path: root/layout/style/test/chrome/bug418986-2.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /layout/style/test/chrome/bug418986-2.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'layout/style/test/chrome/bug418986-2.js')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/layout/style/test/chrome/bug418986-2.js b/layout/style/test/chrome/bug418986-2.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4336f4abd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/layout/style/test/chrome/bug418986-2.js
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+// # Bug 418986, part 2.
+/* jshint esnext:true */
+/* jshint loopfunc:true */
+/* global window, screen, ok, SpecialPowers, matchMedia */
+// Expected values. Format: [name, pref_off_value, pref_on_value]
+// If pref_*_value is an array with two values, then we will match
+// any value in between those two values. If a value is null, then
+// we skip the media query.
+var expected_values = [
+ ["color", null, 8],
+ ["color-index", null, 0],
+ ["aspect-ratio", null, window.innerWidth + "/" + window.innerHeight],
+ ["device-aspect-ratio", screen.width + "/" + screen.height,
+ window.innerWidth + "/" + window.innerHeight],
+ ["device-height", screen.height + "px", window.innerHeight + "px"],
+ ["device-width", screen.width + "px", window.innerWidth + "px"],
+ ["grid", null, 0],
+ ["height", window.innerHeight + "px", window.innerHeight + "px"],
+ ["monochrome", null, 0],
+ // Square is defined as portrait:
+ ["orientation", null,
+ window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight ?
+ "landscape" : "portrait"],
+ ["resolution", null, "96dpi"],
+ ["resolution", [0.999 * window.devicePixelRatio + "dppx",
+ 1.001 * window.devicePixelRatio + "dppx"], "1dppx"],
+ ["width", window.innerWidth + "px", window.innerWidth + "px"],
+ ["-moz-device-pixel-ratio", window.devicePixelRatio, 1],
+ ["-moz-device-orientation", screen.width > screen.height ?
+ "landscape" : "portrait",
+ window.innerWidth > window.innerHeight ?
+ "landscape" : "portrait"]
+// These media queries return value 0 or 1 when the pref is off.
+// When the pref is on, they should not match.
+var suppressed_toggles = [
+ "-moz-mac-graphite-theme",
+ // Not available on most OSs.
+// "-moz-maemo-classic",
+ "-moz-scrollbar-end-backward",
+ "-moz-scrollbar-end-forward",
+ "-moz-scrollbar-start-backward",
+ "-moz-scrollbar-start-forward",
+ "-moz-scrollbar-thumb-proportional",
+ "-moz-touch-enabled",
+ "-moz-windows-compositor",
+ "-moz-windows-default-theme",
+ "-moz-windows-glass",
+// Possible values for '-moz-os-version'
+var windows_versions = [
+ "windows-xp",
+ "windows-vista",
+ "windows-win7",
+ "windows-win8",
+ "windows-win10",
+// Possible values for '-moz-windows-theme'
+var windows_themes = [
+ "aero",
+ "aero-lite",
+ "luna-blue",
+ "luna-olive",
+ "luna-silver",
+ "royale",
+ "generic",
+ "zune"
+// Read the current OS.
+var OS = SpecialPowers.Services.appinfo.OS;
+// If we are using Windows, add an extra toggle only
+// available on that OS.
+if (OS === "WINNT") {
+ suppressed_toggles.push("-moz-windows-classic");
+// __keyValMatches(key, val)__.
+// Runs a media query and returns true if key matches to val.
+var keyValMatches = (key, val) => matchMedia("(" + key + ":" + val +")").matches;
+// __testMatch(key, val)__.
+// Attempts to run a media query match for the given key and value.
+// If value is an array of two elements [min max], then matches any
+// value in-between.
+var testMatch = function (key, val) {
+ if (val === null) {
+ return;
+ } else if (Array.isArray(val)) {
+ ok(keyValMatches("min-" + key, val[0]) && keyValMatches("max-" + key, val[1]),
+ "Expected " + key + " between " + val[0] + " and " + val[1]);
+ } else {
+ ok(keyValMatches(key, val), "Expected " + key + ":" + val);
+ }
+// __testToggles(resisting)__.
+// Test whether we are able to match the "toggle" media queries.
