path: root/dom/script/ScriptLoader.cpp
diff options
authorMoonchild <>2020-07-01 12:57:29 +0000
committerMoonchild <>2020-07-01 12:57:29 +0000
commitfd602fbffbaf8e7d7e58c9ffe9b0b188cb7c65de (patch)
tree29ef38e1656883879b306f750dfec5a3281f5c94 /dom/script/ScriptLoader.cpp
parentc7330b5eb48cdd69b06e5f55643ea4c94303381f (diff)
parent9056191e67055c5e96ecc352e592ea9ae94a2236 (diff)
Merge branch 'es-modules-work'
Diffstat (limited to 'dom/script/ScriptLoader.cpp')
1 files changed, 2585 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dom/script/ScriptLoader.cpp b/dom/script/ScriptLoader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..adc046b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dom/script/ScriptLoader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2585 @@
+/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+#include "ScriptLoader.h"
+#include "ScriptLoadHandler.h"
+#include "ModuleLoadRequest.h"
+#include "ModuleScript.h"
+#include "prsystem.h"
+#include "jsapi.h"
+#include "jsfriendapi.h"
+#include "xpcpublic.h"
+#include "nsCycleCollectionParticipant.h"
+#include "nsIContent.h"
+#include "nsJSUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/ScriptSettings.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/Element.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/SRILogHelper.h"
+#include "nsGkAtoms.h"
+#include "nsNetUtil.h"
+#include "nsIScriptGlobalObject.h"
+#include "nsIScriptContext.h"
+#include "nsIScriptSecurityManager.h"
+#include "nsIPrincipal.h"
+#include "nsJSPrincipals.h"
+#include "nsContentPolicyUtils.h"
+#include "nsIHttpChannel.h"
+#include "nsIHttpChannelInternal.h"
+#include "nsIClassOfService.h"
+#include "nsITimedChannel.h"
+#include "nsIScriptElement.h"
+#include "nsIDOMHTMLScriptElement.h"
+#include "nsIDocShell.h"
+#include "nsContentUtils.h"
+#include "nsUnicharUtils.h"
+#include "nsAutoPtr.h"
+#include "nsIXPConnect.h"
+#include "nsError.h"
+#include "nsThreadUtils.h"
+#include "nsDocShellCID.h"
+#include "nsIContentSecurityPolicy.h"
+#include "mozilla/Logging.h"
+#include "nsCRT.h"
+#include "nsContentCreatorFunctions.h"
+#include "nsProxyRelease.h"
+#include "nsSandboxFlags.h"
+#include "nsContentTypeParser.h"
+#include "nsINetworkPredictor.h"
+#include "ImportManager.h"
+#include "mozilla/dom/EncodingUtils.h"
+#include "mozilla/ConsoleReportCollector.h"
+#include "mozilla/Attributes.h"
+#include "mozilla/Unused.h"
+#include "nsIScriptError.h"
+using JS::SourceBufferHolder;
+namespace mozilla {
+namespace dom {
+static LazyLogModule gCspPRLog("CSP");
+ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(ScriptLoadRequestList& aField);
+ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCallback,
+ ScriptLoadRequestList& aField,
+ const char* aName,
+ uint32_t aFlags = 0);
+// nsScriptLoadRequest
+ js_free(mScriptTextBuf);
+ // We should always clean up any off-thread script parsing resources.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!mOffThreadToken);
+ // But play it safe in release builds and try to clean them up here
+ // as a fail safe.
+ MaybeCancelOffThreadScript();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mProgress != Progress::Ready);
+ mProgress = Progress::Ready;
+ MaybeCancelOffThreadScript();
+ mIsCanceled = true;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ if (!mOffThreadToken) {
+ return;
+ }
+ JSContext* cx = danger::GetJSContext();
+ JS::CancelOffThreadScript(cx, mOffThreadToken);
+ mOffThreadToken = nullptr;
+inline ModuleLoadRequest*
+ MOZ_ASSERT(IsModuleRequest());
+ return static_cast<ModuleLoadRequest*>(this);
+// ScriptLoadRequestList
+ Clear();
+ while (!isEmpty()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> first = StealFirst();
+ first->Cancel();
+ // And just let it go out of scope and die.
+ }
+#ifdef DEBUG
+ScriptLoadRequestList::Contains(ScriptLoadRequest* aElem) const
+ for (const ScriptLoadRequest* req = getFirst();
+ req; req = req->getNext()) {
+ if (req == aElem) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+#endif // DEBUG
+inline void
+ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(ScriptLoadRequestList& aField)
+ while (!aField.isEmpty()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> first = aField.StealFirst();
+ }
+inline void
+ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCallback,
+ ScriptLoadRequestList& aField,
+ const char* aName,
+ uint32_t aFlags)
+ for (ScriptLoadRequest* request = aField.getFirst();
+ request; request = request->getNext())
+ {
+ CycleCollectionNoteChild(aCallback, request, aName, aFlags);
+ }
+// ScriptLoader::PreloadInfo
+inline void
+ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(ScriptLoader::PreloadInfo& aField)
+ ImplCycleCollectionUnlink(aField.mRequest);
+inline void
+ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(nsCycleCollectionTraversalCallback& aCallback,
+ ScriptLoader::PreloadInfo& aField,
+ const char* aName,
+ uint32_t aFlags = 0)
+ ImplCycleCollectionTraverse(aCallback, aField.mRequest, aName, aFlags);
+// ScriptLoader
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests,
+ mLoadingAsyncRequests,
+ mLoadedAsyncRequests,
+ mDeferRequests,
+ mXSLTRequests,
+ mParserBlockingRequest,
+ mPreloads,
+ mPendingChildLoaders,
+ mFetchedModules)
+ScriptLoader::ScriptLoader(nsIDocument *aDocument)
+ : mDocument(aDocument),
+ mParserBlockingBlockerCount(0),
+ mBlockerCount(0),
+ mNumberOfProcessors(0),
+ mEnabled(true),
+ mDeferEnabled(false),
+ mDocumentParsingDone(false),
+ mBlockingDOMContentLoaded(false),
+ mReporter(new ConsoleReportCollector())
+ mObservers.Clear();
+ if (mParserBlockingRequest) {
+ mParserBlockingRequest->FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
+ }
+ for (ScriptLoadRequest* req = mXSLTRequests.getFirst(); req;
+ req = req->getNext()) {
+ req->FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
+ }
+ for (ScriptLoadRequest* req = mDeferRequests.getFirst(); req;
+ req = req->getNext()) {
+ req->FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
+ }
+ for (ScriptLoadRequest* req = mLoadingAsyncRequests.getFirst(); req;
+ req = req->getNext()) {
+ req->FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
+ }
+ for (ScriptLoadRequest* req = mLoadedAsyncRequests.getFirst(); req;
+ req = req->getNext()) {
+ req->FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
+ }
+ for(ScriptLoadRequest* req = mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.getFirst();
+ req;
+ req = req->getNext()) {
+ req->FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_ABORT);
+ }
+ // Unblock the kids, in case any of them moved to a different document
+ // subtree in the meantime and therefore aren't actually going away.
+ for (uint32_t j = 0; j < mPendingChildLoaders.Length(); ++j) {
+ mPendingChildLoaders[j]->RemoveParserBlockingScriptExecutionBlocker();
+ }
+// Helper method for checking if the script element is an event-handler
+// This means that it has both a for-attribute and a event-attribute.
+// Also, if the for-attribute has a value that matches "\s*window\s*",
+// and the event-attribute matches "\s*onload([ \(].*)?" then it isn't an
+// eventhandler. (both matches are case insensitive).
+// This is how IE seems to filter out a window's onload handler from a
+// <script for=... event=...> element.
+static bool
+IsScriptEventHandler(nsIContent* aScriptElement)
+ if (!aScriptElement->IsHTMLElement()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsAutoString forAttr, eventAttr;
+ if (!aScriptElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::_for, forAttr) ||
+ !aScriptElement->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::event, eventAttr)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ const nsAString& for_str =
+ nsContentUtils::TrimWhitespace<nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace>(forAttr);
+ if (!for_str.LowerCaseEqualsLiteral("window")) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We found for="window", now check for event="onload".
+ const nsAString& event_str =
+ nsContentUtils::TrimWhitespace<nsCRT::IsAsciiSpace>(eventAttr, false);
+ if (!StringBeginsWith(event_str, NS_LITERAL_STRING("onload"),
+ nsCaseInsensitiveStringComparator())) {
+ // It ain't "onload.*".
+ return true;
+ }
+ nsAutoString::const_iterator start, end;
+ event_str.BeginReading(start);
+ event_str.EndReading(end);
+ start.advance(6); // advance past "onload"
+ if (start != end && *start != '(' && *start != ' ') {
+ // We got onload followed by something other than space or
+ // '('. Not good enough.
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ScriptLoader::CheckContentPolicy(nsIDocument* aDocument,
+ nsISupports *aContext,
+ nsIURI *aURI,
+ const nsAString &aType,
+ bool aIsPreLoad)
+ nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = aIsPreLoad
+ : nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_SCRIPT;
+ int16_t shouldLoad = nsIContentPolicy::ACCEPT;
+ nsresult rv = NS_CheckContentLoadPolicy(contentPolicyType,
+ aURI,
+ aDocument->NodePrincipal(),
+ aContext,
+ NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(aType),
+ nullptr, //extra
+ &shouldLoad,
+ nsContentUtils::GetContentPolicy(),
+ nsContentUtils::GetSecurityManager());
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv) || NS_CP_REJECTED(shouldLoad)) {
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv) || shouldLoad != nsIContentPolicy::REJECT_TYPE) {
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ static bool sEnabledForContent = false;
+ static bool sCachedPref = false;
+ if (!sCachedPref) {
+ sCachedPref = true;
+ Preferences::AddBoolVarCache(&sEnabledForContent, "dom.moduleScripts.enabled", false);
+ }
+ return nsContentUtils::IsChromeDoc(mDocument) || sEnabledForContent;
+ScriptLoader::ModuleMapContainsModule(ModuleLoadRequest *aRequest) const
+ // Returns whether we have fetched, or are currently fetching, a module script
+ // for the request's URL.
