path: root/dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp')
1 files changed, 625 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp b/dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26b88a39b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/xml/XMLDocument.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,625 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "mozilla/dom/XMLDocument.h"
+#include "nsParserCIID.h"
+#include "nsCharsetSource.h"
+#include "nsIXMLContentSink.h"
+#include "nsPresContext.h"
+#include "nsIContent.h"
+#include "nsIContentViewerContainer.h"
+#include "nsIContentViewer.h"
+#include "nsIDocShell.h"
+#include "nsHTMLParts.h"
+#include "nsIComponentManager.h"
+#include "nsIDOMElement.h"
+#include "nsIBaseWindow.h"
+#include "nsIDOMWindow.h"
+#include "nsIDOMDocumentType.h"
+#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
+#include "nsXPIDLString.h"
+#include "nsIHttpChannelInternal.h"
+#include "nsIURI.h"
+#include "nsIServiceManager.h"
+#include "nsNetUtil.h"
+#include "nsError.h"
+#include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h"
+#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
+#include "nsLayoutCID.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Attr.h"
+#include "nsCExternalHandlerService.h"
+#include "nsMimeTypes.h"
+#include "mozilla/EventListenerManager.h"
+#include "nsContentUtils.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "nsJSUtils.h"
+#include "nsCRT.h"
+#include "nsIAuthPrompt.h"
+#include "nsContentCreatorFunctions.h"
+#include "nsContentPolicyUtils.h"
+#include "nsNodeUtils.h"
+#include "nsIConsoleService.h"
+#include "nsIScriptError.h"
+#include "nsIHTMLDocument.h"
+#include "mozilla/BasicEvents.h"
+#include "mozilla/EventDispatcher.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/XMLDocumentBinding.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/DocumentBinding.h"
+using namespace mozilla;
+using namespace mozilla::dom;
+// ==================================================================
+// =
+// ==================================================================
+NS_NewDOMDocument(nsIDOMDocument** aInstancePtrResult,
+ const nsAString& aNamespaceURI,
+ const nsAString& aQualifiedName,
+ nsIDOMDocumentType* aDoctype,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ nsIURI* aBaseURI,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal,
+ bool aLoadedAsData,
+ nsIGlobalObject* aEventObject,
+ DocumentFlavor aFlavor)
+ // Note: can't require that aDocumentURI/aBaseURI/aPrincipal be non-null,
+ // since at least one caller (XMLHttpRequest) doesn't have decent args to
+ // pass in.
+ nsresult rv;
+ *aInstancePtrResult = nullptr;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> d;
+ bool isHTML = false;
+ bool isXHTML = false;
+ if (aFlavor == DocumentFlavorSVG) {
+ rv = NS_NewSVGDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ } else if (aFlavor == DocumentFlavorHTML) {
+ rv = NS_NewHTMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ isHTML = true;
+ } else if (aFlavor == DocumentFlavorPlain) {
+ rv = NS_NewXMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(d), aLoadedAsData, true);
+ } else if (aDoctype) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aFlavor == DocumentFlavorLegacyGuess);
+ nsAutoString publicId, name;
+ aDoctype->GetPublicId(publicId);
+ if (publicId.IsEmpty()) {
+ aDoctype->GetName(name);
+ }
+ if (name.EqualsLiteral("html") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Frameset//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN")) {
+ rv = NS_NewHTMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ isHTML = true;
+ } else if (publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN") ||
+ publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN")) {
+ rv = NS_NewHTMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ isHTML = true;
+ isXHTML = true;
+ }
+ else if (publicId.EqualsLiteral("-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN")) {
+ rv = NS_NewSVGDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ }
+ // XXX Add support for XUL documents.
+ else {
+ rv = NS_NewXMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ }
+ } else {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aFlavor == DocumentFlavorLegacyGuess);
+ rv = NS_NewXMLDocument(getter_AddRefs(d));
+ }
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (isHTML) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHTMLDocument> htmlDoc = do_QueryInterface(d);
+ NS_ASSERTION(htmlDoc, "HTML Document doesn't implement nsIHTMLDocument?");
+ htmlDoc->SetCompatibilityMode(eCompatibility_FullStandards);
+ htmlDoc->SetIsXHTML(isXHTML);
+ }
+ nsDocument* doc = static_cast<nsDocument*>(d.get());
+ doc->SetLoadedAsData(aLoadedAsData);
+ doc->nsDocument::SetDocumentURI(aDocumentURI);
+ // Must set the principal first, since SetBaseURI checks it.
+ doc->SetPrincipal(aPrincipal);
+ doc->SetBaseURI(aBaseURI);
+ // We need to set the script handling object after we set the principal such
+ // that the doc group is assigned correctly.
