path: root/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2020-02-25 15:07:00 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2020-02-25 15:07:00 -0500
commit0ddd00f1959c78ce37c14fef3c83401408fca3bf (patch)
treed408e02767c86cf8aac3acbb86722b03c77ede6f /toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit
parent20f0905b33cbb18d1caa80c55e2f552c2e18957b (diff)
Issue #439 - Remove tests from toolkit/
Diffstat (limited to 'toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1288 deletions
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/.eslintrc.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/.eslintrc.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d35787cd2..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/.eslintrc.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-module.exports = {
- "extends": [
- "../../../../../testing/xpcshell/xpcshell.eslintrc.js"
- ]
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/head_contentPrefs.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/head_contentPrefs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 84ca1bebf..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/head_contentPrefs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-// Inspired by the Places infrastructure in head_bookmarks.js
-var Cc = Components.classes;
-var Ci = Components.interfaces;
-var Cr = Components.results;
-var Cu = Components.utils;
-const CONTENT_PREFS_DB_FILENAME = "content-prefs.sqlite";
-const CONTENT_PREFS_BACKUP_DB_FILENAME = "content-prefs.sqlite.corrupt";
-var ContentPrefTest = {
- // Convenience Getters
- __dirSvc: null,
- get _dirSvc() {
- if (!this.__dirSvc)
- this.__dirSvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIProperties);
- return this.__dirSvc;
- },
- __consoleSvc: null,
- get _consoleSvc() {
- if (!this.__consoleSvc)
- this.__consoleSvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIConsoleService);
- return this.__consoleSvc;
- },
- __ioSvc: null,
- get _ioSvc() {
- if (!this.__ioSvc)
- this.__ioSvc = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIIOService);
- return this.__ioSvc;
- },
- // nsISupports
- interfaces: [Ci.nsIDirectoryServiceProvider, Ci.nsISupports],
- QueryInterface: function ContentPrefTest_QueryInterface(iid) {
- if (!this.interfaces.some( function(v) { return iid.equals(v) } ))
- return this;
- },
- // nsIDirectoryServiceProvider
- getFile: function ContentPrefTest_getFile(property, persistent) {
- persistent.value = true;
- if (property == "ProfD")
- return this._dirSvc.get("CurProcD", Ci.nsIFile);
- // This causes extraneous errors to show up in the log when the directory
- // service asks us first for CurProcD and MozBinD. I wish there was a way
- // to suppress those errors.
- },
- // Utilities
- getURI: function ContentPrefTest_getURI(spec) {
- return this._ioSvc.newURI(spec, null, null);
- },
- /**
- * Get the profile directory.
- */
- getProfileDir: function ContentPrefTest_getProfileDir() {
- // do_get_profile can be only called from a parent process
- if (runningInParent) {
- return do_get_profile();
- }
- // if running in a content process, this just returns the path
- // profile was initialized in the ipc head file
- let env = Components.classes[";1"]
- .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIEnvironment);
- // the python harness sets this in the environment for us
- let profd = env.get("XPCSHELL_TEST_PROFILE_DIR");
- let file = Components.classes[";1"]
- .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsILocalFile);
- file.initWithPath(profd);
- return file;
- },
- /**
- * Delete the content pref service's persistent datastore. We do this before
- * and after running tests to make sure we start from scratch each time. We
- * also do it during the database creation, schema migration, and backup tests.
- */
- deleteDatabase: function ContentPrefTest_deleteDatabase() {
- var file = this.getProfileDir();
- if (file.exists())
- try { file.remove(false); } catch (e) { /* stupid windows box */ }
- return file;
- },
- /**
- * Delete the backup of the content pref service's persistent datastore.
- * We do this during the database creation, schema migration, and backup tests.
- */
- deleteBackupDatabase: function ContentPrefTest_deleteBackupDatabase() {
- var file = this.getProfileDir();
- if (file.exists())
- file.remove(false);
- return file;
- },
- /**
- * Log a message to the console and the test log.
