path: root/services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_duping.js
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2018-10-06 06:57:51 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2018-10-06 06:57:51 +0200
commit0c47c83e1b3b7d95681a43fbb0de0e17b2cd5b25 (patch)
treec321601f04cbfd02fb6e12878e745dc49a612c86 /services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_duping.js
parent8860eddcee1417483cafd114f3a9ec127e0f1f74 (diff)
Import Tycho weave client
Diffstat (limited to 'services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_duping.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 644 deletions
diff --git a/services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_duping.js b/services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_duping.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e6c6ed2e..000000000
--- a/services/sync/tests/unit/test_bookmark_duping.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,644 +0,0 @@
-/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
- */
-const bms = PlacesUtils.bookmarks;
-const engine = new BookmarksEngine(Service);
-const store = engine._store;
-store._log.level = Log.Level.Trace;
-engine._log.level = Log.Level.Trace;
-function promiseOneObserver(topic) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- let observer = function(subject, topic, data) {
- Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, topic);
- resolve({ subject: subject, data: data });
- }
- Services.obs.addObserver(observer, topic, false);
- });
-function setup() {
- let server = serverForUsers({"foo": "password"}, {
- meta: {global: {engines: {bookmarks: {version: engine.version,
- syncID: engine.syncID}}}},
- bookmarks: {},
- });
- generateNewKeys(Service.collectionKeys);
- new SyncTestingInfrastructure(server.server);
- let collection = server.user("foo").collection("bookmarks");
- Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:start-tracking"); // We skip usual startup...
- return { server, collection };
-function* cleanup(server) {
- Svc.Obs.notify("weave:engine:stop-tracking");
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("services.sync-testing.startOverKeepIdentity", true);
- let promiseStartOver = promiseOneObserver("weave:service:start-over:finish");
- Service.startOver();
- yield promiseStartOver;
- yield new Promise(resolve => server.stop(resolve));
- yield bms.eraseEverything();
-function getFolderChildrenIDs(folderId) {
- let index = 0;
- let result = [];
- while (true) {
- let childId = bms.getIdForItemAt(folderId, index);
- if (childId == -1) {
- break;
- }
- result.push(childId);
- index++;
- }
- return result;
-function createFolder(parentId, title) {
- let id = bms.createFolder(parentId, title, 0);
- let guid = store.GUIDForId(id);
- return { id, guid };
-function createBookmark(parentId, url, title, index = bms.DEFAULT_INDEX) {
- let uri = Utils.makeURI(url);
- let id = bms.insertBookmark(parentId, uri, index, title)
- let guid = store.GUIDForId(id);
- return { id, guid };
-function getServerRecord(collection, id) {
- let wbo = collection.get({ full: true, ids: [id] });
- // Whew - lots of json strings inside strings.
- return JSON.parse(JSON.parse(JSON.parse(wbo).payload).ciphertext);
-function* promiseNoLocalItem(guid) {
- // Check there's no item with the specified guid.
- let got = yield bms.fetch({ guid });
- ok(!got, `No record remains with GUID ${guid}`);
- // and while we are here ensure the places cache doesn't still have it.
- yield Assert.rejects(PlacesUtils.promiseItemId(guid));
-function* validate(collection, expectedFailures = []) {
- let validator = new BookmarkValidator();
- let records = collection.payloads();
- let problems = validator.inspectServerRecords(records).problemData;
- // all non-zero problems.
- let summary = problems.getSummary().filter(prob => prob.count != 0);
- // split into 2 arrays - expected and unexpected.
- let isInExpectedFailures = elt => {
- for (let i = 0; i < expectedFailures.length; i++) {
- if ( == expectedFailures[i].name && elt.count == expectedFailures[i].count) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- let expected = [];
- let unexpected = [];
- for (let elt of summary) {
- (isInExpectedFailures(elt) ? expected : unexpected).push(elt);
- }
- if (unexpected.length || expected.length != expectedFailures.length) {
- do_print("Validation failed:");
- do_print(JSON.stringify(summary));
- // print the entire validator output as it has IDs etc.
- do_print(JSON.stringify(problems, undefined, 2));
- // All server records and the entire bookmark tree.
- do_print("Server records:\n" + JSON.stringify(collection.payloads(), undefined, 2));
- let tree = yield PlacesUtils.promiseBookmarksTree("", { includeItemIds: true });
- do_print("Local bookmark tree:\n" + JSON.stringify(tree, undefined, 2));
- ok(false);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_bookmark() {
- _("Ensure that a bookmark we consider a dupe is handled correctly.");
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The parent folder and one bookmark in it.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- let {id: bmk1_id, guid: bmk1_guid} = createBookmark(folder1_id, "", "Get Firefox!");
- engine.sync();
- // We've added the bookmark, its parent (folder1) plus "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 6);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- // Now create a new incoming record that looks alot like a dupe.
