path: root/addon-sdk/source/python-lib/cuddlefish/
diff options
authorMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-09 06:46:43 -0500
committerMatt A. Tobin <>2018-02-09 06:46:43 -0500
commitac46df8daea09899ce30dc8fd70986e258c746bf (patch)
tree2750d3125fc253fd5b0671e4bd268eff1fd97296 /addon-sdk/source/python-lib/cuddlefish/
parent8cecf8d5208f3945b35f879bba3015bb1a11bec6 (diff)
Move Add-on SDK source to toolkit/jetpack
Diffstat (limited to 'addon-sdk/source/python-lib/cuddlefish/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 767 deletions
diff --git a/addon-sdk/source/python-lib/cuddlefish/ b/addon-sdk/source/python-lib/cuddlefish/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f337cc03..000000000
--- a/addon-sdk/source/python-lib/cuddlefish/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,767 +0,0 @@
-# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
-# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
-# file, You can obtain one at
-import os
-import sys
-import time
-import tempfile
-import atexit
-import shlex
-import subprocess
-import re
-import shutil
-import mozrunner
-from cuddlefish.prefs import DEFAULT_COMMON_PREFS
-from cuddlefish.prefs import DEFAULT_FIREFOX_PREFS
-from cuddlefish.prefs import DEFAULT_THUNDERBIRD_PREFS
-from cuddlefish.prefs import DEFAULT_FENNEC_PREFS
-from cuddlefish.prefs import DEFAULT_NO_CONNECTIONS_PREFS
-from cuddlefish.prefs import DEFAULT_TEST_PREFS
-# Used to remove noise from ADB output
-CLEANUP_ADB = re.compile(r'^(I|E)/(stdout|stderr|GeckoConsole)\s*\(\s*\d+\):\s*(.*)$')
-# Used to filter only messages send by `console` module
-FILTER_ONLY_CONSOLE_FROM_ADB = re.compile(r'^I/(stdout|stderr)\s*\(\s*\d+\):\s*((info|warning|error|debug): .*)$')
-# Used to detect the currently running test
-PARSEABLE_TEST_NAME = re.compile(r'TEST-START \| ([^\n]+)\n')
-# Maximum time we'll wait for tests to finish, in seconds.
-# The purpose of this timeout is to recover from infinite loops. It should be
-# longer than the amount of time any test run takes, including those on slow
-# machines running slow (debug) versions of Firefox.
-RUN_TIMEOUT = 5400 #1.5 hours (1.5 * 60 * 60 sec)
-# Maximum time we'll wait for tests to emit output, in seconds.
-# The purpose of this timeout is to recover from hangs. It should be longer
-# than the amount of time any test takes to report results.
-OUTPUT_TIMEOUT = 300 #five minutes (60 * 5 sec)
-def follow_file(filename):
- """
- Generator that yields the latest unread content from the given
- file, or None if no new content is available.
- For example:
- >>> f = open('temp.txt', 'w')
- >>> f.write('hello')
- >>> f.flush()
- >>> tail = follow_file('temp.txt')
- >>>
- 'hello'
- >>> is None
- True
- >>> f.write('there')
- >>> f.flush()
- >>>
- 'there'
- >>> f.close()
- >>> os.remove('temp.txt')
- """
- last_pos = 0
- last_size = 0
- while True:
- newstuff = None
- if os.path.exists(filename):
- size = os.stat(filename).st_size
- if size > last_size:
- last_size = size
- f = open(filename, 'r')
- newstuff =
- last_pos = f.tell()
- f.close()
- yield newstuff
-# subprocess.check_output only appeared in python2.7, so this code is taken
-# from python source code for compatibility with py2.5/2.6
-class CalledProcessError(Exception):
- def __init__(self, returncode, cmd, output=None):
- self.returncode = returncode
- self.cmd = cmd
- self.output = output
- def __str__(self):
- return "Command '%s' returned non-zero exit status %d" % (self.cmd, self.returncode)
-def check_output(*popenargs, **kwargs):
- if 'stdout' in kwargs:
- raise ValueError('stdout argument not allowed, it will be overridden.')
