path: root/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror
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authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror')
14 files changed, 8419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/codemirror.html b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/codemirror.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ada04a2d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/codemirror.html
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+<!doctype html>
+ <head>
+ <meta charset="utf-8">
+ <title>CodeMirror: Basic Tests</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://devtools/content/sourceeditor/codemirror/lib/codemirror.css">
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="cm_mode_test.css">
+ <!--<link rel="stylesheet" href="../doc/docs.css">-->
+ <script src="chrome://devtools/content/sourceeditor/codemirror/codemirror.bundle.js"></script>
+ <style type="text/css">
+ .ok {color: #090;}
+ .fail {color: #e00;}
+ .error {color: #c90;}
+ .done {font-weight: bold;}
+ #progress {
+ background: #45d;
+ color: white;
+ text-shadow: 0 0 1px #45d, 0 0 2px #45d, 0 0 3px #45d;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ white-space: pre;
+ }
+ #testground {
+ visibility: hidden;
+ }
+ #testground.offscreen {
+ visibility: visible;
+ position: absolute;
+ left: -10000px;
+ top: -10000px;
+ }
+ .CodeMirror { border: 1px solid black; }
+ </style>
+ </head>
+ <body>
+ <h1>CodeMirror: Basic Tests</h1>
+ <p>A limited set of programmatic sanity tests for CodeMirror.</p>
+ <div style="border: 1px solid black; padding: 1px; max-width: 700px;">
+ <div style="width: 0px;" id=progress><div style="padding: 3px;">Ran <span id="progress_ran">0</span><span id="progress_total"> of 0</span> tests</div></div>
+ </div>
+ <p id=status>Please enable JavaScript...</p>
+ <div id=output></div>
+ <div id=testground></div>
+ <script src="driver.js"></script>
+ <script src="test.js"></script>
+ <script src="comment_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="doc_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="driver.js"></script>
+ <script src="emacs_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="mode_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="mode/javascript/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="multi_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="search_test.js"></script>
+ <!-- VIM and Emacs mode tests are in vimemacs.html
+ <script src="cm_sublime_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_vim_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_emacs_test.js"></script>
+ -->
+ <!-- These modes/addons are not used by Editor
+ <script src="doc_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/css/css.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/css/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/css/scss_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/xml/xml.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/ruby/ruby.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/haml/haml.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/haml/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/markdown/markdown.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/markdown/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/gfm/gfm.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/gfm/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/stex/stex.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/stex/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/xquery/xquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/xquery/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../addon/mode/multiplex_test.js"></script>-->
+ <script>
+ window.onload = runHarness;
+ CodeMirror.on(window, 'hashchange', runHarness);
+ function esc(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[<&]/, function(ch) { return ch == "<" ? "&lt;" : "&amp;"; });
+ }
+ var output = document.getElementById("output"),
+ progress = document.getElementById("progress"),
+ progressRan = document.getElementById("progress_ran").childNodes[0],
+ progressTotal = document.getElementById("progress_total").childNodes[0];
+ var count = 0,
+ failed = 0,
+ skipped = 0,
+ bad = "",
+ running = false, // Flag that states tests are running
+ quit = false, // Flag to quit tests ASAP
+ verbose = false, // Adds message for *every* test to output
+ phantom = false;
+ function runHarness(){
+ if (running) {
+ quit = true;
+ setStatus("Restarting tests...", '', true);
+ setTimeout(function(){runHarness();}, 500);
+ return;
+ }
+ filters = [];
+ verbose = false;
+ if (window.location.hash.substr(1)){
+ var strings = window.location.hash.substr(1).split(",");
+ while (strings.length) {
+ var s = strings.shift();
+ if (s === "verbose")
+ verbose = true;
+ else
+ filters.push(parseTestFilter(decodeURIComponent(s)));
+ }
+ }
+ quit = false;
+ running = true;
+ setStatus("Loading tests...");
+ count = 0;
+ failed = 0;
+ skipped = 0;
+ bad = "";
+ totalTests = countTests();
+ progressTotal.nodeValue = " of " + totalTests;
+ progressRan.nodeValue = count;
+ output.innerHTML = '';
+ document.getElementById("testground").innerHTML = "<form>" +
+ "<textarea id=\"code\" name=\"code\"></textarea>" +
+ "<input type=submit value=ok name=submit>" +
+ "</form>";
+ runTests(displayTest);
+ }
+ function setStatus(message, className, force){
+ if (quit && !force) return;
+ if (!message) throw("must provide message");
+ var status = document.getElementById("status").childNodes[0];
+ status.nodeValue = message;
+ status.parentNode.className = className;
+ }
+ function addOutput(name, className, code){
+ var newOutput = document.createElement("dl");
+ var newTitle = document.createElement("dt");
+ newTitle.className = className;
+ newTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name));
+ newOutput.appendChild(newTitle);
+ var newMessage = document.createElement("dd");
+ newMessage.innerHTML = code;
+ newOutput.appendChild(newTitle);
+ newOutput.appendChild(newMessage);
+ output.appendChild(newOutput);
+ }
+ function displayTest(type, name, customMessage) {
+ var message = "???";
+ if (type != "done" && type != "skipped") ++count;
+ = (count * (progress.parentNode.clientWidth - 2) / totalTests) + "px";
+ progressRan.nodeValue = count;
+ if (type == "ok") {
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' succeeded";
+ if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
+ } else if (type == "skipped") {
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' skipped";
+ ++skipped;
+ if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
+ } else if (type == "expected") {
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' failed as expected";
+ if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
+ } else if (type == "error" || type == "fail") {
+ ++failed;
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' failed";
+ } else if (type == "done") {
+ if (failed) {
+ type += " fail";
+ message = failed + " failure" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ } else if (count < totalTests) {
+ failed = totalTests - count;
+ type += " fail";
+ message = failed + " failure" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ } else {
+ type += " ok";
+ message = "All passed";
+ if (skipped) {
+ message += " (" + skipped + " skipped)";
+ }
+ }
+ progressTotal.nodeValue = '';
+ customMessage = true; // Hack to avoid adding to output
+ }
+ if (window.mozilla_setStatus)
+ mozilla_setStatus(message, type, customMessage);
+ if (verbose && !customMessage) customMessage = message;
+ setStatus(message, type);
+ if (customMessage && customMessage.length > 0) {
+ addOutput(name, type, customMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ </script>
+ </body>
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/comment_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/comment_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26e474493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/comment_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+namespace = "comment_";
+(function() {
+ function test(name, mode, run, before, after) {
+ return testCM(name, function(cm) {
+ run(cm);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), after);
+ }, {value: before, mode: mode});
+ }
+ var simpleProg = "function foo() {\n return bar;\n}";
+ var inlineBlock = "foo(/* bar */ true);";
+ var inlineBlocks = "foo(/* bar */ true, /* baz */ false);";
+ var multiLineInlineBlock = ["above();", "foo(/* bar */ true);", "below();"];
+ test("block", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.blockComment(Pos(0, 3), Pos(3, 0), {blockCommentLead: " *"});
+ }, simpleProg + "\n", "/* function foo() {\n * return bar;\n * }\n */");
+ test("blockToggle", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.blockComment(Pos(0, 3), Pos(2, 0), {blockCommentLead: " *"});
+ cm.uncomment(Pos(0, 3), Pos(2, 0), {blockCommentLead: " *"});
+ }, simpleProg, simpleProg);
+ test("blockToggle2", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.setCursor({line: 0, ch: 7 /* inside the block comment */});
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, inlineBlock, "foo(bar true);");
+ // This test should work but currently fails.
+ // test("blockToggle3", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ // cm.setCursor({line: 0, ch: 7 /* inside the first block comment */});
+ // cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ // }, inlineBlocks, "foo(bar true, /* baz */ false);");
+ test("line", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.lineComment(Pos(1, 1), Pos(1, 1));
+ }, simpleProg, "function foo() {\n// return bar;\n}");
+ test("lineToggle", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.lineComment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.uncomment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1));
+ }, simpleProg, simpleProg);
+ test("fallbackToBlock", "css", function(cm) {
+ cm.lineComment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1));
+ }, "html {\n border: none;\n}", "/* html {\n border: none;\n} */");
+ test("fallbackToLine", "ruby", function(cm) {
+ cm.blockComment(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1));
+ }, "def blah()\n return hah\n", "# def blah()\n# return hah\n");
+ test("ignoreExternalBlockComments", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, inlineBlocks, "// " + inlineBlocks);
+ test("ignoreExternalBlockComments2", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.setCursor({line: 0, ch: null /* eol */});
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, inlineBlocks, "// " + inlineBlocks);
+ test("ignoreExternalBlockCommentsMultiLineAbove", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection({line: 0, ch: 0}, {line: 1, ch: 1});
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, multiLineInlineBlock.join("\n"), ["// " + multiLineInlineBlock[0],
+ "// " + multiLineInlineBlock[1],
+ multiLineInlineBlock[2]].join("\n"));
+ test("ignoreExternalBlockCommentsMultiLineBelow", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection({line: 1, ch: 13 /* after end of block comment */}, {line: 2, ch: 1});
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, multiLineInlineBlock.join("\n"), [multiLineInlineBlock[0],
+ "// " + multiLineInlineBlock[1],
+ "// " + multiLineInlineBlock[2]].join("\n"));
+ test("commentRange", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.blockComment(Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 13), {fullLines: false});
+ }, simpleProg, "function foo() {\n /*return bar;*/\n}");
+ test("indented", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.lineComment(Pos(1, 0), Pos(2), {indent: true});
+ }, simpleProg, "function foo() {\n// return bar;\n// }");
+ test("singleEmptyLine", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.setCursor(1);
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, "a;\n\nb;", "a;\n// \nb;");
+ test("dontMessWithStrings", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, "console.log(\"/*string*/\");", "// console.log(\"/*string*/\");");
+ test("dontMessWithStrings2", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, "console.log(\"// string\");", "// console.log(\"// string\");");
+ test("dontMessWithStrings3", "javascript", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("toggleComment");
+ }, "// console.log(\"// string\");", "console.log(\"// string\");");
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/doc_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/doc_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f242f658
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/doc_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+(function() {
+ // A minilanguage for instantiating linked CodeMirror instances and Docs
+ function instantiateSpec(spec, place, opts) {
+ var names = {}, pos = 0, l = spec.length, editors = [];
+ while (spec) {
+ var m = spec.match(/^(\w+)(\*?)(?:='([^\']*)'|<(~?)(\w+)(?:\/(\d+)-(\d+))?)\s*/);
+ var name = m[1], isDoc = m[2], cur;
+ if (m[3]) {
+ cur = isDoc ? CodeMirror.Doc(m[3]) : CodeMirror(place, clone(opts, {value: m[3]}));
+ } else {
+ var other = m[5];
+ if (!names.hasOwnProperty(other)) {
+ names[other] = editors.length;
+ editors.push(CodeMirror(place, opts));
+ }
+ var doc = editors[names[other]].linkedDoc({
+ sharedHist: !m[4],
+ from: m[6] ? Number(m[6]) : null,
+ to: m[7] ? Number(m[7]) : null
+ });
+ cur = isDoc ? doc : CodeMirror(place, clone(opts, {value: doc}));
+ }
+ names[name] = editors.length;
+ editors.push(cur);
+ spec = spec.slice(m[0].length);
+ }
+ return editors;
+ }
+ function clone(obj, props) {
+ if (!obj) return;
+ clone.prototype = obj;
+ var inst = new clone();
+ if (props) for (var n in props) if (props.hasOwnProperty(n))
+ inst[n] = props[n];
+ return inst;
+ }
+ function eqAll(val) {
+ var end = arguments.length, msg = null;
+ if (typeof arguments[end-1] == "string")
+ msg = arguments[--end];
+ if (i == end) throw new Error("No editors provided to eqAll");
+ for (var i = 1; i < end; ++i)
+ eq(arguments[i].getValue(), val, msg)
+ }
+ function testDoc(name, spec, run, opts, expectFail) {
+ if (!opts) opts = {};
+ return test("doc_" + name, function() {
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground");
+ var editors = instantiateSpec(spec, place, opts);
+ var successful = false;
+ try {
+ run.apply(null, editors);
+ successful = true;
+ } finally {
+ if (!successful || verbose) {
+ = "visible";
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 0; i < editors.length; ++i)
+ if (editors[i] instanceof CodeMirror)
+ place.removeChild(editors[i].getWrapperElement());
+ }
+ }
+ }, expectFail);
+ }
+ var ie_lt8 = /MSIE [1-7]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
+ function testBasic(a, b) {
+ eqAll("x", a, b);
+ a.setValue("hey");
+ eqAll("hey", a, b);
+ b.setValue("wow");
+ eqAll("wow", a, b);
+ a.replaceRange("u\nv\nw", Pos(0, 3));
+ b.replaceRange("i", Pos(0, 4));
+ b.replaceRange("j", Pos(2, 1));
+ eqAll("wowui\nv\nwj", a, b);
+ }
+ testDoc("basic", "A='x' B<A", testBasic);
+ testDoc("basicSeparate", "A='x' B<~A", testBasic);
+ testDoc("sharedHist", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<A", function(a, b) {
+ a.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
+ b.replaceRange("y", Pos(1));
+ a.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
+ eqAll("abx\ncdy\nefz", a, b);
+ a.undo();
+ a.undo();
+ eqAll("abx\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ a.redo();
+ eqAll("abx\ncdy\nef", a, b);
+ b.redo();
+ eqAll("abx\ncdy\nefz", a, b);
+ a.undo(); b.undo(); a.undo(); a.undo();
+ eqAll("ab\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ }, null, ie_lt8);
+ testDoc("undoIntact", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<~A", function(a, b) {
+ a.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
+ b.replaceRange("y", Pos(1));
+ a.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
+ a.replaceRange("q", Pos(0));
+ eqAll("abxq\ncdy\nefz", a, b);
+ a.undo();
+ a.undo();
+ eqAll("abx\ncdy\nef", a, b);
+ b.undo();
+ eqAll("abx\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ a.redo();
+ eqAll("abx\ncd\nefz", a, b);
+ a.redo();
+ eqAll("abxq\ncd\nefz", a, b);
+ a.undo(); a.undo(); a.undo(); a.undo();
+ eqAll("ab\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ b.redo();
+ eqAll("ab\ncdy\nef", a, b);
+ });
+ testDoc("undoConflict", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<~A", function(a, b) {
+ a.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
+ a.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
+ // This should clear the first undo event in a, but not the second
+ b.replaceRange("y", Pos(0));
+ a.undo(); a.undo();
+ eqAll("abxy\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ a.replaceRange("u", Pos(2));
+ a.replaceRange("v", Pos(0));
+ // This should clear both events in a
+ b.replaceRange("w", Pos(0));
+ a.undo(); a.undo();
+ eqAll("abxyvw\ncd\nefu", a, b);
+ });
+ testDoc("doubleRebase", "A='ab\ncd\nef\ng' B<~A C<B", function(a, b, c) {
+ c.replaceRange("u", Pos(3));
+ a.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 0));
+ c.undo();
+ eqAll("cd\nef\ng", a, b, c);
+ });
+ testDoc("undoUpdate", "A='ab\ncd\nef' B<~A", function(a, b) {
+ a.replaceRange("x", Pos(2));
+ b.replaceRange("u\nv\nw\n", Pos(0, 0));
+ a.undo();
+ eqAll("u\nv\nw\nab\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ a.redo();
+ eqAll("u\nv\nw\nab\ncd\nefx", a, b);
+ a.undo();
+ eqAll("u\nv\nw\nab\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ b.undo();
+ a.redo();
+ eqAll("ab\ncd\nefx", a, b);
+ a.undo();
+ eqAll("ab\ncd\nef", a, b);
+ });
+ testDoc("undoKeepRanges", "A='abcdefg' B<A", function(a, b) {
+ var m = a.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {className: "foo"});
+ b.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 2));
+ b.replaceRange("yzzy", Pos(0, 1), Pos(0));
+ eq(m.find(), null);
+ b.undo();
+ eqPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 2));
+ b.undo();
+ eqPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 1));
+ });
+ testDoc("longChain", "A='uv' B<A C<B D<C", function(a, b, c, d) {
+ a.replaceSelection("X");
+ eqAll("Xuv", a, b, c, d);
+ d.replaceRange("Y", Pos(0));
+ eqAll("XuvY", a, b, c, d);
+ });
+ testDoc("broadCast", "B<A C<A D<A E<A", function(a, b, c, d, e) {
+ b.setValue("uu");
+ eqAll("uu", a, b, c, d, e);
+ a.replaceRange("v", Pos(0, 1));
+ eqAll("uvu", a, b, c, d, e);
+ });
+ // A and B share a history, C and D share a separate one
+ testDoc("islands", "A='x\ny\nz' B<A C<~A D<C", function(a, b, c, d) {
+ a.replaceRange("u", Pos(0));
+ d.replaceRange("v", Pos(2));
+ b.undo();
+ eqAll("x\ny\nzv", a, b, c, d);
+ c.undo();
+ eqAll("x\ny\nz", a, b, c, d);
+ a.redo();
+ eqAll("xu\ny\nz", a, b, c, d);
+ d.redo();
+ eqAll("xu\ny\nzv", a, b, c, d);
+ });
+ testDoc("unlink", "B<A C<A D<B", function(a, b, c, d) {
+ a.setValue("hi");
+ b.unlinkDoc(a);
+ d.setValue("aye");
+ eqAll("hi", a, c);
+ eqAll("aye", b, d);
+ a.setValue("oo");
+ eqAll("oo", a, c);
+ eqAll("aye", b, d);
+ });
+ testDoc("bareDoc", "A*='foo' B*<A C<B", function(a, b, c) {
+ is(a instanceof CodeMirror.Doc);
+ is(b instanceof CodeMirror.Doc);
+ is(c instanceof CodeMirror);
+ eqAll("foo", a, b, c);
+ a.replaceRange("hey", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ c.replaceRange("!", Pos(0));
+ eqAll("hey!", a, b, c);
+ b.unlinkDoc(a);
+ b.setValue("x");
+ eqAll("x", b, c);
+ eqAll("hey!", a);
+ });
+ testDoc("swapDoc", "A='a' B*='b' C<A", function(a, b, c) {
+ var d = a.swapDoc(b);
+ d.setValue("x");
+ eqAll("x", c, d);
+ eqAll("b", a, b);
+ });
+ testDoc("docKeepsScroll", "A='x' B*='y'", function(a, b) {
+ addDoc(a, 200, 200);
+ a.scrollIntoView(Pos(199, 200));
+ var c = a.swapDoc(b);
+ a.swapDoc(c);
+ var pos = a.getScrollInfo();
+ is(pos.left > 0, "not at left");
+ is( > 0, "not at top");
+ });
+ testDoc("copyDoc", "A='u'", function(a) {
+ var copy = a.getDoc().copy(true);
+ a.setValue("foo");
+ copy.setValue("bar");
+ var old = a.swapDoc(copy);
+ eq(a.getValue(), "bar");
+ a.undo();
+ eq(a.getValue(), "u");
+ a.swapDoc(old);
+ eq(a.getValue(), "foo");
+ eq(old.historySize().undo, 1);
+ eq(old.copy(false).historySize().undo, 0);
+ });
+ testDoc("docKeepsMode", "A='1+1'", function(a) {
+ var other = CodeMirror.Doc("hi", "text/x-markdown");
+ a.setOption("mode", "text/javascript");
+ var old = a.swapDoc(other);
+ eq(a.getOption("mode"), "text/x-markdown");
+ eq(a.getMode().name, "markdown");
+ a.swapDoc(old);
+ eq(a.getOption("mode"), "text/javascript");
+ eq(a.getMode().name, "javascript");
+ });
+ testDoc("subview", "A='1\n2\n3\n4\n5' B<~A/1-3", function(a, b) {
+ eq(b.getValue(), "2\n3");
+ eq(b.firstLine(), 1);
+ b.setCursor(Pos(4));
+ eqPos(b.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
+ a.replaceRange("-1\n0\n", Pos(0, 0));
+ eq(b.firstLine(), 3);
+ eqPos(b.getCursor(), Pos(4, 1));
+ a.undo();
+ eqPos(b.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
+ b.replaceRange("oyoy\n", Pos(2, 0));
+ eq(a.getValue(), "1\n2\noyoy\n3\n4\n5");
+ b.undo();
+ eq(a.getValue(), "1\n2\n3\n4\n5");
+ });
+ testDoc("subviewEditOnBoundary", "A='11\n22\n33\n44\n55' B<~A/1-4", function(a, b) {
+ a.replaceRange("x\nyy\nz", Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 1));
+ eq(b.firstLine(), 2);
+ eq(b.lineCount(), 2);
+ eq(b.getValue(), "z3\n44");
+ a.replaceRange("q\nrr\ns", Pos(3, 1), Pos(4, 1));
+ eq(b.firstLine(), 2);
+ eq(b.getValue(), "z3\n4q");
+ eq(a.getValue(), "1x\nyy\nz3\n4q\nrr\ns5");
+ a.execCommand("selectAll");
+ a.replaceSelection("!");
+ eqAll("!", a, b);
+ });
+ testDoc("sharedMarker", "A='ab\ncd\nef\ngh' B<A C<~A/1-2", function(a, b, c) {
+ var mark = b.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(3, 1),
+ {className: "cm-searching", shared: true});
+ var found = a.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
+ eq(found.length, 1);
+ eq(found[0], mark);
+ eq(c.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1)).length, 1);
+ eqPos(mark.find().from, Pos(0, 1));
+ eqPos(mark.find().to, Pos(3, 1));
+ b.replaceRange("x\ny\n", Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(mark.find().from, Pos(2, 1));
+ eqPos(mark.find().to, Pos(5, 1));
+ var cleared = 0;
+ CodeMirror.on(mark, "clear", function() {++cleared;});
+ b.operation(function(){mark.clear();});
+ eq(a.findMarksAt(Pos(3, 1)).length, 0);
+ eq(b.findMarksAt(Pos(3, 1)).length, 0);
+ eq(c.findMarksAt(Pos(3, 1)).length, 0);
+ eq(mark.find(), null);
+ eq(cleared, 1);
+ });
+ testDoc("sharedMarkerCopy", "A='abcde'", function(a) {
+ var shared = a.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {shared: true});
+ var b = a.linkedDoc();
+ var found = b.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
+ eq(found.length, 1);
+ eq(found[0], shared);
+ shared.clear();
+ eq(b.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2)), 0);
+ });
+ testDoc("sharedMarkerDetach", "A='abcde' B<A C<B", function(a, b, c) {
+ var shared = a.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {shared: true});
+ a.unlinkDoc(b);
+ var inB = b.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
+ eq(inB.length, 1);
+ is(inB[0] != shared);
+ var inC = c.findMarksAt(Pos(0, 2));
+ eq(inC.length, 1);
+ is(inC[0] != shared);
+ inC[0].clear();
+ is(shared.find());
+ });
+ testDoc("sharedBookmark", "A='ab\ncd\nef\ngh' B<A C<~A/1-2", function(a, b, c) {
+ var mark = b.setBookmark(Pos(1, 1), {shared: true});
+ var found = a.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1));
+ eq(found.length, 1);
+ eq(found[0], mark);
+ eq(c.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1)).length, 1);
+ eqPos(mark.find(), Pos(1, 1));
+ b.replaceRange("x\ny\n", Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(mark.find(), Pos(3, 1));
+ var cleared = 0;
+ CodeMirror.on(mark, "clear", function() {++cleared;});
+ b.operation(function() {mark.clear();});
+ eq(a.findMarks(Pos(0, 0), Pos(5)).length, 0);
+ eq(b.findMarks(Pos(0, 0), Pos(5)).length, 0);
+ eq(c.findMarks(Pos(0, 0), Pos(5)).length, 0);
+ eq(mark.find(), null);
+ eq(cleared, 1);
+ });
+ testDoc("undoInSubview", "A='line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4' B<A/1-4", function(a, b) {
+ b.replaceRange("x", Pos(2, 0));
+ a.undo();
+ eq(a.getValue(), "line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3\nline 4");
+ eq(b.getValue(), "line 1\nline 2\nline 3");
+ });
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/driver.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/driver.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c61d4c1f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/driver.js
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+var tests = [], filters = [], allNames = [];
+function Failure(why) {this.message = why;}
+Failure.prototype.toString = function() { return this.message; };
+function indexOf(collection, elt) {
+ if (collection.indexOf) return collection.indexOf(elt);
+ for (var i = 0, e = collection.length; i < e; ++i)
+ if (collection[i] == elt) return i;
+ return -1;
+function test(name, run, expectedFail) {
+ // Force unique names
+ var originalName = name;
+ var i = 2; // Second function would be NAME_2
+ while (indexOf(allNames, name) !== -1){
+ name = originalName + "_" + i;
+ i++;
+ }
+ allNames.push(name);
+ // Add test
+ tests.push({name: name, func: run, expectedFail: expectedFail});
+ return name;
+var namespace = "";
+function testCM(name, run, opts, expectedFail) {
+ return test(namespace + name, function() {
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = = CodeMirror(place, opts);
+ var successful = false;
+ try {
+ run(cm);
+ successful = true;
+ } finally {
+ if (!successful || verbose) {
+ = "visible";
+ } else {
+ place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement());
+ }
+ }
+ }, expectedFail);
+function runTests(callback) {
+ var totalTime = 0;
+ function step(i) {
+ for (;;) {
+ if (i === tests.length) {
+ running = false;
+ return callback("done");
+ }
+ var test = tests[i], skip = false;
+ if (filters.length) {
+ skip = true;
+ for (var j = 0; j < filters.length; j++)
+ if ([j])) skip = false;
+ }
+ if (skip) {
+ callback("skipped",, message);
+ i++;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ var expFail = test.expectedFail, startTime = +new Date, threw = false;
+ try {
+ var message = test.func();
+ } catch(e) {
+ threw = true;
+ if (expFail) callback("expected",;
+ else if (e instanceof Failure) callback("fail",, e.message);
+ else {
+ var pos = /(?:\bat |@).*?([^\/:]+):(\d+)/.exec(e.stack);
+ if (pos) console["log"](e.stack);
+ callback("error",, e.toString() + (pos ? " (" + pos[1] + ":" + pos[2] + ")" : ""));
+ }
+ }
+ if (!threw) {
+ if (expFail) callback("fail",, message || "expected failure, but passed");
+ else callback("ok",, message);
+ }
+ if (!quit) { // Run next test
+ var delay = 0;
+ totalTime += (+new Date) - startTime;
+ if (totalTime > 500){
+ totalTime = 0;
+ delay = 50;
+ }
+ setTimeout(function(){step(i + 1);}, delay);
+ } else { // Quit tests
+ running = false;
+ return null;
+ }
+ }
+ step(0);
+function label(str, msg) {
+ if (msg) return str + " (" + msg + ")";
+ return str;
+function eq(a, b, msg) {
+ if (a != b) throw new Failure(label(a + " != " + b, msg));
+function near(a, b, margin, msg) {
+ if (Math.abs(a - b) > margin)
+ throw new Failure(label(a + " is not close to " + b + " (" + margin + ")", msg));
+function eqPos(a, b, msg) {
+ function str(p) { return "{line:" + p.line + ",ch:" + + "}"; }
+ if (a == b) return;
+ if (a == null) throw new Failure(label("comparing null to " + str(b), msg));
+ if (b == null) throw new Failure(label("comparing " + str(a) + " to null", msg));
+ if (a.line != b.line || != throw new Failure(label(str(a) + " != " + str(b), msg));
+function is(a, msg) {
+ if (!a) throw new Failure(label("assertion failed", msg));
+function countTests() {
+ if (!filters.length) return tests.length;
+ var sum = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < tests.length; ++i) {
+ var name = tests[i].name;
+ for (var j = 0; j < filters.length; j++) {
+ if (name.match(filters[j])) {
+ ++sum;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return sum;
+function parseTestFilter(s) {
+ if (/_\*$/.test(s)) return new RegExp("^" + s.slice(0, s.length - 2), "i");
+ else return new RegExp(s, "i");
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/emacs_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/emacs_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..124575c72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/emacs_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
+ namespace = "emacs_";
+ var eventCache = {};
+ function fakeEvent(keyName) {
+ var event = eventCache[key];
+ if (event) return event;
+ var ctrl, shift, alt;
+ var key = keyName.replace(/\w+-/g, function(type) {
+ if (type == "Ctrl-") ctrl = true;
+ else if (type == "Alt-") alt = true;
+ else if (type == "Shift-") shift = true;
+ return "";
+ });
+ var code;
+ for (var c in CodeMirror.keyNames)
+ if (CodeMirror.keyNames[c] == key) { code = c; break; }
+ if (code == null) throw new Error("Unknown key: " + key);
+ return eventCache[keyName] = {
+ type: "keydown", keyCode: code, ctrlKey: ctrl, shiftKey: shift, altKey: alt,
+ preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}
+ };
+ }
+ function sim(name, start /*, actions... */) {
+ var keys =, 2);
+ testCM(name, function(cm) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {
+ var cur = keys[i];
+ if (cur instanceof Pos) cm.setCursor(cur);
+ else if ( cur(cm);
+ else cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent(cur));
+ }
+ }, {keyMap: "emacs", value: start, mode: "javascript"});
+ }
+ function at(line, ch) { return function(cm) { eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(line, ch)); }; }
+ function txt(str) { return function(cm) { eq(cm.getValue(), str); }; }
+ sim("motionHSimple", "abc", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-B", at(0, 1));
+ sim("motionHMulti", "abcde",
+ "Ctrl-4", "Ctrl-F", at(0, 4), "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-F", at(0, 2),
+ "Ctrl-5", "Ctrl-B", at(0, 0));
+ sim("motionHWord", "abc. def ghi",
+ "Alt-F", at(0, 3), "Alt-F", at(0, 8),
+ "Ctrl-B", "Alt-B", at(0, 5), "Alt-B", at(0, 0));
+ sim("motionHWordMulti", "abc. def ghi ",
+ "Ctrl-3", "Alt-F", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-2", "Alt-B", at(0, 5),
+ "Ctrl--", "Alt-B", at(0, 8));
+ sim("motionVSimple", "a\nb\nc\n", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-P", at(1, 0));
+ sim("motionVMulti", "a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n",
+ "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-N", at(2, 0), "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-N", at(1, 1),
+ "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-3", "Ctrl-P", at(4, 1));
+ sim("killYank", "abc\ndef\nghi",
+ "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-W", "Ctrl-E", "Ctrl-Y",
+ txt("ahibc\ndef\ng"));
+ sim("killRing", "abcdef",
+ "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-W", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-W",
+ "Ctrl-Y", "Alt-Y",
+ txt("acdef"));
+ sim("copyYank", "abcd",
+ "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-E", "Alt-W", "Ctrl-Y",
+ txt("abcdabcd"));
+ sim("killLineSimple", "foo\nbar", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-K", txt("f\nbar"));
+ sim("killLineEmptyLine", "foo\n \nbar", "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-K", txt("foo\nbar"));
+ sim("killLineMulti", "foo\nbar\nbaz",
+ "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-K", "Ctrl-A", "Ctrl-Y",
+ txt("o\nbarfo\nbaz"));
+ sim("moveByParagraph", "abc\ndef\n\n\nhij\nklm\n\n",
+ "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-Down", at(2, 0), "Ctrl-Down", at(6, 0),
+ "Ctrl-N", "Ctrl-Up", at(3, 0), "Ctrl-Up", at(0, 0),
+ Pos(1, 2), "Ctrl-Down", at(2, 0), Pos(4, 2), "Ctrl-Up", at(3, 0));
+ sim("moveByParagraphMulti", "abc\n\ndef\n\nhij\n\nklm",
+ "Ctrl-U", "2", "Ctrl-Down", at(3, 0),
+ "Shift-Alt-.", "Ctrl-3", "Ctrl-Up", at(1, 0));
+ sim("moveBySentence", "sentence one! sentence\ntwo\n\nparagraph two",
+ "Alt-E", at(0, 13), "Alt-E", at(1, 3), "Ctrl-F", "Alt-A", at(0, 13));
+ sim("moveByExpr", "function foo(a, b) {}",
+ "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 8), "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 18),
+ "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 12), "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 9));
+ sim("moveByExprMulti", "foo bar baz bug",
+ "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 7),
+ "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-Alt-F", at(0, 4),
+ "Ctrl--", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-B", at(0, 11));
+ sim("delExpr", "var x = [\n a,\n b\n c\n];",
+ Pos(0, 8), "Ctrl-Alt-K", txt("var x = ;"), "Ctrl-/",
+ Pos(4, 1), "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace", txt("var x = ;"));
+ sim("delExprMulti", "foo bar baz",
+ "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-K", txt(" baz"),
+ "Ctrl-/", "Ctrl-E", "Ctrl-2", "Ctrl-Alt-Backspace", txt("foo "));
+ sim("justOneSpace", "hi bye ",
+ Pos(0, 4), "Alt-Space", txt("hi bye "),
+ Pos(0, 4), "Alt-Space", txt("hi b ye "),
+ "Ctrl-A", "Alt-Space", "Ctrl-E", "Alt-Space", txt(" hi b ye "));
+ sim("openLine", "foo bar", "Alt-F", "Ctrl-O", txt("foo\n bar"))
+ sim("transposeChar", "abcd\ne",
+ "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcad\ne"), at(0, 3),
+ "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcda\ne"), at(0, 4),
+ "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-T", txt("bcde\na"), at(1, 0));
+ sim("manipWordCase", "foo BAR bAZ",
+ "Alt-C", "Alt-L", "Alt-U", txt("Foo bar BAZ"),
+ "Ctrl-A", "Alt-U", "Alt-L", "Alt-C", txt("FOO bar Baz"));
+ sim("manipWordCaseMulti", "foo Bar bAz",
+ "Ctrl-2", "Alt-U", txt("FOO BAR bAz"),
+ "Ctrl-A", "Ctrl-3", "Alt-C", txt("Foo Bar Baz"));
+ sim("upExpr", "foo {\n bar[];\n baz(blah);\n}",
+ Pos(2, 7), "Ctrl-Alt-U", at(2, 5), "Ctrl-Alt-U", at(0, 4));
+ sim("transposeExpr", "do foo[bar] dah",
+ Pos(0, 6), "Ctrl-Alt-T", txt("do [bar]foo dah"));
+ sim("clearMark", "abcde", Pos(0, 2), "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F",
+ "Ctrl-G", "Ctrl-W", txt("abcde"));
+ sim("delRegion", "abcde", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Delete", txt("cde"));
+ sim("backspaceRegion", "abcde", "Ctrl-Space", "Ctrl-F", "Ctrl-F", "Backspace", txt("cde"));
+ testCM("save", function(cm) {
+ var saved = false;
+ = function(cm) { saved = cm.getValue(); };
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent("Ctrl-X"));
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent("Ctrl-S"));
+ is(saved, "hi");
+ }, {value: "hi", keyMap: "emacs"});
+ testCM("gotoInvalidLineFloat", function(cm) {
+ cm.openDialog = function(_, cb) { cb("2.2"); };
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent("Alt-G"));
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown(fakeEvent("G"));
+ }, {value: "1\n2\n3\n4", keyMap: "emacs"});
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode/javascript/test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode/javascript/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cb43d0894
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode/javascript/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
+// CodeMirror, copyright (c) by Marijn Haverbeke and others
+// Distributed under an MIT license:
+(function() {
+ var mode = CodeMirror.getMode({indentUnit: 2}, "javascript");
+ function MT(name) { test.mode(name, mode,, 1)); }
+ MT("locals",
+ "[keyword function] [def foo]([def a], [def b]) { [keyword var] [def c] [operator =] [number 10]; [keyword return] [variable-2 a] [operator +] [variable-2 c] [operator +] [variable d]; }");
+ MT("comma-and-binop",
+ "[keyword function](){ [keyword var] [def x] [operator =] [number 1] [operator +] [number 2], [def y]; }");
+ MT("destructuring",
+ "([keyword function]([def a], [[[def b], [def c] ]]) {",
+ " [keyword let] {[def d], [property foo]: [def c][operator =][number 10], [def x]} [operator =] [variable foo]([variable-2 a]);",
+ " [[[variable-2 c], [variable y] ]] [operator =] [variable-2 c];",
+ "})();");
+ MT("destructure_trailing_comma",
+ "[keyword let] {[def a], [def b],} [operator =] [variable foo];",
+ "[keyword let] [def c];"); // Parser still in good state?
