path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/annotation-protocol/tools/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/annotation-protocol/tools/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 435 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/annotation-protocol/tools/ b/testing/web-platform/tests/annotation-protocol/tools/
deleted file mode 100755
index e74e323f7..000000000
--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/annotation-protocol/tools/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,435 +0,0 @@
-# protocol-server
-# a reference implementation of the Web Annotation Protocol
-# Developed by Benjamin Young (@bigbulehat) and Shane McCarron (@halindrome).
-# Sponsored by Spec-Ops (
-# Copyright (c) 2016 Spec-Ops
-# for license information, see
-import os
-import sys
-here = os.path.abspath(os.path.split(__file__)[0])
-repo_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, os.pardir, os.pardir))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "six"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "html5lib"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "wptserve"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "pywebsocket", "src"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "py"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "pytest"))
-sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(repo_root, "tools", "webdriver"))
-import hashlib
-import json
-import urlparse
-import uuid
-import wptserve
-myprotocol = 'http'
-myhost = 'localhost'
-port = 8080
-doc_root = os.path.join(repo_root, "annotation-protocol", "files", "")
-container_path = doc_root + 'annotations/'
-URIroot = myprotocol + '://' + myhost + ':{0}'.format(port)
-per_page = 10
-MEDIA_TYPE = 'application/ld+json; profile=""'
-# Prefer header variants
- ""
-# dictionary for annotations that we create on the fly
-tempAnnotations = {}
-def extract_preference(prefer):
- """Extracts the parameters from a Prefer header's value
- >>> extract_preferences('return=representation;include=""')
- {"return": "representation", "include": ["", ""]}
- """
- obj = {}
- if prefer:
- params = prefer.split(';')
- for p in params:
- key, value = p.split('=')
- obj[key] = value.strip('"').split(' ')
- return obj
-def dump_json(obj):
- return json.dumps(obj, indent=4, sort_keys=True)
-def add_cors_headers(resp):
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/cors.headers'
- resp.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
-def load_headers_from_file(path):
- headers = []
- with open(path, 'r') as header_file:
- data =
- headers = [tuple(item.strip() for item in line.split(":", 1))
- for line in data.splitlines() if line]
- return headers
-def annotation_files():
- files = []
- for file in os.listdir(container_path):
- if file.endswith('.jsonld') or file.endswith('.json'):
- files.append(file)
- for item in list(tempAnnotations.keys()):
- files.append(item)
- return files
-def annotation_iris(skip=0):
- iris = []
- for filename in annotation_files():
- iris.append(URIroot + '/annotations/' + filename)
- return iris[skip:][:per_page]
-def annotations(skip=0):
- annotations = []
- files = annotation_files()
- for file in files:
- if file.startswith("temp-"):
- annotations.append(json.loads(tempAnnotations[file]))
- else:
- with open(container_path + file, 'r') as annotation:
- annotations.append(json.load(annotation))
- return annotations
-def total_annotations():
- return len(annotation_files())
-def collection_get(request, response):
- """Annotation Collection handler. NOTE: This also routes paging requests"""
- # Paginate if requested
- qs = urlparse.parse_qs(request.url_parts.query)
- if 'page' in qs:
- return page(request, response)
- # stub collection
- collection_json = {
- "@context": [
- "",
- ""
- ],
- "id": URIroot + "/annotations/",
- "type": ["BasicContainer", "AnnotationCollection"],
- "total": 0,
- "label": "A Container for Web Annotations",
- "first": URIroot + "/annotations/?page=0"
- }
- last_page = (total_annotations() / per_page) - 1
- collection_json['last'] = URIroot + "/annotations/?page={0}".format(last_page)
- # Default Container format SHOULD be PreferContainedDescriptions
- preference = extract_preference(request.headers.get('Prefer'))
- if 'include' in preference:
- preference = preference['include']
- else:
- preference = None
- collection_json['total'] = total_annotations()
- # TODO: calculate last page and add it's page number
- if (qs.get('iris') and qs.get('iris')[0] is '1') \
- or (preference and PREFER_CONTAINED_IRIS in preference):
- return_iris = True
- else:
- return_iris = False
- # only PreferContainedIRIs has unqiue content
- if return_iris:
- collection_json['id'] += '?iris=1'
- collection_json['first'] += '&iris=1'
- collection_json['last'] += '&iris=1'
- if preference and PREFER_MINIMAL_CONTAINER not in preference:
- if return_iris:
- collection_json['first'] = annotation_iris()
- else:
- collection_json['first'] = annotations()
- collection_headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/collection.headers'
- add_cors_headers(response)
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(collection_headers_file))
- # this one's unique per request
- response.headers.set('Content-Location', collection_json['id'])
- return dump_json(collection_json)
-def collection_head(request, response):
- container_path = doc_root + request.request_path
- if os.path.isdir(container_path):
- response.status = 200
- else:
- response.status = 404
- add_cors_headers(response)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/collection.headers'
- for header, value in load_headers_from_file(headers_file):
- response.headers.append(header, value)
- response.content = None
-def collection_options(request, response):
- container_path = doc_root + request.request_path
- if os.path.isdir(container_path):
- response.status = 200
- else:
- response.status = 404
- add_cors_headers(response)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/collection.options.headers'
- for header, value in load_headers_from_file(headers_file):
- response.headers.append(header, value)
- response.content = "Collection Options\n";
-def page(request, response):
- page_json = {
- "@context": "",
- "id": URIroot + "/annotations/",