- process = subprocess.Popen(stdout=subprocess.PIPE, *popenargs, **kwargs)
- output, unused_err = process.communicate()
- retcode = process.poll()
- if retcode:
- cmd = kwargs.get("args")
- if cmd is None:
- cmd = popenargs[0]
- raise CalledProcessError(retcode, cmd, output=output)
- return output
-class FennecProfile(mozrunner.Profile):
- preferences = {}
- names = ['fennec']
-FENNEC_REMOTE_PATH = '/mnt/sdcard/jetpack-profile'
-class RemoteFennecRunner(mozrunner.Runner):
- profile_class = FennecProfile
- names = ['fennec']
- _INTENT_PREFIX = 'org.mozilla.'
- _adb_path = None
- def __init__(self, binary=None, **kwargs):
- # Check that we have a binary set
- if not binary:
- raise ValueError("You have to define `--binary` option set to the "
- "path to your ADB executable.")
- # Ensure that binary refer to a valid ADB executable
- output = subprocess.Popen([binary], stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()
- output = "".join(output)
- if not ("Android Debug Bridge" in output):
- raise ValueError("`--binary` option should be the path to your "
- "ADB executable.")
- self.binary = binary
- mobile_app_name = kwargs['cmdargs'][0]
- self.profile = kwargs['profile']
- self._adb_path = binary
- # This pref has to be set to `false` otherwise, we do not receive
- # output of adb commands!
-[self._adb_path, "shell",
- "setprop log.redirect-stdio false"])
- # Android apps are launched by their "intent" name,
- # Automatically detect already installed firefox by using `pm` program
- # or use name given as cfx `--mobile-app` argument.
- intents = self.getIntentNames()
- if not intents:
- raise ValueError("Unable to find any Firefox "
- "application on your device.")
- elif mobile_app_name:
- if not mobile_app_name in intents:
- raise ValueError("Unable to find Firefox application "
- "with intent name '%s'\n"
- "Available ones are: %s" %
- (mobile_app_name, ", ".join(intents)))
- self._intent_name = self._INTENT_PREFIX + mobile_app_name
- else:
- if "firefox" in intents:
- self._intent_name = self._INTENT_PREFIX + "firefox"
- elif "firefox_beta" in intents:
- self._intent_name = self._INTENT_PREFIX + "firefox_beta"
- elif "firefox_nightly" in intents:
- self._intent_name = self._INTENT_PREFIX + "firefox_nightly"
- else:
- self._intent_name = self._INTENT_PREFIX + intents[0]
- print "Launching mobile application with intent name " + self._intent_name
- # First try to kill firefox if it is already running
- pid = self.getProcessPID(self._intent_name)
- if pid != None:
- print "Killing running Firefox instance ..."
-[self._adb_path, "shell",
- "am force-stop " + self._intent_name])
- time.sleep(7)
- # It appears recently that the PID still exists even after
- # Fennec closes, so removing this error still allows the tests
- # to pass as the new Fennec instance is able to start.
- # Leaving error in but commented out for now.
- #
- #if self.getProcessPID(self._intent_name) != None:
- # raise Exception("Unable to automatically kill running Firefox" +
- # " instance. Please close it manually before " +
- # "executing cfx.")
