path: root/addon-sdk/source/test/test-content-script.js
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:51:36 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-10 02:51:36 -0500
commit37d5300335d81cecbecc99812747a657588c63eb (patch)
tree765efa3b6a56bb715d9813a8697473e120436278 /addon-sdk/source/test/test-content-script.js
parentb2bdac20c02b12f2057b9ef70b0a946113a00e00 (diff)
parent4fb11cd5966461bccc3ed1599b808237be6b0de9 (diff)
Merge branch 'ext-work'
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/test/test-content-script.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 845 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/test/test-content-script.js b/addon-sdk/source/test/test-content-script.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d3c7e1bbc..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/test/test-content-script.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,845 +0,0 @@
-/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
- * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
- * file, You can obtain one at */
-const hiddenFrames = require("sdk/frame/hidden-frame");
-const { create: makeFrame } = require("sdk/frame/utils");
-const { window } = require("sdk/addon/window");
-const { Loader } = require('sdk/test/loader');
-const { URL } = require("sdk/url");
-const testURI = require("./fixtures").url("test.html");
-const testHost = URL(testURI).scheme + '://' + URL(testURI).host;
- * Utility function that allow to easily run a proxy test with a clean
- * new HTML document. See first unit test for usage.
- */
-function createProxyTest(html, callback) {
- return function (assert, done) {
- let url = 'data:text/html;charset=utf-8,' + encodeURIComponent(html);
- let principalLoaded = false;
- let element = makeFrame(window.document, {
- nodeName: "iframe",
- type: "content",
- allowJavascript: true,
- allowPlugins: true,
- allowAuth: true,
- uri: testURI
- });
- element.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMReady, false);
- function onDOMReady() {
- // Reload frame after getting principal from `testURI`
- if (!principalLoaded) {
- element.setAttribute("src", url);
- principalLoaded = true;
- return;
- }
- assert.equal(element.getAttribute("src"), url, "correct URL loaded");
- element.removeEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", onDOMReady,
- false);
- let xrayWindow = element.contentWindow;
- let rawWindow = xrayWindow.wrappedJSObject;
- let isDone = false;
- let helper = {
- xrayWindow: xrayWindow,
- rawWindow: rawWindow,
- createWorker: function (contentScript) {
- return createWorker(assert, xrayWindow, contentScript, helper.done);
- },
- done: function () {
- if (isDone)
- return;
- isDone = true;
- element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
- done();
- }
- };
- callback(helper, assert);
- }
- };
-function createWorker(assert, xrayWindow, contentScript, done) {
- let loader = Loader(module);
- let Worker = loader.require("sdk/content/worker").Worker;
- let worker = Worker({
- window: xrayWindow,
- contentScript: [
- 'new ' + function () {
- assert = function assert(v, msg) {
- self.port.emit("assert", {assertion:v, msg:msg});
- }
- done = function done() {
- self.port.emit("done");
- }
- },
- contentScript
- ]
- });
- worker.port.on("done", done);
- worker.port.on("assert", function (data) {
- assert.ok(data.assertion, data.msg);
- });
- return worker;
-/* Examples for the `createProxyTest` uses */
-var html = "<script>var documentGlobal = true</script>";
-exports["test Create Proxy Test"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper, assert) {
- // You can get access to regular `test` object in second argument of
- // `createProxyTest` method:
- assert.ok(helper.rawWindow.documentGlobal,
- "You have access to a raw window reference via `helper.rawWindow`");
- assert.ok(!("documentGlobal" in helper.xrayWindow),
- "You have access to an XrayWrapper reference via `helper.xrayWindow`");
- // If you do not create a Worker, you have to call helper.done(),
- // in order to say when your test is finished
- helper.done();
-exports["test Create Proxy Test With Worker"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- "new " + function WorkerScope() {
- assert(true, "You can do assertions in your content script");
- // And if you create a worker, you either have to call `done`
- // from content script or helper.done()
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Create Proxy Test With Events"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper, assert) {
- let worker = helper.createWorker(
- "new " + function WorkerScope() {
- self.port.emit("foo");
- }
- );
- worker.port.on("foo", function () {
- assert.pass("You can use events");
- // And terminate your test with helper.done:
- helper.done();
- });
-/* Disabled due to bug 1038432
-// Bug 714778: There was some issue around `toString` functions
-// that ended up being shared between content scripts
-exports["test Shared To String Proxies"] = createProxyTest("", function(helper) {
- let worker = helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // We ensure that `toString` can't be modified so that nothing could
- // leak to/from the document and between content scripts
- // It only applies to JS proxies, there isn't any such issue with xrays.
