path: root/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content
diff options
authorwolfbeast <>2018-07-18 08:24:24 +0200
committerwolfbeast <>2018-07-18 08:24:24 +0200
commitfc61780b35af913801d72086456f493f63197da6 (patch)
treef85891288a7bd988da9f0f15ae64e5c63f00d493 /application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content
parent69f7f9e5f1475891ce11cc4f431692f965b0cd30 (diff)
parent50d3e596bbe89c95615f96eb71f6bc5be737a1db (diff)
Merge commit '50d3e596bbe89c95615f96eb71f6bc5be737a1db' into Basilisk-releasev2018.07.18
# Conflicts: # browser/app/profile/firefox.js # browser/components/preferences/
Diffstat (limited to 'application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content')
3 files changed, 1356 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/aboutSessionRestore.js b/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/aboutSessionRestore.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8f265235d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/aboutSessionRestore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+var {classes: Cc, interfaces: Ci, utils: Cu} = Components;
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants",
+ "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm");
+var gStateObject;
+var gTreeData;
+// Page initialization
+window.onload = function() {
+ // pages used by this script may have a link that needs to be updated to
+ // the in-product link.
+ let anchor = document.getElementById("linkMoreTroubleshooting");
+ if (anchor) {
+ let baseURL = Services.urlFormatter.formatURLPref("");
+ anchor.setAttribute("href", baseURL + "troubleshooting");
+ }
+ // wire up click handlers for the radio buttons if they exist.
+ for (let radioId of ["radioRestoreAll", "radioRestoreChoose"]) {
+ let button = document.getElementById(radioId);
+ if (button) {
+ button.addEventListener("click", updateTabListVisibility);
+ }
+ }
+ // the crashed session state is kept inside a textbox so that SessionStore picks it up
+ // (for when the tab is closed or the session crashes right again)
+ var sessionData = document.getElementById("sessionData");
+ if (!sessionData.value) {
+ document.getElementById("errorTryAgain").disabled = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ try {
+ gStateObject = JSON.parse(sessionData.value);
+ } catch (e) {
+ Cu.reportError(e);
+ }
+ // make sure the data is tracked to be restored in case of a subsequent crash
+ var event = document.createEvent("UIEvents");
+ event.initUIEvent("input", true, true, window, 0);
+ sessionData.dispatchEvent(event);
+ initTreeView();
+ document.getElementById("errorTryAgain").focus();
+function isTreeViewVisible() {
+ let tabList = document.querySelector(".tree-container");
+ return tabList.hasAttribute("available");
+function initTreeView() {
+ // If we aren't visible we initialize as we are made visible (and it's OK
+ // to initialize multiple times)
+ if (!isTreeViewVisible()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var tabList = document.getElementById("tabList");
+ var winLabel = tabList.getAttribute("_window_label");
+ gTreeData = [];
+ if (gStateObject) {
+, aIx) {
+ var winState = {
+ label: winLabel.replace("%S", (aIx + 1)),
+ open: true,
+ checked: true,
+ ix: aIx
+ };
+ winState.tabs = {
+ var entry = aTabData.entries[aTabData.index - 1] || { url: "about:blank" };
+ var iconURL = aTabData.image || null;
+ // don't initiate a connection just to fetch a favicon (see bug 462863)
+ if (/^https?:/.test(iconURL))
+ iconURL = "moz-anno:favicon:" + iconURL;
+ return {
+ label: entry.title || entry.url,
+ checked: true,
+ src: iconURL,
+ parent: winState
+ };
+ });
+ gTreeData.push(winState);
+ for (let tab of winState.tabs)
+ gTreeData.push(tab);
+ }, this);
+ }
+ tabList.view = treeView;
+// User actions
+function updateTabListVisibility() {
+ let tabList = document.querySelector(".tree-container");
+ let container = document.querySelector(".container");
+ if (document.getElementById("radioRestoreChoose").checked) {
+ tabList.setAttribute("available", "true");
+ container.classList.add("restore-chosen");
+ } else {
+ tabList.removeAttribute("available");
+ container.classList.remove("restore-chosen");
+ }
+ initTreeView();
+function restoreSession() {
+ Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "sessionstore-initiating-manual-restore", "");
+ document.getElementById("errorTryAgain").disabled = true;
+ if (isTreeViewVisible()) {
+ if (!gTreeData.some(aItem => aItem.checked)) {
+ // This should only be possible when we have no "cancel" button, and thus
+ // the "Restore session" button always remains enabled. In that case and
+ // when nothing is selected, we just want a new session.
