path: root/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2020-04-14 21:49:04 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2020-04-14 21:49:04 +0200
commit39dac57259cff8b61db0b22cb2ad0a8adb02692e (patch)
tree52a026cc8c22793eb17fd0f5e22adce1ae08a1dd /widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h
parenta1cce3b2b00bbd9f4983013ddd8934a7bccb9e99 (diff)
parentc2d9ab62f3d097c9e0e00184cab1f546554f5eaa (diff)
Merge branch 'redwood' into 28.9-platform
Diffstat (limited to 'widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5456 deletions
diff --git a/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h b/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d4777648..000000000
--- a/widget/android/GeneratedJNIWrappers.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5456 +0,0 @@
-// Generated by the Java program at /build/annotationProcessors at compile time
-// from annotations on Java methods. To update, change the annotations on the
-// corresponding Java methods and rerun the build. Manually updating this file
-// will cause your build to fail.
-#ifndef GeneratedJNIWrappers_h
-#define GeneratedJNIWrappers_h
-#include "mozilla/jni/Refs.h"
-namespace mozilla {
-namespace java {
-class AlarmReceiver : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<AlarmReceiver>
- static const char name[];
- explicit AlarmReceiver(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<AlarmReceiver>(ctx) {}
- struct NotifyAlarmFired_t {
- typedef AlarmReceiver Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "notifyAlarmFired";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class AndroidGamepadManager : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<AndroidGamepadManager>
- static const char name[];
- explicit AndroidGamepadManager(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<AndroidGamepadManager>(ctx) {}
- struct OnAxisChange_t {
- typedef AndroidGamepadManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onAxisChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I[Z[F)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnButtonChange_t {
- typedef AndroidGamepadManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- bool,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onButtonChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IIZF)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnGamepadAdded_t {
- typedef AndroidGamepadManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onGamepadAdded";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(II)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto OnGamepadAdded(int32_t, int32_t) -> void;
- struct OnGamepadChange_t {
- typedef AndroidGamepadManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onGamepadChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IZ)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct Start_t {
- typedef AndroidGamepadManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "start";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto Start() -> void;
- struct Stop_t {
- typedef AndroidGamepadManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "stop";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto Stop() -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoAppShell : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoAppShell>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoAppShell(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoAppShell>(ctx) {}
- class CameraCallback;
- struct AddFullScreenPluginView_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "addFullScreenPluginView";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Landroid/view/View;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto AddFullScreenPluginView(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void;
- struct CancelVibrate_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "cancelVibrate";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CancelVibrate() -> void;
- struct CheckURIVisited_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "checkUriVisited";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CheckURIVisited(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct CloseCamera_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "closeCamera";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CloseCamera() -> void;
- struct CloseNotification_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "closeNotification";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CloseNotification(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct ConnectionGetMimeType_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "connectionGetMimeType";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/net/URLConnection;)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto ConnectionGetMimeType(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef;
- struct CreateInputStream_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "createInputStream";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/net/URLConnection;)Ljava/io/InputStream;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CreateInputStream(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct CreateShortcut_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "createShortcut";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CreateShortcut(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct DisableAlarm_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disableAlarm";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto DisableAlarm() -> void;
- struct DisableBatteryNotifications_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disableBatteryNotifications";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto DisableBatteryNotifications() -> void;
- struct DisableNetworkNotifications_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disableNetworkNotifications";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto DisableNetworkNotifications() -> void;
- struct DisableScreenOrientationNotifications_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disableScreenOrientationNotifications";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto DisableScreenOrientationNotifications() -> void;
- struct DisableSensor_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disableSensor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto DisableSensor(int32_t) -> void;
- struct EnableBatteryNotifications_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "enableBatteryNotifications";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EnableBatteryNotifications() -> void;
- struct EnableLocation_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "enableLocation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EnableLocation(bool) -> void;
- struct EnableLocationHighAccuracy_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "enableLocationHighAccuracy";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EnableLocationHighAccuracy(bool) -> void;
- struct EnableNetworkNotifications_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "enableNetworkNotifications";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EnableNetworkNotifications() -> void;
- struct EnableScreenOrientationNotifications_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "enableScreenOrientationNotifications";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EnableScreenOrientationNotifications() -> void;
- struct EnableSensor_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "enableSensor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EnableSensor(int32_t) -> void;
- struct GetApplicationContext_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getApplicationContext";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Landroid/content/Context;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetApplicationContext() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct GetConnection_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getConnection";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URLConnection;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetConnection(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct GetContext_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getContext";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Landroid/content/Context;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetContext() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct GetCurrentBatteryInformation_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrentBatteryInformation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()[D";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetCurrentBatteryInformation() -> mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef;