+ MT("class_body",
+ "[keyword class] [def Foo] {",
+ " [property constructor]() {}",
+ " [property sayName]() {",
+ " [keyword return] [string-2 `foo${][variable foo][string-2 }oo`];",
+ " }",
+ "}");
+ MT("class",
+ "[keyword class] [def Point] [keyword extends] [variable SuperThing] {",
+ " [property get] [property prop]() { [keyword return] [number 24]; }",
+ " [property constructor]([def x], [def y]) {",
+ " [keyword super]([string 'something']);",
+ " [keyword this].[property x] [operator =] [variable-2 x];",
+ " }",
+ "}");
+ MT("import",
+ "[keyword function] [def foo]() {",
+ " [keyword import] [def $] [keyword from] [string 'jquery'];",
+ " [keyword import] { [def encrypt], [def decrypt] } [keyword from] [string 'crypto'];",
+ "}");
+ MT("const",
+ "[keyword function] [def f]() {",
+ " [keyword const] [[ [def a], [def b] ]] [operator =] [[ [number 1], [number 2] ]];",
+ "}");
+ MT("for/of",
+ "[keyword for]([keyword let] [def of] [keyword of] [variable something]) {}");
+ MT("generator",
+ "[keyword function*] [def repeat]([def n]) {",
+ " [keyword for]([keyword var] [def i] [operator =] [number 0]; [variable-2 i] [operator <] [variable-2 n]; [operator ++][variable-2 i])",
+ " [keyword yield] [variable-2 i];",
+ "}");
+ MT("quotedStringAddition",
+ "[keyword let] [def f] [operator =] [variable a] [operator +] [string 'fatarrow'] [operator +] [variable c];");
+ MT("quotedFatArrow",
+ "[keyword let] [def f] [operator =] [variable a] [operator +] [string '=>'] [operator +] [variable c];");
+ MT("fatArrow",
+ "[variable array].[property filter]([def a] [operator =>] [variable-2 a] [operator +] [number 1]);",
+ "[variable a];", // No longer in scope
+ "[keyword let] [def f] [operator =] ([[ [def a], [def b] ]], [def c]) [operator =>] [variable-2 a] [operator +] [variable-2 c];",
+ "[variable c];");
+ MT("spread",
+ "[keyword function] [def f]([def a], [meta ...][def b]) {",
+ " [variable something]([variable-2 a], [meta ...][variable-2 b]);",
+ "}");
+ MT("comprehension",
+ "[keyword function] [def f]() {",
+ " [[([variable x] [operator +] [number 1]) [keyword for] ([keyword var] [def x] [keyword in] [variable y]) [keyword if] [variable pred]([variable-2 x]) ]];",
+ " ([variable u] [keyword for] ([keyword var] [def u] [keyword of] [variable generateValues]()) [keyword if] ([variable-2 u].[property color] [operator ===] [string 'blue']));",
+ "}");
+ MT("quasi",
+ "[variable re][string-2 `fofdlakj${][variable x] [operator +] ([variable re][string-2 `foo`]) [operator +] [number 1][string-2 }fdsa`] [operator +] [number 2]");
+ MT("quasi_no_function",
+ "[variable x] [operator =] [string-2 `fofdlakj${][variable x] [operator +] [string-2 `foo`] [operator +] [number 1][string-2 }fdsa`] [operator +] [number 2]");
+ MT("indent_statement",
+ "[keyword var] [def x] [operator =] [number 10]",
+ "[variable x] [operator +=] [variable y] [operator +]",
+ " [atom Infinity]",
+ "[keyword debugger];");
+ MT("indent_if",
+ "[keyword if] ([number 1])",
+ " [keyword break];",
+ "[keyword else] [keyword if] ([number 2])",
+ " [keyword continue];",
+ "[keyword else]",
+ " [number 10];",
+ "[keyword if] ([number 1]) {",
+ " [keyword break];",
+ "} [keyword else] [keyword if] ([number 2]) {",
+ " [keyword continue];",
+ "} [keyword else] {",
+ " [number 10];",
+ "}");
+ MT("indent_for",
+ "[keyword for] ([keyword var] [def i] [operator =] [number 0];",
+ " [variable i] [operator <] [number 100];",
+ " [variable i][operator ++])",
+ " [variable doSomething]([variable i]);",
+ "[keyword debugger];");
+ MT("indent_c_style",
+ "[keyword function] [def foo]()",
+ "{",
+ " [keyword debugger];",
+ "}");
+ MT("indent_else",
+ "[keyword for] (;;)",
+ " [keyword if] ([variable foo])",
+ " [keyword if] ([variable bar])",
+ " [number 1];",
+ " [keyword else]",
+ " [number 2];",
+ " [keyword else]",
+ " [number 3];");
+ MT("indent_funarg",
+ "[variable foo]([number 10000],",
+ " [keyword function]([def a]) {",
+ " [keyword debugger];",
+ "};");
+ MT("indent_below_if",
+ "[keyword for] (;;)",
+ " [keyword if] ([variable foo])",
+ " [number 1];",
+ "[number 2];");
+ MT("multilinestring",
+ "[keyword var] [def x] [operator =] [string 'foo\\]",
+ "[string bar'];");
+ MT("scary_regexp",
+ "[string-2 /foo[[/]]bar/];");
+ MT("indent_strange_array",
+ "[keyword var] [def x] [operator =] [[",
+ " [number 1],,",
+ " [number 2],",
+ "]];",
+ "[number 10];");
+ MT("param_default",
+ "[keyword function] [def foo]([def x] [operator =] [string-2 `foo${][number 10][string-2 }bar`]) {",
+ " [keyword return] [variable-2 x];",
+ "}");
+ MT("new_target",
+ "[keyword function] [def F]([def target]) {",
+ " [keyword if] ([variable-2 target] [operator &&] [keyword new].[keyword target].[property name]) {",
+ " [keyword return] [keyword new]",
+ " .[keyword target];",
+ " }",
+ "}");
+ var jsonld_mode = CodeMirror.getMode(
+ {indentUnit: 2},
+ {name: "javascript", jsonld: true}
+ );
+ function LD(name) {
+ test.mode(name, jsonld_mode,, 1));
+ }
+ LD("json_ld_keywords",
+ '{',
+ ' [meta "@context"]: {',
+ ' [meta "@base"]: [string ""],',
+ ' [meta "@vocab"]: [string ""],',
+ ' [property "likesFlavor"]: {',
+ ' [meta "@container"]: [meta "@list"]',
+ ' [meta "@reverse"]: [string "@beFavoriteOf"]',
+ ' },',
+ ' [property "nick"]: { [meta "@container"]: [meta "@set"] },',
+ ' [property "nick"]: { [meta "@container"]: [meta "@index"] }',
+ ' },',
+ ' [meta "@graph"]: [[ {',
+ ' [meta "@id"]: [string ""],',
+ ' [property "name"]: [string "John Lennon"],',
+ ' [property "modified"]: {',
+ ' [meta "@value"]: [string "2010-05-29T14:17:39+02:00"],',
+ ' [meta "@type"]: [string ""]',
+ ' }',
+ ' } ]]',
+ '}');
+ LD("json_ld_fake",
+ '{',
+ ' [property "@fake"]: [string "@fake"],',
+ ' [property "@contextual"]: [string "@identifier"],',
+ ' [property ""]: [string "@graphical"],',
+ ' [property "@ID"]: [string "@@ID"]',
+ '}');
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode_test.css b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode_test.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f83271b4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode_test.css
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ .mt-token {
+ border: 1px solid #ddd;
+ white-space: pre;
+ font-family: "Consolas", monospace;
+ text-align: center;
+ .mt-style {
+ font-size: x-small;
+ .mt-state {
+ font-size: x-small;
+ vertical-align: top;
+ .mt-state-row {
+ display: none;
+ .mt-output .mt-state-row {
+ display: table-row;
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0aed50f7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/mode_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+ * Helper to test CodeMirror highlighting modes. It pretty prints output of the
+ * highlighter and can check against expected styles.
+ *
+ * Mode tests are registered by calling test.mode(testName, mode,
+ * tokens), where mode is a mode object as returned by
+ * CodeMirror.getMode, and tokens is an array of lines that make up
+ * the test.
+ *
+ * These lines are strings, in which styled stretches of code are
+ * enclosed in brackets `[]`, and prefixed by their style. For
+ * example, `[keyword if]`. Brackets in the code itself must be
+ * duplicated to prevent them from being interpreted as token
+ * boundaries. For example `a[[i]]` for `a[i]`. If a token has
+ * multiple styles, the styles must be separated by ampersands, for
+ * example `[tag&error </hmtl>]`.
+ *
+ * See the test.js files in the css, markdown, gfm, and stex mode
+ * directories for examples.
+ */
+(function() {
+ function findSingle(str, pos, ch) {
+ for (;;) {
+ var found = str.indexOf(ch, pos);
+ if (found == -1) return null;
+ if (str.charAt(found + 1) != ch) return found;
+ pos = found + 2;
+ }
+ }
+ var styleName = /[\w&-_]+/g;
+ function parseTokens(strs) {
+ var tokens = [], plain = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < strs.length; ++i) {
+ if (i) plain += "\n";
+ var str = strs[i], pos = 0;
+ while (pos < str.length) {
+ var style = null, text;
+ if (str.charAt(pos) == "[" && str.charAt(pos+1) != "[") {
+ styleName.lastIndex = pos + 1;
+ var m = styleName.exec(str);
+ style = m[0].replace(/&/g, " ");
+ var textStart = pos + style.length + 2;
+ var end = findSingle(str, textStart, "]");
+ if (end == null) throw new Error("Unterminated token at " + pos + " in '" + str + "'" + style);
+ text = str.slice(textStart, end);
+ pos = end + 1;
+ } else {
+ var end = findSingle(str, pos, "[");
+ if (end == null) end = str.length;
+ text = str.slice(pos, end);
+ pos = end;
+ }
+ text = text.replace(/\[\[|\]\]/g, function(s) {return s.charAt(0);});
+ tokens.push({style: style, text: text});
+ plain += text;
+ }
+ }
+ return {tokens: tokens, plain: plain};
+ }
+ test.mode = function(name, mode, tokens, modeName) {
+ var data = parseTokens(tokens);
+ return test((modeName || + "_" + name, function() {
+ return compare(data.plain, data.tokens, mode);
+ });
+ };
+ function esc(str) {
+ return str.replace('&', '&amp;').replace('<', '&lt;').replace(/>/g, "&gt;").replace(/"/g, "&quot;").replace(/'/g, "&#039;");
+ }
+ function compare(text, expected, mode) {
+ var expectedOutput = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < expected.length; ++i) {
+ var sty = expected[i].style;
+ if (sty && sty.indexOf(" ")) sty = sty.split(' ').sort().join(' ');
+ expectedOutput.push({style: sty, text: expected[i].text});
+ }
+ var observedOutput = highlight(text, mode);
+ var s = "";
+ var diff = highlightOutputsDifferent(expectedOutput, observedOutput);
+ if (diff != null) {
+ s += '<div class="mt-test mt-fail">';
+ s += '<pre>' + esc(text) + '</pre>';
+ s += '<div class="cm-s-default">';
+ s += 'expected:';
+ s += prettyPrintOutputTable(expectedOutput, diff);
+ s += 'observed: [<a onclick="this.parentElement.className+=\' mt-state-unhide\'">display states</a>]';
+ s += prettyPrintOutputTable(observedOutput, diff);
+ s += '</div>';
+ s += '</div>';
+ }
+ if (observedOutput.indentFailures) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < observedOutput.indentFailures.length; i++)
+ s += "<div class='mt-test mt-fail'>" + esc(observedOutput.indentFailures[i]) + "</div>";
+ }
+ if (s) throw new Failure(s);
+ }
+ function stringify(obj) {
+ function replacer(key, obj) {
+ if (typeof obj == "function") {
+ var m = obj.toString().match(/function\s*[^\s(]*/);
+ return m ? m[0] : "function";
+ }
+ return obj;
+ }
+ if (window.JSON && JSON.stringify)
+ return JSON.stringify(obj, replacer, 2);
+ return "[unsupported]"; // Fail safely if no native JSON.
+ }
+ function highlight(string, mode) {
+ var state = mode.startState();
+ var lines = string.replace(/\r\n/g,'\n').split('\n');
+ var st = [], pos = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; ++i) {
+ var line = lines[i], newLine = true;
+ if (mode.indent) {
+ var ws = line.match(/^\s*/)[0];
+ var indent = mode.indent(state, line.slice(ws.length));
+ if (indent != CodeMirror.Pass && indent != ws.length)
+ (st.indentFailures || (st.indentFailures = [])).push(
+ "Indentation of line " + (i + 1) + " is " + indent + " (expected " + ws.length + ")");
+ }
+ var stream = new CodeMirror.StringStream(line);
+ if (line == "" && mode.blankLine) mode.blankLine(state);
+ /* Start copied code from CodeMirror.highlight */
+ while (!stream.eol()) {
+ for (var j = 0; j < 10 && stream.start >= stream.pos; j++)
+ var compare = mode.token(stream, state);
+ if (j == 10)
+ throw new Failure("Failed to advance the stream." + stream.string + " " + stream.pos);
+ var substr = stream.current();
+ if (compare && compare.indexOf(" ") > -1) compare = compare.split(' ').sort().join(' ');
+ stream.start = stream.pos;
+ if (pos && st[pos-1].style == compare && !newLine) {
+ st[pos-1].text += substr;
+ } else if (substr) {
+ st[pos++] = {style: compare, text: substr, state: stringify(state)};
+ }
+ // Give up when line is ridiculously long
+ if (stream.pos > 5000) {
+ st[pos++] = {style: null, text: this.text.slice(stream.pos)};
+ break;
+ }
+ newLine = false;
+ }
+ }
+ return st;
+ }
+ function highlightOutputsDifferent(o1, o2) {
+ var minLen = Math.min(o1.length, o2.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < minLen; ++i)
+ if (o1[i].style != o2[i].style || o1[i].text != o2[i].text) return i;
+ if (o1.length > minLen || o2.length > minLen) return minLen;
+ }
+ function prettyPrintOutputTable(output, diffAt) {
+ var s = '<table class="mt-output">';
+ s += '<tr>';
+ for (var i = 0; i < output.length; ++i) {
+ var style = output[i].style, val = output[i].text;
+ s +=
+ '<td class="mt-token"' + (i == diffAt ? " style='background: pink'" : "") + '>' +
+ '<span class="cm-' + esc(String(style)) + '">' +
+ esc(val.replace(/ /g,'\xb7')) + // · MIDDLE DOT
+ '</span>' +
+ '</td>';
+ }
+ s += '</tr><tr>';
+ for (var i = 0; i < output.length; ++i) {
+ s += '<td class="mt-style"><span>' + (output[i].style || null) + '</span></td>';
+ }
+ if(output[0].state) {
+ s += '</tr><tr class="mt-state-row" title="State AFTER each token">';
+ for (var i = 0; i < output.length; ++i) {
+ s += '<td class="mt-state"><pre>' + esc(output[i].state) + '</pre></td>';
+ }
+ }
+ s += '</tr></table>';
+ return s;
+ }
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/multi_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/multi_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8e760d27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/multi_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+(function() {
+ namespace = "multi_";
+ function hasSelections(cm) {
+ var sels = cm.listSelections();
+ var given = (arguments.length - 1) / 4;
+ if (sels.length != given)
+ throw new Failure("expected " + given + " selections, found " + sels.length);
+ for (var i = 0, p = 1; i < given; i++, p += 4) {
+ var anchor = Pos(arguments[p], arguments[p + 1]);
+ var head = Pos(arguments[p + 2], arguments[p + 3]);
+ eqPos(sels[i].anchor, anchor, "anchor of selection " + i);
+ eqPos(sels[i].head, head, "head of selection " + i);
+ }
+ }
+ function hasCursors(cm) {
+ var sels = cm.listSelections();
+ var given = (arguments.length - 1) / 2;
+ if (sels.length != given)
+ throw new Failure("expected " + given + " selections, found " + sels.length);
+ for (var i = 0, p = 1; i < given; i++, p += 2) {
+ eqPos(sels[i].anchor, sels[i].head, "something selected for " + i);
+ var head = Pos(arguments[p], arguments[p + 1]);
+ eqPos(sels[i].head, head, "selection " + i);
+ }
+ }
+ testCM("getSelection", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, {anchor: Pos(0, 0), head: Pos(1, 2)}, {anchor: Pos(2, 2), head: Pos(2, 0)});
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "1234\n56\n90");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(false).join("|"), "1234|56|90");
+ eq(cm.getSelections().join("|"), "1234\n56|90");
+ }, {value: "1234\n5678\n90"});
+ testCM("setSelection", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(3, 0), Pos(0, 0), {anchor: Pos(2, 5), head: Pos(1, 0)});
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 2, 5, 1, 0,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0);
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 1));
+ hasSelections(cm, 1, 2, 1, 1);
+ select(cm, {anchor: Pos(1, 1), head: Pos(2, 4)},
+ {anchor: Pos(0, 0), head: Pos(1, 3)},
+ Pos(3, 0), Pos(2, 2));
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 2, 4,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0);
+ cm.setSelections([{anchor: Pos(0, 1), head: Pos(0, 2)},
+ {anchor: Pos(1, 1), head: Pos(1, 2)},
+ {anchor: Pos(2, 1), head: Pos(2, 2)}], 1);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(1, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(1, 1));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("from"), Pos(1, 1));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("to"), Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 1));
+ hasCursors(cm, 1, 1);
+ }, {value: "abcde\nabcde\nabcde\n"});
+ testCM("somethingSelected", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), {anchor: Pos(0, 3), head: Pos(0, 5)});
+ eq(cm.somethingSelected(), true);
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 5));
+ eq(cm.somethingSelected(), false);
+ }, {value: "123456789"});
+ testCM("extendSelection", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 1), Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.setExtending(true);
+ cm.extendSelections([Pos(0, 2), Pos(1, 0), Pos(2, 3)]);
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 1, 0, 2,
+ 1, 1, 1, 0,
+ 2, 1, 2, 3);
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(2, 4), Pos(2, 0));
+ hasSelections(cm, 2, 4, 2, 0);
+ }, {value: "1234\n1234\n1234"});
+ testCM("addSelection", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.addSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 4));
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 4,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1);
+ cm.addSelection(Pos(2, 2));
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 4,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2);
+ }, {value: "1234\n1234\n1234"});
+ testCM("replaceSelection", function(cm) {
+ var selections = [{anchor: Pos(0, 0), head: Pos(0, 1)},
+ {anchor: Pos(0, 2), head: Pos(0, 3)},
+ {anchor: Pos(0, 4), head: Pos(0, 5)},
+ {anchor: Pos(2, 1), head: Pos(2, 4)},
+ {anchor: Pos(2, 5), head: Pos(2, 6)}];
+ var val = "123456\n123456\n123456";
+ cm.setValue(val);
+ cm.setSelections(selections);
+ cm.replaceSelection("ab", "around");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "ab2ab4ab6\n123456\n1ab5ab");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 2,
+ 0, 3, 0, 5,
+ 0, 6, 0, 8,
+ 2, 1, 2, 3,
+ 2, 4, 2, 6);
+ cm.setValue(val);
+ cm.setSelections(selections);
+ cm.replaceSelection("", "around");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "246\n123456\n15");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 2, 0, 2,
+ 2, 1, 2, 1,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2);
+ cm.setValue(val);
+ cm.setSelections(selections);
+ cm.replaceSelection("X\nY\nZ", "around");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 2, 1,
+ 2, 2, 4, 1,
+ 4, 2, 6, 1,
+ 8, 1, 10, 1,
+ 10, 2, 12, 1);
+ cm.replaceSelection("a", "around");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 1,
+ 0, 2, 0, 3,
+ 0, 4, 0, 5,
+ 2, 1, 2, 2,
+ 2, 3, 2, 4);
+ cm.replaceSelection("xy", "start");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 0, 3, 0, 3,
+ 0, 6, 0, 6,
+ 2, 1, 2, 1,
+ 2, 4, 2, 4);
+ cm.replaceSelection("z\nf");
+ hasSelections(cm, 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 2, 1, 2, 1,
+ 3, 1, 3, 1,
+ 6, 1, 6, 1,
+ 7, 1, 7, 1);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "z\nfxy2z\nfxy4z\nfxy6\n123456\n1z\nfxy5z\nfxy");
+ });
+ function select(cm) {
+ var sels = [];
+ for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var arg = arguments[i];
+ if (arg.head) sels.push(arg);
+ else sels.push({head: arg, anchor: arg});
+ }
+ cm.setSelections(sels, sels.length - 1);
+ }
+ testCM("indentSelection", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.indentSelection(4);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), " foo\n bar\nbaz");
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.indentSelection(-2);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), " foo\n bar\nbaz");
+ select(cm, {anchor: Pos(0, 0), head: Pos(1, 2)},
+ {anchor: Pos(1, 3), head: Pos(2, 0)});
+ cm.indentSelection(-2);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\n bar\nbaz");
+ }, {value: "foo\nbar\nbaz"});
+ testCM("killLine", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("killLine");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "f\nb\nbaz");
+ cm.execCommand("killLine");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "fbbaz");
+ cm.setValue("foo\nbar\nbaz");
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), {anchor: Pos(0, 2), head: Pos(2, 1)});
+ cm.execCommand("killLine");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "faz");
+ }, {value: "foo\nbar\nbaz"});
+ testCM("deleteLine", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 0),
+ {head: Pos(0, 1), anchor: Pos(2, 0)},
+ Pos(4, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("deleteLine");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "4\n6\n7");
+ select(cm, Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("deleteLine");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "4\n6\n");
+ }, {value: "1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n7"});
+ testCM("deleteH", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 4), {anchor: Pos(1, 4), head: Pos(1, 5)});
+ cm.execCommand("delWordAfter");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo bar baz\nabc ef ghi\n");
+ cm.execCommand("delWordAfter");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo baz\nabc ghi\n");
+ cm.execCommand("delCharBefore");
+ cm.execCommand("delCharBefore");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "fo baz\nab ghi\n");
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4), Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("delWordAfter");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "fo \nab ghi\n");
+ }, {value: "foo bar baz\nabc def ghi\n"});
+ testCM("goLineStart", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 3), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineStart");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 0, 1, 0);
+ select(cm, Pos(1, 1), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.setExtending(true);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineStart");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 1, 0, 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 0);
+ }, {value: "foo\nbar\nbaz"});
+ testCM("moveV", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 2), Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ hasCursors(cm, 1, 2, 2, 2);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 2, 1, 2);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 0, 0, 2);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 0);
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 2), Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.setExtending(true);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ hasSelections(cm, 0, 2, 2, 2);
+ }, {value: "12345\n12345\n12345"});
+ testCM("moveH", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 5), Pos(2, 3));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 2, 0, 4, 1, 0, 2, 4);
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 5, 2, 3);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 15; i++)
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ hasCursors(cm, 2, 4, 2, 5);
+ }, {value: "12345\n12345\n12345"});
+ testCM("newlineAndIndent", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 5), Pos(1, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("newlineAndIndent");
+ hasCursors(cm, 1, 2, 3, 2);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "x = [\n 1];\ny = [\n 2];");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "x = [1];\ny = [2];");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 5, 1, 5);
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 5), Pos(0, 6));
+ cm.execCommand("newlineAndIndent");
+ hasCursors(cm, 1, 2, 2, 0);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "x = [\n 1\n];\ny = [2];");
+ }, {value: "x = [1];\ny = [2];", mode: "javascript"});
+ testCM("goDocStartEnd", function(cm) {
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goDocStart");
+ hasCursors(cm, 0, 0);
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goDocEnd");
+ hasCursors(cm, 1, 3);
+ select(cm, Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.setExtending(true);
+ cm.execCommand("goDocEnd");
+ hasSelections(cm, 1, 1, 1, 3);
+ }, {value: "abc\ndef"});
+ testCM("selectionHistory", function(cm) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
+ cm.addSelection(Pos(0, i * 2), Pos(0, i * 2 + 1));
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "1\n2");
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "1");
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("redoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "1");
+ cm.execCommand("redoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "1\n2");
+ cm.execCommand("redoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "1\n2\n3");
+ }, {value: "1 2 3"});
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/search_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/search_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..04a1e685a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/search_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ function test(name) {
+ var text =, 1, arguments.length - 1).join("\n");
+ var body = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
+ return window.test("search_" + name, function() {
+ body(new CodeMirror.Doc(text));
+ });
+ }
+ function run(doc, query, insensitive) {
+ var cursor = doc.getSearchCursor(query, null, insensitive);
+ for (var i = 3; i < arguments.length; i += 4) {
+ var found = cursor.findNext();
+ is(found, "not enough results (forward)");
+ eqPos(Pos(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]), cursor.from(), "from, forward, " + (i - 3) / 4);
+ eqPos(Pos(arguments[i + 2], arguments[i + 3]),, "to, forward, " + (i - 3) / 4);
+ }
+ is(!cursor.findNext(), "too many matches (forward)");
+ for (var i = arguments.length - 4; i >= 3; i -= 4) {
+ var found = cursor.findPrevious();
+ is(found, "not enough results (backwards)");
+ eqPos(Pos(arguments[i], arguments[i + 1]), cursor.from(), "from, backwards, " + (i - 3) / 4);
+ eqPos(Pos(arguments[i + 2], arguments[i + 3]),, "to, backwards, " + (i - 3) / 4);
+ }
+ is(!cursor.findPrevious(), "too many matches (backwards)");
+ }
+ test("simple", "abcdefg", "abcdefg", function(doc) {
+ run(doc, "cde", false, 0, 2, 0, 5, 1, 2, 1, 5);
+ });
+ test("multiline", "hallo", "goodbye", function(doc) {
+ run(doc, "llo\ngoo", false, 0, 2, 1, 3);
+ run(doc, "blah\nhall", false);
+ run(doc, "bye\neye", false);
+ });
+ test("regexp", "abcde", "abcde", function(doc) {
+ run(doc, /bcd/, false, 0, 1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4);
+ run(doc, /BCD/, false);
+ run(doc, /BCD/i, false, 0, 1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4);
+ });
+ test("insensitive", "hallo", "HALLO", "oink", "hAllO", function(doc) {
+ run(doc, "All", false, 3, 1, 3, 4);
+ run(doc, "All", true, 0, 1, 0, 4, 1, 1, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3, 4);
+ });
+ test("multilineInsensitive", "zie ginds komT", "De Stoomboot", "uit Spanje weer aan", function(doc) {
+ run(doc, "komt\nde stoomboot\nuit", false);
+ run(doc, "komt\nde stoomboot\nuit", true, 0, 10, 2, 3);
+ run(doc, "kOMt\ndE stOOmboot\nuiT", true, 0, 10, 2, 3);
+ });
+ test("expandingCaseFold", "<b>İİ İİ</b>", "<b>uu uu</b>", function(doc) {
+ if (phantom) return; // A Phantom bug makes this hang
+ run(doc, "</b>", true, 0, 8, 0, 12, 1, 8, 1, 12);
+ run(doc, "İİ", true, 0, 3, 0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 8);
+ });
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/sublime_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/sublime_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c5c19c0a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/sublime_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+(function() {
+ "use strict";
+ var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
+ namespace = "sublime_";
+ function stTest(name) {
+ var actions =, 1);
+ testCM(name, function(cm) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < actions.length; i++) {
+ var action = actions[i];
+ if (typeof action == "string" && i == 0)
+ cm.setValue(action);
+ else if (typeof action == "string")
+ cm.execCommand(action);
+ else if (action instanceof Pos)
+ cm.setCursor(action);
+ else
+ action(cm);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ function at(line, ch, msg) {
+ return function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.listSelections().length, 1);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(line, ch), msg);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(line, ch), msg);
+ };
+ }
+ function val(content, msg) {
+ return function(cm) { eq(cm.getValue(), content, msg); };
+ }
+ function argsToRanges(args) {
+ if (args.length % 4) throw new Error("Wrong number of arguments for ranges.");
+ var ranges = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i += 4)
+ ranges.push({anchor: Pos(args[i], args[i + 1]),
+ head: Pos(args[i + 2], args[i + 3])});
+ return ranges;
+ }
+ function setSel() {