- //document.location.toString = function foo() {};
- = "bar";
- assert("foo" in document.location.toString, "document.location.toString can be modified");
- assert(document.location.toString() == "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,",
- "First document.location.toString()");
- self.postMessage("next");
- }
- );
- worker.on("message", function () {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope2() {
- assert(!("foo" in document.location.toString),
- "document.location.toString is different for each content script");
- assert(document.location.toString() == "data:text/html;charset=utf-8,",
- "Second document.location.toString()");
- done();
- }
- );
- });
-// Ensure that postMessage is working correctly across documents with an iframe
-var html = '<iframe id="iframe" name="test" src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8," />';
-exports["test postMessage"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper, assert) {
- let ifWindow = helper.xrayWindow.document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow;
- // Listen without proxies, to check that it will work in regular case
- // simulate listening from a web document.
- ifWindow.addEventListener("message", function listener(event) {
- ifWindow.removeEventListener("message", listener, false);
- // As we are in system principal, event is an XrayWrapper
- // xrays use current compartments when calling postMessage method.
- // Whereas js proxies was using postMessage method compartment,
- // not the caller one.
- assert.strictEqual(event.source, helper.xrayWindow,
- "event.source is the top window");
- assert.equal(event.origin, testHost, "origin matches testHost");
- assert.equal(, "{\"foo\":\"bar\\n \\\"escaped\\\".\"}",
- "message data is correct");
- helper.done();
- }, false);
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- var json = JSON.stringify({foo : "bar\n \"escaped\"."});
- document.getElementById("iframe").contentWindow.postMessage(json, "*");
- }
- );
-var html = '<input id="input2" type="checkbox" />';
-exports["test Object Listener"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Test objects being given as event listener
- let input = document.getElementById("input2");
- let myClickListener = {
- called: false,
- handleEvent: function(event) {
- assert(this === myClickListener, "`this` is the original object");
- assert(!this.called, "called only once");
- this.called = true;
- assert(, input, " is the wrapped window");
- done();
- }
- };
- window.addEventListener("click", myClickListener, true);
- window.removeEventListener("click", myClickListener, true);
- }
- );
-exports["test Object Listener 2"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- ('new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // variable replaced with `testHost`
- let testHost = "TOKEN";
- // Verify object as DOM event listener
- let myMessageListener = {
- called: false,
- handleEvent: function(event) {
- window.removeEventListener("message", myMessageListener, true);
- assert(this == myMessageListener, "`this` is the original object");
- assert(!this.called, "called only once");
- this.called = true;
- assert( == document.defaultView, " is the wrapped window");
- assert(event.source == document.defaultView, "event.source is the wrapped window");
- assert(event.origin == testHost, "origin matches testHost");
- assert( == "ok", "message data is correct");
- done();
- }
- };
- window.addEventListener("message", myMessageListener, true);
- document.defaultView.postMessage("ok", '*');
- }
- ).replace("TOKEN", testHost));
-var html = '<input id="input" type="text" /><input id="input3" type="checkbox" />' +
- '<input id="input2" type="checkbox" />';
-exports.testStringOverload = createProxyTest(html, function (helper, assert) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // RightJS is hacking around String.prototype, and do similar thing:
- // Pass `this` from a String prototype method.
- // It is funny because typeof this == "object"!
- // So that when we pass `this` to a native method,
- // our proxy code can fail on another even more crazy thing.
- // See following test to see what fails around proxies.
- String.prototype.update = function () {
- assert(typeof this == "object", "in update, `this` is an object");
- assert(this.toString() == "input", "in update, `this.toString works");
- return document.querySelectorAll(this);
- };
- assert("input".update().length == 3, "String.prototype overload works");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Element.matches()"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Check matches XrayWrappers bug (Bug 658909):
- // Test that Element.matches() does not return bad results when we are
- // not calling it from the node itself.
- assert(document.createElement( "div" ).matches("div"),
- "matches works while being called from the node");
- assert(
- document.createElement( "div" ),
- "div"
- ),
- "matches works while being called from a " +
- "function reference to " +
- "");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Events Overload"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // If we add a "____proxy" attribute on XrayWrappers in order to store
- // the related proxy to create an unique proxy for each wrapper;
- // we end up setting this attribute to prototype objects :x
- // And so, instances created with such prototype will be considered
- // as equal to the prototype ...