- print "Pushing the addon to your device"
- # Create a clean empty profile on the sd card
-[self._adb_path, "shell", "rm -r " + FENNEC_REMOTE_PATH])
-[self._adb_path, "shell", "mkdir " + FENNEC_REMOTE_PATH])
- # Push the profile folder created by mozrunner to the device
- # (we can't simply use `adb push` as it doesn't copy empty folders)
- localDir = self.profile.profile
- for root, dirs, files in os.walk(localDir, followlinks='true'):
- relRoot = os.path.relpath(root, localDir)
- # Note about os.path usage below:
- # Local files may be using Windows `\` separators but
- # remote are always `/`, so we need to convert local ones to `/`
- for file in files:
- localFile = os.path.join(root, file)
- remoteFile = remoteDir.replace("/", os.sep)
- if relRoot != ".":
- remoteFile = os.path.join(remoteFile, relRoot)
- remoteFile = os.path.join(remoteFile, file)
- remoteFile = "/".join(remoteFile.split(os.sep))
- subprocess.Popen([self._adb_path, "push", localFile, remoteFile],
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE).wait()
- for dir in dirs:
- targetDir = remoteDir.replace("/", os.sep)
- if relRoot != ".":
- targetDir = os.path.join(targetDir, relRoot)
- targetDir = os.path.join(targetDir, dir)
- targetDir = "/".join(targetDir.split(os.sep))
- # `-p` option is not supported on all devices!
-[self._adb_path, "shell", "mkdir " + targetDir])
- @property
- def command(self):
- """Returns the command list to run."""
- return [self._adb_path,
- "shell",
- "am start " +
- "-a android.activity.MAIN " +
- "-n " + self._intent_name + "/" + self._intent_name + ".App " +
- "--es args \"-profile " + FENNEC_REMOTE_PATH + "\""
- ]
- def start(self):
- def getProcessPID(self, processName):
- p = subprocess.Popen([self._adb_path, "shell", "ps"],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- line = p.stdout.readline()
- while line:
- columns = line.split()
- pid = columns[1]
- name = columns[-1]
- line = p.stdout.readline()
- if processName in name:
- return pid
- return None
- def getIntentNames(self):
- p = subprocess.Popen([self._adb_path, "shell", "pm list packages"],
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
- names = []
- for line in p.stdout.readlines():
- line = re.sub("(^package:)|\s", "", line)
- if self._INTENT_PREFIX in line:
- names.append(line.replace(self._INTENT_PREFIX, ""))
- return names
-class XulrunnerAppProfile(mozrunner.Profile):
- preferences = {}
- names = []
-class XulrunnerAppRunner(mozrunner.Runner):
- """
- Runner for any XULRunner app. Can use a Firefox binary in XULRunner
- mode to execute the app, or can use XULRunner itself. Expects the
- app's application.ini to be passed in as one of the items in
- 'cmdargs' in the constructor.
- This class relies a lot on the particulars of mozrunner.Runner's
- implementation, and does some unfortunate acrobatics to get around
- some of the class' limitations/assumptions.
- """
- profile_class = XulrunnerAppProfile
- # This is a default, and will be overridden in the instance if
- # Firefox is used in XULRunner mode.
- names = ['xulrunner']
- # Default location of XULRunner on OS X.
- __DARWIN_PATH = "/Library/Frameworks/XUL.framework/xulrunner-bin"
- __LINUX_PATH = "/usr/bin/xulrunner"
- # What our application.ini's path looks like if it's part of
- # an "installed" XULRunner app on OS X.
- __DARWIN_APP_INI_SUFFIX = '.app/Contents/Resources/application.ini'
- def __init__(self, binary=None, **kwargs):
- if sys.platform == 'darwin' and binary and binary.endswith('.app'):
- # Assume it's a Firefox app dir.
- binary = os.path.join(binary, 'Contents/MacOS/firefox-bin')
- self.__app_ini = None
- self.__real_binary = binary
- mozrunner.Runner.__init__(self, **kwargs)
- # See if we're using a genuine xulrunner-bin from the XULRunner SDK,
- # or if we're being asked to use Firefox in XULRunner mode.
