path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/testcommon.js
diff options
authorMoonchild <>2021-02-25 01:03:57 +0000
committerMoonchild <>2021-02-25 01:03:57 +0000
commitceadffab6b357723981a429e11222daf6cd6dcfb (patch)
tree5603053048d6a460f79b22bdf165fb74d32d39b0 /testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/testcommon.js
parent14fb2f966e9b54598c451e3cb35b4aa0480dafed (diff)
parentad5a13bd501e379517da1a944c104a11d951a3f5 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into releaseRC_20210225
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/testcommon.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 176 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/testcommon.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/testcommon.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 31ebdfaf2..000000000
--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/web-animations/testcommon.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
-Distributed under both the W3C Test Suite License [1] and the W3C
-3-clause BSD License [2]. To contribute to a W3C Test Suite, see the
-policies and contribution forms [3].
- */
-'use strict';
-var MS_PER_SEC = 1000;
-// The recommended minimum precision to use for time values[1].
-// [1]
-var TIME_PRECISION = 0.0005; // ms
-// Allow implementations to substitute an alternative method for comparing
-// times based on their precision requirements.
-if (!window.assert_times_equal) {
- window.assert_times_equal = function(actual, expected, description) {
- assert_approx_equals(actual, expected, TIME_PRECISION, description);
- }
-// creates div element, appends it to the document body and
-// removes the created element during test cleanup
-function createDiv(test, doc) {
- return createElement(test, 'div', doc);
-// creates element of given tagName, appends it to the document body and
-// removes the created element during test cleanup
-// if tagName is null or undefined, returns div element
-function createElement(test, tagName, doc) {
- if (!doc) {
- doc = document;
- }
- var element = doc.createElement(tagName || 'div');
- doc.body.appendChild(element);
- test.add_cleanup(function() {
- element.remove();
- });
- return element;
-// Creates a style element with the specified rules, appends it to the document
-// head and removes the created element during test cleanup.
-// |rules| is an object. For example:
-// { '@keyframes anim': '' ,
-// '.className': 'animation: anim 100s;' };
-// or
-// { '.className1::before': 'content: ""; width: 0px; transition: all 10s;',
-// '.className2::before': 'width: 100px;' };
-// The object property name could be a keyframes name, or a selector.
-// The object property value is declarations which are property:value pairs
-// split by a space.
-function createStyle(test, rules, doc) {
- if (!doc) {
- doc = document;
- }
- var extraStyle = doc.createElement('style');
- doc.head.appendChild(extraStyle);
- if (rules) {
- var sheet = extraStyle.sheet;
- for (var selector in rules) {
- sheet.insertRule(selector + '{' + rules[selector] + '}',
- sheet.cssRules.length);
- }
- }
- test.add_cleanup(function() {
- extraStyle.remove();
- });
-// Create a pseudo element
-function createPseudo(test, type) {
- createStyle(test, { '@keyframes anim': '',
- ['.pseudo::' + type]: 'animation: anim 10s;' });
- var div = createDiv(test);
- div.classList.add('pseudo');
- var anims = document.getAnimations();
- assert_true(anims.length >= 1);
- var anim = anims[anims.length - 1];
- assert_equals(, div);
- assert_equals(, '::' + type);
- anim.cancel();
- return;
-// Convert px unit value to a Number
-function pxToNum(str) {
- return Number(String(str).match(/^(-?[\d.]+)px$/)[1]);
-// Cubic bezier with control points (0, 0), (x1, y1), (x2, y2), and (1, 1).
-function cubicBezier(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
- function xForT(t) {
- var omt = 1-t;
- return 3 * omt * omt * t * x1 + 3 * omt * t * t * x2 + t * t * t;
- }
- function yForT(t) {
- var omt = 1-t;
- return 3 * omt * omt * t * y1 + 3 * omt * t * t * y2 + t * t * t;
- }
- function tForX(x) {
- // Binary subdivision.
- var mint = 0, maxt = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < 30; ++i) {
- var guesst = (mint + maxt) / 2;
- var guessx = xForT(guesst);
- if (x < guessx) {
- maxt = guesst;
- } else {
- mint = guesst;
- }
- }
- return (mint + maxt) / 2;
- }
- return function bezierClosure(x) {
- if (x == 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (x == 1) {
- return 1;
- }
- return yForT(tForX(x));
- }
-function stepEnd(nsteps) {
- return function stepEndClosure(x) {
- return Math.floor(x * nsteps) / nsteps;
- }
-function stepStart(nsteps) {
- return function stepStartClosure(x) {
- var result = Math.floor(x * nsteps + 1.0) / nsteps;
- return (result > 1.0) ? 1.0 : result;
- }
-function waitForAnimationFrames(frameCount) {
- return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
- function handleFrame() {
- if (--frameCount <= 0) {
- resolve();
- } else {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(handleFrame); // wait another frame
- }
- }
- window.requestAnimationFrame(handleFrame);
- });
-// Continually calls requestAnimationFrame until |minDelay| has elapsed
-// as recorded using document.timeline.currentTime (i.e. frame time not
-// wall-clock time).
-function waitForAnimationFramesWithDelay(minDelay) {
- var startTime = document.timeline.currentTime;
- return new Promise(function(resolve) {
- (function handleFrame() {
- if (document.timeline.currentTime - startTime >= minDelay) {
- resolve();
- } else {
- window.requestAnimationFrame(handleFrame);
- }
- }());
- });