- // // Internal method that return the proxy for a given XrayWrapper
- // function proxify(obj) {
- // if (obj._proxy) return obj._proxy;
- // return obj._proxy = Proxy.create(...);
- // }
- //
- // // Get a proxy of an XrayWrapper prototype object
- // let proto = proxify(xpcProto);
- //
- // // Use this proxy as a prototype
- // function Constr() {}
- // Constr.proto = proto;
- //
- // // Try to create an instance using this prototype
- // let xpcInstance = new Constr();
- // let wrapper = proxify(xpcInstance)
- //
- // xpcProto._proxy = proto and as xpcInstance.__proto__ = xpcProto,
- // xpcInstance._proxy = proto ... and profixy(xpcInstance) = proto :(
- //
- let proto = window.document.createEvent('HTMLEvents').__proto__;
- window.Event.prototype = proto;
- let event = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
- assert(event !== proto, "Event should not be equal to its prototype");
- event.initEvent('dataavailable', true, true);
- assert(event.type === 'dataavailable', "Events are working fine");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Nested Attributes"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // XrayWrappers has a bug when you set an attribute on it,
- // in some cases, it creates an unnecessary wrapper that introduces
- // a different object that refers to the same original object
- // Check that our wrappers don't reproduce this bug
- // SEE BUG 658560: Fix identity problem with CrossOriginWrappers
- let o = {sandboxObject:true};
- window.nested = o;
- = true;
- assert(o === window.nested, "Nested attribute to sandbox object should not be proxified");
- window.nested = document;
- assert(window.nested === document, "Nested attribute to proxy should not be double proxified");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Form nodeName"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- let body = document.body;
- // Check form[nodeName]
- let form = document.createElement("form");
- let input = document.createElement("input");
- input.setAttribute("name", "test");
- form.appendChild(input);
- body.appendChild(form);
- assert(form.test == input, "form[nodeName] is valid");
- body.removeChild(form);
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test localStorage"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper, assert) {
- let worker = helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Check localStorage:
- assert(window.localStorage, "has access to localStorage");
- = 1;
- assert( == 1, "localStorage appears to work");
- self.port.on("step2", function () {
- window.localStorage.clear();
- assert( == undefined, "localStorage really, really works");
- done();
- });
- self.port.emit("step1");
- }
- );
- worker.port.on("step1", function () {
- assert.equal(, 1, "localStorage really works");
- worker.port.emit("step2");
- });
-exports["test Auto Unwrap Custom Attributes"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- let body = document.body;
- // Setting a custom object to a proxy attribute is not wrapped when we get it afterward
- let object = {custom: true, enumerable: false};
- body.customAttribute = object;
- assert(object === body.customAttribute, "custom JS attributes are not wrapped");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Object Tag"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // <object>, <embed> and other tags return typeof 'function'
- let flash = document.createElement("object");
- assert(typeof flash == "function", "<object> is typeof 'function'");
- assert(flash.toString().match(/\[object HTMLObjectElement.*\]/), "<object> is HTMLObjectElement");
- assert("setAttribute" in flash, "<object> has a setAttribute method");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Highlight toString Behavior"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper, assert) {
- // We do not have any workaround this particular use of toString
- // applied on <object> elements. So disable this test until we found one!
- //assert.equal(, "[object HTMLObjectElement]", "<object> is HTMLObjectElement");
- function f() {};
- let funToString =;
- assert.ok(/\[object Function.*\]/.test(funToString), "functions are functions 1");
- // This is how jquery call toString:
- let strToString ="");
- assert.ok(/\[object String.*\]/.test(strToString), "strings are strings");
- let o = {__exposedProps__:{}};
- let objToString =;
- assert.ok(/\[object Object.*\]/.test(objToString), "objects are objects");
- // Make sure to pass a function from the same compartments
- // or toString will return [object Object] on FF8+
- let f2 = helper.rawWindow.eval("(function () {})");
- let funToString2 =;
- assert.ok(/\[object Function.*\]/.test(funToString2), "functions are functions 2");
- helper.done();
-exports["test Document TagName"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- let body = document.body;
- // Check document[tagName]
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- div.setAttribute("name", "test");
- body.appendChild(div);
- assert(!document.test, "document[divName] is undefined");
- body.removeChild(div);
- let form = document.createElement("form");
- form.setAttribute("name", "test");
- body.appendChild(form);
- assert(document.test == form, "document[formName] is valid");
