path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/ISSUES.txt
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/ISSUES.txt
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/ISSUES.txt')
1 files changed, 365 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/ISSUES.txt b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/ISSUES.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..081d727e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testing/web-platform/tests/tools/pytest/ISSUES.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,365 @@
+recorder = monkeypatch.function(".......")
+tags: nice feature
+Like monkeypatch.replace but sets a mock-like call recorder:
+ recorder = monkeypatch.function("os.path.abspath")
+ recorder.set_return("/hello")
+ os.path.abspath("hello")
+ call, = recorder.calls
+ assert call.args.path == "hello"
+ assert call.returned == "/hello"
+ ...
+Unlike mock, "args.path" acts on the parsed auto-spec'ed ``os.path.abspath``
+so it's independent from if the client side called "os.path.abspath(path=...)"
+or "os.path.abspath('positional')".
+refine parametrize API
+tags: critical feature
+extend metafunc.parametrize to directly support indirection, example:
+ def setupdb(request, config):
+ # setup "resource" based on test request and the values passed
+ # in to parametrize. setupfunc is called for each such value.
+ # you may use request.addfinalizer() or request.cached_setup ...
+ return dynamic_setup_database(val)
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("db", ["pg", "mysql"], setupfunc=setupdb)
+ def test_heavy_functional_test(db):
+ ...
+There would be no need to write or explain funcarg factories and
+their special __ syntax.
+The examples and improvements should also show how to put the parametrize
+decorator to a class, to a module or even to a directory. For the directory
+part a content like this::
+ pytestmark = [
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize_setup("db", ...),
+ ]
+probably makes sense in order to keep the declarative nature. This mirrors
+the marker-mechanism with respect to a test module but puts it to a directory
+When doing larger scoped parametrization it probably becomes necessary
+to allow parametrization to be ignored if the according parameter is not
+used (currently any parametrized argument that is not present in a function will cause a ValueError). Example:
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize("db", ..., mustmatch=False)
+means to not raise an error but simply ignore the parametrization
+if the signature of a decorated function does not match. XXX is it
+not sufficient to always allow non-matches?
+allow parametrized attributes on classes
+tags: wish 2.4
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize_attr("db", setupfunc, [1,2,3], scope="class")
+ @pytest.mark.parametrize_attr("tmp", setupfunc, scope="...")
+ class TestMe:
+ def test_hello(self):
+ access self.db ...
+this would run the test_hello() function three times with three
+different values for self.db. This could also work with unittest/nose
+style tests, i.e. it leverages existing test suites without needing
+to rewrite them. Together with the previously mentioned setup_test()
+maybe the setupfunc could be omitted?
+tags: 2.4 core
+- look at ihook optimization such that all lookups for
+ hooks relating to the same fspath are cached.
+fix start/finish partial finailization problem
+tags: bug core
+if a configure/runtest_setup/sessionstart/... hook invocation partially
+fails the sessionfinishes is not called. Each hook implementation
+should better be repsonsible for registering a cleanup/finalizer
+appropriately to avoid this issue. Moreover/Alternatively, we could
+record which implementations of a hook succeeded and only call their
+relax requirement to have tests/testing contain an __init__
+tags: feature
+A local test run of a "tests" directory may work
+but a remote one fail because the tests directory
+does not contain an "". Either give
+an error or make it work without the
+i.e. port the nose-logic of unloading a test module.
+customize test function collection
+tags: feature
+- introduce pytest.mark.nocollect for not considering a function for
+ test collection at all. maybe also introduce a pytest.mark.test to
+ explicitly mark a function to become a tested one. Lookup JUnit ways
+ of tagging tests.
+introduce pytest.mark.importorskip
+tags: feature
+in addition to the imperative pytest.importorskip also introduce
+a pytest.mark.importorskip so that the test count is more correct.
+introduce pytest.mark.platform
+tags: feature
+Introduce nice-to-spell platform-skipping, examples:
+ @pytest.mark.platform("python3")
+ @pytest.mark.platform("not python3")
+ @pytest.mark.platform("win32 and not python3")
+ @pytest.mark.platform("darwin")
+ @pytest.mark.platform("not (jython and win32)")
+ @pytest.mark.platform("not (jython and win32)", xfail=True)
+etc. Idea is to allow Python expressions which can operate
+on common spellings for operating systems and python
+interpreter versions.
+pytest.mark.xfail signature change
+tags: feature
+change to pytest.mark.xfail(reason, (optional)condition)
+to better implement the word meaning. It also signals
+better that we always have some kind of an implementation
+reason that can be formualated.
+Compatibility? how to introduce a new name/keep compat?
+allow to non-intrusively apply skipfs/xfail/marks
+tags: feature
+use case: mark a module or directory structures
+to be skipped on certain platforms (i.e. no import
+attempt will be made).
