path: root/devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils.js
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils.js')
1 files changed, 1171 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils.js b/devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f477b0f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/shared/css/parsing-utils.js
@@ -0,0 +1,1171 @@
+/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */
+/* vim: set ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+// This file holds various CSS parsing and rewriting utilities.
+// Some entry points of note are:
+// parseDeclarations - parse a CSS rule into declarations
+// RuleRewriter - rewrite CSS rule text
+// parsePseudoClassesAndAttributes - parse selector and extract
+// pseudo-classes
+// parseSingleValue - parse a single CSS property value
+"use strict";
+const {CSS_ANGLEUNIT} = require("devtools/shared/css/properties-db");
+const promise = require("promise");
+const {getCSSLexer} = require("devtools/shared/css/lexer");
+const {Task} = require("devtools/shared/task");
+// Used to test whether a newline appears anywhere in some text.
+const NEWLINE_RX = /[\r\n]/;
+// Used to test whether a bit of text starts an empty comment, either
+// an "ordinary" /* ... */ comment, or a "heuristic bypass" comment
+// like /*! ... */.
+const EMPTY_COMMENT_START_RX = /^\/\*!?[ \r\n\t\f]*$/;
+// Used to test whether a bit of text ends an empty comment.
+const EMPTY_COMMENT_END_RX = /^[ \r\n\t\f]*\*\//;
+// Used to test whether a string starts with a blank line.
+const BLANK_LINE_RX = /^[ \t]*(?:\r\n|\n|\r|\f|$)/;
+// When commenting out a declaration, we put this character into the
+// comment opener so that future parses of the commented text know to
+// bypass the property name validity heuristic.
+ * A generator function that lexes a CSS source string, yielding the
+ * CSS tokens. Comment tokens are dropped.
+ *
+ * @param {String} CSS source string
+ * @yield {CSSToken} The next CSSToken that is lexed
+ * @see CSSToken for details about the returned tokens
+ */
+function* cssTokenizer(string) {
+ let lexer = getCSSLexer(string);
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ if (!token) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // None of the existing consumers want comments.
+ if (token.tokenType !== "comment") {
+ yield token;
+ }
+ }
+ * Pass |string| to the CSS lexer and return an array of all the
+ * returned tokens. Comment tokens are not included. In addition to
+ * the usual information, each token will have starting and ending
+ * line and column information attached. Specifically, each token
+ * has an additional "loc" attribute. This attribute is an object
+ * of the form {line: L, column: C}. Lines and columns are both zero
+ * based.
+ *
+ * It's best not to add new uses of this function. In general it is
+ * simpler and better to use the CSSToken offsets, rather than line
+ * and column. Also, this function lexes the entire input string at
+ * once, rather than lazily yielding a token stream. Use
+ * |cssTokenizer| or |getCSSLexer| instead.
+ *
+ * @param{String} string The input string.
+ * @return {Array} An array of tokens (@see CSSToken) that have
+ * line and column information.
+ */
+function cssTokenizerWithLineColumn(string) {
+ let lexer = getCSSLexer(string);
+ let result = [];
+ let prevToken = undefined;
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ let lineNumber = lexer.lineNumber;
+ let columnNumber = lexer.columnNumber;
+ if (prevToken) {
+ prevToken.loc.end = {
+ line: lineNumber,
+ column: columnNumber
+ };
+ }
+ if (!token) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token.tokenType === "comment") {
+ // We've already dealt with the previous token's location.
+ prevToken = undefined;
+ } else {
+ let startLoc = {
+ line: lineNumber,
+ column: columnNumber
+ };
+ token.loc = {start: startLoc};
+ result.push(token);
+ prevToken = token;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Escape a comment body. Find the comment start and end strings in a
+ * string and inserts backslashes so that the resulting text can
+ * itself be put inside a comment.
+ *
+ * @param {String} inputString
+ * input string
+ * @return {String} the escaped result
+ */
+function escapeCSSComment(inputString) {
+ let result = inputString.replace(/\/(\\*)\*/g, "/\\$1*");
+ return result.replace(/\*(\\*)\//g, "*\\$1/");
+ * Un-escape a comment body. This undoes any comment escaping that
+ * was done by escapeCSSComment. That is, given input like "/\*
+ * comment *\/", it will strip the backslashes.
+ *
+ * @param {String} inputString
+ * input string
+ * @return {String} the un-escaped result
+ */
+function unescapeCSSComment(inputString) {
+ let result = inputString.replace(/\/\\(\\*)\*/g, "/$1*");
+ return result.replace(/\*\\(\\*)\//g, "*$1/");
+ * A helper function for @see parseDeclarations that handles parsing
+ * of comment text. This wraps a recursive call to parseDeclarations
+ * with the processing needed to ensure that offsets in the result
+ * refer back to the original, unescaped, input string.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} isCssPropertyKnown
+ * A function to check if the CSS property is known. This is either an
+ * internal server function or from the CssPropertiesFront.
