path: root/python/voluptuous/
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /python/voluptuous/
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'python/voluptuous/')
1 files changed, 268 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/voluptuous/ b/python/voluptuous/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18f6fbafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/voluptuous/
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+Error reporting should be accurate:
+ >>> from voluptuous import *
+ >>> schema = Schema(['one', {'two': 'three', 'four': ['five'],
+ ... 'six': {'seven': 'eight'}}])
+ >>> schema(['one'])
+ ['one']
+ >>> schema([{'two': 'three'}])
+ [{'two': 'three'}]
+It should show the exact index and container type, in this case a list
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema(['one', 'two'])
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc) == 'expected a dictionary @ data[1]'
+ True
+It should also be accurate for nested values:
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema([{'two': 'nine'}])
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc)
+ "not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[0]['two']"
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema([{'four': ['nine']}])
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc)
+ "not a valid value @ data[0]['four'][0]"
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema([{'six': {'seven': 'nine'}}])
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc)
+ "not a valid value for dictionary value @ data[0]['six']['seven']"
+Errors should be reported depth-first:
+ >>> validate = Schema({'one': {'two': 'three', 'four': 'five'}})
+ >>> try:
+ ... validate({'one': {'four': 'six'}})
+ ... except Invalid as e:
+ ... print(e)
+ ... print(e.path)
+ not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['one']['four']
+ ['one', 'four']
+Voluptuous supports validation when extra fields are present in the
+ >>> schema = Schema({'one': 1, Extra: object})
+ >>> schema({'two': 'two', 'one': 1}) == {'two': 'two', 'one': 1}
+ True
+ >>> schema = Schema({'one': 1})
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema({'two': 2})
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc)
+ "extra keys not allowed @ data['two']"
+dict, list, and tuple should be available as type validators:
+ >>> Schema(dict)({'a': 1, 'b': 2}) == {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
+ True
+ >>> Schema(list)([1,2,3])
+ [1, 2, 3]
+ >>> Schema(tuple)((1,2,3))
+ (1, 2, 3)
+Validation should return instances of the right types when the types are
+subclasses of dict or list:
+ >>> class Dict(dict):
+ ... pass
+ >>>
+ >>> d = Schema(dict)(Dict(a=1, b=2))
+ >>> d == {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
+ True
+ >>> type(d) is Dict
+ True
+ >>> class List(list):
+ ... pass
+ >>>
+ >>> l = Schema(list)(List([1,2,3]))
+ >>> l
+ [1, 2, 3]
+ >>> type(l) is List
+ True
+Multiple errors are reported:
+ >>> schema = Schema({'one': 1, 'two': 2})
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema({'one': 2, 'two': 3, 'three': 4})
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... errors = sorted(e.errors, key=lambda k: str(k))
+ ... print([str(i) for i in errors]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ ["extra keys not allowed @ data['three']",
+ "not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['one']",
+ "not a valid value for dictionary value @ data['two']"]
+ >>> schema = Schema([[1], [2], [3]])
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema([1, 2, 3])
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... print([str(i) for i in e.errors]) # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
+ ['expected a list @ data[0]',
+ 'expected a list @ data[1]',
+ 'expected a list @ data[2]']
+Required fields in dictionary which are invalid should not have required :
+ >>> from voluptuous import *
+ >>> schema = Schema({'one': {'two': 3}}, required=True)
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema({'one': {'two': 2}})
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... errors = e.errors
+ >>> 'required' in ' '.join([x.msg for x in errors])
+ False
+Multiple errors for nested fields in dicts and objects:
+> \>\>\> from collections import namedtuple \>\>\> validate = Schema({
+> ... 'anobject': Object({ ... 'strfield': str, ... 'intfield': int ...
+> }) ... }) \>\>\> try: ... SomeObj = namedtuple('SomeObj', ('strfield',
+> 'intfield')) ... validate({'anobject': SomeObj(strfield=123,
+> intfield='one')}) ... except MultipleInvalid as e: ...
