path: root/backend/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
diff options
authorPetr Mrázek <>2013-07-29 00:59:35 +0200
committerPetr Mrázek <>2013-07-29 00:59:35 +0200
commit2e0cbf393a5320dbf5448ca44a9b5905314b0be8 (patch)
tree4baac9cf015ca7b15d83de33c705e0d8d4497d30 /backend/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
parent8808a8b108b82916eaf30f9aca50cd3ab16af230 (diff)
Massive renaming in the backend folder, all around restructure in the same.
Diffstat (limited to 'backend/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp')
1 files changed, 528 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/backend/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp b/backend/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d576397f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/backend/lists/MinecraftVersionList.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+/* Copyright 2013 Andrew Okin
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "MinecraftVersionList.h"
+#include <QDebug>
+#include <QtXml>
+#include <QJsonDocument>
+#include <QJsonObject>
+#include <QJsonArray>
+#include <QJsonValue>
+#include <QJsonParseError>
+#include <QtAlgorithms>
+#include <QtNetwork>
+#include "netutils.h"
+#define ASSETS_URLBASE ""
+#define MCN_URLBASE ""
+MinecraftVersionList mcVList;
+MinecraftVersionList::MinecraftVersionList(QObject *parent) :
+ InstVersionList(parent)
+Task *MinecraftVersionList::getLoadTask()
+ return new MCVListLoadTask(this);
+bool MinecraftVersionList::isLoaded()
+ return m_loaded;
+const InstVersion *MinecraftVersionList::at(int i) const
+ return;
+int MinecraftVersionList::count() const
+ return m_vlist.count();
+void MinecraftVersionList::printToStdOut() const
+ qDebug() << "---------------- Version List ----------------";
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_vlist.count(); i++)
+ {
+ MinecraftVersion *version = qobject_cast<MinecraftVersion *>(;
+ if (!version)
+ continue;
+ qDebug() << "Version " << version->name();
+ qDebug() << "\tDownload: " << version->downloadURL();
+ qDebug() << "\tTimestamp: " << version->timestamp();
+ qDebug() << "\tType: " << version->typeName();
+ qDebug() << "----------------------------------------------";
+ }
+bool cmpVersions(const InstVersion *first, const InstVersion *second)
+ return !first->isLessThan(*second);
+void MinecraftVersionList::sort()
+ beginResetModel();
+ qSort(m_vlist.begin(), m_vlist.end(), cmpVersions);
+ endResetModel();
+InstVersion *MinecraftVersionList::getLatestStable() const
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_vlist.length(); i++)
+ {
+ if (((MinecraftVersion *)>versionType() == MinecraftVersion::CurrentStable)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+MinecraftVersionList &MinecraftVersionList::getMainList()
+ return mcVList;
+void MinecraftVersionList::updateListData(QList<InstVersion *> versions)
+ // First, we populate a temporary list with the copies of the versions.
+ QList<InstVersion *> tempList;
+ for (int i = 0; i < versions.length(); i++)
+ {
+ InstVersion *version = versions[i]->copyVersion(this);
+ Q_ASSERT(version != NULL);
+ tempList.append(version);
+ }
+ // Now we swap the temporary list into the actual version list.
+ // This applies our changes to the version list immediately and still gives us
+ // access to the old version list so that we can delete the objects in it and
+ // free their memory. By doing this, we cause the version list to update as
+ // quickly as possible.
+ beginResetModel();
+ m_vlist.swap(tempList);
+ m_loaded = true;
+ endResetModel();
+ // We called swap, so all the data that was in the version list previously is now in
+ // tempList (and vice-versa). Now we just free the memory.
+ while (!tempList.isEmpty())
+ delete tempList.takeFirst();
+ // NOW SORT!!