+ var ranges = argsToRanges(arguments);
+ return function(cm) { cm.setSelections(ranges, 0); };
+ }
+ function hasSel() {
+ var ranges = argsToRanges(arguments);
+ return function(cm) {
+ var sels = cm.listSelections();
+ if (sels.length != ranges.length)
+ throw new Failure("Expected " + ranges.length + " selections, but found " + sels.length);
+ for (var i = 0; i < sels.length; i++) {
+ eqPos(sels[i].anchor, ranges[i].anchor, "anchor " + i);
+ eqPos(sels[i].head, ranges[i].head, "head " + i);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ stTest("bySubword", "the foo_bar DooDahBah \n a",
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 0),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 3),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 7),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 11),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 15),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 18),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 21),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(0, 22),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(1, 0),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(1, 2),
+ "goSubwordRight", at(1, 2),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(1, 1),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(1, 0),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 22),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 18),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 15),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 12),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 8),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 4),
+ "goSubwordLeft", at(0, 0));
+ stTest("splitSelectionByLine", "abc\ndef\nghi",
+ setSel(0, 1, 2, 2),
+ "splitSelectionByLine",
+ hasSel(0, 1, 0, 3,
+ 1, 0, 1, 3,
+ 2, 0, 2, 2));
+ stTest("splitSelectionByLineMulti", "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl",
+ setSel(0, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 2, 3, 2,
+ 3, 3, 3, 3),
+ "splitSelectionByLine",
+ hasSel(0, 1, 0, 3,
+ 1, 0, 1, 1,
+ 1, 2, 1, 3,
+ 2, 0, 2, 3,
+ 3, 0, 3, 2,
+ 3, 3, 3, 3));
+ stTest("selectLine", "abc\ndef\nghi",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 2, 0, 2, 1),
+ "selectLine",
+ hasSel(0, 0, 1, 0,
+ 2, 0, 2, 3),
+ setSel(0, 1, 1, 0),
+ "selectLine",
+ hasSel(0, 0, 2, 0));
+ stTest("insertLineAfter", "abcde\nfghijkl\nmn",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 3, 0, 3,
+ 1, 2, 1, 2,
+ 1, 3, 1, 5), "insertLineAfter",
+ hasSel(1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0), val("abcde\n\nfghijkl\n\nmn"));
+ stTest("insertLineBefore", "abcde\nfghijkl\nmn",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 3, 0, 3,
+ 1, 2, 1, 2,
+ 1, 3, 1, 5), "insertLineBefore",
+ hasSel(0, 0, 0, 0,
+ 2, 0, 2, 0), val("\nabcde\n\nfghijkl\nmn"));
+ stTest("selectNextOccurrence", "a foo bar\nfoobar foo",
+ setSel(0, 2, 0, 5),
+ "selectNextOccurrence", hasSel(0, 2, 0, 5,
+ 1, 0, 1, 3),
+ "selectNextOccurrence", hasSel(0, 2, 0, 5,
+ 1, 0, 1, 3,
+ 1, 7, 1, 10),
+ "selectNextOccurrence", hasSel(0, 2, 0, 5,
+ 1, 0, 1, 3,
+ 1, 7, 1, 10),
+ Pos(0, 3), "selectNextOccurrence", hasSel(0, 2, 0, 5),
+ "selectNextOccurrence", hasSel(0, 2, 0, 5,
+ 1, 7, 1, 10),
+ setSel(0, 6, 0, 9),
+ "selectNextOccurrence", hasSel(0, 6, 0, 9,
+ 1, 3, 1, 6));
+ stTest("selectScope", "foo(a) {\n bar[1, 2];\n}",
+ "selectScope", hasSel(0, 0, 2, 1),
+ Pos(0, 4), "selectScope", hasSel(0, 4, 0, 5),
+ Pos(0, 5), "selectScope", hasSel(0, 4, 0, 5),
+ Pos(0, 6), "selectScope", hasSel(0, 0, 2, 1),
+ Pos(0, 8), "selectScope", hasSel(0, 8, 2, 0),
+ Pos(1, 2), "selectScope", hasSel(0, 8, 2, 0),
+ Pos(1, 6), "selectScope", hasSel(1, 6, 1, 10),
+ Pos(1, 9), "selectScope", hasSel(1, 6, 1, 10));
+ stTest("goToBracket", "foo(a) {\n bar[1, 2];\n}",
+ Pos(0, 0), "goToBracket", at(0, 0),
+ Pos(0, 4), "goToBracket", at(0, 5), "goToBracket", at(0, 4),
+ Pos(0, 8), "goToBracket", at(2, 0), "goToBracket", at(0, 8),
+ Pos(1, 2), "goToBracket", at(2, 0),
+ Pos(1, 7), "goToBracket", at(1, 10), "goToBracket", at(1, 6));
+ stTest("swapLine", "1\n2\n3---\n4\n5",
+ "swapLineDown", val("2\n1\n3---\n4\n5"),
+ "swapLineUp", val("1\n2\n3---\n4\n5"),
+ "swapLineUp", val("1\n2\n3---\n4\n5"),
+ Pos(4, 1), "swapLineDown", val("1\n2\n3---\n4\n5"),
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 2, 0,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2),
+ "swapLineDown", val("4\n1\n2\n3---\n5"),
+ hasSel(1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 2, 0, 3, 0,
+ 3, 2, 3, 2),
+ "swapLineUp", val("1\n2\n3---\n4\n5"),
+ hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 0, 2, 0,
+ 2, 2, 2, 2));
+ stTest("swapLineEmptyBottomSel", "1\n2\n3",
+ setSel(0, 1, 1, 0),
+ "swapLineDown", val("2\n1\n3"), hasSel(1, 1, 2, 0),
+ "swapLineUp", val("1\n2\n3"), hasSel(0, 1, 1, 0),
+ "swapLineUp", val("1\n2\n3"), hasSel(0, 0, 0, 0));
+ stTest("swapLineUpFromEnd", "a\nb\nc",
+ Pos(2, 1), "swapLineUp",
+ hasSel(1, 1, 1, 1), val("a\nc\nb"));
+ stTest("joinLines", "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl",
+ "joinLines", val("abc def\nghi\njkl"), at(0, 4),
+ "undo",
+ setSel(0, 2, 1, 1), "joinLines",
+ val("abc def ghi\njkl"), hasSel(0, 2, 0, 8),
+ "undo",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 3, 1, 3, 1), "joinLines",
+ val("abc def ghi\njkl"), hasSel(0, 4, 0, 4,
+ 0, 8, 0, 8,
+ 1, 3, 1, 3));
+ stTest("duplicateLine", "abc\ndef\nghi",
+ Pos(1, 0), "duplicateLine", val("abc\ndef\ndef\nghi"), at(2, 0),
+ "undo",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 2, 1, 2, 1), "duplicateLine",
+ val("abc\nabc\ndef\ndef\nghi\nghi"), hasSel(1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 3, 1, 3, 1,
+ 5, 1, 5, 1));
+ stTest("duplicateLineSelection", "abcdef",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 2, 0, 4,
+ 0, 5, 0, 5),
+ "duplicateLine",
+ val("abcdef\nabcdcdef\nabcdcdef"), hasSel(2, 1, 2, 1,
+ 2, 4, 2, 6,
+ 2, 7, 2, 7));
+ stTest("selectLinesUpward", "123\n345\n789\n012",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 3,
+ 2, 0, 2, 0,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0),
+ "selectLinesUpward",
+ hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 0, 3, 0, 3,
+ 1, 0, 1, 0,
+ 1, 1, 1, 3,
+ 2, 0, 2, 0,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0));
+ stTest("selectLinesDownward", "123\n345\n789\n012",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 3,
+ 2, 0, 2, 0,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0),
+ "selectLinesDownward",
+ hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 1, 1, 1, 3,
+ 2, 0, 2, 0,
+ 2, 3, 2, 3,
+ 3, 0, 3, 0));
+ stTest("sortLines", "c\nb\na\nC\nB\nA",
+ "sortLines", val("A\nB\nC\na\nb\nc"),
+ "undo",
+ setSel(0, 0, 2, 0,
+ 3, 0, 5, 0),
+ "sortLines", val("a\nb\nc\nA\nB\nC"),
+ hasSel(0, 0, 2, 1,
+ 3, 0, 5, 1),
+ "undo",
+ setSel(1, 0, 4, 0), "sortLinesInsensitive", val("c\na\nB\nb\nC\nA"));
+ stTest("bookmarks", "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl",
+ Pos(0, 1), "toggleBookmark",
+ setSel(1, 1, 1, 2), "toggleBookmark",
+ setSel(2, 1, 2, 2), "toggleBookmark",
+ "nextBookmark", hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1),
+ "nextBookmark", hasSel(1, 1, 1, 2),
+ "nextBookmark", hasSel(2, 1, 2, 2),
+ "prevBookmark", hasSel(1, 1, 1, 2),
+ "prevBookmark", hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1),
+ "prevBookmark", hasSel(2, 1, 2, 2),
+ "prevBookmark", hasSel(1, 1, 1, 2),
+ "toggleBookmark",
+ "prevBookmark", hasSel(2, 1, 2, 2),
+ "prevBookmark", hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1),
+ "selectBookmarks", hasSel(0, 1, 0, 1,
+ 2, 1, 2, 2),
+ "clearBookmarks",
+ Pos(0, 0), "selectBookmarks", at(0, 0));
+ stTest("smartBackspace", " foo\n bar",
+ setSel(0, 2, 0, 2, 1, 4, 1, 4, 1, 6, 1, 6), "smartBackspace",
+ val("foo\n br"))
+ stTest("upAndDowncaseAtCursor", "abc\ndef x\nghI",
+ setSel(0, 1, 0, 3,
+ 1, 1, 1, 1,
+ 1, 4, 1, 4), "upcaseAtCursor",
+ val("aBC\nDEF x\nghI"), hasSel(0, 1, 0, 3,
+ 1, 3, 1, 3,
+ 1, 4, 1, 4),
+ "downcaseAtCursor",
+ val("abc\ndef x\nghI"), hasSel(0, 1, 0, 3,
+ 1, 3, 1, 3,
+ 1, 4, 1, 4));
+ stTest("mark", "abc\ndef\nghi",
+ Pos(1, 1), "setSublimeMark",
+ Pos(2, 1), "selectToSublimeMark", hasSel(2, 1, 1, 1),
+ Pos(0, 1), "swapWithSublimeMark", at(1, 1), "swapWithSublimeMark", at(0, 1),
+ "deleteToSublimeMark", val("aef\nghi"),
+ "sublimeYank", val("abc\ndef\nghi"), at(1, 1));
+ stTest("findUnder", "foo foobar a",
+ "findUnder", hasSel(0, 4, 0, 7),
+ "findUnder", hasSel(0, 0, 0, 3),
+ "findUnderPrevious", hasSel(0, 4, 0, 7),
+ "findUnderPrevious", hasSel(0, 0, 0, 3),
+ Pos(0, 4), "findUnder", hasSel(0, 4, 0, 10),
+ Pos(0, 11), "findUnder", hasSel(0, 11, 0, 11));
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82ee231e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,2151 @@
+var Pos = CodeMirror.Pos;
+CodeMirror.defaults.rtlMoveVisually = true;
+function forEach(arr, f) {
+ for (var i = 0, e = arr.length; i < e; ++i) f(arr[i], i);
+function addDoc(cm, width, height) {
+ var content = [], line = "";
+ for (var i = 0; i < width; ++i) line += "x";
+ for (var i = 0; i < height; ++i) content.push(line);
+ cm.setValue(content.join("\n"));
+function byClassName(elt, cls) {
+ if (elt.getElementsByClassName) return elt.getElementsByClassName(cls);
+ var found = [], re = new RegExp("\\b" + cls + "\\b");
+ function search(elt) {
+ if (elt.nodeType == 3) return;
+ if (re.test(elt.className)) found.push(elt);
+ for (var i = 0, e = elt.childNodes.length; i < e; ++i)
+ search(elt.childNodes[i]);
+ }
+ search(elt);
+ return found;
+var ie_lt8 = /MSIE [1-7]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
+var ie_lt9 = /MSIE [1-8]\b/.test(navigator.userAgent);
+var mac = /Mac/.test(navigator.platform);
+var phantom = /PhantomJS/.test(navigator.userAgent);
+var opera = /Opera\/\./.test(navigator.userAgent);
+var opera_version = opera && navigator.userAgent.match(/Version\/(\d+\.\d+)/);
+if (opera_version) opera_version = Number(opera_version);
+var opera_lt10 = opera && (!opera_version || opera_version < 10);
+namespace = "core_";
+test("core_fromTextArea", function() {
+ var te = document.getElementById("code");
+ te.value = "CONTENT";
+ var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(te);
+ is(!te.offsetHeight);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "CONTENT");
+ cm.setValue("foo\nbar");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\nbar");
+ is(/^foo\r?\nbar$/.test(te.value));
+ cm.setValue("xxx");
+ cm.toTextArea();
+ is(te.offsetHeight);
+ eq(te.value, "xxx");
+testCM("getRange", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "1234");
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "5678");
+ eq(cm.getLine(2), null);
+ eq(cm.getLine(-1), null);
+ eq(cm.getRange(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 3)), "123");
+ eq(cm.getRange(Pos(0, -1), Pos(0, 200)), "1234");
+ eq(cm.getRange(Pos(0, 2), Pos(1, 2)), "34\n56");
+ eq(cm.getRange(Pos(1, 2), Pos(100, 0)), "78");
+}, {value: "1234\n5678"});
+testCM("replaceRange", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "");
+ cm.replaceRange("foo\n", Pos(0, 0));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\n");
+ cm.replaceRange("a\nb", Pos(0, 1));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "fa\nboo\n");
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 3);
+ cm.replaceRange("xyzzy", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 1));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "xyzzyoo\n");
+ cm.replaceRange("abc", Pos(0, 0), Pos(10, 0));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc");
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 1);
+testCM("selection", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 4), Pos(2, 2));
+ is(cm.somethingSelected());
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "11\n222222\n33");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(2, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 0));
+ is(!cm.somethingSelected());
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.replaceSelection("abc", "around");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "abc");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "111111\nabc222222\n333333");
+ cm.replaceSelection("def", "end");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(1, 3));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(2, 1));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(1, 2));
+}, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"});
+testCM("extendSelection", function(cm) {
+ cm.setExtending(true);
+ addDoc(cm, 10, 10);
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(3, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(3, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(3, 5));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(2, 5), Pos(5, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(5, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(2, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("start"), Pos(2, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("end"), Pos(5, 5));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(5, 5), Pos(2, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(2, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("start"), Pos(2, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("end"), Pos(5, 5));
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(3, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(3, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5));
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(6, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(6, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5));
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(6, 3), Pos(6, 4));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(6, 4));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5));
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(0, 3));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(5, 5));
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(4, 5), Pos(6, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(6, 5));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(4, 5));
+ cm.setExtending(false);
+ cm.extendSelection(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(0, 3));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(0, 4));
+testCM("lines", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "111111");
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "222222");
+ eq(cm.getLine(-1), null);
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(1, 0), Pos(2, 0))
+ cm.replaceRange("abc", Pos(1, 0), Pos(1));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "111111\nabc");
+}, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"});
+testCM("indent", function(cm) {
+ cm.indentLine(1);
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), " blah();");
+ cm.setOption("indentUnit", 8);
+ cm.indentLine(1);
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "\tblah();");
+ cm.setOption("indentUnit", 10);
+ cm.setOption("tabSize", 4);
+ cm.indentLine(1);
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "\t\t blah();");
+}, {value: "if (x) {\nblah();\n}", indentUnit: 3, indentWithTabs: true, tabSize: 8});
+testCM("indentByNumber", function(cm) {
+ cm.indentLine(0, 2);
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), " foo");
+ cm.indentLine(0, -200);
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "foo");
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.indentSelection(3);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), " foo\n bar\nbaz");
+}, {value: "foo\nbar\nbaz"});
+test("core_defaults", function() {
+ var defsCopy = {}, defs = CodeMirror.defaults;
+ for (var opt in defs) defsCopy[opt] = defs[opt];
+ defs.indentUnit = 5;
+ defs.value = "uu";
+ defs.indentWithTabs = true;
+ defs.tabindex = 55;
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground"), cm = CodeMirror(place);
+ try {
+ eq(cm.getOption("indentUnit"), 5);
+ cm.setOption("indentUnit", 10);
+ eq(defs.indentUnit, 5);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "uu");
+ eq(cm.getOption("indentWithTabs"), true);
+ eq(cm.getInputField().tabIndex, 55);
+ }
+ finally {
+ for (var opt in defsCopy) defs[opt] = defsCopy[opt];
+ place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement());
+ }
+testCM("lineInfo", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(-1), null);
+ var mark = document.createElement("span");
+ var lh = cm.setGutterMarker(1, "FOO", mark);
+ var info = cm.lineInfo(1);
+ eq(info.text, "222222");
+ eq(info.gutterMarkers.FOO, mark);
+ eq(info.line, 1);
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(2).gutterMarkers, null);
+ cm.setGutterMarker(lh, "FOO", null);
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(1).gutterMarkers, null);
+ cm.setGutterMarker(1, "FOO", mark);
+ cm.setGutterMarker(0, "FOO", mark);
+ cm.clearGutter("FOO");
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(0).gutterMarkers, null);
+ eq(cm.lineInfo(1).gutterMarkers, null);
+}, {value: "111111\n222222\n333333"});
+testCM("coords", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(null, 100);
+ addDoc(cm, 32, 200);
+ var top = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0));
+ var bot = cm.charCoords(Pos(200, 30));
+ is(top.left < bot.left);
+ is( <;
+ is( < top.bottom);
+ cm.scrollTo(null, 100);
+ var top2 = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0));
+ is( >;
+ eq(top.left, top2.left);
+testCM("coordsChar", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 35, 70);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ var sys = i ? "local" : "page";
+ for (var ch = 0; ch <= 35; ch += 5) {
+ for (var line = 0; line < 70; line += 5) {
+ cm.setCursor(line, ch);
+ var coords = cm.charCoords(Pos(line, ch), sys);
+ var pos = cm.coordsChar({left: coords.left + 1, top: + 1}, sys);
+ eqPos(pos, Pos(line, ch));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+}, {lineNumbers: true});
+testCM("posFromIndex", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue(
+ "This function should\n" +
+ "convert a zero based index\n" +
+ "to line and ch."
+ );
+ var examples = [
+ { index: -1, line: 0, ch: 0 }, // <- Tests clipping
+ { index: 0, line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { index: 10, line: 0, ch: 10 },
+ { index: 39, line: 1, ch: 18 },
+ { index: 55, line: 2, ch: 7 },
+ { index: 63, line: 2, ch: 15 },
+ { index: 64, line: 2, ch: 15 } // <- Tests clipping
+ ];
+ for (var i = 0; i < examples.length; i++) {
+ var example = examples[i];
+ var pos = cm.posFromIndex(example.index);
+ eq(pos.line, example.line);
+ eq(,;
+ if (example.index >= 0 && example.index < 64)
+ eq(cm.indexFromPos(pos), example.index);
+ }
+testCM("undo", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceRange("def", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 1);
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc");
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0);
+ eq(cm.historySize().redo, 1);
+ cm.redo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "def");
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 1);
+ eq(cm.historySize().redo, 0);
+ cm.setValue("1\n\n\n2");
+ cm.clearHistory();
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 20; ++i) {
+ cm.replaceRange("a", Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.replaceRange("b", Pos(3, 0));
+ }
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 40);
+ for (var i = 0; i < 40; ++i)
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.historySize().redo, 40);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "1\n\n\n2");
+}, {value: "abc"});
+testCM("undoDepth", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceRange("d", Pos(0));
+ cm.replaceRange("e", Pos(0));
+ cm.replaceRange("f", Pos(0));
+ cm.undo(); cm.undo(); cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abcd");
+}, {value: "abc", undoDepth: 4});
+testCM("undoDoesntClearValue", function(cm) {
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "x");
+}, {value: "x"});
+testCM("undoMultiLine", function(cm) {
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(1, 0));
+ });
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi");
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0));
+ });
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi");
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(2, 0));
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.replaceRange("z", Pos(2, 0));
+ });
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef\nghi", 3);
+}, {value: "abc\ndef\nghi"});
+testCM("undoComposite", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(1));
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0));
+ cm.replaceRange("z", Pos(2));
+ });
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "ax\nby\ncz\n");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "a\nby\nc\n");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "a\nb\nc\n");
+ cm.redo(); cm.redo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "ax\nby\ncz\n");
+}, {value: "a\nb\nc\n"});
+testCM("undoSelection", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.replaceSelection("");
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.undo();
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.redo();
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(0, 2));
+}, {value: "abcdefgh\n"});
+testCM("undoSelectionAsBefore", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceSelection("abc", "around");
+ cm.undo();
+ cm.redo();
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "abc");
+testCM("selectionChangeConfusesHistory", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceSelection("abc", null, "dontmerge");
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.replaceSelection("abc", null, "dontmerge");
+ });
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 2);
+testCM("markTextSingleLine", function(cm) {
+ forEach([{a: 0, b: 1, c: "", f: 2, t: 5},
+ {a: 0, b: 4, c: "", f: 0, t: 2},
+ {a: 1, b: 2, c: "x", f: 3, t: 6},
+ {a: 4, b: 5, c: "", f: 3, t: 5},
+ {a: 4, b: 5, c: "xx", f: 3, t: 7},
+ {a: 2, b: 5, c: "", f: 2, t: 3},
+ {a: 2, b: 5, c: "abcd", f: 6, t: 7},
+ {a: 2, b: 6, c: "x", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: 3, b: 6, c: "", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: 0, b: 9, c: "hallo", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: 4, b: 6, c: "x", f: 3, t: 4},
+ {a: 4, b: 8, c: "", f: 3, t: 4},
+ {a: 6, b: 6, c: "a", f: 3, t: 6},
+ {a: 8, b: 9, c: "", f: 3, t: 6}], function(test) {
+ cm.setValue("1234567890");
+ var r = cm.markText(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 6), {className: "foo"});
+ cm.replaceRange(test.c, Pos(0, test.a), Pos(0, test.b));
+ var f = r.find();
+ eq(f &&, test.f); eq(f &&, test.t);
+ });
+testCM("markTextMultiLine", function(cm) {
+ function p(v) { return v && Pos(v[0], v[1]); }
+ forEach([{a: [0, 0], b: [0, 5], c: "", f: [0, 0], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 0], b: [0, 5], c: "foo\n", f: [1, 0], t: [3, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 1], b: [0, 10], c: "", f: [0, 1], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 5], b: [0, 6], c: "x", f: [0, 6], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 0], b: [1, 0], c: "", f: [0, 0], t: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 6], b: [2, 4], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [0, 7]},
+ {a: [0, 6], b: [2, 4], c: "aa", f: [0, 5], t: [0, 9]},
+ {a: [1, 2], b: [1, 8], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [0, 5], b: [2, 5], c: "xx", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: [0, 0], b: [2, 10], c: "x", f: null, t: null},
+ {a: [1, 5], b: [2, 5], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [2, 0], b: [2, 3], c: "", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 2]},
+ {a: [2, 5], b: [3, 0], c: "a\nb", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 5]},
+ {a: [2, 3], b: [3, 0], c: "x", f: [0, 5], t: [2, 3]},
+ {a: [1, 1], b: [1, 9], c: "1\n2\n3", f: [0, 5], t: [4, 5]}], function(test) {
+ cm.setValue("aaaaaaaaaa\nbbbbbbbbbb\ncccccccccc\ndddddddd\n");
+ var r = cm.markText(Pos(0, 5), Pos(2, 5),
+ {className: "CodeMirror-matchingbracket"});
+ cm.replaceRange(test.c, p(test.a), p(test.b));
+ var f = r.find();
+ eqPos(f && f.from, p(test.f)); eqPos(f &&, p(test.t));
+ });
+testCM("markTextUndo", function(cm) {
+ var marker1, marker2, bookmark;
+ marker1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3),
+ {className: "CodeMirror-matchingbracket"});
+ marker2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 1),
+ {className: "CodeMirror-matchingbracket"});
+ bookmark = cm.setBookmark(Pos(1, 5));
+ cm.operation(function(){
+ cm.replaceRange("foo", Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.replaceRange("bar\nbaz\nbug\n", Pos(2, 0), Pos(3, 0));
+ });
+ var v1 = cm.getValue();
+ cm.setValue("");
+ eq(marker1.find(), null); eq(marker2.find(), null); eq(bookmark.find(), null);
+ cm.undo();
+ eqPos(bookmark.find(), Pos(1, 5), "still there");
+ cm.undo();
+ var m1Pos = marker1.find(), m2Pos = marker2.find();
+ eqPos(m1Pos.from, Pos(0, 1)); eqPos(, Pos(0, 3));
+ eqPos(m2Pos.from, Pos(0, 0)); eqPos(, Pos(2, 1));
+ eqPos(bookmark.find(), Pos(1, 5));
+ cm.redo(); cm.redo();
+ eq(bookmark.find(), null);
+ cm.undo();
+ eqPos(bookmark.find(), Pos(1, 5));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), v1);
+}, {value: "1234\n56789\n00\n"});
+testCM("markTextStayGone", function(cm) {
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.replaceRange("hi", Pos(0, 2));
+ m1.clear();
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(m1.find(), null);
+}, {value: "hello"});
+testCM("markTextAllowEmpty", function(cm) {
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {clearWhenEmpty: false});
+ is(m1.find());
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 0));
+ is(m1.find());
+ cm.replaceRange("y", Pos(0, 2));
+ is(m1.find());
+ cm.replaceRange("z", Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4));
+ is(!m1.find());
+ var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {clearWhenEmpty: false,
+ inclusiveLeft: true,
+ inclusiveRight: true});
+ cm.replaceRange("q", Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2));
+ is(m2.find());
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 3));
+ is(!m2.find());
+ var m3 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 1), {clearWhenEmpty: false});
+ cm.replaceRange("a", Pos(0, 3));
+ is(m3.find());
+ cm.replaceRange("b", Pos(0, 1));
+ is(!m3.find());
+}, {value: "abcde"});
+testCM("markTextStacked", function(cm) {
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 0), {clearWhenEmpty: false});
+ var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 0), {clearWhenEmpty: false});
+ cm.replaceRange("B", Pos(0, 1));
+ is(m1.find() && m2.find());
+}, {value: "A"});
+testCM("undoPreservesNewMarks", function(cm) {
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 3), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.markText(Pos(1, 1), Pos(1, 3));
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 3), Pos(3, 1));
+ var mBefore = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1));
+ var mAfter = cm.markText(Pos(0, 5), Pos(0, 6));
+ var mAround = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.undo();
+ eqPos(mBefore.find().from, Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(mBefore.find().to, Pos(0, 1));
+ eqPos(mAfter.find().from, Pos(3, 3));
+ eqPos(mAfter.find().to, Pos(3, 4));
+ eqPos(mAround.find().from, Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(mAround.find().to, Pos(3, 2));
+ var found = cm.findMarksAt(Pos(2, 2));
+ eq(found.length, 1);
+ eq(found[0], mAround);
+}, {value: "aaaa\nbbbb\ncccc\ndddd"});
+testCM("markClearBetween", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("aaa\nbbb\nccc\nddd\n");
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2));
+ cm.replaceRange("aaa\nbbb\nccc", Pos(0, 0), Pos(2));
+ eq(cm.findMarksAt(Pos(1, 1)).length, 0);
+testCM("findMarksMiddle", function(cm) {
+ var mark = cm.markText(Pos(1, 1), Pos(3, 1));
+ var found = cm.findMarks(Pos(2, 1), Pos(2, 2));
+ eq(found.length, 1);
+ eq(found[0], mark);
+}, {value: "line 0\nline 1\nline 2\nline 3"});
+testCM("deleteSpanCollapsedInclusiveLeft", function(cm) {
+ var from = Pos(1, 0), to = Pos(1, 1);
+ var m = cm.markText(from, to, {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true});
+ // Delete collapsed span.