+ * @param {String} commentText The text of the comment, without the
+ * delimiters.
+ * @param {Number} startOffset The offset of the comment opener
+ * in the original text.
+ * @param {Number} endOffset The offset of the comment closer
+ * in the original text.
+ * @return {array} Array of declarations of the same form as returned
+ * by parseDeclarations.
+ */
+function parseCommentDeclarations(isCssPropertyKnown, commentText, startOffset,
+ endOffset) {
+ let commentOverride = false;
+ if (commentText === "") {
+ return [];
+ } else if (commentText[0] === COMMENT_PARSING_HEURISTIC_BYPASS_CHAR) {
+ // This is the special sign that the comment was written by
+ // rewriteDeclarations and so we should bypass the usual
+ // heuristic.
+ commentOverride = true;
+ commentText = commentText.substring(1);
+ }
+ let rewrittenText = unescapeCSSComment(commentText);
+ // We might have rewritten an embedded comment. For example
+ // /\* ... *\/ would turn into /* ... */.
+ // This rewriting is necessary for proper lexing, but it means
+ // that the offsets we get back can be off. So now we compute
+ // a map so that we can rewrite offsets later. The map is the same
+ // length as |rewrittenText| and tells us how to map an index
+ // into |rewrittenText| to an index into |commentText|.
+ //
+ // First, we find the location of each comment starter or closer in
+ // |rewrittenText|. At these spots we put a 1 into |rewrites|.
+ // Then we walk the array again, using the elements to compute a
+ // delta, which we use to make the final mapping.
+ //
+ // Note we allocate one extra entry because we can see an ending
+ // offset that is equal to the length.
+ let rewrites = new Array(rewrittenText.length + 1).fill(0);
+ let commentRe = /\/\\*\*|\*\\*\//g;
+ while (true) {
+ let matchData = commentRe.exec(rewrittenText);
+ if (!matchData) {
+ break;
+ }
+ rewrites[matchData.index] = 1;
+ }
+ let delta = 0;
+ for (let i = 0; i <= rewrittenText.length; ++i) {
+ delta += rewrites[i];
+ // |startOffset| to add the offset from the comment starter, |+2|
+ // for the length of the "/*", then |i| and |delta| as described
+ // above.
+ rewrites[i] = startOffset + 2 + i + delta;
+ if (commentOverride) {
+ ++rewrites[i];
+ }
+ }
+ // Note that we pass "false" for parseComments here. It doesn't
+ // seem worthwhile to support declarations in comments-in-comments
+ // here, as there's no way to generate those using the tools, and
+ // users would be crazy to write such things.
+ let newDecls = parseDeclarationsInternal(isCssPropertyKnown, rewrittenText,
+ false, true, commentOverride);
+ for (let decl of newDecls) {
+ decl.offsets[0] = rewrites[decl.offsets[0]];
+ decl.offsets[1] = rewrites[decl.offsets[1]];
+ decl.colonOffsets[0] = rewrites[decl.colonOffsets[0]];
+ decl.colonOffsets[1] = rewrites[decl.colonOffsets[1]];
+ decl.commentOffsets = [startOffset, endOffset];
+ }
+ return newDecls;
+ * A helper function for parseDeclarationsInternal that creates a new
+ * empty declaration.
+ *
+ * @return {object} an empty declaration of the form returned by
+ * parseDeclarations
+ */
+function getEmptyDeclaration() {
+ return {name: "", value: "", priority: "",
+ terminator: "",
+ offsets: [undefined, undefined],
+ colonOffsets: false};
+ * A helper function that does all the parsing work for
+ * parseDeclarations. This is separate because it has some arguments
+ * that don't make sense in isolation.
+ *
+ * The return value and arguments are like parseDeclarations, with
+ * these additional arguments.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} isCssPropertyKnown
+ * Function to check if the CSS property is known.
+ * @param {Boolean} inComment
+ * If true, assume that this call is parsing some text
+ * which came from a comment in another declaration.
+ * In this case some heuristics are used to avoid parsing
+ * text which isn't obviously a series of declarations.
+ * @param {Boolean} commentOverride
+ * This only makes sense when inComment=true.
+ * When true, assume that the comment was generated by
+ * rewriteDeclarations, and skip the usual name-checking
+ * heuristic.
+ */
+function parseDeclarationsInternal(isCssPropertyKnown, inputString,
+ parseComments, inComment, commentOverride) {
+ if (inputString === null || inputString === undefined) {
+ throw new Error("empty input string");
+ }
+ let lexer = getCSSLexer(inputString);
+ let declarations = [getEmptyDeclaration()];
+ let lastProp = declarations[0];
+ let current = "", hasBang = false;
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ if (!token) {
+ break;
+ }
+ // Ignore HTML comment tokens (but parse anything they might
+ // happen to surround).
