/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "subscription.h" #include "dialog.h" #include "line.h" #include "log.h" #include "phone_user.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "parser/hdr_event.h" extern t_event_queue *evq_trans_mgr; extern t_event_queue *evq_timekeeper; extern t_timekeeper *timekeeper; string t_subscription_state2str(t_subscription_state state) { switch (state) { case SS_NULL: return "SS_NULL"; case SS_ESTABLISHED: return "SS_ESTABLISHED"; case SS_UNSUBSCRIBING: return "SS_UNSUBSCRIBING"; case SS_UNSUBSCRIBED: return "SS_UNSUBSCRIBED"; case SS_TERMINATED: return "SS_TERMINATED"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } ///////////// // PROTECTED ///////////// void t_subscription::log_event() const { log_file->write_raw("Event: "); log_file->write_raw(event_type); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw("Event id: "); log_file->write_raw(event_id); log_file->write_endl(); } void t_subscription::remove_client_request(t_client_request **cr) { if ((*cr)->dec_ref_count() == 0) { MEMMAN_DELETE(*cr); delete *cr; } *cr = NULL; } t_request *t_subscription::create_subscribe(unsigned long expires) const { // RFC 3265 3.1.4 t_request *r = dialog->create_request(SUBSCRIBE); r->hdr_expires.set_time(expires); r->hdr_event.set_event_type(event_type); if (event_id.size() > 0) r->hdr_event.set_id(event_id); // Re-calculate the destination as the event type may // influence the route to be taken. // The destination has been calculated already at the // dialog level. r->calc_destinations(*user_config); return r; } t_request *t_subscription::create_notify(const string &sub_state, const string &reason) const { // RFC 3265 3.2.2 t_request *r = dialog->create_request(NOTIFY); r->hdr_event.set_event_type(event_type); if (event_id.size() > 0) r->hdr_event.set_id(event_id); r->hdr_subscription_state.set_substate(sub_state); // Subscription state specific parameters if (sub_state == SUBSTATE_ACTIVE || sub_state == SUBSTATE_PENDING) { // Add expires parameter with remaining time if (id_subscription_timeout) { long remaining = timekeeper-> get_remaining_time(id_subscription_timeout); r->hdr_subscription_state.set_expires(remaining / 1000); } } else if (sub_state == SUBSTATE_TERMINATED) { // Add reason parameter if (reason.size() > 0) { r->hdr_subscription_state.set_reason(reason); } } return r; } void t_subscription::send_request(t_user *user_config, t_request *r, t_tuid tuid) const { evq_trans_mgr->push_user(user_config, (t_sip_message *)r, tuid, 0); } void t_subscription::send_response(t_user *user_config, t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) const { evq_trans_mgr->push_user(user_config, (t_sip_message *)r, tuid, tid); } void t_subscription::start_timer(t_subscribe_timer timer, long duration) { t_tmr_subscribe *t; t_object_id oid_line = 0; switch(timer) { case STMR_SUBSCRIPTION: if (dynamic_cast(dialog) != NULL) { oid_line = dynamic_cast(dialog)->get_line()->get_object_id(); } t = new t_tmr_subscribe(duration, timer, oid_line, dialog->get_object_id(), event_type, event_id); MEMMAN_NEW(t); id_subscription_timeout = t->get_object_id(); break; default: assert(false); } evq_timekeeper->push_start_timer(t); MEMMAN_DELETE(t); delete t; } void t_subscription::stop_timer(t_subscribe_timer timer) { unsigned short *id; switch(timer) { case STMR_SUBSCRIPTION: id = &id_subscription_timeout; break; default: assert(false); } if (*id != 0) evq_timekeeper->push_stop_timer(*id); *id = 0; } ////////// // PUBLIC ////////// t_subscription::t_subscription(t_abstract_dialog *_dialog, t_subscription_role _role, const string &_event_type) { dialog = _dialog; user_config = dialog->get_user(); assert(user_config); role = _role; state = SS_NULL; resubscribe_after = 0; may_resubscribe = false; pending = true; id_subscription_timeout = 0; req_out = NULL; event_type = _event_type; auto_refresh = true; subscription_expiry = 3600; default_duration = 3600; } t_subscription::t_subscription(t_abstract_dialog *_dialog, t_subscription_role _role, const string &_event_type, const string &_event_id) { dialog = _dialog; user_config = dialog->get_user(); assert(user_config); role = _role; state = SS_NULL; resubscribe_after = 0; may_resubscribe = false; pending = true; id_subscription_timeout = 0; req_out = NULL; event_type = _event_type; event_id = _event_id; auto_refresh = true; subscription_expiry = 3600; default_duration = 