+ cm.replaceRange("", from, to);
+}, {value: "abc\nX\ndef"});
+testCM("markTextCSS", function(cm) {
+ function present() {
+ var spans = cm.display.lineDiv.getElementsByTagName("span");
+ for (var i = 0; i < spans.length; i++)
+ if (spans[i].style.color == "cyan" && span[i].textContent == "cdefg") return true;
+ }
+ var m = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 6), {css: "color: cyan"});
+ m.clear();
+ is(!present());
+}, {value: "abcdefgh"});
+testCM("bookmark", function(cm) {
+ function p(v) { return v && Pos(v[0], v[1]); }
+ forEach([{a: [1, 0], b: [1, 1], c: "", d: [1, 4]},
+ {a: [1, 1], b: [1, 1], c: "xx", d: [1, 7]},
+ {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 5], c: "ab", d: [1, 6]},
+ {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 6], c: "", d: null},
+ {a: [1, 5], b: [1, 6], c: "abc", d: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [1, 6], b: [1, 8], c: "", d: [1, 5]},
+ {a: [1, 4], b: [1, 4], c: "\n\n", d: [3, 1]},
+ {bm: [1, 9], a: [1, 1], b: [1, 1], c: "\n", d: [2, 8]}], function(test) {
+ cm.setValue("1234567890\n1234567890\n1234567890");
+ var b = cm.setBookmark(p( || Pos(1, 5));
+ cm.replaceRange(test.c, p(test.a), p(test.b));
+ eqPos(b.find(), p(test.d));
+ });
+testCM("bookmarkInsertLeft", function(cm) {
+ var br = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2), {insertLeft: false});
+ var bl = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2), {insertLeft: true});
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.replaceSelection("hi");
+ eqPos(br.find(), Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(bl.find(), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 4), Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2));
+ // Verify that deleting next to bookmarks doesn't kill them
+ eqPos(br.find(), Pos(0, 1));
+ eqPos(bl.find(), Pos(0, 1));
+}, {value: "abcdef"});
+testCM("bookmarkCursor", function(cm) {
+ var pos01 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)), pos11 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(1, 1)),
+ pos20 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(2, 0)), pos30 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(3, 0)),
+ pos41 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(4, 1));
+ cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 1), {widget: document.createTextNode("←"), insertLeft: true});
+ cm.setBookmark(Pos(2, 0), {widget: document.createTextNode("←"), insertLeft: true});
+ cm.setBookmark(Pos(1, 1), {widget: document.createTextNode("→")});
+ cm.setBookmark(Pos(3, 0), {widget: document.createTextNode("→")});
+ var new01 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)), new11 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(1, 1)),
+ new20 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(2, 0)), new30 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(3, 0));
+ near(new01.left, pos01.left, 1);
+ near(,, 1);
+ is(new11.left > pos11.left, "at right, middle of line");
+ near( ==, 1);
+ near(new20.left, pos20.left, 1);
+ near(,, 1);
+ is(new30.left > pos30.left, "at right, empty line");
+ near(, pos30, 1);
+ cm.setBookmark(Pos(4, 0), {widget: document.createTextNode("→")});
+ is(cm.cursorCoords(Pos(4, 1)).left > pos41.left, "single-char bug");
+}, {value: "foo\nbar\n\n\nx\ny"});
+testCM("multiBookmarkCursor", function(cm) {
+ if (phantom) return;
+ var ms = [], m;
+ function add(insertLeft) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+ var node = document.createElement("span");
+ node.innerHTML = "X";
+ ms.push(cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 1), {widget: node, insertLeft: insertLeft}));
+ }
+ }
+ var base1 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)).left, base4 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 4)).left;
+ add(true);
+ near(base1, cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)).left, 1);
+ while (m = ms.pop()) m.clear();
+ add(false);
+ near(base4, cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 1)).left, 1);
+}, {value: "abcdefg"});
+testCM("getAllMarks", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 10, 10);
+ var m1 = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2));
+ var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(3, 2));
+ var m3 = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 8));
+ var m4 = cm.markText(Pos(8, 0), Pos(9, 0));
+ eq(cm.getAllMarks().length, 4);
+ m1.clear();
+ m3.clear();
+ eq(cm.getAllMarks().length, 2);
+testCM("setValueClears", function(cm) {
+ cm.addLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo");
+ var mark = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 1), {inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true});
+ cm.setValue("foo");
+ is(!cm.lineInfo(0).wrapClass);
+ is(!mark.find());
+}, {value: "a\nb"});
+testCM("bug577", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("a\nb");
+ cm.clearHistory();
+ cm.setValue("fooooo");
+ cm.undo();
+testCM("scrollSnap", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(100, 100);
+ addDoc(cm, 200, 200);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(100, 180));
+ var info = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ is(info.left > 0 && > 0);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0));
+ info = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ is(info.left == 0 && == 0, "scrolled clean to top");
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(100, 180));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(199, 0));
+ info = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ is(info.left == 0 && + 2 > info.height - cm.getScrollerElement().clientHeight, "scrolled clean to bottom");
+testCM("scrollIntoView", function(cm) {
+ if (phantom) return;
+ var outer = cm.getWrapperElement().getBoundingClientRect();
+ function test(line, ch, msg) {
+ var pos = Pos(line, ch);
+ cm.scrollIntoView(pos);
+ var box = cm.charCoords(pos, "window");
+ is(box.left >= outer.left, msg + " (left)");
+ is(box.right <= outer.right, msg + " (right)");
+ is( >=, msg + " (top)");
+ is(box.bottom <= outer.bottom, msg + " (bottom)");
+ }
+ addDoc(cm, 200, 200);
+ test(199, 199, "bottom right");
+ test(0, 0, "top left");
+ test(100, 100, "center");
+ test(199, 0, "bottom left");
+ test(0, 199, "top right");
+ test(100, 100, "center again");
+testCM("scrollBackAndForth", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 1, 200);
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.scrollIntoView(Pos(199, 0));
+ cm.scrollIntoView(Pos(4, 0));
+ });
+ is(cm.getScrollInfo().top > 0);
+testCM("selectAllNoScroll", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 1, 200);
+ cm.execCommand("selectAll");
+ eq(cm.getScrollInfo().top, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(199);
+ cm.execCommand("selectAll");
+ is(cm.getScrollInfo().top > 0);
+testCM("selectionPos", function(cm) {
+ if (phantom || cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return;
+ cm.setSize(100, 100);
+ addDoc(cm, 200, 100);
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 100), Pos(98, 100));
+ var lineWidth = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 200), "local").left;
+ var lineHeight = (cm.charCoords(Pos(99)).top - cm.charCoords(Pos(0)).top) / 100;
+ cm.scrollTo(0, 0);
+ var selElt = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-selected");
+ var outer = cm.getWrapperElement().getBoundingClientRect();
+ var sawMiddle, sawTop, sawBottom;
+ for (var i = 0, e = selElt.length; i < e; ++i) {
+ var box = selElt[i].getBoundingClientRect();
+ var atLeft = box.left - outer.left < 30;
+ var width = box.right - box.left;
+ var atRight = box.right - outer.left > .8 * lineWidth;
+ if (atLeft && atRight) {
+ sawMiddle = true;
+ is(box.bottom - > 90 * lineHeight, "middle high");
+ is(width > .9 * lineWidth, "middle wide");
+ } else {
+ is(width > .4 * lineWidth, "top/bot wide enough");
+ is(width < .6 * lineWidth, "top/bot slim enough");
+ if (atLeft) {
+ sawBottom = true;
+ is( - > 96 * lineHeight, "bot below");
+ } else if (atRight) {
+ sawTop = true;
+ is( - < 2.1 * lineHeight, "top above");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ is(sawTop && sawBottom && sawMiddle, "all parts");
+}, null);
+testCM("restoreHistory", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("abc\ndef");
+ cm.replaceRange("hello", Pos(1, 0), Pos(1));
+ cm.replaceRange("goop", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ cm.undo();
+ var storedVal = cm.getValue(), storedHist = cm.getHistory();
+ if (window.JSON) storedHist = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(storedHist));
+ eq(storedVal, "abc\nhello");
+ cm.setValue("");
+ cm.clearHistory();
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0);
+ cm.setValue(storedVal);
+ cm.setHistory(storedHist);
+ cm.redo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "goop\nhello");
+ cm.undo(); cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc\ndef");
+testCM("doubleScrollbar", function(cm) {
+ var dummy = document.body.appendChild(document.createElement("p"));
+ = "height: 50px; overflow: scroll; width: 50px";
+ var scrollbarWidth = dummy.offsetWidth + 1 - dummy.clientWidth;
+ document.body.removeChild(dummy);
+ if (scrollbarWidth < 2) return;
+ cm.setSize(null, 100);
+ addDoc(cm, 1, 300);
+ var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement();
+ is(wrap.offsetWidth - byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-lines")[0].offsetWidth <= scrollbarWidth * 1.5);
+testCM("weirdLinebreaks", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("foo\nbar\rbaz\r\nquux\n\rplop");
+ is(cm.getValue(), "foo\nbar\nbaz\nquux\n\nplop");
+ is(cm.lineCount(), 6);
+ cm.setValue("\n\n");
+ is(cm.lineCount(), 3);
+testCM("setSize", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(100, 100);
+ var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement();
+ is(wrap.offsetWidth, 100);
+ is(wrap.offsetHeight, 100);
+ cm.setSize("100%", "3em");
+ is(, "100%");
+ is(, "3em");
+ cm.setSize(null, 40);
+ is(, "100%");
+ is(, "40px");
+function foldLines(cm, start, end, autoClear) {
+ return cm.markText(Pos(start, 0), Pos(end - 1), {
+ inclusiveLeft: true,
+ inclusiveRight: true,
+ collapsed: true,
+ clearOnEnter: autoClear
+ });
+testCM("collapsedLines", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 4, 10);
+ var range = foldLines(cm, 4, 5), cleared = 0;
+ CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {cleared++;});
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 0));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 0));
+ cm.replaceRange("abcdefg", Pos(3, 0), Pos(3));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 6));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 4));
+ cm.replaceRange("ab", Pos(3, 0), Pos(3));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 2));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 2));
+ cm.operation(function() {range.clear(); range.clear();});
+ eq(cleared, 1);
+testCM("collapsedRangeCoordsChar", function(cm) {
+ var pos_1_3 = cm.charCoords(Pos(1, 3));
+ pos_1_3.left += 2; += 2;
+ var opts = {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true, inclusiveRight: true};
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(2, 0), opts);
+ eqPos(cm.coordsChar(pos_1_3), Pos(3, 3));
+ m1.clear();
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 1), {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true});
+ var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(1, 1), Pos(2, 0), {collapsed: true, inclusiveRight: true});
+ eqPos(cm.coordsChar(pos_1_3), Pos(3, 3));
+ m1.clear(); m2.clear();
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 6), opts);
+ eqPos(cm.coordsChar(pos_1_3), Pos(3, 3));
+}, {value: "123456\nabcdef\nghijkl\nmnopqr\n"});
+testCM("collapsedRangeBetweenLinesSelected", function(cm) {
+ if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return;
+ var widget = document.createElement("span");
+ widget.textContent = "\u2194";
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 3), Pos(1, 0), {replacedWith: widget});
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 3), Pos(1, 0));
+ var selElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-selected");
+ for (var i = 0, w = 0; i < selElts.length; i++)
+ w += selElts[i].offsetWidth;
+ is(w > 0);
+}, {value: "one\ntwo"});
+testCM("randomCollapsedRanges", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 20, 500);
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 200; i++) {
+ var start = Pos(Math.floor(Math.random() * 500), Math.floor(Math.random() * 20));
+ if (i % 4)
+ try { cm.markText(start, Pos(start.line + 2, 1), {collapsed: true}); }
+ catch(e) { if (!/overlapping/.test(String(e))) throw e; }
+ else
+ cm.markText(start, Pos(start.line, + 4), {"className": "foo"});
+ }
+ });
+testCM("hiddenLinesAutoUnfold", function(cm) {
+ var range = foldLines(cm, 1, 3, true), cleared = 0;
+ CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {cleared++;});
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 0));
+ eq(cleared, 0);
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eq(cleared, 1);
+ range = foldLines(cm, 1, 3, true);
+ CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function() {cleared++;});
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 0));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 3));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eq(cleared, 2);
+}, {value: "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl"});
+testCM("hiddenLinesSelectAll", function(cm) { // Issue #484
+ addDoc(cm, 4, 20);
+ foldLines(cm, 0, 10);
+ foldLines(cm, 11, 20);
+ CodeMirror.commands.selectAll(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(true), Pos(10, 0));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(false), Pos(10, 4));
+testCM("everythingFolded", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 2, 2);
+ function enterPress() {
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown({type: "keydown", keyCode: 13, preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}});
+ }
+ var fold = foldLines(cm, 0, 2);
+ enterPress();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "xx\nxx");
+ fold.clear();
+ fold = foldLines(cm, 0, 2, true);
+ eq(fold.find(), null);
+ enterPress();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "\nxx\nxx");
+testCM("structuredFold", function(cm) {
+ if (phantom) return;
+ addDoc(cm, 4, 8);
+ var range = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(6, 2), {
+ replacedWith: document.createTextNode("Q")
+ });
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(6, 2));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 2));
+ CodeMirror.commands.delCharAfter(cm);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "xxxx\nxxxx\nxxxx");
+ addDoc(cm, 4, 8);
+ range = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(6, 2), {
+ replacedWith: document.createTextNode("M"),
+ clearOnEnter: true
+ });
+ var cleared = 0;
+ CodeMirror.on(range, "clear", function(){++cleared;});
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(6, 2));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(6, 1));
+ eq(cleared, 1);
+ range.clear();
+ eq(cleared, 1);
+ range = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(6, 2), {
+ replacedWith: document.createTextNode("Q"),
+ clearOnEnter: true
+ });
+ range.clear();
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 3));
+ range = cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(4, 4), {
+ replacedWith: document.createTextNode("M")
+ });
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 0));
+}, null);
+testCM("nestedFold", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 10, 3);
+ function fold(ll, cl, lr, cr) {
+ return cm.markText(Pos(ll, cl), Pos(lr, cr), {collapsed: true});
+ }
+ var inner1 = fold(0, 6, 1, 3), inner2 = fold(0, 2, 1, 8), outer = fold(0, 1, 2, 3), inner0 = fold(0, 5, 0, 6);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 3));
+ inner0.clear();
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ outer.clear();
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 8));
+ inner2.clear();
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharLeft(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 7));
+ cm.setCursor(0, 5);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6));
+ CodeMirror.commands.goCharRight(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 3));
+testCM("badNestedFold", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 4, 4);
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(3, 2), {collapsed: true});
+ var caught;
+ try {cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {collapsed: true});}
+ catch(e) {caught = e;}
+ is(caught instanceof Error, "no error");
+ is(/overlap/i.test(caught.message), "wrong error");
+testCM("nestedFoldOnSide", function(cm) {
+ var m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true, inclusiveRight: true});
+ var m2 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {collapsed: true});
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {collapsed: true}).clear();
+ try { cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 2), {collapsed: true, inclusiveLeft: true}); }
+ catch(e) { var caught = e; }
+ is(caught && /overlap/i.test(caught.message));
+ var m3 = cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true});
+ var m4 = cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapse: true, inclusiveRight: true});
+ m1.clear(); m4.clear();
+ m1 = cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true});
+ cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true}).clear();
+ try { cm.markText(Pos(2, 0), Pos(2, 1), {collapsed: true, inclusiveRight: true}); }
+ catch(e) { var caught = e; }
+ is(caught && /overlap/i.test(caught.message));
+}, {value: "ab\ncd\ef"});
+testCM("editInFold", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 4, 6);
+ var m = cm.markText(Pos(1, 2), Pos(3, 2), {collapsed: true});
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, 3));
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(2, 1), Pos(3, 3));
+ cm.replaceRange("a\nb\nc\nd", Pos(0, 1), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 0));
+testCM("wrappingInlineWidget", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize("11em");
+ var w = document.createElement("span");
+ = "red";
+ w.innerHTML = "one two three four";
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 6), Pos(0, 9), {replacedWith: w});
+ var cur0 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 0)), cur1 = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 10));
+ is( <;
+ is(cur0.bottom < cur1.bottom);
+ var curL = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 6)), curR = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 9));
+ eq(,;
+ eq(curL.bottom, cur0.bottom);
+ eq(,;
+ eq(curR.bottom, cur1.bottom);
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 9), Pos(0));
+ curR = cm.cursorCoords(Pos(0, 9));
+ if (phantom) return;
+ eq(,;
+ eq(curR.bottom, cur1.bottom);
+}, {value: "1 2 3 xxx 4", lineWrapping: true});
+testCM("showEmptyWidgetSpan", function(cm) {
+ var marker = cm.markText(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 2), {
+ clearWhenEmpty: false,
+ replacedWith: document.createTextNode("X")
+ });
+ eq(cm.display.view[0].text.textContent, "abXc");
+}, {value: "abc"});
+testCM("changedInlineWidget", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize("10em");
+ var w = document.createElement("span");
+ w.innerHTML = "x";
+ var m = cm.markText(Pos(0, 4), Pos(0, 5), {replacedWith: w});
+ w.innerHTML = "and now the widget is really really long all of a sudden and a scrollbar is needed";
+ m.changed();
+ var hScroll = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-hscrollbar")[0];
+ is(hScroll.scrollWidth > hScroll.clientWidth);
+}, {value: "hello there"});
+testCM("changedBookmark", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize("10em");
+ var w = document.createElement("span");
+ w.innerHTML = "x";
+ var m = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 4), {widget: w});
+ w.innerHTML = "and now the widget is really really long all of a sudden and a scrollbar is needed";
+ m.changed();
+ var hScroll = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-hscrollbar")[0];
+ is(hScroll.scrollWidth > hScroll.clientWidth);
+}, {value: "abcdefg"});
+testCM("inlineWidget", function(cm) {
+ var w = cm.setBookmark(Pos(0, 2), {widget: document.createTextNode("uu")});
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ CodeMirror.commands.goLineDown(cm);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 4));
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ cm.replaceSelection("hi");
+ eqPos(w.find(), Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ cm.replaceSelection("ay");
+ eqPos(w.find(), Pos(0, 4));
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "uayuhiuu");
+}, {value: "uuuu\nuuuuuu"});
+testCM("wrappingAndResizing", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(null, "auto");
+ cm.setOption("lineWrapping", true);
+ var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(), h0 = wrap.offsetHeight;
+ var doc = "xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx";
+ cm.setValue(doc);
+ for (var step = 10, w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 18), "div").right;; w += step) {
+ cm.setSize(w);
+ if (wrap.offsetHeight <= h0 * (opera_lt10 ? 1.2 : 1.5)) {
+ if (step == 10) { w -= 10; step = 1; }
+ else break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Ensure that putting the cursor at the end of the maximally long
+ // line doesn't cause wrapping to happen.
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, doc.length));
+ eq(wrap.offsetHeight, h0);
+ cm.replaceSelection("x");
+ is(wrap.offsetHeight > h0, "wrapping happens");
+ // Now add a max-height and, in a document consisting of
+ // almost-wrapped lines, go over it so that a scrollbar appears.
+ cm.setValue(doc + "\n" + doc + "\n");
+ cm.getScrollerElement().style.maxHeight = "100px";
+ cm.replaceRange("\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n!\n", Pos(2, 0));
+ forEach([Pos(0, doc.length), Pos(0, doc.length - 1),
+ Pos(0, 0), Pos(1, doc.length), Pos(1, doc.length - 1)],
+ function(pos) {
+ var coords = cm.charCoords(pos);
+ eqPos(pos, cm.coordsChar({left: coords.left + 2, top: + 5}));
+ });
+}, null, ie_lt8);
+testCM("measureEndOfLine", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(null, "auto");
+ var inner = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-lines")[0].firstChild;
+ var lh = inner.offsetHeight;
+ for (var step = 10, w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 7), "div").right;; w += step) {
+ cm.setSize(w);
+ if (inner.offsetHeight < 2.5 * lh) {
+ if (step == 10) { w -= 10; step = 1; }
+ else break;
+ }
+ }
+ cm.setValue(cm.getValue() + "\n\n");
+ var endPos = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 18), "local");
+ is( > lh * .8, "not at top");
+ is(endPos.left > w - 20, "not at right");
+ endPos = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 18));
+ eqPos(cm.coordsChar({left: endPos.left, top: + 5}), Pos(0, 18));
+}, {mode: "text/html", value: "<!-- foo barrr -->", lineWrapping: true}, ie_lt8 || opera_lt10);
+testCM("scrollVerticallyAndHorizontally", function(cm) {
+ if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return;
+ cm.setSize(100, 100);
+ addDoc(cm, 40, 40);
+ cm.setCursor(39);
+ var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(), bar = byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-vscrollbar")[0];
+ is(bar.offsetHeight < wrap.offsetHeight, "vertical scrollbar limited by horizontal one");
+ var cursorBox = byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-cursor")[0].getBoundingClientRect();
+ var editorBox = wrap.getBoundingClientRect();
+ is(cursorBox.bottom < + cm.getScrollerElement().clientHeight,
+ "bottom line visible");
+}, {lineNumbers: true});
+testCM("moveVstuck", function(cm) {
+ var lines = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-lines")[0].firstChild, h0 = lines.offsetHeight;
+ var val = "fooooooooooooooooooooooooo baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar\n";
+ cm.setValue(val);
+ for (var w = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 26), "div").right * 2.8;; w += 5) {
+ cm.setSize(w);
+ if (lines.offsetHeight <= 3.5 * h0) break;
+ }
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, val.length - 1));
+ cm.moveV(-1, "line");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 26));
+}, {lineWrapping: true}, ie_lt8 || opera_lt10);
+testCM("collapseOnMove", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ is(!cm.somethingSelected());
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("goPageDown");
+ is(!cm.somethingSelected());
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(2, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ is(!cm.somethingSelected());
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+}, {value: "aaaaa\nb\nccccc"});
+testCM("clickTab", function(cm) {
+ var p0 = cm.charCoords(Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(cm.coordsChar({left: p0.left + 5, top: + 5}), Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(cm.coordsChar({left: p0.right - 5, top: + 5}), Pos(0, 1));
+}, {value: "\t\n\n", lineWrapping: true, tabSize: 8});
+testCM("verticalScroll", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(100, 200);
+ cm.setValue("foo\nbar\nbaz\n");
+ var sc = cm.getScrollerElement(), baseWidth = sc.scrollWidth;
+ cm.replaceRange("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ is(sc.scrollWidth > baseWidth, "scrollbar present");
+ cm.replaceRange("foo", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ if (!phantom) eq(sc.scrollWidth, baseWidth, "scrollbar gone");
+ cm.replaceRange("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ cm.replaceRange("bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbh", Pos(1, 0), Pos(1));
+ is(sc.scrollWidth > baseWidth, "present again");
+ var curWidth = sc.scrollWidth;
+ cm.replaceRange("foo", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ is(sc.scrollWidth < curWidth, "scrollbar smaller");
+ is(sc.scrollWidth > baseWidth, "but still present");
+testCM("extraKeys", function(cm) {
+ var outcome;
+ function fakeKey(expected, code, props) {
+ if (typeof code == "string") code = code.charCodeAt(0);
+ var e = {type: "keydown", keyCode: code, preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}};
+ if (props) for (var n in props) e[n] = props[n];
+ outcome = null;
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown(e);
+ eq(outcome, expected);
+ }
+ CodeMirror.commands.testCommand = function() {outcome = "tc";};
+ CodeMirror.commands.goTestCommand = function() {outcome = "gtc";};
+ cm.setOption("extraKeys", {"Shift-X": function() {outcome = "sx";},
+ "X": function() {outcome = "x";},
+ "Ctrl-Alt-U": function() {outcome = "cau";},
+ "End": "testCommand",
+ "Home": "goTestCommand",
+ "Tab": false});
+ fakeKey(null, "U");
+ fakeKey("cau", "U", {ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
+ fakeKey(null, "U", {shiftKey: true, ctrlKey: true, altKey: true});
+ fakeKey("x", "X");
+ fakeKey("sx", "X", {shiftKey: true});
+ fakeKey("tc", 35);
+ fakeKey(null, 35, {shiftKey: true});
+ fakeKey("gtc", 36);
+ fakeKey("gtc", 36, {shiftKey: true});
+ fakeKey(null, 9);
+}, null, window.opera && mac);
+testCM("wordMovementCommands", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("goWordLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 7));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 12));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 9));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 24));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 9));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 13));
+ cm.execCommand("goWordRight"); cm.execCommand("goWordRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 0));
+}, {value: "this is (the) firstline.\na foo12\u00e9\u00f8\u00d7bar\n"});
+testCM("groupMovementCommands", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 7));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 10));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 7));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 15));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 17));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 16));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 14));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight"); cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 20));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft"); cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 20));
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 16));
+}, {value: "booo ba---quux. ffff\n abc d"});
+testCM("groupsAndWhitespace", function(cm) {
+ var positions = [Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 5), Pos(0, 9), Pos(0, 11),
+ Pos(1, 0), Pos(1, 2), Pos(1, 5)];
+ for (var i = 1; i < positions.length; i++) {
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), positions[i]);
+ }
+ for (var i = positions.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
+ cm.execCommand("goGroupLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), i == 2 ? Pos(0, 6) : positions[i]);
+ }
+}, {value: " foo +++ \n bar"});
+testCM("charMovementCommands", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft"); cm.execCommand("goColumnLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goColumnLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goColumnRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineEnd");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineStartSmart");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineStartSmart");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(2, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight"); cm.execCommand("goColumnRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 0));
+}, {value: "line1\n ine2\n"});
+testCM("verticalMovementCommands", function(cm) {
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ if (!phantom) // This fails in PhantomJS, though not in a real Webkit
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 12));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 12));
+ cm.execCommand("goPageDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goPageDown"); cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(5, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goPageUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+}, {value: "line1\nlong long line2\nline3\n\nline5\n"});
+testCM("verticalMovementCommandsWrapping", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSize(120);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eq(cm.getCursor().line, 0);
+ is(cm.getCursor().ch > 5, "moved beyond wrap");
+ for (var i = 0; ; ++i) {
+ is(i < 20, "no endless loop");
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ var cur = cm.getCursor();
+ if (cur.line == 1) eq(, 5);
+ if (cur.line == 2) { eq(, 1); break; }
+ }
+}, {value: "a very long line that wraps around somehow so that we can test cursor movement\nshortone\nk",
+ lineWrapping: true});
+testCM("rtlMovement", function(cm) {
+ if (cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return;
+ forEach(["خحج", "خحabcخحج", "abخحخحجcd", "abخde", "abخح2342خ1حج", "خ1ح2خح3حxج",
+ "خحcd", "1خحcd", "abcdeح1ج", "خمرحبها مها!", "foobarر", "خ ة ق",
+ "<img src=\"/בדיקה3.jpg\">", "يتم السحب في 05 فبراير 2014"], function(line) {
+ var inv = line.charCodeAt(0) > 128;
+ cm.setValue(line + "\n"); cm.execCommand(inv ? "goLineEnd" : "goLineStart");
+ var cursors = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "CodeMirror-cursors")[0];
+ var cursor = cursors.firstChild;
+ var prevX = cursor.offsetLeft, prevY = cursor.offsetTop;
+ for (var i = 0; i <= line.length; ++i) {
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ cursor = cursors.firstChild;
+ if (i == line.length) is(cursor.offsetTop > prevY, "next line");
+ else is(cursor.offsetLeft > prevX, "moved right");
+ prevX = cursor.offsetLeft; prevY = cursor.offsetTop;
+ }
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0); cm.execCommand(inv ? "goLineStart" : "goLineEnd");
+ prevX = cursors.firstChild.offsetLeft;
+ for (var i = 0; i < line.length; ++i) {
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ cursor = cursors.firstChild;
+ is(cursor.offsetLeft < prevX, "moved left");
+ prevX = cursor.offsetLeft;
+ }
+ });
+}, null, ie_lt9);
+// Verify that updating a line clears its bidi ordering
+testCM("bidiUpdate", function(cm) {
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.replaceSelection("خحج", "start");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4));
+}, {value: "abcd\n"});
+testCM("movebyTextUnit", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("בְּרֵאשִ\nééé́\n");
+ cm.execCommand("goLineEnd");
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; ++i) cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 7));
+testCM("lineChangeEvents", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 3, 5);
+ var log = [], want = ["ch 0", "ch 1", "del 2", "ch 0", "ch 0", "del 1", "del 3", "del 4"];
+ for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
+ CodeMirror.on(cm.getLineHandle(i), "delete", function(i) {
+ return function() {log.push("del " + i);};
+ }(i));
+ CodeMirror.on(cm.getLineHandle(i), "change", function(i) {
+ return function() {log.push("ch " + i);};
+ }(i));
+ }
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.replaceRange("xy", Pos(1, 1), Pos(2));
+ cm.replaceRange("foo\nbar", Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.replaceRange("", Pos(0, 0), Pos(cm.lineCount()));
+ eq(log.length, want.length, "same length");
+ for (var i = 0; i < log.length; ++i)
+ eq(log[i], want[i]);
+testCM("scrollEntirelyToRight", function(cm) {
+ if (phantom || cm.getOption("inputStyle") != "textarea") return;
+ addDoc(cm, 500, 2);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 500));
+ var wrap = cm.getWrapperElement(), cur = byClassName(wrap, "CodeMirror-cursor")[0];
+ is(wrap.getBoundingClientRect().right > cur.getBoundingClientRect().left);
+testCM("lineWidgets", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 500, 3);
+ var last = cm.charCoords(Pos(2, 0));
+ var node = document.createElement("div");
+ node.innerHTML = "hi";
+ var widget = cm.addLineWidget(1, node);
+ is( < cm.charCoords(Pos(2, 0)).top, "took up space");
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+testCM("lineWidgetFocus", function(cm) {
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground");
+ place.className = "offscreen";
+ try {
+ addDoc(cm, 500, 10);
+ var node = document.createElement("input");
+ var widget = cm.addLineWidget(1, node);
+ node.focus();
+ eq(document.activeElement, node);
+ cm.replaceRange("new stuff", Pos(1, 0));
+ eq(document.activeElement, node);
+ } finally {
+ place.className = "";
+ }
+testCM("lineWidgetCautiousRedraw", function(cm) {
+ var node = document.createElement("div");
+ node.innerHTML = "hahah";
+ var w = cm.addLineWidget(0, node);
+ var redrawn = false;
+ w.on("redraw", function() { redrawn = true; });
+ cm.replaceSelection("0");
+ is(!redrawn);
+}, {value: "123\n456"});
+var knownScrollbarWidth;
+function scrollbarWidth(measure) {
+ if (knownScrollbarWidth != null) return knownScrollbarWidth;
+ var div = document.createElement('div');
+ = "width: 50px; height: 50px; overflow-x: scroll";
+ document.body.appendChild(div);
+ knownScrollbarWidth = div.offsetHeight - div.clientHeight;
+ document.body.removeChild(div);
+ return knownScrollbarWidth || 0;
+testCM("lineWidgetChanged", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 2, 300);
+ var halfScrollbarWidth = scrollbarWidth(cm.display.measure)/2;
+ cm.setOption('lineNumbers', true);
+ cm.setSize(600, cm.defaultTextHeight() * 50);
+ cm.scrollTo(null, cm.heightAtLine(125, "local"));
+ var expectedWidgetHeight = 60;
+ var expectedLinesInWidget = 3;
+ function w() {
+ var node = document.createElement("div");
+ // we use these children with just under half width of the line to check measurements are made with correct width
+ // when placed in the measure div.
+ // If the widget is measured at a width much narrower than it is displayed at, the underHalf children will span two lines and break the test.
+ // If the widget is measured at a width much wider than it is displayed at, the overHalf children will combine and break the test.
+ // Note that this test only checks widgets where coverGutter is true, because these require extra styling to get the width right.
+ // It may also be worthwhile to check this for non-coverGutter widgets.
+ // Visually:
+ // Good:
+ // | ------------- display width ------------- |
+ // | ------- widget-width when measured ------ |
+ // | | -- under-half -- | | -- under-half -- | |
+ // | | --- over-half --- | |
+ // | | --- over-half --- | |
+ // Height: measured as 3 lines, same as it will be when actually displayed
+ // Bad (too narrow):
+ // | ------------- display width ------------- |
+ // | ------ widget-width when measured ----- | < -- uh oh
+ // | | -- under-half -- | |
+ // | | -- under-half -- | | < -- when measured, shoved to next line
+ // | | --- over-half --- | |
+ // | | --- over-half --- | |
+ // Height: measured as 4 lines, more than expected . Will be displayed as 3 lines!
+ // Bad (too wide):
+ // | ------------- display width ------------- |
+ // | -------- widget-width when measured ------- | < -- uh oh
+ // | | -- under-half -- | | -- under-half -- | |
+ // | | --- over-half --- | | --- over-half --- | | < -- when measured, combined on one line
+ // Height: measured as 2 lines, less than expected. Will be displayed as 3 lines!
