path: root/testing/web-platform/tests/uievents/resources
diff options
authorMoonchild <>2021-02-25 01:03:57 +0000
committerMoonchild <>2021-02-25 01:03:57 +0000
commitceadffab6b357723981a429e11222daf6cd6dcfb (patch)
tree5603053048d6a460f79b22bdf165fb74d32d39b0 /testing/web-platform/tests/uievents/resources
parent14fb2f966e9b54598c451e3cb35b4aa0480dafed (diff)
parentad5a13bd501e379517da1a944c104a11d951a3f5 (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into releaseRC_20210225
Diffstat (limited to 'testing/web-platform/tests/uievents/resources')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 283 deletions
diff --git a/testing/web-platform/tests/uievents/resources/eventrecorder.js b/testing/web-platform/tests/uievents/resources/eventrecorder.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 936b136d8..000000000
--- a/testing/web-platform/tests/uievents/resources/eventrecorder.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-// interface EventRecorder {
-// static void start();
-// static void stop();
-// static void clearRecords();
-// static sequence<EventRecord> getRecords();
-// static void configure(EventRecorderOptions options);
-// };
-// * getRecords
-// * returns an array of EventRecord objects; the array represents the sequence of events captured at anytime after the last clear()
-// call, between when the recorder was started and stopped (including multiple start/stop pairs)
-// * configure
-// * sets options that should apply to the recorder. If the recorder has any existing records, than this API throws an exception.
-// * start
-// * starts/un-pauses the recorder
-// * stop
-// * stops/pauses the recorder
-// * clear
-// * purges all recorded records
-// ----------------------
-// dictionary EventRecorderOptions {
-// sequence<SupportedEventTypes> mergeEventTypes;
-// ObjectNamedMap objectMap;
-// };
-// * mergeEventTypes
-// * a list of event types that should be consolidated into one record when all of the following conditions are true:
-// 1) The events are of the same type and follow each other chronologically
-// 2) The events' currentTarget is the same
-// * The default is an empty list (no event types are merged).
-// * objectMap
-// * Sets up a series
-// dictionary ObjectNamedMap {
-// //<keys will be 'targetTestID' names, with values of the objects which they label>
-// };
-// * targetTestID = the string identifier that the associated target object should be known as (for purposes of unique identification. This
-// need not be the same as the Node's id attribute if it has one. If no 'targetTestID' string mapping is provided via this
-// map, but is encountered later when recording specific events, a generic targetTestID of 'UNKNOWN_OBJECT' is used.
-// ----------------------
-// dictionary EventRecord {
-// unsigned long chronologicalOrder;
-// unsigned long sequentialOccurrences;
-// sequence<EventRecord>? nestedEvents;
-// DOMString interfaceType;
-// EventRecordDetails event;
-// };
-// * chronologicalOrder
-// * Since some events may be dispatched re-entrantly (e.g., while existing events are being dispatched), and others may be merged
-// given the 'mergeEventTypes' option in the EventRecorder, this value is the actual chronological order that the event fired
-// * sequentialOccurrences
-// * If this event was fired multiple times in a row (see the 'mergeEventTypes' option), this value is the count of occurrences.
-// A value of 1 means this was the only occurrence of this event (that no events were merged with it). A value greater than 1
-// indicates that the event occurred that many times in a row.
-// * nestedEvents
-// * The holds all the events that were sequentially dispatched synchronously while the current event was still being dispatched
-// (e.g., between the time that this event listener was triggered and when it returned).
-// * Has the value null if no nested events were recorded during the invocation of this listener.
-// * interfaceType
-// * The string indicating which Event object (or derived Event object type) the recorded event object instance is based on.
-// * event
-// * Access to the recorded event properties for the event instance (not the actual event instance itself). A snapshot of the
-// enumerable properties of the event object instance at the moment the listener was first triggered.