+ return mFetchingModules.Contains(aRequest->mURI) ||
+ mFetchedModules.Contains(aRequest->mURI);
+ScriptLoader::IsFetchingModule(ModuleLoadRequest *aRequest) const
+ bool fetching = mFetchingModules.Contains(aRequest->mURI);
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(fetching, !mFetchedModules.Contains(aRequest->mURI));
+ return fetching;
+ScriptLoader::SetModuleFetchStarted(ModuleLoadRequest *aRequest)
+ // Update the module map to indicate that a module is currently being fetched.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->IsLoading());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!ModuleMapContainsModule(aRequest));
+ mFetchingModules.Put(aRequest->mURI, nullptr);
+ScriptLoader::SetModuleFetchFinishedAndResumeWaitingRequests(ModuleLoadRequest *aRequest,
+ nsresult aResult)
+ // Update module map with the result of fetching a single module script. The
+ // module script pointer is nullptr on error.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->IsReadyToRun());
+ RefPtr<GenericPromise::Private> promise;
+ MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mFetchingModules.Get(aRequest->mURI, getter_AddRefs(promise)));
+ mFetchingModules.Remove(aRequest->mURI);
+ RefPtr<ModuleScript> ms(aRequest->mModuleScript);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(aResult) == (ms != nullptr));
+ mFetchedModules.Put(aRequest->mURI, ms);
+ if (promise) {
+ if (ms) {
+ promise->Resolve(true, __func__);
+ } else {
+ promise->Reject(aResult, __func__);
+ }
+ }
+ScriptLoader::WaitForModuleFetch(ModuleLoadRequest *aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(ModuleMapContainsModule(aRequest));
+ RefPtr<GenericPromise::Private> promise;
+ if (mFetchingModules.Get(aRequest->mURI, getter_AddRefs(promise))) {
+ if (!promise) {
+ promise = new GenericPromise::Private(__func__);
+ mFetchingModules.Put(aRequest->mURI, promise);
+ }
+ return promise;
+ }
+ RefPtr<ModuleScript> ms;
+ MOZ_ALWAYS_TRUE(mFetchedModules.Get(aRequest->mURI, getter_AddRefs(ms)));
+ if (!ms) {
+ return GenericPromise::CreateAndReject(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, __func__);
+ }
+ return GenericPromise::CreateAndResolve(true, __func__);
+ScriptLoader::GetFetchedModule(nsIURI* aURL) const
+ bool found;
+ ModuleScript* ms = mFetchedModules.GetWeak(aURL, &found);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(found);
+ return ms;
+ScriptLoader::ProcessFetchedModuleSource(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->mModuleScript);
+ nsresult rv = CreateModuleScript(aRequest);
+ SetModuleFetchFinishedAndResumeWaitingRequests(aRequest, rv);
+ free(aRequest->mScriptTextBuf);
+ aRequest->mScriptTextBuf = nullptr;
+ aRequest->mScriptTextLength = 0;
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ StartFetchingModuleDependencies(aRequest);
+ }
+ return rv;
+ScriptLoader::CreateModuleScript(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->mModuleScript);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->mBaseURL);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> globalObject = GetScriptGlobalObject();
+ if (!globalObject) {
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext> context = globalObject->GetScriptContext();
+ if (!context) {
+ }
+ nsAutoMicroTask mt;
+ AutoEntryScript aes(globalObject, "CompileModule", true);
+ bool oldProcessingScriptTag = context->GetProcessingScriptTag();
+ context->SetProcessingScriptTag(true);
+ nsresult rv;
+ {
+ // Update our current script.
+ AutoCurrentScriptUpdater scriptUpdater(this, aRequest->mElement);
+ Maybe<AutoCurrentScriptUpdater> masterScriptUpdater;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> master = mDocument->MasterDocument();
+ if (master != mDocument) {
+ masterScriptUpdater.emplace(master->ScriptLoader(),
+ aRequest->mElement);
+ }
+ JSContext* cx =;
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> module(cx);
+ if (aRequest->mWasCompiledOMT) {
+ module = JS::FinishOffThreadModule(cx, aRequest->mOffThreadToken);
+ aRequest->mOffThreadToken = nullptr;
+ rv = module ? NS_OK : NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
+ } else {
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, globalObject->GetGlobalJSObject());
+ JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
+ rv = FillCompileOptionsForRequest(aes, aRequest, global, &options);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ nsAutoString inlineData;
+ SourceBufferHolder srcBuf = GetScriptSource(aRequest, inlineData);
+ rv = nsJSUtils::CompileModule(cx, srcBuf, global, options, &module);
+ }
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) == (module != nullptr));
+ if (module) {
+ aRequest->mModuleScript =
+ new ModuleScript(this, aRequest->mBaseURL, module);
+ }
+ }
+ context->SetProcessingScriptTag(oldProcessingScriptTag);
+ return rv;
+static bool
+ThrowTypeError(JSContext* aCx, ModuleScript* aScript,
+ const nsString& aMessage)
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> module(aCx, aScript->ModuleRecord());
+ JS::Rooted<JSScript*> script(aCx, JS::GetModuleScript(aCx, module));
+ JS::Rooted<JSString*> filename(aCx);
+ filename = JS_NewStringCopyZ(aCx, JS_GetScriptFilename(script));
+ if (!filename) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ JS::Rooted<JSString*> message(aCx, JS_NewUCStringCopyZ(aCx, aMessage.get()));
+ if (!message) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ JS::Rooted<JS::Value> error(aCx);
+ if (!JS::CreateError(aCx, JSEXN_TYPEERR, nullptr, filename, 0, 0, nullptr,
+ message, &error)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ JS_SetPendingException(aCx, error);
+ return false;
+static bool
+HandleResolveFailure(JSContext* aCx, ModuleScript* aScript,
+ const nsAString& aSpecifier)
+ // TODO: How can we get the line number of the failed import?
+ nsAutoString message(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Error resolving module specifier: "));
+ message.Append(aSpecifier);
+ return ThrowTypeError(aCx, aScript, message);
+static bool
+HandleModuleNotFound(JSContext* aCx, ModuleScript* aScript,
+ const nsAString& aSpecifier)
+ // TODO: How can we get the line number of the failed import?
+ nsAutoString message(NS_LITERAL_STRING("Resolved module not found in map: "));
+ message.Append(aSpecifier);
+ return ThrowTypeError(aCx, aScript, message);
+static already_AddRefed<nsIURI>
+ResolveModuleSpecifier(ModuleScript* aScript,
+ const nsAString& aSpecifier)
+ // The following module specifiers are allowed by the spec:
+ // - a valid absolute URL
+ // - a valid relative URL that starts with "/", "./" or "../"
+ //
+ // Bareword module specifiers are currently disallowed as these may be given
+ // special meanings in the future.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri;
+ nsresult rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), aSpecifier);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ return uri.forget();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ if (!StringBeginsWith(aSpecifier, NS_LITERAL_STRING("/")) &&
+ !StringBeginsWith(aSpecifier, NS_LITERAL_STRING("./")) &&
+ !StringBeginsWith(aSpecifier, NS_LITERAL_STRING("../"))) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ rv = NS_NewURI(getter_AddRefs(uri), aSpecifier, nullptr, aScript->BaseURL());
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ return uri.forget();
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+static nsresult
+RequestedModuleIsInAncestorList(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest, nsIURI* aURL, bool* aResult)
+ const size_t ImportDepthLimit = 100;
+ *aResult = false;
+ size_t depth = 0;
+ while (aRequest) {
+ if (depth++ == ImportDepthLimit) {
+ }
+ bool equal;
+ nsresult rv = aURL->Equals(aRequest->mURI, &equal);
+ if (equal) {
+ *aResult = true;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ aRequest = aRequest->mParent;
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+static nsresult
+ResolveRequestedModules(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest, nsCOMArray<nsIURI> &aUrls)
+ ModuleScript* ms = aRequest->mModuleScript;
+ AutoJSAPI jsapi;
+ if (!jsapi.Init(ms->ModuleRecord())) {
+ }
+ JSContext* cx =;
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> moduleRecord(cx, ms->ModuleRecord());
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> specifiers(cx, JS::GetRequestedModules(cx, moduleRecord));
+ uint32_t length;
+ if (!JS_GetArrayLength(cx, specifiers, &length)) {
+ }
+ JS::Rooted<JS::Value> val(cx);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < length; i++) {
+ if (!JS_GetElement(cx, specifiers, i, &val)) {
+ }
+ nsAutoJSString specifier;
+ if (!specifier.init(cx, val)) {
+ }
+ // Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given module script and requested.
+ ModuleScript* ms = aRequest->mModuleScript;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = ResolveModuleSpecifier(ms, specifier);
+ if (!uri) {
+ HandleResolveFailure(cx, ms, specifier);
+ }
+ bool isAncestor;
+ nsresult rv = RequestedModuleIsInAncestorList(aRequest, uri, &isAncestor);
+ if (!isAncestor) {
+ aUrls.AppendElement(uri.forget());
+ }
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ScriptLoader::StartFetchingModuleDependencies(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->mModuleScript);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->IsReadyToRun());
+ aRequest->mProgress = ModuleLoadRequest::Progress::FetchingImports;
+ nsCOMArray<nsIURI> urls;
+ nsresult rv = ResolveRequestedModules(aRequest, urls);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ aRequest->LoadFailed();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (urls.Length() == 0) {
+ // There are no descendents to load so this request is ready.
+ aRequest->DependenciesLoaded();
+ return;
+ }
+ // For each url in urls, fetch a module script tree given url, module script's
+ // CORS setting, and module script's settings object.
