/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "twinkle_config.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sys_settings.h" #include "log.h" #include "translator.h" #include "user.h" #include "userintf.h" #include "util.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "utils/file_utils.h" using namespace utils; // Share directory containing files applicable to all users #define DIR_SHARE DATADIR // Lock file to guarantee that a user is running the application only once #define LOCK_FILENAME "twinkle.lck" // System config file #define SYS_CONFIG_FILE "twinkle.sys" // Default location of the shared mime database #define DFLT_SHARED_MIME_DB "/usr/share/mime/globs" // Field names in the config file // AUDIO fields #define FLD_DEV_RINGTONE "dev_ringtone" #define FLD_DEV_SPEAKER "dev_speaker" #define FLD_DEV_MIC "dev_mic" #define FLD_VALIDATE_AUDIO_DEV "validate_audio_dev" #define FLD_ALSA_PLAY_PERIOD_SIZE "alsa_play_period_size" #define FLD_ALSA_CAPTURE_PERIOD_SIZE "alsa_capture_period_size" #define FLD_OSS_FRAGMENT_SIZE "oss_fragment_size" // LOG fields #define FLD_LOG_MAX_SIZE "log_max_size" #define FLD_LOG_SHOW_SIP "log_show_sip" #define FLD_LOG_SHOW_STUN "log_show_stun" #define FLD_LOG_SHOW_MEMORY "log_show_memory" #define FLD_LOG_SHOW_DEBUG "log_show_debug" // GUI settings #define FLD_GUI_USE_SYSTRAY "gui_use_systray" #define FLD_GUI_HIDE_ON_CLOSE "gui_hide_on_close" #define FLD_GUI_AUTO_SHOW_INCOMING "gui_auto_show_incoming" #define FLD_GUI_AUTO_SHOW_TIMEOUT "gui_auto_show_timeout" #define FLD_GUI_BROWSER_CMD "gui_browser_cmd" #define FLD_GUI_SHOW_CALL_OSD "gui_show_call_osd" // Address book settings #define FLD_AB_SHOW_SIP_ONLY "ab_show_sip_only" #define FLD_AB_LOOKUP_NAME "ab_lookup_name" #define FLD_AB_OVERRIDE_DISPLAY "ab_override_display" #define FLD_AB_LOOKUP_PHOTO "ab_lookup_photo" // Call history fields #define FLD_CH_MAX_SIZE "ch_max_size" // Service settings #define FLD_CALL_WAITING "call_waiting" #define FLD_HANGUP_BOTH_3WAY "hangup_both_3way" // Startup settings #define FLD_START_USER_PROFILE "start_user_profile" #define FLD_START_HIDDEN "start_hidden" // Network settings #define FLD_sip_udp_port "sip_udp_port" #define FLD_sip_port "sip_port" #define FLD_RTP_PORT "rtp_port" #define FLD_SIP_MAX_UDP_SIZE "sip_max_udp_size" #define FLD_SIP_MAX_TCP_SIZE "sip_max_tcp_size" // Ring tone settings #define FLD_PLAY_RINGTONE "play_ringtone" #define FLD_RINGTONE_FILE "ringtone_file" #define FLD_PLAY_RINGBACK "play_ringback" #define FLD_RINGBACK_FILE "ringback_file" // Persistent storage for user interface state #define FLD_LAST_USED_PROFILE "last_used_profile" #define FLD_REDIAL_URL "redial_url" #define FLD_REDIAL_DISPLAY "redial_display" #define FLD_REDIAL_SUBJECT "redial_subject" #define FLD_REDIAL_PROFILE "redial_profile" #define FLD_REDIAL_HIDE_USER "redial_hide_user" #define FLD_DIAL_HISTORY "dial_history" #define FLD_SHOW_DISPLAY "show_display" #define FLD_COMPACT_LINE_STATUS "compact_line_status" #define FLD_SHOW_BUDDY_LIST "show_buddy_list" #define FLD_WARN_HIDE_USER "warn_hide_user" // Settings to restore session after shutdown #define FLD_UI_SESSION_ID "ui_session_id" #define FLD_UI_SESSION_ACTIVE_PROFILE "ui_session_active_profile" #define FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_GEOMETRY "ui_session_main_geometry" #define FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_HIDDEN "ui_session_main_hidden" #define FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_STATE "ui_session_main_state" // Mime settings #define FLD_MIME_SHARED_DATABASE "mime_shared_database" ///////////////////////// // class t_audio_device ///////////////////////// string t_audio_device::get_description(void) const { string s = device; if (type == OSS) { s = "OSS: " + s; if (sym_link.size() > 0) { s += " -> "; s += sym_link; } if (name.size() > 0) { s += ": "; s += name; } } else if (type == ALSA) { s = "ALSA: " + s; if (!name.empty()) { s += ": "; s += name; } } else { s = "Unknown: " + s; } return s; } string t_audio_device::get_settings_value(void) const { string s; switch (type) { case OSS: s = PFX_OSS; break; case ALSA: s = PFX_ALSA; break; default: assert(false); } s += device; return s; } ///////////////////////// // class t_win_geometry ///////////////////////// t_win_geometry::t_win_geometry(int x_, int y_, int width_, int height_) : x(x_), y(y_), width(width_), height(height_) {} t_win_geometry::t_win_geometry() : x(0), y(0), width(0), height(0) {} t_win_geometry::t_win_geometry(const string &value) { vector v = split(value, ','); if (v.size() == 4) { x = atoi(v[0].c_str()); y = atoi(v[1].c_str()); width = atoi(v[2].c_str()); height = atoi(v[3].c_str()); } } string t_win_geometry::encode(void) const { string s; s = int2str(x); s += ','; s += int2str(y); s += ','; s += int2str(width); s += ','; s += int2str(height); return s; } ///////////////////////// // class t_sys_settings ///////////////////////// t_sys_settings::t_sys_settings() { fd_lock_file = -1; dir_share = DIR_SHARE; filename = string(DIR_HOME); filename += "/"; filename += USER_DIR; filename += "/"; filename += SYS_CONFIG_FILE; // Audio device default settings #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND dev_ringtone = audio_device(DEV_ALSA_DFLT); dev_speaker = audio_device(DEV_ALSA_DFLT); dev_mic = audio_device(DEV_ALSA_DFLT); #else dev_ringtone = audio_device(); dev_speaker = audio_device(); dev_mic = audio_device(); #endif validate_audio_dev = true; alsa_play_period_size = 128; alsa_capture_period_size = 32; oss_fragment_size = 128; log_max_size = 5; log_show_sip = true; log_show_stun = true; log_show_memory = true; log_show_debug = false; gui_use_systray = true; gui_hide_on_close = true; gui_auto_show_incoming = false; gui_auto_show_timeout = 10; gui_show_call_osd = true; ab_show_sip_only = false; ab_lookup_name = true; ab_override_display = true; ab_lookup_photo = true; ch_max_size = 50; call_waiting = true; hangup_both_3way = true; start_user_profiles.clear(); start_hidden = false; config_sip_port = 5060; active_sip_port = 0; override_sip_port = 0; rtp_port = 8000; override_rtp_port = 0; sip_max_udp_size = 65535; sip_max_tcp_size = 1000000; play_ringtone = true; ringtone_file.clear(); play_ringback = true; ringback_file.clear(); last_used_profile.clear(); redial_url.set_url(""); redial_display.clear(); redial_subject.clear(); redial_profile.clear(); redial_hide_user = false; dial_history.clear(); show_display = true; compact_line_status = false; show_buddy_list = true; warn_hide_user = true; ui_session_id.clear(); mime_shared_database = DFLT_SHARED_MIME_DB; } // Getters t_audio_device t_sys_settings::get_dev_ringtone(void) const { t_audio_device result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = dev_ringtone; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } t_audio_device t_sys_settings::get_dev_speaker(void) const { t_audio_device result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = dev_speaker; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } t_audio_device t_sys_settings::get_dev_mic(void) const { t_audio_device result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = dev_mic; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_validate_audio_dev(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = validate_audio_dev; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } int t_sys_settings::get_alsa_play_period_size(void) const { int result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = alsa_play_period_size; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } int t_sys_settings::get_alsa_capture_period_size(void) const { int result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = alsa_capture_period_size; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } int t_sys_settings::get_oss_fragment_size(void) const { int result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = oss_fragment_size; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } unsigned short t_sys_settings::get_log_max_size(void) const { unsigned short result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = log_max_size; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_log_show_sip(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = log_show_sip; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_log_show_stun(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = log_show_stun; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_log_show_memory(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = log_show_memory; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_log_show_debug(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = log_show_debug; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_gui_use_systray(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return gui_use_systray; } bool t_sys_settings::get_gui_auto_show_incoming(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return gui_auto_show_incoming; } int t_sys_settings::get_gui_auto_show_timeout(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return gui_auto_show_timeout; } bool t_sys_settings::get_gui_hide_on_close(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return gui_hide_on_close; } string t_sys_settings::get_gui_browser_cmd(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return gui_browser_cmd; } bool t_sys_settings::get_ab_show_sip_only(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ab_show_sip_only; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_ab_lookup_name(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ab_lookup_name; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_ab_override_display(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ab_override_display; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_ab_lookup_photo(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ab_lookup_photo; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } int t_sys_settings::get_ch_max_size(void) const { int result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ch_max_size; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_call_waiting(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = call_waiting; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_hangup_both_3way(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = hangup_both_3way; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } list t_sys_settings::get_start_user_profiles(void) const { list result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = start_user_profiles; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_start_hidden(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = start_hidden; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } unsigned short t_sys_settings::get_config_sip_port(void) const { unsigned short result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = config_sip_port; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } unsigned short t_sys_settings::get_rtp_port(void) const { unsigned short result; mtx_sys.lock(); if (override_rtp_port > 0) { result = override_rtp_port; } else { result = rtp_port; } mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } unsigned short t_sys_settings::get_sip_max_udp_size(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return sip_max_udp_size; } unsigned long t_sys_settings::get_sip_max_tcp_size(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return sip_max_tcp_size; } bool t_sys_settings::get_play_ringtone(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = play_ringtone; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_ringtone_file(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ringtone_file; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_play_ringback(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = play_ringback; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_ringback_file(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = ringback_file; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_last_used_profile(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = last_used_profile; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } t_url t_sys_settings::get_redial_url(void) const { t_url result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = redial_url; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_redial_display(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = redial_display; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_redial_subject(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = redial_subject; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_redial_profile(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = redial_profile; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_redial_hide_user(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = redial_hide_user; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } list t_sys_settings::get_dial_history(void) const { list result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = dial_history; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_show_display(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = show_display; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_compact_line_status(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = compact_line_status; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_show_buddy_list(void) const { bool result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = show_buddy_list; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } bool t_sys_settings::get_gui_show_call_osd() const { return gui_show_call_osd; } string t_sys_settings::get_ui_session_id(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return ui_session_id; } list t_sys_settings::get_ui_session_active_profiles(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return ui_session_active_profiles; } t_win_geometry t_sys_settings::get_ui_session_main_geometry(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return ui_session_main_geometry; } bool t_sys_settings::get_ui_session_main_hidden(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return ui_session_main_hidden; } unsigned int t_sys_settings::get_ui_session_main_state(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return ui_session_main_state; } bool t_sys_settings::get_warn_hide_user(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return warn_hide_user; } string t_sys_settings::get_mime_shared_database(void) const { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); return mime_shared_database; } // Setters void t_sys_settings::set_dev_ringtone(const t_audio_device &dev) { mtx_sys.lock(); dev_ringtone = dev; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_dev_speaker(const t_audio_device &dev) { mtx_sys.lock(); dev_speaker = dev; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_dev_mic(const t_audio_device &dev) { mtx_sys.lock(); dev_mic = dev; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_validate_audio_dev(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); validate_audio_dev = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_alsa_play_period_size(int size) { mtx_sys.lock(); alsa_play_period_size = size; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_alsa_capture_period_size(int size) { mtx_sys.lock(); alsa_capture_period_size = size; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_oss_fragment_size(int size) { mtx_sys.lock(); oss_fragment_size = size; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_log_max_size(unsigned short size) { mtx_sys.lock(); log_max_size = size; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_log_show_sip(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); log_show_sip = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_log_show_stun(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); log_show_stun = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_log_show_memory(bool b) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); log_show_memory = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_log_show_debug(bool b) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); log_show_debug = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_gui_use_systray(bool b) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); gui_use_systray = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_gui_hide_on_close(bool b) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); gui_hide_on_close = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_gui_auto_show_incoming(bool b) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); gui_auto_show_incoming = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_gui_auto_show_timeout(int timeout) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); gui_auto_show_timeout = timeout; } void t_sys_settings::set_gui_browser_cmd(const string &s) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); gui_browser_cmd = s; } void t_sys_settings::set_ab_show_sip_only(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); ab_show_sip_only = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ab_lookup_name(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); ab_lookup_name = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ab_override_display(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); ab_override_display = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ab_lookup_photo(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); ab_lookup_photo = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ch_max_size(int size) { mtx_sys.lock(); ch_max_size = size; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_call_waiting(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); call_waiting = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_hangup_both_3way(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); hangup_both_3way = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_start_user_profiles(const list &profiles) { mtx_sys.lock(); start_user_profiles = profiles; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_start_hidden(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); start_hidden = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_config_sip_port(unsigned short port) { mtx_sys.lock(); config_sip_port = port; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_override_sip_port(unsigned short port) { mtx_sys.lock(); override_sip_port = port; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_rtp_port(unsigned short port) { mtx_sys.lock(); rtp_port = port; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_override_rtp_port(unsigned short port) { mtx_sys.lock(); override_rtp_port = port; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_sip_max_udp_size(unsigned short size) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); sip_max_udp_size = size; } void t_sys_settings::set_sip_max_tcp_size(unsigned long size) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); sip_max_tcp_size = size; } void t_sys_settings::set_play_ringtone(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); play_ringtone = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ringtone_file(const string &file) { mtx_sys.lock(); ringtone_file = file; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_play_ringback(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); play_ringback = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ringback_file(const string &file) { mtx_sys.lock(); ringback_file = file; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_last_used_profile(const string &profile) { mtx_sys.lock(); last_used_profile = profile; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_redial_url(const t_url &url) { mtx_sys.lock(); redial_url = url; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_redial_display(const string &display) { mtx_sys.lock(); redial_display = display; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_redial_subject(const string &subject) { mtx_sys.lock(); redial_subject = subject; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_redial_profile(const string &profile) { mtx_sys.lock(); redial_profile = profile; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_redial_hide_user(const bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); redial_hide_user = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_dial_history(const list &history) { mtx_sys.lock(); dial_history = history; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_show_display(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); show_display = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_compact_line_status(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); compact_line_status = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_show_buddy_list(bool b) { mtx_sys.lock(); show_buddy_list = b; mtx_sys.unlock(); } void t_sys_settings::set_ui_session_id(const string &id) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); ui_session_id = id; } void t_sys_settings::set_ui_session_active_profiles(const list &profiles) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); ui_session_active_profiles = profiles; } void t_sys_settings::set_ui_session_main_geometry(const t_win_geometry &geometry) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); ui_session_main_geometry = geometry; } void t_sys_settings::set_ui_session_main_hidden(bool hidden) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); ui_session_main_hidden = hidden; } void t_sys_settings::set_ui_session_main_state(unsigned int state) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); ui_session_main_state = state; } void t_sys_settings::set_warn_hide_user(bool b) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); warn_hide_user = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_gui_show_call_osd(bool b) { // Using mutexes in primitive type getters/setters doesn't make any sense. // TODO: remove t_mutex_guard from other getters/setters like this one. gui_show_call_osd = b; } void t_sys_settings::set_mime_shared_database(const string &filename) { t_mutex_guard guard(mtx_sys); mime_shared_database = filename; } string t_sys_settings::about(bool html) const { string s = PRODUCT_NAME; s += ' '; s += PRODUCT_VERSION; s += " - "; s += get_product_date(); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "Copyright (C) 2005-2015 "; s += PRODUCT_AUTHOR; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "http://www.twinklephone.com"; if (html) s += "

"; s += "\n\n"; string options_built = get_options_built(); if (!options_built.empty()) { s += TRANSLATE("Built with support for:"); s += " "; s += options_built; if (html) s += "

"; s += "\n\n"; } s += TRANSLATE("Contributions:"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "* Werner Dittmann (ZRTP/SRTP)\n"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "* Bogdan Harjoc (AKAv1-MD5, Service-Route)\n"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "* Roman Imankulov (command line editing)\n"; if (html) s += "
"; if (html) { s += "* Ondrej Moriš (codec preprocessing)
\n"; } else { s += "* Ondrej Moris (codec preprocessing)\n"; } if (html) { s += "* Rickard Petzäll (ALSA)
\n"; } else { s += "* Rickard Petzall (ALSA)\n"; } if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += TRANSLATE("This software contains the following software from 3rd parties:"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += TRANSLATE("* GSM codec from Jutta Degener and Carsten Bormann, University of Berlin"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += TRANSLATE("* G.711/G.726 codecs from Sun Microsystems (public domain)"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; #ifdef HAVE_ILBC s += TRANSLATE("* iLBC implementation from RFC 3951 (www.ilbcfreeware.org)"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; #endif s += TRANSLATE("* Parts of the STUN project at http://sourceforge.net/projects/stun"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += TRANSLATE("* Parts of libsrv at http://libsrv.sourceforge.net/"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += TRANSLATE("For RTP the following dynamic libraries are linked:"); if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "* GNU ccRTP - http://www.gnu.org/software/ccrtp"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "* GNU uCommon C++ - http://www.gnutelephony.org/index.php/Category:Software"; if (html) s += "

"; s += "\n\n"; // Display information about translator only on non-english version. string translated_by = TRANSLATE("Translated to english by "); if (translated_by != "Translated to english by ") { s += translated_by; if (html) s += "

"; s += "\n\n"; } s += PRODUCT_NAME; s += " comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY."; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or"; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; s += "(at your option) any later version."; if (html) s += "
"; s += "\n"; return s; } string t_sys_settings::get_product_date(void) const { struct tm t; t.tm_sec = 0; t.tm_min = 0; t.tm_hour = 0; vector l = split(PRODUCT_DATE, ' '); assert(l.size() == 3); t.tm_mon = str2month_full(l[0]); t.tm_mday = atoi(l[1].c_str()); t.tm_year = atoi(l[2].c_str()) - 1900; char buf[64]; strftime(buf, 64, "%d %B %Y", &t); return string(buf); } string t_sys_settings::get_options_built(void) const { string options_built; #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND if (!options_built.empty()) options_built += ", "; options_built += "ALSA"; #endif #ifdef HAVE_KDE if (!options_built.empty()) options_built += ", "; options_built += "KDE"; #endif #ifdef HAVE_SPEEX if (!options_built.empty()) options_built += ", "; options_built += "Speex"; #endif #ifdef HAVE_ILBC if (!options_built.empty()) options_built += ", "; options_built += "iLBC"; #endif #ifdef HAVE_ZRTP if (!options_built.empty()) options_built += ", "; options_built += "ZRTP"; #endif return options_built; } bool t_sys_settings::check_environment(string &error_msg) const { struct stat stat_buf; string filename, dirname; mtx_sys.lock(); // Check if share directory exists if (stat(dir_share.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Directory %1 does not exist."