/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include "events.h" #include "line.h" #include "log.h" #include "phone.h" #include "subscription.h" #include "timekeeper.h" #include "transaction_mgr.h" #include "threads/thread.h" #include "audits/memman.h" extern t_phone *phone; extern t_event_queue *evq_trans_layer; extern t_event_queue *evq_trans_mgr; extern t_event_queue *evq_timekeeper; extern t_timekeeper *timekeeper; extern bool threading_is_LinuxThreads; string timer_type2str(t_timer_type t) { switch(t) { case TMR_TRANSACTION: return "TMR_TRANSACTION"; case TMR_PHONE: return "TMR_PHONE"; case TMR_LINE: return "TMR_LINE"; case TMR_SUBSCRIBE: return "TMR_SUBSCRIBE"; case TMR_PUBLISH: return "TMR_PUBLISH"; case TMR_STUN_TRANSACTION: return "TMR_STUN_TRANSACTION"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_timer /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_timer::t_timer(long dur) : t_id_object() { long d = dur; // HACK: if a timer is set to zero seconds, set it to 1 ms, otherwise // the timer will not expire. if (dur == 0) d++; duration = d; relative_duration = d; } long t_timer::get_duration(void) const { return duration; } long t_timer::get_relative_duration(void) const { return relative_duration; } void t_timer::set_relative_duration(long d) { relative_duration = d; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_tmr_transaction /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_tmr_transaction::t_tmr_transaction(long dur, t_sip_timer tmr, unsigned short tid) : t_timer(dur) { sip_timer = tmr; transaction_id = tid; } void t_tmr_transaction::expired(void) { // Create a timeout event for the transaction manager evq_trans_mgr->push_timeout(this); } t_timer *t_tmr_transaction::copy(void) const { t_tmr_transaction *t = new t_tmr_transaction(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); return t; } t_timer_type t_tmr_transaction::get_type(void) const { return TMR_TRANSACTION; } unsigned short t_tmr_transaction::get_tid(void) const { return transaction_id; } t_sip_timer t_tmr_transaction::get_sip_timer(void) const { return sip_timer; } string t_tmr_transaction::get_name(void) const { switch(sip_timer) { case TIMER_T1: return "TIMER_T1"; case TIMER_T2: return "TIMER_T2"; case TIMER_T4: return "TIMER_T4"; case TIMER_A: return "TIMER_A"; case TIMER_B: return "TIMER_B"; case TIMER_C: return "TIMER_C"; case TIMER_D: return "TIMER_D"; case TIMER_E: return "TIMER_E"; case TIMER_F: return "TIMER_F"; case TIMER_G: return "TIMER_G"; case TIMER_H: return "TIMER_H"; case TIMER_I: return "TIMER_I"; case TIMER_J: return "TIMER_J"; case TIMER_K: return "TIMER_K"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_tmr_phone /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_tmr_phone::t_tmr_phone(long dur, t_phone_timer ptmr, t_phone *p) : t_timer(dur) { phone_timer = ptmr; the_phone = p; } void t_tmr_phone::expired(void) { evq_trans_layer->push_timeout(this); } t_timer *t_tmr_phone::copy(void) const { t_tmr_phone *t = new t_tmr_phone(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); return t; } t_timer_type t_tmr_phone::get_type(void) const { return TMR_PHONE; } t_phone_timer t_tmr_phone::get_phone_timer(void) const { return phone_timer; } t_phone *t_tmr_phone::get_phone(void) const { return the_phone; } string t_tmr_phone::get_name(void) const { switch(phone_timer) { case PTMR_REGISTRATION: return "PTMR_REGISTRATION"; case PTMR_NAT_KEEPALIVE: return "PTMR_NAT_KEEPALIVE"; case PTMR_TCP_PING: return "PTMR_TCP_PING"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_tmr_line /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_tmr_line::t_tmr_line(long dur, t_line_timer ltmr, t_object_id lid, t_object_id d) : t_timer(dur) { line_timer = ltmr; line_id = lid; dialog_id = d; } void t_tmr_line::expired(void) { evq_trans_layer->push_timeout(this); } t_timer *t_tmr_line::copy(void) const { t_tmr_line *t = new t_tmr_line(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); return t; } t_timer_type t_tmr_line::get_type(void) const { return TMR_LINE; } t_line_timer t_tmr_line::get_line_timer(void) const { return line_timer; } t_object_id t_tmr_line::get_line_id(void) const { return line_id; } t_object_id t_tmr_line::get_dialog_id(void) const { return dialog_id; } string