- */
- log: function ContentPrefTest_log(message) {
- message = "*** ContentPrefTest: " + message;
- this._consoleSvc.logStringMessage(message);
- print(message);
- }
-var gInPrivateBrowsing = false;
-function enterPBMode() {
- gInPrivateBrowsing = true;
-function exitPBMode() {
- gInPrivateBrowsing = false;
- Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "last-pb-context-exited", null);
-function inChildProcess() {
- var appInfo = Cc[";1"];
- if (!appInfo || appInfo.getService(Ci.nsIXULRuntime).processType ==
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-// Turn on logging for the content preferences service so we can troubleshoot
-// problems with the tests. Note that we cannot do this in a child process
-// without crashing (but we don't need it anyhow)
-if (!inChildProcess()) {
- var prefBranch = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
- prefBranch.setBoolPref("browser.preferences.content.log", true);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/tail_contentPrefs.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/tail_contentPrefs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f3c95dac8..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/tail_contentPrefs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-ContentPrefTest.__dirSvc = null;
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug248970.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug248970.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f4aa25c5..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug248970.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- let loadContext = { get usePrivateBrowsing() { return gInPrivateBrowsing; } };
- ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
- var cp = new ContentPrefInstance(loadContext);
- do_check_neq(cp, null, "Retrieving the content prefs service failed");
- try {
- const uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- const uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- const pref_name = "browser.content.full-zoom";
- const zoomA = 1.5, zoomA_new = 0.8, zoomB = 1.3;
- // save Zoom-A
- cp.setPref(uri1, pref_name, zoomA);
- // make sure Zoom-A is retrievable
- do_check_eq(cp.getPref(uri1, pref_name), zoomA);
- // enter private browsing mode
- enterPBMode();
- // make sure Zoom-A is retrievable
- do_check_eq(cp.getPref(uri1, pref_name), zoomA);
- // save Zoom-B
- cp.setPref(uri2, pref_name, zoomB);
- // make sure Zoom-B is retrievable
- do_check_eq(cp.getPref(uri2, pref_name), zoomB);
- // update Zoom-A
- cp.setPref(uri1, pref_name, zoomA_new);
- // make sure Zoom-A has changed
- do_check_eq(cp.getPref(uri1, pref_name), zoomA_new);
- // exit private browsing mode
- exitPBMode();
- // make sure Zoom-A change has not persisted
- do_check_eq(cp.getPref(uri1, pref_name), zoomA);
- // make sure Zoom-B change has not persisted
- do_check_eq(cp.hasPref(uri2, pref_name), false);
- } catch (e) {
- do_throw("Unexpected exception: " + e);
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug503971.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug503971.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ccfe1d02b..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug503971.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- var cps = new ContentPrefInstance(null);
- var uri = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.setPref(uri, null, 8); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.hasPref(uri, null); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.getPref(uri, null); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.removePref(uri, null); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.getPrefsByName(null); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.removePrefsByName(null); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.setPref(uri, "", 21); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.hasPref(uri, ""); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.getPref(uri, ""); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.removePref(uri, ""); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.getPrefsByName(""); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.removePrefsByName(""); });
-function do_check_thrown (aCallback) {
- var exThrown = false;
- try {
- aCallback();
- do_throw("NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE should have been thrown here");
- } catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
- exThrown = true;
- }
- do_check_true(exThrown);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug679784.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug679784.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 97251d87b..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_bug679784.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var prefObserver = {
- setCalledNum: 0,
- onContentPrefSet: function(aGroup, aName, aValue) {
- this.setCalledNum++;
- },
- removedCalledNum: 0,
- onContentPrefRemoved: function(aGroup, aName) {
- this.removedCalledNum++;
- }
-function run_test() {
- let loadContext = { get usePrivateBrowsing() { return gInPrivateBrowsing; } };
- var cps = new ContentPrefInstance(loadContext);
- cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
- var uri = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- var group =;
- // first, set a pref in normal mode
- cps.setPref(uri, "value", "foo");
- cps.setPref(null, "value-global", "foo-global");
- var num;
- cps.addObserver("value", prefObserver);
- cps.addObserver("value-global", prefObserver);
- enterPBMode();
- // test setPref
- num = prefObserver.setCalledNum;
- cps.setPref(uri, "value", "foo-private-browsing");
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(uri, "value"), true);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "value"), "foo-private-browsing");
- do_check_eq(prefObserver.setCalledNum, num + 1);
- num = prefObserver.setCalledNum;
- cps.setPref(null, "value-global", "foo-private-browsing-global");
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(null, "value-global"), true);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(null, "value-global"), "foo-private-browsing-global");
- do_check_eq(prefObserver.setCalledNum, num + 1);
- // test removePref
- num = prefObserver.removedCalledNum;
- cps.removePref(uri, "value");
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(uri, "value"), true);
- // fallback to non private mode value
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "value"), "foo");
- do_check_eq(prefObserver.removedCalledNum, num + 1);
- num = prefObserver.removedCalledNum;
- cps.removePref(null, "value-global");
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(null, "value-global"), true);
- // fallback to non private mode value
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(null, "value-global"), "foo-global") ;