- struct GetCurrentNetworkInformation_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrentNetworkInformation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()[D";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetCurrentNetworkInformation() -> mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef;
- struct GetDensity_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getDensity";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()F";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetDensity() -> float;
- struct GetDpi_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getDpi";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetDpi() -> int32_t;
- struct GetExceptionStackTrace_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getExceptionStackTrace";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::IGNORE;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetExceptionStackTrace(mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef;
- struct GetExtensionFromMimeType_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getExtensionFromMimeType";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetExtensionFromMimeType(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef;
- struct GetHWDecoderCapability_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getHWDecoderCapability";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetHWDecoderCapability() -> bool;
- struct GetHWEncoderCapability_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getHWEncoderCapability";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetHWEncoderCapability() -> bool;
- struct GetHandlersForMimeType_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getHandlersForMimeType";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetHandlersForMimeType(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef;
- struct GetHandlersForURL_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getHandlersForURL";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetHandlersForURL(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef;
- struct GetIconForExtension_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ByteArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ByteArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getIconForExtension";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;I)[B";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetIconForExtension(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::ByteArray::LocalRef;
- struct GetMaxTouchPoints_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getMaxTouchPoints";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetMaxTouchPoints() -> int32_t;
- struct GetMimeTypeFromExtensions_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getMimeTypeFromExtensions";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetMimeTypeFromExtensions(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef;
- struct GetNetworkLinkType_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getNetworkLinkType";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetNetworkLinkType() -> int32_t;
- struct GetProxyForURI_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getProxyForURI";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;I)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetProxyForURI(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef;
- struct GetScreenAngle_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenAngle";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetScreenAngle() -> int32_t;
- struct GetScreenDepth_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenDepth";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetScreenDepth() -> int32_t;
- struct GetScreenOrientation_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef int16_t ReturnType;
- typedef int16_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenOrientation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()S";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetScreenOrientation() -> int16_t;
- struct GetScreenSize_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getScreenSize";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Landroid/graphics/Rect;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetScreenSize() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct GetShowPasswordSetting_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getShowPasswordSetting";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetShowPasswordSetting() -> bool;
- struct GetSystemColors_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getSystemColors";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()[I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetSystemColors() -> mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef;
- struct HandleGeckoMessage_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "handleGeckoMessage";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSContainer;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto HandleGeckoMessage(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void;
- struct HandleUncaughtException_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "handleUncaughtException";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::IGNORE;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto HandleUncaughtException(mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param) -> void;
- struct HideProgressDialog_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "hideProgressDialog";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto HideProgressDialog() -> void;
- struct InitCamera_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "initCamera";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;III)[I";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto InitCamera(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) -> mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef;
- struct IsNetworkLinkKnown_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "isNetworkLinkKnown";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto IsNetworkLinkKnown() -> bool;
- struct IsNetworkLinkUp_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "isNetworkLinkUp";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto IsNetworkLinkUp() -> bool;
- struct IsTablet_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "isTablet";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto IsTablet() -> bool;
- struct KillAnyZombies_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "killAnyZombies";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto KillAnyZombies() -> void;
- struct LoadPluginClass_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Class::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Class::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "loadPluginClass";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Class;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto LoadPluginClass(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> mozilla::jni::Class::LocalRef;
- struct LockScreenOrientation_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "lockScreenOrientation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto LockScreenOrientation(int32_t) -> void;
- struct MarkURIVisited_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "markUriVisited";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto MarkURIVisited(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct MoveTaskToBack_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "moveTaskToBack";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto MoveTaskToBack() -> void;
- struct NotifyObservers_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeNotifyObservers";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct NotifyAlertListener_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "notifyAlertListener";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct NotifyUriVisited_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "notifyUriVisited";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct NotifyWakeLockChanged_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "notifyWakeLockChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto NotifyWakeLockChanged(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct OnFullScreenPluginHidden_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onFullScreenPluginHidden";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Landroid/view/View;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnLocationChanged_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- double,
