);
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- * Download with parental controls enabled.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_parental_controls()
- let blockFn = base => ({
- shouldBlockForParentalControls: () => Promise.resolve(true),
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(blockFn);
- function cleanup() {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(blockFn);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- let download;
- try {
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we want to check that the promise
- // returned by the "start" method is rejected.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload();
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, we cannot be sure whether we are
- // testing the promise returned by the "start" method or we are testing
- // the "error" property checked by promiseDownloadStopped. This happens
- // because we don't have control over when the download is started.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_throw("The download should have blocked.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseBlocked) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_true(ex.becauseBlockedByParentalControls);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlockedByParentalControls);
- }
- // Now that the download stopped, the target file should not exist.
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- cleanup();
- * Test a download that will be blocked by Windows parental controls by
- * resulting in an HTTP status code of 450.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_parental_controls_httpstatus450()
- let download;
- try {
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- download = yield promiseNewDownload(httpUrl(""));
- yield download.start();
- }
- else {
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(httpUrl(""));
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_throw("The download should have blocked.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseBlocked) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_true(ex.becauseBlockedByParentalControls);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlockedByParentalControls);
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- }
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- * Download with runtime permissions
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_runtime_permissions()
- let blockFn = base => ({
- shouldBlockForRuntimePermissions: () => Promise.resolve(true),
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(blockFn);
- function cleanup() {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(blockFn);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- let download;
- try {
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we want to check that the promise
- // returned by the "start" method is rejected.
- download = yield promiseNewDownload();
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, we cannot be sure whether we are
- // testing the promise returned by the "start" method or we are testing
- // the "error" property checked by promiseDownloadStopped. This happens
- // because we don't have control over when the download is started.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_throw("The download should have blocked.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseBlocked) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_true(ex.becauseBlockedByRuntimePermissions);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlockedByRuntimePermissions);
- }
- // Now that the download stopped, the target file should not exist.
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- cleanup();
- * Check that DownloadCopySaver can always retrieve the hash.
- * DownloadLegacySaver can only retrieve the hash when
- * nsIExternalHelperAppService is invoked.
- */
-add_task(function* test_getSha256Hash()
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("source.txt"));
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_eq(32, download.saver.getSha256Hash().length);
- }
- * Create a download which will be reputation blocked.
- *
- * @param options
- * {
- * keepPartialData: bool,
- * keepBlockedData: bool,
- * }
- * @return {Promise}
- * @resolves The reputation blocked download.
- * @rejects JavaScript exception.
- */
-var promiseBlockedDownload = Task.async(function* (options) {
- let blockFn = base => ({
- shouldBlockForReputationCheck: () => Promise.resolve({
- shouldBlock: true,
- verdict: Downloads.Error.BLOCK_VERDICT_UNCOMMON,
- }),
- shouldKeepBlockedData: () => Promise.resolve(options.keepBlockedData),
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(blockFn);
- function cleanup() {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(blockFn);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- let download;
- try {
- if (options.keepPartialData) {
- download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- continueResponses();
- } else if (gUseLegacySaver) {
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload();
- } else {
- download = yield promiseNewDownload();
- yield download.start();
- do_throw("The download should have blocked.");
- }
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_throw("The download should have blocked.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || !ex.becauseBlocked) {
- throw ex;
- }
- do_check_true(ex.becauseBlockedByReputationCheck);
- do_check_eq(ex.reputationCheckVerdict,
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlockedByReputationCheck);
- do_check_eq(download.error.reputationCheckVerdict,
- }
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- cleanup();
- return download;
- * Checks that application reputation blocks the download and the target file
- * does not exist.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation()
- let download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: false,
- keepBlockedData: false,
- });
- // Now that the download is blocked, the target file should not exist.
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- // There should also be no blocked data in this case
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- * Checks that if a download restarts while processing an application reputation
- * request, the status is handled correctly.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation_race()
- let isFirstShouldBlockCall = true;
- let blockFn = base => ({
- shouldBlockForReputationCheck(download) {
- if (isFirstShouldBlockCall) {
- isFirstShouldBlockCall = false;
- // 2. Cancel and restart the download before the first attempt has a
- // chance to finish.
- download.cancel();
- download.removePartialData();
- download.start();
- // 3. Allow the first attempt to finish with a blocked response.