+var testToggles = function (resisting) {
+ suppressed_toggles.forEach(
+ function (key) {
+ var exists = keyValMatches(key, 0) || keyValMatches(key, 1);
+ if (resisting) {
+ ok(!exists, key + " should not exist.");
+ } else {
+ ok(exists, key + " should exist.");
+ }
+ });
+// __testWindowsSpecific__.
+// Runs a media query on the queryName with the given possible matching values.
+var testWindowsSpecific = function (resisting, queryName, possibleValues) {
+ let foundValue = null;
+ possibleValues.forEach(function (val) {
+ if (keyValMatches(queryName, val)) {
+ foundValue = val;
+ }
+ });
+ if (resisting) {
+ ok(!foundValue, queryName + " should have no match");
+ } else {
+ ok(foundValue, foundValue ? ("Match found: '" + queryName + ":" + foundValue + "'")
+ : "Should have a match for '" + queryName + "'");
+ }
+// __generateHtmlLines(resisting)__.
+// Create a series of div elements that look like:
+// `<div class='spoof' id='resolution'>resolution</div>`,
+// where each line corresponds to a different media query.
+var generateHtmlLines = function (resisting) {
+ let lines = "";
+ expected_values.forEach(
+ function ([key, offVal, onVal]) {
+ let val = resisting ? onVal : offVal;
+ if (val) {
+ lines += "<div class='spoof' id='" + key + "'>" + key + "</div>\n";
+ }
+ });
+ suppressed_toggles.forEach(
+ function (key) {
+ lines += "<div class='suppress' id='" + key + "'>" + key + "</div>\n";
+ });
+ if (OS === "WINNT") {
+ lines += "<div class='windows' id='-moz-os-version'>-moz-os-version</div>";
+ lines += "<div class='windows' id='-moz-windows-theme'>-moz-windows-theme</div>";
+ }
+ return lines;
+// __cssLine__.
+// Creates a line of css that looks something like
+// `@media (resolution: 1ppx) { .spoof#resolution { background-color: green; } }`.
+var cssLine = function (query, clazz, id, color) {
+ return "@media " + query + " { ." + clazz + "#" + id +
+ " { background-color: " + color + "; } }\n";
+// __constructQuery(key, val)__.
+// Creates a CSS media query from key and val. If key is an array of
+// two elements, constructs a range query (using min- and max-).
+var constructQuery = function (key, val) {
+ return Array.isArray(val) ?
+ "(min-" + key + ": " + val[0] + ") and (max-" + key + ": " + val[1] + ")" :
+ "(" + key + ": " + val + ")";
+// __mediaQueryCSSLine(key, val, color)__.
+// Creates a line containing a CSS media query and a CSS expression.
+var mediaQueryCSSLine = function (key, val, color) {
+ if (val === null) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return cssLine(constructQuery(key, val), "spoof", key, color);
+// __suppressedMediaQueryCSSLine(key, color)__.
+// Creates a CSS line that matches the existence of a
+// media query that is supposed to be suppressed.
+var suppressedMediaQueryCSSLine = function (key, color, suppressed) {
+ let query = "(" + key + ": 0), (" + key + ": 1)";
+ return cssLine(query, "suppress", key, color);
+// __generateCSSLines(resisting)__.
+// Creates a series of lines of CSS, each of which corresponds to
+// a different media query. If the query produces a match to the
+// expected value, then the element will be colored green.
+var generateCSSLines = function (resisting) {
+ let lines = ".spoof { background-color: red;}\n";
+ expected_values.forEach(
+ function ([key, offVal, onVal]) {
+ lines += mediaQueryCSSLine(key, resisting ? onVal : offVal, "green");
+ });
+ lines += ".suppress { background-color: " + (resisting ? "green" : "red") + ";}\n";
+ suppressed_toggles.forEach(
+ function (key) {
+ lines += suppressedMediaQueryCSSLine(key, resisting ? "red" : "green");
+ });
+ if (OS === "WINNT") {
+ lines += ".windows { background-color: " + (resisting ? "green" : "red") + ";}\n";
+ lines += => "(-moz-os-version: " + val + ")").join(", ") +
+ " { #-moz-os-version { background-color: " + (resisting ? "red" : "green") + ";} }\n";
+ lines += => "(-moz-windows-theme: " + val + ")").join(",") +
+ " { #-moz-windows-theme { background-color: " + (resisting ? "red" : "green") + ";} }\n";
+ }
+ return lines;
+// __green__.