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", dir_share); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } // Check if audio file for ring tone exist filename = dir_share; filename += '/'; filename += FILE_RINGTONE; ifstream f_ringtone(filename.c_str()); if (!f_ringtone) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot open file %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } // Check if audio file for ring back exist filename = dir_share; filename += '/'; filename += FILE_RINGBACK; ifstream f_ringback(filename.c_str()); if (!f_ringback) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot open file %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } // Check if $HOME is set correctly if (string(DIR_HOME) == "") { error_msg = TRANSLATE("%1 is not set to your home directory."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", "$HOME"); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } if (stat(DIR_HOME, &stat_buf) != 0) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Directory %1 (%2) does not exist."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", DIR_HOME); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%2", "$HOME"); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } // Check if user directory exists dirname = get_dir_user(); if (stat(dirname.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) { // User directory does not exist. Create it now. if (mkdir(dirname.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) != 0) { // Failed to create the user directory error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot create directory %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", dirname); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } } // Check if tmp file directory exists dirname = get_dir_tmpfile(); if (stat(dirname.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) { // Tmp file directory does not exist. Create it now. if (mkdir(dirname.c_str(), S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR) != 0) { // Failed to create the tmp file directory error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot create directory %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", dirname); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } } mtx_sys.unlock(); return true; } void t_sys_settings::set_dir_share(const string &dir) { mtx_sys.lock(); dir_share = dir; mtx_sys.unlock(); } string t_sys_settings::get_dir_share(void) const { string result; mtx_sys.lock(); result = dir_share; mtx_sys.unlock(); return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_dir_lang(void) const { string result = get_dir_share(); result += "/lang"; return result; } string t_sys_settings::get_dir_user(void) const { string dir = DIR_HOME; dir += "/"; dir += DIR_USER; return dir; } string t_sys_settings::get_history_file(void) const { string dir = get_dir_user(); dir += "/"; dir += FILE_CLI_HISTORY; return dir; } string t_sys_settings::get_dir_tmpfile(void) const { string dir = get_dir_user(); dir += "/"; dir += DIR_TMPFILE; return dir; } bool t_sys_settings::is_tmpfile(const string &filename) const { string tmpdir = get_dir_tmpfile(); return filename.substr(0, tmpdir.size()) == tmpdir; } bool t_sys_settings::save_tmp_file(const string &data, const string &file_extension, string &filename, string &error_msg) { string fname = get_dir_tmpfile(); fname += "/XXXXXX"; char *tmpfile = strdup(fname.c_str()); MEMMAN_NEW(tmpfile); int fd = mkstemp(tmpfile); if (fd < 0) { error_msg = get_error_str(errno); MEMMAN_DELETE(tmpfile); free(tmpfile); return false; } close(fd); ofstream f(tmpfile); if (!f) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Failed to create file %1"); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", tmpfile); MEMMAN_DELETE(tmpfile); free(tmpfile); return false; } f.write(data.c_str(), data.size()); if (!f.good()) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Failed to write data to file %1"); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", tmpfile); f.close(); MEMMAN_DELETE(tmpfile); free(tmpfile); return false; } f.close(); // Rename to name with extension filename = apply_glob_to_filename(tmpfile, file_extension); if (rename(tmpfile, filename.c_str()) < 0) { error_msg = get_error_str(errno); MEMMAN_DELETE(tmpfile); free(tmpfile); return false; } MEMMAN_DELETE(tmpfile); free(tmpfile); return true; } bool t_sys_settings::save_sip_body(const t_sip_message &sip_msg, const string &suggested_file_extension, string &tmpname, string &save_as_name, string &error_msg) { bool retval = true; if (!sip_msg.body) { error_msg = "Missing body"; return false; } // Determine file extension and save-as name // The algorithm to get the file extension (glob expression) is: // 1) If the a file name is supplied in the Content-Disposition header, then // take the file extension from that file name. // 2) If no extension is found, then take the suggested_file_extension // 3) If still no file extension is found, then retrieve the file extension // from the t_media object in the Content-Type header. string file_ext = suggested_file_extension; save_as_name.clear(); if (sip_msg.hdr_content_disp.is_populated() && sip_msg.hdr_content_disp.type == DISPOSITION_ATTACHMENT && !sip_msg.hdr_content_disp.filename.empty()) { string x = get_extension_from_filename(sip_msg.hdr_content_disp.filename); if (!x.empty()) file_ext = string("*." + x); save_as_name = strip_path_from_filename(sip_msg.hdr_content_disp.filename); } if (file_ext.empty()) { file_ext = sip_msg.hdr_content_type.media.get_file_glob(); if (file_ext.empty()) { file_ext = "*"; } } // Avoid copy of opaque data if (sip_msg.body->get_type() == BODY_OPAQUE) { t_sip_body_opaque *body_opaque = dynamic_cast(sip_msg.body); retval = save_tmp_file(body_opaque->opaque, file_ext, tmpname, error_msg); } else { retval = save_tmp_file(sip_msg.body->encode(), file_ext, tmpname, error_msg); } return retval; } void t_sys_settings::remove_all_tmp_files(void) const { DIR *tmpdir = opendir(get_dir_tmpfile().c_str()); if (!tmpdir) { log_file->write_report(get_error_str(errno), "t_sys_settings::remove_all_tmp_files"); return; } struct dirent *entry = readdir(tmpdir); while (entry) { if (strcmp(entry->d_name, ".") != 0 && strcmp(entry->d_name, "..") != 0) { string fname = get_dir_tmpfile(); fname += PATH_SEPARATOR; fname += entry->d_name; log_file->write_header("t_sys_settings::remove_all_tmp_files"); log_file->write_raw("Remove tmp file "); log_file->write_raw(fname); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); unlink(fname.c_str()); } entry = readdir(tmpdir); } closedir(tmpdir); } bool t_sys_settings::create_lock_file(bool shared_lock, string &error_msg, bool &already_running) { string lck_filename; already_running = false; lck_filename = DIR_HOME; lck_filename += "/"; lck_filename += DIR_USER; lck_filename += "/"; lck_filename += LOCK_FILENAME; fd_lock_file = open(lck_filename.