+ nsTArray<RefPtr<GenericPromise>> importsReady;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < urls.Length(); i++) {
+ RefPtr<GenericPromise> childReady =
+ StartFetchingModuleAndDependencies(aRequest, urls[i]);
+ importsReady.AppendElement(childReady);
+ }
+ // Wait for all imports to become ready.
+ RefPtr<GenericPromise::AllPromiseType> allReady =
+ GenericPromise::All(AbstractThread::GetCurrent(), importsReady);
+ allReady->Then(AbstractThread::GetCurrent(), __func__, aRequest,
+ &ModuleLoadRequest::DependenciesLoaded,
+ &ModuleLoadRequest::LoadFailed);
+ScriptLoader::StartFetchingModuleAndDependencies(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest,
+ nsIURI* aURI)
+ RefPtr<ModuleLoadRequest> childRequest =
+ new ModuleLoadRequest(aRequest->mElement, aRequest->mJSVersion,
+ aRequest->mCORSMode, aRequest->mIntegrity, this);
+ childRequest->mIsTopLevel = false;
+ childRequest->mURI = aURI;
+ childRequest->mIsInline = false;
+ childRequest->mReferrerPolicy = aRequest->mReferrerPolicy;
+ childRequest->mParent = aRequest;
+ RefPtr<GenericPromise> ready = childRequest->mReady.Ensure(__func__);
+ nsresult rv = StartLoad(childRequest, NS_LITERAL_STRING("module"), false);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ childRequest->mReady.Reject(rv, __func__);
+ return ready;
+ }
+ aRequest->mImports.AppendElement(childRequest);
+ return ready;
+HostResolveImportedModule(JSContext* aCx, unsigned argc, JS::Value* vp)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(argc == 2);
+ JS::CallArgs args = JS::CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp);
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> module(aCx, &args[0].toObject());
+ JS::Rooted<JSString*> specifier(aCx, args[1].toString());
+ // Let referencing module script be referencingModule.[[HostDefined]].
+ JS::Value value = JS::GetModuleHostDefinedField(module);
+ auto script = static_cast<ModuleScript*>(value.toPrivate());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(script->ModuleRecord() == module);
+ // Let url be the result of resolving a module specifier given referencing
+ // module script and specifier. If the result is failure, throw a TypeError
+ // exception and abort these steps.
+ nsAutoJSString string;
+ if (!string.init(aCx, specifier)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> uri = ResolveModuleSpecifier(script, string);
+ if (!uri) {
+ return HandleResolveFailure(aCx, script, string);
+ }
+ // Let resolved module script be the value of the entry in module map whose
+ // key is url. If no such entry exists, throw a TypeError exception and abort
+ // these steps.
+ ModuleScript* ms = script->Loader()->GetFetchedModule(uri);
+ if (!ms) {
+ return HandleModuleNotFound(aCx, script, string);
+ }
+ if (ms->InstantiationFailed()) {
+ JS::Rooted<JS::Value> exception(aCx, ms->Exception());
+ JS_SetPendingException(aCx, exception);
+ return false;
+ }
+ *vp = JS::ObjectValue(*ms->ModuleRecord());
+ return true;
+static nsresult
+EnsureModuleResolveHook(JSContext* aCx)
+ if (JS::GetModuleResolveHook(aCx)) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ JS::Rooted<JSFunction*> func(aCx);
+ func = JS_NewFunction(aCx, HostResolveImportedModule, 2, 0,
+ "HostResolveImportedModule");
+ if (!func) {
+ }
+ JS::SetModuleResolveHook(aCx, func);
+ return NS_OK;
+ScriptLoader::ProcessLoadedModuleTree(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ if (aRequest->IsTopLevel()) {
+ MaybeMoveToLoadedList(aRequest);
+ ProcessPendingRequests();
+ }
+ if (aRequest->mWasCompiledOMT) {
+ mDocument->UnblockOnload(false);
+ }
+ScriptLoader::InstantiateModuleTree(ModuleLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ // Perform eager instantiation of the loaded module tree.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest);
+ ModuleScript* ms = aRequest->mModuleScript;
+ if (!ms || !ms->ModuleRecord()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ AutoJSAPI jsapi;
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(!jsapi.Init(ms->ModuleRecord()))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ nsresult rv = EnsureModuleResolveHook(;
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> module(, ms->ModuleRecord());
+ bool ok = NS_SUCCEEDED(nsJSUtils::ModuleDeclarationInstantiation(, module));
+ JS::RootedValue exception(;
+ if (!ok) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(jsapi.HasException());
+ if (!jsapi.StealException(&exception)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!exception.isUndefined());
+ }
+ // Mark this module and any uninstantiated dependencies found via depth-first
+ // search as instantiated and record any error.
+ mozilla::Vector<ModuleLoadRequest*, 1> requests;
+ if (!requests.append(aRequest)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ while (!requests.empty()) {
+ ModuleLoadRequest* request = requests.popCopy();
+ ModuleScript* ms = request->mModuleScript;
+ if (!ms->IsUninstantiated()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ ms->SetInstantiationResult(exception);
+ for (auto import : request->mImports) {
+ if (import->mModuleScript->IsUninstantiated() &&
+ !requests.append(import))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ScriptLoader::StartLoad(ScriptLoadRequest *aRequest, const nsAString &aType,
+ bool aScriptFromHead)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->IsLoading());
+ // If this document is sandboxed without 'allow-scripts', abort.
+ if (mDocument->HasScriptsBlockedBySandbox()) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ // Check whether the module has been fetched or is currently being fetched,
+ // and if so wait for it.
+ ModuleLoadRequest* request = aRequest->AsModuleRequest();
+ if (ModuleMapContainsModule(request)) {
+ WaitForModuleFetch(request)
+ ->Then(AbstractThread::GetCurrent(), __func__, request,
+ &ModuleLoadRequest::ModuleLoaded,
+ &ModuleLoadRequest::LoadFailed);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Otherwise put the URL in the module map and mark it as fetching.
+ SetModuleFetchStarted(request);
+ }
+ nsContentPolicyType contentPolicyType = aRequest->IsPreload()
+ : nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_INTERNAL_SCRIPT;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> context;
+ if (aRequest->mElement) {
+ context = do_QueryInterface(aRequest->mElement);
+ }
+ else {
+ context = mDocument;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILoadGroup> loadGroup = mDocument->GetDocumentLoadGroup();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsPIDOMWindowOuter> window = mDocument->MasterDocument()->GetWindow();
+ nsIDocShell *docshell = window->GetDocShell();
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIInterfaceRequestor> prompter(do_QueryInterface(docshell));
+ nsSecurityFlags securityFlags;
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ // According to the spec, module scripts have different behaviour to classic
+ // scripts and always use CORS.
+ securityFlags = nsILoadInfo::SEC_REQUIRE_CORS_DATA_INHERITS;
+ if (aRequest->mCORSMode == CORS_NONE) {
+ securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_COOKIES_OMIT;
+ } else if (aRequest->mCORSMode == CORS_ANONYMOUS) {
+ securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_COOKIES_SAME_ORIGIN;
+ } else {
+ securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_COOKIES_INCLUDE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ securityFlags = aRequest->mCORSMode == CORS_NONE
+ if (aRequest->mCORSMode == CORS_ANONYMOUS) {
+ securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_COOKIES_SAME_ORIGIN;
+ } else if (aRequest->mCORSMode == CORS_USE_CREDENTIALS) {
+ securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_COOKIES_INCLUDE;
+ }
+ }
+ securityFlags |= nsILoadInfo::SEC_ALLOW_CHROME;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
+ nsresult rv = NS_NewChannel(getter_AddRefs(channel),
+ aRequest->mURI,
+ context,
+ securityFlags,
+ contentPolicyType,
+ loadGroup,
+ prompter,
+ nsIRequest::LOAD_NORMAL |
+ nsIScriptElement *script = aRequest->mElement;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIClassOfService> cos(do_QueryInterface(channel));
+ if (cos) {
+ if (aScriptFromHead &&
+ !(script && (script->GetScriptAsync() || script->GetScriptDeferred()))) {
+ // synchronous head scripts block lading of most other non js/css
+ // content such as images
+ cos->AddClassFlags(nsIClassOfService::Leader);
+ } else if (!(script && script->GetScriptDeferred())) {
+ // other scripts are neither blocked nor prioritized unless marked deferred
+ cos->AddClassFlags(nsIClassOfService::Unblocked);
+ }
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel(do_QueryInterface(channel));
+ if (httpChannel) {
+ // HTTP content negotation has little value in this context.
+ httpChannel->SetRequestHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("Accept"),
+ false);
+ httpChannel->SetReferrerWithPolicy(mDocument->GetDocumentURI(),
+ aRequest->mReferrerPolicy);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannelInternal> internalChannel(do_QueryInterface(httpChannel));
+ if (internalChannel) {
+ internalChannel->SetIntegrityMetadata(aRequest->mIntegrity.GetIntegrityString());
+ }
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILoadContext> loadContext(do_QueryInterface(docshell));
+ mozilla::net::PredictorLearn(aRequest->mURI, mDocument->GetDocumentURI(),
+ nsINetworkPredictor::LEARN_LOAD_SUBRESOURCE, loadContext);
+ // Set the initiator type
+ nsCOMPtr<nsITimedChannel> timedChannel(do_QueryInterface(httpChannel));
+ if (timedChannel) {
+ timedChannel->SetInitiatorType(NS_LITERAL_STRING("script"));
+ }
+ nsAutoPtr<mozilla::dom::SRICheckDataVerifier> sriDataVerifier;
+ if (!aRequest->mIntegrity.IsEmpty()) {
+ nsAutoCString sourceUri;
+ if (mDocument->GetDocumentURI()) {
+ mDocument->GetDocumentURI()->GetAsciiSpec(sourceUri);
+ }
+ sriDataVerifier = new SRICheckDataVerifier(aRequest->mIntegrity, sourceUri,
+ mReporter);
+ }
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadHandler> handler =
+ new ScriptLoadHandler(this, aRequest, sriDataVerifier.forget());
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIIncrementalStreamLoader> loader;
+ rv = NS_NewIncrementalStreamLoader(getter_AddRefs(loader), handler);
+ return channel->AsyncOpen2(loader);
+ScriptLoader::PreloadURIComparator::Equals(const PreloadInfo &aPi,
+ nsIURI * const &aURI) const
+ bool same;
+ return NS_SUCCEEDED(aPi.mRequest->mURI->Equals(aURI, &same)) &&
+ same;
+class ScriptRequestProcessor : public Runnable
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoader> mLoader;
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> mRequest;
+ ScriptRequestProcessor(ScriptLoader* aLoader,
+ ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ : mLoader(aLoader)
+ , mRequest(aRequest)
+ {}
+ NS_IMETHOD Run() override
+ {
+ return mLoader->ProcessRequest(mRequest);
+ }
+static inline bool
+ParseTypeAttribute(const nsAString& aType, JSVersion* aVersion)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aType.IsEmpty());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aVersion);
+ nsContentTypeParser parser(aType);
+ nsAutoString mimeType;
+ nsresult rv = parser.GetType(mimeType);
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
+ if (!nsContentUtils::IsJavascriptMIMEType(mimeType)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Get the version string, and ensure the language supports it.