3600; } t_subscription::~t_subscription() { if (req_out) remove_client_request(&req_out); if (id_subscription_timeout) stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); // Cleanup list of unsent NOTIFY messages while (!queue_notify.empty()) { t_request *r = queue_notify.front(); queue_notify.pop(); MEMMAN_DELETE(r); delete r; } } t_subscription_role t_subscription::get_role(void) const { return role; } t_subscription_state t_subscription::get_state(void) const { return state; } string t_subscription::get_reason_termination(void) const { return reason_termination; } unsigned long t_subscription::get_resubscribe_after(void) const { return resubscribe_after; } bool t_subscription::get_may_resubscribe(void) const { return may_resubscribe; } string t_subscription::get_event_type(void) const { return event_type; } string t_subscription::get_event_id(void) const { return event_id; } unsigned long t_subscription::get_expiry(void) const { return subscription_expiry; } bool t_subscription::recv_subscribe(t_request *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { if (role != SR_NOTIFIER) { // Reject a SUBSCRIBE coming in for a SUBSCRIBER // TODO: is this ok?? log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_subscribe", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("SUBSCRIBER receives SUBSCRIBE.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw(r->encode()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE); send_response(user_config, resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return true; } // If the subscription is already in the terminated state // then a SUBSCRIBE is not allowed anymore. if (state == SS_TERMINATED) { t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_481_TRANSACTION_NOT_EXIST, REASON_481_SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_EXIST); send_response(user_config, resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return true; } if (state == SS_NULL) state = SS_ESTABLISHED; // If there is no expires header, then the implementation of // the event specific package must deal with this subscribe if (!r->hdr_expires.is_populated()) { return false; } // An expiry time of 0 is an unsubscribe if (r->hdr_expires.time == 0) { stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); state = SS_TERMINATED; return false; } // Check if the requested expiry is not too small if (r->hdr_expires.time < MIN_DUR_SUBSCRIPTION) { t_response *resp = r->create_response( R_423_INTERVAL_TOO_BRIEF); resp->hdr_min_expires.set_time(MIN_DUR_SUBSCRIPTION); send_response(user_config, resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return true; } // Restart subscription timer stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); start_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION, r->hdr_expires.time * 1000); return false; } bool t_subscription::recv_notify(t_request *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { if (role != SR_SUBSCRIBER) { // Reject a NOTIFY coming in for a NOTIFIER // TODO: is this ok?? log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("NOTIFIER receives NOTIFY.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw(r->encode()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); t_response *resp = r->create_response(R_603_DECLINE); send_response(user_config, resp, 0, tid); MEMMAN_DELETE(resp); delete resp; return true; } if (state == SS_NULL) { log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("NOTIFY establishes subscription.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); state = SS_ESTABLISHED; } if (r->hdr_subscription_state.substate == SUBSTATE_ACTIVE && pending) { log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("NOTIFY ends pending state.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); pending = false; } if (r->hdr_subscription_state.substate == SUBSTATE_TERMINATED) { stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); state = SS_TERMINATED; reason_termination = r->hdr_subscription_state.reason; resubscribe_after = r->hdr_subscription_state.retry_after; // RFC 3264 3.2.4 if (resubscribe_after > 0) { may_resubscribe = true; } else { if (reason_termination == EV_REASON_DEACTIVATED || reason_termination == EV_REASON_TIMEOUT) { may_resubscribe = true; } else if (reason_termination == EV_REASON_PROBATION || reason_termination == EV_REASON_GIVEUP) { may_resubscribe = true; resubscribe_after = DUR_RESUBSCRIBE; } } log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("NOTIFY terminates subscription.