path: root/browser/components/search/content/search.xml
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2018-07-18 08:24:24 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2018-07-18 08:24:24 +0200
commitfc61780b35af913801d72086456f493f63197da6 (patch)
treef85891288a7bd988da9f0f15ae64e5c63f00d493 /browser/components/search/content/search.xml
parent69f7f9e5f1475891ce11cc4f431692f965b0cd30 (diff)
parent50d3e596bbe89c95615f96eb71f6bc5be737a1db (diff)
Merge commit '50d3e596bbe89c95615f96eb71f6bc5be737a1db' into Basilisk-releasev2018.07.18
# Conflicts: # browser/app/profile/firefox.js # browser/components/preferences/
Diffstat (limited to 'browser/components/search/content/search.xml')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2090 deletions
diff --git a/browser/components/search/content/search.xml b/browser/components/search/content/search.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c67bc649..000000000
--- a/browser/components/search/content/search.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2090 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- - file, You can obtain one at -->
-<!DOCTYPE bindings [
-<!ENTITY % searchBarDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/searchbar.dtd" >
-<!ENTITY % browserDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/browser.dtd">
-<bindings id="SearchBindings"
- xmlns=""
- xmlns:xul=""
- xmlns:xbl="">
- <binding id="searchbar">
- <resources>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/search/searchbarBindings.css"/>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/skin/searchbar.css"/>
- </resources>
- <content>
- <xul:stringbundle src="chrome://browser/locale/"
- anonid="searchbar-stringbundle"/>
- <!--
- There is a dependency between "maxrows" attribute and
- "SuggestAutoComplete._historyLimit" (nsSearchSuggestions.js). Changing
- one of them requires changing the other one.
- -->
- <xul:textbox class="searchbar-textbox"
- anonid="searchbar-textbox"
- type="autocomplete"
- inputtype="search"
- flex="1"
- autocompletepopup="PopupSearchAutoComplete"
- autocompletesearch="search-autocomplete"
- autocompletesearchparam="searchbar-history"
- maxrows="10"
- completeselectedindex="true"
- minresultsforpopup="0"
- xbl:inherits="disabled,disableautocomplete,searchengine,src,newlines">
- <!--
- Empty <box> to properly position the icon within the autocomplete
- binding's anonymous children (the autocomplete binding positions <box>
- children differently)
- -->
- <xul:box>
- <xul:hbox class="searchbar-search-button-container">
- <xul:image class="searchbar-search-button"
- anonid="searchbar-search-button"
- xbl:inherits="addengines"
- tooltiptext="&searchEndCap.label;"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- </xul:box>
- <xul:hbox class="search-go-container">
- <xul:image class="search-go-button" hidden="true"
- anonid="search-go-button"
- onclick="handleSearchCommand(event);"
- tooltiptext="&searchEndCap.label;"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- </xul:textbox>
- </content>
- <implementation implements="nsIObserver">
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- if (this.parentNode.parentNode.localName == "toolbarpaletteitem")
- return;
- // Make sure we rebuild the popup in onpopupshowing
- this._needToBuildPopup = true;
- Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified", false);
- this._initialized = true;
- search_init_cb(aStatus) {
- // Bail out if the binding's been destroyed
- if (!this._initialized)
- return;
- if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {
- // Refresh the display (updating icon, etc)
- this.updateDisplay();
- BrowserSearch.updateOpenSearchBadge();
- } else {
- Components.utils.reportError("Cannot initialize search service, bailing out: " + aStatus);
- }
- }).bind(this));
- ]]></constructor>
- <destructor><![CDATA[
- this.destroy();
- ]]></destructor>
- <method name="destroy">
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (this._initialized) {
- this._initialized = false;
- Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser-search-engine-modified");
- }
- // Make sure to break the cycle from _textbox to us. Otherwise we leak
- // the world. But make sure it's actually pointing to us.
- // Also make sure the textbox has ever been constructed, otherwise the
- // _textbox getter will cause the textbox constructor to run, add an
- // observer, and leak the world too.
- if (this._textboxInitialized && this._textbox.mController.input == this)
- this._textbox.mController.input = null;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <field name="_ignoreFocus">false</field>
- <field name="_clickClosedPopup">false</field>
- <field name="_stringBundle">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this,
- "anonid", "searchbar-stringbundle");</field>
- <field name="_textboxInitialized">false</field>
- <field name="_textbox">document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this,
- "anonid", "searchbar-textbox");</field>
- <field name="_engines">null</field>
- <field name="FormHistory" readonly="true">
- (Components.utils.import("resource://gre/modules/FormHistory.jsm", {})).FormHistory;
- </field>
- <property name="engines" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- if (!this._engines)
- this._engines =;
- return this._engines;
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <property name="currentEngine">
- <setter><![CDATA[
- = val;
- return val;
- ]]></setter>
- <getter><![CDATA[
- var currentEngine =;
- // Return a dummy engine if there is no currentEngine
- return currentEngine || {name: "", uri: null};
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <!-- textbox is used by sanitize.js to clear the undo history when
- clearing form information. -->
- <property name="textbox" readonly="true"
- onget="return this._textbox;"/>
- <property name="value" onget="return this._textbox.value;"
- onset="return this._textbox.value = val;"/>
- <method name="focus">
- <body><![CDATA[
- this._textbox.focus();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="select">
- <body><![CDATA[
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="observe">
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <parameter name="aTopic"/>
- <parameter name="aVerb"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (aTopic == "browser-search-engine-modified") {
- switch (aVerb) {
- case "engine-removed":
- this.offerNewEngine(aEngine);
- break;
- case "engine-added":
- this.hideNewEngine(aEngine);
- break;
- case "engine-changed":
- // An engine was removed (or hidden) or added, or an icon was
- // changed. Do nothing special.
- }
- // Make sure the engine list is refetched next time it's needed
- this._engines = null;
- // Update the popup header and update the display after any modification.
- this._textbox.popup.updateHeader();
- this.updateDisplay();
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- There are two seaprate lists of search engines, whose uses intersect
- in this file. The search service (nsIBrowserSearchService and
- nsSearchService.js) maintains a list of Engine objects which is used to
- populate the searchbox list of available engines and to perform queries.
- That list is accessed here via this.SearchService, and it's that sort of
- Engine that is passed to this binding's observer as aEngine.
- In addition, browser.js fills two lists of autodetected search engines
- (browser.engines and browser.hiddenEngines) as properties of
- mCurrentBrowser. Those lists contain unnamed JS objects of the form
- { uri:, title:, icon: }, and that's what the searchbar uses to determine
- whether to show any "Add <EngineName>" menu items in the drop-down.
- The two types of engines are currently related by their identifying
- titles (the Engine object's 'name'), although that may change; see bug
- 335102. -->
- <!-- If the engine that was just removed from the searchbox list was
- autodetected on this page, move it to each browser's active list so it
- will be offered to be added again. -->
- <method name="offerNewEngine">
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- for (let browser of gBrowser.browsers) {
- if (browser.hiddenEngines) {
- // XXX This will need to be changed when engines are identified by
- // URL rather than title; see bug 335102.
- var removeTitle =;
- for (var i = 0; i < browser.hiddenEngines.length; i++) {
- if (browser.hiddenEngines[i].title == removeTitle) {
- if (!browser.engines)
- browser.engines = [];
- browser.engines.push(browser.hiddenEngines[i]);
- browser.hiddenEngines.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BrowserSearch.updateOpenSearchBadge();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- If the engine that was just added to the searchbox list was
- autodetected on this page, move it to each browser's hidden list so it is
- no longer offered to be added. -->
- <method name="hideNewEngine">
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- for (let browser of gBrowser.browsers) {
- if (browser.engines) {
- // XXX This will need to be changed when engines are identified by
- // URL rather than title; see bug 335102.
