path: root/services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_adapter.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_adapter.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_adapter.js')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_adapter.js b/services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_adapter.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc1aa807c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/services/common/tests/unit/test_storage_adapter.js
@@ -0,0 +1,269 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ */
+// set up what we need to make storage adapters
+const Kinto = loadKinto();
+const FirefoxAdapter = Kinto.adapters.FirefoxAdapter;
+const kintoFilename = "kinto.sqlite";
+let gFirefoxAdapter = null;
+function do_get_kinto_adapter() {
+ if (gFirefoxAdapter == null) {
+ gFirefoxAdapter = new FirefoxAdapter("test");
+ }
+ return gFirefoxAdapter;
+function do_get_kinto_db() {
+ let profile = do_get_profile();
+ let kintoDB = profile.clone();
+ kintoDB.append(kintoFilename);
+ return kintoDB;
+function cleanup_kinto() {
+ add_test(function cleanup_kinto_files(){
+ let kintoDB = do_get_kinto_db();
+ // clean up the db
+ kintoDB.remove(false);
+ // force re-creation of the adapter
+ gFirefoxAdapter = null;
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+function test_collection_operations() {
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_clear() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ yield adapter.clear();
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test creating new records... and getting them again
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_create_new_get_existing() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ let record = {id:"test-id", foo:"bar"};
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => transaction.create(record));
+ let newRecord = yield adapter.get("test-id");
+ // ensure the record is the same as when it was added
+ deepEqual(record, newRecord);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test removing records
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_can_remove_some_records() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ // create a second record
+ let record = {id:"test-id-2", foo:"baz"};
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => transaction.create(record));
+ let newRecord = yield adapter.get("test-id-2");
+ deepEqual(record, newRecord);
+ // delete the record
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => transaction.delete(;
+ newRecord = yield adapter.get(;
+ // ... and ensure it's no longer there
+ do_check_eq(newRecord, undefined);
+ // ensure the other record still exists
+ newRecord = yield adapter.get("test-id");
+ do_check_neq(newRecord, undefined);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test getting records that don't exist
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_get_non_existant() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ // Kinto expects adapters to either:
+ let newRecord = yield adapter.get("missing-test-id");
+ // resolve with an undefined record
+ do_check_eq(newRecord, undefined);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test updating records... and getting them again
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_update_get_existing() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ let originalRecord = {id:"test-id", foo:"bar"};
+ let updatedRecord = {id:"test-id", foo:"baz"};
+ yield adapter.clear();
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => transaction.create(originalRecord));
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => transaction.update(updatedRecord));
+ // ensure the record exists
+ let newRecord = yield adapter.get("test-id");
+ // ensure the record is the same as when it was added
+ deepEqual(updatedRecord, newRecord);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test listing records
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_list() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ let originalRecord = {id:"test-id-1", foo:"bar"};
+ let records = yield adapter.list();
+ do_check_eq(records.length, 1);
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => transaction.create(originalRecord));
+ records = yield adapter.list();
+ do_check_eq(records.length, 2);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test aborting transaction
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_aborting_transaction() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ yield adapter.clear();
+ let record = {id: 1, foo: "bar"};
+ let error = null;
+ try {
+ yield adapter.execute((transaction) => {
+ transaction.create(record);
+ throw new Error("unexpected");
+ });
+ } catch (e) {
+ error = e;
+ }
+ do_check_neq(error, null);
+ records = yield adapter.list();
+ do_check_eq(records.length, 0);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test save and get last modified
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_last_modified() {
+ const initialValue = 0;
+ const intendedValue = 12345678;
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ let lastModified = yield adapter.getLastModified();
+ do_check_eq(lastModified, initialValue);
+ let result = yield adapter.saveLastModified(intendedValue);
+ do_check_eq(result, intendedValue);
+ lastModified = yield adapter.getLastModified();
+ do_check_eq(lastModified, intendedValue);
+ // test saveLastModified parses values correctly
+ result = yield adapter.saveLastModified(" " + intendedValue + " blah");
+ // should resolve with the parsed int
+ do_check_eq(result, intendedValue);
+ // and should have saved correctly
+ lastModified = yield adapter.getLastModified();
+ do_check_eq(lastModified, intendedValue);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ // test loadDump(records)
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_import_records() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ let record1 = {id: 1, foo: "bar"};
+ let record2 = {id: 2, foo: "baz"};
+ let impactedRecords = yield adapter.loadDump([
+ record1, record2
+ ]);
+ do_check_eq(impactedRecords.length, 2);
+ let newRecord1 = yield adapter.get("1");
+ // ensure the record is the same as when it was added
+ deepEqual(record1, newRecord1);
+ let newRecord2 = yield adapter.get("2");
+ // ensure the record is the same as when it was added
+ deepEqual(record2, newRecord2);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ add_task(function* test_kinto_import_records_should_override_existing() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ yield adapter.clear();
+ records = yield adapter.list();
+ do_check_eq(records.length, 0);
+ let impactedRecords = yield adapter.loadDump([
+ {id: 1, foo: "bar"},
+ {id: 2, foo: "baz"},
+ ]);
+ do_check_eq(impactedRecords.length, 2);
+ yield adapter.loadDump([
+ {id: 1, foo: "baz"},
+ {id: 3, foo: "bab"},
+ ]);
+ records = yield adapter.list();
+ do_check_eq(records.length, 3);
+ let newRecord1 = yield adapter.get("1");
+ deepEqual(, "baz");
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ add_task(function* test_import_updates_lastModified() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ yield adapter.loadDump([
+ {id: 1, foo: "bar", last_modified: 1457896541},
+ {id: 2, foo: "baz", last_modified: 1458796542},
+ ]);
+ let lastModified = yield adapter.getLastModified();
+ do_check_eq(lastModified, 1458796542);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+ add_task(function* test_import_preserves_older_lastModified() {
+ let adapter = do_get_kinto_adapter();
+ yield;
+ yield adapter.saveLastModified(1458796543);
+ yield adapter.loadDump([
+ {id: 1, foo: "bar", last_modified: 1457896541},
+ {id: 2, foo: "baz", last_modified: 1458796542},
+ ]);
+ let lastModified = yield adapter.getLastModified();
+ do_check_eq(lastModified, 1458796543);
+ yield adapter.close();
+ });
+// test kinto db setup and operations in various scenarios
+// test from scratch - no current existing database
+add_test(function test_db_creation() {
+ add_test(function test_create_from_scratch() {
+ // ensure the file does not exist in the profile
+ let kintoDB = do_get_kinto_db();
+ do_check_false(kintoDB.exists());
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+ test_collection_operations();
+ cleanup_kinto();
+ run_next_test();
+// this is the closest we can get to a schema version upgrade at v1 - test an
+// existing database
+add_test(function test_creation_from_empty_db() {
+ add_test(function test_create_from_empty_db() {
+ // place an empty kinto db file in the profile
+ let profile = do_get_profile();
+ let kintoDB = do_get_kinto_db();
+ let emptyDB = do_get_file("test_storage_adapter/empty.sqlite");
+ emptyDB.copyTo(profile,kintoFilename);
+ run_next_test();
+ });
+ test_collection_operations();
+ cleanup_kinto();
+ run_next_test();
+function run_test() {
+ run_next_test();