+ nsAutoString versionName;
+ rv = parser.GetParameter("version", versionName);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ *aVersion = nsContentUtils::ParseJavascriptVersion(versionName);
+ } else if (rv != NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static bool
+CSPAllowsInlineScript(nsIScriptElement *aElement, nsIDocument *aDocument)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> csp;
+ // Note: For imports NodePrincipal and the principal of the master are
+ // the same.
+ nsresult rv = aDocument->NodePrincipal()->GetCsp(getter_AddRefs(csp));
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
+ if (!csp) {
+ // no CSP --> allow
+ return true;
+ }
+ // query the nonce
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> scriptContent = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
+ nsAutoString nonce;
+ scriptContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::nonce, nonce);
+ bool parserCreated = aElement->GetParserCreated() != mozilla::dom::NOT_FROM_PARSER;
+ // query the scripttext
+ nsAutoString scriptText;
+ aElement->GetScriptText(scriptText);
+ bool allowInlineScript = false;
+ rv = csp->GetAllowsInline(nsIContentPolicy::TYPE_SCRIPT,
+ nonce, parserCreated, scriptText,
+ aElement->GetScriptLineNumber(),
+ &allowInlineScript);
+ return allowInlineScript;
+ScriptLoader::CreateLoadRequest(ScriptKind aKind,
+ nsIScriptElement* aElement,
+ uint32_t aVersion, CORSMode aCORSMode,
+ const SRIMetadata &aIntegrity)
+ if (aKind == ScriptKind::Classic) {
+ return new ScriptLoadRequest(aKind, aElement, aVersion, aCORSMode,
+ aIntegrity);
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aKind == ScriptKind::Module);
+ return new ModuleLoadRequest(aElement, aVersion, aCORSMode, aIntegrity, this);
+ScriptLoader::ProcessScriptElement(nsIScriptElement *aElement)
+ // We need a document to evaluate scripts.
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(mDocument, false);
+ // Check to see if scripts has been turned off.
+ if (!mEnabled || !mDocument->IsScriptEnabled()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ NS_ASSERTION(!aElement->IsMalformed(), "Executing malformed script");
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> scriptContent = do_QueryInterface(aElement);
+ // Step 13. Check that the script is not an eventhandler
+ if (IsScriptEventHandler(scriptContent)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ JSVersion version = JSVERSION_DEFAULT;
+ // Check the type attribute to determine language and version.
+ // If type exists, it trumps the deprecated 'language='
+ nsAutoString type;
+ bool hasType = aElement->GetScriptType(type);
+ ScriptKind scriptKind = ScriptKind::Classic;
+ if (!type.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (ModuleScriptsEnabled() && type.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("module")) {
+ scriptKind = ScriptKind::Module;
+ } else {
+ NS_ENSURE_TRUE(ParseTypeAttribute(type, &version), false);
+ }
+ } else if (!hasType) {
+ // no 'type=' element
+ // "language" is a deprecated attribute of HTML, so we check it only for
+ // HTML script elements.
+ if (scriptContent->IsHTMLElement()) {
+ nsAutoString language;
+ scriptContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::language, language);
+ if (!language.IsEmpty()) {
+ if (!nsContentUtils::IsJavaScriptLanguage(language)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // "In modern user agents that support module scripts, the script element with
+ // the nomodule attribute will be ignored".
+ // "The nomodule attribute must not be specified on module scripts (and will
+ // be ignored if it is)."
+ if (ModuleScriptsEnabled() &&
+ scriptKind == ScriptKind::Classic &&
+ scriptContent->IsHTMLElement() &&
+ scriptContent->HasAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::nomodule)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Step 15. and later in the HTML5 spec
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> request;
+ if (aElement->GetScriptExternal()) {
+ // external script
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIURI> scriptURI = aElement->GetScriptURI();
+ if (!scriptURI) {
+ // Asynchronously report the failure to create a URI object
+ NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(
+ NewRunnableMethod(aElement,
+ &nsIScriptElement::FireErrorEvent));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Double-check that the preload matches what we're asked to load now.
+ mozilla::net::ReferrerPolicy ourRefPolicy = mDocument->GetReferrerPolicy();
+ CORSMode ourCORSMode = aElement->GetCORSMode();
+ nsTArray<PreloadInfo>::index_type i =
+ mPreloads.IndexOf(scriptURI.get(), 0, PreloadURIComparator());
+ if (i != nsTArray<PreloadInfo>::NoIndex) {
+ // preloaded
+ // note that a script-inserted script can steal a preload!
+ request = mPreloads[i].mRequest;
+ request->mElement = aElement;
+ nsString preloadCharset(mPreloads[i].mCharset);
+ mPreloads.RemoveElementAt(i);
+ // Double-check that the charset the preload used is the same as
+ // the charset we have now.
+ nsAutoString elementCharset;
+ aElement->GetScriptCharset(elementCharset);
+ if (elementCharset.Equals(preloadCharset) &&
+ ourCORSMode == request->mCORSMode &&
+ ourRefPolicy == request->mReferrerPolicy &&
+ scriptKind == request->mKind) {
+ rv = CheckContentPolicy(mDocument, aElement, request->mURI, type, false);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ // probably plans have changed; even though the preload was allowed seems
+ // like the actual load is not; let's cancel the preload request.
+ request->Cancel();
+ return false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Drop the preload
+ request = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!request) {
+ // no usable preload
+ SRIMetadata sriMetadata;
+ {
+ nsAutoString integrity;
+ scriptContent->GetAttr(kNameSpaceID_None, nsGkAtoms::integrity,
+ integrity);
+ if (!integrity.IsEmpty()) {
+ MOZ_LOG(SRILogHelper::GetSriLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("ScriptLoader::ProcessScriptElement, integrity=%s",
+ NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(integrity).get()));
+ nsAutoCString sourceUri;
+ if (mDocument->GetDocumentURI()) {
+ mDocument->GetDocumentURI()->GetAsciiSpec(sourceUri);
+ }
+ SRICheck::IntegrityMetadata(integrity, sourceUri, mReporter,
+ &sriMetadata);
+ }
+ }
+ request = CreateLoadRequest(scriptKind, aElement, version, ourCORSMode,
+ sriMetadata);
+ request->mURI = scriptURI;
+ request->mIsInline = false;
+ request->mReferrerPolicy = ourRefPolicy;
+ // set aScriptFromHead to false so we don't treat non preloaded scripts as
+ // blockers for full page load. See bug 792438.
+ rv = StartLoad(request, type, false);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ // Asynchronously report the load failure
+ NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(
+ NewRunnableMethod(aElement,
+ &nsIScriptElement::FireErrorEvent));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Should still be in loading stage of script.
+ NS_ASSERTION(!request->InCompilingStage(),
+ "Request should not yet be in compiling stage.");
+ request->mJSVersion = version;
+ if (aElement->GetScriptAsync()) {
+ request->mIsAsync = true;
+ if (request->IsReadyToRun()) {
+ mLoadedAsyncRequests.AppendElement(request);
+ // The script is available already. Run it ASAP when the event
+ // loop gets a chance to spin.
+ // KVKV TODO: Instead of processing immediately, try off-thread-parsing
+ // it and only schedule a pending ProcessRequest if that fails.
+ ProcessPendingRequestsAsync();
+ } else {
+ mLoadingAsyncRequests.AppendElement(request);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!aElement->GetParserCreated()) {
+ // Violate the HTML5 spec in order to make LABjs and the "order" plug-in
+ // for RequireJS work with their Gecko-sniffed code path. See
+ //
+ request->mIsNonAsyncScriptInserted = true;
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.AppendElement(request);
+ if (request->IsReadyToRun()) {
+ // The script is available already. Run it ASAP when the event
+ // loop gets a chance to spin.
+ ProcessPendingRequestsAsync();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // we now have a parser-inserted request that may or may not be still
+ // loading
+ if (aElement->GetScriptDeferred() || request->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ // We don't want to run this yet.
+ // If we come here, the script is a parser-created script and it has
+ // the defer attribute but not the async attribute. Since a
+ // a parser-inserted script is being run, we came here by the parser
+ // running the script, which means the parser is still alive and the
+ // parse is ongoing.
+ NS_ASSERTION(mDocument->GetCurrentContentSink() ||
+ aElement->GetParserCreated() == FROM_PARSER_XSLT,
+ "Non-XSLT Defer script on a document without an active parser; bug 592366.");
+ AddDeferRequest(request);
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aElement->GetParserCreated() == FROM_PARSER_XSLT) {
+ // Need to maintain order for XSLT-inserted scripts
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mParserBlockingRequest,
+ "Parser-blocking scripts and XSLT scripts in the same doc!");
+ request->mIsXSLT = true;
+ mXSLTRequests.AppendElement(request);
+ if (request->IsReadyToRun()) {
+ // The script is available already. Run it ASAP when the event
+ // loop gets a chance to spin.