- self.__is_xulrunner_sdk = 'xulrunner' in self.binary
- if sys.platform == 'linux2' and not self.env.get('LD_LIBRARY_PATH'):
- self.env['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'] = os.path.dirname(self.binary)
- newargs = []
- for item in self.cmdargs:
- if 'application.ini' in item:
- self.__app_ini = item
- else:
- newargs.append(item)
- self.cmdargs = newargs
- if not self.__app_ini:
- raise ValueError('application.ini not found in cmdargs')
- if not os.path.exists(self.__app_ini):
- raise ValueError("file does not exist: '%s'" % self.__app_ini)
- if (sys.platform == 'darwin' and
- self.binary == self.__DARWIN_PATH and
- self.__app_ini.endswith(self.__DARWIN_APP_INI_SUFFIX)):
- # If the application.ini is in an app bundle, then
- # it could be inside an "installed" XULRunner app.
- # If this is the case, use the app's actual
- # binary instead of the XUL framework's, so we get
- # a proper app icon, etc.
- new_binary = '/'.join(self.__app_ini.split('/')[:-2] +
- ['MacOS', 'xulrunner'])
- if os.path.exists(new_binary):
- self.binary = new_binary
- @property
- def command(self):
- """Returns the command list to run."""
- if self.__is_xulrunner_sdk:
- return [self.binary, self.__app_ini, '-profile',
- self.profile.profile]
- else:
- return [self.binary, '-app', self.__app_ini, '-profile',
- self.profile.profile]
- def __find_xulrunner_binary(self):
- if sys.platform == 'darwin':
- if os.path.exists(self.__DARWIN_PATH):
- return self.__DARWIN_PATH
- if sys.platform == 'linux2':
- if os.path.exists(self.__LINUX_PATH):
- return self.__LINUX_PATH
- return None
- def find_binary(self):
- # This gets called by the superclass constructor. It will
- # always get called, even if a binary was passed into the
- # constructor, because we want to have full control over
- # what the exact setting of self.binary is.
- if not self.__real_binary:
- self.__real_binary = self.__find_xulrunner_binary()
- if not self.__real_binary:
- dummy_profile = {}
- runner = mozrunner.FirefoxRunner(profile=dummy_profile)
- self.__real_binary = runner.find_binary()
- self.names = runner.names
- return self.__real_binary
-def set_overloaded_modules(env_root, app_type, addon_id, preferences, overloads):
- # win32 file scheme needs 3 slashes
- desktop_file_scheme = "file://"
- if not env_root.startswith("/"):
- desktop_file_scheme = desktop_file_scheme + "/"
- pref_prefix = "extensions.modules." + addon_id + ".path"
- # Set preferences that will map require prefix to a given path
- for name, path in overloads.items():
- if len(name) == 0:
- prefName = pref_prefix
- else:
- prefName = pref_prefix + "." + name
- if app_type == "fennec-on-device":
- # For testing on device, we have to copy overloaded files from fs
- # to the device and use device path instead of local fs path.
- # Actual copy of files if done after the call to Profile constructor
- preferences[prefName] = "file://" + \
- FENNEC_REMOTE_PATH + "/overloads/" + name
- else:
- preferences[prefName] = desktop_file_scheme + \
- path.replace("\\", "/") + "/"
-def run_app(harness_root_dir, manifest_rdf, harness_options,
- app_type, binary=None, profiledir=None, verbose=False,
- parseable=False, enforce_timeouts=False,
- logfile=None, addons=None, args=None, extra_environment={},
- norun=None, noquit=None,
- used_files=None, enable_mobile=False,
- mobile_app_name=None,
- env_root=None,
- is_running_tests=False,
- overload_modules=False,
- bundle_sdk=True,
- pkgdir="",
- enable_e10s=False,
- no_connections=False):
- if binary:
- binary = os.path.expanduser(binary)
- if addons is None:
- addons = []
- else:
- addons = list(addons)
- cmdargs = []
- preferences = dict(DEFAULT_COMMON_PREFS)
- if is_running_tests:
- preferences.update(DEFAULT_TEST_PREFS)
- if no_connections:
- preferences.update(DEFAULT_NO_CONNECTIONS_PREFS)
- if enable_e10s:
- preferences['browser.tabs.remote.autostart'] = True
- else:
- preferences['browser.tabs.remote.autostart'] = False
- preferences['browser.tabs.remote.autostart.1'] = False
- preferences['browser.tabs.remote.autostart.2'] = False
- # For now, only allow running on Mobile with --force-mobile argument
- if app_type in ["fennec-on-device"] and not enable_mobile:
- print """
- WARNING: Firefox Mobile support is still experimental.