- var removeTitle =;
- for (var i = 0; i < browser.engines.length; i++) {
- if (browser.engines[i].title == removeTitle) {
- if (!browser.hiddenEngines)
- browser.hiddenEngines = [];
- browser.hiddenEngines.push(browser.engines[i]);
- browser.engines.splice(i, 1);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- BrowserSearch.updateOpenSearchBadge();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="setIcon">
- <parameter name="element"/>
- <parameter name="uri"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- element.setAttribute("src", uri);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="updateDisplay">
- <body><![CDATA[
- var uri = this.currentEngine.iconURI;
- this.setIcon(this, uri ? uri.spec : "");
- var name =;
- var text = this._stringBundle.getFormattedString("searchtip", [name]);
- this._textbox.placeholder = this._stringBundle.getString("searchPlaceholder");
- this._textbox.label = text;
- this._textbox.tooltipText = text;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="updateGoButtonVisibility">
- <body><![CDATA[
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-go-button")
- .hidden = !this._textbox.value;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="openSuggestionsPanel">
- <parameter name="aShowOnlySettingsIfEmpty"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (
- return;
- this._textbox.showHistoryPopup();
- if (this._textbox.value) {
- // showHistoryPopup does a startSearch("") call, ensure the
- // controller handles the text from the input box instead:
- this._textbox.mController.handleText();
- }
- else if (aShowOnlySettingsIfEmpty) {
- this.setAttribute("showonlysettings", "true");
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="selectEngine">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <parameter name="isNextEngine"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Find the new index
- var newIndex = this.engines.indexOf(this.currentEngine);
- newIndex += isNextEngine ? 1 : -1;
- if (newIndex >= 0 && newIndex < this.engines.length) {
- this.currentEngine = this.engines[newIndex];
- }
- aEvent.preventDefault();
- aEvent.stopPropagation();
- this.openSuggestionsPanel();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleSearchCommand">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <parameter name="aForceNewTab"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- var where = "current";
- let params;
- // Open ctrl/cmd clicks on one-off buttons in a new background tab.
- if (aEvent && aEvent.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "search-go-button") {
- if (aEvent.button == 2)
- return;
- where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true);
- }
- else if (aForceNewTab) {
- where = "tab";
- if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground"))
- where += "-background";
- }
- else {
- var newTabPref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("");
- if (((aEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent) && aEvent.altKey) ^ newTabPref)
- where = "tab";
- if ((aEvent instanceof MouseEvent) &&
- (aEvent.button == 1 || aEvent.getModifierState("Accel"))) {
- where = "tab";
- params = {
- inBackground: true,
- };
- }
- }
- this.handleSearchCommandWhere(aEvent, aEngine, where, params);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleSearchCommandWhere">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <parameter name="aWhere"/>
- <parameter name="aParams"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- var textBox = this._textbox;
- var textValue = textBox.value;
- let selection = this.telemetrySearchDetails;
- let oneOffRecorded = false;
- if (!selection || (selection.index == -1)) {
- oneOffRecorded = this.textbox.popup.oneOffButtons
- .maybeRecordTelemetry(aEvent, aWhere, aParams);
- if (!oneOffRecorded) {
- let source = "unknown";
- let type = "unknown";
- let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
- if (aEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent) {
- type = "key";
- } else if (aEvent instanceof MouseEvent) {
- type = "mouse";
- if (target.classList.contains("search-panel-header") ||
- target.parentNode.classList.contains("search-panel-header")) {
- source = "header";
- }
- } else if (aEvent instanceof XULCommandEvent) {
- if (target.getAttribute("anonid") == "paste-and-search") {
- source = "paste";
- }
- }
- if (!aEngine) {
- aEngine = this.currentEngine;
- }
- BrowserSearch.recordOneoffSearchInTelemetry(aEngine, source, type,
- aWhere);
- }
- }
- // This is a one-off search only if oneOffRecorded is true.
- this.doSearch(textValue, aWhere, aEngine, aParams, oneOffRecorded);
- if (aWhere == "tab" && aParams && aParams.inBackground)
- this.focus();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="doSearch">
- <parameter name="aData"/>
- <parameter name="aWhere"/>
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <parameter name="aParams"/>
- <parameter name="aOneOff"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- var textBox = this._textbox;
- // Save the current value in the form history
- if (aData && !PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) && this.FormHistory.enabled) {
- this.FormHistory.update(
- { op : "bump",
- fieldname : textBox.getAttribute("autocompletesearchparam"),
- value : aData },
- { handleError : function(aError) {
- Components.utils.reportError("Saving search to form history failed: " + aError.message);
- }});
- }
- let engine = aEngine || this.currentEngine;
- var submission = engine.getSubmission(aData, null, "searchbar");
- let telemetrySearchDetails = this.telemetrySearchDetails;
- this.telemetrySearchDetails = null;
- if (telemetrySearchDetails && telemetrySearchDetails.index == -1) {
- telemetrySearchDetails = null;
- }
- // If we hit here, we come either from a one-off, a plain search or a suggestion.
- const details = {
- isOneOff: aOneOff,
- isSuggestion: (!aOneOff && telemetrySearchDetails),
- selection: telemetrySearchDetails
- };
- BrowserSearch.recordSearchInTelemetry(engine, "searchbar", details);
- // null parameter below specifies HTML response for search
- let params = {
- postData: submission.postData,
- };
- if (aParams) {
- for (let key in aParams) {
- params[key] = aParams[key];
- }
- }
- openUILinkIn(submission.uri.spec, aWhere, params);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="command"><![CDATA[
- const target = event.originalTarget;
- if (target.engine) {
- this.currentEngine = target.engine;
- } else if (target.classList.contains("addengine-item")) {
- // Select the installed engine if the installation succeeds
- var installCallback = {
- onSuccess: engine => this.currentEngine = engine
- }
-"uri"), null,
- target.getAttribute("src"), false,
- installCallback);
- }
- else
- return;
- this.focus();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="DOMMouseScroll"
- phase="capturing"
- modifiers="accel"
- action="this.selectEngine(event, (event.detail > 0));"/>
- <handler event="input" action="this.updateGoButtonVisibility();"/>
- <handler event="drop" action="this.updateGoButtonVisibility();"/>
- <handler event="blur">
- <![CDATA[
- // If the input field is still focused then a different window has
- // received focus, ignore the next focus event.
- this._ignoreFocus = (document.activeElement == this._textbox.inputField);
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="focus">
- <![CDATA[
- // Speculatively connect to the current engine's search URI (and
- // suggest URI, if different) to reduce request latency
- this.currentEngine.speculativeConnect({window: window});
- if (this._ignoreFocus) {
- // This window has been re-focused, don't show the suggestions
- this._ignoreFocus = false;
- return;
- }
- // Don't open the suggestions if there is no text in the textbox.
- if (!this._textbox.value)
- return;
- // Don't open the suggestions if the mouse was used to focus the
- // textbox, that will be taken care of in the click handler.
- if (Services.focus.getLastFocusMethod(window) & Services.focus.FLAG_BYMOUSE)
- return;
- this.openSuggestionsPanel();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="mousedown" phase="capturing">
- <![CDATA[
- if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "searchbar-search-button") {
- this._clickClosedPopup = this._textbox.popup._isHiding;
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="click" button="0">
- <![CDATA[
- // Ignore clicks on the search go button.
- if (event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "search-go-button") {
- return;
- }
- let isIconClick = event.originalTarget.getAttribute("anonid") == "searchbar-search-button";
- // Ignore clicks on the icon if they were made to close the popup
- if (isIconClick && this._clickClosedPopup) {
- return;
- }
- // Open the suggestions whenever clicking on the search icon or if there
- // is text in the textbox.