+ ProcessPendingRequestsAsync();
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (request->IsReadyToRun() && ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ // The request has already been loaded and there are no pending style
+ // sheets. If the script comes from the network stream, cheat for
+ // performance reasons and avoid a trip through the event loop.
+ if (aElement->GetParserCreated() == FROM_PARSER_NETWORK) {
+ return ProcessRequest(request) == NS_ERROR_HTMLPARSER_BLOCK;
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we've got a document.written script, make a trip through
+ // the event loop to hide the preload effects from the scripts on the
+ // Web page.
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mParserBlockingRequest,
+ "There can be only one parser-blocking script at a time");
+ NS_ASSERTION(mXSLTRequests.isEmpty(),
+ "Parser-blocking scripts and XSLT scripts in the same doc!");
+ mParserBlockingRequest = request;
+ ProcessPendingRequestsAsync();
+ return true;
+ }
+ // The script hasn't loaded yet or there's a style sheet blocking it.
+ // The script will be run when it loads or the style sheet loads.
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mParserBlockingRequest,
+ "There can be only one parser-blocking script at a time");
+ NS_ASSERTION(mXSLTRequests.isEmpty(),
+ "Parser-blocking scripts and XSLT scripts in the same doc!");
+ mParserBlockingRequest = request;
+ return true;
+ }
+ // inline script
+ // Is this document sandboxed without 'allow-scripts'?
+ if (mDocument->HasScriptsBlockedBySandbox()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Does CSP allow this inline script to run?
+ if (!CSPAllowsInlineScript(aElement, mDocument)) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Inline scripts ignore ther CORS mode and are always CORS_NONE
+ request = CreateLoadRequest(scriptKind, aElement, version, CORS_NONE,
+ SRIMetadata()); // SRI doesn't apply
+ request->mJSVersion = version;
+ request->mIsInline = true;
+ request->mURI = mDocument->GetDocumentURI();
+ request->mLineNo = aElement->GetScriptLineNumber();
+ if (request->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ ModuleLoadRequest* modReq = request->AsModuleRequest();
+ modReq->mBaseURL = mDocument->GetDocBaseURI();
+ rv = CreateModuleScript(modReq);
+ NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, false);
+ StartFetchingModuleDependencies(modReq);
+ if (aElement->GetScriptAsync()) {
+ mLoadingAsyncRequests.AppendElement(request);
+ } else {
+ AddDeferRequest(request);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ request->mProgress = ScriptLoadRequest::Progress::Ready;
+ if (aElement->GetParserCreated() == FROM_PARSER_XSLT &&
+ (!ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts() || !mXSLTRequests.isEmpty())) {
+ // Need to maintain order for XSLT-inserted scripts
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mParserBlockingRequest,
+ "Parser-blocking scripts and XSLT scripts in the same doc!");
+ mXSLTRequests.AppendElement(request);
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (aElement->GetParserCreated() == NOT_FROM_PARSER) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(!nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(),
+ "A script-inserted script is inserted without an update batch?");
+ nsContentUtils::AddScriptRunner(new ScriptRequestProcessor(this,
+ request));
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (aElement->GetParserCreated() == FROM_PARSER_NETWORK &&
+ !ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ NS_ASSERTION(!mParserBlockingRequest,
+ "There can be only one parser-blocking script at a time");
+ mParserBlockingRequest = request;
+ NS_ASSERTION(mXSLTRequests.isEmpty(),
+ "Parser-blocking scripts and XSLT scripts in the same doc!");
+ return true;
+ }
+ // We now have a document.written inline script or we have an inline script
+ // from the network but there is no style sheet that is blocking scripts.
+ // Don't check for style sheets blocking scripts in the document.write
+ // case to avoid style sheet network activity affecting when
+ // document.write returns. It's not really necessary to do this if
+ // there's no document.write currently on the call stack. However,
+ // this way matches IE more closely than checking if document.write
+ // is on the call stack.
+ NS_ASSERTION(nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(),
+ "Not safe to run a parser-inserted script?");
+ return ProcessRequest(request) == NS_ERROR_HTMLPARSER_BLOCK;
+namespace {
+class NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable : public Runnable
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> mRequest;
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoader> mLoader;
+ void *mToken;
+ NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest,
+ ScriptLoader* aLoader)
+ : mRequest(aRequest), mLoader(aLoader), mToken(nullptr)
+ {}
+ virtual ~NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable();
+ void SetToken(void* aToken) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aToken && !mToken);
+ mToken = aToken;
+ }
+} /* anonymous namespace */
+ScriptLoader::ProcessOffThreadRequest(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->mProgress == ScriptLoadRequest::Progress::Compiling);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->mWasCompiledOMT);
+ aRequest->mWasCompiledOMT = true;
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->mOffThreadToken);
+ ModuleLoadRequest* request = aRequest->AsModuleRequest();
+ nsresult rv = ProcessFetchedModuleSource(request);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ request->LoadFailed();
+ }
+ return rv;
+ }
+ aRequest->SetReady();
+ if (aRequest == mParserBlockingRequest) {
+ if (!ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ // If not ready to execute scripts, schedule an async call to
+ // ProcessPendingRequests to handle it.
+ ProcessPendingRequestsAsync();
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // Same logic as in top of ProcessPendingRequests.
+ mParserBlockingRequest = nullptr;
+ UnblockParser(aRequest);
+ ProcessRequest(aRequest);
+ mDocument->UnblockOnload(false);
+ ContinueParserAsync(aRequest);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsresult rv = ProcessRequest(aRequest);
+ mDocument->UnblockOnload(false);
+ return rv;
+ if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(mRequest || mLoader) && !NS_IsMainThread()) {
+ NS_ReleaseOnMainThread(mRequest.forget());
+ NS_ReleaseOnMainThread(mLoader.forget());
+ }
+ MOZ_ASSERT(NS_IsMainThread());
+ // We want these to be dropped on the main thread, once we return from this
+ // function.
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> request = mRequest.forget();
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoader> loader = mLoader.forget();
+ request->mOffThreadToken = mToken;
+ nsresult rv = loader->ProcessOffThreadRequest(request);
+ return rv;
+static void
+OffThreadScriptLoaderCallback(void *aToken, void *aCallbackData)
+ RefPtr<NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable> aRunnable =
+ dont_AddRef(static_cast<NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable*>(aCallbackData));
+ aRunnable->SetToken(aToken);
+ NS_DispatchToMainThread(aRunnable);
+ScriptLoader::AttemptAsyncScriptCompile(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!aRequest->IsModuleRequest(), aRequest->IsReadyToRun());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->mWasCompiledOMT);
+ // Don't off-thread compile inline scripts.
+ if (aRequest->mIsInline) {
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> globalObject = GetScriptGlobalObject();
+ if (!globalObject) {
+ }
+ AutoJSAPI jsapi;
+ if (!jsapi.Init(globalObject)) {
+ }
+ JSContext* cx =;
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(cx, globalObject->GetGlobalJSObject());
+ JS::CompileOptions options(cx);
+ nsresult rv = FillCompileOptionsForRequest(jsapi, aRequest, global, &options);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ if (!JS::CanCompileOffThread(cx, options, aRequest->mScriptTextLength)) {
+ }
+ RefPtr<NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable> runnable =
+ new NotifyOffThreadScriptLoadCompletedRunnable(aRequest, this);
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ if (!JS::CompileOffThreadModule(cx, options,
+ aRequest->mScriptTextBuf, aRequest->mScriptTextLength,
+ OffThreadScriptLoaderCallback,
+ static_cast<void*>(runnable))) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!JS::CompileOffThread(cx, options,
+ aRequest->mScriptTextBuf, aRequest->mScriptTextLength,
+ OffThreadScriptLoaderCallback,
+ static_cast<void*>(runnable))) {
+ }
+ }
+ mDocument->BlockOnload();
+ aRequest->mProgress = ScriptLoadRequest::Progress::Compiling;
+ Unused << runnable.forget();
+ return NS_OK;
+ScriptLoader::CompileOffThreadOrProcessRequest(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ NS_ASSERTION(nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(),
+ "Processing requests when running scripts is unsafe.");
+ NS_ASSERTION(!aRequest->mOffThreadToken,
+ "Candidate for off-thread compile is already parsed off-thread");
+ NS_ASSERTION(!aRequest->InCompilingStage(),
+ "Candidate for off-thread compile is already in compiling stage.");
+ nsresult rv = AttemptAsyncScriptCompile(aRequest);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ return ProcessRequest(aRequest);
+ScriptLoader::GetScriptSource(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest, nsAutoString& inlineData)
+ // Return a SourceBufferHolder object holding the script's source text.
+ // |inlineData| is used to hold the text for inline objects.
+ // If there's no script text, we try to get it from the element
+ if (aRequest->mIsInline) {
+ // XXX This is inefficient - GetText makes multiple
+ // copies.
+ aRequest->mElement->GetScriptText(inlineData);
+ return SourceBufferHolder(inlineData.get(),
+ inlineData.Length(),
+ SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership);
+ }
+ return SourceBufferHolder(aRequest->mScriptTextBuf,
+ aRequest->mScriptTextLength,
+ SourceBufferHolder::NoOwnership);
+ScriptLoader::ProcessRequest(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ NS_ASSERTION(nsContentUtils::IsSafeToRunScript(),
+ "Processing requests when running scripts is unsafe.");
+ NS_ASSERTION(aRequest->IsReadyToRun(),
+ "Processing a request that is not ready to run.");
+ NS_ENSURE_ARG(aRequest);
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest() &&
+ !aRequest->AsModuleRequest()->mModuleScript)
+ {
+ // There was an error parsing a module script. Nothing to do here.