- let newGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- let to_apply = {
- id: newGUID,
- bmkUri: "",
- type: "bookmark",
- title: "Get Firefox!",
- parentName: "Folder 1",
- parentid: folder1_guid,
- };
- collection.insert(newGUID, encryptPayload(to_apply), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so new dupe record is processed");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // We should have logically deleted the dupe record.
- equal(collection.count(), 7);
- ok(getServerRecord(collection, bmk1_guid).deleted);
- // and physically removed from the local store.
- yield promiseNoLocalItem(bmk1_guid);
- // Parent should still only have 1 item.
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- // The parent record on the server should now reference the new GUID and not the old.
- let serverRecord = getServerRecord(collection, folder1_guid);
- ok(!serverRecord.children.includes(bmk1_guid));
- ok(serverRecord.children.includes(newGUID));
- // and a final sanity check - use the validator
- yield validate(collection);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_reparented_bookmark() {
- _("Ensure that a bookmark we consider a dupe from a different parent is handled correctly");
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The parent folder and one bookmark in it.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- let {id: bmk1_id, guid: bmk1_guid} = createBookmark(folder1_id, "", "Get Firefox!");
- // Another parent folder *with the same name*
- let {id: folder2_id, guid: folder2_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- do_print(`folder1_guid=${folder1_guid}, folder2_guid=${folder2_guid}, bmk1_guid=${bmk1_guid}`);
- engine.sync();
- // We've added the bookmark, 2 folders plus "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 7);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder2_id).length, 0);
- // Now create a new incoming record that looks alot like a dupe of the
- // item in folder1_guid, but with a record that points to folder2_guid.
- let newGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- let to_apply = {
- id: newGUID,
- bmkUri: "",
- type: "bookmark",
- title: "Get Firefox!",
- parentName: "Folder 1",
- parentid: folder2_guid,
- };
- collection.insert(newGUID, encryptPayload(to_apply), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so new dupe record is processed");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // We should have logically deleted the dupe record.
- equal(collection.count(), 8);
- ok(getServerRecord(collection, bmk1_guid).deleted);
- // and physically removed from the local store.
- yield promiseNoLocalItem(bmk1_guid);
- // The original folder no longer has the item
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 0);
- // But the second dupe folder does.
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder2_id).length, 1);
- // The record for folder1 on the server should reference neither old or new GUIDs.
- let serverRecord1 = getServerRecord(collection, folder1_guid);
- ok(!serverRecord1.children.includes(bmk1_guid));
- ok(!serverRecord1.children.includes(newGUID));
- // The record for folder2 on the server should only reference the new new GUID.
- let serverRecord2 = getServerRecord(collection, folder2_guid);
- ok(!serverRecord2.children.includes(bmk1_guid));
- ok(serverRecord2.children.includes(newGUID));
- // and a final sanity check - use the validator
- yield validate(collection);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_reparented_locally_changed_bookmark() {
- _("Ensure that a bookmark with local changes we consider a dupe from a different parent is handled correctly");
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The parent folder and one bookmark in it.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- let {id: bmk1_id, guid: bmk1_guid} = createBookmark(folder1_id, "", "Get Firefox!");
- // Another parent folder *with the same name*
- let {id: folder2_id, guid: folder2_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- do_print(`folder1_guid=${folder1_guid}, folder2_guid=${folder2_guid}, bmk1_guid=${bmk1_guid}`);
- engine.sync();
- // We've added the bookmark, 2 folders plus "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 7);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder2_id).length, 0);
- // Now create a new incoming record that looks alot like a dupe of the
- // item in folder1_guid, but with a record that points to folder2_guid.
- let newGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- let to_apply = {
- id: newGUID,
- bmkUri: "",
- type: "bookmark",
- title: "Get Firefox!",
- parentName: "Folder 1",
- parentid: folder2_guid,
- };
- collection.insert(newGUID, encryptPayload(to_apply), / 1000 + 10);
- // Make a change to the bookmark that's a dupe, and set the modification
- // time further in the future than the incoming record. This will cause
- // us to issue the infamous "DATA LOSS" warning in the logs but cause us
- // to *not* apply the incoming record.
- engine._tracker.addChangedID(bmk1_guid, / 1000 + 60);
- _("Syncing so new dupe record is processed");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // We should have logically deleted the dupe record.
- equal(collection.count(), 8);
- ok(getServerRecord(collection, bmk1_guid).deleted);
- // and physically removed from the local store.
- yield promiseNoLocalItem(bmk1_guid);
- // The original folder still longer has the item
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- // The second folder does not.
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder2_id).length, 0);
- // The record for folder1 on the server should reference only the GUID.