- if (isIconClick || this._textbox.value) {
- this.openSuggestionsPanel(true);
- }
- ]]></handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <binding id="searchbar-textbox"
- extends="chrome://global/content/bindings/autocomplete.xml#autocomplete">
- <implementation implements="nsIObserver">
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- const kXULNS =
- "";
- if (document.getBindingParent(this).parentNode.parentNode.localName ==
- "toolbarpaletteitem")
- return;
- // Initialize fields
- this._stringBundle = document.getBindingParent(this)._stringBundle;
- this._suggestEnabled =
- Services.prefs.getBoolPref("");
- if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll"))
- this.setAttribute("clickSelectsAll", true);
- // Add items to context menu and attach controller to handle them
- var textBox = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this,
- "anonid", "textbox-input-box");
- var cxmenu = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(textBox,
- "anonid", "input-box-contextmenu");
- var pasteAndSearch;
- cxmenu.addEventListener("popupshowing", function() {
- BrowserSearch.searchBar._textbox.closePopup();
- if (!pasteAndSearch)
- return;
- var controller = document.commandDispatcher.getControllerForCommand("cmd_paste");
- var enabled = controller.isCommandEnabled("cmd_paste");
- if (enabled)
- pasteAndSearch.removeAttribute("disabled");
- else
- pasteAndSearch.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
- }, false);
- var element, label, akey;
- element = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menuseparator");
- cxmenu.appendChild(element);
- this.setAttribute("aria-owns",;
- var insertLocation = cxmenu.firstChild;
- while (insertLocation.nextSibling &&
- insertLocation.getAttribute("cmd") != "cmd_paste")
- insertLocation = insertLocation.nextSibling;
- if (insertLocation) {
- element = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menuitem");
- label = this._stringBundle.getString("cmd_pasteAndSearch");
- element.setAttribute("label", label);
- element.setAttribute("anonid", "paste-and-search");
- element.setAttribute("oncommand", "BrowserSearch.pasteAndSearch(event)");
- cxmenu.insertBefore(element, insertLocation.nextSibling);
- pasteAndSearch = element;
- }
- element = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menuitem");
- label = this._stringBundle.getString("cmd_clearHistory");
- akey = this._stringBundle.getString("cmd_clearHistory_accesskey");
- element.setAttribute("label", label);
- element.setAttribute("accesskey", akey);
- element.setAttribute("cmd", "cmd_clearhistory");
- cxmenu.appendChild(element);
- element = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "menuitem");
- label = this._stringBundle.getString("cmd_showSuggestions");
- akey = this._stringBundle.getString("cmd_showSuggestions_accesskey");
- element.setAttribute("anonid", "toggle-suggest-item");
- element.setAttribute("label", label);
- element.setAttribute("accesskey", akey);
- element.setAttribute("cmd", "cmd_togglesuggest");
- element.setAttribute("type", "checkbox");
- element.setAttribute("checked", this._suggestEnabled);
- element.setAttribute("autocheck", "false");
- this._suggestMenuItem = element;
- cxmenu.appendChild(element);
- this.addEventListener("keypress", aEvent => {
- if (navigator.platform.startsWith("Mac") && aEvent.keyCode == KeyEvent.VK_F4)
- this.openSearch()
- }, true);
- this.controllers.appendController(this.searchbarController);
- document.getBindingParent(this)._textboxInitialized = true;
- // Add observer for suggest preference
- Services.prefs.addObserver("", this, false);
- ]]></constructor>
- <destructor><![CDATA[
- Services.prefs.removeObserver("", this);
- // Because XBL and the customize toolbar code interacts poorly,
- // there may not be anything to remove here
- try {
- this.controllers.removeController(this.searchbarController);
- } catch (ex) { }
- ]]></destructor>
- <field name="_stringBundle"/>
- <field name="_suggestMenuItem"/>
- <field name="_suggestEnabled"/>
- <!--
- This overrides the searchParam property in autocomplete.xml. We're
- hijacking this property as a vehicle for delivering the privacy
- information about the window into the guts of nsSearchSuggestions.
- Note that the setter is the same as the parent. We were not sure whether
- we can override just the getter. If that proves to be the case, the setter
- can be removed.
- -->
- <property name="searchParam"
- onget="return this.getAttribute('autocompletesearchparam') +
- (PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ? '|private' : '');"
- onset="this.setAttribute('autocompletesearchparam', val); return val;"/>
- <!-- This is implemented so that when textbox.value is set directly (e.g.,
- by tests), the one-off query is updated. -->
- <method name="onBeforeValueSet">
- <parameter name="aValue"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- this.popup.oneOffButtons.query = aValue;
- return aValue;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- This method overrides the autocomplete binding's openPopup (essentially
- duplicating the logic from the autocomplete popup binding's
- openAutocompletePopup method), modifying it so that the popup is aligned with
- the inner textbox, but sized to not extend beyond the search bar border.
- -->
- <method name="openPopup">
- <body><![CDATA[
- var popup = this.popup;
- if (!popup.mPopupOpen) {
- // Initially the panel used for the searchbar (PopupSearchAutoComplete
- // in browser.xul) is hidden to avoid impacting startup / new
- // window performance. The base binding's openPopup would normally
- // call the overriden openAutocompletePopup in urlbarBindings.xml's
- // browser-autocomplete-result-popup binding to unhide the popup,
- // but since we're overriding openPopup we need to unhide the panel
- // ourselves.
- popup.hidden = false;
- // Don't roll up on mouse click in the anchor for the search UI.
- if ( == "PopupSearchAutoComplete") {
- popup.setAttribute("norolluponanchor", "true");
- }
- popup.mInput = this;
- popup.view = this.controller.QueryInterface(Ci.nsITreeView);
- popup.invalidate();
- popup.showCommentColumn = this.showCommentColumn;
- popup.showImageColumn = this.showImageColumn;
- document.popupNode = null;
- const isRTL = getComputedStyle(this, "").direction == "rtl";
- var outerRect = this.getBoundingClientRect();
- var innerRect = this.inputField.getBoundingClientRect();
- let width = isRTL ?
- innerRect.right - outerRect.left :
- outerRect.right - innerRect.left;
- popup.setAttribute("width", width > 100 ? width : 100);
- var yOffset = outerRect.bottom - innerRect.bottom;
- popup.openPopup(this.inputField, "after_start", 0, yOffset, false, false);
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="observe">
- <parameter name="aSubject"/>
- <parameter name="aTopic"/>
- <parameter name="aData"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed") {
- this._suggestEnabled =
- Services.prefs.getBoolPref("");
- this._suggestMenuItem.setAttribute("checked", this._suggestEnabled);
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="openSearch">
- <body>
- <![CDATA[
- if (!this.popupOpen) {
- document.getBindingParent(this).openSuggestionsPanel();
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- ]]>
- </body>
- </method>
- <!-- override |onTextEntered| in autocomplete.xml -->
- <method name="onTextEntered">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let engine;
- let oneOff = this.selectedButton;
- if (oneOff) {
- if (!oneOff.engine) {
- oneOff.doCommand();
- return;
- }
- engine = oneOff.engine;
- }
- if (this._selectionDetails &&
- this._selectionDetails.currentIndex != -1) {
- BrowserSearch.searchBar.telemetrySearchDetails = this._selectionDetails;
- this._selectionDetails = null;
- }
- document.getBindingParent(this).handleSearchCommand(aEvent, engine);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <property name="selectedButton">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this.popup.oneOffButtons.selectedButton;
- ]]></getter>
- <setter><![CDATA[
- return this.popup.oneOffButtons.selectedButton = val;
- ]]></setter>
- </property>
- <method name="handleKeyboardNavigation">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let popup = this.popup;
- if (!popup.popupOpen)
- return;
- // accel + up/down changes the default engine and shouldn't affect
- // the selection on the one-off buttons.