+ if (nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> sgo = do_QueryInterface(aEventObject)) {
+ d->SetScriptHandlingObject(sgo);
+ } else if (aEventObject){
+ d->SetScopeObject(aEventObject);
+ }
+ // XMLDocuments and documents "created in memory" get to be UTF-8 by default,
+ // unlike the legacy HTML mess
+ doc->SetDocumentCharacterSet(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("UTF-8"));
+ if (aDoctype) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> tmpNode;
+ rv = doc->AppendChild(aDoctype, getter_AddRefs(tmpNode));
+ }
+ if (!aQualifiedName.IsEmpty()) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMElement> root;
+ rv = doc->CreateElementNS(aNamespaceURI, aQualifiedName,
+ getter_AddRefs(root));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMNode> tmpNode;
+ rv = doc->AppendChild(root, getter_AddRefs(tmpNode));
+ }
+ *aInstancePtrResult = doc;
+ NS_ADDREF(*aInstancePtrResult);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_NewXMLDocument(nsIDocument** aInstancePtrResult, bool aLoadedAsData,
+ bool aIsPlainDocument)
+ RefPtr<XMLDocument> doc = new XMLDocument();
+ nsresult rv = doc->Init();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ *aInstancePtrResult = nullptr;
+ return rv;
+ }
+ doc->SetLoadedAsData(aLoadedAsData);
+ doc->mIsPlainDocument = aIsPlainDocument;
+ doc.forget(aInstancePtrResult);
+ return NS_OK;
+NS_NewXBLDocument(nsIDOMDocument** aInstancePtrResult,
+ nsIURI* aDocumentURI,
+ nsIURI* aBaseURI,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal)
+ nsresult rv = NS_NewDOMDocument(aInstancePtrResult,
+ NS_LITERAL_STRING("bindings"), nullptr,
+ aDocumentURI, aBaseURI, aPrincipal, false,
+ nullptr, DocumentFlavorLegacyGuess);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> idoc = do_QueryInterface(*aInstancePtrResult);
+ nsDocument* doc = static_cast<nsDocument*>(idoc.get());
+ doc->SetLoadedAsInteractiveData(true);
+ doc->SetReadyStateInternal(nsIDocument::READYSTATE_COMPLETE);
+ return NS_OK;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+XMLDocument::XMLDocument(const char* aContentType)
+ : nsDocument(aContentType),
+ mAsync(true)
+ // NOTE! nsDocument::operator new() zeroes out all members, so don't
+ // bother initializing members to 0.
+ mType = eGenericXML;
+ // XXX We rather crash than hang
+ mLoopingForSyncLoad = false;
+// QueryInterface implementation for XMLDocument
+ nsresult rv = nsDocument::Init();
+ return rv;
+XMLDocument::Reset(nsIChannel* aChannel, nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup)
+ nsDocument::Reset(aChannel, aLoadGroup);
+XMLDocument::ResetToURI(nsIURI *aURI, nsILoadGroup *aLoadGroup,
+ nsIPrincipal* aPrincipal)
+ if (mChannelIsPending) {
+ StopDocumentLoad();
+ mChannel->Cancel(NS_BINDING_ABORTED);
+ mChannelIsPending = false;
+ }
+ nsDocument::ResetToURI(aURI, aLoadGroup, aPrincipal);
+XMLDocument::Load(const nsAString& aUrl, ErrorResult& aRv)
+ bool hasHadScriptObject = true;
+ nsIScriptGlobalObject* scriptObject =
+ GetScriptHandlingObject(hasHadScriptObject);
+ if (!scriptObject && hasHadScriptObject) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> callingDoc = GetEntryDocument();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIPrincipal> principal = NodePrincipal();
+ // The callingDoc's Principal and doc's Principal should be the same
+ if (callingDoc && (callingDoc->NodePrincipal() != principal)) {
+ nsContentUtils::ReportToConsole(nsIScriptError::errorFlag,
+ callingDoc,
+ nsContentUtils::eDOM_PROPERTIES,
+ "XMLDocumentLoadPrincipalMismatch");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Reporting a warning on ourselves is rather pointless, because we probably
+ // have no window id (and hence the warning won't show up in any web console)
+ // and probably aren't considered a "content document" because we're not
+ // loaded in a docshell, so won't accumulate telemetry for use counters. Try
+ // warning on our entry document, if any, since that should have things like
+ // window ids and associated docshells.