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR); if (fd_lock_file < 0) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot create %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", lck_filename); error_msg += "\n"; error_msg += get_error_str(errno); return false; } struct flock lock_options; // Try to acquire an exclusive lock if (!shared_lock) { memset(&lock_options, 0, sizeof(struct flock)); lock_options.l_type = F_WRLCK; lock_options.l_whence = SEEK_SET; if (fcntl(fd_lock_file, F_SETLK, &lock_options) < 0) { already_running = true; error_msg = TRANSLATE("%1 is already running.\nLock file %2 already exists."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", PRODUCT_NAME); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%2", lck_filename); return false; } } // Convert the lock to a shared lock. If the user forces multiple // instances of Twinkle to run, then each will have a shared lock. memset(&lock_options, 0, sizeof(struct flock)); lock_options.l_type = F_RDLCK; lock_options.l_whence = SEEK_SET; if (fcntl(fd_lock_file, F_SETLK, &lock_options) < 0) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot lock %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", lck_filename); return false; } return true; } void t_sys_settings::delete_lock_file(void) { if (fd_lock_file >= 0) { struct flock lock_options; lock_options.l_type = F_UNLCK; lock_options.l_whence = SEEK_SET; fcntl(fd_lock_file, F_SETLK, &lock_options); close(fd_lock_file); fd_lock_file = -1; } } bool t_sys_settings::read_config(string &error_msg) { struct stat stat_buf; mtx_sys.lock(); // Check if config file exists if (stat(filename.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) { mtx_sys.unlock(); return true; } // Open config file ifstream config(filename.c_str()); if (!config) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot open file for reading: %1"); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } // Read and parse config file. while (!config.eof()) { string line; getline(config, line); // Check if read operation succeeded if (!config.good() && !config.eof()) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("File system error while reading file %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } line = trim(line); // Skip empty lines if (line.size() == 0) continue; // Skip comment lines if (line[0] == '#') continue; vector l = split_on_first(line, '='); if (l.size() != 2) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Syntax error in file %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); error_msg += "\n"; error_msg += line; mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } string parameter = trim(l[0]); string value = trim(l[1]); if (parameter == FLD_DEV_RINGTONE) { dev_ringtone = audio_device(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_DEV_SPEAKER) { dev_speaker = audio_device(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_DEV_MIC) { dev_mic = audio_device(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_VALIDATE_AUDIO_DEV) { validate_audio_dev = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_ALSA_PLAY_PERIOD_SIZE) { alsa_play_period_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_ALSA_CAPTURE_PERIOD_SIZE) { alsa_capture_period_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_OSS_FRAGMENT_SIZE) { oss_fragment_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_LOG_MAX_SIZE) { log_max_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_LOG_SHOW_SIP) { log_show_sip = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_LOG_SHOW_STUN) { log_show_stun = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_LOG_SHOW_MEMORY) { log_show_memory = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_LOG_SHOW_DEBUG) { log_show_debug = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_GUI_USE_SYSTRAY) { gui_use_systray = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_GUI_HIDE_ON_CLOSE) { gui_hide_on_close = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_GUI_AUTO_SHOW_INCOMING) { gui_auto_show_incoming = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_GUI_AUTO_SHOW_TIMEOUT) { gui_auto_show_timeout = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_GUI_BROWSER_CMD) { gui_browser_cmd = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_GUI_SHOW_CALL_OSD) { gui_show_call_osd = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_AB_SHOW_SIP_ONLY) { ab_show_sip_only = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_AB_LOOKUP_NAME) { ab_lookup_name = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_AB_OVERRIDE_DISPLAY) { ab_override_display = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_AB_LOOKUP_PHOTO) { ab_lookup_photo = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_CH_MAX_SIZE) { ch_max_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_CALL_WAITING) { call_waiting = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_HANGUP_BOTH_3WAY) { hangup_both_3way = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_START_USER_PROFILE) { if (!value.empty()) start_user_profiles.push_back(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_START_HIDDEN) { start_hidden = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_sip_udp_port) { // Deprecated parameter config_sip_port = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_sip_port) { config_sip_port = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_RTP_PORT) { rtp_port = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_SIP_MAX_UDP_SIZE) { sip_max_udp_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_SIP_MAX_TCP_SIZE) { sip_max_tcp_size = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_PLAY_RINGTONE) { play_ringtone = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_RINGTONE_FILE) { ringtone_file = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_PLAY_RINGBACK) { play_ringback = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_RINGBACK_FILE) { ringback_file = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_LAST_USED_PROFILE) { last_used_profile = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_REDIAL_URL) { redial_url.set_url(value); if (!redial_url.is_valid()) { redial_url.set_url(""); } } else if (parameter == FLD_REDIAL_DISPLAY) { redial_display = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_REDIAL_SUBJECT) { redial_subject = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_REDIAL_PROFILE) { redial_profile = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_REDIAL_HIDE_USER) { redial_hide_user = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_DIAL_HISTORY) { dial_history.push_back(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_SHOW_DISPLAY) { show_display = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_COMPACT_LINE_STATUS) { //compact_line_status = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_SHOW_BUDDY_LIST) { show_buddy_list = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_UI_SESSION_ID) { ui_session_id = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_UI_SESSION_ACTIVE_PROFILE) { ui_session_active_profiles.push_back(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_GEOMETRY) { ui_session_main_geometry = value; } else if (parameter == FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_HIDDEN) { ui_session_main_hidden = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_STATE) { ui_session_main_state = atoi(value.c_str()); } else if (parameter == FLD_WARN_HIDE_USER) { warn_hide_user = yesno2bool(value); } else if (parameter == FLD_MIME_SHARED_DATABASE) { mime_shared_database = value; } // Unknown field names are skipped. } mtx_sys.unlock(); return true; } bool t_sys_settings::write_config(string &error_msg) { struct stat stat_buf; mtx_sys.lock(); // Make a backup of the file if we are editing an existing file, so // that can be restored when writing fails. string f_backup = filename + '~'; if (stat(filename.c_str(), &stat_buf) == 0) { if (rename(filename.c_str(), f_backup.c_str()) != 0) { string err = get_error_str(errno); error_msg = TRANSLATE("Failed to backup %1 to %2"); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%2", f_backup); error_msg += "\n"; error_msg += err; mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } } // Open file ofstream config(filename.c_str()); if (!config) { error_msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot open file for writing: %1"); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } // Write AUDIO settings config << "# AUDIO\n"; config << FLD_DEV_RINGTONE << '=' << dev_ringtone.get_settings_value() << endl; config << FLD_DEV_SPEAKER << '=' << dev_speaker.get_settings_value() << endl; config << FLD_DEV_MIC << '=' << dev_mic.get_settings_value() << endl; config << FLD_VALIDATE_AUDIO_DEV << '=' << bool2yesno(validate_audio_dev) << endl; config << FLD_ALSA_PLAY_PERIOD_SIZE << '=' << alsa_play_period_size << endl; config << FLD_ALSA_CAPTURE_PERIOD_SIZE << '=' << alsa_capture_period_size << endl; config << FLD_OSS_FRAGMENT_SIZE << '=' << oss_fragment_size << endl; config << endl; // Write LOG settings config << "# LOG\n"; config << FLD_LOG_MAX_SIZE << '=' << log_max_size << endl; config << FLD_LOG_SHOW_SIP << '=' << bool2yesno(log_show_sip) << endl; config << FLD_LOG_SHOW_STUN << '=' << bool2yesno(log_show_stun) << endl; config << FLD_LOG_SHOW_MEMORY << '=' << bool2yesno(log_show_memory) << endl; config << FLD_LOG_SHOW_DEBUG << '=' << bool2yesno(log_show_debug) << endl; config << endl; // Write GUI settings config << "# GUI\n"; config << FLD_GUI_USE_SYSTRAY << '=' << bool2yesno(gui_use_systray) << endl; config << FLD_GUI_HIDE_ON_CLOSE << '=' << bool2yesno(gui_hide_on_close) << endl; config << FLD_GUI_AUTO_SHOW_INCOMING << '=' << bool2yesno(gui_auto_show_incoming) << endl; config << FLD_GUI_AUTO_SHOW_TIMEOUT << '=' << gui_auto_show_timeout << endl; config << FLD_GUI_BROWSER_CMD << '=' << gui_browser_cmd << endl; config << FLD_GUI_SHOW_CALL_OSD << '=' << bool2yesno(gui_show_call_osd) << endl; config << endl; // Write address book settings config << "# Address book\n"; config << FLD_AB_SHOW_SIP_ONLY << '=' << bool2yesno(ab_show_sip_only) << endl; config << FLD_AB_LOOKUP_NAME << '=' << bool2yesno(ab_lookup_name) << endl; config << FLD_AB_OVERRIDE_DISPLAY << '=' << bool2yesno(ab_override_display) << endl; config << FLD_AB_LOOKUP_PHOTO << '=' << bool2yesno(ab_lookup_photo) << endl; config << endl; // Write call history settings config << "# Call history\n"; config << FLD_CH_MAX_SIZE << '=' << ch_max_size << endl; config << endl; // Write service settings config << "# Services\n"; config << FLD_CALL_WAITING << '=' << bool2yesno(call_waiting) << endl; config << FLD_HANGUP_BOTH_3WAY << '=' << bool2yesno(hangup_both_3way) << endl; config << endl; // Write startup settings config << "# Startup\n"; for (list::iterator i = start_user_profiles.begin(); i != start_user_profiles.end(); i++) { config << FLD_START_USER_PROFILE << '=' << *i << endl; } config << FLD_START_HIDDEN << '=' << bool2yesno(start_hidden) << endl; config << endl; // Write network settings config << "# Network\n"; config << FLD_sip_port << '=' << config_sip_port << endl; config << FLD_RTP_PORT << '=' << rtp_port << endl; config << FLD_SIP_MAX_UDP_SIZE << '=' << sip_max_udp_size << endl; config << FLD_SIP_MAX_TCP_SIZE << '=' << sip_max_tcp_size << endl; config << endl; // Write ring tone settings config << "# Ring tones\n"; config << FLD_PLAY_RINGTONE << '=' << bool2yesno(play_ringtone) << endl; config << FLD_RINGTONE_FILE << '=' << ringtone_file << endl; config << FLD_PLAY_RINGBACK << '=' << bool2yesno(play_ringback) << endl; config << FLD_RINGBACK_FILE << '=' << ringback_file << endl; config << endl; // Write MIME settings config << "# MIME settings\n"; config << FLD_MIME_SHARED_DATABASE << '=' << mime_shared_database << endl; config << endl; // Write persistent user interface state config << "# Persistent user interface state\n"; config << FLD_LAST_USED_PROFILE << '=' << last_used_profile << endl; config << FLD_REDIAL_URL << '=' << redial_url.encode() << endl; config << FLD_REDIAL_DISPLAY << '=' << redial_display << endl; config << FLD_REDIAL_SUBJECT << '=' << redial_subject << endl; config << FLD_REDIAL_PROFILE << '=' << redial_profile << endl; config << FLD_REDIAL_HIDE_USER << '=' << bool2yesno(redial_hide_user) << endl; config << FLD_SHOW_DISPLAY << '=' << bool2yesno(show_display) << endl; //config << FLD_COMPACT_LINE_STATUS << '=' << bool2yesno(compact_line_status) << endl; config << FLD_SHOW_BUDDY_LIST << '=' << bool2yesno(show_buddy_list) << endl; config << FLD_WARN_HIDE_USER << '=' << bool2yesno(warn_hide_user) << endl; for (list::iterator i = dial_history.begin(); i != dial_history.end(); i++) { config << FLD_DIAL_HISTORY << '=' << *i << endl; } config << endl; // Write session settins config << "# UI session settings\n"; config << FLD_UI_SESSION_ID << '=' << ui_session_id << endl; for (list::iterator i = ui_session_active_profiles.begin(); i != ui_session_active_profiles.end(); i++) { config << FLD_UI_SESSION_ACTIVE_PROFILE << '=' << *i << endl; } config << FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_GEOMETRY << '=' << ui_session_main_geometry.encode() << endl; config << FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_HIDDEN << '=' << bool2yesno(ui_session_main_hidden) << endl; config << FLD_UI_SESSION_MAIN_STATE << '=' << ui_session_main_state << endl; config << endl; // Check if writing succeeded if (!config.good()) { // Restore backup config.close(); rename(f_backup.c_str(), filename.c_str()); error_msg = TRANSLATE("File system error while writing file %1 ."); error_msg = replace_first(error_msg, "%1", filename); mtx_sys.unlock(); return false; } mtx_sys.unlock(); return true; } list t_sys_settings::get_oss_devices(bool playback) const { struct stat stat_buf; list l; for (int i = -1; i <= 15; i ++) { string dev = "/dev/dsp"; if (i >= 0) dev += int2str(i); t_audio_device oss_dev; oss_dev.type = t_audio_device::OSS; // Check if device exists if (stat(dev.c_str(), &stat_buf) != 0) continue; oss_dev.device = dev; // Get sound card name int fd; if (playback) { fd = open(dev.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_NONBLOCK); } else { fd = open(dev.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK); } if (fd >= 0) { struct mixer_info soundcard_info; if (ioctl(fd, SOUND_MIXER_INFO, &soundcard_info) != -1) { oss_dev.name = ""; oss_dev.name += soundcard_info.name; oss_dev.name += " ("; oss_dev.name += soundcard_info.id; oss_dev.name += ")"; } close(fd); } else { if (errno == EBUSY) { oss_dev.name = TRANSLATE("unknown name (device is busy)"); } else { // Device is not available. continue; } } // Check if the device is a symbolic link char buf[32]; int len_link; if ((len_link = readlink(dev.c_str(), buf, 31)) != -1) { buf[len_link] = 0; oss_dev.sym_link = buf; } oss_dev.type = t_audio_device::OSS; l.push_back(oss_dev); } // If no OSS devices can be found (this should not happen), then // just add /dev/dsp as the default device. if (l.empty()) { t_audio_device oss_dev; oss_dev.device = "/dev/dsp"; oss_dev.type = t_audio_device::OSS; l.push_back(oss_dev); } // Add other device option t_audio_device other_dev; other_dev.device = DEV_OTHER; other_dev.type = t_audio_device::OSS; l.push_back(other_dev); return l; } #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND // Defined in audio_device.cpp void alsa_fill_soundcards(list& l, bool playback); list t_sys_settings::get_alsa_devices(bool playback) const { t_audio_device defaultDevice; defaultDevice.device = "default"; defaultDevice.name = TRANSLATE("Default device"); defaultDevice.type = t_audio_device::ALSA; list l; l.push_back(defaultDevice); alsa_fill_soundcards(l, playback); // Add other device option t_audio_device other_dev; other_dev.device = DEV_OTHER; other_dev.type = t_audio_device::ALSA; l.push_back(other_dev); return l; } #endif list t_sys_settings::get_audio_devices(bool playback) const { list d, d0; #ifdef HAVE_LIBASOUND d = get_alsa_devices(playback); #endif d0 = get_oss_devices(playback); d.insert(d.end(), d0.begin(), d0.end()); return d; } bool t_sys_settings::equal_audio_dev(const t_audio_device &dev1, const t_audio_device &dev2) const { if (dev1.type == t_audio_device::OSS) { if (dev2.type != t_audio_device::OSS) return false; if (dev1.device == dev2.device) return true; char symlink1[32], symlink2[32]; int len_link1, len_link2; len_link1 = readlink(dev1.device.c_str(), symlink1, 31); len_link2 = readlink(dev2.device.c_str(), symlink2, 31); if (len_link1 > 0) { symlink1[len_link1] = 0; string symdev1 = "/dev/"; symdev1 += symlink1; if (len_link2 > 0) { symlink2[len_link2] = 0; string symdev2 = "/dev/"; symdev2 += symlink2; return symdev1 == symdev2; } else { return dev2.device == symdev1; } } else { if (len_link2 > 0) { symlink2[len_link2] = 0; string symdev2 = "/dev/"; symdev2 += symlink2; return dev1.device == symdev2; } } } else if (dev1.type == t_audio_device::ALSA) { if (dev2.type != t_audio_device::ALSA) return false; return dev1.device == dev2.device; } return false; } t_audio_device t_sys_settings::audio_device(string device) { t_audio_device d; if (device.empty()) device = DEV_DSP; //This is the default device if (device.substr(0, strlen(PFX_OSS)) == PFX_OSS) { // OSS device d.device = device.substr(strlen(PFX_OSS)); d.type = t_audio_device::OSS; d.name = ""; char symlink[32]; int len_link = readlink(device.c_str(), symlink, 31); if(len_link > 0) { d.sym_link = symlink; } } else if (device.substr(0, strlen(PFX_ALSA)) == PFX_ALSA) { // ALSA device d.device = device.substr(strlen(PFX_ALSA)); d.type = t_audio_device::ALSA; d.name = ""; d.sym_link = ""; } else { // Assume it is an OSS device. Version 0.2.1 and lower // only supported OSS and the value only consisted of // the device name without "oss:" d.device = device; d.type = t_audio_device::OSS; d.name = ""; char symlink[32]; int len_link = readlink(device.c_str(), symlink, 31); if(len_link > 0) { d.sym_link = symlink; } } return d; } bool t_sys_settings::exec_audio_validation(bool ringtone, bool speaker, bool mic, string &error_msg) const { error_msg.clear(); if (!validate_audio_dev) return true; bool valid = true; bool full_duplex = speaker && mic && equal_audio_dev(dev_speaker, dev_mic); if (ringtone && !t_audio_io::validate(dev_ringtone, true, false)) { string msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot access the ring tone device (%1)."); error_msg += replace_first(msg, "%1", dev_ringtone.get_description()); error_msg += "\n"; valid = false; } if (speaker && !t_audio_io::validate(dev_speaker, true, full_duplex)) { string msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot access the speaker (%1)."); error_msg += replace_first(msg, "%1", dev_speaker.get_description()); error_msg += "\n"; valid = false; } if (mic && !t_audio_io::validate(dev_mic, full_duplex, true)) { string msg = TRANSLATE("Cannot access the microphone (%1)."); error_msg += replace_first(msg, "%1", dev_mic.get_description()); error_msg += "\n"; valid = false; } return valid; } unsigned short t_sys_settings::get_sip_port(bool force_active) { mtx_sys.lock(); // The configured port becomes the active port after first // usage of the port. if (!active_sip_port || force_active) { if (override_sip_port > 0) { // The port provided on the command line overrides // the configured port. active_sip_port = override_sip_port; } else { active_sip_port = config_sip_port; } } mtx_sys.unlock(); return active_sip_port; }