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2 files changed, 149 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.cpp b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.cpp
index 805092eb7..5cd370f13 100644
--- a/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.cpp
+++ b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.cpp
@@ -1844,10 +1844,10 @@ HTMLEditRules::WillDeleteSelection(Selection* aSelection,
// origCollapsed is used later to determine whether we should join blocks. We
// don't really care about bCollapsed because it will be modified by
- // ExtendSelectionForDelete later. JoinBlocks should happen if the original
- // selection is collapsed and the cursor is at the end of a block element, in
- // which case ExtendSelectionForDelete would always make the selection not
- // collapsed.
+ // ExtendSelectionForDelete later. TryToJoinBlocks() should happen if the
+ // original selection is collapsed and the cursor is at the end of a block
+ // element, in which case ExtendSelectionForDelete would always make the
+ // selection not collapsed.
bool bCollapsed = aSelection->Collapsed();
bool join = false;
bool origCollapsed = bCollapsed;
@@ -2196,9 +2196,13 @@ HTMLEditRules::WillDeleteSelection(Selection* aSelection,
address_of(selPointNode), &selPointOffset);
NS_ENSURE_STATE(leftNode && leftNode->IsContent() &&
rightNode && rightNode->IsContent());
+ bool handled = false, canceled = false;
+ rv = TryToJoinBlocks(*leftNode->AsContent(), *rightNode->AsContent(),
+ &canceled, &handled);
+ // TODO: If it does nothing and previous or next node is a text node,
+ // we should modify it.
*aHandled = true;
- rv = JoinBlocks(*leftNode->AsContent(), *rightNode->AsContent(),
- aCancel);
+ *aCancel |= canceled;
aSelection->Collapse(selPointNode, selPointOffset);
@@ -2247,9 +2251,14 @@ HTMLEditRules::WillDeleteSelection(Selection* aSelection,
AutoTrackDOMPoint tracker(mHTMLEditor->mRangeUpdater,
address_of(selPointNode), &selPointOffset);
NS_ENSURE_STATE(leftNode->IsContent() && rightNode->IsContent());
+ bool handled = false, canceled = false;
+ rv = TryToJoinBlocks(*leftNode->AsContent(), *rightNode->AsContent(),
+ &canceled, &handled);
+ // This should claim that trying to join the block means that
+ // this handles the action because the caller shouldn't do anything
+ // anymore in this case.
*aHandled = true;
- rv = JoinBlocks(*leftNode->AsContent(), *rightNode->AsContent(),
- aCancel);
+ *aCancel |= canceled;
aSelection->Collapse(selPointNode, selPointOffset);
@@ -2421,7 +2430,10 @@ HTMLEditRules::WillDeleteSelection(Selection* aSelection,
if (join) {
- rv = JoinBlocks(*leftParent, *rightParent, aCancel);
+ bool handled = false, canceled = false;
+ rv = TryToJoinBlocks(*leftParent, *rightParent, &canceled, &handled);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(*aHandled);
+ *aCancel |= canceled;
@@ -2571,21 +2583,17 @@ HTMLEditRules::GetGoodSelPointForNode(nsINode& aNode,
return ret;
- * This method is used to join two block elements. The right element is always
- * joined to the left element. If the elements are the same type and not
- * nested within each other, JoinNodesSmart is called (example, joining two
- * list items together into one). If the elements are not the same type, or
- * one is a descendant of the other, we instead destroy the right block placing
- * its children into leftblock. DTD containment rules are followed throughout.
- */
-HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
- nsIContent& aRightNode,
- bool* aCanceled)
+HTMLEditRules::TryToJoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
+ nsIContent& aRightNode,
+ bool* aCanceled,
+ bool* aHandled)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aHandled);
+ *aCanceled = false;
+ *aHandled = false;
RefPtr<HTMLEditor> htmlEditor(mHTMLEditor);
@@ -2601,6 +2609,7 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
HTMLEditUtils::IsTableElement(rightBlock)) {
// Do not try to merge table elements
*aCanceled = true;
+ *aHandled = true;
return NS_OK;
@@ -2617,6 +2626,7 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
// Bail if both blocks the same
if (leftBlock == rightBlock) {
*aCanceled = true;
+ *aHandled = true;
return NS_OK;
@@ -2624,6 +2634,7 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
if (HTMLEditUtils::IsList(leftBlock) &&
HTMLEditUtils::IsListItem(rightBlock) &&
rightBlock->GetParentNode() == leftBlock) {
+ *aHandled = true;
return NS_OK;
@@ -2694,11 +2705,15 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
rv = htmlEditor->MoveNode(child, leftList, -1);
+ // XXX Should this set to true only when above for loop moves the node?