+ nsIDocument* docForWarning = callingDoc ? callingDoc.get() : this;
+ if (nsContentUtils::IsCallerChrome()) {
+ docForWarning->WarnOnceAbout(nsIDocument::eChromeUseOfDOM3LoadMethod);
+ } else {
+ docForWarning->WarnOnceAbout(nsIDocument::eUseOfDOM3LoadMethod);
+ }
+ nsIURI *baseURI = mDocumentURI;
+ nsAutoCString charset;
+ if (callingDoc) {
+ baseURI = callingDoc->GetDocBaseURI();
+ charset = callingDoc->GetDocumentCharacterSet();
+ }
+ // Create a new URI
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+ nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), aUrl, charset.get(), baseURI);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aRv.Throw(rv);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (nsContentUtils::IsSystemPrincipal(principal)) {
+ // We're called from chrome, check to make sure the URI we're
+ // about to load is also chrome.
+ bool isChrome = false;
+ if (NS_FAILED(uri->SchemeIs("chrome", &isChrome)) || !isChrome) {
+ nsAutoCString spec;
+ if (mDocumentURI)
+ mDocumentURI->GetSpec(spec);
+ nsAutoString error;
+ error.AssignLiteral("Cross site loading using document.load is no "
+ "longer supported. Use XMLHttpRequest instead.");
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptError> errorObject =
+ do_CreateInstance(NS_SCRIPTERROR_CONTRACTID, &rv);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aRv.Throw(rv);
+ return false;
+ }
+ rv = errorObject->InitWithWindowID(error,
+ NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(spec),
+ EmptyString(),
+ 0, 0, nsIScriptError::warningFlag,
+ "DOM",
+ callingDoc ?
+ callingDoc->InnerWindowID() :
+ this->InnerWindowID());
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aRv.Throw(rv);
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIConsoleService> consoleService =
+ if (consoleService) {
+ consoleService->LogMessage(errorObject);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Partial Reset, need to restore principal for security reasons and
+ // event listener manager so that load listeners etc. will
+ // remain. This should be done before the security check is done to
+ // ensure that the document is reset even if the new document can't
+ // be loaded. Note that we need to hold a strong ref to |principal|
+ // here, because ResetToURI will null out our node principal before
+ // setting the new one.
+ RefPtr<EventListenerManager> elm(mListenerManager);
+ mListenerManager = nullptr;
+ // When we are called from JS we can find the load group for the page,
+ // and add ourselves to it. This way any pending requests
+ // will be automatically aborted if the user leaves the page.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> loadGroup;
+ if (callingDoc) {
+ loadGroup = callingDoc->GetDocumentLoadGroup();
+ }
+ ResetToURI(uri, loadGroup, principal);
+ mListenerManager = elm;
+ // Create a channel
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> req = nsContentUtils::SameOriginChecker();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
+ // nsIRequest::LOAD_BACKGROUND prevents throbber from becoming active,
+ // which in turn keeps STOP button from becoming active
+ rv = NS_NewChannel(getter_AddRefs(channel),
+ uri,
+ callingDoc ? callingDoc.get() :
+ static_cast<nsIDocument*>(this),
+ loadGroup,
+ req,
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aRv.Throw(rv);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // TODO Bug 1189945: Remove nsIChannel CorsMode flag and set Request.mode
+ // based on nsILoadInfo securityFlags instead. This block will be removed
+ // when Request.mode set correctly.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelInternal> httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(channel);
+ if (httpChannel) {
+ httpChannel->SetCorsMode(nsIHttpChannelInternal::CORS_MODE_SAME_ORIGIN);
+ }
+ // StartDocumentLoad asserts that readyState is uninitialized, so
+ // uninitialize it. SetReadyStateInternal make this transition invisible to
+ // Web content. But before doing that, assert that the current readyState
+ // is complete as it should be after the call to ResetToURI() above.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(GetReadyStateEnum() == nsIDocument::READYSTATE_COMPLETE,
+ "Bad readyState");
+ SetReadyStateInternal(nsIDocument::READYSTATE_UNINITIALIZED);
+ // Prepare for loading the XML document "into oneself"
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIStreamListener> listener;
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv = StartDocumentLoad(kLoadAsData, channel,
+ loadGroup, nullptr,
+ getter_AddRefs(listener),
+ false))) {
+ NS_ERROR("XMLDocument::Load: Failed to start the document load.");
+ aRv.Throw(rv);
+ return false;
+ }
+ // After this point, if we error out of this method we should clear
+ // mChannelIsPending.