- return Promise.resolve({
- shouldBlock: true,
- verdict: Downloads.Error.BLOCK_VERDICT_UNCOMMON,
- });
- }
- // 4/5. Don't block the download the second time. The race condition would
- // occur with the first attempt regardless of whether the second one
- // is blocked, but not blocking here makes the test simpler.
- return Promise.resolve({
- shouldBlock: false,
- verdict: "",
- });
- },
- shouldKeepBlockedData: () => Promise.resolve(true),
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(blockFn);
- function cleanup() {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(blockFn);
- }
- do_register_cleanup(cleanup);
- let download;
- try {
- // 1. Start the download and get a reference to the promise asociated with
- // the first attempt, before allowing the response to continue.
- download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- let firstAttempt = promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- continueResponses();
- // 4/5. Wait for the first attempt to be completed. The result of this
- // should appear as a cancellation.
- yield firstAttempt;
- do_throw("The first attempt should have been canceled.");
- } catch (ex) {
- // The "becauseBlocked" property should be false.
- if (!(ex instanceof Downloads.Error) || ex.becauseBlocked) {
- throw ex;
- }
- }
- // 6. Wait for the second attempt to be completed.
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- // 7. At this point, "hasBlockedData" should be false.
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- cleanup();
- * Checks that application reputation blocks the download but maintains the
- * blocked data, which will be deleted when the block is confirmed.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation_confirmBlock()
- let download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: true,
- keepBlockedData: true,
- });
- do_check_true(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- yield download.confirmBlock();
- // After confirming the block the download should be in a failed state and
- // have no downloaded data left on disk.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- * Checks that application reputation blocks the download but maintains the
- * blocked data, which will be used to complete the download when unblocking.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation_unblock()
- let download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: true,
- keepBlockedData: true,
- });
- do_check_true(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- yield download.unblock();
- // After unblocking the download should have succeeded and be
- // present at the final path.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- yield promiseVerifyTarget(, TEST_DATA_SHORT + TEST_DATA_SHORT);
- // The only indication the download was previously blocked is the
- // existence of the error, so we make sure it's still set.
- do_check_true(download.error instanceof Downloads.Error);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlocked);
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlockedByReputationCheck);
- * Check that calling cancel on a blocked download will not cause errors
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation_cancel()
- let download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: true,
- keepBlockedData: true,
- });
- // This call should succeed on a blocked download.
- yield download.cancel();
- // Calling cancel should not have changed the current state, the download
- // should still be blocked.
- do_check_true(download.error.becauseBlockedByReputationCheck);
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_true(download.hasBlockedData);
- * Checks that unblock and confirmBlock cannot race on a blocked download
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation_decisionRace()
- let download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: true,
- keepBlockedData: true,
- });
- let unblockPromise = download.unblock();
- let confirmBlockPromise = download.confirmBlock();
- yield confirmBlockPromise.then(() => {
- do_throw("confirmBlock should have failed.");
- }, () => {});
- yield unblockPromise;
- // After unblocking the download should have succeeded and be
- // present at the final path.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_true(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: true,
- keepBlockedData: true,
- });
- confirmBlockPromise = download.confirmBlock();
- unblockPromise = download.unblock();
- yield unblockPromise.then(() => {
- do_throw("unblock should have failed.");
- }, () => {});
- yield confirmBlockPromise;
- // After confirming the block the download should be in a failed state and
- // have no downloaded data left on disk.
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(;
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- * Checks that unblocking a blocked download fails if the blocked data has been
- * removed.
- */
-add_task(function* test_blocked_applicationReputation_unblock()
- let download = yield promiseBlockedDownload({
- keepPartialData: true,
- keepBlockedData: true,
- });
- do_check_true(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(;
- // Remove the blocked data without telling the download.
- yield OS.File.remove(;
- let unblockPromise = download.unblock();
- yield unblockPromise.then(() => {
- do_throw("unblock should have failed.");
- }, () => {});
- // Even though unblocking failed the download state should have been updated
- // to reflect the lack of blocked data.