- double,
- double,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onLocationChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnSensorChanged_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- int32_t,
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onSensorChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OpenUriExternal_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "openUriExternal";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto OpenUriExternal(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> bool;
- struct OpenWindowForNotification_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "openWindowForNotification";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto OpenWindowForNotification() -> void;
- struct PerformHapticFeedback_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "performHapticFeedback";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto PerformHapticFeedback(bool) -> void;
- struct RemoveFullScreenPluginView_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "removeFullScreenPluginView";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Landroid/view/View;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto RemoveFullScreenPluginView(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void;
- struct ReportJavaCrash_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Throwable::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "reportJavaCrash";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/Throwable;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct ScheduleRestart_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "scheduleRestart";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto ScheduleRestart() -> void;
- struct SetAlarm_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setAlarm";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(II)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetAlarm(int32_t, int32_t) -> bool;
- struct SetFullScreen_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setFullScreen";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetFullScreen(bool) -> void;
- struct SetKeepScreenOn_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setKeepScreenOn";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetKeepScreenOn(bool) -> void;
- struct SetScreenDepthOverride_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setScreenDepthOverride";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetScreenDepthOverride(int32_t) -> void;
- struct SetURITitle_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setUriTitle";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetURITitle(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct ShowNotification_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "showNotification";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto ShowNotification(mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct SyncNotifyObservers_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "syncNotifyObservers";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct UnlockProfile_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "unlockProfile";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto UnlockProfile() -> bool;
- struct UnlockScreenOrientation_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "unlockScreenOrientation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto UnlockScreenOrientation() -> void;
- struct Vibrate_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "vibrate";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(J)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto Vibrate(int64_t) -> void;
- struct Vibrate2_t {
- typedef GeckoAppShell Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::LongArray::Param,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "vibrate";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "([JI)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto Vibrate(mozilla::jni::LongArray::Param, int32_t) -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoAppShell::CameraCallback : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<CameraCallback>
- static const char name[];
- explicit CameraCallback(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<CameraCallback>(ctx) {}
- struct OnFrameData_t {
- typedef CameraCallback Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::ByteArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onFrameData";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I[B)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoBatteryManager : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoBatteryManager>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoBatteryManager(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoBatteryManager>(ctx) {}
- struct OnBatteryChange_t {
- typedef GeckoBatteryManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- double,
- bool,
- double> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onBatteryChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(DZD)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoEditable : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoEditable>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoEditable(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoEditable>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef GeckoEditable::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef GeckoEditable::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> GeckoEditable::LocalRef;
- struct DisposeNative_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct NotifyIME_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "notifyIME";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto NotifyIME(int32_t) const -> void;
- struct NotifyIMEContext_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "notifyIMEContext";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(ILjava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto NotifyIMEContext(int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param, mozilla::jni::String::Param) const -> void;
- struct OnDefaultKeyEvent_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onDefaultKeyEvent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Landroid/view/KeyEvent;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto OnDefaultKeyEvent(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void;
- struct OnImeAddCompositionRange_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- bool,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onImeAddCompositionRange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct OnImeReplaceText_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onImeReplaceText";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IILjava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct OnImeRequestCursorUpdates_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onImeRequestCursorUpdates";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct OnImeSynchronize_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onImeSynchronize";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct OnImeUpdateComposition_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onImeUpdateComposition";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(II)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct OnKeyEvent_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int64_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- bool,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onKeyEvent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IIIIJIIIIIZLandroid/view/KeyEvent;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct OnSelectionChange_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onSelectionChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(II)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::IGNORE;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto OnSelectionChange(int32_t, int32_t) const -> void;
- struct OnTextChange_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onTextChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;III)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::IGNORE;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto OnTextChange(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) const -> void;
- struct OnViewChange_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onViewChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto OnViewChange(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void;
