path: root/third_party/aom/aom_dsp/fastssim.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/aom/aom_dsp/fastssim.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 487 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/aom/aom_dsp/fastssim.c b/third_party/aom/aom_dsp/fastssim.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 3804519b3..000000000
--- a/third_party/aom/aom_dsp/fastssim.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,487 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2016, Alliance for Open Media. All rights reserved
- *
- * This source code is subject to the terms of the BSD 2 Clause License and
- * the Alliance for Open Media Patent License 1.0. If the BSD 2 Clause License
- * was not distributed with this source code in the LICENSE file, you can
- * obtain it at If the Alliance for Open
- * Media Patent License 1.0 was not distributed with this source code in the
- * PATENTS file, you can obtain it at
- *
- * This code was originally written by: Nathan E. Egge, at the Daala
- * project.
- */
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "config/aom_config.h"
-#include "config/aom_dsp_rtcd.h"
-#include "aom_dsp/ssim.h"
-#include "aom_ports/system_state.h"
-typedef struct fs_level fs_level;
-typedef struct fs_ctx fs_ctx;
-#define SSIM_C1 (255 * 255 * 0.01 * 0.01)
-#define SSIM_C2 (255 * 255 * 0.03 * 0.03)
-#define SSIM_C1_10 (1023 * 1023 * 0.01 * 0.01)
-#define SSIM_C1_12 (4095 * 4095 * 0.01 * 0.01)
-#define SSIM_C2_10 (1023 * 1023 * 0.03 * 0.03)
-#define SSIM_C2_12 (4095 * 4095 * 0.03 * 0.03)
-#define FS_MINI(_a, _b) ((_a) < (_b) ? (_a) : (_b))
-#define FS_MAXI(_a, _b) ((_a) > (_b) ? (_a) : (_b))
-struct fs_level {
- uint32_t *im1;
- uint32_t *im2;
- double *ssim;
- int w;
- int h;
-struct fs_ctx {
- fs_level *level;
- int nlevels;
- unsigned *col_buf;
-static void fs_ctx_init(fs_ctx *_ctx, int _w, int _h, int _nlevels) {
- unsigned char *data;
- size_t data_size;
- int lw;
- int lh;
- int l;
- lw = (_w + 1) >> 1;
- lh = (_h + 1) >> 1;
- data_size =
- _nlevels * sizeof(fs_level) + 2 * (lw + 8) * 8 * sizeof(*_ctx->col_buf);
- for (l = 0; l < _nlevels; l++) {
- size_t im_size;
- size_t level_size;
- im_size = lw * (size_t)lh;
- level_size = 2 * im_size * sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].im1);
- level_size += sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim) - 1;
- level_size /= sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim);
- level_size += im_size;
- level_size *= sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim);
- data_size += level_size;
- lw = (lw + 1) >> 1;
- lh = (lh + 1) >> 1;
- }
- data = (unsigned char *)malloc(data_size);
- _ctx->level = (fs_level *)data;
- _ctx->nlevels = _nlevels;
- data += _nlevels * sizeof(*_ctx->level);
- lw = (_w + 1) >> 1;
- lh = (_h + 1) >> 1;
- for (l = 0; l < _nlevels; l++) {
- size_t im_size;
- size_t level_size;
- _ctx->level[l].w = lw;
- _ctx->level[l].h = lh;
- im_size = lw * (size_t)lh;
- level_size = 2 * im_size * sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].im1);
- level_size += sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim) - 1;
- level_size /= sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim);