+ if (token.tokenType === "htmlcomment") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Update the start and end offsets of the declaration, but only
+ // when we see a significant token.
+ if (token.tokenType !== "whitespace" && token.tokenType !== "comment") {
+ if (lastProp.offsets[0] === undefined) {
+ lastProp.offsets[0] = token.startOffset;
+ }
+ lastProp.offsets[1] = token.endOffset;
+ } else if ( && !current && !hasBang &&
+ !lastProp.priority && lastProp.colonOffsets[1]) {
+ // Whitespace appearing after the ":" is attributed to it.
+ lastProp.colonOffsets[1] = token.endOffset;
+ }
+ if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ":") {
+ if (! {
+ // Set the current declaration name if there's no name yet
+ = current.trim();
+ lastProp.colonOffsets = [token.startOffset, token.endOffset];
+ current = "";
+ hasBang = false;
+ // When parsing a comment body, if the left-hand-side is not a
+ // valid property name, then drop it and stop parsing.
+ if (inComment && !commentOverride &&
+ !isCssPropertyKnown( {
+ = null;
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, just append ':' to the current value (declaration value
+ // with colons)
+ current += ":";
+ }
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ";") {
+ lastProp.terminator = "";
+ // When parsing a comment, if the name hasn't been set, then we
+ // have probably just seen an ordinary semicolon used in text,
+ // so drop this and stop parsing.
+ if (inComment && ! {
+ current = "";
+ break;
+ }
+ lastProp.value = current.trim();
+ current = "";
+ hasBang = false;
+ declarations.push(getEmptyDeclaration());
+ lastProp = declarations[declarations.length - 1];
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "ident") {
+ if (token.text === "important" && hasBang) {
+ lastProp.priority = "important";
+ hasBang = false;
+ } else {
+ if (hasBang) {
+ current += "!";
+ }
+ // Re-escape the token to avoid dequoting problems.
+ // See bug 1287620.
+ current += CSS.escape(token.text);
+ }
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "!") {
+ hasBang = true;
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "whitespace") {
+ if (current !== "") {
+ current += " ";
+ }
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "comment") {
+ if (parseComments && ! && !lastProp.value) {
+ let commentText = inputString.substring(token.startOffset + 2,
+ token.endOffset - 2);
+ let newDecls = parseCommentDeclarations(isCssPropertyKnown, commentText,
+ token.startOffset,
+ token.endOffset);
+ // Insert the new declarations just before the final element.
+ let lastDecl = declarations.pop();
+ declarations = [...declarations, ...newDecls, lastDecl];
+ } else {
+ current += " ";
+ }
+ } else {
+ current += inputString.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle whatever trailing properties or values might still be there
+ if (current) {
+ if (! {
+ // Ignore this case in comments.
+ if (!inComment) {
+ // Trailing property found, e.g. p1:v1;p2:v2;p3
+ = current.trim();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Trailing value found, i.e. value without an ending ;
+ lastProp.value = current.trim();
+ let terminator = lexer.performEOFFixup("", true);
+ lastProp.terminator = terminator + ";";
+ // If the input was unterminated, attribute the remainder to
+ // this property. This avoids some bad behavior when rewriting
+ // an unterminated comment.
+ if (terminator) {
+ lastProp.offsets[1] = inputString.length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove declarations that have neither a name nor a value
+ declarations = declarations.filter(prop => || prop.value);
+ return declarations;
+ * Returns an array of CSS declarations given a string.
+ * For example, parseDeclarations(isCssPropertyKnown, "width: 1px; height: 1px")
+ * would return:
+ * [{name:"width", value: "1px"}, {name: "height", "value": "1px"}]
+ *
+ * The input string is assumed to only contain declarations so { and }
+ * characters will be treated as part of either the property or value,
+ * depending where it's found.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} isCssPropertyKnown
+ * A function to check if the CSS property is known. This is either an
+ * internal server function or from the CssPropertiesFront.
+ * that are supported by the server.
+ * @param {String} inputString
+ * An input string of CSS
+ * @param {Boolean} parseComments
+ * If true, try to parse the contents of comments as well.
+ * A comment will only be parsed if it occurs outside of
+ * the body of some other declaration.
+ * @return {Array} an array of objects with the following signature:
+ * [{"name": string, "value": string, "priority": string,
+ * "terminator": string,
+ * "offsets": [start, end], "colonOffsets": [start, end]},
+ * ...]
+ * Here, "offsets" holds the offsets of the start and end
+ * of the declaration text, in a form suitable for use with
+ * String.substring.