- do_check_eq(prefObserver.removedCalledNum, num + 1);
- // test removeGroupedPrefs
- cps.setPref(uri, "value", "foo-private-browsing");
- cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(uri, "value"), false);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "value"), undefined);
- cps.setPref(null, "value-global", "foo-private-browsing-global");
- cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(null, "value-global"), true);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(null, "value-global"), "foo-private-browsing-global");
- // test removePrefsByName
- num = prefObserver.removedCalledNum;
- cps.setPref(uri, "value", "foo-private-browsing");
- cps.removePrefsByName("value");
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(uri, "value"), false);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "value"), undefined);
- do_check_true(prefObserver.removedCalledNum > num);
- num = prefObserver.removedCalledNum;
- cps.setPref(null, "value-global", "foo-private-browsing");
- cps.removePrefsByName("value-global");
- do_check_eq(cps.hasPref(null, "value-global"), false);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(null, "value-global"), undefined);
- do_check_true(prefObserver.removedCalledNum > num);
- // test getPrefs
- cps.setPref(uri, "value", "foo-private-browsing");
- do_check_eq(cps.getPrefs(uri).getProperty("value"), "foo-private-browsing");
- cps.setPref(null, "value-global", "foo-private-browsing-global");
- do_check_eq(cps.getPrefs(null).getProperty("value-global"), "foo-private-browsing-global");
- // test getPrefsByName
- do_check_eq(cps.getPrefsByName("value").getProperty(group), "foo-private-browsing");
- do_check_eq(cps.getPrefsByName("value-global").getProperty(null), "foo-private-browsing-global");
- cps.removeObserver("value", prefObserver);
- cps.removeObserver("value-global", prefObserver);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefs.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f7e99ea9d..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,463 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- // Database Creation, Schema Migration, and Backup
- // Note: in these tests we use createInstance instead of getService
- // so we can instantiate the service multiple times and make it run
- // its database initialization code each time.
- // Create a new database.
- {
- ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
- // Get the service and make sure it has a ready database connection.
- let cps = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
- do_check_true(cps.DBConnection.connectionReady);
- cps.DBConnection.close();
- }
- // Open an existing database.
- {
- let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
- let cps = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
- cps.DBConnection.close();
- do_check_true(dbFile.exists());
- // Get the service and make sure it has a ready database connection.
- cps = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
- do_check_true(cps.DBConnection.connectionReady);
- cps.DBConnection.close();
- }
- // Open an empty database.
- {
- let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
- // Create an empty database.
- let dbService = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.mozIStorageService);
- let dbConnection = dbService.openDatabase(dbFile);
- do_check_eq(dbConnection.schemaVersion, 0);
- dbConnection.close();
- do_check_true(dbFile.exists());
- // Get the service and make sure it has created the schema.
- let cps = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
- do_check_neq(cps.DBConnection.schemaVersion, 0);
- cps.DBConnection.close();
- }
- // Open a corrupted database.
- {
- let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
- let backupDBFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteBackupDatabase();
- // Create a corrupted database.
- let foStream = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIFileOutputStream);
- foStream.init(dbFile, 0x02 | 0x08 | 0x20, 0o666, 0);
- let garbageData = "garbage that makes SQLite think the file is corrupted";
- foStream.write(garbageData, garbageData.length);
- foStream.close();
- // Get the service and make sure it backs up and recreates the database.
- let cps = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
- do_check_true(backupDBFile.exists());
- do_check_true(cps.DBConnection.connectionReady);
- cps.DBConnection.close();
- }
- // Open a database with a corrupted schema.
- {
- let dbFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteDatabase();
- let backupDBFile = ContentPrefTest.deleteBackupDatabase();
- // Create an empty database and set the schema version to a number
- // that will trigger a schema migration that will fail.
- let dbService = Cc[";1"].
- getService(Ci.mozIStorageService);
- let dbConnection = dbService.openDatabase(dbFile);
- dbConnection.schemaVersion = -1;
- dbConnection.close();
- do_check_true(dbFile.exists());
- // Get the service and make sure it backs up and recreates the database.
- let cps = Cc[";1"].
- createInstance(Ci.nsIContentPrefService);
- do_check_true(backupDBFile.exists());
- do_check_true(cps.DBConnection.connectionReady);
- cps.DBConnection.close();
- }
- // Now get the content pref service for real for use by the rest of the tests.
- let cps = new ContentPrefInstance(null);
- var uri = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- // Make sure disk synchronization checking is turned off by default.
- var statement = cps.DBConnection.createStatement("PRAGMA synchronous");
- statement.executeStep();
- do_check_eq(0, statement.getInt32(0));
- // Nonexistent Pref
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.nonexistent.getPref"), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(uri, "test.nonexistent.setPref", 5), undefined);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.nonexistent.hasPref"));
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.nonexistent.removePref"), undefined);
- // Existing Pref
- cps.setPref(uri, "test.existing", 5);
- // getPref should return the pref value
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.existing"), 5);
- // setPref should return undefined and change the value of the pref
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(uri, "test.existing", 6), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "test.existing"), 6);
- // hasPref should return true
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.existing"));
- // removePref should return undefined and remove the pref
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, "test.existing"), undefined);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, "test.existing"));
- // Round-Trip Data Integrity
- // Make sure pref values remain the same from setPref to getPref.