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_raw("Termination reason: "); log_file->write_raw(reason_termination); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw("May resubscribe: "); log_file->write_bool(may_resubscribe); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw("Resubscribe after: "); log_file->write_raw(resubscribe_after); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } if (r->hdr_subscription_state.expires > 0 && state == SS_ESTABLISHED) { log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Received NOTIFY on established subscription.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); unsigned long dur = r->hdr_subscription_state.expires; if (auto_refresh) { if (!id_subscription_timeout || timekeeper->get_remaining_time(id_subscription_timeout) >= dur * 1000) { // Adjust timer to expiry duration indicated // in NOTIFY. dur -= dur / 10; stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); start_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION, dur * 1000); } } else { if (!id_subscription_timeout || timekeeper->get_remaining_time(id_subscription_timeout) < dur * 1000) { // Adjust timer to expiry duration indicated // in NOTIFY. dur += dur / 10; stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); start_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION, dur * 1000); } } } return false; } bool t_subscription::recv_response(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { switch (r->hdr_cseq.method) { case NOTIFY: return recv_notify_response(r, tuid, tid); break; case SUBSCRIBE: return recv_subscribe_response(r, tuid, tid); break; default: break; } return false; } bool t_subscription::recv_notify_response(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { // Discard response if it does not match a pending request if (!req_out) return true; if (r->hdr_cseq.method != req_out->get_request()->method) return true; // Ignore provisional responses if (r->is_provisional()) return true; // Successful response if (r->is_success()) { if (req_out->get_request()->hdr_subscription_state.substate == SUBSTATE_TERMINATED) { // This is a 2XX respsone on a NOTIFY that terminates the // subscription. state = SS_TERMINATED; log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Subscription terminated by 2XX NOTIFY.\n"); log_file->write_raw(r->code); log_file->write_raw(" " + r->reason + "\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); } remove_client_request(&req_out); } else { // RFC 3265 3.2.2 // NOTIFY failed, terminate subscription remove_client_request(&req_out); state = SS_TERMINATED; log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Subscription terminated by NOTIFY failure response.\n"); log_file->write_raw(r->code); log_file->write_raw(" " + r->reason + "\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); return true; } // If there is a NOTIFY in the queue, then send it if (!queue_notify.empty()) { log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_notify_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Get NOTIFY from queue."); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); t_request *notify = queue_notify.front(); queue_notify.pop(); req_out = new t_client_request(user_config, notify,0); MEMMAN_NEW(req_out); send_request(user_config, notify, req_out->get_tuid()); MEMMAN_DELETE(notify); delete notify; } return true; } bool t_subscription::recv_subscribe_response(t_response *r, t_tuid tuid, t_tid tid) { // Discard response if it does not match a pending request if (!req_out) return true; if (r->hdr_cseq.method != req_out->get_request()->method) return true; // Ignore provisional responses if (r->is_provisional()) return true; // Successful response if (r->is_success()) { if (state == SS_NULL) { log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_subscribe_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Subscription established by 2XX SUBSCRIBE.\n"); log_file->write_raw(r->code); log_file->write_raw(" " + r->reason + "\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); state = SS_ESTABLISHED; } // RFC 3265 7.1, 7.2 says that the Expires header is mandatory // in a 2XX response. Some SIP servers do not include this // however. To interoperate with such servers, assume that // the granted expiry time equals the requested expiry time. if (!r->hdr_expires.is_populated()) { r->hdr_expires.set_time( req_out->get_request()->hdr_expires.time); log_file->write_header( "t_subscription::recv_subscribe_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Mandatory Expires header missing.