+ * "terminator" is a string to use to terminate the declaration,
+ * usually "" to mean no additional termination is needed.
+ * "colonOffsets" holds the start and end locations of the
+ * ":" that separates the property name from the value.
+ * If the declaration appears in a comment, then there will
+ * be an additional {"commentOffsets": [start, end] property
+ * on the object, which will hold the offsets of the start
+ * and end of the enclosing comment.
+ */
+function parseDeclarations(isCssPropertyKnown, inputString,
+ parseComments = false) {
+ return parseDeclarationsInternal(isCssPropertyKnown, inputString,
+ parseComments, false, false);
+ * Return an object that can be used to rewrite declarations in some
+ * source text. The source text and parsing are handled in the same
+ * way as @see parseDeclarations, with |parseComments| being true.
+ * Rewriting is done by calling one of the modification functions like
+ * setPropertyEnabled. The returned object has the same interface
+ * as @see RuleModificationList.
+ *
+ * An example showing how to disable the 3rd property in a rule:
+ *
+ * let rewriter = new RuleRewriter(isCssPropertyKnown, ruleActor,
+ * ruleActor.authoredText);
+ * rewriter.setPropertyEnabled(3, "color", false);
+ * rewriter.apply().then(() => { ... the change is made ... });
+ *
+ * The exported rewriting methods are |renameProperty|, |setPropertyEnabled|,
+ * |createProperty|, |setProperty|, and |removeProperty|. The |apply|
+ * method can be used to send the edited text to the StyleRuleActor;
+ * |getDefaultIndentation| is useful for the methods requiring a
+ * default indentation value; and |getResult| is useful for testing.
+ *
+ * Additionally, editing will set the |changedDeclarations| property
+ * on this object. This property has the same form as the |changed|
+ * property of the object returned by |getResult|.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} isCssPropertyKnown
+ * A function to check if the CSS property is known. This is either an
+ * internal server function or from the CssPropertiesFront.
+ * that are supported by the server. Note that if Bug 1222047
+ * is completed then isCssPropertyKnown will not need to be passed in.
+ * The CssProperty front will be able to obtained directly from the
+ * RuleRewriter.
+ * @param {StyleRuleFront} rule The style rule to use. Note that this
+ * is only needed by the |apply| and |getDefaultIndentation| methods;
+ * and in particular for testing it can be |null|.
+ * @param {String} inputString The CSS source text to parse and modify.
+ * @return {Object} an object that can be used to rewrite the input text.
+ */
+function RuleRewriter(isCssPropertyKnown, rule, inputString) {
+ this.rule = rule;
+ this.isCssPropertyKnown = isCssPropertyKnown;
+ // Keep track of which any declarations we had to rewrite while
+ // performing the requested action.
+ this.changedDeclarations = {};
+ // If not null, a promise that must be wait upon before |apply| can
+ // do its work.
+ this.editPromise = null;
+ // If the |defaultIndentation| property is set, then it is used;
+ // otherwise the RuleRewriter will try to compute the default
+ // indentation based on the style sheet's text. This override
+ // facility is for testing.
+ this.defaultIndentation = null;
+ this.startInitialization(inputString);
+RuleRewriter.prototype = {
+ /**
+ * An internal function to initialize the rewriter with a given
+ * input string.
+ *
+ * @param {String} inputString the input to use
+ */
+ startInitialization: function (inputString) {
+ this.inputString = inputString;
+ // Whether there are any newlines in the input text.
+ this.hasNewLine = /[\r\n]/.test(this.inputString);
+ // The declarations.
+ this.declarations = parseDeclarations(this.isCssPropertyKnown, this.inputString,
+ true);
+ this.decl = null;
+ this.result = null;
+ },
+ /**
+ * An internal function to complete initialization and set some
+ * properties for further processing.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index The index of the property to modify
+ */
+ completeInitialization: function (index) {
+ if (index < 0) {
+ throw new Error("Invalid index " + index + ". Expected positive integer");
+ }
+ // |decl| is the declaration to be rewritten, or null if there is no
+ // declaration corresponding to |index|.
+ // |result| is used to accumulate the result text.
+ if (index < this.declarations.length) {
+ this.decl = this.declarations[index];
+ this.result = this.inputString.substring(0, this.decl.offsets[0]);
+ } else {
+ this.decl = null;
+ this.result = this.inputString;
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * A helper function to compute the indentation of some text. This
+ * examines the rule's existing text to guess the indentation to use;
+ * unlike |getDefaultIndentation|, which examines the entire style
+ * sheet.