- cps.setPref(uri, "", 5);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, ""), 5);
- cps.setPref(uri, "", 5.5);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, ""), 5.5);
- cps.setPref(uri, "", true);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, ""), true);
- cps.setPref(uri, "", "test");
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, ""), "test");
- cps.setPref(uri, "", null);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, ""), null);
- // XXX Test arbitrary binary data.
- // Make sure hasPref and removePref work on all data types.
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, ""), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, ""), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, ""), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, ""), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(uri, ""), undefined);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, ""));
- // getPrefs
- cps.setPref(uri, "test.getPrefs.a", 1);
- cps.setPref(uri, "test.getPrefs.b", 2);
- cps.setPref(uri, "test.getPrefs.c", 3);
- var prefs = cps.getPrefs(uri);
- do_check_true(prefs.hasKey("test.getPrefs.a"));
- do_check_eq(prefs.get("test.getPrefs.a"), 1);
- do_check_true(prefs.hasKey("test.getPrefs.b"));
- do_check_eq(prefs.get("test.getPrefs.b"), 2);
- do_check_true(prefs.hasKey("test.getPrefs.c"));
- do_check_eq(prefs.get("test.getPrefs.c"), 3);
- // Site-Specificity
- {
- // These are all different sites, and setting a pref for one of them
- // shouldn't set it for the others.
- let uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri4 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- cps.setPref(uri1, "", 5);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, ""));
- cps.setPref(uri2, "", 5);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, ""));
- cps.setPref(uri3, "", 5);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, ""));
- cps.setPref(uri4, "", 5);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, ""));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, ""));
- }
- // Observers
- var specificObserver = {
- interfaces: [Ci.nsIContentPrefObserver, Ci.nsISupports],
- QueryInterface: function ContentPrefTest_QueryInterface(iid) {
- if (!this.interfaces.some( function(v) { return iid.equals(v) } ))
- return this;
- },
- numTimesSetCalled: 0,
- onContentPrefSet: function specificObserver_onContentPrefSet(group, name, value) {
- ++this.numTimesSetCalled;
- do_check_eq(group, "");
- do_check_eq(name, "");
- do_check_eq(value, "test value");
- },
- numTimesRemovedCalled: 0,
- onContentPrefRemoved: function specificObserver_onContentPrefRemoved(group, name) {
- ++this.numTimesRemovedCalled;
- do_check_eq(group, "");
- do_check_eq(name, "");
- }
- };
- var genericObserver = {
- interfaces: [Ci.nsIContentPrefObserver, Ci.nsISupports],
- QueryInterface: function ContentPrefTest_QueryInterface(iid) {
- if (!this.interfaces.some( function(v) { return iid.equals(v) } ))
- return this;
- },
- numTimesSetCalled: 0,
- onContentPrefSet: function genericObserver_onContentPrefSet(group, name, value, isPrivate) {
- ++this.numTimesSetCalled;
- do_check_eq(group, "");
- if (name == "")
- do_check_true(isPrivate);
- else if (name == "")
- do_check_false(isPrivate);
- else if (name != "" && name != "")
- do_throw("genericObserver.onContentPrefSet: " +
- "name not in (|2|normal|private))");
- do_check_eq(value, "test value");
- },
- numTimesRemovedCalled: 0,
- onContentPrefRemoved: function genericObserver_onContentPrefRemoved(group, name, isPrivate) {
- ++this.numTimesRemovedCalled;
- do_check_eq(group, "");
- if (name == "")
- do_check_true(isPrivate);
- else if (name == "")
- do_check_false(isPrivate);
- if (name != "" && name != "" &&
- name != "" && name != "") {
- do_throw("genericObserver.onContentPrefSet: " +
- "name not in (|2|normal|private))");
- }
- }
- };
- // Make sure we can add observers, observers get notified about changes,
- // specific observers only get notified about changes to the specific setting,
- // and generic observers get notified about changes to all settings.
- cps.addObserver("", specificObserver);
- cps.addObserver(null, genericObserver);
- cps.setPref(uri, "", "test value");
- cps.setPref(uri, "", "test value");
- cps.removePref(uri, "");
- cps.removePref(uri, "");
- do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 1);
- do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 2);
- do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 1);
- do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 2);
- // Make sure information about private context is properly
- // retrieved by the observer.
- cps.setPref(uri, "", "test value", {usePrivateBrowsing: true});
- cps.setPref(uri, "", "test value", {usePrivateBrowsing: false});
- cps.removePref(uri, "");
- cps.removePref(uri, "");
- // Make sure we can remove observers and they don't get notified
- // about changes anymore.