- level_size *= sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim);
- _ctx->level[l].im1 = (uint32_t *)data;
- _ctx->level[l].im2 = _ctx->level[l].im1 + im_size;
- data += level_size;
- _ctx->level[l].ssim = (double *)data;
- data += im_size * sizeof(*_ctx->level[l].ssim);
- lw = (lw + 1) >> 1;
- lh = (lh + 1) >> 1;
- }
- _ctx->col_buf = (unsigned *)data;
-static void fs_ctx_clear(fs_ctx *_ctx) { free(_ctx->level); }
-static void fs_downsample_level(fs_ctx *_ctx, int _l) {
- const uint32_t *src1;
- const uint32_t *src2;
- uint32_t *dst1;
- uint32_t *dst2;
- int w2;
- int h2;
- int w;
- int h;
- int i;
- int j;
- w = _ctx->level[_l].w;
- h = _ctx->level[_l].h;
- dst1 = _ctx->level[_l].im1;
- dst2 = _ctx->level[_l].im2;
- w2 = _ctx->level[_l - 1].w;
- h2 = _ctx->level[_l - 1].h;
- src1 = _ctx->level[_l - 1].im1;
- src2 = _ctx->level[_l - 1].im2;
- for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
- int j0offs;
- int j1offs;
- j0offs = 2 * j * w2;
- j1offs = FS_MINI(2 * j + 1, h2) * w2;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- int i0;
- int i1;
- i0 = 2 * i;
- i1 = FS_MINI(i0 + 1, w2);
- dst1[j * w + i] = src1[j0offs + i0] + src1[j0offs + i1] +
- src1[j1offs + i0] + src1[j1offs + i1];
- dst2[j * w + i] = src2[j0offs + i0] + src2[j0offs + i1] +
- src2[j1offs + i0] + src2[j1offs + i1];
- }
- }
-static void fs_downsample_level0(fs_ctx *_ctx, const uint8_t *_src1,
- int _s1ystride, const uint8_t *_src2,
- int _s2ystride, int _w, int _h, uint32_t shift,
- int buf_is_hbd) {
- uint32_t *dst1;
- uint32_t *dst2;
- int w;
- int h;
- int i;
- int j;
- w = _ctx->level[0].w;
- h = _ctx->level[0].h;
- dst1 = _ctx->level[0].im1;
- dst2 = _ctx->level[0].im2;
- for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
- int j0;
- int j1;
- j0 = 2 * j;
- j1 = FS_MINI(j0 + 1, _h);
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- int i0;
- int i1;
- i0 = 2 * i;
- i1 = FS_MINI(i0 + 1, _w);
- if (!buf_is_hbd) {
- dst1[j * w + i] =
- _src1[j0 * _s1ystride + i0] + _src1[j0 * _s1ystride + i1] +
- _src1[j1 * _s1ystride + i0] + _src1[j1 * _s1ystride + i1];
- dst2[j * w + i] =
- _src2[j0 * _s2ystride + i0] + _src2[j0 * _s2ystride + i1] +
- _src2[j1 * _s2ystride + i0] + _src2[j1 * _s2ystride + i1];
- } else {
- uint16_t *src1s = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(_src1);
- uint16_t *src2s = CONVERT_TO_SHORTPTR(_src2);
- dst1[j * w + i] = (src1s[j0 * _s1ystride + i0] >> shift) +
- (src1s[j0 * _s1ystride + i1] >> shift) +
- (src1s[j1 * _s1ystride + i0] >> shift) +
- (src1s[j1 * _s1ystride + i1] >> shift);
- dst2[j * w + i] = (src2s[j0 * _s2ystride + i0] >> shift) +
- (src2s[j0 * _s2ystride + i1] >> shift) +
- (src2s[j1 * _s2ystride + i0] >> shift) +
- (src2s[j1 * _s2ystride + i1] >> shift);
- }
- }
- }
-static void fs_apply_luminance(fs_ctx *_ctx, int _l, int bit_depth) {
- unsigned *col_sums_x;
- unsigned *col_sums_y;
- uint32_t *im1;
- uint32_t *im2;
- double *ssim;
- double c1;
- int w;
- int h;
- int j0offs;
- int j1offs;
- int i;
- int j;
- double ssim_c1 = SSIM_C1;
- if (bit_depth == 10) ssim_c1 = SSIM_C1_10;
- if (bit_depth == 12) ssim_c1 = SSIM_C1_12;
- w = _ctx->level[_l].w;
- h = _ctx->level[_l].h;