+ *
+ * @param {String} string the input text
+ * @param {Number} offset the offset at which to compute the indentation
+ * @return {String} the indentation at the indicated position
+ */
+ getIndentation: function (string, offset) {
+ let originalOffset = offset;
+ for (--offset; offset >= 0; --offset) {
+ let c = string[offset];
+ if (c === "\r" || c === "\n" || c === "\f") {
+ return string.substring(offset + 1, originalOffset);
+ }
+ if (c !== " " && c !== "\t") {
+ // Found some non-whitespace character before we found a newline
+ // -- let's reset the starting point and keep going, as we saw
+ // something on the line before the declaration.
+ originalOffset = offset;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ran off the end.
+ return "";
+ },
+ /**
+ * Modify a property value to ensure it is "lexically safe" for
+ * insertion into a style sheet. This function doesn't attempt to
+ * ensure that the resulting text is a valid value for the given
+ * property; but rather just that inserting the text into the style
+ * sheet will not cause unwanted changes to other rules or
+ * declarations.
+ *
+ * @param {String} text The input text. This should include the trailing ";".
+ * @return {Array} An array of the form [anySanitized, text], where
+ * |anySanitized| is a boolean that indicates
+ * whether anything substantive has changed; and
+ * where |text| is the text that has been rewritten
+ * to be "lexically safe".
+ */
+ sanitizePropertyValue: function (text) {
+ let lexer = getCSSLexer(text);
+ let result = "";
+ let previousOffset = 0;
+ let braceDepth = 0;
+ let anySanitized = false;
+ while (true) {
+ let token = lexer.nextToken();
+ if (!token) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (token.tokenType === "symbol") {
+ switch (token.text) {
+ case ";":
+ // We simply drop the ";" here. This lets us cope with
+ // declarations that don't have a ";" and also other
+ // termination. The caller handles adding the ";" again.
+ result += text.substring(previousOffset, token.startOffset);
+ previousOffset = token.endOffset;
+ break;
+ case "{":
+ ++braceDepth;
+ break;
+ case "}":
+ --braceDepth;
+ if (braceDepth < 0) {
+ // Found an unmatched close bracket.
+ braceDepth = 0;
+ // Copy out text from |previousOffset|.
+ result += text.substring(previousOffset, token.startOffset);
+ // Quote the offending symbol.
+ result += "\\" + token.text;
+ previousOffset = token.endOffset;
+ anySanitized = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Copy out any remaining text, then any needed terminators.
+ result += text.substring(previousOffset, text.length);
+ let eofFixup = lexer.performEOFFixup("", true);
+ if (eofFixup) {
+ anySanitized = true;
+ result += eofFixup;
+ }
+ return [anySanitized, result];
+ },
+ /**
+ * Start at |index| and skip whitespace
+ * backward in |string|. Return the index of the first
+ * non-whitespace character, or -1 if the entire string was
+ * whitespace.
+ * @param {String} string the input string
+ * @param {Number} index the index at which to start
+ * @return {Number} index of the first non-whitespace character, or -1
+ */
+ skipWhitespaceBackward: function (string, index) {
+ for (--index;
+ index >= 0 && (string[index] === " " || string[index] === "\t");
+ --index) {
+ // Nothing.
+ }
+ return index;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Terminate a given declaration, if needed.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index The index of the rule to possibly
+ * terminate. It might be invalid, so this
+ * function must check for that.
+ */
+ maybeTerminateDecl: function (index) {
+ if (index < 0 || index >= this.declarations.length
+ // No need to rewrite declarations in comments.
+ || ("commentOffsets" in this.declarations[index])) {
+ return;
+ }
+ let termDecl = this.declarations[index];
+ let endIndex = termDecl.offsets[1];
+ // Due to an oddity of the lexer, we might have gotten a bit of
+ // extra whitespace in a trailing bad_url token -- so be sure to
+ // skip that as well.
+ endIndex = this.skipWhitespaceBackward(this.result, endIndex) + 1;
+ let trailingText = this.result.substring(endIndex);
+ if (termDecl.terminator) {
+ // Insert the terminator just at the end of the declaration,
+ // before any trailing whitespace.
+ this.result = this.result.substring(0, endIndex) + termDecl.terminator +
+ trailingText;
+ // In a couple of cases, we may have had to add something to
+ // terminate the declaration, but the termination did not
+ // actually affect the property's value -- and at this spot, we
+ // only care about reporting value changes. In particular, we
+ // might have added a plain ";", or we might have terminated a
+ // comment with "*/;". Neither of these affect the value.
+ if (termDecl.terminator !== ";" && termDecl.terminator !== "*/;") {
+ this.changedDeclarations[index] =
+ termDecl.value + termDecl.terminator.slice(0, -1);
+ }
+ }
+ // If the rule generally has newlines, but this particular
+ // declaration doesn't have a trailing newline, insert one now.
+ // Maybe this style is too weird to bother with.