+consider introducing a hook/mechanism that allows to apply marks
+from conftests or plugins. (See extended parametrization)
+explicit referencing of files
+tags: feature
+allow to name files (in sub directories) that should
+be imported early, as to include command line options.
+improve central pytest ini file
+tags: feature
+introduce more declarative configuration options:
+- (to-be-collected test directories)
+- required plugins
+- test func/class/file matching patterns
+- skip/xfail (non-intrusive)
+- pytest.ini and tox.ini and setup.cfg configuration in the same file
+new documentation
+tags: feature
+- logo pytest
+- examples for unittest or functional testing
+- resource management for functional testing
+- patterns: page object
+have imported module mismatch honour relative paths
+tags: bug
+With 1.1.1 pytest fails at least on windows if an import
+is relative and compared against an absolute
+path. Normalize.
+consider globals: pytest.ensuretemp and config
+tags: experimental-wish
+consider deprecating pytest.ensuretemp and pytest.config
+to further reduce pytest globality. Also consider
+having pytest.config and ensuretemp coming from
+a plugin rather than being there from the start.
+consider pytest_addsyspath hook
+tags: wish
+pytest could call a new pytest_addsyspath() in order to systematically
+allow manipulation of sys.path and to inhibit it via --no-addsyspath
+in order to more easily run against installed packages.
+Alternatively it could also be done via the config object
+and pytest_configure.
+deprecate global pytest.config usage
+tags: feature
+pytest.ensuretemp and pytest.config are probably the last
+objects containing global state. Often using them is not
+necessary. This is about trying to get rid of them, i.e.
+deprecating them and checking with PyPy's usages as well
+as others.
+remove deprecated bits in
+tags: feature
+In an effort to further simplify code, review and remove deprecated bits
+in Probably good:
+- inline consider_file/dir methods, no need to have them
+ subclass-overridable because of hooks
+implement fslayout decorator
+tags: feature
+Improve the way how tests can work with pre-made examples,
+keeping the layout close to the test function:
+ # empty
+ tests/
+ test_%(NAME)s: # becomes
+ def test_function(self):
+ pass
+def test_run(pytester, fslayout):
+ p = fslayout.findone("test_*.py")
+ result = pytester.runpytest(p)
+ assert result.ret == 0
+ assert result.passed == 1
+Another idea is to allow to define a full scenario including the run
+in one content string::
+ runscenario("""
+ test_{TESTNAME}.py:
+ import pytest
+ @pytest.mark.xfail
+ def test_that_fails():
+ assert 0
+ @pytest.mark.skipif("True")
+ def test_hello():
+ pass
+ import pytest
+ def pytest_runsetup_setup(item):
+ pytest.skip("abc")
+ runpytest -rsxX
+ *1 skipped*
+ """)
+This could be run with at least three different ways to invoke pytest:
+through the shell, through "python -m pytest" and inlined. As inlined
+would be the fastest it could be run first (or "--fast" mode).
+Create isolate plugin
+tags: feature
+The idea is that you can e.g. import modules in a test and afterwards
+sys.modules, sys.meta_path etc would be reverted. It can go further
+then just importing however, e.g. current working directory, file
+descriptors, ...
+This would probably be done by marking::
+ @pytest.mark.isolate(importing=True, cwd=True, fds=False)
+ def test_foo():
+ ...
+With the possibility of doing this globally in an ini-file.
+fnmatch for test names
+tags: feature-wish
+various testsuites use suffixes instead of prefixes for test classes
+also it lends itself to bdd style test names::
+ class UserBehaviour:
+ def anonymous_should_not_have_inbox(user):
+ ...
+ def registred_should_have_inbox(user):
+ ..
+using the following in pytest.ini::
+ [pytest]
+ python_classes = Test *Behaviour *Test
+ python_functions = test *_should_*
+mechanism for running named parts of tests with different reporting behaviour
+tags: feature-wish-incomplete
+a few use-cases come to mind:
+* fail assertions and record that without stopping a complete test
+ * this is in particular hepfull if a small bit of a test is known to fail/xfail::
+ def test_fun():
+ with pytest.section('fdcheck, marks=pytest.mark.xfail_if(...)):
+ breaks_on_windows()
+* divide functional/acceptance tests into sections
+* provide a different mechanism for generators, maybe something like::
+ def pytest_runtest_call(item)
+ if not generator:
+ ...
+ prepare_check = GeneratorCheckprepare()
+ gen = item.obj(**fixtures)
+ for check in gen
+ id, call = prepare_check(check)
+ # bubble should only prevent exception propagation after a failure
+ # the whole test should still fail
+ # there might be need for a lower level api and taking custom markers into account
+ with pytest.section(id, bubble=False):
+ call()