+// Returns the computed color style corresponding to green.
+var green = (function () {
+ let temp = document.createElement("span");
+ = "green";
+ return getComputedStyle(temp).backgroundColor;
+// __testCSS(resisting)__.
+// Creates a series of divs and CSS using media queries to set their
+// background color. If all media queries match as expected, then
+// all divs should have a green background color.
+var testCSS = function (resisting) {
+ document.getElementById("display").innerHTML = generateHtmlLines(resisting);
+ document.getElementById("test-css").innerHTML = generateCSSLines(resisting);
+ let cssTestDivs = document.querySelectorAll(".spoof,.suppress");
+ for (let div of cssTestDivs) {
+ let color = window.getComputedStyle(div).backgroundColor;
+ ok(color === green, "CSS for '" + + "'");
+ }
+// __testOSXFontSmoothing(resisting)__.
+// When fingerprinting resistance is enabled, the `getComputedStyle`
+// should always return `undefined` for `MozOSXFontSmoothing`.
+var testOSXFontSmoothing = function (resisting) {
+ let div = document.createElement("div");
+ = "unset";
+ let readBack = window.getComputedStyle(div).MozOsxFontSmoothing;
+ let smoothingPref = SpecialPowers.getBoolPref("layout.css.osx-font-smoothing.enabled", false);
+ is(readBack, resisting ? "" : (smoothingPref ? "auto" : ""),
+ "-moz-osx-font-smoothing");
+// __sleep(timeoutMs)__.
+// Returns a promise that resolves after the given timeout.
+var sleep = function (timeoutMs) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ window.setTimeout(resolve);
+ });
+// __testMediaQueriesInPictureElements(resisting)__.
+// Test to see if media queries are properly spoofed in picture elements
+// when we are resisting fingerprinting. A generator function
+// to be used with SpawnTask.js.
+var testMediaQueriesInPictureElements = function* (resisting) {
+ let lines = "";
+ for (let [key, offVal, onVal] of expected_values) {
+ let expected = resisting ? onVal : offVal;
+ if (expected) {
+ let query = constructQuery(key, expected);
+ lines += "<picture>\n";
+ lines += " <source srcset='/tests/layout/style/test/chrome/match.png' media='" + query + "' />\n";
+ lines += " <img title='" + key + ":" + expected + "' class='testImage' src='/tests/layout/style/test/chrome/mismatch.png' alt='" + key + "' />\n";
+ lines += "</picture><br/>\n";
+ }
+ }
+ document.getElementById("pictures").innerHTML = lines;
+ var testImages = document.getElementsByClassName("testImage");
+ yield sleep(0);
+ for (let testImage of testImages) {
+ ok(testImage.currentSrc.endsWith("/match.png"), "Media query '" + testImage.title + "' in picture should match.");
+ }
+// __pushPref(key, value)__.
+// Set a pref value asynchronously, returning a promise that resolves
+// when it succeeds.
+var pushPref = function (key, value) {
+ return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
+ SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({"set": [[key, value]]}, resolve);
+ });
+// __test(isContent)__.
+// Run all tests. A generator function to be used
+// with SpawnTask.js.
+var test = function* (isContent) {
+ for (prefValue of [false, true]) {
+ yield pushPref("privacy.resistFingerprinting", prefValue);
+ let resisting = prefValue && isContent;
+ expected_values.forEach(
+ function ([key, offVal, onVal]) {
+ testMatch(key, resisting ? onVal : offVal);
+ });
+ testToggles(resisting);
+ if (OS === "WINNT") {
+ testWindowsSpecific(resisting, "-moz-os-version", windows_versions);
+ testWindowsSpecific(resisting, "-moz-windows-theme", windows_themes);
+ }
+ testCSS(resisting);
+ if (OS === "Darwin") {
+ testOSXFontSmoothing(resisting);
+ }
+ yield testMediaQueriesInPictureElements(resisting);
+ }