- if (aEvent.getModifierState("Accel"))
- return;
- let suggestions =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(popup, "anonid", "tree");
- let suggestionsHidden =
- suggestions.getAttribute("collapsed") == "true";
- let numItems = suggestionsHidden ? 0 : this.popup.view.rowCount;
- this.popup.oneOffButtons.handleKeyPress(aEvent, numItems, true);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- nsIController -->
- <field name="searchbarController" readonly="true"><![CDATA[({
- _self: this,
- supportsCommand: function(aCommand) {
- return aCommand == "cmd_clearhistory" ||
- aCommand == "cmd_togglesuggest";
- },
- isCommandEnabled: function(aCommand) {
- return true;
- },
- doCommand: function (aCommand) {
- switch (aCommand) {
- case "cmd_clearhistory":
- var param = this._self.getAttribute("autocompletesearchparam");
- BrowserSearch.searchBar.FormHistory.update({ op : "remove", fieldname : param }, null);
- this._self.value = "";
- break;
- case "cmd_togglesuggest":
- // The pref observer will update _suggestEnabled and the menu
- // checkmark.
- Services.prefs.setBoolPref("",
- !this._self._suggestEnabled);
- break;
- default:
- // do nothing with unrecognized command
- }
- }
- })]]></field>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="input"><![CDATA[
- this.popup.removeAttribute("showonlysettings");
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="keypress" phase="capturing"
- action="return this.handleKeyboardNavigation(event);"/>
- <handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_UP" modifiers="accel"
- phase="capturing"
- action="document.getBindingParent(this).selectEngine(event, false);"/>
- <handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_DOWN" modifiers="accel"
- phase="capturing"
- action="document.getBindingParent(this).selectEngine(event, true);"/>
- <handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_DOWN" modifiers="alt"
- phase="capturing"
- action="return this.openSearch();"/>
- <handler event="keypress" keycode="VK_UP" modifiers="alt"
- phase="capturing"
- action="return this.openSearch();"/>
- <handler event="dragover">
- <![CDATA[
- var types = event.dataTransfer.types;
- if (types.includes("text/plain") || types.includes("text/x-moz-text-internal"))
- event.preventDefault();
- ]]>
- </handler>
- <handler event="drop">
- <![CDATA[
- var dataTransfer = event.dataTransfer;
- var data = dataTransfer.getData("text/plain");
- if (!data)
- data = dataTransfer.getData("text/x-moz-text-internal");
- if (data) {
- event.preventDefault();
- this.value = data;
- document.getBindingParent(this).openSuggestionsPanel();
- }
- ]]>
- </handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <binding id="browser-search-autocomplete-result-popup" extends="chrome://browser/content/urlbarBindings.xml#browser-autocomplete-result-popup">
- <resources>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/content/search/searchbarBindings.css"/>
- <stylesheet src="chrome://browser/skin/searchbar.css"/>
- </resources>
- <content ignorekeys="true" level="top" consumeoutsideclicks="never">
- <xul:hbox anonid="searchbar-engine" xbl:inherits="showonlysettings"
- class="search-panel-header search-panel-current-engine">
- <xul:image class="searchbar-engine-image" xbl:inherits="src"/>
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-engine-name" flex="1" crop="end"
- role="presentation"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:tree anonid="tree" flex="1"
- class="autocomplete-tree plain search-panel-tree"
- hidecolumnpicker="true" seltype="single">
- <xul:treecols anonid="treecols">
- <xul:treecol id="treecolAutoCompleteValue" class="autocomplete-treecol" flex="1" overflow="true"/>
- </xul:treecols>
- <xul:treechildren class="autocomplete-treebody"/>
- </xul:tree>
- <xul:vbox anonid="search-one-off-buttons" class="search-one-offs"/>
- </content>
- <implementation>
- <!-- Popup rollup is triggered by native events before the mousedown event
- reaches the DOM. The will be set to true by the popuphiding event and
- false after the mousedown event has been triggered to detect what
- caused rollup. -->
- <field name="_isHiding">false</field>
- <field name="_bundle">null</field>
- <property name="bundle" readonly="true">
- <getter>
- <![CDATA[
- if (!this._bundle) {
- const kBundleURI = "chrome://browser/locale/";
- this._bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(kBundleURI);
- }
- return this._bundle;
- ]]>
- </getter>
- </property>
- <field name="oneOffButtons" readonly="true">
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-one-off-buttons");
- </field>
- <method name="updateHeader">
- <body><![CDATA[
- let currentEngine =;
- let uri = currentEngine.iconURI;
- if (uri) {
- this.setAttribute("src", uri.spec);
- }
- else {
- // If the default has just been changed to a provider without icon,
- // avoid showing the icon of the previous default provider.
- this.removeAttribute("src");
- }
- let headerText = this.bundle.formatStringFromName("searchHeader",
- [], 1);
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "searchbar-engine-name")
- .setAttribute("value", headerText);
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "searchbar-engine")
- .engine = currentEngine;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- This is called when a one-off is clicked and when "search in new tab"
- is selected from a one-off context menu. -->
- <method name="handleOneOffSearch">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <parameter name="engine"/>
- <parameter name="where"/>
- <parameter name="params"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
- searchbar.handleSearchCommandWhere(event, engine, where, params);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="popupshowing"><![CDATA[
- if (!this.oneOffButtons.popup) {
- // The panel width only spans to the textbox size, but we also want it
- // to include the magnifier icon's width.
- let ltr = getComputedStyle(this).direction == "ltr";
- let magnifierWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(this)[
- ltr ? "marginLeft" : "marginRight"
- ]) * -1;
- // Ensure the panel is wide enough to fit at least 3 engines.
- let minWidth = Math.max(
- parseInt(this.width) + magnifierWidth,
- this.oneOffButtons.buttonWidth * 3
- );
- = minWidth + "px";
- // Set the origin before assigning the popup, as the assignment does
- // a rebuild and would miss the origin.
- this.oneOffButtons.telemetryOrigin = "searchbar";
- // Set popup after setting the minWidth since it builds the buttons.
- this.oneOffButtons.popup = this;
- this.oneOffButtons.textbox = this.input;
- }
- // First handle deciding if we are showing the reduced version of the
- // popup containing only the preferences button. We do this if the
- // glass icon has been clicked if the text field is empty.
- let searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar");
- let tree = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "tree")
- if (searchbar.hasAttribute("showonlysettings")) {
- searchbar.removeAttribute("showonlysettings");
- this.setAttribute("showonlysettings", "true");
- // Setting this with an xbl-inherited attribute gets overridden the
- // second time the user clicks the glass icon for some reason...
- tree.collapsed = true;
- }
- else {
- this.removeAttribute("showonlysettings");
- // Uncollapse as long as we have a tree with a view which has >= 1 row.
- // The autocomplete binding itself will take care of uncollapsing later,
- // if we currently have no rows but end up having some in the future
- // when the search string changes
- tree.collapsed = !tree.view || !tree.view.rowCount;
- }
- // Show the current default engine in the top header of the panel.
- this.updateHeader();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="popuphiding"><![CDATA[
- this._isHiding = true;
- setTimeout(() => {
- this._isHiding = false;
- }, 0);
- ]]></handler>
- <!-- This handles clicks on the topmost "Foo Search" header in the
- popup (hbox[anonid="searchbar-engine"]). -->
- <handler event="click"><![CDATA[
- if (event.button == 2) {
- // Ignore right clicks.