+ sort();
+inline QDomElement getDomElementByTagName(QDomElement parent, QString tagname)
+ QDomNodeList elementList = parent.elementsByTagName(tagname);
+ if (elementList.count())
+ return;
+ else
+ return QDomElement();
+inline QDateTime timeFromS3Time(QString str)
+ return QDateTime::fromString(str, Qt::ISODate);
+MCVListLoadTask::MCVListLoadTask(MinecraftVersionList *vlist)
+ m_list = vlist;
+ m_currentStable = NULL;
+ processedAssetsReply = false;
+ processedMCNReply = false;
+ processedMCVListReply = false;
+// delete netMgr;
+void MCVListLoadTask::executeTask()
+ setSubStatus();
+ QNetworkAccessManager networkMgr;
+ netMgr = &networkMgr;
+ if (!loadFromVList())
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Failed to load from Mojang version list.";
+ }
+ if (!loadFromAssets())
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Failed to load assets version list.";
+ }
+ if (!loadMCNostalgia())
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Failed to load MCNostalgia version list.";
+ }
+ finalize();
+void MCVListLoadTask::setSubStatus(const QString msg)
+ if (msg.isEmpty())
+ setStatus("Loading instance version list...");
+ else
+ setStatus("Loading instance version list: " + msg);
+// FIXME: we should have a local cache of the version list and a local cache of version data
+bool MCVListLoadTask::loadFromVList()
+ QNetworkReply *vlistReply = netMgr->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(QString(MCVLIST_URLBASE) +
+ "versions.json")));
+ NetUtils::waitForNetRequest(vlistReply);
+ switch (vlistReply->error())
+ {
+ case QNetworkReply::NoError:
+ {
+ QJsonParseError jsonError;
+ QJsonDocument jsonDoc = QJsonDocument::fromJson(vlistReply->readAll(), &jsonError);
+ if (jsonError.error == QJsonParseError::NoError)
+ {
+ Q_ASSERT_X(jsonDoc.isObject(), "loadFromVList", "jsonDoc is not an object");
+ QJsonObject root = jsonDoc.object();
+ // Get the ID of the latest release and the latest snapshot.
+ Q_ASSERT_X(root.value("latest").isObject(), "loadFromVList",
+ "version list is missing 'latest' object");
+ QJsonObject latest = root.value("latest").toObject();
+ QString latestReleaseID = latest.value("release").toString("");
+ QString latestSnapshotID = latest.value("snapshot").toString("");
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!latestReleaseID.isEmpty(), "loadFromVList", "latest release field is missing");
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!latestSnapshotID.isEmpty(), "loadFromVList", "latest snapshot field is missing");
+ // Now, get the array of versions.
+ Q_ASSERT_X(root.value("versions").isArray(), "loadFromVList",
+ "version list object is missing 'versions' array");
+ QJsonArray versions = root.value("versions").toArray();
+ for (int i = 0; i < versions.count(); i++)
+ {
+ // Load the version info.
+ Q_ASSERT_X(versions[i].isObject(), "loadFromVList",
+ QString("in versions array, index %1 is not an object").
+ arg(i).toUtf8());
+ QJsonObject version = versions[i].toObject();
+ QString versionID = version.value("id").toString("");
+ QString versionTimeStr = version.value("releaseTime").toString("");
+ QString versionTypeStr = version.value("type").toString("");
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!versionID.isEmpty(), "loadFromVList",
+ QString("in versions array, index %1's \"id\" field is not a valid string").
+ arg(i).toUtf8());
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!versionTimeStr.isEmpty(), "loadFromVList",
+ QString("in versions array, index %1's \"time\" field is not a valid string").
+ arg(i).toUtf8());
+ Q_ASSERT_X(!versionTypeStr.isEmpty(), "loadFromVList",
+ QString("in versions array, index %1's \"type\" field is not a valid string").
+ arg(i).toUtf8());
+ // Now, process that info and add the version to the list.
+ // Parse the timestamp.
+ QDateTime versionTime = timeFromS3Time(versionTimeStr);
+ Q_ASSERT_X(versionTime.isValid(), "loadFromVList",
+ QString("in versions array, index %1's timestamp failed to parse").
