path: root/widget/android/AndroidBridge.h
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2020-04-14 21:49:04 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2020-04-14 21:49:04 +0200
commit39dac57259cff8b61db0b22cb2ad0a8adb02692e (patch)
tree52a026cc8c22793eb17fd0f5e22adce1ae08a1dd /widget/android/AndroidBridge.h
parenta1cce3b2b00bbd9f4983013ddd8934a7bccb9e99 (diff)
parentc2d9ab62f3d097c9e0e00184cab1f546554f5eaa (diff)
Merge branch 'redwood' into 28.9-platform
Diffstat (limited to 'widget/android/AndroidBridge.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/widget/android/AndroidBridge.h b/widget/android/AndroidBridge.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 73dc1b5ff..000000000
--- a/widget/android/AndroidBridge.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-/* -*- Mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 4; tab-width: 20; indent-tabs-mode: nil; -*-
- * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-#ifndef AndroidBridge_h__
-#define AndroidBridge_h__
-#include <jni.h>
-#include <android/log.h>
-#include <cstdlib>
-#include <pthread.h>
-#include "APKOpen.h"
-#include "nsCOMPtr.h"
-#include "nsCOMArray.h"
-#include "GeneratedJNIWrappers.h"
-#include "nsIMutableArray.h"
-#include "nsIMIMEInfo.h"
-#include "nsColor.h"
-#include "gfxRect.h"
-#include "nsIAndroidBridge.h"
-#include "nsIDOMDOMCursor.h"
-#include "mozilla/Likely.h"
-#include "mozilla/Mutex.h"
-#include "mozilla/Types.h"
-#include "mozilla/gfx/Point.h"
-#include "mozilla/jni/Utils.h"
-#include "nsIObserver.h"
-#include "nsDataHashtable.h"
-#include "Units.h"
-// Some debug #defines
-class nsPIDOMWindowOuter;
-namespace base {
-class Thread;
-} // end namespace base
-typedef void* EGLSurface;
-namespace mozilla {
-class AutoLocalJNIFrame;
-class Runnable;
-namespace hal {
-class BatteryInformation;
-class NetworkInformation;
-} // namespace hal
-// The order and number of the members in this structure must correspond
-// to the attrsAppearance array in GeckoAppShell.getSystemColors()
-typedef struct AndroidSystemColors {
- nscolor textColorPrimary;
- nscolor textColorPrimaryInverse;
- nscolor textColorSecondary;
- nscolor textColorSecondaryInverse;
- nscolor textColorTertiary;
- nscolor textColorTertiaryInverse;
- nscolor textColorHighlight;
- nscolor colorForeground;
- nscolor colorBackground;
- nscolor panelColorForeground;
- nscolor panelColorBackground;
-} AndroidSystemColors;
-class MessageCursorContinueCallback : public nsICursorContinueCallback
- MessageCursorContinueCallback(int aRequestId)
- : mRequestId(aRequestId)
- {
- }
- virtual ~MessageCursorContinueCallback()
- {
- }
- int mRequestId;
-class AndroidBridge final
- enum {
- // Values for NotifyIME, in addition to values from the Gecko
- // IMEMessage enum; use negative values here to prevent conflict
- };
- enum {
- LAYER_CLIENT_TYPE_GL = 2 // AndroidGeckoGLLayerClient
- };
- static bool IsJavaUiThread() {
- return pthread_equal(pthread_self(), ::getJavaUiThread());
- }
- static void ConstructBridge();
- static void DeconstructBridge();
- static AndroidBridge *Bridge() {
- return sBridge;
- }
- void ContentDocumentChanged(mozIDOMWindowProxy* aDOMWindow);
- bool IsContentDocumentDisplayed(mozIDOMWindowProxy* aDOMWindow);
- bool GetHandlersForURL(const nsAString& aURL,
- nsIMutableArray* handlersArray = nullptr,
- nsIHandlerApp **aDefaultApp = nullptr,
- const nsAString& aAction = EmptyString());
- bool GetHandlersForMimeType(const nsAString& aMimeType,
- nsIMutableArray* handlersArray = nullptr,
- nsIHandlerApp **aDefaultApp = nullptr,
- const nsAString& aAction = EmptyString());
- bool GetHWEncoderCapability();
- bool GetHWDecoderCapability();
- void GetMimeTypeFromExtensions(const nsACString& aFileExt, nsCString& aMimeType);
- void GetExtensionFromMimeType(const nsACString& aMimeType, nsACString& aFileExt);
- bool GetClipboardText(nsAString& aText);
- int GetDPI();
- int GetScreenDepth();
- void Vibrate(const nsTArray<uint32_t>& aPattern);
- void GetSystemColors(AndroidSystemColors *aColors);
- void GetIconForExtension(const nsACString& aFileExt, uint32_t aIconSize, uint8_t * const aBuf);
- bool GetStaticStringField(const char *classID, const char *field, nsAString &result, JNIEnv* env = nullptr);
- bool GetStaticIntField(const char *className, const char *fieldName, int32_t* aInt, JNIEnv* env = nullptr);
- // Returns a global reference to the Context for Fennec's Activity. The
- // caller is responsible for ensuring this doesn't leak by calling
- // DeleteGlobalRef() when the context is no longer needed.