+ var barelyUnderHalfWidthHtml = '<div style="display: inline-block; height: 1px; width: '+(285 - halfScrollbarWidth)+'px;"></div>';
+ var barelyOverHalfWidthHtml = '<div style="display: inline-block; height: 1px; width: '+(305 - halfScrollbarWidth)+'px;"></div>';
+ node.innerHTML = new Array(3).join(barelyUnderHalfWidthHtml) + new Array(3).join(barelyOverHalfWidthHtml);
+ = "background: yellow;font-size:0;line-height: " + (expectedWidgetHeight/expectedLinesInWidget) + "px;";
+ return node;
+ }
+ var info0 = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ var w0 = cm.addLineWidget(0, w(), { coverGutter: true });
+ var w150 = cm.addLineWidget(150, w(), { coverGutter: true });
+ var w300 = cm.addLineWidget(300, w(), { coverGutter: true });
+ var info1 = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ eq(info0.height + (3 * expectedWidgetHeight), info1.height);
+ eq( + expectedWidgetHeight,;
+ expectedWidgetHeight = 12;
+ = = = (expectedWidgetHeight/expectedLinesInWidget) + "px";
+ w0.changed(); w150.changed(); w300.changed();
+ var info2 = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ eq(info0.height + (3 * expectedWidgetHeight), info2.height);
+ eq( + expectedWidgetHeight,;
+testCM("getLineNumber", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 2, 20);
+ var h1 = cm.getLineHandle(1);
+ eq(cm.getLineNumber(h1), 1);
+ cm.replaceRange("hi\nbye\n", Pos(0, 0));
+ eq(cm.getLineNumber(h1), 3);
+ cm.setValue("");
+ eq(cm.getLineNumber(h1), null);
+testCM("jumpTheGap", function(cm) {
+ if (phantom) return;
+ var longLine = "abcdef ghiklmnop qrstuvw xyz ";
+ longLine += longLine; longLine += longLine; longLine += longLine;
+ cm.replaceRange(longLine, Pos(2, 0), Pos(2));
+ cm.setSize("200px", null);
+ cm.getWrapperElement().style.lineHeight = 2;
+ cm.refresh();
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eq(cm.getCursor().line, 2);
+ is(cm.getCursor().ch > 1);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+ var node = document.createElement("div");
+ node.innerHTML = "hi"; = "30px";
+ cm.addLineWidget(0, node);
+ cm.addLineWidget(1, node.cloneNode(true), {above: true});
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+}, {lineWrapping: true, value: "abc\ndef\nghi\njkl\n"});
+testCM("addLineClass", function(cm) {
+ function cls(line, text, bg, wrap, gutter) {
+ var i = cm.lineInfo(line);
+ eq(i.textClass, text);
+ eq(i.bgClass, bg);
+ eq(i.wrapClass, wrap);
+ if (typeof i.handle.gutterClass !== 'undefined') {
+ eq(i.handle.gutterClass, gutter);
+ }
+ }
+ cm.addLineClass(0, "text", "foo");
+ cm.addLineClass(0, "text", "bar");
+ cm.addLineClass(1, "background", "baz");
+ cm.addLineClass(1, "wrap", "foo");
+ cm.addLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class");
+ cls(0, "foo bar", null, null, null);
+ cls(1, null, "baz", "foo", "gutter-class");
+ var lines = cm.display.lineDiv;
+ eq(byClassName(lines, "foo").length, 2);
+ eq(byClassName(lines, "bar").length, 1);
+ eq(byClassName(lines, "baz").length, 1);
+ eq(byClassName(lines, "gutter-class").length, 2); // Gutter classes are reflected in 2 nodes
+ cm.removeLineClass(0, "text", "foo");
+ cls(0, "bar", null, null, null);
+ cm.removeLineClass(0, "text", "foo");
+ cls(0, "bar", null, null, null);
+ cm.removeLineClass(0, "text", "bar");
+ cls(0, null, null, null);
+ cm.addLineClass(1, "wrap", "quux");
+ cls(1, null, "baz", "foo quux", "gutter-class");
+ cm.removeLineClass(1, "wrap");
+ cls(1, null, "baz", null, "gutter-class");
+ cm.removeLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class");
+ eq(byClassName(lines, "gutter-class").length, 0);
+ cls(1, null, "baz", null, null);
+ cm.addLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class");
+ cls(1, null, "baz", null, "gutter-class");
+ cm.removeLineClass(1, "gutter", "gutter-class");
+ cls(1, null, "baz", null, null);
+}, {value: "hohoho\n", lineNumbers: true});
+testCM("atomicMarker", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 10, 10);
+ function atom(ll, cl, lr, cr, li, ri) {
+ return cm.markText(Pos(ll, cl), Pos(lr, cr),
+ {atomic: true, inclusiveLeft: li, inclusiveRight: ri});
+ }
+ var m = atom(0, 1, 0, 5);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ m.clear();
+ m = atom(0, 0, 0, 5, true);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5), "pushed out");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 5));
+ m.clear();
+ m = atom(8, 4, 9, 10, false, true);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(9, 8));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 4), "set");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 4), "char right");
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 4), "line down");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(8, 3));
+ m.clear();
+ m = atom(1, 1, 3, 8);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 0));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(2, 0));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 8));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 8));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineUp");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineDown");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(3, 8));
+ cm.execCommand("delCharBefore");
+ eq(cm.getValue().length, 80, "del chunk");
+ m = atom(3, 0, 5, 5);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(3, 0));
+ cm.execCommand("delWordAfter");
+ eq(cm.getValue().length, 53, "del chunk");
+testCM("selectionBias", function(cm) {
+ cm.markText(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3), {atomic: true});
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2), null, {bias: -1});
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2), null, {bias: 1});
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3));
+}, {value: "12345"});
+testCM("selectionHomeEnd", function(cm) {
+ cm.markText(Pos(1, 0), Pos(1, 1), {atomic: true, inclusiveLeft: true});
+ cm.markText(Pos(1, 3), Pos(1, 4), {atomic: true, inclusiveRight: true});
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(1, 2));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineStart");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 1));
+ cm.execCommand("goLineEnd");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(1, 3));
+}, {value: "ab\ncdef\ngh"});
+testCM("readOnlyMarker", function(cm) {
+ function mark(ll, cl, lr, cr, at) {
+ return cm.markText(Pos(ll, cl), Pos(lr, cr),
+ {readOnly: true, atomic: at});
+ }
+ var m = mark(0, 1, 0, 4);
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.replaceSelection("hi", "end");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "abcde");
+ cm.execCommand("selectAll");
+ cm.replaceSelection("oops", "around");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "oopsbcd");
+ cm.undo();
+ eqPos(m.find().from, Pos(0, 1));
+ eqPos(m.find().to, Pos(0, 4));
+ m.clear();
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.replaceSelection("hi", "around");
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "abhicde");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4));
+ m = mark(0, 2, 2, 2, true);
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(1, 1), Pos(2, 4));
+ cm.replaceSelection("t", "end");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(2, 3));
+ eq(cm.getLine(2), "klto");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharLeft");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 1), Pos(0, 3));
+ cm.replaceSelection("xx", "around");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3));
+ eq(cm.getLine(0), "axxhicde");
+}, {value: "abcde\nfghij\nklmno\n"});
+testCM("dirtyBit", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.isClean(), true);
+ cm.replaceSelection("boo", null, "test");
+ eq(cm.isClean(), false);
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.isClean(), true);
+ cm.replaceSelection("boo", null, "test");
+ cm.replaceSelection("baz", null, "test");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.isClean(), false);
+ cm.markClean();
+ eq(cm.isClean(), true);
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.isClean(), false);
+ cm.redo();
+ eq(cm.isClean(), true);
+testCM("changeGeneration", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceSelection("x");
+ var softGen = cm.changeGeneration();
+ cm.replaceSelection("x");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "");
+ is(!cm.isClean(softGen));
+ cm.replaceSelection("x");
+ var hardGen = cm.changeGeneration(true);
+ cm.replaceSelection("x");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "x");
+ is(cm.isClean(hardGen));
+testCM("addKeyMap", function(cm) {
+ function sendKey(code) {
+ cm.triggerOnKeyDown({type: "keydown", keyCode: code,
+ preventDefault: function(){}, stopPropagation: function(){}});
+ }
+ sendKey(39);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ var test = 0;
+ var map1 = {Right: function() { ++test; }}, map2 = {Right: function() { test += 10; }}
+ cm.addKeyMap(map1);
+ sendKey(39);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ eq(test, 1);
+ cm.addKeyMap(map2, true);
+ sendKey(39);
+ eq(test, 2);
+ cm.removeKeyMap(map1);
+ sendKey(39);
+ eq(test, 12);
+ cm.removeKeyMap(map2);
+ sendKey(39);
+ eq(test, 12);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.addKeyMap({Right: function() { test = 55; }, name: "mymap"});
+ sendKey(39);
+ eq(test, 55);
+ cm.removeKeyMap("mymap");
+ sendKey(39);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 3));
+}, {value: "abc"});
+testCM("findPosH", function(cm) {
+ forEach([{from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 1), by: 1},
+ {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 0), by: -1, hitSide: true},
+ {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 4), by: 1, unit: "word"},
+ {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(0, 8), by: 2, unit: "word"},
+ {from: Pos(0, 0), to: Pos(2, 0), by: 20, unit: "word", hitSide: true},
+ {from: Pos(0, 7), to: Pos(0, 5), by: -1, unit: "word"},
+ {from: Pos(0, 4), to: Pos(0, 8), by: 1, unit: "word"},
+ {from: Pos(1, 0), to: Pos(1, 18), by: 3, unit: "word"},
+ {from: Pos(1, 22), to: Pos(1, 5), by: -3, unit: "word"},
+ {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 10), by: -5},
+ {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 10), by: -5, unit: "column"},
+ {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 0), by: -50, unit: "column", hitSide: true},
+ {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(1, 24), by: 50, unit: "column", hitSide: true},
+ {from: Pos(1, 15), to: Pos(2, 0), by: 50, hitSide: true}], function(t) {
+ var r = cm.findPosH(t.from,, t.unit || "char");
+ eqPos(r,;
+ eq(!!r.hitSide, !!t.hitSide);
+ });
+}, {value: "line one\nline two.something.other\n"});
+testCM("beforeChange", function(cm) {
+ cm.on("beforeChange", function(cm, change) {
+ var text = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < change.text.length; ++i)
+ text.push(change.text[i].replace(/\s/g, "_"));
+ change.update(null, null, text);
+ });
+ cm.setValue("hello, i am a\nnew document\n");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "hello,_i_am_a\nnew_document\n");
+ CodeMirror.on(cm.getDoc(), "beforeChange", function(doc, change) {
+ if (change.from.line == 0) change.cancel();
+ });
+ cm.setValue("oops"); // Canceled
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "hello,_i_am_a\nnew_document\n");
+ cm.replaceRange("hey hey hey", Pos(1, 0), Pos(2, 0));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "hello,_i_am_a\nhey_hey_hey");
+}, {value: "abcdefghijk"});
+testCM("beforeChangeUndo", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceRange("hi", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ cm.replaceRange("bye", Pos(0, 0), Pos(0));
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 2);
+ cm.on("beforeChange", function(cm, change) {
+ is(!change.update);
+ change.cancel();
+ });
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.historySize().undo, 0);
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "bye\ntwo");
+}, {value: "one\ntwo"});
+testCM("beforeSelectionChange", function(cm) {
+ function notAtEnd(cm, pos) {
+ var len = cm.getLine(pos.line).length;
+ if (!len || == len) return Pos(pos.line, - 1);
+ return pos;
+ }
+ cm.on("beforeSelectionChange", function(cm, obj) {
+ obj.update([{anchor: notAtEnd(cm, obj.ranges[0].anchor),
+ head: notAtEnd(cm, obj.ranges[0].head)}]);
+ });
+ addDoc(cm, 10, 10);
+ cm.execCommand("goLineEnd");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 9));
+ cm.execCommand("selectAll");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("start"), Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("end"), Pos(9, 9));
+testCM("change_removedText", function(cm) {
+ cm.setValue("abc\ndef");
+ var removedText = [];
+ cm.on("change", function(cm, change) {
+ removedText.push(change.removed);
+ });
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.replaceRange("xyz", Pos(0, 0), Pos(1,1));
+ cm.replaceRange("123", Pos(0,0));
+ });
+ eq(removedText.length, 2);
+ eq(removedText[0].join("\n"), "abc\nd");
+ eq(removedText[1].join("\n"), "");
+ var removedText = [];
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(removedText.length, 2);
+ eq(removedText[0].join("\n"), "123");
+ eq(removedText[1].join("\n"), "xyz");
+ var removedText = [];
+ cm.redo();
+ eq(removedText.length, 2);
+ eq(removedText[0].join("\n"), "abc\nd");
+ eq(removedText[1].join("\n"), "");
+testCM("lineStyleFromMode", function(cm) {
+ CodeMirror.defineMode("test_mode", function() {
+ return {token: function(stream) {
+ if (stream.match(/^\[[^\]]*\]/)) return " line-brackets ";
+ if (stream.match(/^\([^\)]*\)/)) return " line-background-parens ";
+ if (stream.match(/^<[^>]*>/)) return " span line-line line-background-bg ";
+ stream.match(/^\s+|^\S+/);
+ }};
+ });
+ cm.setOption("mode", "test_mode");
+ var bracketElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "brackets");
+ eq(bracketElts.length, 1, "brackets count");
+ eq(bracketElts[0].nodeName, "PRE");
+ is(!/brackets.*brackets/.test(bracketElts[0].className));
+ var parenElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "parens");
+ eq(parenElts.length, 1, "parens count");
+ eq(parenElts[0].nodeName, "DIV");
+ is(!/parens.*parens/.test(parenElts[0].className));
+ eq(parenElts[0].parentElement.nodeName, "DIV");
+ eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "bg").length, 1);
+ eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "line").length, 1);
+ var spanElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-span");
+ eq(spanElts.length, 2);
+ is(/^\s*cm-span\s*$/.test(spanElts[0].className));
+}, {value: "line1: [br] [br]\nline2: (par) (par)\nline3: <tag> <tag>"});
+testCM("lineStyleFromBlankLine", function(cm) {
+ CodeMirror.defineMode("lineStyleFromBlankLine_mode", function() {
+ return {token: function(stream) { stream.skipToEnd(); return "comment"; },
+ blankLine: function() { return "line-blank"; }};
+ });
+ cm.setOption("mode", "lineStyleFromBlankLine_mode");
+ var blankElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "blank");
+ eq(blankElts.length, 1);
+ eq(blankElts[0].nodeName, "PRE");
+ cm.replaceRange("x", Pos(1, 0));
+ blankElts = byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "blank");
+ eq(blankElts.length, 0);
+}, {value: "foo\n\nbar"});
+CodeMirror.registerHelper("xxx", "a", "A");
+CodeMirror.registerHelper("xxx", "b", "B");
+CodeMirror.defineMode("yyy", function() {
+ return {
+ token: function(stream) { stream.skipToEnd(); },
+ xxx: ["a", "b", "q"]
+ };
+CodeMirror.registerGlobalHelper("xxx", "c", function(m) { return m.enableC; }, "C");
+testCM("helpers", function(cm) {
+ cm.setOption("mode", "yyy");
+ eq(cm.getHelpers(Pos(0, 0), "xxx").join("/"), "A/B");
+ cm.setOption("mode", {name: "yyy", modeProps: {xxx: "b", enableC: true}});
+ eq(cm.getHelpers(Pos(0, 0), "xxx").join("/"), "B/C");
+ cm.setOption("mode", "javascript");
+ eq(cm.getHelpers(Pos(0, 0), "xxx").join("/"), "");
+testCM("selectionHistory", function(cm) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ cm.setExtending(true);
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ cm.setExtending(false);
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ }
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "c");
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "b");
+ cm.execCommand("redoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 4));
+ cm.execCommand("redoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "c");
+ cm.execCommand("redoSelection");
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), "");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 6));
+}, {value: "a b c d"});
+testCM("selectionChangeReducesRedo", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceSelection("X");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ cm.undoSelection();
+ cm.execCommand("selectAll");
+ cm.undoSelection();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "Xabc");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.undoSelection();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "abc");
+}, {value: "abc"});
+testCM("selectionHistoryNonOverlapping", function(cm) {
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1));
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 3));
+ cm.execCommand("undoSelection");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("anchor"), Pos(0, 0));
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor("head"), Pos(0, 1));
+}, {value: "1234"});
+testCM("cursorMotionSplitsHistory", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceSelection("a");
+ cm.execCommand("goCharRight");
+ cm.replaceSelection("b");
+ cm.replaceSelection("c");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "a1234");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 2));
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "1234");
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+}, {value: "1234"});
+testCM("selChangeInOperationDoesNotSplit", function(cm) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.replaceSelection("x");
+ cm.setCursor(Pos(0, cm.getCursor().ch - 1));
+ });
+ }
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor(), Pos(0, 0));
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "xxxxa");
+ cm.undo();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "a");
+}, {value: "a"});
+testCM("alwaysMergeSelEventWithChangeOrigin", function(cm) {
+ cm.replaceSelection("U", null, "foo");
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1), {origin: "foo"});
+ cm.undoSelection();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "a");
+ cm.replaceSelection("V", null, "foo");
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 0), Pos(0, 1), {origin: "bar"});
+ cm.undoSelection();
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "Va");
+}, {value: "a"});
+testCM("getTokenAt", function(cm) {
+ var tokPlus = cm.getTokenAt(Pos(0, 2));
+ eq(tokPlus.type, "operator");
+ eq(tokPlus.string, "+");
+ var toks = cm.getLineTokens(0);
+ eq(toks.length, 3);
+ forEach([["number", "1"], ["operator", "+"], ["number", "2"]], function(expect, i) {
+ eq(toks[i].type, expect[0]);
+ eq(toks[i].string, expect[1]);
+ });
+}, {value: "1+2", mode: "javascript"});
+testCM("getTokenTypeAt", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(0, 0)), "number");
+ eq(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(0, 6)), "string");
+ cm.addOverlay({
+ token: function(stream) {
+ if (stream.match("foo")) return "foo";
+ else;
+ }
+ });
+ eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-foo").length, 1);
+ eq(cm.getTokenTypeAt(Pos(0, 6)), "string");
+}, {value: "1 + 'foo'", mode: "javascript"});
+testCM("resizeLineWidget", function(cm) {
+ addDoc(cm, 200, 3);
+ var widget = document.createElement("pre");
+ widget.innerHTML = "imwidget";
+ = "yellow";
+ cm.addLineWidget(1, widget, {noHScroll: true});
+ cm.setSize(40);
+ is(widget.parentNode.offsetWidth < 42);
+testCM("combinedOperations", function(cm) {
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground");
+ var other = CodeMirror(place, {value: "123"});
+ try {
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.addLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo");
+ other.addLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo");
+ });
+ eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 1);
+ eq(byClassName(other.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 1);
+ cm.operation(function() {
+ cm.removeLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo");
+ other.removeLineClass(0, "wrap", "foo");
+ });
+ eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 0);
+ eq(byClassName(other.getWrapperElement(), "foo").length, 0);
+ } finally {
+ place.removeChild(other.getWrapperElement());
+ }
+}, {value: "abc"});
+testCM("eventOrder", function(cm) {
+ var seen = [];
+ cm.on("change", function() {
+ if (!seen.length) cm.replaceSelection(".");
+ seen.push("change");
+ });
+ cm.on("cursorActivity", function() {
+ cm.replaceSelection("!");
+ seen.push("activity");
+ });
+ cm.replaceSelection("/");
+ eq(seen.join(","), "change,change,activity,change");
+testCM("splitSpaces_nonspecial", function(cm) {
+ eq(byClassName(cm.getWrapperElement(), "cm-invalidchar").length, 0);
+}, {
+ specialChars: /[\u00a0]/,
+ value: "spaces -> <- between"
+test("core_rmClass", function() {
+ var node = document.createElement("div");
+ node.className = "foo-bar baz-quux yadda";
+ CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "quux");
+ eq(node.className, "foo-bar baz-quux yadda");
+ CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "baz-quux");
+ eq(node.className, "foo-bar yadda");
+ CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "yadda");
+ eq(node.className, "foo-bar");
+ CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "foo-bar");
+ eq(node.className, "");
+ node.className = " foo ";
+ CodeMirror.rmClass(node, "foo");
+ eq(node.className, "");
+test("core_addClass", function() {
+ var node = document.createElement("div");
+ CodeMirror.addClass(node, "a");
+ eq(node.className, "a");
+ CodeMirror.addClass(node, "a");
+ eq(node.className, "a");
+ CodeMirror.addClass(node, "b");
+ eq(node.className, "a b");
+ CodeMirror.addClass(node, "a");
+ CodeMirror.addClass(node, "b");
+ eq(node.className, "a b");
+testCM("lineSeparator", function(cm) {
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 3);
+ eq(cm.getLine(1), "bar\r");
+ eq(cm.getLine(2), "baz\rquux");
+ cm.setOption("lineSeparator", "\r");
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 5);
+ eq(cm.getLine(4), "quux");
+ eq(cm.getValue(), "foo\rbar\r\rbaz\rquux");
+ eq(cm.getValue("\n"), "foo\nbar\n\nbaz\nquux");
+ cm.setOption("lineSeparator", null);
+ cm.setValue("foo\nbar\r\nbaz\rquux");
+ eq(cm.lineCount(), 4);
+}, {value: "foo\nbar\r\nbaz\rquux",
+ lineSeparator: "\n"});
diff --git a/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/vim_test.js b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/vim_test.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb612b140
--- /dev/null
+++ b/devtools/client/sourceeditor/test/codemirror/vim_test.js
@@ -0,0 +1,4011 @@
+CodeMirror.Vim.suppressErrorLogging = true;
+var code = '' +
+' wOrd1 (#%\n' +
+' word3] \n' +
+'aopop pop 0 1 2 3 4\n' +
+' (a) [b] {c} \n' +
+'int getchar(void) {\n' +
+' static char buf[BUFSIZ];\n' +
+' static char *bufp = buf;\n' +
+' if (n == 0) { /* buffer is empty */\n' +
+' n = read(0, buf, sizeof buf);\n' +
+' bufp = buf;\n' +
+' }\n' +
+'\n' +
+' return (--n >= 0) ? (unsigned char) *bufp++ : EOF;\n' +
+' \n' +
+var lines = (function() {
+ lineText = code.split('\n');
+ var ret = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < lineText.length; i++) {
+ ret[i] = {
+ line: i,
+ length: lineText[i].length,
+ lineText: lineText[i],
+ textStart: /^\s*/.exec(lineText[i])[0].length
+ };
+ }
+ return ret;
+var endOfDocument = makeCursor(lines.length - 1,
+ lines[lines.length - 1].length);
+var wordLine = lines[0];
+var bigWordLine = lines[1];
+var charLine = lines[2];
+var bracesLine = lines[3];
+var seekBraceLine = lines[4];
+var word1 = {
+ start: { line: wordLine.line, ch: 1 },
+ end: { line: wordLine.line, ch: 5 }
+var word2 = {
+ start: { line: wordLine.line, ch: + 2 },
+ end: { line: wordLine.line, ch: + 4 }
+var word3 = {
+ start: { line: bigWordLine.line, ch: 1 },
+ end: { line: bigWordLine.line, ch: 5 }
+var bigWord1 = word1;
+var bigWord2 = word2;
+var bigWord3 = {
+ start: { line: bigWordLine.line, ch: 1 },
+ end: { line: bigWordLine.line, ch: 7 }
+var bigWord4 = {
+ start: { line: bigWordLine.line, ch: + 3 },
+ end: { line: bigWordLine.line, ch: + 7 }
+var oChars = [ { line: charLine.line, ch: 1 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 3 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 7 } ];
+var pChars = [ { line: charLine.line, ch: 2 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 4 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 6 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 8 } ];
+var numChars = [ { line: charLine.line, ch: 10 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 12 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 14 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 16 },
+ { line: charLine.line, ch: 18 }];
+var parens1 = {
+ start: { line: bracesLine.line, ch: 1 },
+ end: { line: bracesLine.line, ch: 3 }
+var squares1 = {
+ start: { line: bracesLine.line, ch: 5 },
+ end: { line: bracesLine.line, ch: 7 }
+var curlys1 = {
+ start: { line: bracesLine.line, ch: 9 },
+ end: { line: bracesLine.line, ch: 11 }
+var seekOutside = {
+ start: { line: seekBraceLine.line, ch: 1 },
+ end: { line: seekBraceLine.line, ch: 16 }
+var seekInside = {
+ start: { line: seekBraceLine.line, ch: 14 },
+ end: { line: seekBraceLine.line, ch: 11 }
+function copyCursor(cur) {
+ return { ch:, line: cur.line };
+function forEach(arr, func) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
+ func(arr[i], i, arr);
+ }
+function testVim(name, run, opts, expectedFail) {
+ var vimOpts = {
+ lineNumbers: true,
+ vimMode: true,
+ showCursorWhenSelecting: true,
+ value: code
+ };
+ for (var prop in opts) {
+ if (opts.hasOwnProperty(prop)) {
+ vimOpts[prop] = opts[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ return test('vim_' + name, function() {
+ var place = document.getElementById("testground");
+ var cm = CodeMirror(place, vimOpts);
+ var vim = CodeMirror.Vim.maybeInitVimState_(cm);
+ function doKeysFn(cm) {
+ return function(args) {
+ if (args instanceof Array) {
+ arguments = args;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.handleKey(cm, arguments[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function doInsertModeKeysFn(cm) {
+ return function(args) {
+ if (args instanceof Array) { arguments = args; }
+ function executeHandler(handler) {
+ if (typeof handler == 'string') {
+ CodeMirror.commands[handler](cm);
+ } else {
+ handler(cm);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
+ var key = arguments[i];
+ // Find key in keymap and handle.
+ var handled = CodeMirror.lookupKey(key, 'vim-insert', executeHandler);
+ // Record for insert mode.
+ if (handled == "handled" && cm.state.vim.insertMode && arguments[i] != 'Esc') {
+ var lastChange = CodeMirror.Vim.getVimGlobalState_().macroModeState.lastInsertModeChanges;
+ if (lastChange) {
+ lastChange.changes.push(new CodeMirror.Vim.InsertModeKey(key));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function doExFn(cm) {
+ return function(command) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog(command);
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ }
+ }
+ function assertCursorAtFn(cm) {
+ return function(line, ch) {
+ var pos;
+ if (ch == null && typeof line.line == 'number') {
+ pos = line;
+ } else {
+ pos = makeCursor(line, ch);
+ }
+ eqPos(pos, cm.getCursor());
+ }
+ }
+ function fakeOpenDialog(result) {
+ return function(text, callback) {
+ return callback(result);
+ }
+ }
+ function fakeOpenNotification(matcher) {
+ return function(text) {
+ matcher(text);
+ }
+ }
+ var helpers = {
+ doKeys: doKeysFn(cm),
+ // Warning: Only emulates keymap events, not character insertions. Use
+ // replaceRange to simulate character insertions.
+ // Keys are in CodeMirror format, NOT vim format.
+ doInsertModeKeys: doInsertModeKeysFn(cm),
+ doEx: doExFn(cm),
+ assertCursorAt: assertCursorAtFn(cm),
+ fakeOpenDialog: fakeOpenDialog,
+ fakeOpenNotification: fakeOpenNotification,
+ getRegisterController: function() {
+ return CodeMirror.Vim.getRegisterController();
+ }
+ }
+ CodeMirror.Vim.resetVimGlobalState_();
+ var successful = false;
+ var savedOpenNotification = cm.openNotification;
+ var savedOpenDialog = cm.openDialog;
+ try {
+ run(cm, vim, helpers);
+ successful = true;
+ } finally {
+ cm.openNotification = savedOpenNotification;
+ cm.openDialog = savedOpenDialog;
+ if (!successful || verbose) {
+ = "visible";
+ } else {
+ place.removeChild(cm.getWrapperElement());
+ }
+ }
+ }, expectedFail);
+testVim('qq@q', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'q', 'l', 'l', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,2);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,4);
+}, { value: ' '});
+testVim('@@', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'q', 'l', 'l', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,2);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,4);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', '@');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,6);
+}, { value: ' '});
+var jumplistScene = ''+
+ 'word\n'+
+ '(word)\n'+
+ '{word\n'+
+ 'word.\n'+
+ '\n'+
+ 'word search\n'+
+ '}word\n'+
+ 'word\n'+
+ 'word\n';
+function testJumplist(name, keys, endPos, startPos, dialog) {
+ endPos = makeCursor(endPos[0], endPos[1]);
+ startPos = makeCursor(startPos[0], startPos[1]);
+ testVim(name, function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.resetVimGlobalState_();
+ if(dialog)cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('word');
+ cm.setCursor(startPos);
+ helpers.doKeys.apply(null, keys);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(endPos);
+ }, {value: jumplistScene});
+testJumplist('jumplist_H', ['H', '<C-o>'], [5,2], [5,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_M', ['M', '<C-o>'], [2,2], [2,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_L', ['L', '<C-o>'], [2,2], [2,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_[[', ['[', '[', '<C-o>'], [5,2], [5,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_]]', [']', ']', '<C-o>'], [2,2], [2,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_G', ['G', '<C-o>'], [5,2], [5,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_gg', ['g', 'g', '<C-o>'], [5,2], [5,2]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_%', ['%', '<C-o>'], [1,5], [1,5]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_{', ['{', '<C-o>'], [1,5], [1,5]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_}', ['}', '<C-o>'], [1,5], [1,5]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_\'', ['m', 'a', 'h', '\'', 'a', 'h', '<C-i>'], [1,0], [1,5]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_`', ['m', 'a', 'h', '`', 'a', 'h', '<C-i>'], [1,5], [1,5]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_*_cachedCursor', ['*', '<C-o>'], [1,3], [1,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_#_cachedCursor', ['#', '<C-o>'], [1,3], [1,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_n', ['#', 'n', '<C-o>'], [1,1], [2,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_N', ['#', 'N', '<C-o>'], [1,1], [2,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_repeat_<c-o>', ['*', '*', '*', '3', '<C-o>'], [2,3], [2,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_repeat_<c-i>', ['*', '*', '*', '3', '<C-o>', '2', '<C-i>'], [5,0], [2,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_repeated_motion', ['3', '*', '<C-o>'], [2,3], [2,3]);
+testJumplist('jumplist_/', ['/', '<C-o>'], [2,3], [2,3], 'dialog');
+testJumplist('jumplist_?', ['?', '<C-o>'], [2,3], [2,3], 'dialog');
+ ['*', 'n', 'n', 'k', 'd', 'k', '<C-o>', '<C-o>', '<C-o>'],
+ [0,2], [0,2]);
+ ['*', 'n', 'n', 'k', 'd', 'k', '<C-o>', '<C-i>', '<C-i>'],
+ [1,0], [0,2]);
+ * @param name Name of the test
+ * @param keys An array of keys or a string with a single key to simulate.
+ * @param endPos The expected end position of the cursor.
+ * @param startPos The position the cursor should start at, defaults to 0, 0.