- "type": "AnnotationPage",
- "partOf": {
- "id": URIroot + "/annotations/",
- "total": 42023
- },
- "next": URIroot + "/annotations/",
- "items": [
- ]
- }
- add_cors_headers(response)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/collection.headers'
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- qs = urlparse.parse_qs(request.url_parts.query)
- page_num = int(qs.get('page')[0])
- page_json['id'] += '?page={0}'.format(page_num)
- total = total_annotations()
- so_far = (per_page * (page_num+1))
- remaining = total - so_far
- if page_num != 0:
- page_json['prev'] = URIroot + '/annotations/?page={0}'.format(page_num-1)
- page_json['partOf']['total'] = total
- if remaining > per_page:
- page_json['next'] += '?page={0}'.format(page_num+1)
- else:
- del page_json['next']
- if qs.get('iris') and qs.get('iris')[0] is '1':
- page_json['items'] = annotation_iris(so_far)
- page_json['id'] += '&iris=1'
- if 'prev' in page_json:
- page_json['prev'] += '&iris=1'
- if 'next' in page_json:
- page_json['next'] += '&iris=1'
- else:
- page_json['items'] = annotations(so_far)
- return dump_json(page_json)
-def annotation_get(request, response):
- """Individual Annotations"""
- requested_file = doc_root + request.request_path[1:]
- base = os.path.basename( requested_file )
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/annotation.headers'
- if base.startswith("temp-") and tempAnnotations[base]:
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- response.headers.set('Etag', hashlib.sha1(base).hexdigest())
- data = dump_json(tempAnnotations[base])
- if data != "" :
- response.content = data
- response.status = 200
- else:
- response.content = ""
- response.status = 404
- elif os.path.isfile(requested_file):
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- # Calculate ETag using Apache httpd's default method (more or less)
- #
- statinfo = os.stat(requested_file)
- etag = "{0}{1}{2}".format(statinfo.st_ino, statinfo.st_mtime,
- statinfo.st_size)
- # obfuscate so we don't leak info; hexdigest for string compatibility
- response.headers.set('Etag', hashlib.sha1(etag).hexdigest())
- with open(requested_file, 'r') as data_file:
- data =
- response.content = data
- response.status = 200
- else:
- response.content = 'Not Found'
- response.status = 404
- add_cors_headers(response)
-def annotation_head(request, response):
- requested_file = doc_root + request.request_path[1:]
- base = os.path.basename(requested_file)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/annotation.options.headers'
- if base.startswith("temp-") and tempAnnotations[base]:
- response.status = 200
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- elif os.path.isfile(requested_file):
- response.status = 200
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- else:
- response.status = 404
- add_cors_headers(response)
- response.content = "Annotation Options\n"
-def annotation_options(request, response):
- requested_file = doc_root + request.request_path[1:]
- base = os.path.basename(requested_file)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/annotation.options.headers'
- if base.startswith("temp-") and tempAnnotations[base]:
- response.status = 200
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- elif os.path.isfile(requested_file):
- response.status = 200
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- else:
- response.status = 404
- add_cors_headers(response)
- response.content = "Annotation Options\n"
-def create_annotation(body):
- # TODO: verify media type is JSON of some kind (at least)
- incoming = json.loads(body)
- id = "temp-"+str(uuid.uuid4())
- if 'id' in incoming:
- incoming['canonical'] = incoming['id']
- incoming['id'] = URIroot + '/annotations/' + id
- return incoming
-def annotation_post(request, response):
- incoming = create_annotation(request.body)
- newID = incoming['id']
- key = os.path.basename(newID)
- print "post:" + newID
- print "post:" + key
- tempAnnotations[key] = dump_json(incoming)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/annotation.headers'
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- response.headers.append('Location', newID)
- add_cors_headers(response)
- response.content = dump_json(incoming)
- response.status = 201
-def annotation_put(request, response):
- incoming = create_annotation(request.body)
- # remember it in our local cache too
- # tempAnnotations[request.request_path[1:]] = dump_jason(incoming)
- newID = incoming['id']
- key = os.path.basename(newID)
- print "put:" + newID
- print "put:" + key
- tempAnnotations[key] = dump_json(incoming)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/annotation.headers'
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- response.headers.append('Location', incoming['id'])
- add_cors_headers(response)
- response.content = dump_json(incoming)
- response.status = 200
-def annotation_delete(request, response):
- base = os.path.basename(request.request_path[1:])
- requested_file = doc_root + request.request_path[1:]
- add_cors_headers(response)
- headers_file = doc_root + 'annotations/annotation.headers'
- try:
- if base.startswith("temp-"):
- if tempAnnotations[base]:
- del tempAnnotations[base]
- else:
- os.remove(requested_file)
- response.headers.update(load_headers_from_file(headers_file))
- response.status = 204
- response.content = ''
- except OSError:
- response.status = 404
- response.content = 'Not Found'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- print 'http://' + myhost + ':{0}/'.format(port)
- routes = [
- ("GET", "", wptserve.handlers.file_handler),
- ("GET", "index.html", wptserve.handlers.file_handler),
- # container/collection responses
- ("HEAD", "annotations/", collection_head),
- ("OPTIONS", "annotations/", collection_options),
- ("GET", "annotations/", collection_get),
- # create annotations in the collection
- ("POST", "annotations/", annotation_post),
- # single annotation responses
- ("HEAD", "annotations/*", annotation_head),
- ("OPTIONS", "annotations/*", annotation_options),
- ("GET", "annotations/*", annotation_get),
- ("PUT", "annotations/*", annotation_put),
- ("DELETE", "annotations/*", annotation_delete)
- ]
- httpd = wptserve.server.WebTestHttpd(host=myhost, bind_hostname=myhost, port=port, doc_root=doc_root,
- routes=routes)
- httpd.start(block=True)