- return;
- }
- let button = event.originalTarget;
- let engine = button.parentNode.engine;
- if (!engine) {
- return;
- }
- this.oneOffButtons.handleSearchCommand(event, engine);
- ]]></handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>
- <!-- Used for additional open search providers in the search panel. -->
- <binding id="addengine-icon" extends="xul:box">
- <content>
- <xul:image class="addengine-icon" xbl:inherits="src"/>
- <xul:image class="addengine-badge"/>
- </content>
- </binding>
- <binding id="search-one-offs">
- <content context="_child">
- <xul:deck anonid="search-panel-one-offs-header"
- selectedIndex="0"
- class="search-panel-header search-panel-current-input">
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-search"
- value="&searchWithHeader.label;"/>
- <xul:hbox anonid="search-panel-searchforwith"
- class="search-panel-current-input">
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-before"
- value="&searchFor.label;"/>
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-searchtext"
- class="search-panel-input-value"
- flex="1"
- crop="end"/>
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-after"
- flex="10000"
- value="&searchWith.label;"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- <xul:hbox anonid="search-panel-searchonengine"
- class="search-panel-current-input">
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-beforeengine"
- value="&search.label;"/>
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-engine"
- class="search-panel-input-value"
- flex="1"
- crop="end"/>
- <xul:label anonid="searchbar-oneoffheader-afterengine"
- flex="10000"
- value="&searchAfter.label;"/>
- </xul:hbox>
- </xul:deck>
- <xul:description anonid="search-panel-one-offs"
- role="group"
- class="search-panel-one-offs"
- xbl:inherits="compact">
- <xul:button anonid="search-settings-compact"
- oncommand="showSettings();"
- class="searchbar-engine-one-off-item search-setting-button-compact"
- tooltiptext="&changeSearchSettings.tooltip;"
- xbl:inherits="compact"/>
- </xul:description>
- <xul:vbox anonid="add-engines"/>
- <xul:button anonid="search-settings"
- oncommand="showSettings();"
- class="search-setting-button search-panel-header"
- label="&changeSearchSettings.button;"
- xbl:inherits="compact"/>
- <xul:menupopup anonid="search-one-offs-context-menu">
- <xul:menuitem anonid="search-one-offs-context-open-in-new-tab"
- label="&searchInNewTab.label;"
- accesskey="&searchInNewTab.accesskey;"/>
- <xul:menuitem anonid="search-one-offs-context-set-default"
- label="&searchSetAsDefault.label;"
- accesskey="&searchSetAsDefault.accesskey;"/>
- </xul:menupopup>
- </content>
- <implementation implements="nsIDOMEventListener">
- <!-- Width in pixels of the one-off buttons. 49px is the min-width of
- each search engine button, adapt this const when changing the css.
- It's actually 48px + 1px of right border. -->
- <property name="buttonWidth" readonly="true" onget="return 49;"/>
- <field name="_popup">null</field>
- <!-- The popup that contains the one-offs. This is required, so it should
- never be null or undefined, except possibly before the one-offs are
- used. -->
- <property name="popup">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this._popup;
- ]]></getter>
- <setter><![CDATA[
- if (this._popup == val) {
- return val;
- }
- let events = [
- "popupshowing",
- "popuphidden",
- ];
- if (this._popup) {
- for (let event of events) {
- this._popup.removeEventListener(event, this);
- }
- }
- if (val) {
- for (let event of events) {
- val.addEventListener(event, this);
- }
- }
- this._popup = val;
- // If the popup is already open, rebuild the one-offs now. The
- // popup may be opening, so check that the state is not closed
- // instead of checking popupOpen.
- if (val && val.state != "closed") {
- this._rebuild();
- }
- return val;
- ]]></setter>
- </property>
- <field name="_textbox">null</field>
- <!-- The textbox associated with the one-offs. Set this to a textbox to
- automatically keep the related one-offs UI up to date. Otherwise you
- can leave it null/undefined, and in that case you should update the
- query property manually. -->
- <property name="textbox">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this._textbox;
- ]]></getter>
- <setter><![CDATA[
- if (this._textbox == val) {
- return val;
- }
- if (this._textbox) {
- this._textbox.removeEventListener("input", this);
- }
- if (val) {
- val.addEventListener("input", this);
- }
- return this._textbox = val;
- ]]></setter>
- </property>
- <!-- Set this to a string that identifies your one-offs consumer. It'll
- be appended to telemetry recorded with maybeRecordTelemetry(). -->
- <field name="telemetryOrigin">""</field>
- <field name="_query">""</field>
- <!-- The query string currently shown in the one-offs. If the textbox
- property is non-null, then this is automatically updated on
- input. -->
- <property name="query">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this._query;
- ]]></getter>
- <setter><![CDATA[
- this._query = val;
- if (this.popup && this.popup.popupOpen) {
- this._updateAfterQueryChanged();
- }
- return val;
- ]]></setter>
- </property>
- <field name="_selectedButton">null</field>
- <!-- The selected one-off, a xul:button, including the add-engine button
- and the search-settings button. Null if no one-off is selected. -->
- <property name="selectedButton">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this._selectedButton;
- ]]></getter>
- <setter><![CDATA[
- this._changeVisuallySelectedButton(val, true);
- return val;
- ]]></setter>
- </property>
- <!-- The index of the selected one-off, including the add-engine button
- and the search-settings button. -1 if no one-off is selected. -->
- <property name="selectedButtonIndex">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- let buttons = this.getSelectableButtons(true);
- for (let i = 0; i < buttons.length; i++) {
- if (buttons[i] == this._selectedButton) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- ]]></getter>
- <setter><![CDATA[
- let buttons = this.getSelectableButtons(true);
- this.selectedButton = buttons[val];
- return val;
- ]]></setter>
- </property>
- <!-- The visually selected one-off is the same as the selected one-off
- unless a one-off is moused over. In that case, the visually selected
- one-off is the moused-over one-off, which may be different from the
- selected one-off. The visually selected one-off is always the one
- that is visually highlighted. Includes the add-engine button and the
- search-settings button. A xul:button. -->
- <property name="visuallySelectedButton" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this.getSelectableButtons(true).find(button => {
- return button.getAttribute("selected") == "true";
- });
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <property name="compact" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- return this.getAttribute("compact") == "true";
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <property name="settingsButton" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- let id = this.compact ? "search-settings-compact" : "search-settings";
- return document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", id);
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <field name="_bundle">null</field>
- <property name="bundle" readonly="true">
- <getter><![CDATA[
- if (!this._bundle) {
- const kBundleURI = "chrome://browser/locale/";
- this._bundle = Services.strings.createBundle(kBundleURI);
- }
- return this._bundle;
- ]]></getter>
- </property>
- <!-- When a context menu is opened on a one-off button, this is set to the
- engine of that button for use with the context menu actions. -->
- <field name="_contextEngine">null</field>
- <constructor><![CDATA[
- // Prevent popup events from the context menu from reaching the autocomplete
- // binding (or other listeners).
- let menu = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "search-one-offs-context-menu");
- let listener = aEvent => aEvent.stopPropagation();
- menu.addEventListener("popupshowing", listener);
- menu.addEventListener("popuphiding", listener);
- menu.addEventListener("popupshown", aEvent => {
- this._ignoreMouseEvents = true;
- aEvent.stopPropagation();
- });
- menu.addEventListener("popuphidden", aEvent => {
- this._ignoreMouseEvents = false;
- aEvent.stopPropagation();
- });
- ]]></constructor>
- <!-- This handles events outside the one-off buttons, like on the popup
- and textbox. -->
- <method name="handleEvent">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- switch (event.type) {
- case "input":
- // Allow the consumer's input to override its value property with
- // a oneOffSearchQuery property. That way if the value is not
- // actually what the user typed (e.g., it's autofilled, or it's a
- // mozaction URI), the consumer has some way of providing it.
- this.query = ||;
- break;
- case "popupshowing":
- this._rebuild();
- break;
- case "popuphidden":
- => {
- this.selectedButton = null;
- this._contextEngine = null;
- }, Ci.nsIThread.DISPATCH_NORMAL);
- break;
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="showSettings">
- <body><![CDATA[
- BrowserUITelemetry.countSearchSettingsEvent(this.telemetryOrigin);
- openPreferences("paneSearch");
- // If the preference tab was already selected, the panel doesn't
- // close itself automatically.