- body.removeChild(form);
- let img = document.createElement("img");
- img.setAttribute("name", "test");
- body.appendChild(img);
- assert(document.test == img, "document[imgName] is valid");
- body.removeChild(img);
- done();
- }
- );
-var html = '<iframe id="iframe" name="test" src="data:text/html;charset=utf-8," />';
-exports["test Window Frames"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'let glob = this; new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Check window[frameName] and window.frames[i]
- let iframe = document.getElementById("iframe");
- //assert(window.frames.length == 1, "The iframe is reported in window.frames check1");
- //assert(window.frames[0] == iframe.contentWindow, "The iframe is reported in window.frames check2");
- assert(window.test == iframe.contentWindow, "window[frameName] is valid");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Collections"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Highlight XPCNativeWrapper bug with HTMLCollection
- // tds[0] is only defined on first access :o
- let body = document.body;
- let div = document.createElement("div");
- body.appendChild(div);
- div.innerHTML = "<table><tr><td style='padding:0;border:0;display:none'></td><td>t</td></tr></table>";
- let tds = div.getElementsByTagName("td");
- assert(tds[0] == tds[0], "We can get array element multiple times");
- body.removeChild(div);
- done();
- }
- );
-var html = '<input id="input" type="text" /><input id="input3" type="checkbox" />' +
- '<input id="input2" type="checkbox" />';
-exports["test Collections 2"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Verify that NodeList/HTMLCollection are working fine
- let body = document.body;
- let inputs = body.getElementsByTagName("input");
- assert(body.childNodes.length == 3, "body.childNodes length is correct");
- assert(inputs.length == 3, "inputs.length is correct");
- assert(body.childNodes[0] == inputs[0], "body.childNodes[0] is correct");
- assert(body.childNodes[1] == inputs[1], "body.childNodes[1] is correct");
- assert(body.childNodes[2] == inputs[2], "body.childNodes[2] is correct");
- let count = 0;
- for(let i in body.childNodes) {
- count++;
- }
- assert(count >= 3, "body.childNodes is iterable");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test XMLHttpRequest"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // XMLHttpRequest doesn't support XMLHttpRequest.apply,
- // that may break our proxy code
- assert(new window.XMLHttpRequest(), "we are able to instantiate XMLHttpRequest object");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test XPathResult"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper, assert) {
- const XPathResultTypes = ["ANY_TYPE",
- // Check XPathResult bug with constants being undefined on XPCNativeWrapper
- let xpcXPathResult = helper.xrayWindow.XPathResult;
- XPathResultTypes.forEach(function(type, i) {
- assert.equal(xpcXPathResult.wrappedJSObject[type],
- helper.rawWindow.XPathResult[type],
- "XPathResult's constants are valid on unwrapped node");
- assert.equal(xpcXPathResult[type], i,
- "XPathResult's constants are defined on " +
- "XPCNativeWrapper (platform bug #)");
- });
- let value = helper.rawWindow.XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE;
- let worker = helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- self.port.on("value", function (value) {
- // Check that our work around is working:
- assert(window.XPathResult.UNORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE === value,
- "XPathResult works correctly on Proxies");
- done();
- });
- }
- );
- worker.port.emit("value", value);
-exports["test Prototype Inheritance"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Verify that inherited prototype function like initEvent
- // are handled correctly. (e2.type will return an error if it's not the case)
- let event1 = document.createEvent( 'MouseEvents' );
- event1.initEvent( "click", true, true );
- let event2 = document.createEvent( 'MouseEvents' );
- event2.initEvent( "click", true, true );
- assert(event2.type == "click", "We are able to create an event");
- done();
- }
- );
-exports["test Functions"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.rawWindow.callFunction = function callFunction(f) {
- return f();
- };
- helper.rawWindow.isEqual = function isEqual(a, b) {
- return a == b;
- };
- // bug 784116: workaround in order to allow proxy code to cache proxies on
- // these functions:
- helper.rawWindow.callFunction.__exposedProps__ = {__proxy: 'rw'};
- helper.rawWindow.isEqual.__exposedProps__ = {__proxy: 'rw'};
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Check basic usage of functions
- let closure2 = function () {return "ok";};
- assert(window.wrappedJSObject.callFunction(closure2) == "ok", "Function references work");
- // Ensure that functions are cached when being wrapped to native code
- let closure = function () {};
- assert(window.wrappedJSObject.isEqual(closure, closure), "Function references are cached before being wrapped to native");
- done();
- }
- );
-var html = '<input id="input2" type="checkbox" />';
-exports["test Listeners"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Verify listeners:
- let input = document.getElementById("input2");
