path: root/dom/presentation/tests/mochitest/test_presentation_reconnect.html
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /dom/presentation/tests/mochitest/test_presentation_reconnect.html
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/presentation/tests/mochitest/test_presentation_reconnect.html')
1 files changed, 379 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/presentation/tests/mochitest/test_presentation_reconnect.html b/dom/presentation/tests/mochitest/test_presentation_reconnect.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..079b7f5c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/presentation/tests/mochitest/test_presentation_reconnect.html
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+<!-- Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ - -->
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>Test for B2G Presentation API at sender side</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/tests/SimpleTest/test.css"/>
+ <script type="application/javascript" src="/tests/SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js"></script>
+ <script type="application/javascript" src="PresentationSessionFrameScript.js"></script>
+<a target="_blank" href="">Test for Presentation API at sender side</a>
+<iframe id="iframe" src="file_presentation_reconnect.html"></iframe>
+<script type="application/javascript;version=1.8">
+'use strict';
+var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe");
+var gScript = SpecialPowers.loadChromeScript(SimpleTest.getTestFileURL('PresentationSessionChromeScript.js'));
+var frameScript = SpecialPowers.isMainProcess() ? gScript : contentScript;
+var request;
+var connection;
+var commandHandler = {};
+function testSetup() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ addEventListener("message", function listener(event) {
+ var message =;
+ if (/^OK /.exec(message)) {
+ ok(true, message.replace(/^OK /, ""));
+ } else if (/^KO /.exec(message)) {
+ ok(false, message.replace(/^KO /, ""));
+ } else if (/^INFO /.exec(message)) {
+ info(message.replace(/^INFO /, ""));
+ } else if (/^COMMAND /.exec(message)) {
+ var command = JSON.parse(message.replace(/^COMMAND /, ""));
+ if ( in commandHandler) {
+ commandHandler[](command);
+ }
+ } else if (/^DONE$/.exec(message)) {
+ window.removeEventListener('message', listener);
+ SimpleTest.finish();
+ }
+ }, false);
+ request = new PresentationRequest("");
+ request.getAvailability().then(
+ function(aAvailability) {
+ is(aAvailability.value, false, "Sender: should have no available device after setup");
+ aAvailability.onchange = function() {
+ aAvailability.onchange = null;
+ ok(aAvailability.value, "Device should be available.");
+ aResolve();
+ }
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-device-add');
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ ok(false, "Error occurred when getting availability: " + aError);
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function testStartConnection() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ gScript.addMessageListener('device-prompt', function devicePromptHandler() {
+ info("Device prompt is triggered.");
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-device-prompt-select');
+ });
+ gScript.addMessageListener('control-channel-established', function controlChannelEstablishedHandler() {
+ info("A control channel is established.");
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-control-channel-open');
+ });
+ gScript.addMessageListener('control-channel-opened', function controlChannelOpenedHandler(aReason) {
+ info("The control channel is opened.");
+ });
+ gScript.addMessageListener('control-channel-closed', function controlChannelClosedHandler(aReason) {
+ info("The control channel is closed. " + aReason);
+ });
+ frameScript.addMessageListener('check-navigator', function checknavigatorHandler(aSuccess) {
+ ok(aSuccess, "buildDataChannel get correct window object");
+ });
+ gScript.addMessageListener('offer-sent', function offerSentHandler(aIsValid) {
+ ok(aIsValid, "A valid offer is sent out.");
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-incoming-answer');
+ });
+ gScript.addMessageListener('answer-received', function answerReceivedHandler() {
+ info("An answer is received.");
+ });
+ frameScript.addMessageListener('data-transport-initialized', function dataTransportInitializedHandler() {
+ info("Data transport channel is initialized.");
+ });
+ frameScript.addMessageListener('data-transport-notification-enabled', function dataTransportNotificationEnabledHandler() {
+ info("Data notification is enabled for data transport channel.");
+ });
+ var connectionFromEvent;
+ request.onconnectionavailable = function(aEvent) {
+ request.onconnectionavailable = null;
+ connectionFromEvent = aEvent.connection;
+ ok(connectionFromEvent, "|connectionavailable| event is fired with a connection.");
+ if (connection) {
+ is(connection, connectionFromEvent, "The connection from promise and the one from |connectionavailable| event should be the same.");
+ }
+ };
+ request.start().then(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ connection = aConnection;
+ ok(connection, "Connection should be available.");
+ ok(, "Connection ID should be set.");
+ is(connection.state, "connecting", "The initial state should be connecting.");
+ if (connectionFromEvent) {
+ is(connection, connectionFromEvent, "The connection from promise and the one from |connectionavailable| event should be the same.");
+ }
+ connection.onconnect = function() {
+ connection.onconnect = null;
+ is(connection.state, "connected", "Connection should be connected.");
+ aResolve();
+ };
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ ok(false, "Error occurred when establishing a connection: " + aError);
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function testCloseConnection() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ frameScript.addMessageListener('data-transport-closed', function dataTransportClosedHandler(aReason) {
+ frameScript.removeMessageListener('data-transport-closed', dataTransportClosedHandler);
+ info("The data transport is closed. " + aReason);
+ });
+ connection.onclose = function() {
+ connection.onclose = null;
+ is(connection.state, "closed", "Connection should be closed.");
+ aResolve();
+ };
+ connection.close();
+ });
+function testReconnectAConnectedConnection() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ info('--- testReconnectAConnectedConnection ---');
+ ok(connection.state, "connected", "Make sure the state is connected.");