- cps.removeObserver("", specificObserver);
- cps.removeObserver(null, genericObserver);
- cps.setPref(uri, "", "test value");
- cps.removePref(uri, "", "test value");
- do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 1);
- do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesSetCalled, 4);
- do_check_eq(specificObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 1);
- do_check_eq(genericObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 3);
- // Get/Remove Prefs By Name
- {
- var anObserver = {
- interfaces: [Ci.nsIContentPrefObserver, Ci.nsISupports],
- QueryInterface: function ContentPrefTest_QueryInterface(iid) {
- if (!this.interfaces.some( function(v) { return iid.equals(v) } ))
- return this;
- },
- onContentPrefSet: function anObserver_onContentPrefSet(group, name, value) {
- },
- expectedDomains: [],
- numTimesRemovedCalled: 0,
- onContentPrefRemoved: function anObserver_onContentPrefRemoved(group, name) {
- ++this.numTimesRemovedCalled;
- // remove the domain from the list of expected domains
- var index = this.expectedDomains.indexOf(group);
- do_check_true(index >= 0);
- this.expectedDomains.splice(index, 1);
- }
- };
- let uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri4 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- cps.setPref(uri1, "test.byname.1", 1);
- cps.setPref(uri1, "test.byname.2", 2);
- cps.setPref(uri2, "test.byname.1", 4);
- cps.setPref(uri3, "test.byname.3", 8);
- cps.setPref(uri4, "test.byname.1", 16);
- cps.setPref(null, "test.byname.1", 32);
- cps.setPref(null, "test.byname.2", false);
- function enumerateAndCheck(testName, expectedSum, expectedDomains) {
- var prefsByName = cps.getPrefsByName(testName);
- var enumerator = prefsByName.enumerator;
- var sum = 0;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- var property = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIProperty);
- sum += parseInt(property.value);
- // remove the domain from the list of expected domains
- var index = expectedDomains.indexOf(;
- do_check_true(index >= 0);
- expectedDomains.splice(index, 1);
- }
- do_check_eq(sum, expectedSum);
- // check all domains have been removed from the array
- do_check_eq(expectedDomains.length, 0);
- }
- enumerateAndCheck("test.byname.1", 53,
- ["", null, "", ""]);
- enumerateAndCheck("test.byname.2", 2, ["", null]);
- enumerateAndCheck("test.byname.3", 8, [""]);
- cps.addObserver("test.byname.1", anObserver);
- anObserver.expectedDomains = ["", null, "", ""];
- cps.removePrefsByName("test.byname.1");
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri1, "test.byname.1"));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri2, "test.byname.1"));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri3, "test.byname.1"));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri4, "test.byname.1"));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(null, "test.byname.1"));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri1, "test.byname.2"));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri3, "test.byname.3"));
- do_check_eq(anObserver.numTimesRemovedCalled, 4);
- do_check_eq(anObserver.expectedDomains.length, 0);
- cps.removeObserver("test.byname.1", anObserver);
- // Clean up after ourselves
- cps.removePref(uri1, "test.byname.2");
- cps.removePref(uri3, "test.byname.3");
- cps.removePref(null, "test.byname.2");
- }
- // Clear Private Data Pref Removal
- {
- let uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- let dbConnection = cps.DBConnection;
- let prefCount = dbConnection.createStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM prefs");
- let groupCount = dbConnection.createStatement("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM groups");
- // Add some prefs for multiple domains.
- cps.setPref(uri1, "test.removeAllGroups", 1);
- cps.setPref(uri2, "test.removeAllGroups", 2);
- cps.setPref(uri3, "test.removeAllGroups", 3);
- // Add a global pref.
- cps.setPref(null, "test.removeAllGroups", 1);
- // Make sure there are some prefs and groups in the database.
- prefCount.executeStep();
- do_check_true(prefCount.row.count > 0);
- prefCount.reset();
- groupCount.executeStep();
- do_check_true(groupCount.row.count > 0);
- groupCount.reset();
- // Remove all prefs and groups from the database using the same routine
- // the Clear Private Data dialog uses.
- cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
- // Make sure there are no longer any groups in the database and the only pref
- // is the global one.