- col_sums_x = _ctx->col_buf;
- col_sums_y = col_sums_x + w;
- im1 = _ctx->level[_l].im1;
- im2 = _ctx->level[_l].im2;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_x[i] = 5 * im1[i];
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_y[i] = 5 * im2[i];
- for (j = 1; j < 4; j++) {
- j1offs = FS_MINI(j, h - 1) * w;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_x[i] += im1[j1offs + i];
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_y[i] += im2[j1offs + i];
- }
- ssim = _ctx->level[_l].ssim;
- c1 = (double)(ssim_c1 * 4096 * (1 << 4 * _l));
- for (j = 0; j < h; j++) {
- unsigned mux;
- unsigned muy;
- int i0;
- int i1;
- mux = 5 * col_sums_x[0];
- muy = 5 * col_sums_y[0];
- for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- i1 = FS_MINI(i, w - 1);
- mux += col_sums_x[i1];
- muy += col_sums_y[i1];
- }
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- ssim[j * w + i] *= (2 * mux * (double)muy + c1) /
- (mux * (double)mux + muy * (double)muy + c1);
- if (i + 1 < w) {
- i0 = FS_MAXI(0, i - 4);
- i1 = FS_MINI(i + 4, w - 1);
- mux += col_sums_x[i1] - col_sums_x[i0];
- muy += col_sums_x[i1] - col_sums_x[i0];
- }
- }
- if (j + 1 < h) {
- j0offs = FS_MAXI(0, j - 4) * w;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_x[i] -= im1[j0offs + i];
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_y[i] -= im2[j0offs + i];
- j1offs = FS_MINI(j + 4, h - 1) * w;
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_x[i] += im1[j1offs + i];
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) col_sums_y[i] += im2[j1offs + i];
- }
- }
-#define FS_COL_SET(_col, _joffs, _ioffs) \
- do { \
- unsigned gx; \
- unsigned gy; \
- gx = gx_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \
- gy = gy_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \
- col_sums_gx2[(_col)] = gx * (double)gx; \
- col_sums_gy2[(_col)] = gy * (double)gy; \
- col_sums_gxgy[(_col)] = gx * (double)gy; \
- } while (0)
-#define FS_COL_ADD(_col, _joffs, _ioffs) \
- do { \
- unsigned gx; \
- unsigned gy; \
- gx = gx_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \
- gy = gy_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \
- col_sums_gx2[(_col)] += gx * (double)gx; \
- col_sums_gy2[(_col)] += gy * (double)gy; \
- col_sums_gxgy[(_col)] += gx * (double)gy; \
- } while (0)
-#define FS_COL_SUB(_col, _joffs, _ioffs) \
- do { \
- unsigned gx; \
- unsigned gy; \
- gx = gx_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \
- gy = gy_buf[((j + (_joffs)) & 7) * stride + i + (_ioffs)]; \
- col_sums_gx2[(_col)] -= gx * (double)gx; \
- col_sums_gy2[(_col)] -= gy * (double)gy; \
- col_sums_gxgy[(_col)] -= gx * (double)gy; \
- } while (0)
-#define FS_COL_COPY(_col1, _col2) \
- do { \
- col_sums_gx2[(_col1)] = col_sums_gx2[(_col2)]; \
- col_sums_gy2[(_col1)] = col_sums_gy2[(_col2)]; \
- col_sums_gxgy[(_col1)] = col_sums_gxgy[(_col2)]; \
- } while (0)
-#define FS_COL_HALVE(_col1, _col2) \
- do { \
- col_sums_gx2[(_col1)] = col_sums_gx2[(_col2)] * 0.5; \
- col_sums_gy2[(_col1)] = col_sums_gy2[(_col2)] * 0.5; \
- col_sums_gxgy[(_col1)] = col_sums_gxgy[(_col2)] * 0.5; \
- } while (0)
-#define FS_COL_DOUBLE(_col1, _col2) \
- do { \
- col_sums_gx2[(_col1)] = col_sums_gx2[(_col2)] * 2; \