- do_check_false(download.hasBlockedData);
- do_check_true(download.stopped);
- do_check_false(download.succeeded);
- do_check_false(;
- do_check_eq(, 0);
- * download.showContainingDirectory() action
- */
-add_task(function* test_showContainingDirectory() {
- let targetPath = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- let download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt") },
- target: ""
- });
- let promiseDirectoryShown = waitForDirectoryShown();
- yield download.showContainingDirectory();
- let path = yield promiseDirectoryShown;
- try {
- new FileUtils.File(path);
- do_throw("Should have failed because of an invalid path.");
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Components.Exception)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // Invalid paths on Windows are reported with NS_ERROR_FAILURE,
- // but with NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH on Mac/Linux
- let validResult = ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH ||
- ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- do_check_true(validResult);
- }
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt") },
- target: targetPath
- });
- promiseDirectoryShown = waitForDirectoryShown();
- download.showContainingDirectory();
- yield promiseDirectoryShown;
- * download.launch() action
- */
-add_task(function* test_launch() {
- let customLauncher = getTempFile("app-launcher");
- // Test both with and without setting a custom application.
- for (let launcherPath of [null, customLauncher.path]) {
- let download;
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- // When testing DownloadCopySaver, we have control over the download, thus
- // we can test that file is not launched if download.succeeded is not set.
- download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("source.txt"),
- target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
- launcherPath: launcherPath,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true
- });
- try {
- yield download.launch();
- do_throw("Can't launch download file as it has not completed yet");
- } catch (ex) {
- do_check_eq(ex.message,
- "launch can only be called if the download succeeded");
- }
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- // When testing DownloadLegacySaver, the download is already started when
- // it is created, thus we don't test calling "launch" before starting.
- download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(
- httpUrl("source.txt"),
- { launcherPath: launcherPath,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true });
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- do_check_true(download.launchWhenSucceeded);
- let promiseFileLaunched = waitForFileLaunched();
- download.launch();
- let result = yield promiseFileLaunched;
- // Verify that the results match the test case.
- if (!launcherPath) {
- // This indicates that the default handler has been chosen.
- do_check_true(result === null);
- } else {
- // Check the nsIMIMEInfo instance that would have been used for launching.
- do_check_eq(result.preferredAction, Ci.nsIMIMEInfo.useHelperApp);
- do_check_true(result.preferredApplicationHandler
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp)
- .executable.equals(customLauncher));
- }
- }
- * Test passing an invalid path as the launcherPath property.
- */
-add_task(function* test_launcherPath_invalid() {
- let download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt") },
- target: { path: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path },
- launcherPath: " "
- });
- let promiseDownloadLaunched = new Promise(resolve => {
- let waitFn = base => ({
- __proto__: base,
- launchDownload() {
- Integration.downloads.unregister(waitFn);
- let superPromise = super.launchDownload(...arguments);
- resolve(superPromise);
- return superPromise;
- },
- });
- Integration.downloads.register(waitFn);
- });
- yield download.start();
- try {
- download.launch();
- yield promiseDownloadLaunched;
- do_throw("Can't launch file with invalid custom launcher")
- } catch (ex) {
- if (!(ex instanceof Components.Exception)) {
- throw ex;
- }
- // Invalid paths on Windows are reported with NS_ERROR_FAILURE,
- // but with NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH on Mac/Linux
- let validResult = ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FILE_UNRECOGNIZED_PATH ||
- ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
- do_check_true(validResult);
- }
- * Tests that download.launch() is automatically called after
- * the download finishes if download.launchWhenSucceeded = true
- */
-add_task(function* test_launchWhenSucceeded() {
- let customLauncher = getTempFile("app-launcher");
- // Test both with and without setting a custom application.
- for (let launcherPath of [null, customLauncher.path]) {
- let promiseFileLaunched = waitForFileLaunched();
- if (!gUseLegacySaver) {
- let download = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("source.txt"),
- target: getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true,
- launcherPath: launcherPath,
- });
- yield download.start();
- } else {
- let download = yield promiseStartLegacyDownload(
- httpUrl("source.txt"),
- { launcherPath: launcherPath,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true });
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- }
- let result = yield promiseFileLaunched;
- // Verify that the results match the test case.
- if (!launcherPath) {
- // This indicates that the default handler has been chosen.
- do_check_true(result === null);
- } else {
- // Check the nsIMIMEInfo instance that would have been used for launching.
- do_check_eq(result.preferredAction, Ci.nsIMIMEInfo.useHelperApp);
- do_check_true(result.preferredApplicationHandler
- .QueryInterface(Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp)
- .executable.equals(customLauncher));
- }
- }
- * Tests that the proper content type is set for a normal download.