- jobject GetGlobalContextRef(void);
- void HandleGeckoMessage(JSContext* cx, JS::HandleObject message);
- void GetCurrentBatteryInformation(hal::BatteryInformation* aBatteryInfo);
- void GetCurrentNetworkInformation(hal::NetworkInformation* aNetworkInfo);
- // These methods don't use a ScreenOrientation because it's an
- // enum and that would require including the header which requires
- // include IPC headers which requires including basictypes.h which
- // requires a lot of changes...
- uint32_t GetScreenOrientation();
- uint16_t GetScreenAngle();
- int GetAPIVersion() { return mAPIVersion; }
- nsresult GetProxyForURI(const nsACString & aSpec,
- const nsACString & aScheme,
- const nsACString & aHost,
- const int32_t aPort,
- nsACString & aResult);
- bool PumpMessageLoop();
- // Utility methods.
- static jstring NewJavaString(JNIEnv* env, const char16_t* string, uint32_t len);
- static jstring NewJavaString(JNIEnv* env, const nsAString& string);
- static jstring NewJavaString(JNIEnv* env, const char* string);
- static jstring NewJavaString(JNIEnv* env, const nsACString& string);
- static jstring NewJavaString(AutoLocalJNIFrame* frame, const char16_t* string, uint32_t len);
- static jstring NewJavaString(AutoLocalJNIFrame* frame, const nsAString& string);
- static jstring NewJavaString(AutoLocalJNIFrame* frame, const char* string);
- static jstring NewJavaString(AutoLocalJNIFrame* frame, const nsACString& string);
- static jfieldID GetFieldID(JNIEnv* env, jclass jClass, const char* fieldName, const char* fieldType);
- static jfieldID GetStaticFieldID(JNIEnv* env, jclass jClass, const char* fieldName, const char* fieldType);
- static jmethodID GetMethodID(JNIEnv* env, jclass jClass, const char* methodName, const char* methodType);
- static jmethodID GetStaticMethodID(JNIEnv* env, jclass jClass, const char* methodName, const char* methodType);
- static jni::Object::LocalRef ChannelCreate(jni::Object::Param);
- static void InputStreamClose(jni::Object::Param obj);
- static uint32_t InputStreamAvailable(jni::Object::Param obj);
- static nsresult InputStreamRead(jni::Object::Param obj, char *aBuf, uint32_t aCount, uint32_t *aRead);
- static nsDataHashtable<nsStringHashKey, nsString> sStoragePaths;
- static AndroidBridge* sBridge;
- AndroidBridge();
- ~AndroidBridge();
- int mAPIVersion;
- // intput stream
- jclass jReadableByteChannel;
- jclass jChannels;
- jmethodID jChannelCreate;
- jmethodID jByteBufferRead;
- jclass jInputStream;
- jmethodID jClose;
- jmethodID jAvailable;
- jmethodID jCalculateLength;
- // some convinient types to have around
- jclass jStringClass;
- jni::Object::GlobalRef mMessageQueue;
- jfieldID mMessageQueueMessages;
- jmethodID mMessageQueueNext;
- class DelayedTask;
- nsTArray<DelayedTask> mUiTaskQueue;
- mozilla::Mutex mUiTaskQueueLock;
- void PostTaskToUiThread(already_AddRefed<Runnable> aTask, int aDelayMs);
- int64_t RunDelayedUiThreadTasks();
-class AutoJNIClass {
- JNIEnv* const mEnv;
- const jclass mClass;
- AutoJNIClass(JNIEnv* jEnv, const char* name)
- : mEnv(jEnv)
- , mClass(jni::GetClassRef(jEnv, name))
- {}
- ~AutoJNIClass() {
- mEnv->DeleteLocalRef(mClass);
