/* Copyright (C) 2005-2009 Michel de Boer This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "events.h" #include "log.h" #include "phone.h" #include "sender.h" #include "translator.h" #include "userintf.h" #include "util.h" #include "sockets/connection_table.h" #include "sockets/socket.h" #include "parser/parse_ctrl.h" #include "parser/sip_message.h" #include "audits/memman.h" #include "stun/stun.h" #define MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES 3 // Maximum size of a message to be sent over an existing connection. // For larger message always a new connection is opened to avoid // head of line blocking. #define MAX_REUSE_CONN_SIZE 10240 extern t_socket_udp *sip_socket; extern t_connection_table *connection_table; extern t_event_queue *evq_sender; extern t_event_queue *evq_trans_mgr; extern t_event_queue *evq_trans_layer; extern t_phone *phone; // Number of consecutive non-icmp errors received static int num_non_icmp_errors = 0; // Check if the error is caused by an incoming ICMP error. If so, then deliver // the ICMP error to the transaction manager. // // err - error returned by sendto // dst_addr - destination IP address of packet that failed to be sent // dst_port - destination port of packet that failed to be sent // // Returns true if the packet that failed to be sent, should still be sent. // Returns false if the packet that failed to be sent, should be discarded. static bool handle_socket_err(int err, unsigned long dst_addr, unsigned short dst_port) { string log_msg; // Check if an ICMP error has been received t_icmp_msg icmp; if (sip_socket->get_icmp(icmp)) { log_msg = "Received ICMP from: "; log_msg += h_ip2str(icmp.icmp_src_ipaddr); log_msg += "\nICMP type: "; log_msg += int2str(icmp.type); log_msg += "\nICMP code: "; log_msg += int2str(icmp.code); log_msg += "\nDestination of packet causing ICMP: "; log_msg += h_ip2str(icmp.ipaddr); log_msg += ":"; log_msg += int2str(icmp.port); log_msg += "\nSocket error: "; log_msg += int2str(err); log_msg += " "; log_msg += get_error_str(err); log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::hanlde_socket_err", LOG_NORMAL); evq_trans_mgr->push_icmp(icmp); num_non_icmp_errors = 0; // If the ICMP error comes from the same destination as the // destination of the packet that failed to be sent, then the // packet should be discarded as it can most likely not be // delivered and would cause an infinite loop of ICMP errors // otherwise. if (icmp.ipaddr == dst_addr && icmp.port == dst_port) { return false; } } else { // Even if an ICMP message is received this code can get executed. // Sometimes the error is already present on the socket, but the ICMP // message is not yet queued. log_msg = "Failed to send to SIP UDP socket.\n"; log_msg += "Error code: "; log_msg += int2str(err); log_msg += "\n"; log_msg += get_error_str(err); log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::handle_socket_err"); num_non_icmp_errors++; /* * non-ICMP errors occur when a destination on the same * subnet cannot be reached. So this code seems to be * harmful. if (num_non_icmp_errors > 100) { log_msg = "Excessive number of socket errors."; log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::handle_socket_err", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); log_msg = TRANSLATE("Excessive number of socket errors."); ui->cb_show_msg(log_msg, MSG_CRITICAL); exit(1); } */ } return true; } static void send_sip_udp(t_event *event) { t_event_network *e; e = (t_event_network *)event; assert(e->dst_addr != 0); assert(e->dst_port != 0); // Set correct transport in topmost Via header of a request. // For a response the Via header is copied from the incoming request. t_sip_message *sip_msg = e->get_msg(); if (sip_msg->get_type() == MSG_REQUEST) { sip_msg->hdr_via.via_list.front().transport = "UDP"; } string m = sip_msg->encode(); log_file->write_header("::send_sip_udp", LOG_SIP); log_file->write_raw("Send to: udp:"); log_file->write_raw(h_ip2str(e->dst_addr)); log_file->write_raw(":"); log_file->write_raw(e->dst_port); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw(m); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); bool msg_sent = false; int transmit_count = 0; while (!msg_sent && transmit_count++ <= MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES) { try { sip_socket->sendto(e->dst_addr, e->dst_port, m.c_str(), m.size()); num_non_icmp_errors = 0; msg_sent = true; } catch (int err) { if (!handle_socket_err(err, e->dst_addr, e->dst_port)) { // Discard packet. msg_sent = true; } else { if (transmit_count <= MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES) { // Sleep 100 ms struct timespec sleeptimer; sleeptimer.tv_sec = 0; sleeptimer.tv_nsec = 100000000; nanosleep(&sleeptimer, NULL); } } } } } static void send_sip_tcp(t_event *event) { t_event_network *e; bool new_connection = false; e = (t_event_network *)event; unsigned long dst_addr = e->dst_addr; unsigned short dst_port = e->dst_port; assert(dst_addr != 0); assert(dst_port != 0); // Set correct transport in topmost Via header of a request. // For a response the Via header is copied from the incoming request. t_sip_message *sip_msg = e->get_msg(); if (sip_msg->get_type() == MSG_REQUEST) { sip_msg->hdr_via.via_list.front().transport = "TCP"; } t_connection *conn = NULL; // If a connection exists then re-use this connection. Otherwise a new connection // must be opened. // For a request a connection to the destination address and port of the event // must be opened. // For a response a connection to the sent-by address and port in the Via header // must be opened. if (sip_msg->get_encoded_size() <= MAX_REUSE_CONN_SIZE) { // Re-use a connection only for small messages. Large messages cause // head of line blocking. conn = connection_table->get_connection(dst_addr, dst_port); } else { log_file->write_report( "Open new connection for large message.", "::send_sip_tcp", LOG_SIP, LOG_DEBUG); } if (!conn) { if (sip_msg->get_type() == MSG_RESPONSE) { t_ip_port dst_ip_port; sip_msg->hdr_via.get_response_dst(dst_ip_port); dst_addr = dst_ip_port.ipaddr; dst_port = dst_ip_port.port; } t_socket_tcp *tcp = new t_socket_tcp(); MEMMAN_NEW(tcp); log_file->write_header("::send_sip_tcp", LOG_SIP, LOG_DEBUG); log_file->write_raw("Open connection to "); log_file->write_raw(h_ip2str(dst_addr)); log_file->write_raw(":"); log_file->write_raw(dst_port); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); try { tcp->connect(dst_addr, dst_port); } catch (int err) { evq_trans_mgr->push_failure(FAIL_TRANSPORT, sip_msg->hdr_via.via_list.front().branch, sip_msg->hdr_cseq.method); log_file->write_header("::send_sip_tcp", LOG_SIP, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Failed to open connection to "); log_file->write_raw(h_ip2str(dst_addr)); log_file->write_raw(":"); log_file->write_raw(dst_port); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); delete tcp; MEMMAN_DELETE(tcp); return; } conn = new t_connection(tcp); MEMMAN_NEW(conn); // For large messages always a new connection is established. // No other messages should be sent via this connection to avoid // head of line blocking. if (sip_msg->get_encoded_size() > MAX_REUSE_CONN_SIZE) { conn->set_reuse(false); } new_connection = true; } // NOTE: if an existing connection was found, the connection table is now locked. // If persistent TCP connections are required, then // 1) If the SIP message is a registration request, then add the URI from the To-header // to the registered URI set of the connection. // 2) If the SIP message is a de-registration request then remove the URI from the // To-header from the registered URI set of the connection. if (sip_msg->get_type() == MSG_REQUEST) { t_request *req = dynamic_cast(sip_msg); if (req->method == REGISTER) { t_phone_user *pu = phone->find_phone_user(req->hdr_to.uri); if (pu) { t_user *user_config = pu->get_user_profile(); assert(user_config); if (user_config->get_persistent_tcp()) { conn->update_registered_uri_set(req); } } else { log_file->write_header("::send_sip_tcp", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Cannot find phone user for "); log_file->write_raw(req->hdr_to.uri.encode()); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } } } string m = sip_msg->encode(); log_file->write_header("::send_sip_tcp", LOG_SIP); log_file->write_raw("Send to: tcp:"); log_file->write_raw(h_ip2str(dst_addr)); log_file->write_raw(":"); log_file->write_raw(dst_port); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw(m); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); conn->async_send(m.c_str(), m.size()); if (new_connection) { connection_table->add_connection(conn); } else { connection_table->unlock(); } } static void send_stun(t_event *event) { t_event_stun_request *e; e = (t_event_stun_request *)event; assert(e->dst_addr != 0); assert(e->dst_port != 0); log_file->write_header("::send_stun", LOG_STUN); log_file->write_raw("Send to: "); log_file->write_raw(h_ip2str(e->dst_addr)); log_file->write_raw(":"); log_file->write_raw(e->dst_port); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_raw(stunMsg2Str(*e->get_msg())); log_file->write_footer(); StunAtrString stun_pass; stun_pass.sizeValue = 0; char m[STUN_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE]; int msg_size = stunEncodeMessage(*e->get_msg(), m, STUN_MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE, stun_pass, false); bool msg_sent = false; int transmit_count = 0; while (!msg_sent && transmit_count++ <= MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES) { try { sip_socket->sendto(e->dst_addr, e->dst_port, m, msg_size); num_non_icmp_errors = 0; msg_sent = true; } catch (int err) { if (!handle_socket_err(err, e->dst_addr, e->dst_port)) { // Discard packet. msg_sent = true; } else { if (transmit_count <= MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES) { // Sleep 100 ms struct timespec sleeptimer; sleeptimer.tv_sec = 0; sleeptimer.tv_nsec = 100000000; nanosleep(&sleeptimer, NULL); } } } } } static void send_nat_keepalive(t_event *event) { t_event_nat_keepalive *e = dynamic_cast(event); assert(e); assert(e->dst_addr != 0); assert(e->dst_port != 0); char m[2] = { '\r', '\n' }; bool msg_sent = false; int transmit_count = 0; while (!msg_sent && transmit_count++ <= MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES) { try { sip_socket->sendto(e->dst_addr, e->dst_port, m, 2); num_non_icmp_errors = 0; msg_sent = true; } catch (int err) { if (!handle_socket_err(err, e->dst_addr, e->dst_port)) { // Discard packet. msg_sent = true; } else { if (transmit_count <= MAX_TRANSMIT_RETRIES) { // Sleep 100 ms struct timespec sleeptimer; sleeptimer.tv_sec = 0; sleeptimer.tv_nsec = 100000000; nanosleep(&sleeptimer, NULL); } } } } } static void send_tcp_ping(t_event *event) { string log_msg; t_event_tcp_ping *e = dynamic_cast(event); assert(e); t_connection *conn = connection_table->get_connection( e->get_dst_addr(), e->get_dst_port()); if (!conn) { // There is no connection to send the ping. log_msg = "Connection to "; log_msg += h_ip2str(e->get_dst_addr()); log_msg += ":"; log_msg += int2str(e->get_dst_port()); log_msg += " is gone."; log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::send_tcp_ping", LOG_SIP, LOG_WARNING); // Signal the transaction layer that the connection is gone. evq_trans_layer->push_broken_connection(e->get_user_uri()); return; } conn->async_send(TCP_PING_PACKET, strlen(TCP_PING_PACKET)); connection_table->unlock(); } void *tcp_sender_loop(void *arg) { string log_msg; list writable_connections; while(true) { writable_connections.clear(); writable_connections = connection_table->select_write(NULL); if (writable_connections.empty()) { // Another thread cancelled the select command. // Stop listening. break; } // NOTE: The connection table is now locked. for (list::iterator it = writable_connections.begin(); it != writable_connections.end(); ++it) { try { (*it)->write(); } catch (int err) { if (err == EAGAIN || err == EWOULDBLOCK || err == EINTR) { continue; } unsigned long remote_addr; unsigned short remote_port; (*it)->get_remote_address(remote_addr, remote_port); log_msg = "Got error on socket to "; log_msg += h_ip2str(remote_addr); log_msg += ":"; log_msg += int2str(remote_port); log_msg += " - "; log_msg += get_error_str(err); log_file->write_report(log_msg, "::tcp_sender_loop", LOG_SIP, LOG_WARNING); // Connection is broken. // Signal the transaction layer that the connection is broken for // all associated registered URI's. const list &uris = (*it)->get_registered_uri_set(); for (list::const_iterator it_uri = uris.begin(); it_uri != uris.end(); ++it_uri) { evq_trans_layer->push_broken_connection(*it_uri); } // Remove the broken connection. connection_table->remove_connection(*it); MEMMAN_DELETE(*it); delete *it; continue; } } connection_table->unlock(); } log_file->write_report("TCP sender terminated.", "::tcp_sender_loop"); return NULL; } void *sender_loop(void *arg) { t_event *event; t_event_network *ev_network; unsigned long local_ipaddr; bool quit = false; while (!quit) { event = evq_sender->pop(); switch(event->get_type()) { case EV_NETWORK: ev_network = dynamic_cast(event); local_ipaddr = get_src_ip4_address_for_dst(ev_network->dst_addr); if (local_ipaddr == 0) { log_file->write_header("::sender_loop", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); log_file->write_raw("Cannot get source IP address for destination: "); log_file->write_raw(h_ip2str(ev_network->dst_addr)); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); evq_trans_mgr->push_failure(FAIL_TRANSPORT, ev_network->get_msg()->hdr_via.via_list.front().branch, ev_network->get_msg()->hdr_cseq.method); break; } if (!ev_network->get_msg()->local_ip_check()) { log_file->write_report("Local IP check failed", "::sender_loop", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_CRITICAL); break; } if (ev_network->transport == "udp") { send_sip_udp(event); } else if (ev_network->transport == "tcp") { send_sip_tcp(event); } else { log_file->write_header("::sender_loop", LOG_NORMAL, LOG_WARNING); log_file->write_raw("Received unsupported transport: "); log_file->write_raw(ev_network->transport); log_file->write_endl(); log_file->write_footer(); } break; case EV_STUN_REQUEST: send_stun(event); break; case EV_NAT_KEEPALIVE: send_nat_keepalive(event); break; case EV_TCP_PING: send_tcp_ping(event); break; case EV_QUIT: quit = true; break; default: assert(false); } MEMMAN_DELETE(event); delete event; } return NULL; }