- */
-add_task(function* test_contentType() {
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("source.txt"));
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- do_check_eq("text/plain", download.contentType);
- * Tests that the serialization/deserialization of the startTime Date
- * object works correctly.
- */
-add_task(function* test_toSerializable_startTime()
- let download1 = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("source.txt"));
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download1);
- let serializable = download1.toSerializable();
- let reserialized = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(serializable));
- let download2 = yield Downloads.createDownload(reserialized);
- do_check_eq(, "Date");
- do_check_eq(, "Date");
- do_check_eq(download1.startTime.toJSON(), download2.startTime.toJSON());
- * Checks that downloads are added to browsing history when they start.
- */
-add_task(function* test_history()
- mustInterruptResponses();
- // We will wait for the visit to be notified during the download.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- let promiseVisit = promiseWaitForVisit(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- // Start a download that is not allowed to finish yet.
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload(httpUrl("interruptible.txt"));
- // The history notifications should be received before the download completes.
- let [time, transitionType] = yield promiseVisit;
- do_check_eq(time, download.startTime.getTime() * 1000);
- do_check_eq(transitionType, Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD);
- // Restart and complete the download after clearing history.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- download.cancel();
- continueResponses();
- yield download.start();
- // The restart should not have added a new history visit.
- do_check_false(yield promiseIsURIVisited(httpUrl("interruptible.txt")));
- * Checks that downloads started by nsIHelperAppService are added to the
- * browsing history when they start.
- */
-add_task(function* test_history_tryToKeepPartialData()
- // We will wait for the visit to be notified during the download.
- yield PlacesTestUtils.clearHistory();
- let promiseVisit =
- promiseWaitForVisit(httpUrl("interruptible_resumable.txt"));
- // Start a download that is not allowed to finish yet.
- let beforeStartTimeMs =;
- let download = yield promiseStartDownload_tryToKeepPartialData();
- // The history notifications should be received before the download completes.
- let [time, transitionType] = yield promiseVisit;
- do_check_eq(transitionType, Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_DOWNLOAD);
- // The time set by nsIHelperAppService may be different than the start time in
- // the download object, thus we only check that it is a meaningful time. Note
- // that we subtract one second from the earliest time to account for rounding.
- do_check_true(time >= beforeStartTimeMs * 1000 - 1000000);
- // Complete the download before finishing the test.
- continueResponses();
- yield promiseDownloadStopped(download);
- * Tests that the temp download files are removed on exit and exiting private
- * mode after they have been launched.
- */
-add_task(function* test_launchWhenSucceeded_deleteTempFileOnExit() {
- let customLauncherPath = getTempFile("app-launcher").path;
- let autoDeleteTargetPathOne = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- let autoDeleteTargetPathTwo = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- let noAutoDeleteTargetPath = getTempFile(TEST_TARGET_FILE_NAME).path;
- let autoDeleteDownloadOne = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: { url: httpUrl("source.txt"), isPrivate: true },
- target: autoDeleteTargetPathOne,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true,
- launcherPath: customLauncherPath,
- });
- yield autoDeleteDownloadOne.start();
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDeleteTempFileOnExit, true);
- let autoDeleteDownloadTwo = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("source.txt"),
- target: autoDeleteTargetPathTwo,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true,
- launcherPath: customLauncherPath,
- });
- yield autoDeleteDownloadTwo.start();
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref(kDeleteTempFileOnExit, false);
- let noAutoDeleteDownload = yield Downloads.createDownload({
- source: httpUrl("source.txt"),
- target: noAutoDeleteTargetPath,
- launchWhenSucceeded: true,
- launcherPath: customLauncherPath,
- });
- yield noAutoDeleteDownload.start();
- Services.prefs.clearUserPref(kDeleteTempFileOnExit);
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(autoDeleteTargetPathOne));
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(autoDeleteTargetPathTwo));
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(noAutoDeleteTargetPath));
- // Simulate leaving private browsing mode
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "last-pb-context-exited", null);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(autoDeleteTargetPathOne));
- // Simulate browser shutdown
- let expire = Cc[";1"]
- .getService(Ci.nsIObserver);
- expire.observe(null, "profile-before-change", null);
- do_check_false(yield OS.File.exists(autoDeleteTargetPathTwo));
- do_check_true(yield OS.File.exists(noAutoDeleteTargetPath));