+ if (this.hasNewLine && !NEWLINE_RX.test(trailingText)) {
+ this.result += "\n";
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sanitize the given property value and return the sanitized form.
+ * If the property is rewritten during sanitization, make a note in
+ * |changedDeclarations|.
+ *
+ * @param {String} text The property text.
+ * @param {Number} index The index of the property.
+ * @return {String} The sanitized text.
+ */
+ sanitizeText: function (text, index) {
+ let [anySanitized, sanitizedText] = this.sanitizePropertyValue(text);
+ if (anySanitized) {
+ this.changedDeclarations[index] = sanitizedText;
+ }
+ return sanitizedText;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Rename a declaration.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index index of the property in the rule.
+ * @param {String} name current name of the property
+ * @param {String} newName new name of the property
+ */
+ renameProperty: function (index, name, newName) {
+ this.completeInitialization(index);
+ this.result += CSS.escape(newName);
+ // We could conceivably compute the name offsets instead so we
+ // could preserve white space and comments on the LHS of the ":".
+ this.completeCopying(this.decl.colonOffsets[0]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Enable or disable a declaration
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index index of the property in the rule.
+ * @param {String} name current name of the property
+ * @param {Boolean} isEnabled true if the property should be enabled;
+ * false if it should be disabled
+ */
+ setPropertyEnabled: function (index, name, isEnabled) {
+ this.completeInitialization(index);
+ const decl = this.decl;
+ let copyOffset = decl.offsets[1];
+ if (isEnabled) {
+ // Enable it. First see if the comment start can be deleted.
+ let commentStart = decl.commentOffsets[0];
+ if (EMPTY_COMMENT_START_RX.test(this.result.substring(commentStart))) {
+ this.result = this.result.substring(0, commentStart);
+ } else {
+ this.result += "*/ ";
+ }
+ // Insert the name and value separately, so we can report
+ // sanitization changes properly.
+ let commentNamePart =
+ this.inputString.substring(decl.offsets[0],
+ decl.colonOffsets[1]);
+ this.result += unescapeCSSComment(commentNamePart);
+ // When uncommenting, we must be sure to sanitize the text, to
+ // avoid things like /* decl: }; */, which will be accepted as
+ // a property but which would break the entire style sheet.
+ let newText = this.inputString.substring(decl.colonOffsets[1],
+ decl.offsets[1]);
+ newText = unescapeCSSComment(newText).trimRight();
+ this.result += this.sanitizeText(newText, index) + ";";
+ // See if the comment end can be deleted.
+ let trailingText = this.inputString.substring(decl.offsets[1]);
+ if (EMPTY_COMMENT_END_RX.test(trailingText)) {
+ copyOffset = decl.commentOffsets[1];
+ } else {
+ this.result += " /*";
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Disable it. Note that we use our special comment syntax
+ // here.
+ let declText = this.inputString.substring(decl.offsets[0],
+ decl.offsets[1]);
+ " " + escapeCSSComment(declText) + " */";
+ }
+ this.completeCopying(copyOffset);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Return a promise that will be resolved to the default indentation
+ * of the rule. This is a helper for internalCreateProperty.
+ *
+ * @return {Promise} a promise that will be resolved to a string
+ * that holds the default indentation that should be used
+ * for edits to the rule.
+ */
+ getDefaultIndentation: function () {
+ return this.rule.parentStyleSheet.guessIndentation();
+ },
+ /**
+ * An internal function to create a new declaration. This does all
+ * the work of |createProperty|.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index index of the property in the rule.
+ * @param {String} name name of the new property
+ * @param {String} value value of the new property
+ * @param {String} priority priority of the new property; either
+ * the empty string or "important"
+ * @param {Boolean} enabled True if the new property should be
+ * enabled, false if disabled
+ * @return {Promise} a promise that is resolved when the edit has
+ * completed
+ */
+ internalCreateProperty: Task.async(function* (index, name, value, priority, enabled) {
+ this.completeInitialization(index);
+ let newIndentation = "";
+ if (this.hasNewLine) {
+ if (this.declarations.length > 0) {
+ newIndentation = this.getIndentation(this.inputString,
+ this.declarations[0].offsets[0]);
+ } else if (this.defaultIndentation) {
+ newIndentation = this.defaultIndentation;
+ } else {
+ newIndentation = yield this.getDefaultIndentation();
+ }
+ }
+ this.maybeTerminateDecl(index - 1);
+ // If we generally have newlines, and if skipping whitespace
+ // backward stops at a newline, then insert our text before that
+ // whitespace. This ensures the indentation we computed is what
+ // is actually used.