- If you would like to run an addon on this platform, use --force-mobile flag:
- cfx --force-mobile"""
- return 0
- if app_type == "fennec-on-device":
- profile_class = FennecProfile
- preferences.update(DEFAULT_FENNEC_PREFS)
- runner_class = RemoteFennecRunner
- # We pass the intent name through command arguments
- cmdargs.append(mobile_app_name)
- elif app_type == "xulrunner":
- profile_class = XulrunnerAppProfile
- runner_class = XulrunnerAppRunner
- cmdargs.append(os.path.join(harness_root_dir, 'application.ini'))
- elif app_type == "firefox":
- profile_class = mozrunner.FirefoxProfile
- preferences.update(DEFAULT_FIREFOX_PREFS)
- runner_class = mozrunner.FirefoxRunner
- elif app_type == "thunderbird":
- profile_class = mozrunner.ThunderbirdProfile
- preferences.update(DEFAULT_THUNDERBIRD_PREFS)
- runner_class = mozrunner.ThunderbirdRunner
- else:
- raise ValueError("Unknown app: %s" % app_type)
- if sys.platform == 'darwin' and app_type != 'xulrunner':
- cmdargs.append('-foreground')
- if args:
- cmdargs.extend(shlex.split(args))
- # TODO: handle logs on remote device
- if app_type != "fennec-on-device":
- # tempfile.gettempdir() was constant, preventing two simultaneous "cfx
- # run"/"cfx test" on the same host. On unix it points at /tmp (which is
- # world-writeable), enabling a symlink attack (e.g. imagine some bad guy
- # does 'ln -s ~/.ssh/id_rsa /tmp/harness_result'). NamedTemporaryFile
- # gives us a unique filename that fixes both problems. We leave the
- # (0-byte) file in place until the browser-side code starts writing to
- # it, otherwise the symlink attack becomes possible again.
- fileno,resultfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="harness-result-")
- os.close(fileno)
- harness_options['resultFile'] = resultfile
- def maybe_remove_logfile():
- if os.path.exists(logfile):
- os.remove(logfile)
- logfile_tail = None
- # We always buffer output through a logfile for two reasons:
- # 1. On Windows, it's the only way to print console output to stdout/err.
- # 2. It enables us to keep track of the last time output was emitted,
- # so we can raise an exception if the test runner hangs.
- if not logfile:
- fileno,logfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="harness-log-")
- os.close(fileno)
- logfile_tail = follow_file(logfile)
- atexit.register(maybe_remove_logfile)
- logfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(logfile))
- maybe_remove_logfile()
- env = {}
- env.update(os.environ)
- if no_connections:
- env['MOZ_NO_REMOTE'] = '1'
- env['XPCOM_DEBUG_BREAK'] = 'stack'
- env.update(extra_environment)
- if norun:
- cmdargs.append("-no-remote")
- # Create the addon XPI so mozrunner will copy it to the profile it creates.
- # We delete it below after getting mozrunner to create the profile.
- from cuddlefish.xpi import build_xpi
- xpi_path = tempfile.mktemp(suffix='cfx-tmp.xpi')
- build_xpi(template_root_dir=harness_root_dir,
- manifest=manifest_rdf,
- xpi_path=xpi_path,
- harness_options=harness_options,
- limit_to=used_files,
- bundle_sdk=bundle_sdk,
- pkgdir=pkgdir)
- addons.append(xpi_path)
- starttime = last_output_time = time.time()
- # Redirect runner output to a file so we can catch output not generated
- # by us.
- # In theory, we could do this using simple redirection on all platforms
- # other than Windows, but this way we only have a single codepath to
- # maintain.