+ *aHandled = true;
} else {
- MoveBlock(*leftBlock, *rightBlock, leftOffset, rightOffset);
+ bool handled = false;
+ MoveBlock(*leftBlock, *rightBlock, leftOffset, rightOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
- if (brNode) {
- htmlEditor->DeleteNode(brNode);
+ if (brNode && NS_SUCCEEDED(htmlEditor->DeleteNode(brNode))) {
+ *aHandled = true;
// Offset below is where you find yourself in leftBlock when you traverse
// upwards from rightBlock
@@ -2730,7 +2745,9 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
nsCOMPtr<Element> brNode =
CheckForInvisibleBR(*leftBlock, BRLocation::beforeBlock, leftOffset);
if (mergeLists) {
- MoveContents(*rightList, *leftList, &leftOffset);
+ bool handled = false;
+ MoveContents(*rightList, *leftList, &leftOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
} else {
// Left block is a parent of right block, and the parent of the previous
// visible content. Right block is a child and contains the contents we
@@ -2786,12 +2803,14 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
+ bool handled = false;
rv = MoveBlock(*previousContentParent->AsElement(), *rightBlock,
- previousContentOffset, rightOffset);
+ previousContentOffset, rightOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
- if (brNode) {
- htmlEditor->DeleteNode(brNode);
+ if (brNode && NS_SUCCEEDED(htmlEditor->DeleteNode(brNode))) {
+ *aHandled = true;
} else {
// Normal case. Blocks are siblings, or at least close enough. An example
@@ -2815,32 +2834,37 @@ HTMLEditRules::JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode,
ConvertListType(rightBlock, getter_AddRefs(newBlock),
existingList, nsGkAtoms::li);
+ *aHandled = true;
} else {
// Nodes are dissimilar types.
- rv = MoveBlock(*leftBlock, *rightBlock, leftOffset, rightOffset);
+ bool handled = false;
+ rv =
+ MoveBlock(*leftBlock, *rightBlock, leftOffset, rightOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
if (brNode) {
rv = htmlEditor->DeleteNode(brNode);
+ // XXX In other top level if/else-if blocks, the result of DeleteNode()
+ // is ignored. Why does only this result is respected?
+ *aHandled = true;
return NS_OK;
- * Moves the content from aRightBlock starting from aRightOffset into
- * aLeftBlock at aLeftOffset. Note that the "block" might merely be inline
- * nodes between <br>s, or between blocks, etc. DTD containment rules are
- * followed throughout.
- */
HTMLEditRules::MoveBlock(Element& aLeftBlock,
Element& aRightBlock,
int32_t aLeftOffset,
- int32_t aRightOffset)
+ int32_t aRightOffset,
+ bool* aHandled)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aHandled);
+ *aHandled = false;
nsTArray<OwningNonNull<nsINode>> arrayOfNodes;
// GetNodesFromPoint is the workhorse that figures out what we wnat to move.
nsresult rv = GetNodesFromPoint(EditorDOMPoint(&aRightBlock, aRightOffset),
@@ -2851,15 +2875,20 @@ HTMLEditRules::MoveBlock(Element& aLeftBlock,
// get the node to act on
if (IsBlockNode(arrayOfNodes[i])) {
// For block nodes, move their contents only, then delete block.
+ bool handled = false;
rv = MoveContents(*arrayOfNodes[i]->AsElement(), aLeftBlock,
- &aLeftOffset);
+ &aLeftOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
rv = mHTMLEditor->DeleteNode(arrayOfNodes[i]);
+ *aHandled = true;
} else {
// Otherwise move the content as is, checking against the DTD.
+ bool handled = false;
rv = MoveNodeSmart(*arrayOfNodes[i]->AsContent(), aLeftBlock,
- &aLeftOffset);
+ &aLeftOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
@@ -2868,17 +2897,16 @@ HTMLEditRules::MoveBlock(Element& aLeftBlock,
return NS_OK;
- * This method is used to move node aNode to (aDestElement, aInOutDestOffset).
- * DTD containment rules are followed throughout. aInOutDestOffset is updated
- * to point _after_ inserted content.
- */
HTMLEditRules::MoveNodeSmart(nsIContent& aNode,
Element& aDestElement,
- int32_t* aInOutDestOffset)
+ int32_t* aInOutDestOffset,
+ bool* aHandled)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aHandled);
+ *aHandled = false;
RefPtr<HTMLEditor> htmlEditor(mHTMLEditor);
@@ -2892,37 +2920,43 @@ HTMLEditRules::MoveNodeSmart(nsIContent& aNode,
if (*aInOutDestOffset != -1) {
+ // XXX Should we check if the node is actually moved in this case?