+> print(sorted(str(i) for i in e.errors)) \# doctest:
+> +NORMALIZE\_WHITESPACE ["expected int for object value @
+> data['anobject']['intfield']", "expected str for object value @
+> data['anobject']['strfield']"]
+Custom classes validate as schemas:
+ >>> class Thing(object):
+ ... pass
+ >>> schema = Schema(Thing)
+ >>> t = schema(Thing())
+ >>> type(t) is Thing
+ True
+Classes with custom metaclasses should validate as schemas:
+ >>> class MyMeta(type):
+ ... pass
+ >>> class Thing(object):
+ ... __metaclass__ = MyMeta
+ >>> schema = Schema(Thing)
+ >>> t = schema(Thing())
+ >>> type(t) is Thing
+ True
+Schemas built with All() should give the same error as the original
+validator (Issue \#26):
+ >>> schema = Schema({
+ ... Required('items'): All([{
+ ... Required('foo'): str
+ ... }])
+ ... })
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema({'items': [{}]})
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc)
+ "required key not provided @ data['items'][0]['foo']"
+Validator should return same instance of the same type for object:
+ >>> class Structure(object):
+ ... def __init__(self, q=None):
+ ... self.q = q
+ ... def __repr__(self):
+ ... return '{0.__name__}(q={1.q!r})'.format(type(self), self)
+ ...
+ >>> schema = Schema(Object({'q': 'one'}, cls=Structure))
+ >>> type(schema(Structure(q='one'))) is Structure
+ True
+Object validator should treat cls argument as optional. In this case it
+shouldn't check object type:
+ >>> from collections import namedtuple
+ >>> NamedTuple = namedtuple('NamedTuple', ('q',))
+ >>> schema = Schema(Object({'q': 'one'}))
+ >>> named = NamedTuple(q='one')
+ >>> schema(named) == named
+ True
+ >>> schema(named)
+ NamedTuple(q='one')
+If cls argument passed to object validator we should check object type:
+ >>> schema = Schema(Object({'q': 'one'}, cls=Structure))
+ >>> schema(NamedTuple(q='one')) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
+ Traceback (most recent call last):
+ ...
+ MultipleInvalid: expected a <class 'Structure'>
+ >>> schema = Schema(Object({'q': 'one'}, cls=NamedTuple))
+ >>> schema(NamedTuple(q='one'))
+ NamedTuple(q='one')
+Ensure that objects with \_\_slots\_\_ supported properly:
+ >>> class SlotsStructure(Structure):
+ ... __slots__ = ['q']
+ ...
+ >>> schema = Schema(Object({'q': 'one'}))
+ >>> schema(SlotsStructure(q='one'))
+ SlotsStructure(q='one')
+ >>> class DictStructure(object):
+ ... __slots__ = ['q', '__dict__']
+ ... def __init__(self, q=None, page=None):
+ ... self.q = q
+ ... = page
+ ... def __repr__(self):
+ ... return '{0.__name__}(q={1.q!r}, page={!r})'.format(type(self), self)
+ ...
+ >>> structure = DictStructure(q='one')
+ >>> = 1
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema(structure)
+ ... raise AssertionError('MultipleInvalid not raised')
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> str(exc)
+ "extra keys not allowed @ data['page']"
+ >>> schema = Schema(Object({'q': 'one', Extra: object}))
+ >>> schema(structure)
+ DictStructure(q='one', page=1)
+Ensure that objects can be used with other validators:
+ >>> schema = Schema({'meta': Object({'q': 'one'})})
+ >>> schema({'meta': Structure(q='one')})
+ {'meta': Structure(q='one')}
+Ensure that subclasses of Invalid of are raised as is.
+ >>> class SpecialInvalid(Invalid):
+ ... pass
+ ...
+ >>> def custom_validator(value):
+ ... raise SpecialInvalid('boom')
+ ...
+ >>> schema = Schema({'thing': custom_validator})
+ >>> try:
+ ... schema({'thing': 'not an int'})
+ ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
+ ... exc = e
+ >>> exc.errors[0].__class__.__name__
+ 'SpecialInvalid'