- prefCount.executeStep();
- do_check_true(prefCount.row.count == 1);
- prefCount.reset();
- groupCount.executeStep();
- do_check_true(groupCount.row.count == 0);
- groupCount.reset();
- let globalPref = dbConnection.createStatement("SELECT groupID FROM prefs");
- globalPref.executeStep();
- do_check_true(globalPref.row.groupID == null);
- globalPref.reset();
- }
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefsCache.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefsCache.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 38a2faddc..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_contentPrefsCache.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,244 +0,0 @@
- * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- *
- */
-var cps = new ContentPrefInstance(null);
-function run_test() {
- testCacheWorks("", "test-pref1");
- testHasCachedPrefFunction("", "test-pref2");
- testSetCaches("", "test-pref3");
- testGetCaches("", "test-pref4");
- testRemovePrefs("", "test-pref5");
- testTypeConversions("", "test-pref6");
- testNonExistingPrefCachesAsUndefined("", "test-pref7");
- testCacheEviction("", "test-pref8");
-function testCacheWorks(uri, prefName) {
- const CACHED_VALUE = 3;
- const NEW_VALUE = 5;
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, CACHED_VALUE);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, prefName), CACHED_VALUE);
- // Now change the value directly through the DB and check
- // that the cached value is different
- let groupId = selectValue("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = :param1", "id", uri);
- let settingId = selectValue("SELECT id FROM settings WHERE name = :param1", "id", prefName);
- let prefId = selectValue("SELECT id FROM prefs WHERE groupID = :param1 AND settingID = :param2",
- "id", groupId, settingId);
- let stmt = cps.DBConnection.createStatement("UPDATE prefs SET value = :value WHERE id = :id");
- stmt.params.value = NEW_VALUE;
- = prefId;
- stmt.execute();
- let dbValue = selectValue("SELECT value FROM prefs WHERE id = :param1", "value", prefId);
- let cacheValue = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_eq(dbValue, NEW_VALUE);
- do_check_eq(cacheValue, CACHED_VALUE);
- do_check_neq(cacheValue, dbValue);
- do_test_pending();
- cps.getPref(uri, prefName, function (value) {
- do_check_eq(dbValue, NEW_VALUE);
- do_check_eq(value, CACHED_VALUE);
- do_check_neq(value, dbValue);
- do_test_finished();
- });
-function testHasCachedPrefFunction(uri, prefName) {
- const STARTING_VALUE = 3;
- const NEW_VALUE = 5;
- do_check_false(isCached(uri, prefName));
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, STARTING_VALUE);
- let groupId = selectValue("SELECT id FROM groups WHERE name = :param1", "id", uri);
- let settingId = selectValue("SELECT id FROM settings WHERE name = :param1", "id", prefName);
- let prefId = selectValue("SELECT id FROM prefs WHERE groupID = :param1 AND settingID = :param2",
- "id", groupId, settingId);
- do_check_neq(prefId, undefined);
- let originalValue = selectValue("SELECT value FROM prefs WHERE id = :param1", "value", prefId);
- do_check_eq(originalValue, STARTING_VALUE);
- let stmt = cps.DBConnection.createStatement("UPDATE prefs SET value = :value WHERE id = :id");
- stmt.params.value = NEW_VALUE;
- = prefId;
- stmt.execute();
- let newValue = selectValue("SELECT value FROM prefs WHERE id = :param1", "value", prefId);
- do_check_eq(newValue, NEW_VALUE);
- let cachedValue = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_eq(cachedValue, STARTING_VALUE);
- do_check_true(isCached(uri, prefName));
-function testSetCaches(uri, prefName) {
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, 0);
- do_check_true(isCached(uri, prefName));
-function testRemovePrefs(uri, prefName) {
- /* removePref */
- cps.setPref("www1." + uri, prefName, 1);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref("www1." + uri, prefName), 1);
- cps.removePref("www1." + uri, prefName);
- do_check_false(isCached("www1." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref("www1." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_neq(cps.getPref("www1." + uri, prefName), 1);
- /* removeGroupedPrefs */
- cps.setPref("www2." + uri, prefName, 2);
- cps.setPref("www3." + uri, prefName, 3);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref("www2." + uri, prefName), 2);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref("www3." + uri, prefName), 3);
- cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
- do_check_false(isCached("www2." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(isCached("www3." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref("www2." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref("www3." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_neq(cps.getPref("www2." + uri, prefName), 2);
- do_check_neq(cps.getPref("www3." + uri, prefName), 3);
- /* removePrefsByName */
- cps.setPref("www4." + uri, prefName, 4);
- cps.setPref("www5." + uri, prefName, 5);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref("www4." + uri, prefName), 4);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref("www5." + uri, prefName), 5);
- cps.removePrefsByName(prefName);
- do_check_false(isCached("www4." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(isCached("www5." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref("www4." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref("www5." + uri, prefName));
- do_check_neq(cps.getPref("www4." + uri, prefName), 4);
- do_check_neq(cps.getPref("www5." + uri, prefName), 5);
-function testGetCaches(uri, prefName) {
- const VALUE = 4;
- let insertGroup = cps.DBConnection.createStatement("INSERT INTO groups (name) VALUES (:name)");
- = uri;
- insertGroup.execute();
- let groupId = cps.DBConnection.lastInsertRowID;
- let insertSetting = cps.DBConnection.createStatement("INSERT INTO settings (name) VALUES (:name)");
- = prefName;
- insertSetting.execute();
- let settingId = cps.DBConnection.lastInsertRowID;