t_tmr_line::get_name(void) const { switch(line_timer) { case LTMR_ACK_TIMEOUT: return "LTMR_ACK_TIMEOUT"; case LTMR_ACK_GUARD: return "LTMR_ACK_GUARD"; case LTMR_INVITE_COMP: return "LTMR_INVITE_COMP"; case LTMR_NO_ANSWER: return "LTMR_NO_ANSWER"; case LTMR_RE_INVITE_GUARD: return "LTMR_RE_INVITE_GUARD"; case LTMR_100REL_TIMEOUT: return "LTMR_100REL_TIMEOUT"; case LTMR_100REL_GUARD: return "LTMR_100REL_GUARD"; case LTMR_CANCEL_GUARD: return "LTMR_CANCEL_GUARD"; case LTMR_GLARE_RETRY: return "LTMR_GLARE_RETRY"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_tmr_subscribe /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_tmr_subscribe::t_tmr_subscribe(long dur, t_subscribe_timer stmr, t_object_id lid, t_object_id d, const string &event_type, const string &event_id) : t_timer(dur) { subscribe_timer = stmr; line_id = lid; dialog_id = d; sub_event_type = event_type; sub_event_id = event_id; } void t_tmr_subscribe::expired(void) { evq_trans_layer->push_timeout(this); } t_timer *t_tmr_subscribe::copy(void) const { t_tmr_subscribe *t = new t_tmr_subscribe(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); return t; } t_timer_type t_tmr_subscribe::get_type(void) const { return TMR_SUBSCRIBE; } t_subscribe_timer t_tmr_subscribe::get_subscribe_timer(void) const { return subscribe_timer; } t_object_id t_tmr_subscribe::get_line_id(void) const { return line_id; } t_object_id t_tmr_subscribe::get_dialog_id(void) const { return dialog_id; } string t_tmr_subscribe::get_sub_event_type(void) const { return sub_event_type; } string t_tmr_subscribe::get_sub_event_id(void) const { return sub_event_id; } string t_tmr_subscribe::get_name(void) const { switch(subscribe_timer) { case STMR_SUBSCRIPTION: return "STMR_SUBSCRIPTION"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_tmr_publish /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_tmr_publish::t_tmr_publish(long dur, t_publish_timer ptmr, const string &_event_type) : t_timer(dur), publish_timer(ptmr), event_type(_event_type) {} void t_tmr_publish::expired(void) { evq_trans_layer->push_timeout(this); } t_timer *t_tmr_publish::copy(void) const { t_tmr_publish *t = new t_tmr_publish(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); return t; } t_timer_type t_tmr_publish::get_type(void) const { return TMR_PUBLISH; } t_publish_timer t_tmr_publish::get_publish_timer(void) const { return publish_timer; } string t_tmr_publish::get_name(void) const { switch (publish_timer) { case PUBLISH_TMR_PUBLICATION: return "PUBLISH_TMR_PUBLICATION"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_tmr_stun_trans /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_tmr_stun_trans::t_tmr_stun_trans(long dur, t_stun_timer tmr, unsigned short tid) : t_timer(dur) { stun_timer = tmr; transaction_id = tid; } void t_tmr_stun_trans::expired(void) { // Create a timeout event for the transaction manager evq_trans_mgr->push_timeout(this); } t_timer *t_tmr_stun_trans::copy(void) const { t_tmr_stun_trans *t = new t_tmr_stun_trans(*this); MEMMAN_NEW(t); return t; } t_timer_type t_tmr_stun_trans::get_type(void) const { return TMR_STUN_TRANSACTION; } unsigned short t_tmr_stun_trans::get_tid(void) const { return transaction_id; } t_stun_timer t_tmr_stun_trans::get_stun_timer(void) const { return stun_timer; } string t_tmr_stun_trans::get_name(void) const { switch(stun_timer) { case STUN_TMR_REQ_TIMEOUT: return "STUN_TMR_REQ_TIMEOUT"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // class t_timekeeper /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// t_timekeeper::t_timekeeper() : mutex() { stopped = false; timer_expired = false; } void t_timekeeper::start(void (*timeout_handler)(int)) { signal(SIGALRM, timeout_handler); } t_timekeeper::~t_timekeeper() { struct itimerval itimer; mutex.lock(); log_file->write_header("t_timekeeper::~t_timekeeper", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_INFO); log_file->write_raw("Clean up timekeeper.