- fileno,outfile = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix="harness-stdout-")
- os.close(fileno)
- outfile_tail = follow_file(outfile)
- def maybe_remove_outfile():
- if os.path.exists(outfile):
- try:
- os.remove(outfile)
- except Exception, e:
- print "Error Cleaning up: " + str(e)
- atexit.register(maybe_remove_outfile)
- outf = open(outfile, "w")
- popen_kwargs = { 'stdout': outf, 'stderr': outf}
- profile = None
- if app_type == "fennec-on-device":
- # Install a special addon when we run firefox on mobile device
- # in order to be able to kill it
- mydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
- addon_dir = os.path.join(mydir, "mobile-utils")
- addons.append(addon_dir)
- # Overload addon-specific commonjs modules path with lib/ folder
- overloads = dict()
- if overload_modules:
- overloads[""] = os.path.join(env_root, "lib")
- # Overload tests/ mapping with test/ folder, only when running test
- if is_running_tests:
- overloads["tests"] = os.path.join(env_root, "test")
- set_overloaded_modules(env_root, app_type, harness_options["jetpackID"], \
- preferences, overloads)
- # the XPI file is copied into the profile here
- profile = profile_class(addons=addons,
- profile=profiledir,
- preferences=preferences)
- # Delete the temporary xpi file
- os.remove(xpi_path)
- # Copy overloaded files registered in set_overloaded_modules
- # For testing on device, we have to copy overloaded files from fs
- # to the device and use device path instead of local fs path.
- # (has to be done after the call to profile_class() which eventualy creates
- # profile folder)
- if app_type == "fennec-on-device":
- profile_path = profile.profile
- for name, path in overloads.items():
- shutil.copytree(path, \
- os.path.join(profile_path, "overloads", name))
- runner = runner_class(profile=profile,
- binary=binary,
- env=env,
- cmdargs=cmdargs,
- kp_kwargs=popen_kwargs)
- sys.stdout.flush(); sys.stderr.flush()
- if app_type == "fennec-on-device":
- if not enable_mobile:
- print >>sys.stderr, """
- WARNING: Firefox Mobile support is still experimental.
- If you would like to run an addon on this platform, use --force-mobile flag:
- cfx --force-mobile"""
- return 0
- # In case of mobile device, we need to get stdio from `adb logcat` cmd:
- # First flush logs in order to avoid catching previous ones
-[binary, "logcat", "-c"])
- # Launch adb command
- runner.start()
- # We can immediatly remove temporary profile folder
- # as it has been uploaded to the device
- profile.cleanup()
- # We are not going to use the output log file
- outf.close()
- # Then we simply display stdout of `adb logcat`
- p = subprocess.Popen([binary, "logcat", "stderr:V stdout:V GeckoConsole:V *:S"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
- while True:
- line = p.stdout.readline()
- if line == '':
- break
- # mobile-utils addon contains an application quit event observer
- # that will print this string:
- if "APPLICATION-QUIT" in line:
- break
- if verbose:
- # if --verbose is given, we display everything:
- # All JS Console messages, stdout and stderr.
- m = CLEANUP_ADB.match(line)
- if not m:
- print line.rstrip()
- continue
- print
- else:
- # Otherwise, display addons messages dispatched through
- # console.[info, log, debug, warning, error](msg)
- if m:
- print
- print >>sys.stderr, "Program terminated successfully."
- return 0
- print >>sys.stderr, "Using binary at '%s'." % runner.binary
- # Ensure cfx is being used with Firefox 4.0+.
- # TODO: instead of dying when Firefox is < 4, warn when Firefox is outside
- # the minVersion/maxVersion boundaries.
- version_output = check_output(runner.command + ["-v"])
- # Note: this regex doesn't handle all valid versions in the Toolkit Version
- # Format <>, just the
- # common subset that we expect Mozilla apps to use.
- mo ="Mozilla (Firefox|Iceweasel|Fennec)\b[^ ]* ((\d+)\.\S*)",
- version_output)
- if not mo:
- # cfx may be used with Thunderbird, SeaMonkey or an exotic Firefox
- # version.