+ startNewSession();
+ return;
+ }
+ // remove all unselected tabs from the state before restoring it
+ var ix = - 1;
+ for (var t = gTreeData.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) {
+ if (treeView.isContainer(t)) {
+ if (gTreeData[t].checked === 0)
+ // this window will be restored partially
+[ix].tabs =
+[ix].tabs.filter((aTabData, aIx) =>
+ gTreeData[t].tabs[aIx].checked);
+ else if (!gTreeData[t].checked)
+ // this window won't be restored at all
+, 1);
+ ix--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ var stateString = JSON.stringify(gStateObject);
+ var ss = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore);
+ var top = getBrowserWindow();
+ // if there's only this page open, reuse the window for restoring the session
+ if (top.gBrowser.tabs.length == 1) {
+ ss.setWindowState(top, stateString, true);
+ return;
+ }
+ // restore the session into a new window and close the current tab
+ var newWindow = top.openDialog(top.location, "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,all");
+ var obs = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIObserverService);
+ obs.addObserver(function observe(win, topic) {
+ if (win != newWindow) {
+ return;
+ }
+ obs.removeObserver(observe, topic);
+ ss.setWindowState(newWindow, stateString, true);
+ var tabbrowser = top.gBrowser;
+ var tabIndex = tabbrowser.getBrowserIndexForDocument(document);
+ tabbrowser.removeTab(tabbrowser.tabs[tabIndex]);
+ }, "browser-delayed-startup-finished", false);
+function startNewSession() {
+ var prefBranch = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
+ if (prefBranch.getIntPref("") == 0)
+ getBrowserWindow().gBrowser.loadURI("about:blank");
+ else
+ getBrowserWindow().BrowserHome();
+function onListClick(aEvent) {
+ // don't react to right-clicks
+ if (aEvent.button == 2)
+ return;
+ if (!treeView.treeBox) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var cell = treeView.treeBox.getCellAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY);
+ if (cell.col) {
+ // Restore this specific tab in the same window for middle/double/accel clicking
+ // on a tab's title.
+ let accelKey = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ?
+ aEvent.metaKey :
+ aEvent.ctrlKey;
+ if ((aEvent.button == 1 || aEvent.button == 0 && aEvent.detail == 2 || accelKey) &&
+ == "title" &&
+ !treeView.isContainer(cell.row)) {
+ restoreSingleTab(cell.row, aEvent.shiftKey);
+ aEvent.stopPropagation();
+ }
+ else if ( == "restore")
+ toggleRowChecked(cell.row);
+ }
+function onListKeyDown(aEvent) {
+ switch (aEvent.keyCode)
+ {
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_SPACE:
+ toggleRowChecked(document.getElementById("tabList").currentIndex);
+ // Prevent page from scrolling on the space key.
+ aEvent.preventDefault();
+ break;
+ case KeyEvent.DOM_VK_RETURN:
+ var ix = document.getElementById("tabList").currentIndex;
+ if (aEvent.ctrlKey && !treeView.isContainer(ix))
+ restoreSingleTab(ix, aEvent.shiftKey);
+ break;
+ }
+// Helper functions
+function getBrowserWindow() {
+ return window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation)
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem).rootTreeItem
+ .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor).getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindow);
+function toggleRowChecked(aIx) {
+ function isChecked(aItem) {
+ return aItem.checked;
+ }
+ var item = gTreeData[aIx];
+ item.checked = !item.checked;
+ treeView.treeBox.invalidateRow(aIx);
+ if (treeView.isContainer(aIx)) {
+ // (un)check all tabs of this window as well
+ for (let tab of item.tabs) {
+ tab.checked = item.checked;
+ treeView.treeBox.invalidateRow(gTreeData.indexOf(tab));
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // update the window's checkmark as well (0 means "partially checked")
+ item.parent.checked = item.parent.tabs.every(isChecked) ? true :
+ item.parent.tabs.some(isChecked) ? 0 : false;
+ treeView.treeBox.invalidateRow(gTreeData.indexOf(item.parent));
+ }
+ // we only disable the button when there's no cancel button.
+ if (document.getElementById("errorCancel")) {
+ document.getElementById("errorTryAgain").disabled = !gTreeData.some(isChecked);
+ }
+function restoreSingleTab(aIx, aShifted) {
+ var tabbrowser = getBrowserWindow().gBrowser;
+ var newTab = tabbrowser.addTab();
+ var item = gTreeData[aIx];
+ var ss = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsISessionStore);
+ var tabState =[item.parent.ix]
+ .tabs[aIx - gTreeData.indexOf(item.parent) - 1];
+ // ensure tab would be visible on the tabstrip.
