path: root/js/public
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authorjanekptacijarabaci <>2018-07-06 15:53:52 +0200
committerjanekptacijarabaci <>2018-07-06 15:53:52 +0200
commit941e54654eabed0a3568f7fefe424a45aa02eddb (patch)
tree49aa02b174c428962d99142d8061267bfcd79e69 /js/public
parentad9ee72dcd7981bc47b3844a224d69fadfdfd8ef (diff)
parent0daa12376295d5d796256a116eb2a348a3a9273f (diff)
Merge branch 'master' of into _testBranch_test_1
Diffstat (limited to 'js/public')
3 files changed, 235 insertions, 35 deletions
diff --git a/js/public/Date.h b/js/public/Date.h
index cba0ea875..cab36a3de 100644
--- a/js/public/Date.h
+++ b/js/public/Date.h
@@ -134,6 +134,14 @@ NewDateObject(JSContext* cx, ClippedTime time);
MakeDate(double year, unsigned month, unsigned day);
+// Year is a year, month is 0-11, day is 1-based, and time is in milliseconds.
+// The return value is a number of milliseconds since the epoch.
+// Consistent with the MakeDate algorithm defined in ECMAScript, this value is
+// *not* clipped! Use JS::TimeClip if you need a clipped date.
+MakeDate(double year, unsigned month, unsigned day, double time);
// Takes an integer number of milliseconds since the epoch and returns the
// year. Can return NaN, and will do so if NaN is passed in.
diff --git a/js/public/StructuredClone.h b/js/public/StructuredClone.h
index c48975cb9..ebff84387 100644
--- a/js/public/StructuredClone.h
+++ b/js/public/StructuredClone.h
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
#include "mozilla/BufferList.h"
+#include "mozilla/Move.h"
#include <stdint.h>
@@ -29,7 +30,35 @@ namespace JS {
enum class StructuredCloneScope : uint32_t {
- DifferentProcess
+ /**
+ * When writing, this means we're writing for an audience in a different
+ * process. Produce serialized data that can be sent to other processes,
+ * bitwise copied, or even stored as bytes in a database and read by later
+ * versions of Firefox years from now. The HTML5 spec refers to this as
+ * "ForStorage" as in StructuredSerializeForStorage, though we use
+ * DifferentProcess for IPC as well as storage.
+ *
+ * Transferable objects are limited to ArrayBuffers, whose contents are
+ * copied into the serialized data (rather than just writing a pointer).
+ */
+ DifferentProcess,
+ /**
+ * Handle a backwards-compatibility case with IndexedDB (bug 1434308): when
+ * reading, this means to treat legacy SameProcessSameThread data as if it
+ * were DifferentProcess.
+ *
+ * Do not use this for writing; use DifferentProcess instead.
+ */
+ DifferentProcessForIndexedDB,
+ /**
+ * Existing code wants to be able to create an uninitialized
+ * JSStructuredCloneData without knowing the scope, then populate it with
+ * data (at which point the scope *is* known.)
+ */
+ Unassigned
enum TransferableOwnership {
@@ -89,6 +118,10 @@ class CloneDataPolicy
} /* namespace JS */
+namespace js {
+template <typename T, typename AllocPolicy> struct BufferIterator;
* Read structured data from the reader r. This hook is used to read a value
* previously serialized by a call to the WriteStructuredCloneOp hook.
@@ -188,49 +221,152 @@ enum OwnTransferablePolicy {
-class MOZ_NON_MEMMOVABLE JS_PUBLIC_API(JSStructuredCloneData) :
- public mozilla::BufferList<js::SystemAllocPolicy>
- typedef js::SystemAllocPolicy AllocPolicy;
- typedef mozilla::BufferList<js::SystemAllocPolicy> BufferList;
+ * JSStructuredCloneData represents structured clone data together with the
+ * information needed to read/write/transfer/free the records within it, in the
+ * form of a set of callbacks.
+ */
+class MOZ_NON_MEMMOVABLE JS_PUBLIC_API(JSStructuredCloneData) {
+ public:
+ using BufferList = mozilla::BufferList<js::SystemAllocPolicy>;
+ using Iterator = BufferList::IterImpl;
- static const size_t kInitialSize = 0;
- static const size_t kInitialCapacity = 4096;
+ private:
static const size_t kStandardCapacity = 4096;
+ BufferList bufList_;
+ // The (address space, thread) scope within which this clone is valid. Note
+ // that this must be either set during construction, or start out as
+ // Unassigned and transition once to something else.
+ JS::StructuredCloneScope scope_;
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks_;
void* closure_;
OwnTransferablePolicy ownTransferables_;
- void setOptionalCallbacks(const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks,
- void* closure,
- OwnTransferablePolicy policy) {
- callbacks_ = callbacks;
- closure_ = closure;
- ownTransferables_ = policy;
- }
friend struct JSStructuredCloneWriter;
friend class JS_PUBLIC_API(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer);
+ template <typename T, typename AllocPolicy> friend struct js::BufferIterator;
- explicit JSStructuredCloneData(AllocPolicy aAP = AllocPolicy())
- : BufferList(kInitialSize, kInitialCapacity, kStandardCapacity, aAP)
+ public:
+ // The constructor must be infallible but SystemAllocPolicy is not, so both
+ // the initial size and initial capacity of the BufferList must be zero.