+ FireScriptAvailable(NS_ERROR_FAILURE, aRequest);
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> scriptElem = do_QueryInterface(aRequest->mElement);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc;
+ if (!aRequest->mIsInline) {
+ doc = scriptElem->OwnerDoc();
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptElement> oldParserInsertedScript;
+ uint32_t parserCreated = aRequest->mElement->GetParserCreated();
+ if (parserCreated) {
+ oldParserInsertedScript = mCurrentParserInsertedScript;
+ mCurrentParserInsertedScript = aRequest->mElement;
+ }
+ aRequest->mElement->BeginEvaluating();
+ FireScriptAvailable(NS_OK, aRequest);
+ // The window may have gone away by this point, in which case there's no point
+ // in trying to run the script.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> master = mDocument->MasterDocument();
+ {
+ // Try to perform a microtask checkpoint
+ nsAutoMicroTask mt;
+ }
+ nsPIDOMWindowInner *pwin = master->GetInnerWindow();
+ bool runScript = !!pwin;
+ if (runScript) {
+ nsContentUtils::DispatchTrustedEvent(scriptElem->OwnerDoc(),
+ scriptElem,
+ NS_LITERAL_STRING("beforescriptexecute"),
+ true, true, &runScript);
+ }
+ // Inner window could have gone away after firing beforescriptexecute
+ pwin = master->GetInnerWindow();
+ if (!pwin) {
+ runScript = false;
+ }
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ if (runScript) {
+ if (doc) {
+ doc->BeginEvaluatingExternalScript();
+ }
+ rv = EvaluateScript(aRequest);
+ if (doc) {
+ doc->EndEvaluatingExternalScript();
+ }
+ nsContentUtils::DispatchTrustedEvent(scriptElem->OwnerDoc(),
+ scriptElem,
+ NS_LITERAL_STRING("afterscriptexecute"),
+ true, false);
+ }
+ FireScriptEvaluated(rv, aRequest);
+ aRequest->mElement->EndEvaluating();
+ if (parserCreated) {
+ mCurrentParserInsertedScript = oldParserInsertedScript;
+ }
+ if (aRequest->mOffThreadToken) {
+ // The request was parsed off-main-thread, but the result of the off
+ // thread parse was not actually needed to process the request
+ // (disappearing window, some other error, ...). Finish the
+ // request to avoid leaks in the JS engine.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->IsModuleRequest());
+ aRequest->MaybeCancelOffThreadScript();
+ }
+ // Free any source data.
+ free(aRequest->mScriptTextBuf);
+ aRequest->mScriptTextBuf = nullptr;
+ aRequest->mScriptTextLength = 0;
+ return rv;
+ScriptLoader::FireScriptAvailable(nsresult aResult,
+ ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < mObservers.Count(); i++) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptLoaderObserver> obs = mObservers[i];
+ obs->ScriptAvailable(aResult, aRequest->mElement,
+ aRequest->mIsInline, aRequest->mURI,
+ aRequest->mLineNo);
+ }
+ aRequest->FireScriptAvailable(aResult);
+ScriptLoader::FireScriptEvaluated(nsresult aResult,
+ ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < mObservers.Count(); i++) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptLoaderObserver> obs = mObservers[i];
+ obs->ScriptEvaluated(aResult, aRequest->mElement,
+ aRequest->mIsInline);
+ }
+ aRequest->FireScriptEvaluated(aResult);
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> master = mDocument->MasterDocument();
+ nsPIDOMWindowInner *pwin = master->GetInnerWindow();
+ if (!pwin) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> globalObject = do_QueryInterface(pwin);
+ NS_ASSERTION(globalObject, "windows must be global objects");
+ // and make sure we are setup for this type of script.
+ nsresult rv = globalObject->EnsureScriptEnvironment();
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ return globalObject.forget();
+ScriptLoader::FillCompileOptionsForRequest(const AutoJSAPI&jsapi,
+ ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest,
+ JS::Handle<JSObject*> aScopeChain,
+ JS::CompileOptions* aOptions)
+ // It's very important to use aRequest->mURI, not the final URI of the channel
+ // aRequest ended up getting script data from, as the script filename.
+ nsresult rv;
+ nsContentUtils::GetWrapperSafeScriptFilename(mDocument, aRequest->mURI,
+ aRequest->mURL, &rv);
+ if (NS_WARN_IF(NS_FAILED(rv))) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ bool isScriptElement = !aRequest->IsModuleRequest() ||
+ aRequest->AsModuleRequest()->IsTopLevel();
+ aOptions->setIntroductionType(isScriptElement ? "scriptElement"
+ : "importedModule");
+ aOptions->setFileAndLine(aRequest->mURL.get(), aRequest->mLineNo);
+ aOptions->setVersion(JSVersion(aRequest->mJSVersion));
+ aOptions->setIsRunOnce(true);
+ // We only need the setNoScriptRval bit when compiling off-thread here, since
+ // otherwise nsJSUtils::EvaluateString will set it up for us.
+ aOptions->setNoScriptRval(true);
+ if (aRequest->mHasSourceMapURL) {
+ aOptions->setSourceMapURL(aRequest->mSourceMapURL.get());
+ }
+ if (aRequest->mOriginPrincipal) {
+ nsIPrincipal* scriptPrin = nsContentUtils::ObjectPrincipal(aScopeChain);
+ bool subsumes = scriptPrin->Subsumes(aRequest->mOriginPrincipal);
+ aOptions->setMutedErrors(!subsumes);
+ }
+ JSContext* cx =;
+ JS::Rooted<JS::Value> elementVal(cx);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->mElement);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(nsContentUtils::WrapNative(cx, aRequest->mElement,
+ &elementVal,
+ /* aAllowWrapping = */ true))) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(elementVal.isObject());
+ aOptions->setElement(&elementVal.toObject());
+ }
+ return NS_OK;
+ScriptLoader::EvaluateScript(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ // We need a document to evaluate scripts.
+ if (!mDocument) {
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> scriptContent(do_QueryInterface(aRequest->mElement));
+ nsIDocument* ownerDoc = scriptContent->OwnerDoc();
+ if (ownerDoc != mDocument) {
+ // Willful violation of HTML5 as of 2010-12-01
+ }
+ // Get the script-type to be used by this element.
+ NS_ASSERTION(scriptContent, "no content - what is default script-type?");
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptGlobalObject> globalObject = GetScriptGlobalObject();
+ if (!globalObject) {
+ }
+ // Make sure context is a strong reference since we access it after
+ // we've executed a script, which may cause all other references to
+ // the context to go away.
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext> context = globalObject->GetScriptContext();
+ if (!context) {
+ }
+ JSVersion version = JSVersion(aRequest->mJSVersion);
+ if (version == JSVERSION_UNKNOWN) {
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // New script entry point required, due to the "Create a script" sub-step of
+ //
+ nsAutoMicroTask mt;
+ AutoEntryScript aes(globalObject, "<script> element", true);
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> global(,
+ globalObject->GetGlobalJSObject());
+ bool oldProcessingScriptTag = context->GetProcessingScriptTag();
+ context->SetProcessingScriptTag(true);
+ nsresult rv;
+ {
+ // Update our current script.
+ AutoCurrentScriptUpdater scriptUpdater(this, aRequest->mElement);
+ Maybe<AutoCurrentScriptUpdater> masterScriptUpdater;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> master = mDocument->MasterDocument();
+ if (master != mDocument) {
+ // If this script belongs to an import document, it will be
+ // executed in the context of the master document. During the
+ // execution currentScript of the master should refer to this
+ // script. So let's update the mCurrentScript of the ScriptLoader
+ // of the master document too.
+ masterScriptUpdater.emplace(master->ScriptLoader(),
+ aRequest->mElement);
+ }
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ ModuleLoadRequest* request = aRequest->AsModuleRequest();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(request->mModuleScript);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!request->mOffThreadToken);
+ ModuleScript* ms = request->mModuleScript;
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!ms->IsUninstantiated());
+ if (ms->InstantiationFailed()) {
+ JS::Rooted<JS::Value> exception(, ms->Exception());
+ JS_SetPendingException(, exception);
+ } else {
+ JS::Rooted<JSObject*> module(, ms->ModuleRecord());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(module);
+ rv = nsJSUtils::ModuleEvaluation(, module);
+ }
+ } else {
+ JS::CompileOptions options(;
+ rv = FillCompileOptionsForRequest(aes, aRequest, global, &options);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ nsAutoString inlineData;
+ SourceBufferHolder srcBuf = GetScriptSource(aRequest, inlineData);
+ rv = nsJSUtils::EvaluateString(, srcBuf, global, options,
+ aRequest->OffThreadTokenPtr());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ context->SetProcessingScriptTag(oldProcessingScriptTag);
+ return rv;
+ if (mParserBlockingRequest ||
+ !mXSLTRequests.isEmpty() ||
+ !mLoadedAsyncRequests.isEmpty() ||
+ !mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.isEmpty() ||
+ !mDeferRequests.isEmpty() ||
+ !mPendingChildLoaders.IsEmpty()) {
+ NS_DispatchToCurrentThread(NewRunnableMethod(this,
+ &ScriptLoader::ProcessPendingRequests));
+ }
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> request;
+ if (mParserBlockingRequest &&
+ mParserBlockingRequest->IsReadyToRun() &&
+ ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ request.swap(mParserBlockingRequest);
+ UnblockParser(request);
+ ProcessRequest(request);
+ if (request->mWasCompiledOMT) {
+ mDocument->UnblockOnload(false);
+ }
+ ContinueParserAsync(request);
+ }
+ while (ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts() &&
+ !mXSLTRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mXSLTRequests.getFirst()->IsReadyToRun()) {
+ request = mXSLTRequests.StealFirst();
+ ProcessRequest(request);
+ }
+ while (ReadyToExecuteScripts() && !mLoadedAsyncRequests.isEmpty()) {
+ request = mLoadedAsyncRequests.StealFirst();
+ if (request->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ ProcessRequest(request);
+ } else {
+ CompileOffThreadOrProcessRequest(request);
+ }
+ }
+ while (ReadyToExecuteScripts() &&
+ !mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.getFirst()->IsReadyToRun()) {
+ // Violate the HTML5 spec and execute these in the insertion order in
+ // order to make LABjs and the "order" plug-in for RequireJS work with
+ // their Gecko-sniffed code path. See
+ //
+ request = mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.StealFirst();
+ ProcessRequest(request);
+ }
+ if (mDocumentParsingDone && mXSLTRequests.isEmpty()) {
+ while (ReadyToExecuteScripts() &&
+ !mDeferRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mDeferRequests.getFirst()->IsReadyToRun()) {
+ request = mDeferRequests.StealFirst();
+ ProcessRequest(request);
+ }
+ }
+ while (!mPendingChildLoaders.IsEmpty() &&
+ ReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoader> child = mPendingChildLoaders[0];
+ mPendingChildLoaders.RemoveElementAt(0);
+ child->RemoveParserBlockingScriptExecutionBlocker();
+ }
+ if (mDocumentParsingDone && mDocument && !mParserBlockingRequest &&
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mXSLTRequests.isEmpty() && mDeferRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ MaybeRemovedDeferRequests()) {
+ return ProcessPendingRequests();
+ }
+ if (mDocumentParsingDone && mDocument &&
+ !mParserBlockingRequest && mLoadingAsyncRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mLoadedAsyncRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.isEmpty() &&
+ mXSLTRequests.isEmpty() && mDeferRequests.isEmpty()) {
+ // No more pending scripts; time to unblock onload.