-// ----------------------
-// dictionary EventRecordDetails {
-// //<recorded property names with their values for all enumerable properties of the event object instance>
-// };
-// * EventRecordDetails
-// * For records with 'sequentialOccurrences' > 1, only the first occurence is recorded (subsequent event details are dropped).
-// * Object reference values (e.g.,, event.currentTarget, etc.) are replaced with their mapped 'targetTestID' string.
-// If no 'targetTestID' string mapping is available for a particular object, the value 'UNKNOWN_OBJECT' is returned.
-// ----------------------
-// [NoInterfaceObject]
-// interface EventRecorderRegistration {
-// void addRecordedEventListener(SupportedEventTypes type, EventListener? handler, optional boolean capturePhase = false);
-// void removeRecordedEventListener(SupportedEventTypes type, EventListener? handler, optional boolean capturePhase = false);
-// };
-// Node implements EventRecorderRegistration;
-// enum SupportedEventTypes = {
-// "mousemove",
-// etc...
-// };
-// * addRecordedEventListener
-// * handler = pass null if you want only a default recording of the event (and don't need any other special handling). Otherwise,
-// the handler will be invoked normally as part of the event's dispatch.
-// * <other params> are the same as those defined on addEventListener/removeEventListenter APIs (see DOM4)
-// * Use this API *instead of* addEventListener to record your events for testing purposes.
-(function EventRecorderScope(global) {
- "use strict";
- if (global.EventRecorder)
- return; // Already initialized.
- // WeakMap polyfill
- if (!global.WeakMap) {
- throw new Error("EventRecorder depends on WeakMap! Please polyfill for completeness to run in this user agent!");
- }
- // Globally applicable variables
- var allRecords = [];
- var recording = false;
- var rawOrder = 1;
- var mergeTypesTruthMap = {}; // format of { eventType: true, ... }
- var eventsInScope = []; // Tracks synchronous event dispatches
- var handlerMap = new WeakMap(); // Keeps original handlers (so that they can be used to un-register for events.
- // Find all Event Object Constructors on the global and add them to the map along with their name (sans 'Event')
- var eventConstructorsNameMap = new WeakMap(); // format of key: hostObject, value: alias to use.
- var regex = /[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9]+Event$/;
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global).forEach(function (propName) {
- if (regex.test(propName))
- eventConstructorsNameMap.set(global[propName], propName);
- });
- var knownObjectsMap = eventConstructorsNameMap;
- Object.defineProperty(global, "EventRecorder", {
- writable: true,
- configurable: true,
- value: Object.create(null, {
- start: {
- enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function start() { recording = true; }
- },
- stop: {
- enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function stop() { recording = false; }
- },
- clearRecords: {
- enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function clearRecords() {
- rawOrder = 1;
- allRecords = [];
- }
- },
- getRecords: {
- enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function getRecords() { return allRecords; }
- },
- configure: {
- enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true, value: function configure(options) {
- if (allRecords.length > 0)
- throw new Error("Wrong time to call me: EventRecorder.configure must only be called when no recorded events are present. Try 'clearRecords' first.");
- // Un-configure existing options by calling again with no options set...
- mergeTypesTruthMap = {};
- knownObjectsMap = eventConstructorsNameMap;
- if (!(options instanceof Object))
- return;
- // Sanitize the passed object (tease-out getter functions)
- var sanitizedOptions = {};
- for (var x in options) {
- sanitizedOptions[x] = options[x];
- }
- if (sanitizedOptions.mergeEventTypes && Array.isArray(sanitizedOptions.mergeEventTypes)) {
- sanitizedOptions.mergeEventTypes.forEach(function (eventType) {
- if (typeof eventType == "string")
- mergeTypesTruthMap[eventType] = true;
- });
- }
- if (sanitizedOptions.objectMap && (sanitizedOptions.objectMap instanceof Object)) {
- for (var y in sanitizedOptions.objectMap) {
- knownObjectsMap.set(sanitizedOptions.objectMap[y], y);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- })
- });
- function EventRecord(rawEvent) {
- this.chronologicalOrder = rawOrder++;
- this.sequentialOccurrences = 1;
- this.nestedEvents = null; // potentially a []
- this.interfaceType = knownObjectsMap.get(rawEvent.constructor);
- if (!this.interfaceType) // In case (somehow) this event's constructor is not named something with an 'Event' suffix...