+ */
+function testMotion(name, keys, endPos, startPos) {
+ testVim(name, function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ if (!startPos) {
+ startPos = { line: 0, ch: 0 };
+ }
+ cm.setCursor(startPos);
+ helpers.doKeys(keys);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(endPos);
+ });
+function makeCursor(line, ch) {
+ return { line: line, ch: ch };
+function offsetCursor(cur, offsetLine, offsetCh) {
+ return { line: cur.line + offsetLine, ch: + offsetCh };
+// Motion tests
+testMotion('|', '|', makeCursor(0, 0), makeCursor(0,4));
+testMotion('|_repeat', ['3', '|'], makeCursor(0, 2), makeCursor(0,4));
+testMotion('h', 'h', makeCursor(0, 0), word1.start);
+testMotion('h_repeat', ['3', 'h'], offsetCursor(word1.end, 0, -3), word1.end);
+testMotion('l', 'l', makeCursor(0, 1));
+testMotion('l_repeat', ['2', 'l'], makeCursor(0, 2));
+testMotion('j', 'j', offsetCursor(word1.end, 1, 0), word1.end);
+testMotion('j_repeat', ['2', 'j'], offsetCursor(word1.end, 2, 0), word1.end);
+testMotion('j_repeat_clip', ['1000', 'j'], endOfDocument);
+testMotion('k', 'k', offsetCursor(word3.end, -1, 0), word3.end);
+testMotion('k_repeat', ['2', 'k'], makeCursor(0, 4), makeCursor(2, 4));
+testMotion('k_repeat_clip', ['1000', 'k'], makeCursor(0, 4), makeCursor(2, 4));
+testMotion('w', 'w', word1.start);
+testMotion('w_multiple_newlines_no_space', 'w', makeCursor(12, 2), makeCursor(11, 2));
+testMotion('w_multiple_newlines_with_space', 'w', makeCursor(14, 0), makeCursor(12, 51));
+testMotion('w_repeat', ['2', 'w'], word2.start);
+testMotion('w_wrap', ['w'], word3.start, word2.start);
+testMotion('w_endOfDocument', 'w', endOfDocument, endOfDocument);
+testMotion('w_start_to_end', ['1000', 'w'], endOfDocument, makeCursor(0, 0));
+testMotion('W', 'W', bigWord1.start);
+testMotion('W_repeat', ['2', 'W'], bigWord3.start, bigWord1.start);
+testMotion('e', 'e', word1.end);
+testMotion('e_repeat', ['2', 'e'], word2.end);
+testMotion('e_wrap', 'e', word3.end, word2.end);
+testMotion('e_endOfDocument', 'e', endOfDocument, endOfDocument);
+testMotion('e_start_to_end', ['1000', 'e'], endOfDocument, makeCursor(0, 0));
+testMotion('b', 'b', word3.start, word3.end);
+testMotion('b_repeat', ['2', 'b'], word2.start, word3.end);
+testMotion('b_wrap', 'b', word2.start, word3.start);
+testMotion('b_startOfDocument', 'b', makeCursor(0, 0), makeCursor(0, 0));
+testMotion('b_end_to_start', ['1000', 'b'], makeCursor(0, 0), endOfDocument);
+testMotion('ge', ['g', 'e'], word2.end, word3.end);
+testMotion('ge_repeat', ['2', 'g', 'e'], word1.end, word3.start);
+testMotion('ge_wrap', ['g', 'e'], word2.end, word3.start);
+testMotion('ge_startOfDocument', ['g', 'e'], makeCursor(0, 0),
+ makeCursor(0, 0));
+testMotion('ge_end_to_start', ['1000', 'g', 'e'], makeCursor(0, 0), endOfDocument);
+testMotion('gg', ['g', 'g'], makeCursor(lines[0].line, lines[0].textStart),
+ makeCursor(3, 1));
+testMotion('gg_repeat', ['3', 'g', 'g'],
+ makeCursor(lines[2].line, lines[2].textStart));
+testMotion('G', 'G',
+ makeCursor(lines[lines.length - 1].line, lines[lines.length - 1].textStart),
+ makeCursor(3, 1));
+testMotion('G_repeat', ['3', 'G'], makeCursor(lines[2].line,
+ lines[2].textStart));
+// TODO: Make the test code long enough to test Ctrl-F and Ctrl-B.
+testMotion('0', '0', makeCursor(0, 0), makeCursor(0, 8));
+testMotion('^', '^', makeCursor(0, lines[0].textStart), makeCursor(0, 8));
+testMotion('+', '+', makeCursor(1, lines[1].textStart), makeCursor(0, 8));
+testMotion('-', '-', makeCursor(0, lines[0].textStart), makeCursor(1, 4));
+testMotion('_', ['6','_'], makeCursor(5, lines[5].textStart), makeCursor(0, 8));
+testMotion('$', '$', makeCursor(0, lines[0].length - 1), makeCursor(0, 1));
+testMotion('$_repeat', ['2', '$'], makeCursor(1, lines[1].length - 1),
+ makeCursor(0, 3));
+testMotion('f', ['f', 'p'], pChars[0], makeCursor(charLine.line, 0));
+testMotion('f_repeat', ['2', 'f', 'p'], pChars[2], pChars[0]);
+testMotion('f_num', ['f', '2'], numChars[2], makeCursor(charLine.line, 0));
+testMotion('t', ['t','p'], offsetCursor(pChars[0], 0, -1),
+ makeCursor(charLine.line, 0));
+testMotion('t_repeat', ['2', 't', 'p'], offsetCursor(pChars[2], 0, -1),
+ pChars[0]);
+testMotion('F', ['F', 'p'], pChars[0], pChars[1]);
+testMotion('F_repeat', ['2', 'F', 'p'], pChars[0], pChars[2]);
+testMotion('T', ['T', 'p'], offsetCursor(pChars[0], 0, 1), pChars[1]);
+testMotion('T_repeat', ['2', 'T', 'p'], offsetCursor(pChars[0], 0, 1), pChars[2]);
+testMotion('%_parens', ['%'], parens1.end, parens1.start);
+testMotion('%_squares', ['%'], squares1.end, squares1.start);
+testMotion('%_braces', ['%'], curlys1.end, curlys1.start);
+testMotion('%_seek_outside', ['%'], seekOutside.end, seekOutside.start);
+testMotion('%_seek_inside', ['%'], seekInside.end, seekInside.start);
+testVim('%_seek_skip', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(['%']);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,9);
+}, {value:'01234"("()'});
+testVim('%_skip_string', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(['%']);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,4);
+ cm.setCursor(0,2);
+ helpers.doKeys(['%']);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+}, {value:'(")")'});
+testVim('%_skip_comment', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(['%']);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,6);
+ cm.setCursor(0,3);
+ helpers.doKeys(['%']);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+}, {value:'(/*)*/)'});
+// Make sure that moving down after going to the end of a line always leaves you
+// at the end of a line, but preserves the offset in other cases
+testVim('Changing lines after Eol operation', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(['$']);
+ helpers.doKeys(['j']);
+ // After moving to Eol and then down, we should be at Eol of line 2
+ helpers.assertCursorAt({ line: 1, ch: lines[1].length - 1 });
+ helpers.doKeys(['j']);
+ // After moving down, we should be at Eol of line 3
+ helpers.assertCursorAt({ line: 2, ch: lines[2].length - 1 });
+ helpers.doKeys(['h']);
+ helpers.doKeys(['j']);
+ // After moving back one space and then down, since line 4 is shorter than line 2, we should
+ // be at Eol of line 2 - 1
+ helpers.assertCursorAt({ line: 3, ch: lines[3].length - 1 });
+ helpers.doKeys(['j']);
+ helpers.doKeys(['j']);
+ // After moving down again, since line 3 has enough characters, we should be back to the
+ // same place we were at on line 1
+ helpers.assertCursorAt({ line: 5, ch: lines[2].length - 2 });
+//making sure gj and gk recover from clipping
+testVim('gj_gk_clipping', function(cm,vim,helpers){
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('g','j','g','j');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('g','k','g','k');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+},{value: 'line 1\n\nline 2'});
+//testing a mix of j/k and gj/gk
+testVim('j_k_and_gj_gk', function(cm,vim,helpers){
+ cm.setSize(120);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ //go to the last character on the first line
+ helpers.doKeys('$');
+ //move up/down on the column within the wrapped line
+ //side-effect: cursor is not locked to eol anymore
+ helpers.doKeys('g','k');
+ var cur=cm.getCursor();
+ eq(cur.line,0);
+ is((<176),'gk didn\'t move cursor back (1)');
+ helpers.doKeys('g','j');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 176);
+ //should move to character 177 on line 2 (j/k preserve character index within line)
+ helpers.doKeys('j');
+ //due to different line wrapping, the cursor can be on a different screen-x now
+ //gj and gk preserve screen-x on movement, much like moveV
+ helpers.doKeys('3','g','k');
+ cur=cm.getCursor();
+ eq(cur.line,1);
+ is((<176),'gk didn\'t move cursor back (2)');
+ helpers.doKeys('g','j','2','g','j');
+ //should return to the same character-index
+ helpers.doKeys('k');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 176);
+},{ lineWrapping:true, value: 'This line is intentially long to test movement of gj and gk over wrapped lines. I will start on the end of this line, then make a step up and back to set the origin for j and k.\nThis line is supposed to be even longer than the previous. I will jump here and make another wiggle with gj and gk, before I jump back to the line above. Both wiggles should not change my cursor\'s target character but both j/k and gj/gk change each other\'s reference position.'});
+testVim('gj_gk', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ if (phantom) return;
+ cm.setSize(120);
+ // Test top of document edge case.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'j');
+ helpers.doKeys('10', 'g', 'k');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ // Test moving down preserves column position.
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'j');
+ var pos1 = cm.getCursor();
+ var expectedPos2 = { line: 0, ch: ( - 4) * 2 + 4};
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'j');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(expectedPos2);
+ // Move to the last character
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ // Move left to reset HSPos
+ helpers.doKeys('h');
+ // Test bottom of document edge case.
+ helpers.doKeys('100', 'g', 'j');
+ var endingPos = cm.getCursor();
+ is(endingPos != 0, 'gj should not be on wrapped line 0');
+ var topLeftCharCoords = cm.charCoords(makeCursor(0, 0));
+ var endingCharCoords = cm.charCoords(endingPos);
+ is(topLeftCharCoords.left == endingCharCoords.left, 'gj should end up on column 0');
+},{ lineNumbers: false, lineWrapping:true, value: 'Thislineisintentionallylongtotestmovementofgjandgkoverwrappedlines.' });
+testVim('}', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(4, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('6', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(5, 0);
+}, { value: 'a\n\nb\nc\n\nd' });
+testVim('{', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(5, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(4, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(5, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(5, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('6', '{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'a\n\nb\nc\n\nd' });
+testVim('paragraph_motions', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(10, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(4, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(7, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(16, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(9, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(14, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(6, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(7, 0);
+ // ip inside empty space
+ cm.setCursor(10, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'i', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(7, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(12, 0), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ helpers.doKeys('i', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(7, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(13, 1), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'i', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(7, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(16, 1), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ // should switch to visualLine mode
+ cm.setCursor(14, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>', 'v', 'i', 'p');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(14, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(14, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>', 'V', 'i', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(16, 1), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ // ap inside empty space
+ cm.setCursor(10, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>', 'v', 'a', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(7, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(13, 1), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ helpers.doKeys('a', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(7, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(16, 1), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ cm.setCursor(13, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'a', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(13, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(14, 0), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ cm.setCursor(16, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'a', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(14, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(16, 1), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'a', 'p');
+ eqPos(Pos(0, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eqPos(Pos(4, 0), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'i', 'p');
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('a\na\n', register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'j', 'p');
+ helpers.doKeys('y', 'i', 'p');
+ is(register.linewise);
+ eq('b\na\na\nc\n', register.toString());
+}, { value: 'a\na\n\n\n\nb\nc\n\n\n\n\n\n\nd\n\ne\nf' });
+// Operator tests
+testVim('dl', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'l');
+ eq('word1 ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' ', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dl_eol', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'l');
+ eq(' word1', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' ', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 5);
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dl_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'd', 'l');
+ eq('ord1 ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' w', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dh', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'h');
+ eq(' wrd1 ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('o', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(offsetCursor(curStart, 0 , -1), cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dj', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'j');
+ eq(' word3', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' word1\nword2\n', register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\n word3' });
+testVim('dj_end_of_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'j');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' word1 \n', register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dk', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(1, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'k');
+ eq(' word3', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' word1\nword2\n', register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\n word3' });
+testVim('dk_start_of_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'k');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' word1 \n', register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dw_space', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('word1 ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(' ', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dw_word', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 1);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(' word2', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1 ', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1 word2' });
+testVim('dw_unicode_word', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getValue().length, 10);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getValue().length, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getValue().length, 5);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'e');
+ eq(cm.getValue().length, 2);
+}, { value: ' \u0562\u0561\u0580\u0587\xbbe\xb5g ' });
+testVim('dw_only_word', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Test that if there is only 1 word left, dw deletes till the end of the
+ // line.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(' ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1 ', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('dw_eol', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that dw does not delete the newline if last word to delete is at end
+ // of line.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(' \nword2', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2' });
+testVim('dw_eol_with_multiple_newlines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that dw does not delete the newline if last word to delete is at end
+ // of line and it is followed by multiple newlines.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(' \n\nword2', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' word1\n\nword2' });
+testVim('dw_empty_line_followed_by_whitespace', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq(' \nword', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n \nword' });
+testVim('dw_empty_line_followed_by_word', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('word', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\nword' });
+testVim('dw_empty_line_followed_by_empty_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n\n' });
+testVim('dw_whitespace_followed_by_whitespace', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('\n \n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' \n \n' });
+testVim('dw_whitespace_followed_by_empty_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('\n\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' \n\n' });
+testVim('dw_word_whitespace_word', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('\n \nword2', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'word1\n \nword2'})
+testVim('dw_end_of_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'w');
+ eq('\nab', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\nabc' });
+testVim('dw_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that dw does delete newline if it should go to the next line, and
+ // that repeat works properly.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', '2', 'w');
+ eq(' ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1\nword2', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2' });
+testVim('de_word_start_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'e');
+ eq('\n\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'word\n\n' });
+testVim('de_word_end_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'e');
+ eq('wor', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'word\n\n\n' });
+testVim('de_whitespace_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'e');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' \n\n\n' });
+testVim('de_end_of_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'e');
+ eq('\nab', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\nabc' });
+testVim('db_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'b');
+ eq('\n\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n\n\n' });
+testVim('db_word_start_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'b');
+ eq('\nword', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n\nword' });
+testVim('db_word_end_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'b');
+ eq('\n\nd', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n\nword' });
+testVim('db_whitespace_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'b');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n \n' });
+testVim('db_start_of_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'b');
+ eq('abc\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc\n' });
+testVim('dge_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'g', 'e');
+ // Note: In real VIM the result should be '', but it's not quite consistent,
+ // since 2 newlines are deleted. But in the similar case of word\n\n, only
+ // 1 newline is deleted. We'll diverge from VIM's behavior since it's much
+ // easier this way.
+ eq('\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n\n' });
+testVim('dge_word_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'g', 'e');
+ eq('wor\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'word\n\n'});
+testVim('dge_whitespace_and_empty_lines', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'g', 'e');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\n \n' });
+testVim('dge_start_of_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'g', 'e');
+ eq('bc\n', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc\n' });
+testVim('d_inclusive', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that when inclusive is set, the character the cursor is on gets
+ // deleted too.
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 1);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'e');
+ eq(' ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1 ' });
+testVim('d_reverse', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Test that deleting in reverse works.
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'b');
+ eq(' word2 ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1\n', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2 ' });
+testVim('dd', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedBuffer = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { line: 1, ch: 0 });
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount() - 1;
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'd');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedBuffer, register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[1].textStart);
+testVim('dd_prefix_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedBuffer = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { line: 2, ch: 0 });
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount() - 2;
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'd', 'd');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedBuffer, register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[2].textStart);
+testVim('dd_motion_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedBuffer = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { line: 2, ch: 0 });
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount() - 2;
+ helpers.doKeys('d', '2', 'd');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedBuffer, register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[2].textStart);
+testVim('dd_multiply_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedBuffer = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { line: 6, ch: 0 });
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount() - 6;
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'd', '3', 'd');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedBuffer, register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[6].textStart);
+testVim('dd_lastline', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(cm.lineCount(), 0);
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount() - 1;
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'd');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(cm.lineCount() - 1, 0);
+testVim('dd_only_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ var expectedRegister = cm.getValue() + "\n";
+ helpers.doKeys('d','d');
+ eq(1, cm.lineCount());
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedRegister, register.toString());
+}, { value: "thisistheonlyline" });
+// Yank commands should behave the exact same as d commands, expect that nothing
+// gets deleted.
+testVim('yw_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that yw does yank newline if it should go to the next line, and
+ // that repeat works properly.
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 1);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', '2', 'w');
+ eq(' word1\nword2', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1\nword2', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2' });
+testVim('yy_multiply_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ var expectedBuffer = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { line: 6, ch: 0 });
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'y', '3', 'y');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedBuffer, register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+// Change commands behave like d commands except that it also enters insert
+// mode. In addition, when the change is linewise, an additional newline is
+// inserted so that insert mode starts on that line.
+testVim('cw', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', '2', 'w');
+ eq(' word3', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'word1 word2 word3'});
+testVim('cw_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that cw does delete newline if it should go to the next line, and
+ // that repeat works properly.
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 1);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', '2', 'w');
+ eq(' ', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('word1\nword2', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2' });
+testVim('cc_multiply_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedBuffer = cm.getRange({ line: 0, ch: 0 },
+ { line: 6, ch: 0 });
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount() - 5;
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'c', '3', 'c');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq(expectedBuffer, register.toString());
+ is(register.linewise);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+testVim('ct', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', 't', 'w');
+ eq(' word1 word3', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>', 'c', '|');
+ eq(' word3', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>', '2', 'u', 'w', 'h');
+ helpers.doKeys('c', '2', 'g', 'e');
+ eq(' wordword3', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' word1 word2 word3'});
+testVim('cc_should_not_append_to_document', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ cm.setCursor(cm.lastLine(), 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', 'c');
+ eq(expectedLineCount, cm.lineCount());
+function fillArray(val, times) {
+ var arr = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < times; i++) {
+ arr.push(val);
+ }
+ return arr;
+testVim('c_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'c');
+ var replacement = fillArray('hello', 3);
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('1hello\n5hello\nahellofg', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'k', 'h', 'C');
+ replacement = fillArray('world', 3);
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('1hworld\n5hworld\nahworld', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg'});
+testVim('c_visual_block_replay', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'c');
+ var replacement = fillArray('fo', 3);
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('1fo4\n5fo8\nafodefg', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('foo4\nfoo8\nfoodefg', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg'});
+testVim('d_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'd');
+ eq('1\n5\nafg', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg'});
+testVim('D_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'D');
+ eq('1\n5\na', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg'});
+testVim('s_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'l', 'l', 's');
+ var replacement = fillArray('hello{', 3);
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('1hello{\n5hello{\nahello{fg\n', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '1', 'k', 'h', 'S');
+ replacement = fillArray('world', 1);
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('1hello{\n world\n', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg\n'});
+// Swapcase commands edit in place and do not modify registers.
+testVim('g~w_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Assert that dw does delete newline if it should go to the next line, and
+ // that repeat works properly.
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 1);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('g', '~', '2', 'w');
+ eq(' WORD1\nWORD2', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2' });
+testVim('g~g~', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ var expectedValue = cm.getValue().toUpperCase();
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'g', '~', '3', 'g', '~');
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\nword3\nword4\nword5\nword6' });
+testVim('gu_and_gU', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 7);
+ var value = cm.getValue();
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'g', 'U', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getValue(), 'wa wb xX WC wd');
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'g', 'u', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getValue(), value);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'g', 'U', 'B');
+ eq(cm.getValue(), 'wa WB Xx wc wd');
+ eqPos(makeCursor(0, 3), cm.getCursor());
+ cm.setCursor(makeCursor(0, 4));
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'u', 'i', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getValue(), 'wa wb Xx wc wd');
+ eqPos(makeCursor(0, 3), cm.getCursor());
+ // TODO: support gUgU guu
+ // eqPos(makeCursor(0, 0), cm.getCursor());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+}, { value: 'wa wb xx wc wd' });
+testVim('visual_block_~', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'l', 'l', 'j', '~');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 1);
+ eq('hello\nwoRLd\naBCDe', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l', '~');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+ eq('hello\nwoRLd\nAbcDe', cm.getValue());
+},{value: 'hello\nwOrld\nabcde' });
+testVim('._swapCase_visualBlock', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'j', 'j', 'l', '~');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('HelLO\nWorLd\nAbcdE', cm.getValue());
+},{value: 'hEllo\nwOrlD\naBcDe' });
+testVim('._delete_visualBlock', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'j', 'x');
+ eq('ive\ne\nsome\nsugar', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('ve\n\nsome\nsugar', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('j', 'j', '.');
+ eq('ve\n\nome\nugar', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u', '<C-r>', '.');
+ eq('ve\n\nme\ngar', cm.getValue());
+},{value: 'give\nme\nsome\nsugar' });
+testVim('>{motion}', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 3);
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ var expectedValue = ' word1\n word2\nword3 ';
+ helpers.doKeys('>', 'k');
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\nword3 ', indentUnit: 2 });
+testVim('>>', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ var expectedValue = ' word1\n word2\nword3 ';
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '>', '>');
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\nword3 ', indentUnit: 2 });
+testVim('<{motion}', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 3);
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ var expectedValue = ' word1\nword2\nword3 ';
+ helpers.doKeys('<', 'k');
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: ' word1\n word2\nword3 ', indentUnit: 2 });
+testVim('<<', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ var expectedLineCount = cm.lineCount();
+ var expectedValue = ' word1\nword2\nword3 ';
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '<', '<');
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: ' word1\n word2\nword3 ', indentUnit: 2 });
+// Edit tests
+function testEdit(name, before, pos, edit, after) {
+ return testVim(name, function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var ch =
+ var line = before.substring(0, ch).split('\n').length - 1;
+ if (line) {
+ ch = before.substring(0, ch).split('\n').pop().length;
+ }
+ cm.setCursor(line, ch);
+ helpers.doKeys.apply(this, edit.split(''));
+ eq(after, cm.getValue());
+ }, {value: before});
+// These Delete tests effectively cover word-wise Change, Visual & Yank.
+// Tabs are used as differentiated whitespace to catch edge cases.
+// Normal word:
+testEdit('diw_mid_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /A/, 'diw', 'foo \t\t baz');
+testEdit('daw_mid_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /A/, 'daw', 'foo \tbaz');
+testEdit('diw_mid_punct', 'foo \tbAr.\t baz', /A/, 'diw', 'foo \t.\t baz');
+testEdit('daw_mid_punct', 'foo \tbAr.\t baz', /A/, 'daw', 'foo.\t baz');
+testEdit('diw_mid_punct2', 'foo \t,bAr.\t baz', /A/, 'diw', 'foo \t,.\t baz');
+testEdit('daw_mid_punct2', 'foo \t,bAr.\t baz', /A/, 'daw', 'foo \t,.\t baz');
+testEdit('diw_start_spc', 'bAr \tbaz', /A/, 'diw', ' \tbaz');
+testEdit('daw_start_spc', 'bAr \tbaz', /A/, 'daw', 'baz');
+testEdit('diw_start_punct', 'bAr. \tbaz', /A/, 'diw', '. \tbaz');
+testEdit('daw_start_punct', 'bAr. \tbaz', /A/, 'daw', '. \tbaz');
+testEdit('diw_end_spc', 'foo \tbAr', /A/, 'diw', 'foo \t');
+testEdit('daw_end_spc', 'foo \tbAr', /A/, 'daw', 'foo');
+testEdit('diw_end_punct', 'foo \tbAr.', /A/, 'diw', 'foo \t.');
+testEdit('daw_end_punct', 'foo \tbAr.', /A/, 'daw', 'foo.');
+// Big word:
+testEdit('diW_mid_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /A/, 'diW', 'foo \t\t baz');
+testEdit('daW_mid_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /A/, 'daW', 'foo \tbaz');
+testEdit('diW_mid_punct', 'foo \tbAr.\t baz', /A/, 'diW', 'foo \t\t baz');
+testEdit('daW_mid_punct', 'foo \tbAr.\t baz', /A/, 'daW', 'foo \tbaz');
+testEdit('diW_mid_punct2', 'foo \t,bAr.\t baz', /A/, 'diW', 'foo \t\t baz');
+testEdit('daW_mid_punct2', 'foo \t,bAr.\t baz', /A/, 'daW', 'foo \tbaz');
+testEdit('diW_start_spc', 'bAr\t baz', /A/, 'diW', '\t baz');
+testEdit('daW_start_spc', 'bAr\t baz', /A/, 'daW', 'baz');
+testEdit('diW_start_punct', 'bAr.\t baz', /A/, 'diW', '\t baz');
+testEdit('daW_start_punct', 'bAr.\t baz', /A/, 'daW', 'baz');
+testEdit('diW_end_spc', 'foo \tbAr', /A/, 'diW', 'foo \t');
+testEdit('daW_end_spc', 'foo \tbAr', /A/, 'daW', 'foo');
+testEdit('diW_end_punct', 'foo \tbAr.', /A/, 'diW', 'foo \t');
+testEdit('daW_end_punct', 'foo \tbAr.', /A/, 'daW', 'foo');
+// Deleting text objects
+// Open and close on same line
+testEdit('di(_open_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'di(', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('di)_open_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'di)', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('dib_open_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'dib', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('da(_open_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'da(', 'foo baz');
+testEdit('da)_open_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'da)', 'foo baz');
+testEdit('di(_middle_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /A/, 'di(', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('di)_middle_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /A/, 'di)', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('da(_middle_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /A/, 'da(', 'foo baz');
+testEdit('da)_middle_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /A/, 'da)', 'foo baz');
+testEdit('di(_close_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\)/, 'di(', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('di)_close_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\)/, 'di)', 'foo () baz');
+testEdit('da(_close_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\)/, 'da(', 'foo baz');
+testEdit('da)_close_spc', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\)/, 'da)', 'foo baz');
+// delete around and inner b.
+testEdit('dab_on_(_should_delete_around_()block', 'o( in(abc) )', /\(a/, 'dab', 'o( in )');
+// delete around and inner B.