- this.popup.hidePopup();
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- Updates the parts of the UI that show the query string. -->
- <method name="_updateAfterQueryChanged">
- <body><![CDATA[
- let headerSearchText =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "searchbar-oneoffheader-searchtext");
- let headerPanel =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-panel-one-offs-header");
- let list = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-panel-one-offs");
- headerSearchText.setAttribute("value", this.query);
- let groupText;
- let isOneOffSelected =
- this.selectedButton &&
- this.selectedButton.classList.contains("searchbar-engine-one-off-item");
- // Typing de-selects the settings or opensearch buttons at the bottom
- // of the search panel, as typing shows the user intends to search.
- if (this.selectedButton && !isOneOffSelected)
- this.selectedButton = null;
- if (this.query) {
- groupText = headerSearchText.previousSibling.value +
- '"' + headerSearchText.value + '"' +
- headerSearchText.nextSibling.value;
- if (!isOneOffSelected)
- headerPanel.selectedIndex = 1;
- }
- else {
- let noSearchHeader =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "searchbar-oneoffheader-search");
- groupText = noSearchHeader.value;
- if (!isOneOffSelected)
- headerPanel.selectedIndex = 0;
- }
- list.setAttribute("aria-label", groupText);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!-- Builds all the UI. -->
- <method name="_rebuild">
- <body><![CDATA[
- // Update the 'Search for <keywords> with:" header.
- this._updateAfterQueryChanged();
- let list = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-panel-one-offs");
- // Handle opensearch items. This needs to be done before building the
- // list of one off providers, as that code will return early if all the
- // alternative engines are hidden.
- let addEngineList =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "add-engines");
- while (addEngineList.firstChild)
- addEngineList.firstChild.remove();
- const kXULNS =
- "";
- // Add a button for each engine that the page in the selected browser
- // offers. But not when the one-offs are compact. Compact one-offs
- // are shown in the urlbar, and the add-engine buttons span the width
- // of the popup, so if we added all the engines that a site offers, it
- // could effectively break the urlbar popup by offering a ton of
- // engines. We should probably make a smaller version of the buttons
- // for compact one-offs.
- if (!this.compact) {
- for (let engine of gBrowser.selectedBrowser.engines || []) {
- let button = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "button");
- let label = this.bundle.formatStringFromName("cmd_addFoundEngine",
- [engine.title], 1);
- = this.telemetryOrigin + "-add-engine-" +
- engine.title.replace(/ /g, '-');
- button.setAttribute("class", "addengine-item");
- button.setAttribute("label", label);
- button.setAttribute("pack", "start");
- button.setAttribute("crop", "end");
- button.setAttribute("tooltiptext", engine.uri);
- button.setAttribute("uri", engine.uri);
- if (engine.icon) {
- button.setAttribute("image", engine.icon);
- }
- button.setAttribute("title", engine.title);
- addEngineList.appendChild(button);
- }
- }
- let settingsButton =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-settings-compact");
- // Finally, build the list of one-off buttons.
- while (list.firstChild != settingsButton)
- list.firstChild.remove();
- // Remove the trailing empty text node introduced by the binding's
- // content markup above.
- if (settingsButton.nextSibling)
- settingsButton.nextSibling.remove();
- let Preferences =
- Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm", {}).Preferences;
- let pref = Preferences.get("");
- let hiddenList = pref ? pref.split(",") : [];
- let currentEngineName =;
- let includeCurrentEngine = this.getAttribute("includecurrentengine");
- let engines = => {
- return (includeCurrentEngine || != currentEngineName) &&
- !hiddenList.includes(;
- });
- let header = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-panel-one-offs-header")
- // header is a xul:deck so collapsed doesn't work on it, see bug 589569.
- header.hidden = list.collapsed = !engines.length;
- if (!engines.length)
- return;
- let panelWidth = parseInt(this.popup.clientWidth);
- // The + 1 is because the last button doesn't have a right border.
- let enginesPerRow = Math.floor((panelWidth + 1) / this.buttonWidth);
- let buttonWidth = Math.floor(panelWidth / enginesPerRow);
- // There will be an emtpy area of:
- // panelWidth - enginesPerRow * buttonWidth px
- // at the end of each row.
- // If the <description> tag with the list of search engines doesn't have
- // a fixed height, the panel will be sized incorrectly, causing the bottom
- // of the suggestion <tree> to be hidden.
- let oneOffCount = engines.length;
- if (this.compact)
- ++oneOffCount;
- let rowCount = Math.ceil(oneOffCount / enginesPerRow);
- let height = rowCount * 33; // 32px per row, 1px border.
- list.setAttribute("height", height + "px");
- // Ensure we can refer to the settings buttons by ID:
- let settingsEl = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "search-settings");
- = this.telemetryOrigin + "-anon-search-settings";
- let compactSettingsEl = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "search-settings-compact");
- = this.telemetryOrigin +
- "-anon-search-settings-compact";
- let dummyItems = enginesPerRow - (oneOffCount % enginesPerRow || enginesPerRow);
- for (let i = 0; i < engines.length; ++i) {
- let engine = engines[i];
- let button = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "button");
- = this._buttonIDForEngine(engine);
- let uri = "chrome://browser/skin/search-engine-placeholder.png";
- if (engine.iconURI) {
- uri = engine.iconURI.spec;
- }
- button.setAttribute("image", uri);
- button.setAttribute("class", "searchbar-engine-one-off-item");
- button.setAttribute("tooltiptext",;
- button.setAttribute("width", buttonWidth);
- button.engine = engine;
- if ((i + 1) % enginesPerRow == 0)
- button.classList.add("last-of-row");
- if (i + 1 == engines.length)
- button.classList.add("last-engine");
- if (i >= oneOffCount + dummyItems - enginesPerRow)
- button.classList.add("last-row");
- list.insertBefore(button, settingsButton);
- }
- let hasDummyItems = !!dummyItems;
- while (dummyItems) {
- let button = document.createElementNS(kXULNS, "button");
- button.setAttribute("class", "searchbar-engine-one-off-item dummy last-row");
- button.setAttribute("width", buttonWidth);
- if (!--dummyItems)
- button.classList.add("last-of-row");
- list.insertBefore(button, settingsButton);
- }
- if (this.compact) {
- this.settingsButton.setAttribute("width", buttonWidth);
- if (rowCount == 1 && hasDummyItems) {
- // When there's only one row, make the compact settings button
- // hug the right edge of the panel. It may not due to the panel's
- // width not being an integral multiple of the button width. (See
- // the "There will be an emtpy area" comment above.) Increase the
- // width of the last dummy item by the remainder.
- //
- // There's one weird thing to guard against. When layout pixels
- // aren't an integral multiple of device pixels, the calculated
- // remainder can end up being ~1px too big, at least on Windows,
- // which pushes the settings button to a new row. The remainder
- // is integral, not a fraction, so that's not the problem. To
- // work around that, unscale the remainder, floor it, scale it
- // back, and then floor that.
- let scale = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
- .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils)
- .screenPixelsPerCSSPixel;
- let remainder = panelWidth - (enginesPerRow * buttonWidth);
- remainder = Math.floor(Math.floor(remainder * scale) / scale);
- let width = remainder + buttonWidth;
- let lastDummyItem = this.settingsButton.previousSibling;
- lastDummyItem.setAttribute("width", width);
- }
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_buttonIDForEngine">
- <parameter name="engine"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- return this.telemetryOrigin + "-engine-one-off-item-" +
- /g, '-');
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_buttonForEngine">
- <parameter name="engine"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- return document.getElementById(this._buttonIDForEngine(engine));
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="_changeVisuallySelectedButton">
- <parameter name="val"/>
- <parameter name="aUpdateLogicallySelectedButton"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let visuallySelectedButton = this.visuallySelectedButton;
- if (visuallySelectedButton)
- visuallySelectedButton.removeAttribute("selected");
- let header =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-panel-one-offs-header");
- // Avoid selecting dummy buttons.