+ tabState.hidden = false;
+ ss.setTabState(newTab, JSON.stringify(tabState));
+ // respect the preference as to whether to select the tab (the Shift key inverses)
+ var prefBranch = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIPrefBranch);
+ if (prefBranch.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground") != !aShifted)
+ tabbrowser.selectedTab = newTab;
+// Tree controller
+var treeView = {
+ treeBox: null,
+ selection: null,
+ get rowCount() { return gTreeData.length; },
+ setTree: function(treeBox) { this.treeBox = treeBox; },
+ getCellText: function(idx, column) { return gTreeData[idx].label; },
+ isContainer: function(idx) {
+ return gTreeData[idx] ? "open" in gTreeData[idx] : false;
+ },
+ getCellValue: function(idx, column){ return gTreeData[idx].checked; },
+ isContainerOpen: function(idx) { return gTreeData[idx].open; },
+ isContainerEmpty: function(idx) { return false; },
+ isSeparator: function(idx) { return false; },
+ isSorted: function() { return false; },
+ isEditable: function(idx, column) { return false; },
+ canDrop: function(idx, orientation, dt) { return false; },
+ getLevel: function(idx) { return this.isContainer(idx) ? 0 : 1; },
+ getParentIndex: function(idx) {
+ if (!this.isContainer(idx))
+ for (var t = idx - 1; t >= 0 ; t--)
+ if (this.isContainer(t))
+ return t;
+ return -1;
+ },
+ hasNextSibling: function(idx, after) {
+ var thisLevel = this.getLevel(idx);
+ for (var t = after + 1; t < gTreeData.length; t++)
+ if (this.getLevel(t) <= thisLevel)
+ return this.getLevel(t) == thisLevel;
+ return false;
+ },
+ toggleOpenState: function(idx) {
+ if (!this.isContainer(idx))
+ return;
+ var item = gTreeData[idx];
+ if ( {
+ // remove this window's tab rows from the view
+ var thisLevel = this.getLevel(idx);
+ for (var t = idx + 1; t < gTreeData.length && this.getLevel(t) > thisLevel; t++);
+ var deletecount = t - idx - 1;
+ gTreeData.splice(idx + 1, deletecount);
+ this.treeBox.rowCountChanged(idx + 1, -deletecount);
+ }
+ else {
+ // add this window's tab rows to the view
+ var toinsert = gTreeData[idx].tabs;
+ for (var i = 0; i < toinsert.length; i++)
+ gTreeData.splice(idx + i + 1, 0, toinsert[i]);
+ this.treeBox.rowCountChanged(idx + 1, toinsert.length);
+ }
+ = !;
+ this.treeBox.invalidateRow(idx);
+ },
+ getCellProperties: function(idx, column) {
+ if ( == "restore" && this.isContainer(idx) && gTreeData[idx].checked === 0)
+ return "partial";
+ if ( == "title")
+ return this.getImageSrc(idx, column) ? "icon" : "noicon";
+ return "";
+ },
+ getRowProperties: function(idx) {
+ var winState = gTreeData[idx].parent || gTreeData[idx];
+ if (winState.ix % 2 != 0)
+ return "alternate";
+ return "";
+ },
+ getImageSrc: function(idx, column) {
+ if ( == "title")
+ return gTreeData[idx].src || null;
+ return null;
+ },
+ getProgressMode : function(idx, column) { },
+ cycleHeader: function(column) { },
+ cycleCell: function(idx, column) { },
+ selectionChanged: function() { },
+ performAction: function(action) { },
+ performActionOnCell: function(action, index, column) { },
+ getColumnProperties: function(column) { return ""; }
diff --git a/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/aboutSessionRestore.xhtml b/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/aboutSessionRestore.xhtml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bcd9084e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/aboutSessionRestore.xhtml
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+# file, You can obtain one at
+<!DOCTYPE html [
+ <!ENTITY % htmlDTD PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
+ %htmlDTD;
+ <!ENTITY % netErrorDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/netError.dtd">
+ %netErrorDTD;
+ <!ENTITY % globalDTD SYSTEM "chrome://global/locale/global.dtd">
+ %globalDTD;
+ <!ENTITY % restorepageDTD SYSTEM "chrome://browser/locale/aboutSessionRestore.dtd">
+ %restorepageDTD;
+<html xmlns="" xmlns:xul="">
+ <head>
+ <title>&restorepage.tabtitle;</title>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://global/skin/in-content/info-pages.css" type="text/css" media="all"/>
+ <link rel="stylesheet" href="chrome://browser/skin/aboutSessionRestore.css" type="text/css" media="all"/>
+ <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="chrome://global/skin/icons/warning-16.png"/>
+ <script type="application/javascript;version=1.8" src="chrome://browser/content/aboutSessionRestore.js"/>
+ </head>
+ <body dir="&locale.dir;">
+ <div class="container restore-chosen">
+ <div class="title">
+ <h1 class="title-text">&restorepage.errorTitle;</h1>
+ </div>
+ <div class="description">
+ <p>&restorepage.problemDesc;</p>
+ <div id="errorLongDesc">
+ <p>&restorepage.tryThis;</p>
+ <ul>
+ <li>&restorepage.restoreSome;</li>
+ <li>&restorepage.startNew;</li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="tree-container" available="true">
+ <xul:tree id="tabList" seltype="single" hidecolumnpicker="true"
+ onclick="onListClick(event);" onkeydown="onListKeyDown(event);"
+ _window_label="&restorepage.windowLabel;">
+ <xul:treecols>
+ <xul:treecol cycler="true" id="restore" type="checkbox" label="&restorepage.restoreHeader;"/>
+ <xul:splitter class="tree-splitter"/>
+ <xul:treecol primary="true" id="title" label="&restorepage.listHeader;" flex="1"/>
+ </xul:treecols>
+ <xul:treechildren flex="1"/>
+ </xul:tree>
+ </div>
+ <div class="button-container">
+#ifdef XP_UNIX
+ <xul:button id="errorCancel"
+ label="&restorepage.closeButton;"
+ accesskey="&restorepage.close.access;"
+ oncommand="startNewSession();"/>
+ <xul:button class="primary"
+ id="errorTryAgain"
+ label="&restorepage.tryagainButton;"
+ accesskey="&restorepage.restore.access;"
+ oncommand="restoreSession();"/>
+ <xul:button class="primary"
+ id="errorTryAgain"
+ label="&restorepage.tryagainButton;"
+ accesskey="&restorepage.restore.access;"
+ oncommand="restoreSession();"/>
+ <xul:button id="errorCancel"
+ label="&restorepage.closeButton;"
+ accesskey="&restorepage.close.access;"
+ oncommand="startNewSession();"/>
+ </div>
+ <!-- holds the session data for when the tab is closed -->
+ <input type="text" id="sessionData" style="display: none;"/>
+ </div>
+ </body>
diff --git a/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/content-sessionStore.js b/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/content-sessionStore.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..858e35750
--- /dev/null
+++ b/application/basilisk/components/sessionstore/content/content-sessionStore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,897 @@
+/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at */
+"use strict";
+function debug(msg) {
+ Services.console.logStringMessage("SessionStoreContent: " + msg);
+var Cu = Components.utils;
+var Cc = Components.classes;
+var Ci = Components.interfaces;
+var Cr = Components.results;
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm", this);
+Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/Timer.jsm", this);
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "FormData",
+ "resource://gre/modules/FormData.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "Preferences",
+ "resource://gre/modules/Preferences.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "DocShellCapabilities",
+ "resource:///modules/sessionstore/DocShellCapabilities.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "PageStyle",
+ "resource:///modules/sessionstore/PageStyle.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "ScrollPosition",
+ "resource://gre/modules/ScrollPosition.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SessionHistory",
+ "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionHistory.jsm");
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetter(this, "SessionStorage",
+ "resource:///modules/sessionstore/SessionStorage.jsm");
+Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/FrameTree.jsm", this);
+var gFrameTree = new FrameTree(this);
+Cu.import("resource:///modules/sessionstore/ContentRestore.jsm", this);
+XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, 'gContentRestore',
+ () => { return new ContentRestore(this) });
+// The current epoch.