+ // OK to unblock onload synchronously here, since callers must be
+ // prepared for the world changing anyway.
+ mDocumentParsingDone = false;
+ mDocument->UnblockOnload(true);
+ }
+ // Make sure the SelfReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts check is first, so
+ // that we don't block twice on an ancestor.
+ if (!SelfReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ for (nsIDocument* doc = mDocument; doc; doc = doc->GetParentDocument()) {
+ ScriptLoader* ancestor = doc->ScriptLoader();
+ if (!ancestor->SelfReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts() &&
+ ancestor->AddPendingChildLoader(this)) {
+ AddParserBlockingScriptExecutionBlocker();
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mDocument && !mDocument->IsMasterDocument()) {
+ RefPtr<ImportManager> im = mDocument->ImportManager();
+ RefPtr<ImportLoader> loader = im->Find(mDocument);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(loader, "How can we have an import document without a loader?");
+ // The referring link that counts in the execution order calculation
+ // (in spec: flagged as branch)
+ nsCOMPtr<nsINode> referrer = loader->GetMainReferrer();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(referrer, "There has to be a main referring link for each imports");
+ // Import documents are blocked by their import predecessors. We need to
+ // wait with script execution until all the predecessors are done.
+ // Technically it means we have to wait for the last one to finish,
+ // which is the neares one to us in the order.
+ RefPtr<ImportLoader> lastPred = im->GetNearestPredecessor(referrer);
+ if (!lastPred) {
+ // If there is no predecessor we can run.
+ return true;
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = lastPred->GetDocument();
+ if (lastPred->IsBlocking() || !doc ||
+ !doc->ScriptLoader()->SelfReadyToExecuteParserBlockingScripts()) {
+ // Document has not been created yet or it was created but not ready.
+ // Either case we are blocked by it. The ImportLoader will take care
+ // of blocking us, and adding the pending child loader to the blocking
+ // ScriptLoader when it's possible (at this point the blocking loader
+ // might not have created the document/ScriptLoader)
+ lastPred->AddBlockedScriptLoader(this);
+ // As more imports are parsed, this can change, let's cache what we
+ // blocked, so it can be later updated if needed (see: ImportLoader::Updater).
+ loader->SetBlockingPredecessor(lastPred);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+/* static */ nsresult
+ScriptLoader::ConvertToUTF16(nsIChannel* aChannel, const uint8_t* aData,
+ uint32_t aLength, const nsAString& aHintCharset,
+ nsIDocument* aDocument,
+ char16_t*& aBufOut, size_t& aLengthOut)
+ if (!aLength) {
+ aBufOut = nullptr;
+ aLengthOut = 0;
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // The encoding info precedence is as follows from high to low:
+ // The BOM
+ // HTTP Content-Type (if name recognized)
+ // charset attribute (if name recognized)
+ // The encoding of the document
+ nsAutoCString charset;
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIUnicodeDecoder> unicodeDecoder;
+ if (nsContentUtils::CheckForBOM(aData, aLength, charset)) {
+ // charset is now one of "UTF-16BE", "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-8". Those decoder
+ // will take care of swallowing the BOM.
+ unicodeDecoder = EncodingUtils::DecoderForEncoding(charset);
+ }
+ if (!unicodeDecoder &&
+ aChannel &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED(aChannel->GetContentCharset(charset)) &&
+ EncodingUtils::FindEncodingForLabel(charset, charset)) {
+ unicodeDecoder = EncodingUtils::DecoderForEncoding(charset);
+ }
+ if (!unicodeDecoder &&
+ EncodingUtils::FindEncodingForLabel(aHintCharset, charset)) {
+ unicodeDecoder = EncodingUtils::DecoderForEncoding(charset);
+ }
+ if (!unicodeDecoder && aDocument) {
+ charset = aDocument->GetDocumentCharacterSet();
+ unicodeDecoder = EncodingUtils::DecoderForEncoding(charset);
+ }
+ if (!unicodeDecoder) {
+ // Curiously, there are various callers that don't pass aDocument. The
+ // fallback in the old code was ISO-8859-1, which behaved like
+ // windows-1252. Saying windows-1252 for clarity and for compliance
+ // with the Encoding Standard.
+ unicodeDecoder = EncodingUtils::DecoderForEncoding("windows-1252");
+ }
+ int32_t unicodeLength = 0;
+ nsresult rv =
+ unicodeDecoder->GetMaxLength(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aData),
+ aLength, &unicodeLength);
+ aBufOut = static_cast<char16_t*>(js_malloc(unicodeLength * sizeof(char16_t)));
+ if (!aBufOut) {
+ aLengthOut = 0;
+ }
+ aLengthOut = unicodeLength;
+ rv = unicodeDecoder->Convert(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(aData),
+ (int32_t *) &aLength, aBufOut,
+ &unicodeLength);
+ aLengthOut = unicodeLength;
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ js_free(aBufOut);
+ aBufOut = nullptr;
+ aLengthOut = 0;
+ }
+ return rv;
+ScriptLoader::OnStreamComplete(nsIIncrementalStreamLoader* aLoader,
+ nsISupports* aContext,
+ nsresult aChannelStatus,
+ nsresult aSRIStatus,
+ mozilla::Vector<char16_t> &aString,
+ mozilla::dom::SRICheckDataVerifier* aSRIDataVerifier)
+ ScriptLoadRequest* request = static_cast<ScriptLoadRequest*>(aContext);
+ NS_ASSERTION(request, "null request in stream complete handler");
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest> channelRequest;
+ aLoader->GetRequest(getter_AddRefs(channelRequest));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel;
+ channel = do_QueryInterface(channelRequest);
+ nsresult rv = NS_OK;
+ if (!request->mIntegrity.IsEmpty() &&
+ NS_SUCCEEDED((rv = aSRIStatus))) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aSRIDataVerifier);
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mReporter);
+ nsAutoCString sourceUri;
+ if (mDocument && mDocument->GetDocumentURI()) {
+ mDocument->GetDocumentURI()->GetAsciiSpec(sourceUri);
+ }
+ rv = aSRIDataVerifier->Verify(request->mIntegrity, channel, sourceUri,
+ mReporter);
+ mReporter->FlushConsoleReports(mDocument);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ }
+ } else {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsILoadInfo> loadInfo = channel->GetLoadInfo();
+ if (loadInfo->GetEnforceSRI()) {
+ MOZ_LOG(SRILogHelper::GetSriLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("ScriptLoader::OnStreamComplete, required SRI not found"));
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContentSecurityPolicy> csp;
+ loadInfo->LoadingPrincipal()->GetCsp(getter_AddRefs(csp));
+ nsAutoCString violationURISpec;
+ mDocument->GetDocumentURI()->GetAsciiSpec(violationURISpec);
+ uint32_t lineNo = request->mElement ? request->mElement->GetScriptLineNumber() : 0;
+ csp->LogViolationDetails(
+ NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(violationURISpec),
+ EmptyString(), lineNo, EmptyString(), EmptyString());
+ }
+ }
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ rv = PrepareLoadedRequest(request, aLoader, aChannelStatus, aString);
+ }
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ /*
+ * Handle script not loading error because source was a tracking URL.
+ * We make a note of this script node by including it in a dedicated
+ * array of blocked tracking nodes under its parent document.
+ */
+ if (rv == NS_ERROR_TRACKING_URI) {
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIContent> cont = do_QueryInterface(request->mElement);
+ mDocument->AddBlockedTrackingNode(cont);
+ }
+ if (request->mIsDefer) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(request->IsModuleRequest(),
+ request->AsModuleRequest()->IsTopLevel());
+ if (request->isInList()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> req = mDeferRequests.Steal(request);
+ FireScriptAvailable(rv, req);
+ }
+ } else if (request->mIsAsync) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT_IF(request->IsModuleRequest(),
+ request->AsModuleRequest()->IsTopLevel());
+ if (request->isInList()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> req = mLoadingAsyncRequests.Steal(request);
+ FireScriptAvailable(rv, req);
+ }
+ } else if (request->mIsNonAsyncScriptInserted) {
+ if (request->isInList()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> req =
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.Steal(request);
+ FireScriptAvailable(rv, req);
+ }
+ } else if (request->mIsXSLT) {
+ if (request->isInList()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> req = mXSLTRequests.Steal(request);
+ FireScriptAvailable(rv, req);
+ }
+ } else if (request->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ ModuleLoadRequest* modReq = request->AsModuleRequest();
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!modReq->IsTopLevel());
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!modReq->isInList());
+ modReq->Cancel();
+ FireScriptAvailable(rv, request);
+ } else if (mParserBlockingRequest == request) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!request->isInList());
+ mParserBlockingRequest = nullptr;
+ UnblockParser(request);
+ // Ensure that we treat request->mElement as our current parser-inserted
+ // script while firing onerror on it.