- let insertPref = cps.DBConnection.createStatement(`
- INSERT INTO prefs (groupID, settingID, value)
- VALUES (:groupId, :settingId, :value)
- `);
- insertPref.params.groupId = groupId;
- insertPref.params.settingId = settingId;
- insertPref.params.value = VALUE;
- insertPref.execute();
- let prefId = cps.DBConnection.lastInsertRowID;
- let dbValue = selectValue("SELECT value FROM prefs WHERE id = :param1", "value", prefId);
- // First access from service should hit the DB
- let svcValue = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- // Second time should get the value from cache
- let cacheValue = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_eq(VALUE, dbValue);
- do_check_eq(VALUE, svcValue);
- do_check_eq(VALUE, cacheValue);
- do_check_true(isCached(uri, prefName));
-function testTypeConversions(uri, prefName) {
- let value;
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, true);
- value = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_true(value === 1);
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, false);
- value = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_true(value === 0);
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, null);
- value = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_true(value === null);
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, undefined);
- value = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_true(value === null);
-function testNonExistingPrefCachesAsUndefined(uri, prefName) {
- do_check_false(isCached(uri, prefName));
- // Cache the pref
- let value = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_true(value === undefined);
- do_check_true(isCached(uri, prefName));
- // Cached pref
- value = cps.getPref(uri, prefName);
- do_check_true(value === undefined);
-function testCacheEviction(uri, prefName) {
- cps.setPref(uri, prefName, 5);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, prefName), 5);
- do_check_true(isCached(uri, prefName));
- // try to evict value from cache by adding various other entries
- const ENTRIES_TO_ADD = 200;
- for (let i = 0; i < ENTRIES_TO_ADD; i++) {
- let uriToAdd = "www" + i + uri;
- cps.setPref(uriToAdd, prefName, 0);
- }
- do_check_false(isCached(uri, prefName));
-function selectValue(stmt, columnName, param1, param2) {
- stmt = cps.DBConnection.createStatement(stmt);
- if (param1)
- stmt.params.param1 = param1;
- if (param2)
- stmt.params.param2 = param2;
- stmt.executeStep();
- let val = stmt.row[columnName];
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.finalize();
- return val;
-function isCached(uri, prefName) {
- return cps.hasCachedPref(uri, prefName);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_getPrefAsync.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_getPrefAsync.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 27d239f79..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_getPrefAsync.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var cps = new ContentPrefInstance(null);
-var uri = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
-function run_test() {
- do_test_pending();
- cps.setPref(uri, "asynctest", "pie");
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, "asynctest"), "pie");
- cps.getPref(uri, "asynctest", function(aValue) {
- do_check_eq(aValue, "pie");
- testCallbackObj();
- });
-function testCallbackObj() {
- cps.getPref(uri, "asynctest", {
- onResult: function(aValue) {
- do_check_eq(aValue, "pie");
- cps.removePref(uri, "asynctest");
- testNoResult();
- }
- });
-function testNoResult() {
- cps.getPref(uri, "asynctest", function(aValue) {
- do_check_eq(aValue, undefined);
- do_test_finished();
- });
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_stringGroups.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_stringGroups.js
deleted file mode 100644
index afce3b64a..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_stringGroups.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,128 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-function run_test() {
- var cps = new ContentPrefInstance(null);
- // Make sure disk synchronization checking is turned off by default.
- var statement = cps.DBConnection.createStatement("PRAGMA synchronous");
- statement.executeStep();
- do_check_eq(0, statement.getInt32(0));
- // These are the different types of aGroup arguments we'll test.
- var anObject = {"foo":"bar"}; // a simple object
- var uri = ContentPrefTest.getURI(""); // nsIURI
- var stringURI = ""; // typeof = "string"
- var stringObjectURI = new String(""); // typeof = "object"
- {
- // First check that all the methods work or don't work.
- function simple_test_methods(aGroup, shouldThrow) {
- var prefName = "test.pref.0";
- var prefValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
- if (shouldThrow) {
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.getPref(aGroup, prefName); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.setPref(aGroup, prefName, prefValue); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.hasPref(aGroup, prefName); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.removePref(aGroup, prefName); });
- do_check_thrown(function () { cps.getPrefs(aGroup); });
- } else {
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(aGroup, prefName, prefValue), undefined);
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(aGroup, prefName));
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(aGroup, prefName), prefValue);
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(aGroup, prefName), undefined);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(aGroup, prefName));
- }
- }
- simple_test_methods(cps, true); // arbitrary nsISupports object, should throw too
- simple_test_methods(anObject, true);
- simple_test_methods(uri, false);
- simple_test_methods(stringURI, false);
- simple_test_methods(stringObjectURI, false);
- }
- {
- // Now we'll check that each argument produces the same result.