+ request.reconnect(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ ok(aConnection, "Connection should be available.");
+ is(,, "Connection ID should be the same.");
+ is(aConnection.state, "connected", "The state should be connected.");
+ is(aConnection, connection, "The connection should be the same.");
+ aResolve();
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ ok(false, "Error occurred when establishing a connection: " + aError);
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function testReconnectInvalidID() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ info('--- testReconnectInvalidID ---');
+ request.reconnect("dummyID").then(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ ok(false, "Unexpected success.");
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ is(, "NotFoundError", "Should get NotFoundError.");
+ aResolve();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function testReconnectInvalidURL() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ info('--- testReconnectInvalidURL ---');
+ var request1 = new PresentationRequest("http://invalidURL");
+ request1.reconnect(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ ok(false, "Unexpected success.");
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ is(, "NotFoundError", "Should get NotFoundError.");
+ aResolve();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function testReconnectIframeConnectedConnection() {
+ info('--- testReconnectIframeConnectedConnection ---');
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('save-control-channel-listener');
+ return Promise.all([
+ new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ commandHandler["connection-connected"] = function(command) {
+ gScript.addMessageListener('start-reconnect', function startReconnectHandler(url) {
+ gScript.removeMessageListener('start-reconnect', startReconnectHandler);
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-reconnected-acked', url);
+ });
+ var request1 = new PresentationRequest("");
+ request1.reconnect(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ is(aConnection.state, "connecting", "The state should be connecting.");
+ aConnection.onclose = function() {
+ delete commandHandler["connection-connected"];
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('restore-control-channel-listener');
+ aResolve();
+ };
+ aConnection.close();
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ ok(false, "Error occurred when establishing a connection: " + aError);
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("startConnection", "*");
+ }),
+ new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ commandHandler["notify-connection-closed"] = function(command) {
+ delete commandHandler["notify-connection-closed"];
+ aResolve();
+ };
+ }),
+ ]);
+function testReconnectIframeClosedConnection() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ info('--- testReconnectIframeClosedConnection ---');
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('save-control-channel-listener');
+ commandHandler["connection-closed"] = function(command) {
+ gScript.addMessageListener('start-reconnect', function startReconnectHandler(url) {
+ gScript.removeMessageListener('start-reconnect', startReconnectHandler);
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-reconnected-acked', url);
+ });
+ var request1 = new PresentationRequest("");
+ request1.reconnect(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ aConnection.onconnect = function() {
+ aConnection.onconnect = null;
+ is(aConnection.state, "connected", "The connection should be connected.");
+ aConnection.onclose = function() {
+ aConnection.onclose = null;
+ ok(true, "The connection is closed.");
+ delete commandHandler["connection-closed"];
+ aResolve();
+ };
+ aConnection.close();
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('restore-control-channel-listener');
+ };
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ ok(false, "Error occurred when establishing a connection: " + aError);
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ }
+ );
+ };
+ iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("closeConnection", "*");
+ });
+function testReconnect() {
+ return new Promise(function(aResolve, aReject) {
+ info('--- testReconnect ---');
+ gScript.addMessageListener('start-reconnect', function startReconnectHandler(url) {
+ gScript.removeMessageListener('start-reconnect', startReconnectHandler);
+ is(url, "", "URLs should be the same.");
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-reconnected-acked', url);
+ });
+ request.reconnect(
+ function(aConnection) {
+ ok(aConnection, "Connection should be available.");
+ ok(, "Connection ID should be set.");
+ is(aConnection.state, "connecting", "The initial state should be connecting.");
+ is(aConnection, connection, "The reconnected connection should be the same.");
+ aConnection.onconnect = function() {
+ aConnection.onconnect = null;
+ is(aConnection.state, "connected", "Connection should be connected.");
+ const incomingMessage = "test incoming message";
+ aConnection.addEventListener('message', function messageHandler(aEvent) {
+ aConnection.removeEventListener('message', messageHandler);
+ is(, incomingMessage, "An incoming message should be received.");
+ aResolve();
+ });
+ frameScript.sendAsyncMessage('trigger-incoming-message', incomingMessage);
+ };
+ },
+ function(aError) {
+ ok(false, "Error occurred when establishing a connection: " + aError);
+ teardown();
+ aReject();
+ }
+ );
+ });
+function teardown() {
+ gScript.addMessageListener('teardown-complete', function teardownCompleteHandler() {
+ gScript.removeMessageListener('teardown-complete', teardownCompleteHandler);
+ gScript.destroy();
+ info('teardown-complete');
+ SimpleTest.finish();
+ });
+ gScript.sendAsyncMessage('teardown');
+function runTests() {
+ ok(window.PresentationRequest, "PresentationRequest should be available.");
+ testSetup().
+ then(testStartConnection).
+ then(testReconnectInvalidID).
+ then(testReconnectInvalidURL).
+ then(testReconnectAConnectedConnection).
+ then(testReconnectIframeConnectedConnection).
+ then(testReconnectIframeClosedConnection).
+ then(testCloseConnection).
+ then(testReconnect).
+ then(testCloseConnection).
+ then(teardown);
+ {type: 'presentation-device-manage', allow: false, context: document},
+], function() {
+ SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ 'set': [["dom.presentation.enabled", true],
+ ["dom.presentation.controller.enabled", true],
+ ["dom.presentation.receiver.enabled", true],
+ ["dom.presentation.session_transport.data_channel.enable", true]]},
+ runTests);