+ explicit JSStructuredCloneData(JS::StructuredCloneScope aScope)
+ : bufList_(0, 0, kStandardCapacity, js::SystemAllocPolicy())
+ , scope_(aScope)
, callbacks_(nullptr)
, closure_(nullptr)
, ownTransferables_(OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables)
- MOZ_IMPLICIT JSStructuredCloneData(BufferList&& buffers)
- : BufferList(Move(buffers))
+ // Steal the raw data from a BufferList. In this case, we don't know the
+ // scope and none of the callback info is assigned yet.
+ JSStructuredCloneData(BufferList&& buffers, JS::StructuredCloneScope aScope)
+ : bufList_(mozilla::Move(buffers))
+ , scope_(aScope)
, callbacks_(nullptr)
, closure_(nullptr)
, ownTransferables_(OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables)
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT JSStructuredCloneData(BufferList&& buffers)
+ : JSStructuredCloneData(mozilla::Move(buffers), JS::StructuredCloneScope::Unassigned)
+ {}
JSStructuredCloneData(JSStructuredCloneData&& other) = default;
JSStructuredCloneData& operator=(JSStructuredCloneData&& other) = default;
- ~JSStructuredCloneData();
+ ~JSStructuredCloneData() { discardTransferables(); }
+ void setCallbacks(const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks,
+ void* closure,
+ OwnTransferablePolicy policy)
+ {
+ callbacks_ = callbacks;
+ closure_ = closure;
+ ownTransferables_ = policy;
+ }
+ JS::StructuredCloneScope scope() const { return scope_; }
+ void initScope(JS::StructuredCloneScope aScope) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(Size() == 0, "initScope() of nonempty JSStructuredCloneData");
+ if (scope_ != JS::StructuredCloneScope::Unassigned)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(scope_ == aScope, "Cannot change scope after it has been initialized");
+ scope_ = aScope;
+ }
+ size_t Size() const { return bufList_.Size(); }
+ const Iterator Start() const { return bufList_.Iter(); }
+ bool Advance(Iterator& iter, size_t distance) const {
+ return iter.AdvanceAcrossSegments(bufList_, distance);
+ }
+ bool ReadBytes(Iterator& iter, char* buffer, size_t size) const {
+ return bufList_.ReadBytes(iter, buffer, size);
+ }
+ // Append new data to the end of the buffer.
+ bool AppendBytes(const char* data, size_t size) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(scope_ != JS::StructuredCloneScope::Unassigned);
+ return bufList_.WriteBytes(data, size);
+ }
- using BufferList::BufferList;
+ // Update data stored within the existing buffer. There must be at least
+ // 'size' bytes between the position of 'iter' and the end of the buffer.
+ bool UpdateBytes(Iterator& iter, const char* data, size_t size) const {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(scope_ != JS::StructuredCloneScope::Unassigned);
+ while (size > 0) {
+ size_t remaining = iter.RemainingInSegment();
+ size_t nbytes = std::min(remaining, size);
+ memcpy(iter.Data(), data, nbytes);
+ data += nbytes;
+ size -= nbytes;
+ iter.Advance(bufList_, nbytes);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ void Clear() {
+ discardTransferables();
+ bufList_.Clear();
+ }
+ // Return a new read-only JSStructuredCloneData that "borrows" the contents
+ // of |this|. Its lifetime should not exceed the donor's. This is only
+ // allowed for DifferentProcess clones, so finalization of the borrowing
+ // clone will do nothing.
+ JSStructuredCloneData Borrow(Iterator& iter, size_t size, bool* success) const
+ {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(scope_ == JS::StructuredCloneScope::DifferentProcess);
+ return JSStructuredCloneData(bufList_.Borrow<js::SystemAllocPolicy>(iter, size, success),
+ scope_);
+ }
+ // Iterate over all contained data, one BufferList segment's worth at a
+ // time, and invoke the given FunctionToApply with the data pointer and
+ // size. The function should return a bool value, and this loop will exit
+ // with false if the function ever returns false.
+ template <typename FunctionToApply>
+ bool ForEachDataChunk(FunctionToApply&& function) const {
+ Iterator iter = bufList_.Iter();
+ while (!iter.Done()) {
+ if (!function(iter.Data(), iter.RemainingInSegment()))
+ return false;
+ iter.Advance(bufList_, iter.RemainingInSegment());
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // Append the entire contents of other's bufList_ to our own.