- print """
- WARNING: cannot determine Firefox version; please ensure you are running
- a Mozilla application equivalent to Firefox 4.0 or greater.
- """
- elif == "Fennec":
- # For now, only allow running on Mobile with --force-mobile argument
- if not enable_mobile:
- print """
- WARNING: Firefox Mobile support is still experimental.
- If you would like to run an addon on this platform, use --force-mobile flag:
- cfx --force-mobile"""
- return
- else:
- version =
- if int(version) < 4:
- print """
- cfx requires Firefox 4 or greater and is unable to find a compatible
- binary. Please install a newer version of Firefox or provide the path to
- your existing compatible version with the --binary flag:
- cfx --binary=PATH_TO_FIREFOX_BINARY"""
- return
- # Set the appropriate extensions.checkCompatibility preference to false,
- # so the tests run even if the SDK is not marked as compatible with the
- # version of Firefox on which they are running, and we don't have to
- # ensure we update the maxVersion before the version of Firefox changes
- # every six weeks.
- #
- # The regex we use here is effectively the same as BRANCH_REGEX from
- # /toolkit/mozapps/extensions/content/extensions.js, which toolkit apps
- # use to determine whether or not to load an incompatible addon.
- #
- br ="^([^\.]+\.[0-9]+[a-z]*).*",, re.I)
- if br:
- prefname = 'extensions.checkCompatibility.' +
- profile.preferences[prefname] = False
- # Calling profile.set_preferences here duplicates the list of prefs
- # in prefs.js, since the profile calls self.set_preferences in its
- # constructor, but that is ok, because it doesn't change the set of
- # preferences that are ultimately registered in Firefox.
- profile.set_preferences(profile.preferences)
- print >>sys.stderr, "Using profile at '%s'." % profile.profile
- sys.stderr.flush()
- if norun:
- print "To launch the application, enter the following command:"
- print " ".join(runner.command) + " " + (" ".join(runner.cmdargs))
- return 0
- runner.start()
- done = False
- result = None
- test_name = "Jetpack startup"
- def Timeout(message, test_name, parseable):
- if parseable:
- sys.stderr.write("TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | %s | %s\n" % (test_name, message))
- sys.stderr.flush()
- return Exception(message)
- try:
- while not done:
- time.sleep(0.05)
- for tail in (logfile_tail, outfile_tail):
- if tail:
- new_chars =
- if new_chars:
- last_output_time = time.time()
- sys.stderr.write(new_chars)
- sys.stderr.flush()
- if is_running_tests and parseable:
- match =
- if match:
- test_name =
- if os.path.exists(resultfile):
- result = open(resultfile).read()
- if result:
- if result in ['OK', 'FAIL']:
- done = True
- else:
- sys.stderr.write("Hrm, resultfile (%s) contained something weird (%d bytes)\n" % (resultfile, len(result)))
- sys.stderr.write("'"+result+"'\n")
- if enforce_timeouts:
- if time.time() - last_output_time > OUTPUT_TIMEOUT:
- raise Timeout("Test output exceeded timeout (%ds)." %
- OUTPUT_TIMEOUT, test_name, parseable)
- if time.time() - starttime > RUN_TIMEOUT:
- raise Timeout("Test run exceeded timeout (%ds)." %
- RUN_TIMEOUT, test_name, parseable)
- except:
- if not noquit:
- runner.stop()
- raise
- else:
- runner.wait(10)
- # double kill - hack for bugs 942111, 1006043..
- try:
- runner.stop()
- except:
- pass
- finally:
- outf.close()
- if profile:
- profile.cleanup()
- print >>sys.stderr, "Total time: %f seconds" % (time.time() - starttime)
- if result == 'OK':
- print >>sys.stderr, "Program terminated successfully."
- return 0
- else:
- print >>sys.stderr, "Program terminated unsuccessfully."
- return -1