\n"); log_file->write_raw("Assuming expires = "); log_file->write_raw(r->hdr_expires.time); log_file->write_endl(); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); } // If some faulty server sends a non-zero expiry time in // a response on an unsubscribe request, then ignore // the expiry time. if (r->hdr_expires.time == 0 || state == SS_UNSUBSCRIBING) { // Unsubscription succeeded. stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); // Start the unsubscribe guard. If the triggered // NOTIFY is never received, this guard assures, that // the subscription will be cleaned up at timeout. start_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION, DUR_UNSUBSCRIBE_GUARD); // The subscription will only // terminate after a NOTIFY triggered by the unsubscribe // has been received or this guard timer expires. state = SS_UNSUBSCRIBED; auto_refresh = false; log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_subscribe_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Unsubcription successful.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); } else { // Start/refresh subscribe timer stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); unsigned long dur = r->hdr_expires.time; if (auto_refresh) { dur -= dur / 10; } else { dur += dur / 10; } start_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION, dur * 1000); } remove_client_request(&req_out); return true; } // RFC 3265 // SUBSCRIBE failed, terminate subscription // NOTE: redirection and authentication responses should have // been handled already (eg. on line or phone user level). remove_client_request(&req_out); state = SS_TERMINATED; log_file->write_header("t_subscription::recv_subscribe_response", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Subscription terminated by SUBSCRIBE failure response.\n"); log_file->write_raw(r->code); log_file->write_raw(" " + r->reason + "\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); return true; } bool t_subscription::timeout(t_subscribe_timer timer) { switch (timer) { case STMR_SUBSCRIPTION: id_subscription_timeout = 0; if (role == SR_SUBSCRIBER) { log_file->write_header("t_subcription::timeout"); log_file->write_raw("Subscriber timed out.\n"); log_event(); log_file->write_footer(); if (auto_refresh) { // Refresh subscription refresh_subscribe(); } else { // The cause for timeout may be temporary. // Allow resubscription to overcome a transient problem. may_resubscribe = true; state = SS_TERMINATED; } return true; } break; default: assert(false); } return false; } bool t_subscription::match_timer(t_subscribe_timer timer, t_object_id id_timer) const { return id_timer == id_subscription_timeout; } bool t_subscription::match(t_request *r) const { if (!r->hdr_event.is_populated()) return false; // If the subscription has been terminated, then do not match // any request. if (state == SS_TERMINATED) return false; return (r->hdr_event.event_type == event_type && r->hdr_event.id == event_id); } bool t_subscription::is_pending(void) const { return pending; } void t_subscription::subscribe(unsigned long expires) { if (req_out) { // Delete previous outgoing request MEMMAN_DELETE(req_out); delete req_out; } if (expires > 0) { subscription_expiry = expires; } else { subscription_expiry = default_duration; } t_request *r = create_subscribe(subscription_expiry); req_out = new t_client_request(user_config, r ,0); MEMMAN_NEW(req_out); send_request(user_config, r, req_out->get_tuid()); MEMMAN_DELETE(r); delete r; } void t_subscription::unsubscribe(void) { if (state != SS_ESTABLISHED) { state = SS_TERMINATED; return; } if (req_out) { // Delete previous outgoing request MEMMAN_DELETE(req_out); delete req_out; } stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); t_request *r = create_subscribe(0); req_out = new t_client_request(user_config, r ,0); MEMMAN_NEW(req_out); send_request(user_config, r, req_out->get_tuid()); MEMMAN_DELETE(r); delete r; // NOTE: the subscription is only ended when the response is received. state = SS_UNSUBSCRIBING; } void t_subscription::refresh_subscribe(void) { if (state != SS_ESTABLISHED) return; stop_timer(STMR_SUBSCRIPTION); subscribe(subscription_expiry); }