- assert(input, "proxy.getElementById works");
- function onclick() {};
- input.onclick = onclick;
- assert(input.onclick === onclick, "on* attributes are equal to original function set");
- let addEventListenerCalled = false;
- let expandoCalled = false;
- input.addEventListener("click", function onclick(event) {
- input.removeEventListener("click", onclick, true);
- assert(!addEventListenerCalled, "closure given to addEventListener is called once");
- if (addEventListenerCalled)
- return;
- addEventListenerCalled = true;
- assert(!, "event object is still wrapped and doesn't expose document globals");
- let input2 = document.getElementById("input2");
- input.onclick = function (event) {
- input.onclick = null;
- assert(!expandoCalled, "closure set to expando is called once");
- if (expandoCalled) return;
- expandoCalled = true;
- assert(!, "event object is still wrapped and doesn't expose document globals");
- setTimeout(function () {
- done();
- }, 0);
- }
- setTimeout(function () {
- }, 0);
- }, true);
- }
- );
-exports["test requestAnimationFrame"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- var self = (function() { return this; })();
- window.requestAnimationFrame(function callback() {
- assert(self == this, "self is equal to `this`");
- done();
- });
- }
- );
-exports["testGlobalScope"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'var toplevelScope = true;' +
- 'assert(window.toplevelScope, "variables in toplevel scope are set to `window` object");' +
- 'assert(this.toplevelScope, "variables in toplevel scope are set to `this` object");' +
- 'done();'
- );
-// Bug 715755: proxy code throw an exception on COW
-// Create an http server in order to simulate real cross domain documents
-exports["test Cross Domain Iframe"] = createProxyTest("", function (helper) {
- let serverPort = 8099;
- let server = require("./lib/httpd").startServerAsync(serverPort);
- server.registerPathHandler("/", function handle(request, response) {
- // Returns the webpage that receive a message and forward it back to its
- // parent document by appending ' world'.
- let content = "<html><head><meta charset='utf-8'></head>\n";
- content += "<script>\n";
- content += " window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {\n";
- content += " parent.postMessage( + ' world', '*');\n";
- content += " }, true);\n";
- content += "</script>\n";
- content += "<body></body>\n";
- content += "</html>\n";
- response.write(content);
- });
- let worker = helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- // Waits for the server page url
- self.on("message", function (url) {
- // Creates an iframe with this page
- let iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
- iframe.addEventListener("load", function onload() {
- iframe.removeEventListener("load", onload, true);
- try {
- // Try to communicate with iframe's content
- window.addEventListener("message", function onmessage(event) {
- window.removeEventListener("message", onmessage, true);
- assert( == "hello world", "COW works properly");
- self.port.emit("end");
- }, true);
- iframe.contentWindow.postMessage("hello", "*");
- } catch(e) {
- assert(false, "COW fails : "+e.message);
- }
- }, true);
- iframe.setAttribute("src", url);
- document.body.appendChild(iframe);
- });
- }
- );
- worker.port.on("end", function () {
- server.stop(helper.done);
- });
- worker.postMessage("http://localhost:" + serverPort + "/");
-// Bug 769006: Ensure that MutationObserver works fine with proxies
-var html = '<a href="foo">link</a>';
-exports["test MutationObvserver"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- if (typeof MutationObserver == "undefined") {
- assert(true, "No MutationObserver for this FF version");
- done();
- return;
- }
- let link = document.getElementsByTagName("a")[0];
- // Register a Mutation observer
- let obs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations){
- // Ensure that mutation data are valid
- assert(mutations.length == 1, "only one attribute mutation");
- let mutation = mutations[0];
- assert(mutation.type == "attributes", "check `type`");
- assert( == link, "check `target`");
- assert(mutation.attributeName == "href", "check `attributeName`");
- assert(mutation.oldValue == "foo", "check `oldValue`");
- obs.disconnect();
- done();
- });
- obs.observe(document, {
- subtree: true,
- attributes: true,
- attributeOldValue: true,
- attributeFilter: ["href"]
- });
- // Modify the DOM
- link.setAttribute("href", "bar");
- }
- );
-var html = '<script>' +
- 'var accessCheck = function() {' +
- ' assert(true, "exporting function works");' +
- ' try{' +
- ' exportedObj.prop;' +
- ' assert(false, "content should not have access to content-script");' +
- ' } catch(e) {' +
- ' assert(e.toString().indexOf("Permission denied") != -1,' +
- ' "content should not have access to content-script");' +
- ' }' +
- '}</script>';
-exports["test nsEp for content-script"] = createProxyTest(html, function (helper) {
- helper.createWorker(
- 'let glob = this; new ' + function ContentScriptScope() {
- exportFunction(assert, unsafeWindow, { defineAs: "assert" });
- window.wrappedJSObject.assert(true, "assert exported");
- window.wrappedJSObject.exportedObj = { prop: 42 };
- window.wrappedJSObject.accessCheck();
- done();
- }
- );