- this.interfaceType = rawEvent.constructor.toString();
- this.event = new CloneObjectLike(rawEvent);
- }
- // Only enumerable props including prototype-chain (non-recursive), w/no functions.
- function CloneObjectLike(object) {
- for (var prop in object) {
- var val = object[prop];
- if (Array.isArray(val))
- this[prop] = CloneArray(val);
- else if (typeof val == "function")
- continue;
- else if ((typeof val == "object") && (val != null)) {
- this[prop] = knownObjectsMap.get(val);
- if (this[prop] === undefined)
- this[prop] = "UNKNOWN_OBJECT (" + val.toString() + ")";
- }
- else
- this[prop] = val;
- }
- }
- function CloneArray(array) {
- var dup = [];
- for (var i = 0, len = array.length; i < len; i++) {
- var val = array[i]
- if (typeof val == "undefined")
- throw new Error("Ugg. Sparce arrays are not supported. Sorry!");
- else if (Array.isArray(val))
- dup[i] = "UNKNOWN_ARRAY";
- else if (typeof val == "function")
- dup[i] = "UNKNOWN_FUNCTION";
- else if ((typeof val == "object") && (val != null)) {
- dup[i] = knownObjectsMap.get(val);
- if (dup[i] === undefined)
- dup[i] = "UNKNOWN_OBJECT (" + val.toString() + ")";
- }
- else
- dup[i] = val;
- }
- return dup;
- }
- function generateRecordedEventHandlerWithCallback(callback) {
- return function(e) {
- if (recording) {
- // Setup the scope for any synchronous events
- eventsInScope.push(recordEvent(e));
-, e);
- eventsInScope.pop();
- }
- }
- }
- function recordedEventHandler(e) {
- if (recording)
- recordEvent(e);
- }
- function recordEvent(e) {
- var record = new EventRecord(e);
- var recordList = allRecords;
- // Adjust which sequential list to use depending on scope
- if (eventsInScope.length > 0) {
- recordList = eventsInScope[eventsInScope.length - 1].nestedEvents;
- if (recordList == null) // This top-of-stack event record hasn't had any nested events yet.
- recordList = eventsInScope[eventsInScope.length - 1].nestedEvents = [];
- }
- if (mergeTypesTruthMap[e.type] && (recordList.length > 0)) {
- var tail = recordList[recordList.length-1];
- // Same type and currentTarget?
- if ((tail.event.type == record.event.type) && (tail.event.currentTarget == record.event.currentTarget)) {
- tail.sequentialOccurrences++;
- return;
- }
- }
- recordList.push(record);
- return record;
- }
- Object.defineProperties(Node.prototype, {
- addRecordedEventListener: {
- enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true,
- value: function addRecordedEventListener(type, handler, capture) {
- if (handler == null)
- this.addEventListener(type, recordedEventHandler, capture);
- else {
- var subvertedHandler = generateRecordedEventHandlerWithCallback(handler);
- handlerMap.set(handler, subvertedHandler);
- this.addEventListener(type, subvertedHandler, capture);
- }
- }
- },
- removeRecordedEventListener: {
- enumerable: true, writable: true, configurable: true,
- value: function addRecordedEventListener(type, handler, capture) {
- var alternateHandlerUsed = handlerMap.get(handler);
- this.removeEventListenter(type, alternateHandlerUsed ? alternateHandlerUsed : recordedEventHandler, capture);
- }
- }
- });
-})(window); \ No newline at end of file