+ bool Append(const JSStructuredCloneData& other) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(scope_ == other.scope_);
+ return other.ForEachDataChunk([&](const char* data, size_t size) {
+ return AppendBytes(data, size);
+ });
+ }
+ void discardTransferables();
/** Note: if the *data contains transferable objects, it can be read only once. */
@@ -254,18 +390,29 @@ JS_PUBLIC_API(bool)
JS_StructuredClone(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleValue v, JS::MutableHandleValue vp,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks, void* closure);
-/** RAII sugar for JS_WriteStructuredClone. */
+ * The C-style API calls to read and write structured clones are fragile --
+ * they rely on the caller to properly handle ownership of the clone data, and
+ * the handling of the input data as well as the interpretation of the contents
+ * of the clone buffer are dependent on the callbacks passed in. If you
+ * serialize and deserialize with different callbacks, the results are
+ * questionable.
+ *
+ * JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer wraps things up in an RAII class for data
+ * management, and uses the same callbacks for both writing and reading
+ * (serializing and deserializing).
+ */
class JS_PUBLIC_API(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer) {
const JS::StructuredCloneScope scope_;
JSStructuredCloneData data_;
uint32_t version_;
- JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer(JS::StructuredCloneScope scope,
+ JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer(JS::StructuredCloneScope aScope,
const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks, void* closure)
- : scope_(scope), version_(JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION)
+ : scope_(aScope), data_(aScope), version_(JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION)
- data_.setOptionalCallbacks(callbacks, closure, OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables);
+ data_.setCallbacks(callbacks, closure, OwnTransferablePolicy::NoTransferables);
JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer&& other);
@@ -276,11 +423,9 @@ class JS_PUBLIC_API(JSAutoStructuredCloneBuffer) {
JSStructuredCloneData& data() { return data_; }
bool empty() const { return !data_.Size(); }
- void clear(const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* optionalCallbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
+ void clear();
- /** Copy some memory. It will be automatically freed by the destructor. */
- bool copy(const JSStructuredCloneData& data, uint32_t version=JS_STRUCTURED_CLONE_VERSION,
- const JSStructuredCloneCallbacks* callbacks=nullptr, void* closure=nullptr);
+ JS::StructuredCloneScope scope() const { return scope_; }
* Adopt some memory. It will be automatically freed by the destructor.
diff --git a/js/public/Value.h b/js/public/Value.h
index a40e65c83..01666ed4e 100644
--- a/js/public/Value.h
+++ b/js/public/Value.h
@@ -140,12 +140,16 @@ static_assert(sizeof(JSValueShiftedTag) == sizeof(uint64_t),
#define JSVAL_TYPE_TO_TAG(type) ((JSValueTag)(JSVAL_TAG_CLEAR | (type)))
+#define JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED (uint64_t(JSVAL_TAG_UNDEFINED) << 32)
#elif defined(JS_PUNBOX64)
#define JSVAL_TAG_MASK 0xFFFF800000000000LL
#define JSVAL_TYPE_TO_TAG(type) ((JSValueTag)(JSVAL_TAG_MAX_DOUBLE | (type)))
@@ -817,7 +821,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
double asDouble;
void* asPtr;
- layout() = default;
+ layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
} data;
@@ -843,7 +847,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
size_t asWord;
uintptr_t asUIntPtr;
- layout() = default;
+ layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
} data;
@@ -871,7 +875,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
double asDouble;
void* asPtr;
- layout() = default;
+ layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
} data;
@@ -895,7 +899,7 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
size_t asWord;
uintptr_t asUIntPtr;
- layout() = default;
+ layout() : asBits(JSVAL_RAW64_UNDEFINED) {}
explicit constexpr layout(uint64_t bits) : asBits(bits) {}
explicit constexpr layout(double d) : asDouble(d) {}
} data;
@@ -948,8 +952,51 @@ class MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) Value
+ * This is a null-constructible structure that can convert to and from
+ * a Value, allowing UninitializedValue to be stored in unions.
+ */
+struct MOZ_NON_PARAM alignas(8) UninitializedValue
+ private:
+ uint64_t bits;
+ public:
+ UninitializedValue() = default;
+ UninitializedValue(const UninitializedValue&) = default;
+ MOZ_IMPLICIT UninitializedValue(const Value& val) : bits(val.asRawBits()) {}
+ inline uint64_t asRawBits() const {
+ return bits;
+ }
+ inline Value& asValueRef() {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<Value*>(this);
+ }
+ inline const Value& asValueRef() const {
+ return *reinterpret_cast<const Value*>(this);
+ }
+ inline operator Value&() {
+ return asValueRef();
+ }
+ inline operator Value const&() const {
+ return asValueRef();
+ }
+ inline operator Value() const {
+ return asValueRef();
+ }
+ inline void operator=(Value const& other) {
+ asValueRef() = other;
+ }
static_assert(sizeof(Value) == 8, "Value size must leave three tag bits, be a binary power, and is ubiquitously depended upon everywhere");
+static_assert(sizeof(UninitializedValue) == sizeof(Value), "Value and UninitializedValue must be the same size");
+static_assert(alignof(UninitializedValue) == alignof(Value), "Value and UninitializedValue must have same alignment");
inline bool
IsOptimizedPlaceholderMagicValue(const Value& v)