- struct UpdateCompositionRects_t {
- typedef GeckoEditable Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "updateCompositionRects";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "([Landroid/graphics/RectF;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto UpdateCompositionRects(mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param) const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoEditableListener : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoEditableListener>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoEditableListener(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoEditableListener>(ctx) {}
- static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_OF_BLUR = 2;
- static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_OF_FOCUS = 1;
- static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_OPEN_VKB = -2;
- static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_REPLY_EVENT = -1;
- static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_TO_CANCEL_COMPOSITION = 9;
- static const int32_t NOTIFY_IME_TO_COMMIT_COMPOSITION = 8;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class GeckoNetworkManager : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoNetworkManager>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoNetworkManager(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoNetworkManager>(ctx) {}
- struct OnConnectionChanged_t {
- typedef GeckoNetworkManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- bool,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onConnectionChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(ILjava/lang/String;ZI)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnStatusChanged_t {
- typedef GeckoNetworkManager Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onStatusChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoScreenOrientation : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoScreenOrientation>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoScreenOrientation(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoScreenOrientation>(ctx) {}
- struct OnOrientationChange_t {
- typedef GeckoScreenOrientation Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int16_t,
- int16_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onOrientationChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(SS)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoThread : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoThread>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoThread(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoThread>(ctx) {}
- class State;
- struct CheckAndSetState_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "checkAndSetState";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CheckAndSetState(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> bool;
- struct CreateServices_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeCreateServices";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnPause_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeOnPause";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnResume_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeOnResume";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct PumpMessageLoop_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "pumpMessageLoop";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Landroid/os/Message;)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto PumpMessageLoop(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> bool;
- struct RequestUiThreadCallback_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "requestUiThreadCallback";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(J)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto RequestUiThreadCallback(int64_t) -> void;
- struct RunUiThreadCallback_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef int64_t ReturnType;
- typedef int64_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "runUiThreadCallback";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()J";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct SetState_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setState";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetState(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void;
- struct SpeculativeConnect_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "speculativeConnectNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct WaitOnGecko_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "waitOnGecko";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct ClsLoader_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "clsLoader";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Ljava/lang/ClassLoader;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto ClsLoader() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct MsgQueue_t {
- typedef GeckoThread Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "msgQueue";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Landroid/os/MessageQueue;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto MsgQueue() -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- static auto MsgQueue(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoThread::State : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<State>
- static const char name[];
- explicit State(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<State>(ctx) {}
- struct EXITED_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "EXITED";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EXITED() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct EXITING_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "EXITING";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto EXITING() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct INITIAL_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "INITIAL";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto INITIAL() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct JNI_READY_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "JNI_READY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto JNI_READY() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct LAUNCHED_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "LAUNCHED";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto LAUNCHED() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct LIBS_READY_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "LIBS_READY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto LIBS_READY() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct MOZGLUE_READY_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "MOZGLUE_READY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto MOZGLUE_READY() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct PROFILE_READY_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "PROFILE_READY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto PROFILE_READY() -> State::LocalRef;
- struct RUNNING_t {
- typedef State Owner;
- typedef State::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef State::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "RUNNING";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoThread$State;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto RUNNING() -> State::LocalRef;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class GeckoView : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoView>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoView(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoView>(ctx) {}
- class Window;
- static const int32_t LOAD_DEFAULT = 0;
- static const int32_t LOAD_NEW_TAB = 1;
- static const int32_t LOAD_SWITCH_TAB = 2;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class GeckoView::Window : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<Window>
- static const char name[];
- explicit Window(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<Window>(ctx) {}
- struct Close_t {
- typedef Window Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "close";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct DisposeNative_t {
- typedef Window Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct LoadUri_t {
- typedef Window Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "loadUri";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct Open_t {
- typedef Window Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- Window::Param,
- GeckoView::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "open";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView$Window;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/String;I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct Reattach_t {