- if (val && !val.classList.contains("dummy")) {
- val.setAttribute("selected", "true");
- if (val.classList.contains("searchbar-engine-one-off-item") &&
- val.engine) {
- let headerEngineText =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "searchbar-oneoffheader-engine");
- header.selectedIndex = 2;
- headerEngineText.value =;
- }
- else {
- header.selectedIndex = this.query ? 1 : 0;
- }
- if (this.textbox) {
- this.textbox.setAttribute("aria-activedescendant",;
- }
- } else {
- val = null;
- header.selectedIndex = this.query ? 1 : 0;
- if (this.textbox) {
- this.textbox.removeAttribute("aria-activedescendant");
- }
- }
- if (aUpdateLogicallySelectedButton) {
- this._selectedButton = val;
- if (val && !val.engine) {
- // If the button doesn't have an engine, then clear the popup's
- // selection to indicate that pressing Return while the button is
- // selected will do the button's command, not search.
- this.popup.selectedIndex = -1;
- }
- let event = document.createEvent("Events");
- event.initEvent("SelectedOneOffButtonChanged", true, false);
- this.dispatchEvent(event);
- }
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="getSelectableButtons">
- <parameter name="aIncludeNonEngineButtons"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let buttons = [];
- let oneOff = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid",
- "search-panel-one-offs");
- for (oneOff = oneOff.firstChild; oneOff; oneOff = oneOff.nextSibling) {
- // oneOff may be a text node since the list xul:description contains
- // whitespace and the compact settings button. See the markup
- // above. _rebuild removes text nodes, but it may not have been
- // called yet (because e.g. the popup hasn't been opened yet).
- if (oneOff.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) {
- if (oneOff.classList.contains("dummy") ||
- oneOff.classList.contains("search-setting-button-compact"))
- break;
- buttons.push(oneOff);
- }
- }
- if (!aIncludeNonEngineButtons)
- return buttons;
- let addEngine =
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "add-engines");
- for (addEngine = addEngine.firstChild; addEngine; addEngine = addEngine.nextSibling)
- buttons.push(addEngine);
- buttons.push(this.settingsButton);
- return buttons;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <method name="handleSearchCommand">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <parameter name="aEngine"/>
- <parameter name="aForceNewTab"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let where = "current";
- let params;
- // Open ctrl/cmd clicks on one-off buttons in a new background tab.
- if (aForceNewTab) {
- where = "tab";
- if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground")) {
- params = {
- inBackground: true,
- };
- }
- }
- else {
- var newTabPref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("");
- if (((aEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent) && aEvent.altKey) ^ newTabPref)
- where = "tab";
- if ((aEvent instanceof MouseEvent) &&
- (aEvent.button == 1 || aEvent.getModifierState("Accel"))) {
- where = "tab";
- params = {
- inBackground: true,
- };
- }
- }
- this.popup.handleOneOffSearch(aEvent, aEngine, where, params);
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- Increments or decrements the index of the currently selected one-off.
- @param aForward
- If true, the index is incremented, and if false, the index is
- decremented.
- @param aWrapAround
- This has a couple of effects, depending on whether there is
- currently a selection.
- (1) If true and the last one-off is currently selected,
- incrementing the index will cause the selection to be cleared and
- this method to return true. Calling advanceSelection again after
- that (again with aForward=true) will select the first one-off.
- Likewise if decrementing the index when the first one-off is
- selected, except in the opposite direction of course.
- (2) If true and there currently is no selection, decrementing the
- index will cause the last one-off to become selected and this
- method to return true. Only the aForward=false case is affected
- because it is always the case that if aForward=true and there
- currently is no selection, the first one-off becomes selected and
- this method returns true.
- @param aCycleEngines
- If true, only engine buttons are included.
- @return True if the selection can continue to advance after this method
- returns and false if not.
- -->
- <method name="advanceSelection">
- <parameter name="aForward"/>
- <parameter name="aWrapAround"/>
- <parameter name="aCycleEngines"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- let selectedButton = this.selectedButton;
- let buttons = this.getSelectableButtons(aCycleEngines);
- if (selectedButton) {
- // cycle through one-off buttons.
- let index = buttons.indexOf(selectedButton);
- if (aForward)
- ++index;
- else
- --index;
- if (index >= 0 && index < buttons.length)
- this.selectedButton = buttons[index];
- else
- this.selectedButton = null;
- if (this.selectedButton || aWrapAround)
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- // If no selection, select the first button or ...
- if (aForward) {
- this.selectedButton = buttons[0];
- return true;
- }
- if (!aForward && aWrapAround) {
- // the last button.
- this.selectedButton = buttons[buttons.length - 1];
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- This handles key presses specific to the one-off buttons like Tab and
- Alt-Up/Down, and Up/Down keys within the buttons. Since one-off buttons
- are always used in conjunction with a list of some sort (in this.popup),
- it also handles Up/Down keys that cross the boundaries between list
- items and the one-off buttons.
- @param event
- The key event.
- @param numListItems
- The number of items in the list. The reason that this is a
- parameter at all is that the list may contain items at the end
- that should be ignored, depending on the consumer. That's true
- for the urlbar for example.
- @param allowEmptySelection
- Pass true if it's OK that neither the list nor the one-off
- buttons contains a selection. Pass false if either the list or
- the one-off buttons (or both) should always contain a selection.
- @param textboxUserValue
- When the last list item is selected and the user presses Down,
- the first one-off becomes selected and the textbox value is
- restored to the value that the user typed. Pass that value here.
- However, if you pass true for allowEmptySelection, you don't need
- to pass anything for this parameter. (Pass undefined or null.)
- @return True if this method handled the keypress and false if not. If
- false, then you should let the autocomplete controller handle
- the keypress. The value of event.defaultPrevented will be the
- same as this return value.
- -->
- <method name="handleKeyPress">
- <parameter name="event"/>
- <parameter name="numListItems"/>
- <parameter name="allowEmptySelection"/>
- <parameter name="textboxUserValue"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (!this.popup) {
- return false;
- }
- let stopEvent = false;
- // Tab cycles through the one-offs and moves the focus out at the end.
- // But only if non-Shift modifiers aren't also pressed, to avoid
- // clobbering other shortcuts.
- if (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_TAB &&
- !event.altKey &&
- !event.ctrlKey &&
- !event.metaKey &&
- this.getAttribute("disabletab") != "true") {
- stopEvent = this.advanceSelection(!event.shiftKey, false, true);
- }
- // Alt + up/down is very similar to (shift +) tab but differs in that
- // it loops through the list, whereas tab will move the focus out.
- else if (event.altKey &&
- (event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN ||
- event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP)) {
- stopEvent =
- this.advanceSelection(event.keyCode == KeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN,
- true, false);
- }
- else if (event.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_UP) {
- if (numListItems > 0) {
- if (this.popup.selectedIndex > 0) {
- // The autocomplete controller should handle this case.
- } else if (this.popup.selectedIndex == 0) {
- if (!allowEmptySelection) {
- // Wrap around the selection to the last one-off.
- this.selectedButton = null;
- this.popup.selectedIndex = -1;
- // Call advanceSelection after setting selectedIndex so that
- // screen readers see the newly selected one-off. Both trigger
- // accessibility events.
- this.advanceSelection(false, true, true);
- stopEvent = true;
- }
- } else {
- let firstButtonSelected =
- this.selectedButton &&
- this.selectedButton == this.getSelectableButtons(true)[0];
- if (firstButtonSelected) {
- this.selectedButton = null;
- } else {
- stopEvent = this.advanceSelection(false, true, true);
- }
- }
- } else {
- stopEvent = this.advanceSelection(false, true, true);
- }
- }
- else if (event.keyCode == Ci.nsIDOMKeyEvent.DOM_VK_DOWN) {
- if (numListItems > 0) {
- if (this.popup.selectedIndex >= 0 &&
- this.popup.selectedIndex < numListItems - 1) {
- // The autocomplete controller should handle this case.