+ // Start an asynchronous read of the XML document
+ rv = channel->AsyncOpen2(listener);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ mChannelIsPending = false;
+ aRv.Throw(rv);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!mAsync) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIThread> thread = do_GetCurrentThread();
+ nsAutoSyncOperation sync(this);
+ mLoopingForSyncLoad = true;
+ while (mLoopingForSyncLoad) {
+ if (!NS_ProcessNextEvent(thread))
+ break;
+ }
+ // We set return to true unless there was a parsing error
+ Element* rootElement = GetRootElement();
+ if (!rootElement) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (rootElement->LocalName().EqualsLiteral("parsererror")) {
+ nsAutoString ns;
+ rootElement->GetNamespaceURI(ns);
+ if (ns.EqualsLiteral("")) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+XMLDocument::SetSuppressParserErrorElement(bool aSuppress)
+ mSuppressParserErrorElement = aSuppress;
+ return mSuppressParserErrorElement;
+XMLDocument::SetSuppressParserErrorConsoleMessages(bool aSuppress)
+ mSuppressParserErrorConsoleMessages = aSuppress;
+ return mSuppressParserErrorConsoleMessages;
+XMLDocument::StartDocumentLoad(const char* aCommand,
+ nsIChannel* aChannel,
+ nsILoadGroup* aLoadGroup,
+ nsISupports* aContainer,
+ nsIStreamListener **aDocListener,
+ bool aReset,
+ nsIContentSink* aSink)
+ nsresult rv = nsDocument::StartDocumentLoad(aCommand,
+ aChannel, aLoadGroup,
+ aContainer,
+ aDocListener, aReset, aSink);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ if (nsCRT::strcmp("loadAsInteractiveData", aCommand) == 0) {
+ mLoadedAsInteractiveData = true;
+ aCommand = kLoadAsData; // XBL, for example, needs scripts and styles
+ }
+ int32_t charsetSource = kCharsetFromDocTypeDefault;
+ nsAutoCString charset(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("UTF-8"));
+ TryChannelCharset(aChannel, charsetSource, charset, nullptr);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> aUrl;
+ rv = aChannel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(aUrl));
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) return rv;
+ mParser = do_CreateInstance(kCParserCID, &rv);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIXMLContentSink> sink;
+ if (aSink) {
+ sink = do_QueryInterface(aSink);
+ }
+ else {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocShell> docShell;
+ if (aContainer) {
+ docShell = do_QueryInterface(aContainer);
+ }
+ rv = NS_NewXMLContentSink(getter_AddRefs(sink), this, aUrl, docShell,
+ aChannel);
+ }
+ // Set the parser as the stream listener for the document loader...
+ rv = CallQueryInterface(mParser, aDocListener);
+ NS_ASSERTION(mChannel, "How can we not have a channel here?");
+ mChannelIsPending = true;
+ SetDocumentCharacterSet(charset);
+ mParser->SetDocumentCharset(charset, charsetSource);
+ mParser->SetCommand(aCommand);
+ mParser->SetContentSink(sink);
+ mParser->Parse(aUrl, nullptr, (void *)this);
+ return NS_OK;
+ mChannelIsPending = false;
+ mLoopingForSyncLoad = false;
+ mSynchronousDOMContentLoaded = (mLoadedAsData || mLoadedAsInteractiveData);
+ nsDocument::EndLoad();
+ if (mSynchronousDOMContentLoaded) {
+ mSynchronousDOMContentLoaded = false;
+ nsDocument::SetReadyStateInternal(nsIDocument::READYSTATE_COMPLETE);
+ // Generate a document load event for the case when an XML
+ // document was loaded as pure data without any presentation
+ // attached to it.
+ WidgetEvent event(true, eLoad);
+ EventDispatcher::Dispatch(static_cast<nsIDocument*>(this), nullptr, &event);
+ }
+/* virtual */ void
+XMLDocument::DocAddSizeOfExcludingThis(nsWindowSizes* aWindowSizes) const
+ nsDocument::DocAddSizeOfExcludingThis(aWindowSizes);
+// nsIDOMDocument interface
+XMLDocument::Clone(mozilla::dom::NodeInfo *aNodeInfo, nsINode **aResult) const
+ NS_ASSERTION(aNodeInfo->NodeInfoManager() == mNodeInfoManager,
+ "Can't import this document into another document!");
+ RefPtr<XMLDocument> clone = new XMLDocument();
+ nsresult rv = CloneDocHelper(clone);
+ // State from XMLDocument
+ clone->mAsync = mAsync;
+ clone->mIsPlainDocument = mIsPlainDocument;
+ return CallQueryInterface(clone.get(), aResult);
+XMLDocument::WrapNode(JSContext *aCx, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aGivenProto)
+ if (mIsPlainDocument) {
+ return DocumentBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
+ }
+ return XMLDocumentBinding::Wrap(aCx, this, aGivenProto);
+} // namespace dom
+} // namespace mozilla