+var gCurrentEpoch = 0;
+// A bound to the size of data to store for DOM Storage.
+const DOM_STORAGE_MAX_CHARS = 10000000; // 10M characters
+// This pref controls whether or not we send updates to the parent on a timeout
+// or not, and should only be used for tests or debugging.
+const TIMEOUT_DISABLED_PREF = "browser.sessionstore.debug.no_auto_updates";
+const kNoIndex = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER;
+const kLastIndex = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - 1;
+ * Returns a lazy function that will evaluate the given
+ * function |fn| only once and cache its return value.
+ */
+function createLazy(fn) {
+ let cached = false;
+ let cachedValue = null;
+ return function lazy() {
+ if (!cached) {
+ cachedValue = fn();
+ cached = true;
+ }
+ return cachedValue;
+ };
+ * Listens for and handles content events that we need for the
+ * session store service to be notified of state changes in content.
+ */
+var EventListener = {
+ init: function () {
+ addEventListener("load", this, true);
+ },
+ handleEvent: function (event) {
+ // Ignore load events from subframes.
+ if ( != content.document) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (content.document.documentURI.startsWith("about:reader")) {
+ if (event.type == "load" &&
+ !content.document.body.classList.contains("loaded")) {
+ // Don't restore the scroll position of an about:reader page at this
+ // point; listen for the custom event dispatched from AboutReader.jsm.
+ content.addEventListener("AboutReaderContentReady", this);
+ return;
+ }
+ content.removeEventListener("AboutReaderContentReady", this);
+ }
+ // Restore the form data and scroll position. If we're not currently
+ // restoring a tab state then this call will simply be a noop.
+ gContentRestore.restoreDocument();
+ }
+ * Listens for and handles messages sent by the session store service.
+ */
+var MessageListener = {
+ "SessionStore:restoreHistory",
+ "SessionStore:restoreTabContent",
+ "SessionStore:resetRestore",
+ "SessionStore:flush",
+ ],
+ init: function () {
+ this.MESSAGES.forEach(m => addMessageListener(m, this));
+ },
+ receiveMessage: function ({name, data}) {
+ // The docShell might be gone. Don't process messages,
+ // that will just lead to errors anyway.
+ if (!docShell) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // A fresh tab always starts with epoch=0. The parent has the ability to
+ // override that to signal a new era in this tab's life. This enables it
+ // to ignore async messages that were already sent but not yet received
+ // and would otherwise confuse the internal tab state.
+ if (data.epoch && data.epoch != gCurrentEpoch) {
+ gCurrentEpoch = data.epoch;
+ }
+ switch (name) {
+ case "SessionStore:restoreHistory":
+ this.restoreHistory(data);
+ break;
+ case "SessionStore:restoreTabContent":
+ this.restoreTabContent(data);
+ break;
+ case "SessionStore:resetRestore":
+ gContentRestore.resetRestore();
+ break;
+ case "SessionStore:flush":
+ this.flush(data);
+ break;
+ default:
+ debug("received unknown message '" + name + "'");
+ break;
+ }
+ },
+ restoreHistory({epoch, tabData, loadArguments, isRemotenessUpdate}) {
+ gContentRestore.restoreHistory(tabData, loadArguments, {
+ // Note: The callbacks passed here will only be used when a load starts
+ // that was not initiated by sessionstore itself. This can happen when
+ // some code calls browser.loadURI() or browser.reload() on a pending
+ // browser/tab.
+ onLoadStarted() {
+ // Notify the parent that the tab is no longer pending.
+ sendSyncMessage("SessionStore:restoreTabContentStarted", {epoch});
+ },
+ onLoadFinished() {
+ // Tell SessionStore.jsm that it may want to restore some more tabs,
+ // since it restores a max of MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_RESTORES at a time.