+ MOZ_ASSERT(request->mElement->GetParserCreated());
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptElement> oldParserInsertedScript =
+ mCurrentParserInsertedScript;
+ mCurrentParserInsertedScript = request->mElement;
+ FireScriptAvailable(rv, request);
+ ContinueParserAsync(request);
+ mCurrentParserInsertedScript = oldParserInsertedScript;
+ } else {
+ mPreloads.RemoveElement(request, PreloadRequestComparator());
+ }
+ }
+ // Process our request and/or any pending ones
+ ProcessPendingRequests();
+ return NS_OK;
+ScriptLoader::UnblockParser(ScriptLoadRequest* aParserBlockingRequest)
+ aParserBlockingRequest->mElement->UnblockParser();
+ScriptLoader::ContinueParserAsync(ScriptLoadRequest* aParserBlockingRequest)
+ aParserBlockingRequest->mElement->ContinueParserAsync();
+ if (mNumberOfProcessors > 0)
+ return mNumberOfProcessors;
+ int32_t numProcs = PR_GetNumberOfProcessors();
+ if (numProcs > 0)
+ mNumberOfProcessors = numProcs;
+ return mNumberOfProcessors;
+ScriptLoader::MaybeMoveToLoadedList(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->IsReadyToRun());
+ // If it's async, move it to the loaded list. aRequest->mIsAsync really
+ // _should_ be in a list, but the consequences if it's not are bad enough we
+ // want to avoid trying to move it if it's not.
+ if (aRequest->mIsAsync) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->isInList());
+ if (aRequest->isInList()) {
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> req = mLoadingAsyncRequests.Steal(aRequest);
+ mLoadedAsyncRequests.AppendElement(req);
+ }
+ }
+ScriptLoader::PrepareLoadedRequest(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest,
+ nsIIncrementalStreamLoader* aLoader,
+ nsresult aStatus,
+ mozilla::Vector<char16_t> &aString)
+ if (NS_FAILED(aStatus)) {
+ return aStatus;
+ }
+ if (aRequest->IsCanceled()) {
+ }
+ // If we don't have a document, then we need to abort further
+ // evaluation.
+ if (!mDocument) {
+ }
+ // If the load returned an error page, then we need to abort
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIRequest> req;
+ nsresult rv = aLoader->GetRequest(getter_AddRefs(req));
+ NS_ASSERTION(req, "StreamLoader's request went away prematurely");
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIHttpChannel> httpChannel = do_QueryInterface(req);
+ if (httpChannel) {
+ bool requestSucceeded;
+ rv = httpChannel->GetRequestSucceeded(&requestSucceeded);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !requestSucceeded) {
+ }
+ nsAutoCString sourceMapURL;
+ rv = httpChannel->GetResponseHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("SourceMap"), sourceMapURL);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ rv = httpChannel->GetResponseHeader(NS_LITERAL_CSTRING("X-SourceMap"), sourceMapURL);
+ }
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ aRequest->mHasSourceMapURL = true;
+ aRequest->mSourceMapURL = NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16(sourceMapURL);
+ }
+ }
+ nsCOMPtr<nsIChannel> channel = do_QueryInterface(req);
+ // If this load was subject to a CORS check; don't flag it with a
+ // separate origin principal, so that it will treat our document's
+ // principal as the origin principal
+ if (aRequest->mCORSMode == CORS_NONE) {
+ rv = nsContentUtils::GetSecurityManager()->
+ GetChannelResultPrincipal(channel, getter_AddRefs(aRequest->mOriginPrincipal));
+ }
+ if (!aString.empty()) {
+ aRequest->mScriptTextLength = aString.length();
+ aRequest->mScriptTextBuf = aString.extractOrCopyRawBuffer();
+ }
+ // This assertion could fire errorously if we ran out of memory when
+ // inserting the request in the array. However it's an unlikely case
+ // so if you see this assertion it is likely something else that is
+ // wrong, especially if you see it more than once.
+ NS_ASSERTION(mDeferRequests.Contains(aRequest) ||
+ mLoadingAsyncRequests.Contains(aRequest) ||
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.Contains(aRequest) ||
+ mXSLTRequests.Contains(aRequest) ||
+ (aRequest->IsModuleRequest() &&
+ !aRequest->AsModuleRequest()->IsTopLevel() &&
+ !aRequest->isInList()) ||
+ mPreloads.Contains(aRequest, PreloadRequestComparator()) ||
+ mParserBlockingRequest,
+ "aRequest should be pending!");
+ if (aRequest->IsModuleRequest()) {
+ ModuleLoadRequest* request = aRequest->AsModuleRequest();
+ // When loading a module, only responses with a JavaScript MIME type are
+ // acceptable.
+ nsAutoCString mimeType;
+ channel->GetContentType(mimeType);
+ NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 typeString(mimeType);
+ if (!nsContentUtils::IsJavascriptMIMEType(typeString)) {
+ }
+ channel->GetURI(getter_AddRefs(request->mBaseURL));
+ // Attempt to compile off main thread.
+ rv = AttemptAsyncScriptCompile(request);
+ if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv)) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // Otherwise compile it right away and start fetching descendents.
+ return ProcessFetchedModuleSource(request);
+ }
+ // The script is now loaded and ready to run.
+ aRequest->SetReady();
+ // If this is currently blocking the parser, attempt to compile it off-main-thread.
+ if (aRequest == mParserBlockingRequest && (NumberOfProcessors() > 1)) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(!aRequest->IsModuleRequest());
+ nsresult rv = AttemptAsyncScriptCompile(aRequest);
+ if (rv == NS_OK) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(aRequest->mProgress == ScriptLoadRequest::Progress::Compiling,
+ "Request should be off-thread compiling now.");
+ return NS_OK;
+ }
+ // If off-thread compile errored, return the error.
+ if (rv != NS_ERROR_FAILURE) {
+ return rv;
+ }
+ // If off-thread compile was rejected, continue with regular processing.
+ }
+ MaybeMoveToLoadedList(aRequest);
+ return NS_OK;
+ScriptLoader::ParsingComplete(bool aTerminated)
+ if (mDeferEnabled) {
+ // Have to check because we apparently get ParsingComplete
+ // without BeginDeferringScripts in some cases
+ mDocumentParsingDone = true;
+ }
+ mDeferEnabled = false;
+ if (aTerminated) {
+ mDeferRequests.Clear();
+ mLoadingAsyncRequests.Clear();
+ mLoadedAsyncRequests.Clear();
+ mNonAsyncExternalScriptInsertedRequests.Clear();
+ mXSLTRequests.Clear();
+ if (mParserBlockingRequest) {
+ mParserBlockingRequest->Cancel();
+ mParserBlockingRequest = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ // Have to call this even if aTerminated so we'll correctly unblock
+ // onload and all.
+ ProcessPendingRequests();
+ScriptLoader::PreloadURI(nsIURI *aURI, const nsAString &aCharset,
+ const nsAString &aType,
+ const nsAString &aCrossOrigin,
+ const nsAString& aIntegrity,
+ bool aScriptFromHead,
+ const mozilla::net::ReferrerPolicy aReferrerPolicy)
+ // Check to see if scripts has been turned off.
+ if (!mEnabled || !mDocument->IsScriptEnabled()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO: Preload module scripts.
+ if (ModuleScriptsEnabled() && aType.LowerCaseEqualsASCII("module")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ SRIMetadata sriMetadata;
+ if (!aIntegrity.IsEmpty()) {
+ MOZ_LOG(SRILogHelper::GetSriLog(), mozilla::LogLevel::Debug,
+ ("ScriptLoader::PreloadURI, integrity=%s",
+ NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8(aIntegrity).get()));
+ nsAutoCString sourceUri;
+ if (mDocument->GetDocumentURI()) {
+ mDocument->GetDocumentURI()->GetAsciiSpec(sourceUri);
+ }
+ SRICheck::IntegrityMetadata(aIntegrity, sourceUri, mReporter, &sriMetadata);
+ }
+ RefPtr<ScriptLoadRequest> request =
+ CreateLoadRequest(ScriptKind::Classic, nullptr, 0,
+ Element::StringToCORSMode(aCrossOrigin), sriMetadata);
+ request->mURI = aURI;
+ request->mIsInline = false;
+ request->mReferrerPolicy = aReferrerPolicy;
+ nsresult rv = StartLoad(request, aType, aScriptFromHead);
+ if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ PreloadInfo *pi = mPreloads.AppendElement();
+ pi->mRequest = request;
+ pi->mCharset = aCharset;
+ScriptLoader::AddDeferRequest(ScriptLoadRequest* aRequest)
+ aRequest->mIsDefer = true;
+ mDeferRequests.AppendElement(aRequest);
+ if (mDeferEnabled && aRequest == mDeferRequests.getFirst() &&
+ mDocument && !mBlockingDOMContentLoaded) {
+ MOZ_ASSERT(mDocument->GetReadyStateEnum() == nsIDocument::READYSTATE_LOADING);
+ mBlockingDOMContentLoaded = true;
+ mDocument->BlockDOMContentLoaded();
+ }
+ if (mDeferRequests.isEmpty() && mDocument &&
+ mBlockingDOMContentLoaded) {
+ mBlockingDOMContentLoaded = false;
+ mDocument->UnblockDOMContentLoaded();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+} // dom namespace
+} // mozilla namespace