path: root/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <mattatobin@localhost.localdomain>2018-02-02 04:16:08 -0500
commit5f8de423f190bbb79a62f804151bc24824fa32d8 (patch)
tree10027f336435511475e392454359edea8e25895d /browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js
parent49ee0794b5d912db1f95dce6eb52d781dc210db5 (diff)
Add m-esr52 at 52.6.0
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js')
1 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4523e06a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/browser/components/sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain.
+ * */
+"use strict";
+ * Ensure that starting a load invalidates shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_load_start() {
+ // Create a new tab.
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Load a new URI.
+ yield BrowserTestUtils.loadURI(browser, "about:mozilla");
+ // Remove the tab before it has finished loading.
+ yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:OnHistoryReplaceEntry");
+ yield promiseRemoveTab(tab);
+ // Undo close the tab.
+ tab = ss.undoCloseTab(window, 0);
+ browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseTabRestored(tab);
+ // Check that the correct URL was restored.
+ is(browser.currentURI.spec, "about:mozilla", "url is correct");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ * Ensure that anchor navigation invalidates shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_hashchange() {
+ const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<a id=a href=%23>clickme</a>";
+ // Create a new tab.
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Check that we start with a single shistory entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
+ is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
+ // Click the link and wait for a hashchange event.
+ browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "a"});
+ yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:hashchange");
+ // Check that we now have two shistory entries.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
+ is(entries.length, 2, "there are two shistory entries");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ * Ensure that loading pages from the bfcache invalidates shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_pageshow() {
+ const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1>first</h1>";
+ const URL2 = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,<h1>second</h1>";
+ // Create a new tab.
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Create a second shistory entry.
+ browser.loadURI(URL2);
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Go back to the previous url which is loaded from the bfcache.
+ browser.goBack();
+ yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:onFrameTreeCollected");
+ is(browser.currentURI.spec, URL, "correct url after going back");
+ // Check that loading from bfcache did invalidate shistory.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ let {index} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
+ is(index, 1, "first history entry is selected");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ * Ensure that subframe navigation invalidates shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_subframes() {
+ const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
+ "<iframe src=http%3A// name=t></iframe>" +
+ "<a id=a1 href=http%3A// target=t>clickme</a>" +
+ "<a id=a2 href=http%3A// target=t>clickme</a>";
+ // Create a new tab.
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Check that we have a single shistory entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
+ is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
+ is(entries[0].children.length, 1, "the entry has one child");
+ // Navigate the subframe.
+ browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "a1"});
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser, false /* don't ignore subframes */);
+ // Check shistory.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
+ is(entries.length, 2, "there now are two shistory entries");
+ is(entries[1].children.length, 1, "the second entry has one child");
+ // Go back in history.
+ browser.goBack();
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser, false /* don't ignore subframes */);
+ // Navigate the subframe again.
+ browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("ss-test:click", {id: "a2"});
+ yield promiseContentMessage(browser, "ss-test:hashchange");
+ // Check shistory.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
+ is(entries.length, 2, "there now are two shistory entries");
+ is(entries[1].children.length, 1, "the second entry has one child");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ * Ensure that navigating from an about page invalidates shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_about_page_navigate() {
+ // Create a new tab.
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab("about:blank");
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Check that we have a single shistory entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
+ is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
+ is(entries[0].url, "about:blank", "url is correct");
+ browser.loadURI("about:robots");
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Check that we have changed the history entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
+ is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
+ is(entries[0].url, "about:robots", "url is correct");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ * Ensure that history.pushState and history.replaceState invalidate shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_pushstate_replacestate() {
+ // Create a new tab.
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab("");
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ // Check that we have a single shistory entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
+ is(entries.length, 1, "there is one shistory entry");
+ is(entries[0].url, "", "url is correct");
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, {}, function* () {
+ content.window.history.pushState({}, "", 'test-entry/');
+ });
+ // Check that we have added the history entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
+ is(entries.length, 2, "there is another shistory entry");
+ is(entries[1].url, "", "url is correct");
+ yield ContentTask.spawn(browser, {}, function* () {
+ content.window.history.replaceState({}, "", "test-entry2/");
+ });
+ // Check that we have modified the history entry.
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ ({entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab)));
+ is(entries.length, 2, "there is still two shistory entries");
+ is(entries[1].url, "", "url is correct");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);
+ * Ensure that slow loading subframes will invalidate shistory.
+ */
+add_task(function test_slow_subframe_load() {
+ const SLOW_URL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/browser/components/" +
+ "sessionstore/test/browser_sessionHistory_slow.sjs";
+ const URL = "data:text/html;charset=utf-8," +
+ "<frameset cols=50%25,50%25>" +
+ "<frame src='" + SLOW_URL + "'>" +
+ "</frameset>";
+ // Add a new tab with a slow loading subframe
+ let tab = gBrowser.addTab(URL);
+ let browser = tab.linkedBrowser;
+ yield promiseBrowserLoaded(browser);
+ yield TabStateFlusher.flush(browser);
+ let {entries} = JSON.parse(ss.getTabState(tab));
+ // Check the number of children.
+ is(entries.length, 1, "there is one root entry ...");
+ is(entries[0].children.length, 1, "... with one child entries");
+ // Check URLs.
+ ok(entries[0].url.startsWith("data:text/html"), "correct root url");
+ is(entries[0].children[0].url, SLOW_URL, "correct url for subframe");
+ // Cleanup.
+ gBrowser.removeTab(tab);