\n"); // Stop timers itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); for (list::iterator i = timer_list.begin(); i != timer_list.end(); i++) { log_file->write_raw("\nDeleting timer:\n"); log_file->write_raw("Id: "); log_file->write_raw((*i)->get_object_id()); log_file->write_raw(", Type: "); log_file->write_raw(timer_type2str((*i)->get_type())); log_file->write_raw(", Timer: "); log_file->write_raw((*i)->get_name()); log_file->write_raw("\nDuration: "); log_file->write_raw((*i)->get_duration()); log_file->write_raw(", Relative duration: "); log_file->write_raw((*i)->get_relative_duration()); log_file->write_endl(); if ((*i)->get_type() == TMR_TRANSACTION) { log_file->write_raw("Transaction id: "); log_file->write_raw( ((t_tmr_transaction *)(*i))->get_tid()); log_file->write_endl(); } MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; } if (threading_is_LinuxThreads) { signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL); } log_file->write_footer(); mutex.unlock(); } void t_timekeeper::lock(void) { mutex.lock(); } void t_timekeeper::unlock(void) { mutex.unlock(); if (timer_expired) { timer_expired = false; report_expiry(); } } void t_timekeeper::start_timer(t_timer *t) { struct itimerval itimer; long remain_msec; lock(); // The next interval option is not used itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; // Get duration of the timer to start long d = t->get_relative_duration(); // If no timer is currently running then simply start the timer if (timer_list.empty()) { timer_list.push_back(t); itimer.it_value.tv_sec = d / 1000; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = (d % 1000) * 1000; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); unlock(); return; } // Get remaining duration of current running timer getitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer); remain_msec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec * 1000 + itimer.it_value.tv_usec / 1000; // If the new timer is shorter than the current timer. // then the new timer should be run first. if (d < remain_msec) { // Change running timer to new timer itimer.it_value.tv_sec = d / 1000; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = (d % 1000) * 1000; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); // Calculate the relative duration the timer // that was running. t_timer *old_timer = timer_list.front(); old_timer->set_relative_duration(remain_msec - d); // Add new timer at the front of the list timer_list.push_front(t); unlock(); return; } // Calculate the relative duration for the new timer long new_duration = d - remain_msec; // Insert the new timer at the right position in the list. list::iterator i; for (i = timer_list.begin(); i != timer_list.end(); i++) { // skip the first timer if (i == timer_list.begin()) continue; long dur = (*i)->get_relative_duration(); if (new_duration < dur) { // Adjust relative duration existing timer (*i)->set_relative_duration(dur - new_duration); // Insert new timer before existing timer t->set_relative_duration(new_duration); timer_list.insert(i, t); unlock(); return; } new_duration -= dur; } // Add the new timer to the end of the list t->set_relative_duration(new_duration); timer_list.push_back(t); unlock(); } void t_timekeeper::stop_timer(t_object_id id) { struct itimerval itimer; long remain_msec; lock(); // The next interval option is not used itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; if (timer_list.empty()) { // Timer already expired or stopped unlock(); return; } // Find timer list::iterator i = timer_list.begin(); while (i != timer_list.end()) { if ((*i)->get_object_id() == id) break; i++; } if (i == timer_list.end()) { // Timer already expired or stopped. unlock(); return; } // If it is the current running timer, then it must be stopped if (i == timer_list.begin()) { getitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer); // If remaining time is less then 100 msec then let it // expire to prevent race condition when timer expires // while stopping it now. remain_msec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec * 1000 + itimer.it_value.tv_usec / 1000; if (remain_msec < 100) { stopped = true; unlock(); return; } // Stop timer itimer.it_value.