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:restoreTabContentComplete", {epoch});
+ }
+ });
+ // When restoreHistory finishes, we send a synchronous message to
+ // SessionStore.jsm so that it can run SSTabRestoring. Users of
+ // SSTabRestoring seem to get confused if chrome and content are out of
+ // sync about the state of the restore (particularly regarding
+ // docShell.currentURI). Using a synchronous message is the easiest way
+ // to temporarily synchronize them.
+ sendSyncMessage("SessionStore:restoreHistoryComplete", {epoch, isRemotenessUpdate});
+ },
+ restoreTabContent({loadArguments, isRemotenessUpdate}) {
+ let epoch = gCurrentEpoch;
+ // We need to pass the value of didStartLoad back to SessionStore.jsm.
+ let didStartLoad = gContentRestore.restoreTabContent(loadArguments, isRemotenessUpdate, () => {
+ // Tell SessionStore.jsm that it may want to restore some more tabs,
+ // since it restores a max of MAX_CONCURRENT_TAB_RESTORES at a time.
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:restoreTabContentComplete", {epoch, isRemotenessUpdate});
+ });
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:restoreTabContentStarted", {epoch, isRemotenessUpdate});
+ if (!didStartLoad) {
+ // Pretend that the load succeeded so that event handlers fire correctly.
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:restoreTabContentComplete", {epoch, isRemotenessUpdate});
+ }
+ },
+ flush({id}) {
+ // Flush the message queue, send the latest updates.
+ MessageQueue.send({flushID: id});
+ }
+ * Listens for changes to the session history. Whenever the user navigates
+ * we will collect URLs and everything belonging to session history.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent that contains the current
+ * session history.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * {entries: [{url: "about:mozilla", ...}, ...], index: 1}
+ */
+var SessionHistoryListener = {
+ init: function () {
+ // The frame tree observer is needed to handle initial subframe loads.
+ // It will redundantly invalidate with the SHistoryListener in some cases
+ // but these invalidations are very cheap.
+ gFrameTree.addObserver(this);
+ // By adding the SHistoryListener immediately, we will unfortunately be
+ // notified of every history entry as the tab is restored. We don't bother
+ // waiting to add the listener later because these notifications are cheap.
+ // We will likely only collect once since we are batching collection on
+ // a delay.
+ docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation).sessionHistory.
+ addSHistoryListener(this);
+ // Collect data if we start with a non-empty shistory.
+ if (!SessionHistory.isEmpty(docShell)) {
+ this.collect();
+ // When a tab is detached from the window, for the new window there is a
+ // new SessionHistoryListener created. Normally it is empty at this point
+ // but in a test env. the initial about:blank might have a children in which
+ // case we fire off a history message here with about:blank in it. If we
+ // don't do it ASAP then there is going to be a browser swap and the parent
+ // will be all confused by that message.
+ MessageQueue.send();
+ }
+ // Listen for page title changes.
+ addEventListener("DOMTitleChanged", this);
+ },
+ uninit: function () {
+ let sessionHistory = docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation).sessionHistory;
+ if (sessionHistory) {
+ sessionHistory.removeSHistoryListener(this);
+ }
+ },
+ collect: function () {
+ this._fromIdx = kNoIndex;
+ if (docShell) {
+ MessageQueue.push("history", () => SessionHistory.collect(docShell));
+ }
+ },
+ _fromIdx: kNoIndex,
+ // History can grow relatively big with the nested elements, so if we don't have to, we
+ // don't want to send the entire history all the time. For a simple optimization
+ // we keep track of the smallest index from after any change has occured and we just send
+ // the elements from that index. If something more complicated happens we just clear it
+ // and send the entire history. We always send the additional info like the current selected
+ // index (so for going back and forth between history entries we set the index to kLastIndex
+ // if nothing else changed send an empty array and the additonal info like the selected index)
+ collectFrom: function (idx) {
+ if (this._fromIdx <= idx) {
+ // If we already know that we need to update history fromn index N we can ignore any changes
+ // tha happened with an element with index larger than N.
+ // Note: initially we use kNoIndex which is MAX_SAFE_INTEGER which means we don't ignore anything
+ // here, and in case of navigation in the history back and forth we use kLastIndex which ignores
+ // only the subsequent navigations, but not any new elements added.