- } else if (this.popup.selectedIndex == numListItems - 1) {
- this.selectedButton = null;
- if (!allowEmptySelection) {
- this.popup.selectedIndex = -1;
- stopEvent = true;
- }
- if (this.textbox && typeof(textboxUserValue) == "string") {
- this.textbox.value = textboxUserValue;
- }
- // Call advanceSelection after setting selectedIndex so that
- // screen readers see the newly selected one-off. Both trigger
- // accessibility events.
- this.advanceSelection(true, true, true);
- } else {
- let buttons = this.getSelectableButtons(true);
- let lastButtonSelected =
- this.selectedButton &&
- this.selectedButton == buttons[buttons.length - 1];
- if (lastButtonSelected) {
- this.selectedButton = null;
- stopEvent = allowEmptySelection;
- } else if (this.selectedButton) {
- stopEvent = this.advanceSelection(true, true, true);
- } else {
- // The autocomplete controller should handle this case.
- }
- }
- } else {
- stopEvent = this.advanceSelection(true, true, true);
- }
- }
- if (stopEvent) {
- event.preventDefault();
- event.stopPropagation();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- <!--
- If the given event is related to the one-offs, this method records
- one-off telemetry for it. this.telemetryOrigin will be appended to the
- computed source, so make sure you set that first.
- @param aEvent
- An event, like a click on a one-off button.
- @param aOpenUILinkWhere
- The "where" passed to openUILink.
- @param aOpenUILinkParams
- The "params" passed to openUILink.
- @return True if telemetry was recorded and false if not.
- -->
- <method name="maybeRecordTelemetry">
- <parameter name="aEvent"/>
- <parameter name="aOpenUILinkWhere"/>
- <parameter name="aOpenUILinkParams"/>
- <body><![CDATA[
- if (!aEvent) {
- return false;
- }
- let source = null;
- let type = "unknown";
- let engine = null;
- let target = aEvent.originalTarget;
- if (aEvent instanceof KeyboardEvent) {
- type = "key";
- if (this.selectedButton) {
- source = "oneoff";
- engine = this.selectedButton.engine;
- }
- } else if (aEvent instanceof MouseEvent) {
- type = "mouse";
- if (target.classList.contains("searchbar-engine-one-off-item")) {
- source = "oneoff";
- engine = target.engine;
- }
- } else if ((aEvent instanceof XULCommandEvent) &&
- target.getAttribute("anonid") ==
- "search-one-offs-context-open-in-new-tab") {
- source = "oneoff-context";
- engine = this._contextEngine;
- }
- if (!source) {
- return false;
- }
- if (this.telemetryOrigin) {
- source += "-" + this.telemetryOrigin;
- }
- let tabBackground = aOpenUILinkWhere == "tab" &&
- aOpenUILinkParams &&
- aOpenUILinkParams.inBackground;
- let where = tabBackground ? "tab-background" : aOpenUILinkWhere;
- BrowserSearch.recordOneoffSearchInTelemetry(engine, source, type,
- where);
- return true;
- ]]></body>
- </method>
- </implementation>
- <handlers>
- <handler event="mousedown"><![CDATA[
- // Required to receive click events from the buttons on Linux.
- event.preventDefault();
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="mousemove"><![CDATA[
- let target = event.originalTarget;
- if (target.localName != "button")
- return;
- // Ignore mouse events when the context menu is open.
- if (this._ignoreMouseEvents)
- return;
- if ((target.classList.contains("searchbar-engine-one-off-item") &&
- !target.classList.contains("dummy")) ||
- target.classList.contains("addengine-item") ||
- target.classList.contains("search-setting-button")) {
- this._changeVisuallySelectedButton(target);
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="mouseout"><![CDATA[
- let target = event.originalTarget;
- if (target.localName != "button") {
- return;
- }
- // Don't deselect the current button if the context menu is open.
- if (this._ignoreMouseEvents)
- return;
- // Unfortunately this will fire before mouseover hits another item.
- // If this button is selected, we replace that selection only if
- // we're not moving to a different one-off item:
- if (target.getAttribute("selected") == "true" &&
- (!event.relatedTarget ||
- !event.relatedTarget.classList.contains("searchbar-engine-one-off-item") ||
- event.relatedTarget.classList.contains("dummy"))) {
- this._changeVisuallySelectedButton(this.selectedButton);
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="click"><![CDATA[
- if (event.button == 2)
- return; // ignore right clicks.
- let button = event.originalTarget;
- let engine = button.engine;
- if (!engine)
- return;
- // Select the clicked button so that consumers can easily tell which
- // button was acted on.
- this.selectedButton = button;
- this.handleSearchCommand(event, engine);
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="command"><![CDATA[
- let target = event.originalTarget;
- if (target.classList.contains("addengine-item")) {
- // On success, hide the panel and tell event listeners to reshow it to
- // show the new engine.
- let installCallback = {
- onSuccess: engine => {
- this._rebuild();
- },
- onError: function(errorCode) {
- if (errorCode != Ci.nsISearchInstallCallback.ERROR_DUPLICATE_ENGINE) {
- // Download error is shown by the search service
- return;
- }
- const kSearchBundleURI = "chrome://global/locale/search/";
- let searchBundle = Services.strings.createBundle(kSearchBundleURI);
- let brandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand");
- let brandName = brandBundle.getString("brandShortName");
- let title = searchBundle.GetStringFromName("error_invalid_engine_title");
- let text = searchBundle.formatStringFromName("error_duplicate_engine_msg",
- [brandName, target.getAttribute("uri")], 2);
- Services.prompt.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIPromptFactory);
- let prompt = Services.prompt.getPrompt(gBrowser.contentWindow, Ci.nsIPrompt);
- prompt.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWritablePropertyBag2);
- prompt.setPropertyAsBool("allowTabModal", true);
- prompt.alert(title, text);
- }
- }
-"uri"), null,
- target.getAttribute("image"), false,
- installCallback);
- }
- let anonid = target.getAttribute("anonid");
- if (anonid == "search-one-offs-context-open-in-new-tab") {
- // Select the context-clicked button so that consumers can easily
- // tell which button was acted on.
- this.selectedButton = this._buttonForEngine(this._contextEngine);
- this.handleSearchCommand(event, this._contextEngine, true);
- }
- if (anonid == "search-one-offs-context-set-default") {
- let currentEngine =;
- if (!this.getAttribute("includecurrentengine")) {
- // Make the target button of the context menu reflect the current
- // search engine first. Doing this as opposed to rebuilding all the
- // one-off buttons avoids flicker.
- let button = this._buttonForEngine(this._contextEngine);
- = this._buttonIDForEngine(currentEngine);
- let uri = "chrome://browser/skin/search-engine-placeholder.png";
- if (currentEngine.iconURI)
- uri = currentEngine.iconURI.spec;
- button.setAttribute("image", uri);
- button.setAttribute("tooltiptext",;
- button.engine = currentEngine;
- }
- = this._contextEngine;
- }
- ]]></handler>
- <handler event="contextmenu"><![CDATA[
- let target = event.originalTarget;
- // Prevent the context menu from appearing except on the one off buttons.
- if (!target.classList.contains("searchbar-engine-one-off-item") ||
- target.classList.contains("dummy")) {
- event.preventDefault();
- return;
- }
- document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(this, "anonid", "search-one-offs-context-set-default")
- .setAttribute("disabled", target.engine ==;
- this._contextEngine = target.engine;
- ]]></handler>
- </handlers>
- </binding>