+ let savedWhitespace = "";
+ if (this.hasNewLine) {
+ let wsOffset = this.skipWhitespaceBackward(this.result,
+ this.result.length);
+ if (this.result[wsOffset] === "\r" || this.result[wsOffset] === "\n") {
+ savedWhitespace = this.result.substring(wsOffset + 1);
+ this.result = this.result.substring(0, wsOffset + 1);
+ }
+ }
+ let newText = CSS.escape(name) + ": " + this.sanitizeText(value, index);
+ if (priority === "important") {
+ newText += " !important";
+ }
+ newText += ";";
+ if (!enabled) {
+ escapeCSSComment(newText) + " */";
+ }
+ this.result += newIndentation + newText;
+ if (this.hasNewLine) {
+ this.result += "\n";
+ }
+ this.result += savedWhitespace;
+ if (this.decl) {
+ // Still want to copy in the declaration previously at this
+ // index.
+ this.completeCopying(this.decl.offsets[0]);
+ }
+ }),
+ /**
+ * Create a new declaration.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index index of the property in the rule.
+ * @param {String} name name of the new property
+ * @param {String} value value of the new property
+ * @param {String} priority priority of the new property; either
+ * the empty string or "important"
+ * @param {Boolean} enabled True if the new property should be
+ * enabled, false if disabled
+ */
+ createProperty: function (index, name, value, priority, enabled) {
+ this.editPromise = this.internalCreateProperty(index, name, value,
+ priority, enabled);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Set a declaration's value.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index index of the property in the rule.
+ * This can be -1 in the case where
+ * the rule does not support setRuleText;
+ * generally for setting properties
+ * on an element's style.
+ * @param {String} name the property's name
+ * @param {String} value the property's value
+ * @param {String} priority the property's priority, either the empty
+ * string or "important"
+ */
+ setProperty: function (index, name, value, priority) {
+ this.completeInitialization(index);
+ // We might see a "set" on a previously non-existent property; in
+ // that case, act like "create".
+ if (!this.decl) {
+ this.createProperty(index, name, value, priority, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // Note that this assumes that "set" never operates on disabled
+ // properties.
+ this.result += this.inputString.substring(this.decl.offsets[0],
+ this.decl.colonOffsets[1]) +
+ this.sanitizeText(value, index);
+ if (priority === "important") {
+ this.result += " !important";
+ }
+ this.result += ";";
+ this.completeCopying(this.decl.offsets[1]);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Remove a declaration.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} index index of the property in the rule.
+ * @param {String} name the name of the property to remove
+ */
+ removeProperty: function (index, name) {
+ this.completeInitialization(index);
+ // If asked to remove a property that does not exist, bail out.
+ if (!this.decl) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the property is disabled, then first enable it, and then
+ // delete it. We take this approach because we want to remove the
+ // entire comment if possible; but the logic for dealing with
+ // comments is hairy and already implemented in
+ // setPropertyEnabled.
+ if (this.decl.commentOffsets) {
+ this.setPropertyEnabled(index, name, true);
+ this.startInitialization(this.result);
+ this.completeInitialization(index);
+ }
+ let copyOffset = this.decl.offsets[1];
+ // Maybe removing this rule left us with a completely blank
+ // line. In this case, we'll delete the whole thing. We only
+ // bother with this if we're looking at sources that already
+ // have a newline somewhere.
+ if (this.hasNewLine) {
+ let nlOffset = this.skipWhitespaceBackward(this.result,
+ this.decl.offsets[0]);
+ if (nlOffset < 0 || this.result[nlOffset] === "\r" ||
+ this.result[nlOffset] === "\n") {
+ let trailingText = this.inputString.substring(copyOffset);
+ let match = BLANK_LINE_RX.exec(trailingText);
+ if (match) {
+ this.result = this.result.substring(0, nlOffset + 1);
+ copyOffset += match[0].length;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.completeCopying(copyOffset);
+ },
+ /**
+ * An internal function to copy any trailing text to the output
+ * string.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} copyOffset Offset into |inputString| of the
+ * final text to copy to the output string.
+ */
+ completeCopying: function (copyOffset) {
+ // Add the trailing text.
+ this.result += this.inputString.substring(copyOffset);
+ },
+ /**
+ * Apply the modifications in this object to the associated rule.
+ *
+ * @return {Promise} A promise which will be resolved when the modifications
+ * are complete.
+ */
+ apply: function () {
+ return promise.resolve(this.editPromise).then(() => {
+ return this.rule.setRuleText(this.result);
+ });
+ },
+ /**
+ * Get the result of the rewriting. This is used for testing.
+ *
+ * @return {object} an object of the form {changed: object, text: string}
+ * |changed| is an object where each key is
+ * the index of a property whose value had to be
+ * rewritten during the sanitization process, and
+ * whose value is the new text of the property.
+ * |text| is the rewritten text of the rule.
