path: root/mailnews/base/content/msgAccountCentral.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2019-11-03 00:17:46 -0400
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2019-11-03 00:17:46 -0400
commit302bf1b523012e11b60425d6eee1221ebc2724eb (patch)
treeb191a895f8716efcbe42f454f37597a545a6f421 /mailnews/base/content/msgAccountCentral.js
parent21b3f6247403c06f85e1f45d219f87549862198f (diff)
Issue #1258 - Part 1: Import mailnews, ldap, and mork from comm-esr52.9.1
Diffstat (limited to 'mailnews/base/content/msgAccountCentral.js')
1 files changed, 341 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/mailnews/base/content/msgAccountCentral.js b/mailnews/base/content/msgAccountCentral.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de5543dff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mailnews/base/content/msgAccountCentral.js
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*-
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+var selectedServer = null;
+function OnInit()
+ // Set the header for the page.
+ // Title containts the brand name of the application and the account
+ // type (mail/news) and the name of the account
+ try {
+ let msgFolder = null;
+ let title;
+ // Get the brand name
+ let brandName = document.getElementById("bundle_brand")
+ .getString("brandShortName");
+ let messengerBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_messenger");
+ selectedServer = GetSelectedServer();
+ if (selectedServer) {
+ // Get the account type
+ let serverType = selectedServer.type;
+ let acctType;
+ if (serverType == "nntp")
+ acctType = messengerBundle.getString("newsAcctType");
+ else if (serverType == "rss")
+ acctType = messengerBundle.getString("feedsAcctType");
+ else
+ acctType = messengerBundle.getString("mailAcctType");
+ // Get the account name
+ msgFolder = GetSelectedMsgFolder();
+ ArrangeAccountCentralItems(selectedServer, msgFolder);
+ let acctName = msgFolder.prettyName;
+ // Display and collapse items presented to the user based on account type
+ title = messengerBundle.getFormattedString("acctCentralTitleFormat",
+ [brandName, acctType, acctName]);
+ } else {
+ // If there is no selectedServer, we are in a brand new profile with
+ // no accounts - show the create account rows.
+ title = brandName;
+ SetItemDisplay("AccountsHeader", true);
+ SetItemDisplay("CreateAccount", true);
+ SetItemDisplay("CreateAccounts", true);
+ }
+ // Set the title for the document
+ document.getElementById("AccountCentralTitle").setAttribute("value", title);
+ }
+ catch(ex) {
+ Components.utils.reportError("Error getting selected account: " + ex + "\n");
+ }
+// Show items in the AccountCentral page depending on the capabilities
+// of the given account
+function ArrangeAccountCentralItems(server, msgFolder)
+ let exceptions = [];
+ let protocolInfo = null;
+ try {
+ protocolInfo = server.protocolInfo;
+ } catch (e) {
+ exceptions.push(e);
+ }
+ // Is this a RSS account?
+ let displayRssHeader = server && server.type == 'rss';
+ /***** Email header and items : Begin *****/
+ // Read Messages
+ let canGetMessages = false;
+ try {
+ canGetMessages = protocolInfo && protocolInfo.canGetMessages;
+ SetItemDisplay("ReadMessages", canGetMessages && !displayRssHeader);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Compose Messages link
+ let showComposeMsgLink = false;
+ try {
+ showComposeMsgLink = protocolInfo && protocolInfo.showComposeMsgLink;
+ SetItemDisplay("ComposeMessage", showComposeMsgLink);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Junk mail settings (false, until ready for prime time)
+ let canControlJunkEmail = false
+ try {
+ canControlJunkEmail = false && protocolInfo &&
+ protocolInfo.canGetIncomingMessages &&
+ protocolInfo.canGetMessages;
+ SetItemDisplay("JunkSettingsMail", canControlJunkEmail);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Display Email header, only if any of the items are displayed
+ let displayEmailHeader = !displayRssHeader &&
+ (canGetMessages || showComposeMsgLink ||
+ canControlJunkEmail);
+ SetItemDisplay("EmailHeader", displayEmailHeader);
+ /***** Email header and items : End *****/
+ /***** News header and items : Begin *****/
+ // Subscribe to Newsgroups
+ let canSubscribe = false;
+ try {
+ canSubscribe = msgFolder && msgFolder.canSubscribe &&
+ protocolInfo && !protocolInfo.canGetMessages;
+ SetItemDisplay("SubscribeNewsgroups", canSubscribe);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Junk news settings (false, until ready for prime time)
+ let canControlJunkNews = false;
+ try {
+ canControlJunkNews = false && protocolInfo &&
+ protocolInfo.canGetIncomingMessages &&
+ !protocolInfo.canGetMessages;
+ SetItemDisplay("JunkSettingsNews", canControlJunkNews);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Display News header, only if any of the items are displayed
+ let displayNewsHeader = canSubscribe || canControlJunkNews;
+ SetItemDisplay("NewsHeader", displayNewsHeader);
+ /***** News header and items : End *****/
+ /***** RSS header and items : Begin *****/
+ // Display RSS header, only if this is RSS account
+ SetItemDisplay("rssHeader", displayRssHeader);
+ // Subscribe to RSS Feeds
+ SetItemDisplay("SubscribeRSS", displayRssHeader);
+ /***** RSS header and items : End *****/
+ // If either of above sections exists, show section separators
+ SetItemDisplay("MessagesSection",