- typedef Window Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- GeckoView::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "reattach";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/GeckoView;Ljava/lang/Object;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class PrefsHelper : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<PrefsHelper>
- static const char name[];
- explicit PrefsHelper(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<PrefsHelper>(ctx) {}
- struct CallPrefHandler_t {
- typedef PrefsHelper Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- bool,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "callPrefHandler";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/PrefsHelper$PrefHandler;ILjava/lang/String;ZILjava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto CallPrefHandler(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param, bool, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- struct AddObserver_t {
- typedef PrefsHelper Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param,
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeAddObserver";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "([Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/PrefsHelper$PrefHandler;[Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct GetPrefs_t {
- typedef PrefsHelper Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeGetPrefs";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "([Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/PrefsHelper$PrefHandler;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct RemoveObserver_t {
- typedef PrefsHelper Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeRemoveObserver";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "([Ljava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct SetPref_t {
- typedef PrefsHelper Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- bool,
- int32_t,
- bool,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeSetPref";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;ZIZILjava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnPrefChange_t {
- typedef PrefsHelper Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t,
- bool,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onPrefChange";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;IZILjava/lang/String;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto OnPrefChange(mozilla::jni::String::Param, int32_t, bool, int32_t, mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- static const int32_t PREF_BOOL = 1;
- static const int32_t PREF_FINISH = 0;
- static const int32_t PREF_INT = 2;
- static const int32_t PREF_INVALID = -1;
- static const int32_t PREF_STRING = 3;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class SurfaceTextureListener : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<SurfaceTextureListener>
- static const char name[];
- explicit SurfaceTextureListener(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<SurfaceTextureListener>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef SurfaceTextureListener Owner;
- typedef SurfaceTextureListener::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef SurfaceTextureListener::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New() -> SurfaceTextureListener::LocalRef;
- struct OnFrameAvailable_t {
- typedef SurfaceTextureListener Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeOnFrameAvailable";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class GeckoLayerClient : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<GeckoLayerClient>
- static const char name[];
- explicit GeckoLayerClient(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<GeckoLayerClient>(ctx) {}
- struct ContentDocumentChanged_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "contentDocumentChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto ContentDocumentChanged() const -> void;
- struct CreateFrame_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "createFrame";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/LayerRenderer$Frame;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto CreateFrame() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct IsContentDocumentDisplayed_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "isContentDocumentDisplayed";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto IsContentDocumentDisplayed() const -> bool;
- struct OnGeckoReady_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onGeckoReady";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto OnGeckoReady() const -> void;
- struct SetFirstPaintViewport_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setFirstPaintViewport";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SetFirstPaintViewport(float, float, float, float, float, float, float) const -> void;
- struct SyncFrameMetrics_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- float,
- bool,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "syncFrameMetrics";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(FFFFFFFIIIIFZI)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ViewTransform;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SyncFrameMetrics(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, float, bool, int32_t) const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "synthesizeNativeMouseEvent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(III)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SynthesizeNativeMouseEvent(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t) const -> void;
- struct SynthesizeNativeTouchPoint_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- double,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "synthesizeNativeTouchPoint";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IIIIDI)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SynthesizeNativeTouchPoint(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, double, int32_t) const -> void;
- struct ClearColor_t {
- typedef GeckoLayerClient Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "mClearColor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto ClearColor() const -> int32_t;
- auto ClearColor(int32_t) const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class ImmutableViewportMetrics : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<ImmutableViewportMetrics>
- static const char name[];
- explicit ImmutableViewportMetrics(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<ImmutableViewportMetrics>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef ImmutableViewportMetrics Owner;
- typedef ImmutableViewportMetrics::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef ImmutableViewportMetrics::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New(float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, float, int32_t, int32_t, float) -> ImmutableViewportMetrics::LocalRef;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
-class LayerRenderer : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<LayerRenderer>
- static const char name[];
- explicit LayerRenderer(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<LayerRenderer>(ctx) {}
- class Frame;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class LayerRenderer::Frame : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<Frame>
- static const char name[];
- explicit Frame(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<Frame>(ctx) {}
- struct BeginDrawing_t {
- typedef Frame Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "beginDrawing";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto BeginDrawing() const -> void;
- struct EndDrawing_t {
- typedef Frame Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "endDrawing";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto EndDrawing() const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class LayerView : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<LayerView>
- static const char name[];
- explicit LayerView(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<LayerView>(ctx) {}
- class Compositor;
- struct GetCompositor_t {
- typedef LayerView Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCompositor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Ljava/lang/Object;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetCompositor() const -> mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef;
- struct UpdateZoomedView_t {