+ */
+ getResult: function () {
+ return {changed: this.changedDeclarations, text: this.result};
+ },
+ * Returns an array of the parsed CSS selector value and type given a string.
+ *
+ * The components making up the CSS selector can be extracted into 3 different
+ * types: element, attribute and pseudoclass. The object that is appended to
+ * the returned array contains the value related to one of the 3 types described
+ * along with the actual type.
+ *
+ * The following are the 3 types that can be returned in the object signature:
+ *
+ * @param {String} value
+ * The CSS selector text.
+ * @return {Array} an array of objects with the following signature:
+ * [{ "value": string, "type": integer }, ...]
+ */
+function parsePseudoClassesAndAttributes(value) {
+ if (!value) {
+ throw new Error("empty input string");
+ }
+ let tokens = cssTokenizer(value);
+ let result = [];
+ let current = "";
+ let functionCount = 0;
+ let hasAttribute = false;
+ let hasColon = false;
+ for (let token of tokens) {
+ if (token.tokenType === "ident") {
+ current += value.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
+ if (hasColon && !functionCount) {
+ if (current) {
+ result.push({ value: current, type: SELECTOR_PSEUDO_CLASS });
+ }
+ current = "";
+ hasColon = false;
+ }
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ":") {
+ if (!hasColon) {
+ if (current) {
+ result.push({ value: current, type: SELECTOR_ELEMENT });
+ }
+ current = "";
+ hasColon = true;
+ }
+ current += token.text;
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "function") {
+ current += value.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
+ functionCount++;
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === ")") {
+ current += token.text;
+ if (hasColon && functionCount == 1) {
+ if (current) {
+ result.push({ value: current, type: SELECTOR_PSEUDO_CLASS });
+ }
+ current = "";
+ functionCount--;
+ hasColon = false;
+ } else {
+ functionCount--;
+ }
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "[") {
+ if (!hasAttribute && !functionCount) {
+ if (current) {
+ result.push({ value: current, type: SELECTOR_ELEMENT });
+ }
+ current = "";
+ hasAttribute = true;
+ }
+ current += token.text;
+ } else if (token.tokenType === "symbol" && token.text === "]") {
+ current += token.text;
+ if (hasAttribute && !functionCount) {
+ if (current) {
+ result.push({ value: current, type: SELECTOR_ATTRIBUTE });
+ }
+ current = "";
+ hasAttribute = false;
+ }
+ } else {
+ current += value.substring(token.startOffset, token.endOffset);
+ }
+ }
+ if (current) {
+ result.push({ value: current, type: SELECTOR_ELEMENT });
+ }
+ return result;
+ * Expects a single CSS value to be passed as the input and parses the value
+ * and priority.
+ *
+ * @param {Function} isCssPropertyKnown
+ * A function to check if the CSS property is known. This is either an
+ * internal server function or from the CssPropertiesFront.
+ * that are supported by the server.
+ * @param {String} value
+ * The value from the text editor.
+ * @return {Object} an object with 'value' and 'priority' properties.
+ */
+function parseSingleValue(isCssPropertyKnown, value) {
+ let declaration = parseDeclarations(isCssPropertyKnown,
+ "a: " + value + ";")[0];
+ return {
+ value: declaration ? declaration.value : "",
+ priority: declaration ? declaration.priority : ""
+ };
+ * Convert an angle value to degree.
+ *
+ * @param {Number} angleValue The angle value.
+ * @param {CSS_ANGLEUNIT} angleUnit The angleValue's angle unit.
+ * @return {Number} An angle value in degree.
+ */
+function getAngleValueInDegrees(angleValue, angleUnit) {
+ switch (angleUnit) {
+ case CSS_ANGLEUNIT.deg:
+ return angleValue;
+ case CSS_ANGLEUNIT.grad:
+ return angleValue * 0.9;
+ case CSS_ANGLEUNIT.rad:
+ return angleValue * 180 / Math.PI;
+ case CSS_ANGLEUNIT.turn:
+ return angleValue * 360;
+ default:
+ throw new Error("No matched angle unit.");
+ }
+exports.cssTokenizer = cssTokenizer;
+exports.cssTokenizerWithLineColumn = cssTokenizerWithLineColumn;
+exports.escapeCSSComment = escapeCSSComment;
+// unescapeCSSComment is exported for testing.
+exports._unescapeCSSComment = unescapeCSSComment;
+exports.parseDeclarations = parseDeclarations;
+// parseCommentDeclarations is exported for testing.
+exports._parseCommentDeclarations = parseCommentDeclarations;
+exports.RuleRewriter = RuleRewriter;
+exports.parsePseudoClassesAndAttributes = parsePseudoClassesAndAttributes;
+exports.parseSingleValue = parseSingleValue;
+exports.getAngleValueInDegrees = getAngleValueInDegrees;