+ displayNewsHeader || displayEmailHeader || displayRssHeader);
+ /***** Accounts : Begin *****/
+ // Account Settings if a server is found
+ let canShowAccountSettings = server != null;
+ SetItemDisplay("AccountSettings", canShowAccountSettings);
+ // Show New Mail Account Wizard if not prohibited by pref
+ let canShowCreateAccount = false;
+ try {
+ canShowCreateAccount = !Services.prefs
+ .prefIsLocked("mail.disable_new_account_addition");
+ SetItemDisplay("CreateAccount", canShowCreateAccount);
+ SetItemDisplay("CreateAccounts", canShowCreateAccount);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Display Accounts header, only if any of the items are displayed
+ let displayAccountsHeader = canShowAccountSettings || canShowCreateAccount;
+ SetItemDisplay("AccountsHeader", canShowCreateAccount);
+ /***** Accounts : End *****/
+ /***** Advanced Features header and items : Begin *****/
+ // Search Messages
+ let canSearchMessages = false;
+ try {
+ canSearchMessages = server && server.canSearchMessages;
+ SetItemDisplay("SearchMessages", canSearchMessages);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Create Filters
+ let canHaveFilters = false;
+ try {
+ canHaveFilters = server && server.canHaveFilters;
+ SetItemDisplay("CreateFilters", canHaveFilters);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Subscribe to IMAP Folders
+ let canSubscribeImapFolders = false;
+ try {
+ canSubscribeImapFolders = msgFolder && msgFolder.canSubscribe &&
+ protocolInfo && protocolInfo.canGetMessages;
+ SetItemDisplay("SubscribeImapFolders", canSubscribeImapFolders);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Offline Settings
+ let supportsOffline = false;
+ try {
+ supportsOffline = server && server.offlineSupportLevel != 0;
+ SetItemDisplay("OfflineSettings", supportsOffline);
+ } catch (e) { exceptions.push(e); }
+ // Display Adv Features header, only if any of the items are displayed
+ let displayAdvFeatures = canSearchMessages || canHaveFilters ||
+ canSubscribeImapFolders|| supportsOffline;
+ SetItemDisplay("AdvancedFeaturesHeader", displayAdvFeatures);
+ /***** Advanced Featuers header and items : End *****/
+ // If either of above features exist, show section separators
+ SetItemDisplay("AccountsSection", displayAdvFeatures);
+ while (exceptions.length) {
+ Components.utils.reportError("Error in setting AccountCentral Items: "
+ + exceptions.pop() + "\n");
+ }
+// Show the item if the item feature is supported
+function SetItemDisplay(elemId, displayThisItem)
+ if (displayThisItem) {
+ let elem = document.getElementById(elemId);
+ if (elem)
+ elem.setAttribute("collapsed", false);
+ let elemSpacer = document.getElementById(elemId + ".spacer");
+ if (elemSpacer)
+ elemSpacer.setAttribute("collapsed", false);
+ }
+// From the current folder tree, return the selected server or null
+function GetSelectedServer()
+ let currentFolder = GetSelectedMsgFolder();
+ return currentFolder ? currentFolder.server : null;
+// From the current folder tree, return the selected folder,
+// the root folder of default account or null
+function GetSelectedMsgFolder()
+ return window.parent.GetSelectedMsgFolders()[0] ||
+ window.parent.GetDefaultAccountRootFolder();
+ * Open Inbox for selected server.
+ * If needed, open the twisty and select Inbox.
+ */
+function ReadMessages()
+ if (!selectedServer)
+ return;
+ try {
+ window.parent.OpenInboxForServer(selectedServer);
+ }
+ catch(ex) {
+ Components.utils
+ .reportError("Error opening Inbox for server: " + ex + "\n");
+ }
+// Trigger composer for a new message
+function ComposeAMessage(event)
+ // Pass event to allow holding Shift key for toggling HTML vs. plaintext format
+ window.parent.MsgNewMessage(event);
+ * Open AccountManager to view settings for a given account
+ * @param selectPage the xul file name for the viewing page,
+ * null for the account main page, other pages are
+ * 'am-server.xul', 'am-copies.xul', 'am-offline.xul',
+ * 'am-addressing.xul', 'am-smtp.xul'
+ */
+function ViewSettings(selectPage)
+ window.parent.MsgAccountManager(selectPage);
+// Open AccountWizard to create an account
+function CreateNewAccount()
+ window.parent.msgOpenAccountWizard();
+function CreateNewAccountTB(type)
+ if (type == "mail") {
+ if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.provider.enabled"))
+ NewMailAccountProvisioner(null);
+ else
+ AddMailAccount();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (type == "feeds") {
+ AddFeedAccount();
+ return;
+ }
+ window.parent.msgOpenAccountWizard(
+ function(state) {
+ let win = getMostRecentMailWindow();
+ if (state && win && win.gFolderTreeView && this.gCurrentAccount) {
+ win.gFolderTreeView.selectFolder(
+ this.gCurrentAccount.incomingServer.rootMsgFolder);
+ }
+ },
+ type);
+// Bring up search interface for selected account
+function SearchMessages()
+ window.parent.MsgSearchMessages();
+// Open filters window
+function CreateMsgFilters()
+ window.parent.MsgFilters(null, null);
+// Open Subscribe dialog
+function Subscribe()
+ if (!selectedServer)
+ return;
+ if (selectedServer.type == 'rss')
+ window.parent.openSubscriptionsDialog(selectedServer.rootFolder);
+ else
+ window.parent.MsgSubscribe();
+// Open junk mail settings dialog
+function JunkSettings()
+ // TODO: function does not exist yet, will throw an exception if exposed
+ window.parent.MsgJunkMail();