- col_sums_gy2[(_col1)] = col_sums_gy2[(_col2)] * 2; \
- col_sums_gxgy[(_col1)] = col_sums_gxgy[(_col2)] * 2; \
- } while (0)
-static void fs_calc_structure(fs_ctx *_ctx, int _l, int bit_depth) {
- uint32_t *im1;
- uint32_t *im2;
- unsigned *gx_buf;
- unsigned *gy_buf;
- double *ssim;
- double col_sums_gx2[8];
- double col_sums_gy2[8];
- double col_sums_gxgy[8];
- double c2;
- int stride;
- int w;
- int h;
- int i;
- int j;
- double ssim_c2 = SSIM_C2;
- if (bit_depth == 10) ssim_c2 = SSIM_C2_10;
- if (bit_depth == 12) ssim_c2 = SSIM_C2_12;
- w = _ctx->level[_l].w;
- h = _ctx->level[_l].h;
- im1 = _ctx->level[_l].im1;
- im2 = _ctx->level[_l].im2;
- ssim = _ctx->level[_l].ssim;
- gx_buf = _ctx->col_buf;
- stride = w + 8;
- gy_buf = gx_buf + 8 * stride;
- memset(gx_buf, 0, 2 * 8 * stride * sizeof(*gx_buf));
- c2 = ssim_c2 * (1 << 4 * _l) * 16 * 104;
- for (j = 0; j < h + 4; j++) {
- if (j < h - 1) {
- for (i = 0; i < w - 1; i++) {
- unsigned g1;
- unsigned g2;
- unsigned gx;
- unsigned gy;
- g1 = abs((int)im1[(j + 1) * w + i + 1] - (int)im1[j * w + i]);
- g2 = abs((int)im1[(j + 1) * w + i] - (int)im1[j * w + i + 1]);
- gx = 4 * FS_MAXI(g1, g2) + FS_MINI(g1, g2);
- g1 = abs((int)im2[(j + 1) * w + i + 1] - (int)im2[j * w + i]);
- g2 = abs((int)im2[(j + 1) * w + i] - (int)im2[j * w + i + 1]);
- gy = 4 * FS_MAXI(g1, g2) + FS_MINI(g1, g2);
- gx_buf[(j & 7) * stride + i + 4] = gx;
- gy_buf[(j & 7) * stride + i + 4] = gy;
- }
- } else {
- memset(gx_buf + (j & 7) * stride, 0, stride * sizeof(*gx_buf));
- memset(gy_buf + (j & 7) * stride, 0, stride * sizeof(*gy_buf));
- }
- if (j >= 4) {
- int k;
- col_sums_gx2[3] = col_sums_gx2[2] = col_sums_gx2[1] = col_sums_gx2[0] = 0;
- col_sums_gy2[3] = col_sums_gy2[2] = col_sums_gy2[1] = col_sums_gy2[0] = 0;
- col_sums_gxgy[3] = col_sums_gxgy[2] = col_sums_gxgy[1] =
- col_sums_gxgy[0] = 0;
- for (i = 4; i < 8; i++) {
- FS_COL_SET(i, -1, 0);
- FS_COL_ADD(i, 0, 0);
- for (k = 1; k < 8 - i; k++) {
- FS_COL_DOUBLE(i, i);
- FS_COL_ADD(i, -k - 1, 0);
- FS_COL_ADD(i, k, 0);
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- double mugx2;
- double mugy2;
- double mugxgy;
- mugx2 = col_sums_gx2[0];
- for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) mugx2 += col_sums_gx2[k];
- mugy2 = col_sums_gy2[0];
- for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) mugy2 += col_sums_gy2[k];
- mugxgy = col_sums_gxgy[0];
- for (k = 1; k < 8; k++) mugxgy += col_sums_gxgy[k];
- ssim[(j - 4) * w + i] = (2 * mugxgy + c2) / (mugx2 + mugy2 + c2);
- if (i + 1 < w) {
- FS_COL_SET(0, -1, 1);
- FS_COL_ADD(0, 0, 1);
- FS_COL_SUB(2, -3, 2);
- FS_COL_SUB(2, 2, 2);
- FS_COL_HALVE(1, 2);
- FS_COL_SUB(3, -4, 3);
- FS_COL_SUB(3, 3, 3);
- FS_COL_HALVE(2, 3);
- FS_COL_COPY(3, 4);
- FS_COL_DOUBLE(4, 5);
- FS_COL_ADD(4, -4, 5);
- FS_COL_ADD(4, 3, 5);
- FS_COL_DOUBLE(5, 6);
- FS_COL_ADD(5, -3, 6);
- FS_COL_ADD(5, 2, 6);
- FS_COL_DOUBLE(6, 7);
- FS_COL_ADD(6, -2, 7);
- FS_COL_ADD(6, 1, 7);
- FS_COL_SET(7, -1, 8);
- FS_COL_ADD(7, 0, 8);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-#define FS_NLEVELS (4)
-/*These weights were derived from the default weights found in Wang's original
- Matlab implementation: {0.0448, 0.2856, 0.2363, 0.1333}.