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = 0; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); // Remove the timer MEMMAN_DELETE(timer_list.front()); delete timer_list.front(); timer_list.pop_front(); // If a next timer exists then adjust its relative // duration and start it. if (!timer_list.empty()) { t_timer *next_timer = timer_list.front(); long dur = next_timer->get_relative_duration(); dur += remain_msec; next_timer->set_relative_duration(dur); itimer.it_value.tv_sec = dur / 1000; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = (dur % 1000) * 1000; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); } unlock(); return; } // Timer is not the current running timer, so delete it // and adjust relative duration of the next timer. list::iterator next = i; next++; if (next == timer_list.end()) { // There is no next timer MEMMAN_DELETE(timer_list.back()); delete timer_list.back(); timer_list.pop_back(); unlock(); return; } long dur = (*i)->get_relative_duration(); long dur_next = (*next)->get_relative_duration(); (*next)->set_relative_duration(dur + dur_next); MEMMAN_DELETE(*i); delete *i; timer_list.erase(i); unlock(); } void t_timekeeper::report_expiry(void) { lock(); if (timer_list.empty()) { unlock(); return; } t_timer *t = timer_list.front(); // Trigger action if timer was not stopped if (!stopped) { t->expired(); } stopped = false; // Remove the timer MEMMAN_DELETE(timer_list.front()); delete timer_list.front(); timer_list.pop_front(); if (timer_list.empty()) { unlock(); return; } // If the relative duration of the next timer is 0, then // it also expired. Action should be triggerd. If not, then // it should be started. t_timer *next = timer_list.front(); long dur = next->get_relative_duration(); while (dur == 0) { next->expired(); MEMMAN_DELETE(next); delete next; timer_list.pop_front(); if (timer_list.empty()) break; next = timer_list.front(); dur = next->get_relative_duration(); } if (!timer_list.empty()) { struct itimerval itimer; itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; itimer.it_value.tv_sec = dur / 1000; itimer.it_value.tv_usec = (dur % 1000) * 1000; setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer, NULL); } unlock(); } unsigned long t_timekeeper::get_remaining_time(t_object_id timer_id) { struct itimerval itimer; unsigned long remain_msec = 0; unsigned long duration = 0; lock(); // The next interval option is not used itimer.it_interval.tv_sec = 0; itimer.it_interval.tv_usec = 0; // Get remaining duration of current running timer getitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itimer); remain_msec = itimer.it_value.tv_sec * 1000 + itimer.it_value.tv_usec / 1000; // Find the timer list::iterator i = timer_list.begin(); while (i != timer_list.end()) { if (i != timer_list.begin()) { remain_msec += (*i)->get_relative_duration(); } if ((*i)->get_object_id() == timer_id) break; i++; } // Return duration to originator of get event if (i == timer_list.end()) { duration = 0; } else { duration = remain_msec; } unlock(); return duration; } // SIGALRM handler void timeout_handler(int signum) { signal(SIGALRM, timeout_handler); // timekeeper.report_expiry(); // This will signal an interrupt to the call to pop in the // main look t_timekeeper::run evq_timekeeper->interrupt(); } void t_timekeeper::run(void) { t_event *event; t_event_start_timer *ev_start; t_event_stop_timer *ev_stop; bool timeout; // The timekeeper should not try to take the phone lock as // it may lead to a deadlock. Make sure an assert is raised // if this situation ever happens. phone->add_prohibited_thread(); if (threading_is_LinuxThreads) { // In LinuxThreads SIGALRM caused by the expiration of a timer // started with setitimer is always delivered to the thread calling // setitimer. So the sigwait() call from another thread does not // work. Use a signal handler instead. start(timeout_handler); } bool quit = false; while (!quit) { event = evq_timekeeper->pop(timeout); if (timeout) { report_expiry(); continue; } switch(event->get_type()) { case EV_START_TIMER: ev_start = (t_event_start_timer *)event; start_timer(ev_start->get_timer()); break; case EV_STOP_TIMER: ev_stop = (t_event_stop_timer *)event; stop_timer(ev_stop->get_timer_id()); break; case EV_QUIT: quit = true; break; default: assert(false); } MEMMAN_DELETE(event); delete event; } } void *timekeeper_main(void *arg) { timekeeper->run(); return NULL; } void *timekeeper_sigwait(void *arg) { sigset_t sigset; int sig; sigemptyset(&sigset); sigaddset(&sigset, SIGALRM); while (true) { // When SIGCONT is received after SIGSTOP, sigwait returns // with EINTR ?? if (sigwait(&sigset, &sig) == EINTR) continue; evq_timekeeper->interrupt(); } return NULL; }