+testEdit('daB_on_{_should_delete_around_{}block', 'o{ in{abc} }', /{a/, 'daB', 'o{ in }');
+testEdit('diB_on_{_should_delete_inner_{}block', 'o{ in{abc} }', /{a/, 'diB', 'o{ in{} }');
+testEdit('da{_on_{_should_delete_inner_block', 'o{ in{abc} }', /{a/, 'da{', 'o{ in }');
+testEdit('di[_on_(_should_not_delete', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'di[', 'foo (bAr) baz');
+testEdit('di[_on_)_should_not_delete', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\)/, 'di[', 'foo (bAr) baz');
+testEdit('da[_on_(_should_not_delete', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\(/, 'da[', 'foo (bAr) baz');
+testEdit('da[_on_)_should_not_delete', 'foo (bAr) baz', /\)/, 'da[', 'foo (bAr) baz');
+testMotion('di(_outside_should_stay', ['d', 'i', '('], { line: 0, ch: 0}, { line: 0, ch: 0});
+// Open and close on different lines, equally indented
+testEdit('di{_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n}b', /r/, 'di{', 'a{}b');
+testEdit('di}_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n}b', /r/, 'di}', 'a{}b');
+testEdit('da{_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n}b', /r/, 'da{', 'ab');
+testEdit('da}_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n}b', /r/, 'da}', 'ab');
+testEdit('daB_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n}b', /r/, 'daB', 'ab');
+// open and close on diff lines, open indented less than close
+testEdit('di{_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n\t}b', /r/, 'di{', 'a{}b');
+testEdit('di}_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n\t}b', /r/, 'di}', 'a{}b');
+testEdit('da{_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n\t}b', /r/, 'da{', 'ab');
+testEdit('da}_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n\t}b', /r/, 'da}', 'ab');
+// open and close on diff lines, open indented more than close
+testEdit('di[_middle_spc', 'a\t[\n\tbar\n]b', /r/, 'di[', 'a\t[]b');
+testEdit('di]_middle_spc', 'a\t[\n\tbar\n]b', /r/, 'di]', 'a\t[]b');
+testEdit('da[_middle_spc', 'a\t[\n\tbar\n]b', /r/, 'da[', 'a\tb');
+testEdit('da]_middle_spc', 'a\t[\n\tbar\n]b', /r/, 'da]', 'a\tb');
+function testSelection(name, before, pos, keys, sel) {
+ return testVim(name, function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var ch =
+ var line = before.substring(0, ch).split('\n').length - 1;
+ if (line) {
+ ch = before.substring(0, ch).split('\n').pop().length;
+ }
+ cm.setCursor(line, ch);
+ helpers.doKeys.apply(this, keys.split(''));
+ eq(sel, cm.getSelection());
+ }, {value: before});
+testSelection('viw_middle_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /A/, 'viw', 'bAr');
+testSelection('vaw_middle_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /A/, 'vaw', 'bAr\t ');
+testSelection('viw_middle_punct', 'foo \tbAr,\t baz', /A/, 'viw', 'bAr');
+testSelection('vaW_middle_punct', 'foo \tbAr,\t baz', /A/, 'vaW', 'bAr,\t ');
+testSelection('viw_start_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /b/, 'viw', 'bAr');
+testSelection('viw_end_spc', 'foo \tbAr\t baz', /r/, 'viw', 'bAr');
+testSelection('viw_eol', 'foo \tbAr', /r/, 'viw', 'bAr');
+testSelection('vi{_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n\t}b', /r/, 'vi{', '\n\tbar\n\t');
+testSelection('va{_middle_spc', 'a{\n\tbar\n\t}b', /r/, 'va{', '{\n\tbar\n\t}');
+testVim('mouse_select', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setSelection(Pos(0, 2), Pos(0, 4), {origin: '*mouse'});
+ is(cm.state.vim.visualMode);
+ is(!cm.state.vim.visualLine);
+ is(!cm.state.vim.visualBlock);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ is(!cm.somethingSelected());
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'v');
+ eq('cd', cm.getSelection());
+}, {value: 'abcdef'});
+// Operator-motion tests
+testVim('D', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('D');
+ eq(' wo\nword2\n word3', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('rd1', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\n word3' });
+testVim('C', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('C');
+ eq(' wo\nword2\n word3', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('rd1', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ eqPos(curStart, cm.getCursor());
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\n word3' });
+testVim('Y', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doKeys('Y');
+ eq(' word1\nword2\n word3', cm.getValue());
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ eq('rd1', register.toString());
+ is(!register.linewise);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+}, { value: ' word1\nword2\n word3' });
+testVim('~', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('3', '~');
+ eq('ABCdefg', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+}, { value: 'abcdefg' });
+// Action tests
+testVim('ctrl-a', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-a>');
+ eq('-9', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('2','<C-a>');
+ eq('-7', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '-10'});
+testVim('ctrl-x', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-x>');
+ eq('-1', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('2','<C-x>');
+ eq('-3', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '0'});
+testVim('<C-x>/<C-a> search forward', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ forEach(['<C-x>', '<C-a>'], function(key) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(key);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 5);
+ helpers.doKeys('l');
+ helpers.doKeys(key);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 10);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 11);
+ helpers.doKeys(key);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+ });
+}, {value: '__jmp1 jmp2 jmp'});
+testVim('a', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+testVim('a_eol', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, lines[0].length - 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[0].length);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+testVim('A_endOfSelectedArea', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'j', 'l');
+ helpers.doKeys('A');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, {value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('i', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+testVim('i_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ eq('testtesttest', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+}, { value: '' });
+testVim('i_repeat_delete', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('z', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doInsertModeKeys('Backspace', 'Backspace');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ eq('abe', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: 'abcde' });
+testVim('A', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('A');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[0].length);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+testVim('A_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'l', 'A');
+ var replacement = new Array(cm.listSelections().length+1).join('hello ').split(' ');
+ replacement.pop();
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('testhello\nmehello\npleahellose', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ // TODO this doesn't work yet
+ // eq('teshellothello\nme hello hello\nplehelloahellose', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: 'test\nme\nplease'});
+testVim('I', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('I');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, lines[0].textStart);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+testVim('I_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'I');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ eq('testtesttestblah', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+}, { value: 'blah' });
+testVim('I_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'l', 'I');
+ var replacement = new Array(cm.listSelections().length+1).join('hello ').split(' ');
+ replacement.pop();
+ cm.replaceSelections(replacement);
+ eq('hellotest\nhellome\nhelloplease', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: 'test\nme\nplease'});
+testVim('o', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ eq('word1\n\nword2', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, { value: 'word1\nword2' });
+testVim('o_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'o');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ eq('\ntest\ntest\ntest', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 3);
+}, { value: '' });
+testVim('O', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('O');
+ eq('\nword1\nword2', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, { value: 'word1\nword2' });
+testVim('J', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('J');
+ var expectedValue = 'word1 word2\nword3\n word4';
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, expectedValue.indexOf('word2') - 1);
+}, { value: 'word1 \n word2\nword3\n word4' });
+testVim('J_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'J');
+ var expectedValue = 'word1 word2 word3\n word4';
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, expectedValue.indexOf('word3') - 1);
+}, { value: 'word1 \n word2\nword3\n word4' });
+testVim('p', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', 'abc\ndef', false);
+ helpers.doKeys('p');
+ eq('__abc\ndef_', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim('p_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister('a').setText('abc\ndef', false);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'p');
+ eq('__abc\ndef_', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim('p_wrong_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister('a').setText('abc\ndef', false);
+ helpers.doKeys('p');
+ eq('___', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim('p_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' a\nd\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'p');
+ eq('___\n a\nd\n a\nd', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim('p_lastline', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' a\nd', true);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'p');
+ eq('___\n a\nd\n a\nd', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim(']p_first_indent_is_smaller', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' abc\n def\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', 'p');
+ eq(' ___\n abc\n def', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' ___' });
+testVim(']p_first_indent_is_larger', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' abc\n def\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', 'p');
+ eq(' ___\n abc\ndef', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' ___' });
+testVim(']p_with_tab_indents', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', '\t\tabc\n\t\t\tdef\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', 'p');
+ eq('\t___\n\tabc\n\t\tdef', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\t___', indentWithTabs: true});
+testVim(']p_with_spaces_translated_to_tabs', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' abc\n def\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', 'p');
+ eq('\t___\n\tabc\n\t\tdef', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '\t___', indentWithTabs: true, tabSize: 2 });
+testVim('[p', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' abc\n def\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', 'p');
+ eq(' abc\n def\n ___', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' ___' });
+testVim('P', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', 'abc\ndef', false);
+ helpers.doKeys('P');
+ eq('_abc\ndef__', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 3);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim('P_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.getRegisterController().pushText('"', 'yank', ' a\nd\n', true);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'P');
+ eq(' a\nd\n a\nd\n___', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+}, { value: '___' });
+testVim('r', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'r', 'u');
+ eq('wuuuet\nanother', cm.getValue(),'3r failed');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'j', 'h', 'r', '<Space>');
+ eq('wuuu \n her', cm.getValue(),'Replacing selection by space-characters failed');
+}, { value: 'wordet\nanother' });
+testVim('r_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'k', 'k', 'h', 'h', 'r', 'l');
+ eq('1lll\n5lll\nalllefg', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'l', 'j', 'r', '<Space>');
+ eq('1 l\n5 l\nalllefg', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.replaceRange('\t\t', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'h', 'h', 'r', 'r');
+ eq('1 l\n5 l\nalllefg\nrrrrrrrr', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg'});
+testVim('R', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('R');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ eq('vim-replace', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+ is(cm.state.overwrite, 'Setting overwrite state failed');
+testVim('mark', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 't');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 't');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ cm.replaceRange(' h', cm.getCursor());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('\'', 't');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 3);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 't');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'c');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 2);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 1);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_sameline', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 4);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_onlyprev', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(4, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_nomark', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_linewise_over', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 1);
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_action', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 't');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ']', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ var actual = cm.getLine(0);
+ var expected = 'pop pop 0 1 2 3 4';
+ eq(actual, expected, "Deleting while jumping to the next mark failed.");
+testVim('jumpToMark_next_line_action', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 't');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ']', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ var actual = cm.getLine(0);
+ var expected = ' (a) [b] {c} '
+ eq(actual, expected, "Deleting while jumping to the next mark line failed.");
+testVim('jumpToMark_prev', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 't');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+ cm.setCursor(4, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_prev_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'c');
+ cm.setCursor(5, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 2);
+ cm.setCursor(5, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 1);
+testVim('jumpToMark_prev_sameline', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_prev_onlynext', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(4, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_prev_nomark', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '`');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('jumpToMark_prev_linewise_over', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '\'');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('delmark_single', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 't');
+ helpers.doEx('delmarks t');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 't');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+testVim('delmark_range', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'c');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'd');
+ cm.setCursor(5, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'e');
+ helpers.doEx('delmarks b-d');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'b');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'c');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'd');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'e');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(5, 2);
+testVim('delmark_multi', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'c');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'd');
+ cm.setCursor(5, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'e');
+ helpers.doEx('delmarks bcd');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'b');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'c');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'd');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'e');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(5, 2);
+testVim('delmark_multi_space', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'c');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'd');
+ cm.setCursor(5, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'e');
+ helpers.doEx('delmarks b c d');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'b');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'c');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'd');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'e');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(5, 2);
+testVim('delmark_all', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'a');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'b');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'c');
+ cm.setCursor(4, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'd');
+ cm.setCursor(5, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('m', 'e');
+ helpers.doEx('delmarks a b-de');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'b');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'c');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'd');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('`', 'e');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+testVim('visual', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'v', 'l', 'l');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ eqPos(makeCursor(0, 1), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ helpers.doKeys('d');
+ eq('15', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '12345' });
+testVim('visual_yank', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('v', '3', 'l', 'y');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('p');
+ eq('aa te test for yank', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'a test for yank' })
+testVim('visual_w', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'w');
+ eq(cm.getSelection(), 'motion t');
+}, { value: 'motion test'});
+testVim('visual_initial_selection', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('v');
+ cm.getSelection('n');
+}, { value: 'init'});
+testVim('visual_crossover_left', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'h', 'h');
+ cm.getSelection('ro');
+}, { value: 'cross'});
+testVim('visual_crossover_left', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'h', 'l', 'l');
+ cm.getSelection('os');
+}, { value: 'cross'});
+testVim('visual_crossover_up', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(3, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'j', 'k', 'k');
+ eqPos(Pos(2, 2), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ eqPos(Pos(3, 3), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ helpers.doKeys('k');
+ eqPos(Pos(1, 2), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ eqPos(Pos(3, 3), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+}, { value: 'cross\ncross\ncross\ncross\ncross\n'});
+testVim('visual_crossover_down', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'k', 'j', 'j');
+ eqPos(Pos(2, 3), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ eqPos(Pos(1, 2), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ helpers.doKeys('j');
+ eqPos(Pos(3, 3), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ eqPos(Pos(1, 2), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+}, { value: 'cross\ncross\ncross\ncross\ncross\n'});
+testVim('visual_exit', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'l', 'j', 'j', '<Esc>');
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor('anchor'), cm.getCursor('head'));
+ eq(vim.visualMode, false);
+}, { value: 'hello\nworld\nfoo' });
+testVim('visual_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'V', 'l', 'j', 'j', 'd');
+ eq(' 4\n 5', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ' 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5' });
+testVim('visual_block_move_to_eol', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // moveToEol should move all block cursors to end of line
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'G', '$');
+ var selections = cm.getSelections().join();
+ eq('123,45,6', selections);
+ // Checks that with cursor at Infinity, finding words backwards still works.
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'k', 'b');
+ selections = cm.getSelections().join();
+ eq('1', selections);
+}, {value: '123\n45\n6'});
+testVim('visual_block_different_line_lengths', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // test the block selection with lines of different length
+ // i.e. extending the selection
+ // till the end of the longest line.
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'l', 'j', 'j', '6', 'l', 'd');
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'd', 'd', 'd');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: '1234\n5678\nabcdefg'});
+testVim('visual_block_truncate_on_short_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // check for left side selection in case
+ // of moving up to a shorter line.
+ cm.replaceRange('', cm.getCursor());
+ cm.setCursor(3, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'l', 'k', 'k', 'd');
+ eq('hello world\n{\ntis\nsa!', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: 'hello world\n{\nthis is\nsparta!'});
+testVim('visual_block_corners', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'l', 'k');
+ // circle around the anchor
+ // and check the selections
+ var selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('345891', selections.join(''));
+ helpers.doKeys('4', 'h');
+ selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('123678', selections.join(''));
+ helpers.doKeys('j', 'j');
+ selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('678abc', selections.join(''));
+ helpers.doKeys('4', 'l');
+ selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('891cde', selections.join(''));
+}, {value: '12345\n67891\nabcde'});
+testVim('visual_block_mode_switch', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // switch between visual modes
+ cm.setCursor(1, 1);
+ // blockwise to characterwise visual
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'j', 'l', 'v');
+ selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('7891\nabc', selections.join(''));
+ // characterwise to blockwise
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>');
+ selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('78bc', selections.join(''));
+ // blockwise to linewise visual
+ helpers.doKeys('V');
+ selections = cm.getSelections();
+ eq('67891\nabcde', selections.join(''));
+}, {value: '12345\n67891\nabcde'});
+testVim('visual_block_crossing_short_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // visual block with long and short lines
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'j', 'j', 'j');
+ var selections = cm.getSelections().join();
+ eq('4,,d,b', selections);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'k');
+ selections = cm.getSelections().join();
+ eq('4', selections);
+ helpers.doKeys('5', 'j', 'k');
+ selections = cm.getSelections().join("");
+ eq(10, selections.length);
+}, {value: '123456\n78\nabcdefg\nfoobar\n}\n'});
+testVim('visual_block_curPos_on_exit', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '3' , 'l', '<Esc>');
+ eqPos(makeCursor(0, 3), cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('h', '<C-v>', '2' , 'j' ,'3' , 'l');
+ eq(cm.getSelections().join(), "3456,,cdef");
+ helpers.doKeys('4' , 'h');
+ eq(cm.getSelections().join(), "23,8,bc");
+ helpers.doKeys('2' , 'l');
+ eq(cm.getSelections().join(), "34,,cd");
+}, {value: '123456\n78\nabcdefg\nfoobar'});
+testVim('visual_marks', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'v', 'l', 'l', 'j', 'j', 'v');
+ // Test visual mode marks
+ cm.setCursor(2, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('\'', '<');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('\'', '>');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+testVim('visual_join', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'V', 'l', 'j', 'j', 'J');
+ eq(' 1 2 3\n 4\n 5', cm.getValue());
+ is(!vim.visualMode);
+}, { value: ' 1\n 2\n 3\n 4\n 5' });
+testVim('visual_join_2', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('G', 'V', 'g', 'g', 'J');
+ eq('1 2 3 4 5 6 ', cm.getValue());
+ is(!vim.visualMode);
+}, { value: '1\n2\n3\n4\n5\n6\n'});
+testVim('visual_blank', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'k');
+ eq(vim.visualMode, true);
+}, { value: '\n' });
+testVim('reselect_visual', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'v', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'y', 'g', 'v');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 5);
+ eqPos(makeCursor(0, 1), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ helpers.doKeys('v');
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l', 'p');
+ eq('123456\n2345\nbar', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'v');
+ // here the fake cursor is at (1, 3)
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 4);
+ eqPos(makeCursor(1, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ helpers.doKeys('v');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l', 'g', 'v');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 4);
+ eqPos(makeCursor(1, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'v');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 3);
+ eqPos(makeCursor(2, 0), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+ eq('123456\n2345\nbar', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '123456\nfoo\nbar' });
+testVim('reselect_visual_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'V', 'j', 'j', 'V', 'g', 'v', 'd');
+ eq('foo\nand\nbar', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('V', 'y', 'j');
+ helpers.doKeys('V', 'p' , 'g', 'v', 'd');
+ eq('foo\nand', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'hello\nthis\nis\nfoo\nand\nbar' });
+testVim('reselect_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'k', 'h', '<C-v>');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'g', 'v');
+ eqPos(Pos(1, 2), vim.sel.anchor);
+ eqPos(Pos(0, 1), vim.sel.head);
+ // Ensure selection is done with visual block mode rather than one
+ // continuous range.
+ eq(cm.getSelections().join(''), '23oo')
+ helpers.doKeys('g', 'v');
+ eqPos(Pos(2, 1), vim.sel.anchor);
+ eqPos(Pos(2, 2), vim.sel.head);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ // Ensure selection of deleted range
+ cm.setCursor(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', '<C-v>', 'j', 'd', 'g', 'v');
+ eq(cm.getSelections().join(''), 'or');
+}, { value: '123456\nfoo\nbar' });
+testVim('s_normal', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('s');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ eq('ac', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc'});
+testVim('s_visual', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 's');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('ac', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc'});
+testVim('o_visual', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v','l','l','l','o');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v','v','j','j','j','o');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('O');
+ helpers.doKeys('l','l')
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('d');
+ eq('p',cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop'});
+testVim('o_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>','3','j','l','l', 'o');
+ eqPos(Pos(3, 3), vim.sel.anchor);
+ eqPos(Pos(0, 1), vim.sel.head);
+ helpers.doKeys('O');
+ eqPos(Pos(3, 1), vim.sel.anchor);
+ eqPos(Pos(0, 3), vim.sel.head);
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ eqPos(Pos(0, 3), vim.sel.anchor);
+ eqPos(Pos(3, 1), vim.sel.head);
+}, { value: 'abcd\nefgh\nijkl\nmnop'});
+testVim('changeCase_visual', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l');
+ helpers.doKeys('U');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l');
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('l', 'l', 'l', '.');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', 'v', 'j', 'U', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('j', '@', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(3, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('V', 'U', 'j', '.');
+ eq('ABCDEF\nGHIJKL\nMnopq\nSHORT LINE\nLONG LINE OF TEXT', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abcdef\nghijkl\nmnopq\nshort line\nlong line of text'});
+testVim('changeCase_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(2, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'k', 'k', 'h', 'U');
+ eq('ABcdef\nGHijkl\nMNopq\nfoo', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('ABCDef\nGHIJkl\nMNOPq\nfoo', cm.getValue());
+ // check when last line is shorter.
+ cm.setCursor(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('ABCDef\nGHIJkl\nMNOPq\nfoO', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abcdef\nghijkl\nmnopq\nfoo'});
+testVim('visual_paste', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l', 'y');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'l', 'j', 'v', 'l', 'p');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 5);
+ eq('this is a\nunithitest for visual paste', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ // in case of pasting whole line
+ helpers.doKeys('y', 'y');
+ cm.setCursor(1, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'l', 'l', 'l', 'p');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+ eq('this is a\nunithi\nthis is a\n for visual paste', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'this is a\nunit test for visual paste'});
+// This checks the contents of the register used to paste the text
+testVim('v_paste_from_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'y', 'w');
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'p');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+register/.test(text));
+ });
+}, { value: 'register contents\nare not erased'});
+testVim('S_normal', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('j', 'S');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 1);
+ eq('aa{\n \ncc', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('j', 'S');
+ eq('aa{\n \n ', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('d', 'd', 'd', 'd');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('S');
+ is(vim.insertMode);
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'aa{\nbb\ncc'});
+testVim('blockwise_paste', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '3', 'j', 'l', 'y');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ // paste one char after the current cursor position
+ helpers.doKeys('p');
+ eq('helhelo\nworwold\nfoofo\nbarba', cm.getValue());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', '4', 'l', 'y');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '3', 'j', 'p');
+ eq('helheelhelo\norwold\noofo\narba', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'hello\nworld\nfoo\nbar'});
+testVim('blockwise_paste_long/short_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // extend short lines in case of different line lengths.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'j', 'j', 'y');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('p');
+ eq('hellho\nfoo f\nbar b', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'hello\nfoo\nbar'});
+testVim('blockwise_paste_cut_paste', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'x');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('P');
+ eq('cut\nand\npaste\nme', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'cut\nand\npaste\nme'});
+testVim('blockwise_paste_from_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', '"', 'a', 'y');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'p');
+ eq('foobfar\nhellho\nworlwd', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'foobar\nhello\nworld'});
+testVim('blockwise_paste_last_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', '2', 'j', 'l', 'y');
+ cm.setCursor(3, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('p');
+ eq('cut\nand\npaste\nmcue\n an\n pa', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'cut\nand\npaste\nme'});
+testVim('S_visual', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'j', 'S');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('\ncc', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'aa\nbb\ncc'});
+testVim('d_/', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('match');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'd', '/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('match \n next', cm.getValue());
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('2');
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ':');
+ // TODO eq(' next', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'text match match \n next' });
+testVim('/ and n/N', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('match');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('N');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 6);
+}, { value: 'match nope match \n nope Match' });
+testVim('/_case', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('Match');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 6);
+}, { value: 'match nope match \n nope Match' });
+testVim('/_2_pcre', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('pcre', true);
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('(word){2}');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 1);
+}, { value: 'word\n another wordword\n wordwordword\n' });
+testVim('/_2_nopcre', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('pcre', false);
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('\\(word\\)\\{2}');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 1);
+}, { value: 'word\n another wordword\n wordwordword\n' });
+testVim('/_nongreedy', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('aa');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'aaa aa \n a aa'});
+testVim('?_nongreedy', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('aa');
+ helpers.doKeys('?');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'aaa aa \n a aa'});
+testVim('/_greedy', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('a+');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'aaa aa \n a aa'});
+testVim('?_greedy', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('a+');
+ helpers.doKeys('?');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'aaa aa \n a aa'});
+testVim('/_greedy_0_or_more', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('a*');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 5);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'aaa aa\n aa'});
+testVim('?_greedy_0_or_more', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('a*');
+ helpers.doKeys('?');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 5);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: 'aaa aa\n aa'});
+testVim('? and n/N', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('match');
+ helpers.doKeys('?');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+ helpers.doKeys('N');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 6);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '?');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11);
+}, { value: 'match nope match \n nope Match' });
+testVim('*', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 22);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 8);
+}, { value: 'nomatch match nomatch match \nnomatch Match' });
+testVim('*_no_word', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+}, { value: ' \n match \n' });
+testVim('*_symbol', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+}, { value: ' /}\n/} match \n' });
+testVim('#', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 8);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 22);
+}, { value: 'nomatch match nomatch match \nnomatch Match' });
+testVim('*_seek', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Should skip over space and symbols.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 22);
+}, { value: ' := match nomatch match \nnomatch Match' });
+testVim('#', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Should skip over space and symbols.
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 8);
+}, { value: ' := match nomatch match \nnomatch Match' });
+testVim('g*', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 8);
+ helpers.doKeys('g', '*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 18);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 8);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'g', '*');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 8);
+}, { value: 'matches match alsoMatch\nmatchme matching' });
+testVim('g#', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 8);
+ helpers.doKeys('g', '#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 8);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'g', '#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1, 0);
+}, { value: 'matches match alsoMatch\nmatchme matching' });
+testVim('macro_insert', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', '0', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('foo', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q', '@', 'a');
+ eq('foofoo', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('macro_insert_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', '$', 'a');
+ cm.replaceRange('larry.', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ cm.replaceRange('curly.', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ cm.replaceRange('moe.', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'a');
+ // At this point, the most recent edit should be the 2nd insert change
+ // inside the macro, i.e. "curly.".
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('macro_space', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Space>', '<Space>');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', '<Space>', '<Space>', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 8);
+}, { value: 'one line of text.'});
+testVim('macro_t_search', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', 't', 'e', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('l', '@', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('l', ';');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 12);
+}, { value: 'one line of text.'});
+testVim('macro_f_search', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'b', 'f', 'e', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'b');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 7);
+ helpers.doKeys(';');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 13);
+}, { value: 'one line of text.'});
+testVim('macro_slash_search', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'c');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('e');
+ helpers.doKeys('/', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'c');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 7);
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 13);
+}, { value: 'one line of text.'});
+testVim('macro_multislash_search', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'd');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('e');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('t');
+ helpers.doKeys('/', 'q');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 12);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'd');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 15);
+}, { value: 'one line of text to rule them all.'});
+testVim('macro_last_ex_command_register', function (cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('s/a/b');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '@', ':');
+ eq('bbbaa', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 2);
+}, { value: 'aaaaa'});
+testVim('macro_parens', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'z', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('(', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('e', 'a');
+ cm.replaceRange(')', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ helpers.doKeys('w', '@', 'z');
+ helpers.doKeys('w', '@', 'z');
+ eq('(see) (spot) (run)', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'see spot run'});
+testVim('macro_overwrite', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'z', '0', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('I ', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ helpers.doKeys('e');
+ // Now replace the macro with something else.
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'z', 'a');
+ cm.replaceRange('.', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ helpers.doKeys('e', '@', 'z');
+ helpers.doKeys('e', '@', 'z');
+ eq('I see. spot. run.', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'see spot run'});
+testVim('macro_search_f', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', 'f', ' ');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,3);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', '0');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,3);
+}, { value: 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'});
+testVim('macro_search_2f', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', '2', 'f', ' ');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,9);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', '0');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('@', 'a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,9);
+}, { value: 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.'});
+testVim('yank_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'y', 'y');
+ helpers.doKeys('j', '"', 'b', 'y', 'y');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+foo/.test(text));
+ is(/b\s+bar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('yank_visual_block', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-v>', 'l', 'j', '"', 'a', 'y');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+oo\nar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('yank_append_line_to_line_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'y', 'y');
+ helpers.doKeys('j', '"', 'A', 'y', 'y');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+foo\nbar/.test(text));
+ is(/"\s+foo\nbar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('yank_append_word_to_word_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'y', 'w');
+ helpers.doKeys('j', '"', 'A', 'y', 'w');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+foobar/.test(text));
+ is(/"\s+foobar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('yank_append_line_to_word_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'y', 'w');
+ helpers.doKeys('j', '"', 'A', 'y', 'y');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+foo\nbar/.test(text));
+ is(/"\s+foo\nbar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('yank_append_word_to_line_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('"', 'a', 'y', 'y');
+ helpers.doKeys('j', '"', 'A', 'y', 'w');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+foo\nbar/.test(text));
+ is(/"\s+foo\nbar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: 'foo\nbar'});
+testVim('macro_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'a', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('gangnam', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ helpers.doKeys('q', 'b', 'o');
+ cm.replaceRange('style', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/a\s+i/.test(text));
+ is(/b\s+o/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('._register', function(cm,vim,helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ cm.replaceRange('foo',cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/\.\s+foo/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, {value: ''});
+testVim(':_register', function(cm,vim,helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('bar');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/:\s+bar/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, {value: ''});
+testVim('search_register_escape', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // Check that the register is restored if the user escapes rather than confirms.
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('waldo');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var onKeyUp;
+ var KEYCODES = {
+ f: 70,
+ o: 79,
+ Esc: 27
+ };
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ onKeyUp = options.onKeyUp;
+ };
+ var close = function() {};
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ // Fake some keyboard events coming in.
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.f}, '', close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: KEYCODES.f}, '', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.o}, 'f', close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: KEYCODES.o}, 'f', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.o}, 'fo', close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: KEYCODES.o}, 'fo', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.Esc}, 'foo', close);
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/waldo/.test(text));
+ is(!/foo/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, {value: ''});
+testVim('search_register', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('foo');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ is(/\/\s+foo/.test(text));
+ });
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+}, {value: ''});
+testVim('search_history', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('this');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('checks');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('search');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('history');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('checks');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var onKeyUp;
+ var query = '';
+ var keyCodes = {
+ Up: 38,
+ Down: 40
+ };
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyUp = options.onKeyUp;
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ };
+ var close = function(newVal) {
+ if (typeof newVal == 'string') query = newVal;
+ }
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ eq(query, 'checks');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ eq(query, 'history');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ eq(query, 'search');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, query, close);
+ eq(query, 'this');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Down}, query, close);
+ onKeyUp({keyCode: keyCodes.Down}, query, close);
+ eq(query, 'search');
+}, {value: ''});
+testVim('exCommand_history', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('registers');
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('sort');
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('map');
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('invalid');
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var onKeyUp;
+ var input = '';
+ var keyCodes = {
+ Up: 38,
+ Down: 40,
+ s: 115
+ };
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyUp = options.onKeyUp;
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ };
+ var close = function(newVal) {
+ if (typeof newVal == 'string') input = newVal;
+ }
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, input, close);
+ eq(input, 'invalid');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, input, close);
+ eq(input, 'map');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, input, close);
+ eq(input, 'sort');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, input, close);
+ eq(input, 'registers');
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.s}, '', close);
+ input = 's';
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Up}, input, close);
+ eq(input, 'sort');
+}, {value: ''});
+testVim('search_clear', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var input = '';
+ var keyCodes = {
+ Ctrl: 17,
+ u: 85
+ };
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ };
+ var close = function(newVal) {
+ if (typeof newVal == 'string') input = newVal;
+ }
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ input = 'foo';
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Ctrl}, input, close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.u, ctrlKey: true}, input, close);
+ eq(input, '');
+testVim('exCommand_clear', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var input = '';
+ var keyCodes = {
+ Ctrl: 17,
+ u: 85
+ };
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ };
+ var close = function(newVal) {
+ if (typeof newVal == 'string') input = newVal;
+ }
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ input = 'foo';
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.Ctrl}, input, close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: keyCodes.u, ctrlKey: true}, input, close);
+ eq(input, '');
+testVim('.', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'd', 'w');
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('5 6', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '1 2 3 4 5 6'});
+testVim('._repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'd', 'w');
+ helpers.doKeys('3', '.');
+ eq('6', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '1 2 3 4 5 6'});
+testVim('._insert', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('testestt', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 6);
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('._insert_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '.');
+ eq('testesttestt', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 10);
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('._repeat_insert', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('3', 'i');
+ cm.replaceRange('te', cm.getCursor());
+ cm.setCursor(0, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('tetettetetee', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 10);
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('._insert_o', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ cm.replaceRange('z', cm.getCursor());
+ cm.setCursor(1, 1);
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('\nz\nz', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 0);
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('._insert_o_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ cm.replaceRange('z', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '.');
+ eq('\nz\nz\nz', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 0);
+}, { value: ''});
+testVim('._insert_o_indent', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ cm.replaceRange('z', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(1, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('{\n z\n z', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+}, { value: '{'});
+testVim('._insert_cw', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doKeys('c', 'w');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', 'l');
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('test test word3', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 8);
+}, { value: 'word1 word2 word3' });
+testVim('._insert_cw_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // For some reason, repeat cw in desktop VIM will does not repeat insert mode
+ // changes. Will conform to that behavior.
+ helpers.doKeys('c', 'w');
+ cm.replaceRange('test', cm.getCursor());
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('l');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '.');
+ eq('test test', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 8);
+}, { value: 'word1 word2 word3' });
+testVim('._delete', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 5);
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ helpers.doInsertModeKeys('Backspace');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('zace', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: 'zabcde'});
+testVim('._delete_repeat', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ helpers.doInsertModeKeys('Backspace');
+ helpers.doKeys('<Esc>');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '.');
+ eq('zzce', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 1);
+}, { value: 'zzabcde'});
+testVim('._visual_>', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('V', 'j', '>');
+ cm.setCursor(2, 0)
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq(' 1\n 2\n 3\n 4', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2, 2);
+}, { value: '1\n2\n3\n4'});
+testVim('f;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('f', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(';');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ';');
+ eq(9, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx678x'});
+testVim('F;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 8);
+ helpers.doKeys('F', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(';');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ';');
+ eq(2, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx6x8x'});
+testVim('t;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('t', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(';');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ';');
+ eq(8, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx678x'});
+testVim('T;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('T', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(';');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ';');
+ eq(2, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '0xx3xx678x'});
+testVim('f,', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('f', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(',');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ',');
+ eq(2, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx678x'});
+testVim('F,', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('F', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(',');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ',');
+ eq(9, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx678x'});
+testVim('t,', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 6);
+ helpers.doKeys('t', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(',');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ',');
+ eq(3, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx678x'});
+testVim('T,', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('T', 'x');
+ helpers.doKeys(',');
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ',');
+ eq(8, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: '01x3xx67xx'});
+testVim('fd,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('f', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ';');
+ eq('56789', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ',');
+ eq('01239', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('Fd,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('F', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ';');
+ eq('01239', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ',');
+ eq('56789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('td,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('t', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ';');
+ eq('456789', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ',');
+ eq('012349', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('Td,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('T', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ';');
+ eq('012349', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('d', ',');
+ eq('456789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('fc,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('f', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ';', '<Esc>');
+ eq('56789', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ',');
+ eq('01239', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('Fc,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('F', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ';', '<Esc>');
+ eq('01239', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ',');
+ eq('56789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('tc,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('t', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ';', '<Esc>');
+ eq('456789', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ',');
+ eq('012349', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('Tc,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('T', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ';', '<Esc>');
+ eq('012349', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('c', ',');
+ eq('456789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('fy,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('f', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ';', 'P');
+ eq('012340123456789', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ',', 'P');
+ eq('012345678456789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('Fy,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('F', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ';', 'p');
+ eq('012345678945678', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ',', 'P');
+ eq('012340123456789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('ty,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('t', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ';', 'P');
+ eq('01230123456789', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ',', 'p');
+ eq('01234567895678', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('Ty,;', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('T', '4');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 9);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ';', 'p');
+ eq('01234567895678', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doKeys('u');
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('y', ',', 'P');
+ eq('01230123456789', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '0123456789'});
+testVim('HML', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var lines = 35;
+ var textHeight = cm.defaultTextHeight();
+ cm.setSize(600, lines*textHeight);
+ cm.setCursor(120, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('H');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(86, 2);
+ helpers.doKeys('L');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(120, 4);
+ helpers.doKeys('M');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(103,4);
+}, { value: (function(){
+ var lines = new Array(100);
+ var upper = ' xx\n';
+ var lower = ' xx\n';
+ upper = lines.join(upper);
+ lower = lines.join(lower);
+ return upper + lower;
+var zVals = [];
+forEach(['zb','zz','zt','z-','z.','z<CR>'], function(e, idx){
+ var lineNum = 250;
+ var lines = 35;
+ testVim(e, function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var k1 = e[0];
+ var k2 = e.substring(1);
+ var textHeight = cm.defaultTextHeight();
+ cm.setSize(600, lines*textHeight);
+ cm.setCursor(lineNum, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(k1, k2);
+ zVals[idx] = cm.getScrollInfo().top;
+ }, { value: (function(){
+ return new Array(500).join('\n');
+ })()});
+testVim('zb_to_bottom', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ var lineNum = 250;
+ cm.setSize(600, 35*cm.defaultTextHeight());
+ cm.setCursor(lineNum, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('z', 'b');
+ var scrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ eq( + scrollInfo.clientHeight, cm.charCoords(Pos(lineNum, 0), 'local').bottom);
+}, { value: (function(){
+ return new Array(500).join('\n');
+testVim('zt_to_top', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ var lineNum = 250;
+ cm.setSize(600, 35*cm.defaultTextHeight());
+ cm.setCursor(lineNum, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('z', 't');
+ eq(cm.getScrollInfo().top, cm.charCoords(Pos(lineNum, 0), 'local').top);
+}, { value: (function(){
+ return new Array(500).join('\n');
+testVim('zb<zz', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ eq(zVals[0]<zVals[1], true);
+testVim('zz<zt', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ eq(zVals[1]<zVals[2], true);
+testVim('zb==z-', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ eq(zVals[0], zVals[3]);
+testVim('zz==z.', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ eq(zVals[1], zVals[4]);
+testVim('zt==z<CR>', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ eq(zVals[2], zVals[5]);
+var moveTillCharacterSandbox =
+ 'The quick brown fox \n';
+testVim('moveTillCharacter', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ // Search for the 'q'.