+ return;
+ }
+ this._fromIdx = idx;
+ MessageQueue.push("historychange", () => {
+ if (this._fromIdx === kNoIndex) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ let history = SessionHistory.collect(docShell);
+ if (kLastIndex == idx) {
+ history.entries = [];
+ } else {
+ history.entries.splice(0, this._fromIdx + 1);
+ }
+ history.fromIdx = this._fromIdx;
+ this._fromIdx = kNoIndex;
+ return history;
+ });
+ },
+ handleEvent(event) {
+ this.collect();
+ },
+ onFrameTreeCollected: function () {
+ this.collect();
+ },
+ onFrameTreeReset: function () {
+ this.collect();
+ },
+ OnHistoryNewEntry: function (newURI, oldIndex) {
+ this.collectFrom(oldIndex);
+ },
+ OnHistoryGoBack: function (backURI) {
+ this.collectFrom(kLastIndex);
+ return true;
+ },
+ OnHistoryGoForward: function (forwardURI) {
+ this.collectFrom(kLastIndex);
+ return true;
+ },
+ OnHistoryGotoIndex: function (index, gotoURI) {
+ this.collectFrom(kLastIndex);
+ return true;
+ },
+ OnHistoryPurge: function (numEntries) {
+ this.collect();
+ return true;
+ },
+ OnHistoryReload: function (reloadURI, reloadFlags) {
+ this.collect();
+ return true;
+ },
+ OnHistoryReplaceEntry: function (index) {
+ this.collect();
+ },
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([
+ Ci.nsISHistoryListener,
+ Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference
+ ])
+ * Listens for scroll position changes. Whenever the user scrolls the top-most
+ * frame we update the scroll position and will restore it when requested.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent that contains the current
+ * scroll positions as a tree of strings. If no frame of the whole frame tree
+ * is scrolled this will return null so that we don't tack a property onto
+ * the tabData object in the parent process.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * {scroll: "100,100", children: [null, null, {scroll: "200,200"}]}
+ */
+var ScrollPositionListener = {
+ init: function () {
+ addEventListener("scroll", this);
+ gFrameTree.addObserver(this);
+ },
+ handleEvent: function (event) {
+ let frame =;
+ // Don't collect scroll data for frames created at or after the load event
+ // as SessionStore can't restore scroll data for those.
+ if (gFrameTree.contains(frame)) {
+ MessageQueue.push("scroll", () => this.collect());
+ }
+ },
+ onFrameTreeCollected: function () {
+ MessageQueue.push("scroll", () => this.collect());
+ },
+ onFrameTreeReset: function () {
+ MessageQueue.push("scroll", () => null);
+ },
+ collect: function () {
+ return;
+ }
+ * Listens for changes to input elements. Whenever the value of an input
+ * element changes we will re-collect data for the current frame tree and send
+ * a message to the parent process.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent that contains the form data
+ * for all reachable frames.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * {
+ * formdata: {url: "", id: {input_id: "input value"}},
+ * children: [
+ * null,
+ * {url: "", id: {input_id: "input value 2"}}
+ * ]
+ * }
+ */
+var FormDataListener = {
+ init: function () {
+ addEventListener("input", this, true);
+ addEventListener("change", this, true);
+ gFrameTree.addObserver(this);
+ },
+ handleEvent: function (event) {
+ let frame =;
+ // Don't collect form data for frames created at or after the load event
+ // as SessionStore can't restore form data for those.
+ if (gFrameTree.contains(frame)) {
+ MessageQueue.push("formdata", () => this.collect());
+ }
+ },
+ onFrameTreeReset: function () {
+ MessageQueue.push("formdata", () => null);
+ },
+ collect: function () {
+ return;
+ }
+ * Listens for changes to the page style. Whenever a different page style is
+ * selected or author styles are enabled/disabled we send a message with the
+ * currently applied style to the chrome process.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent that contains the currently
+ * selected pageStyle for all reachable frames.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ * {pageStyle: "Dusk", children: [null, {pageStyle: "Mozilla"}]}
+ */
+var PageStyleListener = {
+ init: function () {
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "author-style-disabled-changed", false);
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "style-sheet-applicable-state-changed", false);
+ gFrameTree.addObserver(this);
+ },
+ uninit: function () {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "author-style-disabled-changed");
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "style-sheet-applicable-state-changed");
+ },
+ observe: function (subject, topic) {
+ let frame = subject.defaultView;
+ if (frame && gFrameTree.contains(frame)) {
+ MessageQueue.push("pageStyle", () => this.collect());
+ }
+ },
+ collect: function () {
+ return PageStyle.collect(docShell, gFrameTree);
+ },
+ onFrameTreeCollected: function () {
+ MessageQueue.push("pageStyle", () => this.collect());
+ },
+ onFrameTreeReset: function () {
+ MessageQueue.push("pageStyle", () => null);
+ }
+ * Listens for changes to docShell capabilities. Whenever a new load is started
+ * we need to re-check the list of capabilities and send message when it has
+ * changed.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent that contains the currently
+ * disabled docShell capabilities (all nsIDocShell.allow* properties set to
+ * false) as a string - i.e. capability names separate by commas.
+ */
+var DocShellCapabilitiesListener = {
+ /**
+ * This field is used to compare the last docShell capabilities to the ones
+ * that have just been collected. If nothing changed we won't send a message.
+ */
+ _latestCapabilities: "",
+ init: function () {
+ gFrameTree.addObserver(this);
+ },
+ /**
+ * onFrameTreeReset() is called as soon as we start loading a page.
+ */
+ onFrameTreeReset: function() {
+ // The order of docShell capabilities cannot change while we're running
+ // so calling join() without sorting before is totally sufficient.
+ let caps = DocShellCapabilities.collect(docShell).join(",");
+ // Send new data only when the capability list changes.
+ if (caps != this._latestCapabilities) {
+ this._latestCapabilities = caps;
+ MessageQueue.push("disallow", () => caps || null);
+ }
+ }
+ * Listens for changes to the DOMSessionStorage. Whenever new keys are added,
+ * existing ones removed or changed, or the storage is cleared we will send a
+ * message to the parent process containing up-to-date sessionStorage data.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent that contains the current
+ * DOMSessionStorage contents. The data is a nested object using host names
+ * as keys and per-host DOMSessionStorage data as values.