- typedef LayerView Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::ByteBuffer::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "updateZoomedView";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/nio/ByteBuffer;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto UpdateZoomedView(mozilla::jni::ByteBuffer::Param) -> void;
- struct CompositorCreated_t {
- typedef LayerView Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "mCompositorCreated";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto CompositorCreated() const -> bool;
- auto CompositorCreated(bool) const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class LayerView::Compositor : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<Compositor>
- static const char name[];
- explicit Compositor(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<Compositor>(ctx) {}
- struct AttachToJava_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "attachToJava";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/GeckoLayerClient;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/NativePanZoomController;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct CreateCompositor_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "createCompositor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IILjava/lang/Object;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::PROXY;
- };
- struct Destroy_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "destroy";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Destroy() const -> void;
- struct DisposeNative_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct OnSizeChanged_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onSizeChanged";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IIII)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct Reattach_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "reattach";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Reattach() const -> void;
- struct SyncInvalidateAndScheduleComposite_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "syncInvalidateAndScheduleComposite";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct SyncPauseCompositor_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "syncPauseCompositor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct SyncResumeResizeCompositor_t {
- typedef Compositor Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "syncResumeResizeCompositor";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IILjava/lang/Object;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class NativePanZoomController : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<NativePanZoomController>
- static const char name[];
- explicit NativePanZoomController(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<NativePanZoomController>(ctx) {}
- struct AdjustScrollForSurfaceShift_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "adjustScrollForSurfaceShift";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(FF)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct Destroy_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "destroy";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Destroy() const -> void;
- struct DisposeNative_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::GECKO;
- };
- struct HandleMotionEvent_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int64_t,
- int32_t,
- mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param,
- mozilla::jni::FloatArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "handleMotionEvent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IIJI[I[F[F[F[F[F[F)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct HandleMotionEventVelocity_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int64_t,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "handleMotionEventVelocity";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(JF)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct HandleMouseEvent_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int64_t,
- int32_t,
- float,
- float,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "handleMouseEvent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IJIFFI)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct HandleScrollEvent_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int64_t,
- int32_t,
- float,
- float,
- float,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "handleScrollEvent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(JIFFFF)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct SetIsLongpressEnabled_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "nativeSetIsLongpressEnabled";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OnSelectionDragState_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "onSelectionDragState";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto OnSelectionDragState(bool) const -> void;
- struct SetScrollingRootContent_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setScrollingRootContent";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::UI;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SetScrollingRootContent(bool) const -> void;
- struct UpdateOverscrollOffset_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "updateOverscrollOffset";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(FF)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto UpdateOverscrollOffset(float, float) const -> void;
- struct UpdateOverscrollVelocity_t {
- typedef NativePanZoomController Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "updateOverscrollVelocity";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(FF)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto UpdateOverscrollVelocity(float, float) const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class ProgressiveUpdateData : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<ProgressiveUpdateData>
- static const char name[];
- explicit ProgressiveUpdateData(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<ProgressiveUpdateData>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner;
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New() -> ProgressiveUpdateData::LocalRef;
- struct SetViewport_t {
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setViewport";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/ImmutableViewportMetrics;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SetViewport(mozilla::jni::Object::Param) const -> void;
- struct Abort_t {
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "abort";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Abort() const -> bool;
- auto Abort(bool) const -> void;
- struct Scale_t {
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "scale";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Scale() const -> float;
- auto Scale(float) const -> void;
- struct X_t {
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "x";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto X() const -> float;
- auto X(float) const -> void;
- struct Y_t {
- typedef ProgressiveUpdateData Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "y";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Y() const -> float;
- auto Y(float) const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class StackScroller : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<StackScroller>
- static const char name[];
- explicit StackScroller(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<StackScroller>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef StackScroller::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef StackScroller::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Landroid/content/Context;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New(mozilla::jni::Object::Param, StackScroller::LocalRef*) -> nsresult;
- struct AbortAnimation_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "abortAnimation";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto AbortAnimation() const -> nsresult;
- struct ComputeScrollOffset_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "computeScrollOffset";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(J)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto ComputeScrollOffset(int64_t, bool*) const -> nsresult;
- struct Fling_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "fling";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Fling(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int64_t) const -> nsresult;
- struct ForceFinished_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "forceFinished";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Z)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto ForceFinished(bool) const -> nsresult;