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('q');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ eq(4, cm.getCursor().ch);
+ // Jump to just before the first o in the list.
+ helpers.doKeys('t');
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ eq('The quick brown fox \n', cm.getValue());
+ // Delete that one character.
+ helpers.doKeys('d');
+ helpers.doKeys('t');
+ helpers.doKeys('o');
+ eq('The quick bown fox \n', cm.getValue());
+ // Delete everything until the next 'o'.
+ helpers.doKeys('.');
+ eq('The quick box \n', cm.getValue());
+ // An unmatched character should have no effect.
+ helpers.doKeys('d');
+ helpers.doKeys('t');
+ helpers.doKeys('q');
+ eq('The quick box \n', cm.getValue());
+ // Matches should only be possible on single lines.
+ helpers.doKeys('d');
+ helpers.doKeys('t');
+ helpers.doKeys('z');
+ eq('The quick box \n', cm.getValue());
+ // After all that, the search for 'q' should still be active, so the 'N' command
+ // can run it again in reverse. Use that to delete everything back to the 'q'.
+ helpers.doKeys('d');
+ helpers.doKeys('N');
+ eq('The ox \n', cm.getValue());
+ eq(4, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: moveTillCharacterSandbox});
+testVim('searchForPipe', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('pcre', false);
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ // Search for the '|'.
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('|');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ eq(4, cm.getCursor().ch);
+}, { value: 'this|that'});
+var scrollMotionSandbox =
+ '\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n';
+testVim('scrollMotion', function(cm, vim, helpers){
+ var prevCursor, prevScrollInfo;
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ // ctrl-y at the top of the file should have no effect.
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-y>');
+ eq(0, cm.getCursor().line);
+ prevScrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-e>');
+ eq(1, cm.getCursor().line);
+ is( < cm.getScrollInfo().top);
+ // Jump to the end of the sandbox.
+ cm.setCursor(1000, 0);
+ prevCursor = cm.getCursor();
+ // ctrl-e at the bottom of the file should have no effect.
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-e>');
+ eq(prevCursor.line, cm.getCursor().line);
+ prevScrollInfo = cm.getScrollInfo();
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-y>');
+ eq(prevCursor.line - 1, cm.getCursor().line, "Y");
+ is( > cm.getScrollInfo().top);
+}, { value: scrollMotionSandbox});
+var squareBracketMotionSandbox = ''+
+ '({\n'+//0
+ ' ({\n'+//11
+ ' /*comment {\n'+//2
+ ' */(\n'+//3
+ '#else \n'+//4
+ ' /* )\n'+//5
+ '#if }\n'+//6
+ ' )}*/\n'+//7
+ ')}\n'+//8
+ '{}\n'+//9
+ '#else {{\n'+//10
+ '{}\n'+//11
+ '}\n'+//12
+ '{\n'+//13
+ '#endif\n'+//14
+ '}\n'+//15
+ '}\n'+//16
+ '#else';//17
+testVim('[[, ]]', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', ']');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(9,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', ']');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(13,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', ']');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(17,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '[');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(13,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', '[');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(9,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '[');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+testVim('[], ][', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '[');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(12,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', '[');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(16,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '[');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(17,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', ']');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(16,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', ']');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(12,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', ']');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+testVim('[{, ]}', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(4, 10);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2,12);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', '{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,1);
+ cm.setCursor(4, 10);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(6,11);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(8,1);
+ cm.setCursor(0,1);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '}');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(8,1);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '{');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,1);
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+testVim('[(, ])', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(4, 10);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '(');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3,14);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', '(');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+ cm.setCursor(4, 10);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', ')');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(5,11);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', ')');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(8,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', '(');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0,0);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', ')');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(8,0);
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+testVim('[*, ]*, [/, ]/', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ forEach(['*', '/'], function(key){
+ cm.setCursor(7, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', key);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(2,2);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', ']', key);
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(7,5);
+ });
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+testVim('[#, ]#', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(10, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys('2', '[', '#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(4,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('5', ']', '#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(17,0);
+ cm.setCursor(10, 3);
+ helpers.doKeys(']', '#');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(14,0);
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+testVim('[m, ]m, [M, ]M', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(11, 0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', 'm');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(10,7);
+ helpers.doKeys('4', '[', 'm');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(1,3);
+ helpers.doKeys('5', ']', 'm');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(11,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('[', 'M');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(9,1);
+ helpers.doKeys('3', ']', 'M');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(15,0);
+ helpers.doKeys('5', '[', 'M');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(7,3);
+}, { value: squareBracketMotionSandbox});
+// Ex mode tests
+testVim('ex_go_to_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('4');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(3, 0);
+}, { value: 'a\nb\nc\nd\ne\n'});
+testVim('ex_write', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var tmp =;
+ var written;
+ var actualCm;
+ = function(cm) {
+ written = true;
+ actualCm = cm;
+ };
+ // Test that w, wr, wri ... write all trigger :write.
+ var command = 'write';
+ for (var i = 1; i < command.length; i++) {
+ written = false;
+ actualCm = null;
+ helpers.doEx(command.substring(0, i));
+ eq(written, true);
+ eq(actualCm, cm);
+ }
+ = tmp;
+testVim('ex_sort', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort');
+ eq('Z\na\nb\nc\nd', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'b\nZ\nd\nc\na'});
+testVim('ex_sort_reverse', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort!');
+ eq('d\nc\nb\na', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'b\nd\nc\na'});
+testVim('ex_sort_range', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('2,3sort');
+ eq('b\nc\nd\na', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'b\nd\nc\na'});
+testVim('ex_sort_oneline', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('2sort');
+ // Expect no change.
+ eq('b\nd\nc\na', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'b\nd\nc\na'});
+testVim('ex_sort_ignoreCase', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort i');
+ eq('a\nb\nc\nd\nZ', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'b\nZ\nd\nc\na'});
+testVim('ex_sort_unique', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort u');
+ eq('Z\na\nb\nc\nd', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'b\nZ\na\na\nd\na\nc\na'});
+testVim('ex_sort_decimal', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort d');
+ eq('d3\n s5\n6\n.9', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '6\nd3\n s5\n.9'});
+testVim('ex_sort_decimal_negative', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort d');
+ eq('z-9\nd3\n s5\n6\n.9', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '6\nd3\n s5\n.9\nz-9'});
+testVim('ex_sort_decimal_reverse', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort! d');
+ eq('.9\n6\n s5\nd3', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '6\nd3\n s5\n.9'});
+testVim('ex_sort_hex', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort x');
+ eq(' s5\n6\n.9\n&0xB\nd3', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '6\nd3\n s5\n&0xB\n.9'});
+testVim('ex_sort_octal', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort o');
+ eq('.8\n.9\nd3\n s5\n6', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '6\nd3\n s5\n.9\n.8'});
+testVim('ex_sort_decimal_mixed', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort d');
+ eq('y\nz\nc1\nb2\na3', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'a3\nz\nc1\ny\nb2'});
+testVim('ex_sort_decimal_mixed_reverse', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('sort! d');
+ eq('a3\nb2\nc1\nz\ny', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'a3\nz\nc1\ny\nb2'});
+testVim('ex_sort_patterns_not_supported', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var notified = false;
+ cm.openNotification = helpers.fakeOpenNotification(function(text) {
+ notified = /patterns not supported/.test(text);
+ });
+ helpers.doEx('sort /abc/');
+ is(notified, 'No notification.');
+// test for :global command
+testVim('ex_global', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('g/one/s//two');
+ eq('two two\n two two\n two two', cm.getValue());
+ helpers.doEx('1,2g/two/s//one');
+ eq('one one\n one one\n two two', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: 'one one\n one one\n one one'});
+testVim('ex_global_confirm', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var openDialogSave = cm.openDialog;
+ var KEYCODES = {
+ a: 65,
+ n: 78,
+ q: 81,
+ y: 89
+ };
+ // Intercept the ex command, 'global'
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ // Intercept the prompt for the embedded ex command, 'substitute'
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ };
+ callback('g/one/s//two/gc');
+ };
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ var close = function() {};
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.n}, '', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.y}, '', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.a}, '', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.q}, '', close);
+ onKeyDown({keyCode: KEYCODES.y}, '', close);
+ eq('one two\n two two\n one one\n two one\n one one', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: 'one one\n one one\n one one\n one one\n one one'});
+// Basic substitute tests.
+testVim('ex_substitute_same_line', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('s/one/two/g');
+ eq('one one\n two two', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'one one\n one one'});
+testVim('ex_substitute_full_file', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('%s/one/two/g');
+ eq('two two\n two two', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'one one\n one one'});
+testVim('ex_substitute_input_range', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('1,3s/\\d/0/g');
+ eq('0\n0\n0\n4', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '1\n2\n3\n4' });
+testVim('ex_substitute_visual_range', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ // Set last visual mode selection marks '< and '> at lines 2 and 4
+ helpers.doKeys('V', '2', 'j', 'v');
+ helpers.doEx('\'<,\'>s/\\d/0/g');
+ eq('1\n0\n0\n0\n5', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: '1\n2\n3\n4\n5' });
+testVim('ex_substitute_empty_query', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ // If the query is empty, use last query.
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('1');
+ helpers.doKeys('/');
+ helpers.doEx('s//b/g');
+ eq('abb ab2 ab3', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'a11 a12 a13' });
+testVim('ex_substitute_javascript', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('pcre', false);
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ // Throw all the things that javascript likes to treat as special values
+ // into the replace part. All should be literal (this is VIM).
+ helpers.doEx('s/\\(\\d+\\)/$$ $\' $` $& \\1/g')
+ eq('a $$ $\' $` $& 0 b', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'a 0 b' });
+testVim('ex_substitute_empty_arguments', function(cm,vim,helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('s/a/b/g');
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ helpers.doEx('s');
+ eq('b b\nb a', cm.getValue());
+}, {value: 'a a\na a'});
+// More complex substitute tests that test both pcre and nopcre options.
+function testSubstitute(name, options) {
+ testVim(name + '_pcre', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('pcre', true);
+ helpers.doEx(options.expr);
+ eq(options.expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ }, options);
+ // If no noPcreExpr is defined, assume that it's the same as the expr.
+ var noPcreExpr = options.noPcreExpr ? options.noPcreExpr : options.expr;
+ testVim(name + '_nopcre', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(1, 0);
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('pcre', false);
+ helpers.doEx(noPcreExpr);
+ eq(options.expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ }, options);
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_capture', {
+ value: 'a11 a12 a13',
+ expectedValue: 'a1111 a1212 a1313',
+ // $n is a backreference
+ expr: 's/(\\d+)/$1$1/g',
+ // \n is a backreference.
+ noPcreExpr: 's/\\(\\d+\\)/\\1\\1/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_capture2', {
+ value: 'a 0 b',
+ expectedValue: 'a $00 b',
+ expr: 's/(\\d+)/$$$1$1/g',
+ noPcreExpr: 's/\\(\\d+\\)/$\\1\\1/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_nocapture', {
+ value: 'a11 a12 a13',
+ expectedValue: 'a$1$1 a$1$1 a$1$1',
+ expr: 's/(\\d+)/$$1$$1/g',
+ noPcreExpr: 's/\\(\\d+\\)/$1$1/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_nocapture2', {
+ value: 'a 0 b',
+ expectedValue: 'a $10 b',
+ expr: 's/(\\d+)/$$1$1/g',
+ noPcreExpr: 's/\\(\\d+\\)/\\$1\\1/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_nocapture', {
+ value: 'a b c',
+ expectedValue: 'a $ c',
+ expr: 's/b/$$/',
+ noPcreExpr: 's/b/$/'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_slash_regex', {
+ value: 'one/two \n three/four',
+ expectedValue: 'one|two \n three|four',
+ expr: '%s/\\//|'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_pipe_regex', {
+ value: 'one|two \n three|four',
+ expectedValue: 'one,two \n three,four',
+ expr: '%s/\\|/,/',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/|/,/'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_or_regex', {
+ value: 'one|two \n three|four',
+ expectedValue: 'ana|twa \n thraa|faar',
+ expr: '%s/o|e|u/a/g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/o\\|e\\|u/a/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_or_word_regex', {
+ value: 'one|two \n three|four',
+ expectedValue: 'five|five \n three|four',
+ expr: '%s/(one|two)/five/g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/\\(one\\|two\\)/five/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_backslashslash_regex', {
+ value: 'one\\two \n three\\four',
+ expectedValue: 'one,two \n three,four',
+ expr: '%s/\\\\/,'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_slash_replacement', {
+ value: 'one,two \n three,four',
+ expectedValue: 'one/two \n three/four',
+ expr: '%s/,/\\/'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_backslash_replacement', {
+ value: 'one,two \n three,four',
+ expectedValue: 'one\\two \n three\\four',
+ expr: '%s/,/\\\\/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_multibackslash_replacement', {
+ value: 'one,two \n three,four',
+ expectedValue: 'one\\\\\\\\two \n three\\\\\\\\four', // 2*8 backslashes.
+ expr: '%s/,/\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/g'}); // 16 backslashes.
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_newline_replacement', {
+ value: 'one,two \n three,four',
+ expectedValue: 'one\ntwo \n three\nfour',
+ expr: '%s/,/\\n/g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_braces_word', {
+ value: 'ababab abb ab{2}',
+ expectedValue: 'ab abb ab{2}',
+ expr: '%s/(ab){2}//g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/\\(ab\\)\\{2\\}//g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_braces_range', {
+ value: 'a aa aaa aaaa',
+ expectedValue: 'a a',
+ expr: '%s/a{2,3}//g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/a\\{2,3\\}//g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_braces_literal', {
+ value: 'ababab abb ab{2}',
+ expectedValue: 'ababab abb ',
+ expr: '%s/ab\\{2\\}//g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/ab{2}//g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_braces_char', {
+ value: 'ababab abb ab{2}',
+ expectedValue: 'ababab ab{2}',
+ expr: '%s/ab{2}//g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/ab\\{2\\}//g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_braces_no_escape', {
+ value: 'ababab abb ab{2}',
+ expectedValue: 'ababab ab{2}',
+ expr: '%s/ab{2}//g',
+ noPcreExpr: '%s/ab\\{2}//g'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_count', {
+ value: '1\n2\n3\n4',
+ expectedValue: '1\n0\n0\n4',
+ expr: 's/\\d/0/i 2'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_count_with_range', {
+ value: '1\n2\n3\n4',
+ expectedValue: '1\n2\n0\n0',
+ expr: '1,3s/\\d/0/ 3'});
+testSubstitute('ex_substitute_not_global', {
+ value: 'aaa\nbaa\ncaa',
+ expectedValue: 'xaa\nbxa\ncxa',
+ expr: '%s/a/x/'});
+function testSubstituteConfirm(name, command, initialValue, expectedValue, keys, finalPos) {
+ testVim(name, function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var savedOpenDialog = cm.openDialog;
+ var savedKeyName = CodeMirror.keyName;
+ var onKeyDown;
+ var recordedCallback;
+ var closed = true; // Start out closed, set false on second openDialog.
+ function close() {
+ closed = true;
+ }
+ // First openDialog should save callback.
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ recordedCallback = callback;
+ }
+ // Do first openDialog.
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ // Second openDialog should save keyDown handler.
+ cm.openDialog = function(template, callback, options) {
+ onKeyDown = options.onKeyDown;
+ closed = false;
+ };
+ // Return the command to Vim and trigger second openDialog.
+ recordedCallback(command);
+ // The event should really use keyCode, but here just mock it out and use
+ // key and replace keyName to just return key.
+ CodeMirror.keyName = function (e) { return e.key; }
+ keys = keys.toUpperCase();
+ for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+ is(!closed);
+ onKeyDown({ key: keys.charAt(i) }, '', close);
+ }
+ try {
+ eq(expectedValue, cm.getValue());
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(finalPos);
+ is(closed);
+ } catch(e) {
+ throw e
+ } finally {
+ // Restore overridden functions.
+ CodeMirror.keyName = savedKeyName;
+ cm.openDialog = savedOpenDialog;
+ }
+ }, { value: initialValue });
+ '%s/x/b/c', '', '', '', makeCursor(0, 0));
+ '%s/x/b/c', 'ba a\nbab', 'ba a\nbab', '', makeCursor(0, 0));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb b\nbbb', 'yyy', makeCursor(1, 1));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb b\nbbb', 'ysdkywerty', makeCursor(1, 1));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb a\nbbb', 'yny', makeCursor(1, 1));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb b\nbbb', 'a', makeCursor(1, 1));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb b\nbbb', 'ya', makeCursor(1, 1));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb a\nbab', 'yq', makeCursor(0, 3));
+ '%s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb b\nbab', 'yl', makeCursor(0, 3));
+ '1s/a/b/cg', 'ba a\nbab', 'bb b\nbab', 'yl', makeCursor(0, 3));
+ '1,2s/a/b/cg', 'aa\na \na\na', 'bb\nb \na\na', 'yyy', makeCursor(1, 0));
+ '1,3s/a/b/cg', 'aa\na \na\na', 'ba\nb \nb\na', 'ynyy', makeCursor(2, 0));
+ '1,3s/a/b/cg', 'aa\na \na\na', 'bb\nb \nb\na', 'a', makeCursor(2, 0));
+ '1,3s/a/b/cg', 'aa\na \na\na', 'bb\nb \na\na', 'yyl', makeCursor(1, 0));
+//:noh should clear highlighting of search-results but allow to resume search through n
+testVim('ex_noh_clearSearchHighlight', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.openDialog = helpers.fakeOpenDialog('match');
+ helpers.doKeys('?');
+ helpers.doEx('noh');
+ eq(vim.searchState_.getOverlay(),null,'match-highlighting wasn\'t cleared');
+ helpers.doKeys('n');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 11,'can\'t resume search after clearing highlighting');
+}, { value: 'match nope match \n nope Match' });
+testVim('ex_yank', function (cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var curStart = makeCursor(3, 0);
+ cm.setCursor(curStart);
+ helpers.doEx('y');
+ var register = helpers.getRegisterController().getRegister();
+ var line = cm.getLine(3);
+ eq(line + '\n', register.toString());
+testVim('set_boolean', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.defineOption('testoption', true, 'boolean');
+ // Test default value is set.
+ is(CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testoption'));
+ try {
+ // Test fail to set to non-boolean
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('testoption', '5');
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {};
+ // Test setOption
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('testoption', false);
+ is(!CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testoption'));
+testVim('ex_set_boolean', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.defineOption('testoption', true, 'boolean');
+ // Test default value is set.
+ is(CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testoption'));
+ try {
+ // Test fail to set to non-boolean
+ helpers.doEx('set testoption=22');
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {};
+ // Test setOption
+ helpers.doEx('set notestoption');
+ is(!CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testoption'));
+testVim('set_string', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.defineOption('testoption', 'a', 'string');
+ // Test default value is set.
+ eq('a', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testoption'));
+ try {
+ // Test fail to set non-string.
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('testoption', true);
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {};
+ try {
+ // Test fail to set 'notestoption'
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('notestoption', 'b');
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {};
+ // Test setOption
+ CodeMirror.Vim.setOption('testoption', 'c');
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testoption'));
+testVim('ex_set_string', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.Vim.defineOption('testopt', 'a', 'string');
+ // Test default value is set.
+ eq('a', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+ try {
+ // Test fail to set 'notestopt'
+ helpers.doEx('set notestopt=b');
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {};
+ // Test setOption
+ helpers.doEx('set testopt=c')
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+ helpers.doEx('set testopt=c')
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm)); //local || global
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'local'})); // local
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'global'})); // global
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt')); // global
+ // Test setOption global
+ helpers.doEx('setg testopt=d')
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm));
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'local'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'global'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+ // Test setOption local
+ helpers.doEx('setl testopt=e')
+ eq('e', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm));
+ eq('e', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'local'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'global'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+testVim('ex_set_callback', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var global;
+ function cb(val, cm, cfg) {
+ if (val === undefined) {
+ // Getter
+ if (cm) {
+ return cm._local;
+ } else {
+ return global;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Setter
+ if (cm) {
+ cm._local = val;
+ } else {
+ global = val;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ CodeMirror.Vim.defineOption('testopt', 'a', 'string', cb);
+ // Test default value is set.
+ eq('a', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+ try {
+ // Test fail to set 'notestopt'
+ helpers.doEx('set notestopt=b');
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {};
+ // Test setOption (Identical to the string tests, but via callback instead)
+ helpers.doEx('set testopt=c')
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm)); //local || global
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'local'})); // local
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'global'})); // global
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt')); // global
+ // Test setOption global
+ helpers.doEx('setg testopt=d')
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm));
+ eq('c', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'local'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'global'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+ // Test setOption local
+ helpers.doEx('setl testopt=e')
+ eq('e', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm));
+ eq('e', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'local'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt', cm, {scope: 'global'}));
+ eq('d', CodeMirror.Vim.getOption('testopt'));
+testVim('ex_set_filetype', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.defineMode('test_mode', function() {
+ return {token: function(stream) {
+ stream.match(/^\s+|^\S+/);
+ }};
+ });
+ CodeMirror.defineMode('test_mode_2', function() {
+ return {token: function(stream) {
+ stream.match(/^\s+|^\S+/);
+ }};
+ });
+ // Test mode is set.
+ helpers.doEx('set filetype=test_mode');
+ eq('test_mode', cm.getMode().name);
+ // Test 'ft' alias also sets mode.
+ helpers.doEx('set ft=test_mode_2');
+ eq('test_mode_2', cm.getMode().name);
+testVim('ex_set_filetype_null', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ CodeMirror.defineMode('test_mode', function() {
+ return {token: function(stream) {
+ stream.match(/^\s+|^\S+/);
+ }};
+ });
+ cm.setOption('mode', 'test_mode');
+ // Test mode is set to null.
+ helpers.doEx('set filetype=');
+ eq('null', cm.getMode().name);
+// TODO: Reset key maps after each test.
+testVim('ex_map_key2key', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('map a x');
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('bc', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc' });
+testVim('ex_unmap_key2key', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('unmap a');
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, { value: 'abc' });
+testVim('ex_unmap_key2key_does_not_remove_default', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ try {
+ helpers.doEx('unmap a');
+ fail();
+ } catch (expected) {}
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ eq('vim-insert', cm.getOption('keyMap'));
+}, { value: 'abc' });
+testVim('ex_map_key2key_to_colon', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('map ; :');
+ var dialogOpened = false;
+ cm.openDialog = function() {
+ dialogOpened = true;
+ }
+ helpers.doKeys(';');
+ eq(dialogOpened, true);
+testVim('ex_map_ex2key:', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('map :del x');
+ helpers.doEx('del');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('bc', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc' });
+testVim('ex_map_ex2ex', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('map :del :w');
+ var tmp =;
+ var written = false;
+ var actualCm;
+ = function(cm) {
+ written = true;
+ actualCm = cm;
+ };
+ helpers.doEx('del');
+ = tmp;
+ eq(written, true);
+ eq(actualCm, cm);
+testVim('ex_map_key2ex', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('map a :w');
+ var tmp =;
+ var written = false;
+ var actualCm;
+ = function(cm) {
+ written = true;
+ actualCm = cm;
+ };
+ helpers.doKeys('a');
+ = tmp;
+ eq(written, true);
+ eq(actualCm, cm);
+testVim('ex_map_key2key_visual_api', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+'b', ':w', 'visual');
+ var tmp =;
+ var written = false;
+ var actualCm;
+ = function(cm) {
+ written = true;
+ actualCm = cm;
+ };
+ // Mapping should not work in normal mode.
+ helpers.doKeys('b');
+ eq(written, false);
+ // Mapping should work in visual mode.
+ helpers.doKeys('v', 'b');
+ eq(written, true);
+ eq(actualCm, cm);
+ = tmp;
+testVim('ex_imap', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+'jk', '<Esc>', 'insert');
+ helpers.doKeys('i');
+ is(vim.insertMode);
+ helpers.doKeys('j', 'k');
+ is(!vim.insertMode);
+testVim('ex_unmap_api', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+'<Alt-X>', 'gg', 'normal');
+ is(CodeMirror.Vim.handleKey(cm, "<Alt-X>", "normal"), "Alt-X key is mapped");
+ CodeMirror.Vim.unmap("<Alt-X>", "normal");
+ is(!CodeMirror.Vim.handleKey(cm, "<Alt-X>", "normal"), "Alt-X key is unmapped");
+// Testing registration of functions as ex-commands and mapping to <Key>-keys
+testVim('ex_api_test', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ var res=false;
+ var val='from';
+ CodeMirror.Vim.defineEx('extest','ext',function(cm,params){
+ if(params.args)val=params.args[0];
+ else res=true;
+ });
+ helpers.doEx(':ext to');
+ eq(val,'to','Defining ex-command failed');
+ helpers.doKeys('<C-CR>','<Space>');
+ is(res,'Mapping to key failed');
+// For now, this test needs to be last because it messes up : for future tests.
+testVim('ex_map_key2key_from_colon', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ helpers.doEx('map : x');
+ helpers.doKeys(':');
+ helpers.assertCursorAt(0, 0);
+ eq('bc', cm.getValue());
+}, { value: 'abc' });
+// Test event handlers
+testVim('beforeSelectionChange', function(cm, vim, helpers) {
+ cm.setCursor(0, 100);
+ eqPos(cm.getCursor('head'), cm.getCursor('anchor'));
+}, { value: 'abc' });
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+ <h1>CodeMirror: VIM/Emacs tests</h1>
+ <p>A limited set of programmatic sanity tests for CodeMirror.</p>
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+ <div style="width: 0px;" id=progress><div style="padding: 3px;">Ran <span id="progress_ran">0</span><span id="progress_total"> of 0</span> tests</div></div>
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+ <p id=status>Please enable JavaScript...</p>
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+ <script src="vim_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="emacs_test.js"></script>
+ <!-- Basic tests are in codemirror.html
+ <script src="cm_driver.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_comment_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_doc_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_driver.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_emacs_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_mode_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_mode_javascript_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_multi_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="cm_search_test.js"></script>
+ -->
+ <!-- These modes/addons are not used by Editor
+ <script src="doc_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/css/css.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/css/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/css/scss_test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/xml/xml.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/htmlmixed/htmlmixed.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/ruby/ruby.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/haml/haml.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/haml/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/markdown/markdown.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/markdown/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/gfm/gfm.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/gfm/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/stex/stex.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/stex/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/xquery/xquery.js"></script>
+ <script src="../mode/xquery/test.js"></script>
+ <script src="../addon/mode/multiplex_test.js"></script>-->
+ <script>
+ window.onload = runHarness;
+ CodeMirror.on(window, 'hashchange', runHarness);
+ function esc(str) {
+ return str.replace(/[<&]/, function(ch) { return ch == "<" ? "&lt;" : "&amp;"; });
+ }
+ var output = document.getElementById("output"),
+ progress = document.getElementById("progress"),
+ progressRan = document.getElementById("progress_ran").childNodes[0],
+ progressTotal = document.getElementById("progress_total").childNodes[0];
+ var count = 0,
+ failed = 0,
+ skipped = 0,
+ bad = "",
+ running = false, // Flag that states tests are running
+ quit = false, // Flag to quit tests ASAP
+ verbose = false, // Adds message for *every* test to output
+ phantom = false,
+ Pos = CodeMirror.Pos; // Required for VIM tests
+ function runHarness(){
+ if (running) {
+ quit = true;
+ setStatus("Restarting tests...", '', true);
+ setTimeout(function(){runHarness();}, 500);
+ return;
+ }
+ filters = [];
+ verbose = false;
+ if (window.location.hash.substr(1)){
+ var strings = window.location.hash.substr(1).split(",");
+ while (strings.length) {
+ var s = strings.shift();
+ if (s === "verbose")
+ verbose = true;
+ else
+ filters.push(parseTestFilter(decodeURIComponent(s)));
+ }
+ }
+ quit = false;
+ running = true;
+ setStatus("Loading tests...");
+ count = 0;
+ failed = 0;
+ skipped = 0;
+ bad = "";
+ totalTests = countTests();
+ progressTotal.nodeValue = " of " + totalTests;
+ progressRan.nodeValue = count;
+ output.innerHTML = '';
+ document.getElementById("testground").innerHTML = "<form>" +
+ "<textarea id=\"code\" name=\"code\"></textarea>" +
+ "<input type=submit value=ok name=submit>" +
+ "</form>";
+ runTests(displayTest);
+ }
+ function setStatus(message, className, force){
+ if (quit && !force) return;
+ if (!message) throw("must provide message");
+ var status = document.getElementById("status").childNodes[0];
+ status.nodeValue = message;
+ status.parentNode.className = className;
+ }
+ function addOutput(name, className, code){
+ var newOutput = document.createElement("dl");
+ var newTitle = document.createElement("dt");
+ newTitle.className = className;
+ newTitle.appendChild(document.createTextNode(name));
+ newOutput.appendChild(newTitle);
+ var newMessage = document.createElement("dd");
+ newMessage.innerHTML = code;
+ newOutput.appendChild(newTitle);
+ newOutput.appendChild(newMessage);
+ output.appendChild(newOutput);
+ }
+ function displayTest(type, name, customMessage) {
+ var message = "???";
+ if (type != "done" && type != "skipped") ++count;
+ = (count * (progress.parentNode.clientWidth - 2) / totalTests) + "px";
+ progressRan.nodeValue = count;
+ if (type == "ok") {
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' succeeded";
+ if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
+ } else if (type == "skipped") {
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' skipped";
+ ++skipped;
+ if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
+ } else if (type == "expected") {
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' failed as expected";
+ if (!verbose) customMessage = false;
+ } else if (type == "error" || type == "fail") {
+ ++failed;
+ message = "Test '" + name + "' failed";
+ } else if (type == "done") {
+ if (failed) {
+ type += " fail";
+ message = failed + " failure" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ } else if (count < totalTests) {
+ failed = totalTests - count;
+ type += " fail";
+ message = failed + " failure" + (failed > 1 ? "s" : "");
+ } else {
+ type += " ok";
+ message = "All passed";
+ if (skipped) {
+ message += " (" + skipped + " skipped)";
+ }
+ }
+ progressTotal.nodeValue = '';
+ customMessage = true; // Hack to avoid adding to output
+ }
+ if (window.mozilla_setStatus)
+ mozilla_setStatus(message, type, customMessage);
+ if (verbose && !customMessage) customMessage = message;
+ setStatus(message, type);
+ if (customMessage && customMessage.length > 0) {
+ addOutput(name, type, customMessage);
+ }
+ }
+ </script>
+ </body>