- let serverRecord1 = getServerRecord(collection, folder1_guid);
- ok(!serverRecord1.children.includes(bmk1_guid));
- ok(serverRecord1.children.includes(newGUID));
- // The record for folder2 on the server should reference nothing.
- let serverRecord2 = getServerRecord(collection, folder2_guid);
- ok(!serverRecord2.children.includes(bmk1_guid));
- ok(!serverRecord2.children.includes(newGUID));
- // and a final sanity check - use the validator
- yield validate(collection);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_reparented_to_earlier_appearing_parent_bookmark() {
- _("Ensure that a bookmark we consider a dupe from a different parent that " +
- "appears in the same sync before the dupe item");
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The parent folder and one bookmark in it.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- let {id: bmk1_id, guid: bmk1_guid} = createBookmark(folder1_id, "", "Get Firefox!");
- // One more folder we'll use later.
- let {id: folder2_id, guid: folder2_guid} = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "A second folder");
- do_print(`folder1=${folder1_guid}, bmk1=${bmk1_guid} folder2=${folder2_guid}`);
- engine.sync();
- // We've added the bookmark, 2 folders plus "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 7);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- let newGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- let newParentGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- // Have the new parent appear before the dupe item.
- collection.insert(newParentGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newParentGUID,
- type: "folder",
- title: "Folder 1",
- parentName: "A second folder",
- parentid: folder2_guid,
- children: [newGUID],
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- // And also the update to "folder 2" that references the new parent.
- collection.insert(folder2_guid, encryptPayload({
- id: folder2_guid,
- type: "folder",
- title: "A second folder",
- parentName: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
- parentid: "toolbar",
- children: [newParentGUID],
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- // Now create a new incoming record that looks alot like a dupe of the
- // item in folder1_guid, with a record that points to a parent with the
- // same name which appeared earlier in this sync.
- collection.insert(newGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newGUID,
- bmkUri: "",
- type: "bookmark",
- title: "Get Firefox!",
- parentName: "Folder 1",
- parentid: newParentGUID,
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so new records are processed.");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // Everything should be parented correctly.
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 0);
- let newParentID = store.idForGUID(newParentGUID);
- let newID = store.idForGUID(newGUID);
- deepEqual(getFolderChildrenIDs(newParentID), [newID]);
- // Make sure the validator thinks everything is hunky-dory.
- yield validate(collection);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_reparented_to_later_appearing_parent_bookmark() {
- _("Ensure that a bookmark we consider a dupe from a different parent that " +
- "doesn't exist locally as we process the child, but does appear in the same sync");
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The parent folder and one bookmark in it.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- let {id: bmk1_id, guid: bmk1_guid} = createBookmark(folder1_id, "", "Get Firefox!");
- // One more folder we'll use later.
- let {id: folder2_id, guid: folder2_guid} = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "A second folder");
- do_print(`folder1=${folder1_guid}, bmk1=${bmk1_guid} folder2=${folder2_guid}`);
- engine.sync();
- // We've added the bookmark, 2 folders plus "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 7);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- // Now create a new incoming record that looks alot like a dupe of the
- // item in folder1_guid, but with a record that points to a parent with the
- // same name, but a non-existing local ID.
- let newGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- let newParentGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- collection.insert(newGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newGUID,
- bmkUri: "",
- type: "bookmark",
- title: "Get Firefox!",
- parentName: "Folder 1",
- parentid: newParentGUID,
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- // Now have the parent appear after (so when the record above is processed
- // this is still unknown.)
- collection.insert(newParentGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newParentGUID,
- type: "folder",
- title: "Folder 1",
- parentName: "A second folder",
- parentid: folder2_guid,
- children: [newGUID],
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- // And also the update to "folder 2" that references the new parent.
- collection.insert(folder2_guid, encryptPayload({
- id: folder2_guid,
- type: "folder",
- title: "A second folder",
- parentName: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
- parentid: "toolbar",
- children: [newParentGUID],
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so out-of-order records are processed.");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // The intended parent did end up existing, so it should be parented
- // correctly after de-duplication.
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 0);
- let newParentID = store.idForGUID(newParentGUID);
- let newID = store.idForGUID(newGUID);
- deepEqual(getFolderChildrenIDs(newParentID), [newID]);
- // Make sure the validator thinks everything is hunky-dory.
- yield validate(collection);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_reparented_to_future_arriving_parent_bookmark() {
- _("Ensure that a bookmark we consider a dupe from a different parent that " +
- "doesn't exist locally and doesn't appear in this Sync is handled correctly");
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The parent folder and one bookmark in it.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- let {id: bmk1_id, guid: bmk1_guid} = createBookmark(folder1_id, "", "Get Firefox!");
- // One more folder we'll use later.