- function complex_test_methods(aGroup) {
- var prefName = "test.pref.1";
- var prefValue = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(aGroup, prefName, prefValue), undefined);
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(uri, prefName));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(stringURI, prefName));
- do_check_true(cps.hasPref(stringObjectURI, prefName));
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(uri, prefName), prefValue);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(stringURI, prefName), prefValue);
- do_check_eq(cps.getPref(stringObjectURI, prefName), prefValue);
- do_check_eq(cps.removePref(aGroup, prefName), undefined);
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(uri, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(stringURI, prefName));
- do_check_false(cps.hasPref(stringObjectURI, prefName));
- }
- complex_test_methods(uri);
- complex_test_methods(stringURI);
- complex_test_methods(stringObjectURI);
- }
- {
- // test getPrefs returns the same prefs
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(stringObjectURI, "test.5", 5), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(stringURI, "test.2", 2), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(uri, "test.1", 1), undefined);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(uri), 8, ["test.1", "test.2", "test.5"]);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(stringURI), 8, ["test.1", "test.2", "test.5"]);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(stringObjectURI), 8, ["test.1", "test.2", "test.5"]);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(uri, "test.4", 4), undefined);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(stringObjectURI, "test.0", 0), undefined);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(uri), 12, ["test.0", "test.1", "test.2", "test.4", "test.5"]);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(stringURI), 12, ["test.0", "test.1", "test.2", "test.4", "test.5"]);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(stringObjectURI), 12, ["test.0", "test.1", "test.2", "test.4", "test.5"]);
- do_check_eq(cps.setPref(stringURI, "test.3", 3), undefined);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(uri), 15, ["test.0", "test.1", "test.2", "test.3", "test.4", "test.5"]);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(stringURI), 15, ["test.0", "test.1", "test.2", "test.3", "test.4", "test.5"]);
- enumerateAndCheck(cps.getPrefs(stringObjectURI), 15, ["test.0", "test.1", "test.2", "test.3", "test.4", "test.5"]);
- }
-function do_check_thrown (aCallback) {
- var exThrown = false;
- try {
- aCallback();
- do_throw("NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE should have been thrown here");
- } catch (e) {
- do_check_eq(e.result, Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
- exThrown = true;
- }
- do_check_true(exThrown);
-function enumerateAndCheck(prefs, expectedSum, expectedNames) {
- var enumerator = prefs.enumerator;
- var sum = 0;
- while (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
- var property = enumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIProperty);
- sum += parseInt(property.value);
- // remove the pref name from the list of expected names
- var index = expectedNames.indexOf(;
- do_check_true(index >= 0);
- expectedNames.splice(index, 1);
- }
- do_check_eq(sum, expectedSum);
- // check all pref names have been removed from the array
- do_check_eq(expectedNames.length, 0);
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_unusedGroupsAndSettings.js b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_unusedGroupsAndSettings.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 24a86bcc0..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/test_unusedGroupsAndSettings.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-var cps = new ContentPrefInstance(null);
-function run_test() {
- var uri1 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- var uri2 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- var uri3 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- var uri4 = ContentPrefTest.getURI("");
- cps.setPref(uri1, "one", 1);
- cps.setPref(uri1, "two", 2);
- cps.setPref(uri2, "one", 4);
- cps.setPref(uri3, "three", 8);
- cps.setPref(uri4, "two", 16);
- cps.removePref(uri3, "three"); // uri3 should be removed now
- checkForUnusedGroups();
- checkForUnusedSettings();
- cps.removePrefsByName("two"); // uri4 should be removed now
- checkForUnusedGroups();
- checkForUnusedSettings();
- cps.removeGroupedPrefs();
- checkForUnusedGroups();
- checkForUnusedSettings();
-function checkForUnusedGroups() {
- var stmt = cps.DBConnection.createStatement(`
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM groups
- `);
- stmt.executeStep();
- do_check_eq(0, stmt.row.count);
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.finalize();
-function checkForUnusedSettings() {
- var stmt = cps.DBConnection.createStatement(`
- SELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM settings
- `);
- stmt.executeStep();
- do_check_eq(0, stmt.row.count);
- stmt.reset();
- stmt.finalize();
diff --git a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini b/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index cbae178b1..000000000
--- a/toolkit/components/contentprefs/tests/unit/xpcshell.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-head = head_contentPrefs.js
-tail = tail_contentPrefs.js