+ *aHandled = true;
} else {
// If it can't, move its children (if any), and then delete it.
if (aNode.IsElement()) {
- nsresult rv =
- MoveContents(*aNode.AsElement(), aDestElement, aInOutDestOffset);
+ bool handled = false;
+ nsresult rv = MoveContents(*aNode.AsElement(), aDestElement,
+ aInOutDestOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
nsresult rv = htmlEditor->DeleteNode(&aNode);
+ *aHandled = true;
return NS_OK;
- * Moves the _contents_ of aElement to (aDestElement, aInOutDestOffset). DTD
- * containment rules are followed throughout. aInOutDestOffset is updated to
- * point _after_ inserted content.
- */
HTMLEditRules::MoveContents(Element& aElement,
Element& aDestElement,
- int32_t* aInOutDestOffset)
+ int32_t* aInOutDestOffset,
+ bool* aHandled)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aHandled);
+ *aHandled = false;
while (aElement.GetFirstChild()) {
+ bool handled = false;
nsresult rv = MoveNodeSmart(*aElement.GetFirstChild(), aDestElement,
- aInOutDestOffset);
+ aInOutDestOffset, &handled);
+ *aHandled |= handled;
return NS_OK;
diff --git a/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.h b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.h
index 40c5e2afd..6cdfa57cf 100644
--- a/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.h
+++ b/editor/libeditor/HTMLEditRules.h
@@ -163,14 +163,70 @@ protected:
nsresult InsertBRIfNeeded(Selection* aSelection);
mozilla::EditorDOMPoint GetGoodSelPointForNode(nsINode& aNode,
nsIEditor::EDirection aAction);
- nsresult JoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode, nsIContent& aRightNode,
- bool* aCanceled);
+ /**
+ * TryToJoinBlocks() tries to join two block elements. The right element is
+ * always joined to the left element. If the elements are the same type and
+ * not nested within each other, JoinNodesSmart() is called (example, joining
+ * two list items together into one). If the elements are not the same type,
+ * or one is a descendant of the other, we instead destroy the right block
+ * placing its children into leftblock. DTD containment rules are followed
+ * throughout.
+ *
+ * @param aCanceled returns true if the operation should do nothing anymore
+ * even if this doesn't join the blocks.
+ * NOTE: When this returns an error, nobody should refer
+ * the result of this.
+ * @param aHandled returns true if this actually handles the request.
+ * Note that this may return true even if this does not
+ * join the block. E.g., if the blocks shouldn't be
+ * joined or it's impossible to join them but it's not
+ * unexpected case, this returns true with this.
+ * NOTE: When this returns an error, nobody should refer
+ * the result of this.
+ */
+ nsresult TryToJoinBlocks(nsIContent& aLeftNode, nsIContent& aRightNode,
+ bool* aCanceled, bool* aHandled);
+ /**
+ * MoveBlock() moves the content from aRightBlock starting from aRightOffset
+ * into aLeftBlock at aLeftOffset. Note that the "block" can be inline nodes
+ * between <br>s, or between blocks, etc. DTD containment rules are followed
+ * throughout.
+ *
+ * @param aHandled returns true if this actually joins the nodes.
+ * NOTE: When this returns an error, nobody should refer
+ * the result of this.
+ */
nsresult MoveBlock(Element& aLeftBlock, Element& aRightBlock,
- int32_t aLeftOffset, int32_t aRightOffset);
+ int32_t aLeftOffset, int32_t aRightOffset,
+ bool* aHandled);
+ /**
+ * MoveNodeSmart() moves aNode to (aDestElement, aInOutDestOffset).
+ * DTD containment rules are followed throughout.
+ *
+ * @param aOffset returns the point after inserted content.
+ * @param aHandled returns true if this actually moves the
+ * nodes.
+ * NOTE: When this returns an error, nobody
+ * should refer the result of this.
+ */
nsresult MoveNodeSmart(nsIContent& aNode, Element& aDestElement,
- int32_t* aOffset);
+ int32_t* aInOutDestOffset, bool* aHandled);
+ /**
+ * MoveContents() moves the contents of aElement to (aDestElement,
+ * aInOutDestOffset). DTD containment rules are followed throughout.
+ *
+ * @param aInOutDestOffset updated to point after inserted content.
+ * @param aHandled returns true if this actually moves the
+ * nodes.
+ * NOTE: When this returns an error, nobody
+ * should refer the result of this.
+ */
nsresult MoveContents(Element& aElement, Element& aDestElement,
- int32_t* aOffset);
+ int32_t* aInOutDestOffset, bool* aHandled);
nsresult DeleteNonTableElements(nsINode* aNode);
nsresult WillMakeList(Selection* aSelection,
const nsAString* aListType,