+ arg(i).toUtf8());
+ // Parse the type.
+ MinecraftVersion::VersionType versionType;
+ if (versionTypeStr == "release")
+ {
+ // Check if this version is the current stable version.
+ if (versionID == latestReleaseID)
+ versionType = MinecraftVersion::CurrentStable;
+ else
+ versionType = MinecraftVersion::Stable;
+ }
+ else if(versionTypeStr == "snapshot")
+ {
+ versionType = MinecraftVersion::Snapshot;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // we don't know what to do with this...
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get the download URL.
+ QString dlUrl = QString(MCVLIST_URLBASE) + versionID + "/";
+ // Now, we construct the version object and add it to the list.
+ MinecraftVersion *mcVersion = new MinecraftVersion(
+ versionID, versionID, versionTime.toMSecsSinceEpoch(),
+ dlUrl, "");
+ mcVersion->setVersionSource(MinecraftVersion::Launcher16);
+ mcVersion->setVersionType(versionType);
+ tempList.append(mcVersion);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qDebug() << "Error parsing version list JSON:" << jsonError.errorString();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // TODO: Network error handling.
+ qDebug() << "Failed to load Minecraft main version list" << vlistReply->errorString();
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+bool MCVListLoadTask::loadFromAssets()
+ setSubStatus("Loading versions from");
+ bool succeeded = false;
+ QNetworkReply *assetsReply = netMgr->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(ASSETS_URLBASE)));
+ NetUtils::waitForNetRequest(assetsReply);
+ switch (assetsReply->error())
+ {
+ case QNetworkReply::NoError:
+ {
+ // Get the XML string.
+ QString xmlString = assetsReply->readAll();
+ QString xmlErrorMsg;
+ QDomDocument doc;
+ if (!doc.setContent(xmlString, false, &xmlErrorMsg))
+ {
+ // TODO: Display error message to the user.
+ qDebug() << "Failed to process XML error:" <<
+ xmlErrorMsg << xmlString;
+ }
+ QDomNodeList contents = doc.elementsByTagName("Contents");
+ QRegExp mcRegex("/minecraft.jar$");
+ QRegExp snapshotRegex("[0-9][0-9]w[0-9][0-9][a-z]?|pre|rc");
+ for (int i = 0; i < contents.length(); i++)
+ {
+ QDomElement element =;
+ if (element.isNull())
+ continue;
+ QDomElement keyElement = getDomElementByTagName(element, "Key");
+ QDomElement lastmodElement = getDomElementByTagName(element, "LastModified");
+ QDomElement etagElement = getDomElementByTagName(element, "ETag");
+ if (keyElement.isNull() || lastmodElement.isNull() || etagElement.isNull())
+ continue;
+ QString key = keyElement.text();
+ QString lastModStr = lastmodElement.text();
+ QString etagStr = etagElement.text();
+ if (!key.contains(mcRegex))
+ continue;
+ QString versionDirName = key.left(key.length() - 14);
+ QString dlUrl = QString("").arg(versionDirName);
+ QString versionName = versionDirName.replace("_", ".");
+ QDateTime versionTimestamp = timeFromS3Time(lastModStr);
+ if (!versionTimestamp.isValid())
+ {
+ qDebug(QString("Failed to parse timestamp for version %1 %2").
+ arg(versionName, lastModStr).toUtf8());
+ versionTimestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ }
+ if (m_currentStable)
+ {
+ {
+ bool older = versionTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch() < m_currentStable->timestamp();
+ bool newer = versionTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch() > m_currentStable->timestamp();
+ bool isSnapshot = versionName.contains(snapshotRegex);
+ MinecraftVersion *version = new MinecraftVersion(
+ versionName, versionName,
+ versionTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch(),
+ dlUrl, etagStr);
+ if (newer)
+ {
+ version->setVersionType(MinecraftVersion::Snapshot);
+ }
+ else if (older && isSnapshot)
+ {
+ version->setVersionType(MinecraftVersion::OldSnapshot);
+ }
+ else if (older)
+ {
+ version->setVersionType(MinecraftVersion::Stable);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Shouldn't happen, but just in case...