+ */
+var SessionStorageListener = {
+ init: function () {
+ addEventListener("MozSessionStorageChanged", this, true);
+ Services.obs.addObserver(this, "browser:purge-domain-data", false);
+ gFrameTree.addObserver(this);
+ },
+ uninit: function () {
+ Services.obs.removeObserver(this, "browser:purge-domain-data");
+ },
+ handleEvent: function (event) {
+ if (gFrameTree.contains( {
+ this.collectFromEvent(event);
+ }
+ },
+ observe: function () {
+ // Collect data on the next tick so that any other observer
+ // that needs to purge data can do its work first.
+ setTimeout(() => this.collect(), 0);
+ },
+ // Before DOM Storage can be written to disk, it needs to be serialized
+ // for sending across frames/processes, then again to be sent across
+ // threads, then again to be put in a buffer for the disk. Each of these
+ // serializations is an opportunity to OOM and (depending on the site of
+ // the OOM), either crash, lose all data for the frame or lose all data
+ // for the application.
+ //
+ // In order to avoid this, compute an estimate of the size of the
+ // object, and block SessionStorage items that are too large. As
+ // we also don't want to cause an OOM here, we use a quick and memory-
+ // efficient approximation: we compute the total sum of string lengths
+ // involved in this object.
+ estimateStorageSize: function(collected) {
+ if (!collected) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ let size = 0;
+ for (let host of Object.keys(collected)) {
+ size += host.length;
+ let perHost = collected[host];
+ for (let key of Object.keys(perHost)) {
+ size += key.length;
+ let perKey = perHost[key];
+ size += perKey.length;
+ }
+ }
+ return size;
+ },
+ // We don't want to send all the session storage data for all the frames
+ // for every change. So if only a few value changed we send them over as
+ // a "storagechange" event. If however for some reason before we send these
+ // changes we have to send over the entire sessions storage data, we just
+ // reset these changes.
+ _changes: undefined,
+ resetChanges: function () {
+ this._changes = undefined;
+ },
+ collectFromEvent: function (event) {
+ // TODO: we should take browser.sessionstore.dom_storage_limit into an account here.
+ if (docShell) {
+ let {url, key, newValue} = event;
+ let uri =, null, null);
+ let domain = uri.prePath;
+ if (!this._changes) {
+ this._changes = {};
+ }
+ if (!this._changes[domain]) {
+ this._changes[domain] = {};
+ }
+ this._changes[domain][key] = newValue;
+ MessageQueue.push("storagechange", () => {
+ let tmp = this._changes;
+ // If there were multiple changes we send them merged.
+ // First one will collect all the changes the rest of
+ // these messages will be ignored.
+ this.resetChanges();
+ return tmp;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ collect: function () {
+ if (docShell) {
+ // We need the entire session storage, let's reset the pending individual change
+ // messages.
+ this.resetChanges();
+ MessageQueue.push("storage", () => {
+ let collected = SessionStorage.collect(docShell, gFrameTree);
+ if (collected == null) {
+ return collected;
+ }
+ let size = this.estimateStorageSize(collected);
+ MessageQueue.push("telemetry", () => ({ FX_SESSION_RESTORE_DOM_STORAGE_SIZE_ESTIMATE_CHARS: size }));
+ if (size > Preferences.get("browser.sessionstore.dom_storage_limit", DOM_STORAGE_MAX_CHARS)) {
+ // Rather than keeping the old storage, which wouldn't match the rest
+ // of the state of the page, empty the storage. DOM storage will be
+ // recollected the next time and stored if it is now small enough.
+ return {};
+ }
+ return collected;
+ });
+ }
+ },
+ onFrameTreeCollected: function () {
+ this.collect();
+ },
+ onFrameTreeReset: function () {
+ this.collect();
+ }
+ * Listen for changes to the privacy status of the tab.
+ * By definition, tabs start in non-private mode.
+ *
+ * Causes a SessionStore:update message to be sent for
+ * field "isPrivate". This message contains
+ * |true| if the tab is now private
+ * |null| if the tab is now public - the field is therefore
+ * not saved.
+ */
+var PrivacyListener = {
+ init: function() {
+ docShell.addWeakPrivacyTransitionObserver(this);
+ // Check that value at startup as it might have
+ // been set before the frame script was loaded.
+ if (docShell.QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext).usePrivateBrowsing) {
+ MessageQueue.push("isPrivate", () => true);
+ }
+ },
+ // Ci.nsIPrivacyTransitionObserver
+ privateModeChanged: function(enabled) {
+ MessageQueue.push("isPrivate", () => enabled || null);
+ },
+ QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIPrivacyTransitionObserver,
+ Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference])
+ * A message queue that takes collected data and will take care of sending it
+ * to the chrome process. It allows flushing using synchronous messages and
+ * takes care of any race conditions that might occur because of that. Changes
+ * will be batched if they're pushed in quick succession to avoid a message
+ * flood.
+ */
+var MessageQueue = {
+ /**
+ * A map (string -> lazy fn) holding lazy closures of all queued data
+ * collection routines. These functions will return data collected from the
+ * docShell.
+ */
+ _data: new Map(),
+ /**
+ * The delay (in ms) used to delay sending changes after data has been
+ * invalidated.