- }
- jclass getRawRef() const {
- return mClass;
- }
- jclass getGlobalRef() const {
- return static_cast<jclass>(mEnv->NewGlobalRef(mClass));
- }
- jfieldID getField(const char* name, const char* type) const {
- return AndroidBridge::GetFieldID(mEnv, mClass, name, type);
- }
- jfieldID getStaticField(const char* name, const char* type) const {
- return AndroidBridge::GetStaticFieldID(mEnv, mClass, name, type);
- }
- jmethodID getMethod(const char* name, const char* type) const {
- return AndroidBridge::GetMethodID(mEnv, mClass, name, type);
- }
- jmethodID getStaticMethod(const char* name, const char* type) const {
- return AndroidBridge::GetStaticMethodID(mEnv, mClass, name, type);
- }
-class AutoJObject {
- AutoJObject(JNIEnv* aJNIEnv = nullptr) : mObject(nullptr)
- {
- mJNIEnv = aJNIEnv ? aJNIEnv : jni::GetGeckoThreadEnv();
- }
- AutoJObject(JNIEnv* aJNIEnv, jobject aObject)
- {
- mJNIEnv = aJNIEnv ? aJNIEnv : jni::GetGeckoThreadEnv();
- mObject = aObject;
- }
- ~AutoJObject() {
- if (mObject)
- mJNIEnv->DeleteLocalRef(mObject);
- }
- jobject operator=(jobject aObject)
- {
- if (mObject) {
- mJNIEnv->DeleteLocalRef(mObject);
- }
- return mObject = aObject;
- }
- operator jobject() {
- return mObject;
- }
- JNIEnv* mJNIEnv;
- jobject mObject;
-class AutoLocalJNIFrame {
- AutoLocalJNIFrame(int nEntries = 15)
- : mEntries(nEntries)
- , mJNIEnv(jni::GetGeckoThreadEnv())
- , mHasFrameBeenPushed(false)
- {
- Push();
- }
- AutoLocalJNIFrame(JNIEnv* aJNIEnv, int nEntries = 15)
- : mEntries(nEntries)
- , mJNIEnv(aJNIEnv ? aJNIEnv : jni::GetGeckoThreadEnv())
- , mHasFrameBeenPushed(false)
- {
- Push();
- }
- ~AutoLocalJNIFrame() {
- if (mHasFrameBeenPushed) {
- Pop();
- }
- }
- JNIEnv* GetEnv() {
- return mJNIEnv;
- }
- bool CheckForException() {
- if (mJNIEnv->ExceptionCheck()) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- // Note! Calling Purge makes all previous local refs created in
- // the AutoLocalJNIFrame's scope INVALID; be sure that you locked down
- // any local refs that you need to keep around in global refs!
- void Purge() {
- Pop();
- Push();
- }
- template <typename ReturnType = jobject>
- ReturnType Pop(ReturnType aResult = nullptr) {
- MOZ_ASSERT(mHasFrameBeenPushed);
- mHasFrameBeenPushed = false;
- return static_cast<ReturnType>(
- mJNIEnv->PopLocalFrame(static_cast<jobject>(aResult)));
- }
- void Push() {
- MOZ_ASSERT(!mHasFrameBeenPushed);
- // Make sure there is enough space to store a local ref to the
- // exception. I am not completely sure this is needed, but does
- // not hurt.
- if (mJNIEnv->PushLocalFrame(mEntries + 1) != 0) {
- CheckForException();
- return;
- }
- mHasFrameBeenPushed = true;
- }
- const int mEntries;
- JNIEnv* const mJNIEnv;
- bool mHasFrameBeenPushed;
-{ 0x0FE2321D, 0xEBD9, 0x467D, \
- { 0xA7, 0x43, 0x03, 0xA6, 0x8D, 0x40, 0x59, 0x9E } }
-class nsAndroidBridge final : public nsIAndroidBridge,
- public nsIObserver
- nsAndroidBridge();
- ~nsAndroidBridge();
- void AddObservers();
- void RemoveObservers();
- void UpdateAudioPlayingWindows(uint64_t aWindowId, bool aPlaying);
- nsTArray<uint64_t> mAudioPlayingWindows;
-#endif /* AndroidBridge_h__ */