path: root/testing/web-platform/meta/svg
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/meta/svg')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 1426 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/meta/svg/historical.html.ini b/testing/web-platform/meta/svg/historical.html.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index b216844ce..000000000
--- a/testing/web-platform/meta/svg/historical.html.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- type: testharness
- [SVGPathSeg interface must be removed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGZoomEvent interface must be removed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGUnitTypes mixin interface must not be exposed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGZoomAndPan mixin interface must not be exposed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.getTransformToElement must be removed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.hasExtension must be removed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement.prototype.requiredFeatures must be removed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement.prototype.useCurrentView must be removed]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPathElement.prototype.getPointAtLength must be moved to SVGGeometryElement.prototype]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPathElement.prototype.getTotalLength must be moved to SVGGeometryElement.prototype]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPathElement.prototype.pathLength must be moved to SVGGeometryElement.prototype]
- expected: FAIL
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/meta/svg/interfaces.html.ini b/testing/web-platform/meta/svg/interfaces.html.ini
deleted file mode 100644
index 410f20f69..000000000
--- a/testing/web-platform/meta/svg/interfaces.html.ini
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1391 +0,0 @@
- type: testharness
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: operation isPointInFill(DOMPoint)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: operation isPointInStroke(DOMPoint)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGNumber interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: operation getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly,SVGElement)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: operation getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly,SVGElement)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkIntersection(SVGElement,DOMRectReadOnly)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: operation checkEnclosure(SVGElement,DOMRectReadOnly)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "currentTranslate" with the proper type (5)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "getIntersectionList" with the proper type (6)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: calling getIntersectionList(DOMRectReadOnly,SVGElement) on svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "getEnclosureList" with the proper type (7)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: calling getEnclosureList(DOMRectReadOnly,SVGElement) on svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "checkIntersection" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkIntersection(SVGElement,DOMRectReadOnly) on svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "checkEnclosure" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: calling checkEnclosure(SVGElement,DOMRectReadOnly) on svg with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onafterprint" with the proper type (29)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onbeforeprint" with the proper type (30)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onbeforeunload" with the proper type (31)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onhashchange" with the proper type (32)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onlanguagechange" with the proper type (33)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onmessage" with the proper type (34)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onoffline" with the proper type (35)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "ononline" with the proper type (36)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onpagehide" with the proper type (37)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onpageshow" with the proper type (38)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onpopstate" with the proper type (39)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onrejectionhandled" with the proper type (40)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onstorage" with the proper type (41)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onunhandledrejection" with the proper type (42)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onunload" with the proper type (43)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: svg must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: g must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: g must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: g must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: g must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: g must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGUnknownElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGUnknownElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGUnknownElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGUnknownElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGUnknownElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: defs must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: defs must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: defs must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: defs must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: defs must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Desc must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Desc must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Desc must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Desc must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Desc must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: metadata must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: metadata must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: metadata must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: metadata must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: metadata must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: title must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: title must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: title must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: title must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: title must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: symbol must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: symbol must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: symbol must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: symbol must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: symbol must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: use must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: use must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: use must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: use must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: use must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Switch must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Switch must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Switch must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Switch must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: Switch must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: style must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: style must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: style must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: style must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: style must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTransform interface: svg.createSVGTransform() must inherit property "matrix" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: path must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on path with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: path must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on path with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: path must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: path must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: path must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: path must inherit property "onclose" with the proper type (16)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: path must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: path must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGRectElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGRectElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: rect must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on rect with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: rect must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on rect with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: rect must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: rect must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: rect must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: rect must inherit property "onclose" with the proper type (16)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: rect must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: rect must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCircleElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCircleElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: circle must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on circle with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: circle must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on circle with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: circle must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: circle must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: circle must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: circle must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: circle must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGEllipseElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGEllipseElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on ellipse with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on ellipse with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: ellipse must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGLineElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGLineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: line must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on line with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: line must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on line with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: line must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: line must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: line must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: line must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: line must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPolylineElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPolylineElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: polyline must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on polyline with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: polyline must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on polyline with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polyline must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polyline must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polyline must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polyline must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polyline must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPolygonElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGPolygonElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: polygon must inherit property "isPointInFill" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInFill(DOMPoint) on polygon with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: polygon must inherit property "isPointInStroke" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGeometryElement interface: calling isPointInStroke(DOMPoint) on polygon with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polygon must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polygon must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polygon must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polygon must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: polygon must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement must be primary interface of textContent]
- expected: FAIL
- [Stringification of textContent]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_UNKNOWN" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACING" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "LENGTHADJUST_SPACINGANDGLYPHS" with the proper type (2)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "textLength" with the proper type (3)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "lengthAdjust" with the proper type (4)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getNumberOfChars" with the proper type (5)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getComputedTextLength" with the proper type (6)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getSubStringLength" with the proper type (7)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getSubStringLength(unsigned long,unsigned long) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getStartPositionOfChar" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getStartPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getEndPositionOfChar" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getEndPositionOfChar(unsigned long) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getExtentOfChar" with the proper type (10)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getExtentOfChar(unsigned long) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getRotationOfChar" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getRotationOfChar(unsigned long) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getCharNumAtPosition" with the proper type (12)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling getCharNumAtPosition(DOMPoint) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: textContent must inherit property "selectSubString" with the proper type (13)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGTextContentElement interface: calling selectSubString(unsigned long,unsigned long) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: textContent must inherit property "transform" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getBBox" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: calling getBBox(SVGBoundingBoxOptions) on textContent with too few arguments must throw TypeError]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getCTM" with the proper type (2)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: textContent must inherit property "getScreenCTM" with the proper type (3)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: textContent must inherit property "requiredExtensions" with the proper type (4)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGGraphicsElement interface: textContent must inherit property "systemLanguage" with the proper type (5)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textContent must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textContent must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textContent must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textContent must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textContent must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: text must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: text must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: text must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: text must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: text must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: tspan must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: tspan must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: tspan must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: tspan must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: tspan must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textPath must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textPath must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textPath must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textPath must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: textPath must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGImageElement interface: attribute crossOrigin]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGImageElement interface: image must inherit property "crossOrigin" with the proper type (5)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: image must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: image must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: image must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: image must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: image must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: foreignObject must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: foreignObject must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: foreignObject must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: foreignObject must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: foreignObject must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMarkerElement interface: attribute orient]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMarkerElement interface: marker must inherit property "orient" with the proper type (13)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: marker must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: marker must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: marker must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: marker must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: marker must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSolidcolorElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSolidcolorElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSolidcolorElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSolidcolorElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGSolidcolorElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: linearGradient must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: linearGradient must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: linearGradient must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: linearGradient must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: linearGradient must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: radialGradient must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: radialGradient must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: radialGradient must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: radialGradient must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: radialGradient must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshrowElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshrowElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshrowElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshrowElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshrowElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshpatchElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshpatchElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshpatchElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshpatchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGMeshpatchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: stop must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: stop must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: stop must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: stop must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: stop must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: pattern must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: pattern must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: pattern must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: pattern must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: pattern must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchpathElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchpathElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchpathElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchpathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGHatchpathElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface object length]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface object name]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object's "constructor" property]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: attribute x]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: attribute y]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: attribute href]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement must be primary interface of cursor]
- expected: FAIL
- [Stringification of cursor]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: cursor must inherit property "x" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: cursor must inherit property "y" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGCursorElement interface: cursor must inherit property "href" with the proper type (2)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: cursor must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: cursor must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: cursor must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: cursor must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: cursor must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGScriptElement interface: script must inherit property "crossOrigin" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: script must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: script must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: script must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: script must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: script must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGZoomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGZoomEvent interface: existence and properties of interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGZoomEvent interface: attribute zoomRectScreen]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: a must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: a must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: a must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: a must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: a must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: view must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: view must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: view must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: view must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: view must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: filter must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: filter must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: filter must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: filter must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: filter must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feBlend must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feBlend must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feBlend must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feBlend must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feBlend must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feColorMatrix must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feColorMatrix must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feColorMatrix must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feColorMatrix must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feColorMatrix must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComponentTransfer must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComponentTransfer must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComponentTransfer must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComponentTransfer must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComponentTransfer must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncR must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncR must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncR must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncR must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncR must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncG must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncG must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncG must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncG must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncG must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncB must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncB must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncB must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncB must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncB must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncA must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncA must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncA must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncA must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFuncA must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComposite must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComposite must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComposite must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComposite must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feComposite must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feConvolveMatrix must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feConvolveMatrix must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feConvolveMatrix must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feConvolveMatrix must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feConvolveMatrix must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDiffuseLighting must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDiffuseLighting must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDiffuseLighting must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDiffuseLighting must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDiffuseLighting must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: fePointLight must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: fePointLight must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: fePointLight must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: fePointLight must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: fePointLight must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpotLight must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpotLight must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpotLight must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpotLight must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpotLight must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDisplacementMap must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDisplacementMap must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDisplacementMap must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDisplacementMap must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDisplacementMap must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDropShadow must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDropShadow must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDropShadow must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDropShadow must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feDropShadow must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFlood must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFlood must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFlood must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFlood must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feFlood must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_UNKNOWN on interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_UNKNOWN on interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_DUPLICATE on interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_DUPLICATE on interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_WRAP on interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_WRAP on interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_NONE on interface object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: constant SVG_EDGEMODE_NONE on interface prototype object]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: attribute edgeMode]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "SVG_EDGEMODE_UNKNOWN" with the proper type (0)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "SVG_EDGEMODE_DUPLICATE" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "SVG_EDGEMODE_WRAP" with the proper type (2)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "SVG_EDGEMODE_NONE" with the proper type (3)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEGaussianBlurElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "edgeMode" with the proper type (7)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feGaussianBlur must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEImageElement interface: attribute crossOrigin]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGFEImageElement interface: feImage must inherit property "crossOrigin" with the proper type (1)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feImage must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feImage must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feImage must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feImage must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feImage must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMerge must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMerge must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMerge must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMerge must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMerge must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMergeNode must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMergeNode must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMergeNode must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMergeNode must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMergeNode must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMorphology must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMorphology must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMorphology must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMorphology must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feMorphology must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpecularLighting must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpecularLighting must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpecularLighting must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpecularLighting must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feSpecularLighting must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTile must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTile must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTile must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTile must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTile must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTurbulence must inherit property "onautocomplete" with the proper type (8)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTurbulence must inherit property "onautocompleteerror" with the proper type (9)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTurbulence must inherit property "oncancel" with the proper type (11)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTurbulence must inherit property "oncuechange" with the proper type (18)]
- expected: FAIL
- [SVGElement interface: feTurbulence must inherit property "onsort" with the proper type (62)]
- expected: FAIL