1. Install build dependencies Python 2.7.X Autoconf 2.13 Yasm 1.2.0 or newer unzip gnum4 Perl Gnu C Compiler version 4.9.3 to GCC 9.X.X (Version 9.X.X reccomend, GCC 10 not yet supported.) ccache (optional, see mozconfig) 2. Install runtime dependencies libXt zip freetype fontconfig glibc libffi dbus dbus-glib gtk+2 alsa-lib jack2 (optional, see mozconfig) ffmpeg sqlite libvpx libevent 3. prepare git submodule(s) $ git submodule update --init --recursive copy Mach build system example config into the root of webbrowser as '.mozconfig' $ cp doc/mozconfig.example .mozconfig Optionally adjust .mozconfig to better suit your needs. Please note that GTK3 support is vestigual I may just get rid of it. using GTK2 instead is encouraged. I am not convinced GTK3 is better than GTK2. 4. compile, test, and package Web Browser ./mach build if this completes successfully you can test your build before packaging it ./mach run if all is well package it ./mach package and then install the resulting distrobution tarball on your system. the tarball will be stored in the object directory/dist you set in .mozconfig