- struct GetCurrSpeedX_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrSpeedX";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetCurrSpeedX(float*) const -> nsresult;
- struct GetCurrSpeedY_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrSpeedY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetCurrSpeedY(float*) const -> nsresult;
- struct GetCurrX_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrX";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetCurrX(int32_t*) const -> nsresult;
- struct GetCurrY_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getCurrY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetCurrY(int32_t*) const -> nsresult;
- struct GetFinalX_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getFinalX";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetFinalX(int32_t*) const -> nsresult;
- struct GetFinalY_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getFinalY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto GetFinalY(int32_t*) const -> nsresult;
- struct InitContants_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "initContants";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto InitContants() -> nsresult;
- struct IsFinished_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "isFinished";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto IsFinished(bool*) const -> nsresult;
- struct SetFinalX_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setFinalX";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(I)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SetFinalX(int32_t) const -> nsresult;
- struct SpringBack_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int64_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "springBack";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto SpringBack(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int64_t, bool*) const -> nsresult;
- struct StartScroll_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int32_t,
- int64_t,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "startScroll";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(IIIIJI)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto StartScroll(int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int32_t, int64_t, int32_t) const -> nsresult;
- struct ViscousFluid_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "viscousFluid";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(F)F";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto ViscousFluid(float, float*) -> nsresult;
- static const int32_t FLING_MODE = 1;
- static const int32_t SCROLL_MODE = 0;
- struct MFlywheel_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "mFlywheel";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto MFlywheel(bool*) const -> nsresult;
- struct MMode_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "mMode";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto MMode(int32_t*) const -> nsresult;
- auto MMode(int32_t) const -> nsresult;
- struct MScrollerX_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "mScrollerX";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/StackScroller$SplineStackScroller;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto MScrollerX(mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef*) const -> nsresult;
- struct MScrollerY_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "mScrollerY";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "Lorg/mozilla/gecko/gfx/StackScroller$SplineStackScroller;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto MScrollerY(mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef*) const -> nsresult;
- struct SViscousFluidNormalize_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "sViscousFluidNormalize";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SViscousFluidNormalize(float*) -> nsresult;
- static auto SViscousFluidNormalize(float) -> nsresult;
- struct SViscousFluidScale_t {
- typedef StackScroller Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "sViscousFluidScale";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::NSRESULT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SViscousFluidScale(float*) -> nsresult;
- static auto SViscousFluidScale(float) -> nsresult;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class ViewTransform : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<ViewTransform>
- static const char name[];
- explicit ViewTransform(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<ViewTransform>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef ViewTransform::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef ViewTransform::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- float,
- float,
- float> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(FFF)V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New(float, float, float) -> ViewTransform::LocalRef;
- struct FixedLayerMarginBottom_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginBottom";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto FixedLayerMarginBottom() const -> float;
- auto FixedLayerMarginBottom(float) const -> void;
- struct FixedLayerMarginLeft_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginLeft";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto FixedLayerMarginLeft() const -> float;
- auto FixedLayerMarginLeft(float) const -> void;
- struct FixedLayerMarginRight_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginRight";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto FixedLayerMarginRight() const -> float;
- auto FixedLayerMarginRight(float) const -> void;
- struct FixedLayerMarginTop_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "fixedLayerMarginTop";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto FixedLayerMarginTop() const -> float;
- auto FixedLayerMarginTop(float) const -> void;
- struct Height_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "height";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Height() const -> float;
- auto Height(float) const -> void;
- struct Scale_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "scale";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Scale() const -> float;
- auto Scale(float) const -> void;
- struct Width_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "width";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Width() const -> float;
- auto Width(float) const -> void;
- struct X_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "x";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto X() const -> float;
- auto X(float) const -> void;
- struct Y_t {
- typedef ViewTransform Owner;
- typedef float ReturnType;
- typedef float SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "y";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "F";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto Y() const -> float;
- auto Y(float) const -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class Clipboard : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<Clipboard>
- static const char name[];
- explicit Clipboard(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<Clipboard>(ctx) {}
- struct ClearText_t {
- typedef Clipboard Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "clearText";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto ClearText() -> void;
- struct GetText_t {
- typedef Clipboard Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getText";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto GetText() -> mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef;
- struct HasText_t {
- typedef Clipboard Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "hasText";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto HasText() -> bool;
- struct SetText_t {
- typedef Clipboard Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "setText";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/CharSequence;)V";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto SetText(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> void;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
-class HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils>
- static const char name[];
- explicit HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils>(ctx) {}
- struct HasHWVP9_t {
- typedef HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "HasHWVP9";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto HasHWVP9() -> bool;
- struct FindDecoderCodecInfoForMimeType_t {
- typedef HardwareCodecCapabilityUtils Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "findDecoderCodecInfoForMimeType";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = true;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto FindDecoderCodecInfoForMimeType(mozilla::jni::String::Param) -> bool;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::ANY;