+ */
+ /**
+ * The current timeout ID, null if there is no queue data. We use timeouts
+ * to damp a flood of data changes and send lots of changes as one batch.
+ */
+ _timeout: null,
+ /**
+ * Whether or not sending batched messages on a timer is disabled. This should
+ * only be used for debugging or testing. If you need to access this value,
+ * you should probably use the timeoutDisabled getter.
+ */
+ _timeoutDisabled: false,
+ /**
+ * True if batched messages are not being fired on a timer. This should only
+ * ever be true when debugging or during tests.
+ */
+ get timeoutDisabled() {
+ return this._timeoutDisabled;
+ },
+ /**
+ * Disables sending batched messages on a timer. Also cancels any pending
+ * timers.
+ */
+ set timeoutDisabled(val) {
+ this._timeoutDisabled = val;
+ if (val && this._timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+ this._timeout = null;
+ }
+ return val;
+ },
+ init() {
+ this.timeoutDisabled =
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TIMEOUT_DISABLED_PREF);
+ Services.prefs.addObserver(TIMEOUT_DISABLED_PREF, this, false);
+ },
+ uninit() {
+ Services.prefs.removeObserver(TIMEOUT_DISABLED_PREF, this);
+ },
+ observe(subject, topic, data) {
+ if (topic == "nsPref:changed" && data == TIMEOUT_DISABLED_PREF) {
+ this.timeoutDisabled =
+ Services.prefs.getBoolPref(TIMEOUT_DISABLED_PREF);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Pushes a given |value| onto the queue. The given |key| represents the type
+ * of data that is stored and can override data that has been queued before
+ * but has not been sent to the parent process, yet.
+ *
+ * @param key (string)
+ * A unique identifier specific to the type of data this is passed.
+ * @param fn (function)
+ * A function that returns the value that will be sent to the parent
+ * process.
+ */
+ push: function (key, fn) {
+ this._data.set(key, createLazy(fn));
+ if (!this._timeout && !this._timeoutDisabled) {
+ // Wait a little before sending the message to batch multiple changes.
+ this._timeout = setTimeout(() => this.send(), this.BATCH_DELAY_MS);
+ }
+ },
+ /**
+ * Sends queued data to the chrome process.
+ *
+ * @param options (object)
+ * {flushID: 123} to specify that this is a flush
+ * {isFinal: true} to signal this is the final message sent on unload
+ */
+ send: function (options = {}) {
+ // Looks like we have been called off a timeout after the tab has been
+ // closed. The docShell is gone now and we can just return here as there
+ // is nothing to do.
+ if (!docShell) {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (this._timeout) {
+ clearTimeout(this._timeout);
+ this._timeout = null;
+ }
+ let flushID = (options && options.flushID) || 0;
+ let durationMs =;
+ let data = {};
+ let telemetry = {};
+ for (let [key, func] of this._data) {
+ let value = func();
+ if (key == "telemetry") {
+ for (let histogramId of Object.keys(value)) {
+ telemetry[histogramId] = value[histogramId];
+ }
+ } else if (value || (key != "storagechange" && key != "historychange")) {
+ data[key] = value;
+ }
+ }
+ this._data.clear();
+ durationMs = - durationMs;
+ try {
+ // Send all data to the parent process.
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:update", {
+ data, telemetry, flushID,
+ isFinal: options.isFinal || false,
+ epoch: gCurrentEpoch
+ });
+ } catch (ex if ex && ex.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY) {
+ let telemetry = {
+ };
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:error", {
+ telemetry
+ });
+ }
+ },
+function handleRevivedTab() {
+ if (!content) {
+ removeEventListener("pagehide", handleRevivedTab);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (content.document.documentURI.startsWith("about:tabcrashed")) {
+ if (Services.appinfo.processType != Services.appinfo.PROCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
+ // Sanity check - we'd better be loading this in a non-remote browser.
+ throw new Error("We seem to be navigating away from about:tabcrashed in " +
+ "a non-remote browser. This should really never happen.");
+ }
+ removeEventListener("pagehide", handleRevivedTab);
+ // Notify the parent.
+ sendAsyncMessage("SessionStore:crashedTabRevived");
+ }
+// If we're browsing from the tab crashed UI to a blacklisted URI that keeps
+// this browser non-remote, we'll handle that in a pagehide event.
+addEventListener("pagehide", handleRevivedTab);
+addEventListener("unload", () => {
+ // Upon frameLoader destruction, send a final update message to
+ // the parent and flush all data currently held in the child.
+ MessageQueue.send({isFinal: true});
+ // If we're browsing from the tab crashed UI to a URI that causes the tab
+ // to go remote again, we catch this in the unload event handler, because
+ // swapping out the non-remote browser for a remote one in
+ // tabbrowser.xml's updateBrowserRemoteness doesn't cause the pagehide
+ // event to be fired.
+ handleRevivedTab();
+ // Remove all registered nsIObservers.
+ PageStyleListener.uninit();
+ SessionStorageListener.uninit();
+ SessionHistoryListener.uninit();
+ MessageQueue.uninit();
+ // Remove progress listeners.
+ gContentRestore.resetRestore();
+ // We don't need to take care of any gFrameTree observers as the gFrameTree
+ // will die with the content script. The same goes for the privacy transition
+ // observer that will die with the docShell when the tab is closed.