+ version->setVersionType(MinecraftVersion::CurrentStable);
+ }
+ assetsList.push_back(version);
+ }
+ }
+ else // If there isn't a current stable version.
+ {
+ bool isSnapshot = versionName.contains(snapshotRegex);
+ MinecraftVersion *version = new MinecraftVersion(
+ versionName, versionName,
+ versionTimestamp.toMSecsSinceEpoch(),
+ dlUrl, etagStr);
+ version->setVersionType(isSnapshot? MinecraftVersion::Snapshot :
+ MinecraftVersion::Stable);
+ assetsList.push_back(version);
+ }
+ }
+ setSubStatus("Loaded");
+ succeeded = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ // TODO: Network error handling.
+ qDebug() << "Failed to load" << assetsReply->errorString();
+ break;
+ }
+ processedAssetsReply = true;
+ updateStuff();
+ return succeeded;
+bool MCVListLoadTask::loadMCNostalgia()
+ QNetworkReply *mcnReply = netMgr->get(QNetworkRequest(QUrl(QString(MCN_URLBASE) + "?pversion=1&list=True")));
+ NetUtils::waitForNetRequest(mcnReply);
+ processedMCNReply = true;
+ updateStuff();
+ return true;
+bool MCVListLoadTask::finalize()
+ // First, we need to do some cleanup. We loaded assets versions into assetsList,
+ // MCNostalgia versions into mcnList and all the others into tempList. MCNostalgia
+ // provides some versions that are on and we want to ignore
+ // those, so we remove and delete them from mcnList. also provides
+ // versions that are on Mojang's version list and we want to ignore those as well.
+ // To start, we get a list of the descriptors in tmpList.
+ QStringList tlistDescriptors;
+ for (int i = 0; i < tempList.count(); i++)
+ tlistDescriptors.append(>descriptor());
+ // Now, we go through our assets version list and remove anything with
+ // a descriptor that matches one we already have in tempList.
+ for (int i = 0; i < assetsList.count(); i++)
+ if (tlistDescriptors.contains(>descriptor()))
+ delete assetsList.takeAt(i--); // We need to decrement here because we're removing an item.
+ // We also need to rebuild the list of descriptors.
+ tlistDescriptors.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < tempList.count(); i++)
+ tlistDescriptors.append(>descriptor());
+ // Next, we go through our MCNostalgia version list and do the same thing.
+ for (int i = 0; i < mcnList.count(); i++)
+ if (tlistDescriptors.contains(>descriptor()))
+ delete mcnList.takeAt(i--); // We need to decrement here because we're removing an item.
+ // Now that the duplicates are gone, we need to merge the lists. This is
+ // simple enough.
+ tempList.append(assetsList);
+ tempList.append(mcnList);
+ // We're done with these lists now, but the items have been moved over to
+ // tempList, so we don't need to delete them yet.
+ // Now, we invoke the updateListData slot on the GUI thread. This will copy all
+ // the versions we loaded and set their parents to the version list.
+ // Then, it will swap the new list with the old one and free the old list's memory.
+ QMetaObject::invokeMethod(m_list, "updateListData", Qt::BlockingQueuedConnection,
+ Q_ARG(QList<InstVersion*>, tempList));
+ // Once that's finished, we can delete the versions in our temp list.
+ while (!tempList.isEmpty())
+ delete tempList.takeFirst();
+ m_list->printToStdOut();
+ return true;
+void MCVListLoadTask::updateStuff()
+ const int totalReqs = 3;
+ int reqsComplete = 0;
+ if (processedMCVListReply)
+ reqsComplete++;
+ if (processedAssetsReply)
+ reqsComplete++;
+ if (processedMCNReply)
+ reqsComplete++;
+ calcProgress(reqsComplete, totalReqs);
+ if (reqsComplete >= totalReqs)
+ {
+ quit();
+ }