- let {id: folder2_id, guid: folder2_guid} = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "A second folder");
- do_print(`folder1=${folder1_guid}, bmk1=${bmk1_guid} folder2=${folder2_guid}`);
- engine.sync();
- // We've added the bookmark, 2 folders plus "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 7);
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- // Now create a new incoming record that looks alot like a dupe of the
- // item in folder1_guid, but with a record that points to a parent with the
- // same name, but a non-existing local ID.
- let newGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- let newParentGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- collection.insert(newGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newGUID,
- bmkUri: "",
- type: "bookmark",
- title: "Get Firefox!",
- parentName: "Folder 1",
- parentid: newParentGUID,
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so new dupe record is processed");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // We should have logically deleted the dupe record.
- equal(collection.count(), 8);
- ok(getServerRecord(collection, bmk1_guid).deleted);
- // and physically removed from the local store.
- yield promiseNoLocalItem(bmk1_guid);
- // The intended parent doesn't exist, so it remains in the original folder
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 1);
- // The record for folder1 on the server should reference the new GUID.
- let serverRecord1 = getServerRecord(collection, folder1_guid);
- ok(!serverRecord1.children.includes(bmk1_guid));
- ok(serverRecord1.children.includes(newGUID));
- // As the incoming parent is missing the item should have been annotated
- // with that missing parent.
- equal(PlacesUtils.annotations.getItemAnnotation(store.idForGUID(newGUID), "sync/parent"),
- newParentGUID);
- // Check the validator. Sadly, this is known to cause a mismatch between
- // the server and client views of the tree.
- let expected = [
- // We haven't fixed the incoming record that referenced the missing parent.
- { name: "orphans", count: 1 },
- ];
- yield validate(collection, expected);
- // Now have the parent magically appear in a later sync - but
- // it appears as being in a different parent from our existing "Folder 1",
- // so the folder itself isn't duped.
- collection.insert(newParentGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newParentGUID,
- type: "folder",
- title: "Folder 1",
- parentName: "A second folder",
- parentid: folder2_guid,
- children: [newGUID],
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- // We also queue an update to "folder 2" that references the new parent.
- collection.insert(folder2_guid, encryptPayload({
- id: folder2_guid,
- type: "folder",
- title: "A second folder",
- parentName: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
- parentid: "toolbar",
- children: [newParentGUID],
- tags: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so missing parent appears");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- // The intended parent now does exist, so it should have been reparented.
- equal(getFolderChildrenIDs(folder1_id).length, 0);
- let newParentID = store.idForGUID(newParentGUID);
- let newID = store.idForGUID(newGUID);
- deepEqual(getFolderChildrenIDs(newParentID), [newID]);
- // validation now has different errors :(
- expected = [
- // The validator reports multipleParents because:
- // * The incoming record newParentGUID still (and correctly) references
- // newGUID as a child.
- // * Our original Folder1 was updated to include newGUID when it
- // originally de-deuped and couldn't find the parent.
- // * When the parent *did* eventually arrive we used the parent annotation
- // to correctly reparent - but that reparenting process does not change
- // the server record.
- // Hence, newGUID is a child of both those server records :(
- { name: "multipleParents", count: 1 },
- ];
- yield validate(collection, expected);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-add_task(function* test_dupe_empty_folder() {
- _("Ensure that an empty folder we consider a dupe is handled correctly.");
- // Empty folders aren't particularly interesting in practice (as that seems
- // an edge-case) but duping folders with items is broken - bug 1293163.
- let { server, collection } = this.setup();
- try {
- // The folder we will end up duping away.
- let {id: folder1_id, guid: folder1_guid } = createFolder(bms.toolbarFolder, "Folder 1");
- engine.sync();
- // We've added 1 folder, "menu", "toolbar", "unfiled", and "mobile".
- equal(collection.count(), 5);
- // Now create new incoming records that looks alot like a dupe of "Folder 1".
- let newFolderGUID = Utils.makeGUID();
- collection.insert(newFolderGUID, encryptPayload({
- id: newFolderGUID,
- type: "folder",
- title: "Folder 1",
- parentName: "Bookmarks Toolbar",
- parentid: "toolbar",
- children: [],
- }), / 1000 + 10);
- _("Syncing so new dupe records are processed");
- engine.lastSync = engine.lastSync - 0.01;
- engine.sync();
- yield validate(collection);
- // Collection now has one additional record - the logically deleted dupe.
- equal(collection.count(), 6);
- // original folder should be logically deleted.
- ok(getServerRecord(collection, folder1_guid).deleted);
- yield promiseNoLocalItem(folder1_guid);
- } finally {
- yield cleanup(server);
- }
-// XXX - TODO - folders with children. Bug 1293163