- We drop the finest scale and renormalize the rest to sum to 1.*/
-static const double FS_WEIGHTS[FS_NLEVELS] = {
- 0.2989654541015625, 0.3141326904296875, 0.2473602294921875, 0.1395416259765625
-static double fs_average(fs_ctx *_ctx, int _l) {
- double *ssim;
- double ret;
- int w;
- int h;
- int i;
- int j;
- w = _ctx->level[_l].w;
- h = _ctx->level[_l].h;
- ssim = _ctx->level[_l].ssim;
- ret = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < h; j++)
- for (i = 0; i < w; i++) ret += ssim[j * w + i];
- return pow(ret / (w * h), FS_WEIGHTS[_l]);
-static double convert_ssim_db(double _ssim, double _weight) {
- assert(_weight >= _ssim);
- if ((_weight - _ssim) < 1e-10) return MAX_SSIM_DB;
- return 10 * (log10(_weight) - log10(_weight - _ssim));
-static double calc_ssim(const uint8_t *_src, int _systride, const uint8_t *_dst,
- int _dystride, int _w, int _h, uint32_t _bd,
- uint32_t _shift, int buf_is_hbd) {
- fs_ctx ctx;
- double ret;
- int l;
- ret = 1;
- fs_ctx_init(&ctx, _w, _h, FS_NLEVELS);
- fs_downsample_level0(&ctx, _src, _systride, _dst, _dystride, _w, _h, _shift,
- buf_is_hbd);
- for (l = 0; l < FS_NLEVELS - 1; l++) {
- fs_calc_structure(&ctx, l, _bd);
- ret *= fs_average(&ctx, l);
- fs_downsample_level(&ctx, l + 1);
- }
- fs_calc_structure(&ctx, l, _bd);
- fs_apply_luminance(&ctx, l, _bd);
- ret *= fs_average(&ctx, l);
- fs_ctx_clear(&ctx);
- return ret;
-double aom_calc_fastssim(const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *source,
- const YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG *dest, double *ssim_y,
- double *ssim_u, double *ssim_v, uint32_t bd,
- uint32_t in_bd) {
- double ssimv;
- uint32_t bd_shift = 0;
- aom_clear_system_state();
- assert(bd >= in_bd);
- assert(source->flags == dest->flags);
- int buf_is_hbd = source->flags & YV12_FLAG_HIGHBITDEPTH;
- bd_shift = bd - in_bd;
- *ssim_y = calc_ssim(source->y_buffer, source->y_stride, dest->y_buffer,
- dest->y_stride, source->y_crop_width,
- source->y_crop_height, in_bd, bd_shift, buf_is_hbd);
- *ssim_u = calc_ssim(source->u_buffer, source->uv_stride, dest->u_buffer,
- dest->uv_stride, source->uv_crop_width,
- source->uv_crop_height, in_bd, bd_shift, buf_is_hbd);
- *ssim_v = calc_ssim(source->v_buffer, source->uv_stride, dest->v_buffer,
- dest->uv_stride, source->uv_crop_width,
- source->uv_crop_height, in_bd, bd_shift, buf_is_hbd);
- ssimv = (*ssim_y) * .8 + .1 * ((*ssim_u) + (*ssim_v));
- return convert_ssim_db(ssimv, 1.0);