-class NativeJSContainer : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<NativeJSContainer>
- static const char name[];
- explicit NativeJSContainer(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<NativeJSContainer>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef NativeJSContainer Owner;
- typedef NativeJSContainer::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef NativeJSContainer::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New() -> NativeJSContainer::LocalRef;
- struct Clone2_t {
- typedef NativeJSContainer Owner;
- typedef NativeJSContainer::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef NativeJSContainer::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "clone";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSContainer;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct DisposeNative_t {
- typedef NativeJSContainer Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-class NativeJSObject : public mozilla::jni::ObjectBase<NativeJSObject>
- static const char name[];
- explicit NativeJSObject(const Context& ctx) : ObjectBase<NativeJSObject>(ctx) {}
- struct New_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef NativeJSObject::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef NativeJSObject::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "<init>";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static auto New() -> NativeJSObject::LocalRef;
- struct DisposeNative_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef void ReturnType;
- typedef void SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "disposeNative";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()V";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- auto DisposeNative() const -> void;
- struct GetBoolean_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getBoolean";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetBooleanArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getBooleanArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetBundle_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getBundle";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Landroid/os/Bundle;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetBundleArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getBundleArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Landroid/os/Bundle;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetDouble_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef double ReturnType;
- typedef double SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getDouble";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)D";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetDoubleArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getDoubleArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)[D";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetInt_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getInt";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetIntArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getIntArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)[I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetObject_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef NativeJSObject::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef NativeJSObject::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getObject";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetObjectArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getObjectArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetString_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getString";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct GetStringArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "getStringArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct Has_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "has";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptBoolean_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef bool ReturnType;
- typedef bool SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- bool> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optBoolean";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Z)Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptBooleanArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::BooleanArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optBooleanArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[Z)[Z";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptBundle_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::Object::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optBundle";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Landroid/os/Bundle;)Landroid/os/Bundle;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptBundleArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optBundleArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[Landroid/os/Bundle;)[Landroid/os/Bundle;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptDouble_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef double ReturnType;
- typedef double SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- double> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optDouble";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;D)D";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptDoubleArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::DoubleArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optDoubleArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[D)[D";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptInt_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef int32_t ReturnType;
- typedef int32_t SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- int32_t> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optInt";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;I)I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptIntArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::IntArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optIntArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[I)[I";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptObject_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef NativeJSObject::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef NativeJSObject::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- NativeJSObject::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optObject";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;)Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptObjectArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optObjectArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;)[Lorg/mozilla/gecko/util/NativeJSObject;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptString_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::String::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optString";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct OptStringArray_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<
- mozilla::jni::String::Param,
- mozilla::jni::ObjectArray::Param> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "optStringArray";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "(Ljava/lang/String;[Ljava/lang/String;)[Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct ToBundle_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Object::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "toBundle";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Landroid/os/Bundle;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- struct ToString_t {
- typedef NativeJSObject Owner;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::LocalRef ReturnType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::String::Param SetterType;
- typedef mozilla::jni::Args<> Args;
- static constexpr char name[] = "toString";
- static constexpr char signature[] =
- "()Ljava/lang/String;";
- static const bool isStatic = false;
- static const mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode exceptionMode =
- mozilla::jni::ExceptionMode::ABORT;
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- static const mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget dispatchTarget =
- mozilla::jni::DispatchTarget::CURRENT;
- };
- static const mozilla::jni::CallingThread callingThread =
- mozilla::jni::CallingThread::GECKO;
- template<class Impl> class Natives;
-} /* java */
-} /* mozilla */
-#endif // GeneratedJNIWrappers_h